According to the dictionary, an Outsider is someone who does not belong to the group. I want you to listen to a song called, "Outsiders" by a band called Need to Breathe. (Click on the title of the song.) It is not important if you like the song.
What is important is that you listen and choose a couple lyrics to respond to. Once you have chosen your lyrics, explain why you chose the lyrics. What do you think they mean?
Think about how the band defines Outsiders. What does the band's definition mean? What are the benefits of being an Outsider?
The rest of the world has an opinion of what it means to be an Outsider. How do you think the world defines it and why? Think of an example in history where we see the idea of Outsiders and the result of being one. Explain.
"just cause im wrong with it don't make you right no,you ain't right". this means that even if you are wrong with what you say doesnt make it right for other people to make assumptions about you." Oh, why are we keeping score" is another quote from the article that explains how sometimes people can tell you all your flaws by keeping track of them which can make it harder to take them all at once.
"oh, why are we keeping score" this quote shows how they think its stupid to judge people based on how you think they are not how they really are. "We've finally come to terms We are the outsiders" This shows that they have come to terms that there different and they accept it and don't care what people think about them.
Mitch Slyman
“I’m not leaving without a fight.
I got my holster around my side.
Just ‘cause I’m wrong it don’t make you right.
No you ain’t right.”
I chose these lyrics because they say that they won’t be pushed around. They will fight for their freedom. The band defines “outsiders” as people as those who get pushed around and are not part of the clique. One of the benefits of being an outsider is that you are not alone. There are many others that have been excluded just as you have. The rest of the world defines being as outsider as “not being cool enough” for their group. They are the weird kids not worthy to be around. Martin Luther King Jr. led a national strike fighting against being an outsider; and his “dream” is still alive and being fought today.
I picked these four lines from the song.
“On the outside you’re free to roam. On the outside we found a home. On the outside there’s more to see. On the outside we choose to be.”
I chose these lyrics because they seemed very deep and soothing. They appear very true to me, but the way they were sung made them seem tremendously weary and they had almost a bitter-sweet quality.
The first canto of the lyrics taught that if you so find yourself on the outside, that you have more freedom. By being excluded by a selective group, you are given the opportunity to be different, be yourself, and explore new ideas. You are now able to grow and define yourself outside of their limits. The second line showed that if you have been rejected, and you’re on the outside, then you can find a home amongst other rejects. It may sound pathetic, but in the end the outside is a better place for you. A home should be loving, caring and free of unfair criticism. If you’re an outsider, than the outside is (becomes) your home. The third row expressed the idea that there is actually more to see on the outside. This is because you’re not as restricted for being different or having unusual beliefs. On the outside, things may well be more open and honest than in the bigoted and narrow-minded ‘inside’. The last canto of lyrics was probably the most powerful in my opinion. This is because the last line is about embracing your differences, not running from them or trying to change who you are. By choosing, you are accepting being unwanted by a majority to be yourself and stay true to what you believe. This last line is about loving who you are in spite of what other people may think of you.
This is the bands definition of outsiders. This idea has many positive qualities assigned to being an outsider. Some of the benefits are being able to stay true to yourself and what you believe, being more loving, open and honest than the people on the inside, and growing beyond the normal confines of the inside. This may seem like a stretch, but to me the song makes being an outsider seem like a morally righteous path that has consequences but is better in the end because it’s true to you.
I think the world sees being an outsider more as somebody who is not acceptable in society. The world tends to think of it as the outsiders fault, rather than their own limited perspective. I feel that everyone should be respected and should not be shunned but most people seem to think that being an outsider in not only undesirable but ‘bad’ and is a penalty for not fitting to society’s collective ideals.
One of the more obvious examples is how, even after slavery was abolished in the United States, African Americans were (and still are) discriminated against. We cannot grasp the full depth of the hatred and violence of that era, but I do know that it has impacted our society in a very negative way. This discrimination and exclusion prevented many people from bettering their lives and having the same opportunities as everyone else. I personally think that people don’t want talk about this is out of respect and a desire to put the past in the past, not anything malevolent. I think we see many forms of discrimination, though from what I understand, this particular form is still most common in the Deep South, although it can manifest anywhere.
"Just cause I’m wrong it don’t make you right" shows how just because one person is wrong does not make it right for someone else to do it or have someone think bad about you because you did something wrong."I’m not leaving without a fight" shows how people that are outsiders are not going to let others think less of them and treat them bad. This band defines people who are treated differently because they do not fit it but they are accepting it and do not care what others think of them. The benefits of being an outsider is that you have a different perspective of the world. The world defines outsiders as people who are weird and do not have friends because they are a little bit different. An example of this, is when pulbic places were segregated and african americans did not receive equal facilities.
the statment, "we've finally come to terms/ we are the outsiders" is contridictory to the DITIONARY definition, by saying WE, he implys that he is part of a group. the statement "oh, why are we keeping score/ cause if your not laughing who is laughing now" just makes me think that the outsiders is its own group, same as before, but it saying that its really the OUTSIDERS versus another group(most likely biger and think there better than the out siders), and there saying we dont care "who is laughing now."
I think the world thinks that outsiders are just another group, that diserves little to no atention. there looked down upon, unwanted, and so on.
"im not leaving with out a fight, i got my holster around my side". this means that if that person wants to say someting about the outsiders they are not leaving without a fight. "Cause if you're not laughing, who is laughing now". this quote means if you're not laughing about it why should i be laughing about it. i think the word outsider means to be left out or not take consideration of one another. there are really no benefits of being a outsider cause you have nothing. the world explains it by having no home or no one to talk to like being left out of the picture of what someone is doing and you're not.
"Just cause I'm wrong it don't make you right, No, You ain't right"
^ means that two wrongs don't make a right.
The band's definition is someone on the outside.
Benefit would be that you see more on the outside according to the band.
rest of world would agree that an outsider is someone that does not belong to a specific group.
I had to type this 3 times due to google account errors.
