Our book, Night, is filled with beautiful and painful prose. One quote in particular that speaks of despair to me is when Wiesel refers to Zalman while on a march:
I soon forgot him. I began to think of myself again. My foot was aching. I shivered with every step. Just a few more meters and it will be over. I'll fall. A small red flame...A shot...Death enveloped me, it suffocated me. It stuck to me like glue. I felt I could touch it. The idea of dying, of ceasing to be, began to fascinate me. To no longerexist. To no longer feel the excruciating pain of my foot. To no longer feel anything, neither fatigue nor cold, nothing. To break rank, to let myself slide to the side the road...(104)
The despair in his thoughts is palpable. The short sentences create a slow staccato movement in the writing. The personification of Death wrapping itself around him to suck the life from him shows Wiesel as vulnerable and unable to get free. The most powerful writing, though, comes in the anaphora near the end. He repeats "To no longer" three times showing that his hope, a concept which escapes him comes in death. He sees life and what he is going through as tough and hard. I think what he is enduring is unspeakable and unfathomable. To him the desperation for hope and a freedom of life where he is no longer imprisoned by those who have committed these crimes against him is unbearable and only found in giving up. However, after this moment he sees his father and realizes that to give up would not only be a death sentence for himself, but also for his father. His father needed him.
I want you to choose a passage that you underlined in the book Night, type it out and then analyze it. Look at the structure, the wording, and using your literature terms explain what you see going on. You should also explain why you chose the passage you did. (Use mine as an example.)
Your grade this week will also include you going back and commenting on one other person's analysis and explanation. Maybe you see something in their quote they missed. Maybe, you agree. What ever you respond with, it must be kind, and appropriate. Do not just say, "Nice quote." That is not enough. This blog will be worth 25 points. Happy thinking!!!!!!!!