-Christopher Fassih
'''Cause if you're not laughing, then who is laughing now? I've been wondering if we stop sinking could we stand our ground.'' Makes me think of a witness talk given by a teen named Steve at Life Teen on Sunday night at Life Night. I am not allowed to say what he said because of confidentiality, but he made me remember that I don't like it when people are laughing behind my back...if I'm not laughing, they always will be, and all I have to do is stand up to it. Sinking means that I am sinking into a really deep depression, like I did in 5th grade. Would I be able to stand up for myself and believe what I believe. This is what all of this means.
"On the outside we found a home
on the outside theres more to see"
The reason why i chose these lyrics was because i believe that they are absolutely true. If a person chooses to be comfortable in a place where he or she may be the only ones there while everyone else is in a place just because thats where the majority of the people are, then that is their choice. Its better to be different from others. You see things in a different perspective, not like everybody else who see life the same way their peers see it. Being in an outsider does not mean that you don't fit in, it just means that you are capable to stand out from others. Outsiders get to experience lifes incovenient events positively. They get to see so much more through out the day; things that most people would take for granted and not consider at all.The term outsider has been around for a very long time. An example would be the Holocaust.P ropaganda and stereotypes made people actually believe that Jews were not human. That they were a threat to the German race. I know for a fact that there were some people who did not want to believe that because its common sense; how does a person go from being a normal human being, with a jewish backround one day, then the next day is said to be a threat to its own country? But of courses a lot of people wanted to fit in, believe it and just go with the crowd. Because it was the " right thing to do." The jewish people were refered as the outsiders of the era. The only aspect of that situation is that they didnt choose to be outsiders. They were said to be the outsiders because everyone said so. People thought that it wasnt correct to be an outsider because you were different from others. Well, looks like times dont really change that much.
"Cause your not laughing. Who's laughing now?"
Tjis means thaty how some people laugh at a person causethier diffent but when they stop laughing who laughing with them no one.
the Lyrics that I have chosen are "I've been wondering if we stop sinking, could we stand our ground?" I choose these lyrics, because I think that they have a personal message that everyone can relate to, that is, that once in one persons life, we are all made fun of by one another. They say that if you stop accepting these comments said by these people and stand up to them, then you can have a more possitive attitude towards yourself. The bands definition of the word "outsider" means that outsiders are people who are unique,or that stand-out from a crowd of people. The benefits of an outsider wouls be that they could be able to do or they know something that other people do not. In my opinion, the world seems to define "outsiders" as people who are different from themselves. In addition, they may do or have certain things that other people have or cannot do. One moment in history where people where labled as outsiders was durring the civil rights marches in the early 1950's and 60's. African Americans were considered outsiders due to the color of their skin, so they were descriminated against for such reasons.
"Just 'cause I'm wrong it don't make you right." I think this means that when your wrong you should admit that your wrong insted of blameing it on someone else.
"I'm not leaving without a fight." this means that your fighting for what you belive in and that you wont back down.
The band discribes outsiders as people who wont back down and that they are free. The benifits of being an outider are that you are free to be who you are and that you can do what you want.
I think that being an outsider it means to be yourself. It would be hard sometimes because people dont understnad you. They might not understnad you and why you chose to be that way. I think it means your being yourself because your not changeing who you are and you wont let anyone change you.
-E.Namoski (7-8*)
"Just ‘cause I’m wrong it don’t make you right.
No you ain’t right.”
i chose these lyrics because it tell us that two wrongs dont make a right.
the bands definition of an outsider is somebody who is always pushed around and doesnt fit in. the benefit of being an outsider would be that you might know whats going on in society without having a huge bias against one idea. I think the world defines outsiders as people who dont fit in to society as well as others. An example in history when we see the idea of outsiders is the holocaust. the reslult of being an outsider during the holocaust was genocide. They tried to kill a whole group of people just because they believed in a different religion.
"Just cause I'm wrong it don't make you right. No, you ain't right."
I chose these lyrics because it shows when people think because one person does something they don't like, they think they are automatically higher than that person. They start to believe that person who did what they don't think is right will never be right. They become an outsider to them.
The band's definition of an outsider is someone who is different from the rest, and accepting it. The benefits of being an Outsider are not having to worry about fitting in, or caring about what others think. I think the world defines being an Outsider as being the odd one out, the one who will not fit in. One example in history is the Holocaust. People who thought they were superior to Jews cast them off. They tortured them from being different and not fitting in with the rest.
Liz M 2nd
The lyrics that I chose from the video are "I've been wondering if we stop sinking Could we stand our ground"(0:33). This quote asks the question of if it is possible for us to feel good about ourselves without making somebody else feel bad in return.
The band's definition of an Outsider is somebody who does not want to be part of the main society, but purposely sticks out of the group. The advantage of being an Outsider is that you are less likely to be influenced by negative things that are common withing the group.
The rest of the world defines an Outsider as somebody who is not as good as everyone else because they are not helping to create a perfect society. An example in history where we see the idea of Outsiders and the result of being one is the Civil Rights movement where Blacks were excluded from public places because of their skin color.
"just cause its wrong, dont make it right."
this means that something could be wrong but it doesnt make it right to other people, it will always be wrong no matter what.
" And through everything we've learned we've finally come to terms we are the outsiders." this shows that sometimes people are just labeled as outsiders which is okay because they can find people like them to be their friends. The band defines outsiders as someone who is different than everyone else. THe benifits are that those people don't have to worry about what everyone else thinks.
I chose the lyrics 'On the outside, we found a home. On the outside, there's more to see, on the outside we choose to be.' This made me stop and think, "Choose to be? An outsider is usually excluded, right?" Well, perhaps not. You can stand just outside the borderline of the mainstream because you feel most free there. Not limited by the strict opinions of today, you can truly relax and stop and smell the roses, so to speak. Even so, choosing to exclude yourself can make you an outsider, but it almost seems like outsiders can always find people who think like them. In my mind, does that make anyone an outsider at all, or does it make us all outsiders? Everyone belongs to a group of some kind, and everyone has a group that they may not associate with. According to NeedToBreathe, being an outsider seems really beneficial and peaceful, a way to set oneself free from the limitations of the society today.
The world seems to see outsiders as a negative thing, although I personally think that we need people to come from all walks of life to bring a contribution to our community. Perhaps the world as a whole views 'outsiders' as such simply due to their inability to relate to the people who are outside of their comfort zone.
In history, we see things like the Salem Witch Trials. Bridget Bishop, for example, didn't seem to care what kind of a reputation she developed, and allowed society to think what they chose to of her. In fact, she was the center point of gossip more often than not. She was, in short, an outsider, and when accusations of witchcraft had begun, she was one of the accused due to her behaviors. Because she was an outsider, the town of Salem didn't have many people willing to defend her, and she was the first to be hanged on the charge of witchcraft. That just goes to show that many people have developed such a narrow mind that we are almost afraid to accept differences, and the results can be unfortunate.
Nicole, I love what you said about being an outsider. I think we can choose where to positon ourselves. The key is choice and as long as we choose to be ourselves we have to question if we are ever truly outsiders.
"oh, why are we keeping score" is a quote from this song that means you shouldn't keep track of the negative things about people or hold grudges against anyone, everyone needs to give everyone a chance no matter what. "on the outside your free to roam" is another quote from this song, they are saying that they feel being on the outside is better because people judge you and you can do what you want to do and not worry about other people's opinions. "I'm not leaving without a fight" is another lyric from the song that means everyone needs to stand up for what they believe in and not let others sway your opinion or make you not like something.
last post- emily 1period
I chosed "on the outside we chose to be", because it descrbes people in general very well. Everyone choses who they want to be in life on the outside, but it's hard to change the person on the inside. They can hide behind the person on the outside but that wont change the inside. I think what they mean when they say this is that they chose to be outsiders. They don't care what other people think of them and they don't care that people might make fun or look at them differently. They chose to be the way they are.
They describe an outsider as someone who is put down a lot by others.
I think that the world thinks of and outsider as someone who does not belong. This relates to our history back to when civil rights wan an issue. Blackes were considered outsiders because they did not belong. Whites would not let them belong. With them being outsiders, they we treated poorly with little or no respect. It was bad.
“Just cause I’m wrong doesn’t make you right.” I think this mean that even though they are outsiders does mean that what we think they are is right. When I think of an outsider I think of a bum or someone who is all dark and dreary. I would be wrong. I chose this because a lot of times I am told that I am wrong and the other person thinks they are right. Usually I turn out to be the right one. I can relate to this lyric.
“I’ve been wondering if we stop sinking, Could we stand our ground.” This means that if you don’t let all the harmful words get to you. Stand tall and proud and they will stop. I chose this because this is somewhat of a life motto. I believe if you don’t let the bully’s and mean people put you down soon nothing will make you sad or hurt. It makes you a happier person.
The bands definition mean that outsiders aren’t who most think they are. They are normal people that are having more fun than the non-outsiders. The benefits are you get to roam free, you have a home, there’s more to see, and you can be yourself. I think the world defines it as someone who doesn’t try in anything, lives as a bum, maybe does drugs and alcohol, and lives on the outsides of town. Those are the images that most portray outsiders to be so people tend to believe it. In history, the colonists were starting to become outsiders from the British. They found against and eventually won independence from Britain. We are now one free and independent nation.
- Candice W. 2nd period
"On the outside, you’re free to roam
On the outside, we found a home
On the outside, there’s more to see
On the outside, we choose to be"
I chose these lyrics because I like that not only have they accepted that they're on the outside, but they're enjoying being there. I like that they have chosen to be unlike the "insiders". I think they mean that you don't have to be like everyone else to be satisfied, since they are satisfied where they are on the outside. The band's definition of an oustider is someone who doesn't fit in or blend in with the majority, therefore the are not accepted by the majority. The benefits of being an outsider is that there is more to do on the outside, more to see, more to experience than on the monotonous inside. On the outside, one does not have to worry about being popular or fitting in and always doing the right thing all of the time. One can do as they please without worrying about being judged because everyone one the outside is there because they are different. The world defines outsiders as people who are weird or socially awkward or don't dress like they "should" dress. They are defined as people who don't belong because they are not as good as everyone else, so they are cast out of society. The world defines them like this because many of us are narrow-minded, believing that one way is the only way and if you aren't that one way then you are going about things the wrong way. An example of outsiders in history are when African-Americans were discriminated against because they were born with a skin tone that wasn't considered by the majority to be "right". They weren't given the same rights as those with the "right" skin tone and they weren't allowed in the same places. Were they any less human than caucasians? No. Were they any less intelligent than caucasians? No. Were they different, truly different than caucasians in any way other than physically? No. Our society has been indoctrinated with the belief that goes back centuries: If you don't look, speak, walk, act, have as much money as, dress, or think like the majority, then you don't belong. Is it an ethical thought process? No. Will it change? Probably not anytime soon. That is the reason many people feel less than the rest. That is the reason we, as a society, look down upon differences that should be celebrated. That is the source of our hatred.
that last one was from Brooke C. first period
"stand tall we're wearing thin". this means that the amount of decent people are dropping."i got my holster on my side". this quote shows that he is ready to fight for his respect.he is ready to stop the people against him .
I chose the lyrics:
On the outside, you're free to roam.
On the outside, we found a home.
On the outside, there's more to see.
On the outside, we choose to be.
I chose these lyrics because they seem (to me) to capture the idea of what an outsider is. One who is not caught in the mainstream and is free to make their own decisions about their lives. The meaning of this section of the song could be that while you may be excluded from the inside, there is a whole new world for the taking outside that little circle of accepted behavior. The band defines an outsider as someone who is "...free to roam", and someone who "...chooses to be". In other words, one who can make decisions about their lives without being "Sucked in" to the mainstream. I'd bet the benefits of it are there are more things to see and more options for life.
I'd assume the world defines an outsider as the weird guy who sits in the corner. Or maybe the guy who doesn't act the same way as everyone else. I'd bet they define it this way because those on the inside cannot understand what it's like on the outside, and when they do find out it's too late. An example of an outsider is the Native Americans and the white man interacting. The Native Americans were effectively displaced. The result was that they were ostracized from regular society, and seen as non-humans.
The lyrics, “On the outside you’re free to roam. On the outside we found a home. On the outside there’s more to see. On the outside we choose to be,” show that they accept that they are different. They choose to be different and to be their own person instead of worry about what other people think of them. The band’s definition of outsiders has nothing to do with being an outcast it is more about being yourself. By being an outside you can be yourself and can be friends with whoever you choose. I think the world defines outsiders in a negative way. They think they are weird, strange, and different, but isn’t everyone. People think of outsiders as outcasts because that is what everyone has grown up thinking. Being an outsider relates to civil rights and African Americans. All they had was one physical difference and society saw them as the outcast. They did not get the same rights as other people because they were different. They were not treated the same because they were different. They were discriminated against for no other reason besides being different.
-Kaitlyn 2nd period
@iank140113 I completely agree with you on other outsiders not being alone because many people have been excluded.
It's actually nice when we know that we cannot all fit into one mold, that we all have to create one for ourselves.
"Oh, why are we keeping score" this quote from the song says to me that keeping scores of what people have done or haven't done, or how many friends people have or don't have doesn't matter. Nothing is going to happen if someone has more friends than the other. I think the bands definition is to live life no matter what people think because you are yourself and no one can change that. The world defines outsiders by being the ones who don't fit in, or the weird ones or something that makes a person different when in reality everyone is different.
“On the outside you’re free to roam. On the outside we found a home. On the outside there’s more to see.”
I chose this quote because I agree with its message: outsiders are not confined to act a certain way or follow the crowd. Outsiders determine how they want to live their lives and go against what others do. Many people follow the path laid before them by their family and peers instead of making decisions for themselves. They don’t question why. Outsiders, on the other hand, stray away from the path of what others expect of them. They explore new options outside of what’s normal. This is where the benefits of outsiders lie. They are free to wander, search, and discover who they are. The song defines outsiders as the ones who are ready to face the world and those who may be against them for acting out against society. They are the ones who do not follow the “in crowd” and dance to the beat of their own drum. According to the song, being an outsider is a great thing. The world, however, sees outsiders a little differently. We say that they are rebels and make fun of or judge them just because they are different. But really, outsiders are simply those who aren’t afraid to stand out. Still, standing out can have its consequences. In history, minority groups have been labeled as outsiders and as a result, have been discriminated against. Sometimes a person chooses to be an outsider, but other times they are defined as outsiders by others.
Morgan 2
"Short falls and little sins
Close calls where no one wins
Stand tall we're running thin
I'm running thin
Oh, why are we keeping score
Cause if you're not laughing
Who is laughing now?"
I chose these lyrics because I think they summarize the whole song. They seem to have a lot of meaning to the song. I think that these lyrics mean that everyone is there own person, and that by trying to be someone else a person is just gonna get fed up eventually. Also, I think that it's asking someone if they aren't truly being themselves, no matter what the consequence, how can they be truly happy? I think that the band's definition of an outsider means that being yourself may mean that some people may not like you but at least you will be happy with yourself. Also, I think it's saying that there is always someone else who may be an "outsider". In that case how can anyone be an outsider and alone? The benefits of being an outsider are; no one is ever really alone because there is always another person, a person can be happy with themselves, and that standing up for yourself can only make things easier. I think the world defines an outsider as someone who doesn't get along well with others, they don't belong to a clique or group, that person is deemed as someone not to talk to, and people see them as inadequate. I think this because of the things I have actually seen in school. It seems that if someone isn't in a clique, or fit in, they don't really belong. A time in history that I've seen the idea of outsiders was the greaser era. People were excluded and thought of as people who didn't deserve as much respect as others who were more conservative because of the way they looked and the area they were from. Greasers and their gangs would get into fights, and often when bad things happened or something illegal took place they often got blamed for it. Because the greasers were deemed as hoodlums and some of the actions they took place in, they were blamed for much of the negative things that happened even if it wasn't them.
sorry, that last post was by Abbi R. 1st period
I chose the lyrics, "Just cause I'm wrong with it don't make you right..." because I can absolutely agree with this. I've seen people be shot down just because they were "wrong" and watching the accusers walk away feeling superior while thinking to myself, "What makes your opinion better?". I believe these lyrics mean that just because your opinion isn't correct, that doesn't mean that the one whose pointing it out is "oh-so-great" either.
The band defines "outsiders" as the people who are discriminated for their thoughts or beliefs for showing them on the "outside" instead of being like everyone else and keeping them to yourself. The benefit of being a "outsider" according to the band is that you're free to be who you are without worrying about others and your able to open your eyes to a new world by being the change that you want to be in your world. (A good friend of mine said that to me once, and it stuck with me since.)
The world looks at outsiders like they are annoying people and it tends to have a negative connotation to be called a outsider. I think this is so because if your not like everyone else and you don't fit in because you want to be yourself and not a clone, then the world looks at you like a freak. An example of an outsider in my world is a close friend of mine, Joe. (I am certainly not calling him a freak, just admiring him.) He's in gymnastics, does majic tricks, martial arts, and he's certainly not afraid to show it. No matter how many weird looks or negative comments he recieves, he always has a smile plastered to his face and looks away without a care. He's happy to do what he wants, and he doesn't succumb to swearing and making dirty jokes like everyone else. He's always happy and able to enjoy himself. As a result, I have to look up to him.
I chose the lyrics "On the outside, you're free to roam, on the outside we found a home, on the outside, there's more to see, on the outside we choose to be." These lyrics speak to me, because daily I am told that I'm not like most people. My usual response is what are most people like? People are friends with others that have the same beliefs, views, sense of humor,intrests and values. People that aren't like us we consider weird. However to them what we think is weird, they think is perfectly normal. They probably acutally think we are the weird ones. Therefore I believe that "weird" or outsiders don't actually exist. We view outsiders as people that live on the fringe of society, or people who "dont really belong." What is belonging? Is it conforming with what the mainstream media claims is socially accpetable? If you live like that, then you lose yourself in the process. However I believe people are more individual then the media believes. People do what people want. I dont think we are as impressionable as the companies who spend millions of dollars a year on adverstising would like to think. The song defines outsiders as people who are free. Free to believe in what we want, to expierence new things, and create without being hindered by the fear of what society will lable us as. If thats what being an outsider is, then it doesnt sound so bad.
"Oh, why are we keeping score?"
I think this means why do they care about what others think of them. if they are different from others they are like that for a reason and shouldn't have to worry about what other people think of them. The band means that some people just don't fit in with every group of people. i think the world defines to be an outsider by being different and not fitting in with groups of people.
I chose the lyrics, "Just cause im wrong it doesn't make you right." I chose these lyrics because it's saying that just becasue i did something wrong it doesn't make you any better than me becasue nobody is perfect. I also picked the lyric, "We are the outsiders." I chose these lyrics becasuse it's saying that it's not always bad to be the outsiders. The bands defines outsiders as being away from everyone else. I benefit of being an outsider is being able to stay away from trouble because you won't hang out with the wrong people. I think the world defines outsider as not being apart of the popular group. We had outsiders in the past when we had slavery. This is an example of being an outsider because we saw colored people as different so we used them as slaves.
First off, I have heard this song before this and I know almost all the words. They are a very great band and I listen to alot of their other songs. "Just 'cause I'm wrong it don't make you right." is a line that sticks out to me every time I hear it. I believe that those lyrics are saying that not everyone is perfect and you can say that this person has so many things wrong about them but it does not mean you are perfect either. Another line that sticks out to me is "And through everything we’ve learned We’ve finally come to terms,We are the outsiders." This to me means that once you've lived life for a while, you will come to terms with who you are and accept it. To me, I think the band defines outsider is someone who has come to a conclusion with who they are and are okay with it. A lot of people still have yet to do that and they few who have, are outsiders. Benefits are that you don't have to worry about satisfying everyone and can just be yourself. The rest of the world in my opinion defines an outsider who is someone weird and have are problems to people. An example in history is the holocaust. The result is known, mass extermination and an overwhelming amount of deaths to as Nazi's believed, were outsiders.
kevin 1st period
"Just cause I'm wrong it don't make you right" means that even though somebody may think he is wrong, it doesn't mean they are right. Or that they are right to judge. "We've finally come to terms, we are the outsiders" they have accepted that they are different but are fine with it because everyone is different. I chose these lyrics because I can relate to them and can understand how people who are different feel. The band defines being an outsider as someone who makes their own decisions and does not take judgement from people. The bands benefits of being an outsider as being free to roam and have more to see and a home. The world defines an outsider as someone who goes against what the rest of the country is doing, or the majority of an area. Martin luther king jr. Was shot for believing in something that the rest of the country didn't.
I choose the lyrics, "Cause if you're not laughing who is laughing now." because it talks about how others are treated and how you should stand up for youfself for respect from others. I think the band defines outsides as a good thing. They believe that being different is a good thing and not necessarily bad. You could use being different or and outsider to your own advantage. The benefits of being an outsider is that you are unique in your own way, you are not a follower and you are being yourself. I believe the world defines being an outsider as someone who is different. They stand out from the croud. Some people view them as good and helpful to society because they bring their creativity and new styles to America. But other people view it as being negative toward others. Outsiders could harm other just because they are different from yourself. People sterotype people who are 'differnt' from ourselves just because they arent like us and have something else to offer. We see outsiders in the Holocaust. People were discriminated against becuase of thier religion or just becuase they were differet from what Hitler believed top be the 'perfect race'. The relsult of bing an outsider was not good. They were denied certain rights and eventually led to concentration camps and were killed in mass numbers. This all happened because they were "outsiders" or just different.
Cause if you're not laughing
Who is laughing now
This would be like if you asked someone why booking someone was so funny. If making someone feel like an outsider doesn't make you happy who is?
I've been wondering if we start sinking
Would we stand our ground?
The outsiders are questioning themselves, even though he said he would fight. stand his own ground. If one gave up would the rest tumble down like dominos?
After everything we've learned
We've finally come to terms
We are the outsiders
The "outsiders" though together have decided that they are different.
They think outsiders are just people on the other side of maybe a clique because they are different.
Benefits to being an outsider are that you are with people like you. When the jews were put in their own locked in ghettos they were (somewhat) comforted by being isolated from the rest.
The world defines an outsider as
someone who is excluded from a group. Hitler was an outsider, he was picked on for being shorter than the other boys. Instead of accepting it he got payback. He took out all his years of anger on the jews, he killed millions as a result to being an outsider
"Just cause I'm wrong it don't make you right, No, You ain't right"
this means that being different doesn't make another better than you. the bands definition means to be different or not to belong. the benefits are you don't have to be like everyone else you shine in your own ways. i think the world defines outsides as people who are lesser than the rest of the world, people who don't belong and are alone because they aren't similar to the world. the segregation of african americans how they didn't get to be in the same restaurants, use the same water fountains, or go into the same bathrooms as the whites. they weren't given the same rights and we're left out for being different.
"And through everything we've learned, we've finally come to terms."
I chose these lyrics because I like how they can correspond with the world's past and mistakes. This quote speaks about what we have learned from making mistakes on how we treat other humans, inequality wise, and our attempts to apply it to the future. Though we learn from one specific incident, it seems we must repeat history, and relearn our morals, because we can't seem to eliminate inequality in America.
The band defines outsiders as people who aren't accepted on the "inside" of society, so they look for life on the outside.
An outsider sees the world different from the people all stuck inside of the box. Outsiders have individuality, and give society the spice of life.
In America's history, we have tagged African-Americans as outsiders, simply because of their skin. This resulted in The Civil War, splitting our country apart. Racism still exists in the United States today, but many of us have learned our lesson in equality when it comes to "black or white".
I chose the lyrics "Just cause I'm wrong it don't make you right. No, it don't make you right. I chose this because it is proof that you don't take anything from anyone even if you are differnt. The band defines 'outsiders' by basiclly saying they don't care what you think of them, because in reality everyone is an outsider in there own terms. The real question is, what does it take to be an 'insider'?
- Lexie
2nd period
The lyrics I chose to write my blog about, "Stand tall, we're wearing thin...Oh, why
are we keeping score?" By "Stand tall, we're wearing thin" I think NeedToBreathe meant
that the amount of orginal, real, and "outsider" people is running low. Everyone is trying
to fit in and become someone else, because they feel like being themself just isn'y good
enough. When they sing, "Oh, why are we keeping score?" they are trying to really say,
"Who cares?" Why does it matter if someone is different to you? Everyone in the world
is an individual, no two people are exactly alike. NeedToBreathe says that an "outsider"
is just someone who is different from everyone else. They may be labeled as weird, or
strange, but they're their own person. I believe the real benefit of being an outsider is
just knowing that you are yourself. You don't follow in people's footsteps, you forge
your one path. There's no one like you, though you are stereotyped into a group. I think
the world and NeedToBreathe's definintion of "outsider" is pretty much the same. It's
someone different than you, so we feel the need to not include them in daily activities.
We tend to push people that aren't like us to the side and forget about them. A time in
history when a group of people were outsiders was when African-Americans were
being used as slaves. In no way shape or form, were they different from the white
people, but we felt the need to not think of them like us. The African-Americans were
not treated fairly at all and were forced to do extreemly hard tasks. All because they
were not born with the "right" color skin.
"just cause I'm wrong it don't make you write. no, you ain't write." I chose this quote honestly, because it's true. It means that just beacause I made a mistake, or I am a mistake, that doesn't mean that you are automatically perfect. You could be a 'mistake' as well.
The band's definition of Outsiders is someone that hasn't been welcomed, or accepted into the group. The benefits are being free. You can just be yourself, the 'Outsider', not having to live up to anyone else's standards.
The world defines an Outsider as someone that doesn't belong; they are unwanted. We have seen how the world treats Outsiders in our history. When african americans were treated differently because they were not humans, they were Outsiders. The world didn't welcome people of a different color, forcing them to be an Outsider. Their results were again, being free. Not at first of course, it had to be faught for. But today, we have an entire month dedicated in thier honor. A sign of forgivness for pushing them to the outside.
As for myself, I would prefer to be an Outsider. I don't want to 'fit in' to anyone else's standards. Of course I don't want to be treated any differently, but I want to be considered a person rather than part of the group.
(and now the 51st!!)
"im not leaving without a fight." this line of lyrics was brought to my attention because it shows that even if you are an outsider, you have to stand up to what you believe in. "on the oustide your free to roam." To me this line makes it sound like when your with your friends you act differently but when your outsider you canbe your self. - megan4/5
"Cause if you're not laughing, Who is laughing now" What this quote means to me is that everybody needs laughter to heal thier soul because there is alot of worry and concern that is forced on everybody in todays society. The band's definiton to me means not following the trends of society and being themselves not being like everyone else, but being different by being happy. The benefits of being an outsider is that you get to express your joy of living on God's creation. The world to me defines being an outsider as being werid or strange because some people dont do everything society tells you to do. An example in history is when Christopher Columbus beileved that the earth was round and everyone laughed at him because they believed it was flat.
-Jordan M.-
The lyric, "Just 'cause I'm wrong it don't make you right. No you ain't right." stuck out to me because I see it so many times; people who argue over something and think they are right just because the other person it wrong, when they are not. This lyric is self explanatory, but anyway it means just because I am wrong about something, it just does not automatically make you right. The other lyric that popped out at me was, "On the outside, You're free to roam." This lyric caught my attention because i believe in it totally. I think this lyric means that once you are deemed an outsider, you can act however you want and be yourself because you have nothing more to lose. People accept you for who you are. The band's definition of an outsider is anyone and everyone who acts or believes something different from somebody else. I think that the benefits of being an outsider are; you can do whatever you want and be free to be you. The world defines an outsider just like the band does with one exception that the world sees it as a bad thing, whereas the band sees it as a good thing. An example in history of an outsider is Martin Luther King Junior. His affects were his assassination, but his ideas inspired people and over time became truths.
A few lines that stuck out for me were "On the outside you're free to roam,on the outside we found it home, on the outside there's more to see" I chose these lyrics because they show a definition of an 'outsider' that most people don't see. The outside isn't always a dark, depressing world. Sometimes it is good to be on the outside, to let yourself relax and take a break from everyday life.On the outside, a person can explore and discover new things rather than staying inside of their comfort zone all of the time. The band defines outsiders as people who are comfortable with being themselvs. It means that they don't mind being outsiders and that there are other people in the world who have found a common ground that they can be outsiders with. Outsiders don't have to be restricted with boundries. They can have friends and still be their own unique self even if they are not the average person. I think the world defines outsiders as people who are rejected by society and do not really fit in. They see them as this because not everybody knows what it feels like to be the one on the outside looking in. People create a stereotype that is not neccessarily true. An example of where we see the idea of being an outsider is during the fight for the equality of African Americans. They were like everybody else, but one small little things like their color excludede them from the rest of the world. They were seen as people who do not fit in with the rest of society. They were discriminated against and not given the same wrights as everybody else. They were often killed in riots and lost family. It was a shame that our country went through this, but the history books show how life as an Outsider can be changed.
my top two lyrics are:
1)"Why are we keeping score"
2)"Just cause I'm wrong don't make you right"
I think the first one "Why are we keeping score" means that both the people in the band and other people around them are keeping score.The "score" they keep is of the things they do well, that they compare to others. The point of keeping score is usually to prove that one person is better than another, this is usually used in sports.The NeedtoBreath band uses this differently by saying that they are keeping score of life which is ultimately creating the illusion that some people are better than others and they aren't sure why they are doing this because this method of "keeping score" obviously creates a issue of some people being too confident and others having little confidence.
The second one i picked was "Just cause I'm wrong it don't make you right."this lyric means that just because you prove someone has faults it doesn't mean your faults go away.Just because you call someone dumb it doesn't make you any smarter and just because you call someone wrong it doesn't make you right.
The bands definition of being an outsider is going against the crowd and choosing to be different. The benefits of being an outsider are that you don't have to worry about fitting in and can do what makes you happy.There is no one controlling you telling you it is bad to be different.
I think the worlds opinion of outsiders is negative. Most people believe that following the crowd is the "right thing" and even though some people wont admit it, most people are scared of different people and see them as a threat. That is why during the late 1800s (during the times when America had a high rate of immigration) the people in America began the Americanization movement. They began this because there were so many different people entering the united states and so many different cultures they believed it was there right to have the immigrants Americanize their lifestyles.The main reason for Americanization was that people were scared one of these outside groups may one day overrun the American culture. This fear resulted in oppression of the other races and sometimes forcing immigrants to become more "American".
"Why are we keeping score?" This means that its pointless to keep track of how many times we put eachother down, because in the end it wont enen matter. Outsiders are people who though they dont fit in to the 'in crowd' they are perfectly happy being on the outside of things. The benifits are that they can do whatever they like, and they dont have to worry about being kicked out of the in crowd. I think the world defines an outsider as someone who has no friends and is socially awkward, i think the world defines outsiders like this because they aren't the same as anyone else, they are just unique, but no one can see it. A time in which an outsider was present was when Rosa Parks sat in the front of the segregated bus. She was an outsider because of her skin tone, and the result of her being an outsider and doing something about it, was that she helped African Americans gain equal rights.
-Leah 9th period.
"Just cause I'm wrong don't make you right no, you ain't right," to me means that just because that another person thinks im wrong for what i did, thinking that they are better than I am, doesn't mean that they are just automatically right. They have to prove it.
"Oh, why are we keeping score", means to me that the "higher ranked" people are seeing the slightest flaws in other people and taking that and saying that they are outsiders and that no one wants to be around them.
I interpreted the band's definition of outsiders by thinking that they meant a person that is being brought down by other people (apparently higher ranked than they are) and those other people keep pointing out the lower ranked people's flaws.
The benefits of being an outsider are being able to be yourself and to not care what anyone else thinks about you. You can express how you feel in your own way and not care.
I think the world interprets the word outsider by thinking that this is a person who doesn't fit in with other popular or well known groups. They think that these people are always left out of all the social events and that they are losers and have no self confidence. The world views outsiders pretty harshly to me.
In history an example of an outsider situation would be the Halacaust. During that time, the Jews and non Germans would be defined as the outsiders because almost all of the non jews hated them with a passion because of words being spread (Hitler). The result of being an outsider during this time period usually ended up with death, torture or vigorous work. These Jews had to do so much work in order to stay alive and had barely any food to keep them going. They had to do it from their own will power which they barley had any of.
--Matt Saxon 4/5
This song puts an unusual positive spin on being an outsider. Many find being an outsider, or excluded and unexcepted a bad thing, which it can be. It can emotionally damage a person by feeling like they do not belong. I think the world defines being an outsider as someone that lives in a different way...acting different, talking different, and teh big one, looking different. As much as people don't want to admit it, I think everyone can be a little judgemental at times, even if they don't mean to be. They see a difference in the other person and quickly make assumptions as to what kind of people they are. People also many times label outsiders as being anti-social, or at times, even saying too much. There are so many things that one can do "wrong" to the rest of the world, I think everyone is an outsider in their own way. The world seems to put a negative connotation to the word "outsider." In the song, the lyrics "Why are we keeping score?" stuck out to me. What is "right or wrong" varies greatly througout families, races, religion, etc. People have a hard time excepting difference because they are convinced it's either their way or no way. They have to be right, or nobody is right. But the "right" way to live is different in everyone's book. Also, the lyrics "On the outside is where we choose to be" stands out to me because they are proud of being different. Being an outsider can be benefitial because then you don't have to worry about being accepted, you can just live the way you want. Plus, the world just needs a little variety!
Hallie 4-5
"Shortfalls of little sins
Close calls and no one wins
Stand tall but running thin
I’m wearing thin."
This quote reminds me of indifference and how nobody wins in situations of indifference. Not even the aggressor, because he or she then becomes very single minded and wants to only become more and more powerful to hurt people more.
The band defines the Outsiders as people that are forced to the outside and are neglected by everyone for their true potential and talent. The benefits of being an outsider is the fact that you can use the anger formed from the ridicule and jesting of others to create strength and make a difference in this world.
The rest of the world views outsiders as misfits and unworthy people that should be cast aside and not be noticed. This definition has been set like this for the main reason of being angry and jealous of them and their capabilities.
One time that this happened was with Ruby Bridges. She was a young girl who wanted to go to a white school, and when she was there, she was unnoticed, never accepted, and left behind. She used their jealousy and funneled it to continue the fight against racial segregation. Anyone and everyone is an outsider in their own way, but it is what you decide to do that will make all the difference.
" Im not leaving without a fight, i got my holster around my side, just cuz Im wrong it dont make you right, no you aint right."
-I chose these lyrics because to me it says that even thou we are outliers, different from everyone around us that doesnt make us wrong, and that you should still fight to be who you are, not who everyone thinks you should be. Just becasue they say they're right doesnt mean your wrong,just becasue your different. Theres nothing wrong with that it just means you can't let them tell you there is , you have to fight for your individuality. I think the world defines being an outsider as someone whos weird, out of the norm , different looking or acting from the majority of people you see. I think that the civil rights movement showed people who were considered outsiders being untied as one and fought agaist the belief that they were different.
"Oh why are we keeping score." is a quote that speaks to me because it shows that you can do things wrong and the people that see it will take a mental note and judge whether or not you belong based off of it. The band defines outsiders as those who get bullied or are just generally different from the rest. Lately, the world has been defining an outsider as someone who doesnt listen to popular music, tan, or dress preppy. An example of being an outsider in the past would be the jewish people against germany. the jews were labled as people who didn't belong
"On the outside, there's more to see, On the outside, we choose to be." is saying that you're not in a certain "clique" or "posse" that expects you to act a certain way. As an ousider, you can be who you want to be and you choose who you want to be. The band describes ousiders as being different, and not being defined as something, which has it's benefits. It's beneficiary because you're free to do what you want without having your every move being judged. Most of the world has a stereotype on outsiders as being weird and strange because they're not catagorized in a group. Women were considered outsiders and were treated with less respect, and sometimes that still happens today. We have come very far though with women's rights.
Towards the end of the song, NeedToBreath sings "On the outside you're free to roam, On the outside, You found a home" These lyrics explain that being an "outsider" is not actually a bad thing. It means you have space to move, to breath, without being held back by the rules of the "insiders". The rest of the world defines an outsider as someone who is unlike everyone else and who doesn't belong. This is mostly because people are often afraid of differences; afraid of things that are different than what they know. In history we see the idea of outsiders with the segregation of blacks and whites. Being black back in the times when "colored" laws were in place meant that you were treated with very little respect from the whites who were "insiders".
-nicole lorig
"I'm not leaving without a fight, I got my holster around my side."
To me this means that anybody should have the right to stand up for what they believe in. Not neccessarily to a violent extent, but through protest. Nobody should be left behind or excluded. The band defines "outsiders" as a personal pride within one's self. The benefits can be anywhere from expressing your own beliefs about anything or feeling on top of the world regardless of how people see it. The world seems to never welcome outsiders. They define them as no-good "wanna be's" and are constantly excluding them. The time in United States history where segregation was huge is an example of being an outsider. The result was African Americans being taunted, threatened and even killed, but at least they had pride.
-- Pete 1st period
"On the outside you're free to roam. On the outside, we found a home. On the outside, there's more to see. On the outside, we choose to be."
I chose these lyrics because they spoke to me. They say that even though they are "outsiders," they are more happy and feel like they belong.
NeedToBreathe's definition of outsiders are people who may not fit into stereotypes or fit into people's cliques. They also say that the outsiders are not alone and like it better than fitting in. A benefit of being an outsider is not being alone. Also, when a person is an outsider, he or she does not have to worry about trying to fit in or please other people.
The rest of the world defines outsiders as people who are different than "normal" people. The rest of the world also may think that outsiders are "weird" or horrible people because they are different than people that are considered "normal." In history, the patriots could be considered outsiders because they went against the loyalists and Great Britain to fight for something they believed in, freedom. The result of this was that more and more people stood up to Great Britain and the loyalists, and the patriots won freedom from Great Britain.
The last post was posted by Alyssa E. in 9th period.
The lyrics I chose were, "And through everything we've learned, We've finally come to terms, We are the outsiders". I chose these lyrics because I think this is what the band's whole message was, and that they are trying to say people not apart of the group, the 'outsider' knows who they are and accept their amazing differences. I think the band's definiton of an outsider is someone who believes in God, and is a christian, because of the fact this is a christian band. Need to Breathe defines the benefits of being an outsider the freedom to roam. I believe the world defines an outsider as a person(s) who are loners, and are different from us, so they don't belong in our 'group', because this is how we sometimes treat people who are different from us, that we choose not to be friends with them because of apperance or prejudice thoughts. However, an example of an outsider in history is Noah and the ark. Noah warned the people that a flood was coming to destory the earth, and the people have never seen rain and didn't know what it was so they did not believe Noah and called him crazy and mocked him. As a result they parished but Noah and his sons and their wives survived. They chose not to follow the crowd, and rather listened to what God was telling them, so because of their trust they were shown mercy and kindness, and kept safe from harm.
"On the outside you're free to roam, on the outside we found a home."
"On the outside we choose to be..."
I chose these lyrics because it tells you that the outsiders are where they want to be & they're probably not going to change being on the outside. It's also kind of telling you that being an "outsider" is where they feel most comfortable. ("On the outside we found a home.") The band defines Outsiders beacause it's showing that outsiders have more space or room to move around in. And you "Need To Breathe" when you have all of that space because that's the position you want to be in. When the world says you're an outsider, it's saying that you're not like everyone else or that you're not normal. The Holocaust is an example of being an Outsider because the Nazis targeted at one specific group: The Jews. And the world looked at them as not being normal & not like everyone else after all of Hitler's propaganda.
"And through everything we've learned. We've finally come to terms. We are the Outsiders." This quote means that we are all outsiders. Nobody is exactly the same and all groups are outsiders from the others. No one is within every group so everyone is an outsider from something. "Just cause I'm wrong with it don't make you right no, your ain't right." This that just because one person is wrong about something does not give you the right to criticize them because you probably aren't right right about it either. The band defines being an outsider as being outside of the large group, out of the center. The benefits of outsiders is that they may freely roam and that they can find a place where they truly belong. I think that the world defines an outsider as someone that is not part of the main group, that is not popular, that people don't like. One key example of outsiders in history is the holocaust, where the outsiders would be imprisoned, forced to work, or put to death.
I chose the lyrics: " On the outside your free to roam, on the outside we found it home, on the outside there is more to see, on the outside we choose to be"
I think the lyrics mean that "on the outside" you can be/choose who ever you want be and you are comfortable about it. I think the artists apply the term outsiders is just people that don't do what everyone else is doing, they do their own thing. The benefits of being an outsider is that you can be yourself and not someone else or someone someone else wants you to be. I think the world decribes the word outsiders different or doesn't fit in because they don't do everything everyone else does. An idea in history when this was used Is the holocaust because the Jewish people were the outsiders because they were different from everyone else because they were Jewish and people judged them for that
just cause im wrong with it don't make you right no,you ain't right.
This means that if you are wrong it doesn't mean you can be mean and judge other people.
"Oh, why are we keeping score."
This is the other quote I picked that explains how people tell you about your flaws and keep track of all the wrong you do because it hard to take it all in at once.
"Shortfalls and little sins
Close calls where no one wins
Stand tall but running thin
I'm wearing thin"
I chose these lyrics because they made me think that even though most people act like they are fine, sometimes they aren't. Many people hide whats going on inside.
The bands definition of Outsider's are people who get rejected and pushed around by different groups. When one is an outsider they have the freedom to be who they want to be and no one can tell them anything different. An outsider is free from having to conform to the typical persons views.
I think the world defines an outsiders as someone who doesn't share their views or opinions so they are then shunned.
African Americans were selected as being outsiders because of the color of their skin. They were forced into slavery for a long time but just like the song said "I'm not leaving without a fight
I've got my holsters around my sides". The slaves were willing to fight for their freedom and in the end they got it.
~Rebecca H~
could we stand our ground and though everything we learned
we finally come to term's
this i believe is standing with your morall's to the point that you stand alone but you stand for what you believe in.
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