I have a hard time getting rid of things. I am a keeper. I keep photos, letters, dried flowers, memories, books, etc... These things have emotional attachments to them. I remember my first journal. When I graduated from high school my best friend's mother gave me a journal. I was never much of a journal writer, but the book was perfect. When I went to basic training, I took it with me and wrote every day. It holds so much of what I was and how I evolved not only in age, and maturity, but as a writer too. Since then, I have filled 13 other journals with my musings, rants, poetry, letters, observations of my children, and whatever else I feel compelled to write. These journals are important to me. I am also a scrapbooker. I have made many scrapbooks for my family and spent hours designing and remembering. Even though these may not seem like much, they are things that I will take with me wherever I go.
In our book, Night, as his family was forced to leave their home many took prized possessions with them. So much was stripped from them, but they took what they could. I want you to think about what you would take with you. Why would you take those items? What value do they posses?
In addition to posting this week, your points will be determined on you posting to one other person's post. It does not have to be long, but it does need to be on topic and thoughtful.
If I were to leave my home, fearing that I may never return, I would take my Ipod Touch. One reason why is because for entertainement reasons, if I got board. The other reason would be because it would remind me of my grand-father. I say this, because for Christmas of 2010, me and my brother had recieved our own Ipod touches, with a care-taking case. My grandpa always loves us, and he always supports and helps whenever he can, so carrying this around will remind me of all the joy he would bring me. This is why I would carry my Ipod Touch, if I were not to return to my home.
I would take my bible, my harmonica, and a journal. My bible (to me) symbolizes perseverane and hope from a divinity that my life has been built upon. It also gives me insight and answers, both which would be necessary. My harmonica isn't much, but music comforts me, and seeing as how it would be nigh impossible to take my french horn or trumpet, a simple American Harp would suffice. I am not terrible, and the tunes remind me of good times past. Lastly, I would grab a blank spiral notebook and a few pens. Sometimes, I find that just the act of writing my thoughts down clears them in my mind. And if something as terrible as a concentration camp claimed me, I would hope that my journal would remain intact for future generations to someday study. None of these bear great reminiscent value, but I feel that as long as I still have the memories, my friends and family will always be near. As a young boy, my grandfather died. I ran upstairs crying, into my parents' empty bedroom. My sister followed me, trying to comfort me. I told her that he was dead, and I would never see him again.
She then said, "John, the only way people can die is if we forget them. As long as we remember them, they will always be with us, and they will never die." Even today, those words have the weight of profound truth attached to every syllable. Of course, I still miss the little things like the way he said stuff over and over, thinking they were hilarious, and how as soon as his bags were through the door he would start shoveling the driveway, even the way he walked (shuffled to be precise). But still, I will remember him and my sister's words, and I will never forget.
-John Shaw
If I were to take a few items with me, leaving everything else behind I would only take my grandmothers bracelet, my journal and a picture of all of my bestfriends. My grandmother gave me a bracelet and it represents my faith an religion. I carry it with me everywhere I go and if I don't have it on, I panic. I have a sense of guilt if its not with me. Without it i feel unsafe and uncertain of what my day will be like. My journal is necessary because its sort of like therapy for me. There are times where I can't and refuse to let people help me, emotionally, so that's when I have the advantage of writing down my thoughts without anybody else's judgement. It's a way to also see the changes in myself progressing over time. I pretty much have a documentary of my life in detail from day to day in my hands. My favorite picture of all time is in my room and it has my three bestfriends and I laughing and our happiness is clearly shown. We are all so close and I consider them my sisters. If I were to leave them I would atleast like to bring a visual version of them with me. That picture reminds me that no matter what happens I will always have three specific people in my life that will support and care for me inspite of the locations we are at. Although I value a lot mentally and physically, these are all of my values that I could physically carry with me and if I were in a situation where I was never to come back home, or atleast be in the mind set of it, these items would be the most important ones.
If I were to leave my place of safety and love to a place of unknown possibilities with doubt of returning, my belonging of choice to bring along to comfort and remind me of home would be my book, "The Little White Horse". It is one of my absolute favorite novels; it takes place in a time where I would love to visit. A time period of living in a castle and owning a land filled with a mystery to solve and adventure whereever you turn. Where I could be with my closest friends and bring peace to the land. A place where ladies wore corsets and petticoats and hats were still fashionable. A place that whenever I open it's pages (that I've read 7 times-never boring, of course), my mind can travel away from fear.
If I was faced with the problem of leaving home and never returing, the few things i would take with me would be my flute, a few pictures that have sentimental value, and a journal. I've never really been into writing in a journal, but I if I were to never be able to go home, I would probably find comfort in writing. Music is extremely comforting to me, so thats why i would bring my flute. The case is small and compact, so it would be no problem bringing it along.
I would honestly take nothing with me but a nice big hoodie and sweatpants. It may sound vain, but im not attached to material items. Ive found its better to not get attached to things other than humans and animals because they might get lost. Or stolen... or possibly break. Im not attached to my own home or the items in my room. I carry all my memories in my brain, and i feel that i dont have to have material reminders.
The reason why i would take a hoodie and sweatpants is because im all about comfort. Especially if im "moving", i would like to be comfortable.
Im not sure if this is the response you were looking for, but its the only one that i can provide that is true and not made-up attachments.
If I had to leave home, I would probably bring a picture of me and my mom when i was little, because that was the only time in my life that we havent fought, and a music box my mom gave me for my tenth birthday. i would bring this because when i was little i used to play it over and over again when i was sad to try and cheer myself up.
If I had to leave my home I would take my memory box, my scrapbook, and my charm bracelet. My memory box has a buung of tickets and small things from everywhere I have been and a lot of other small memories. My scrapbook has a lot of the poems and stories I wrote in eighth grade and pictures of my family and friends. My charm bracelet is a bracelet that my grandma gave to me but ithas charms on it from other people for important life steps. Although I would miss all of my other things, I feel these are the most irreplaceble things I own.
Hallie Benson
If I was going to leave my home knowing that I will never come back,I would take with me my small laptop computer because I'll need it at alltimes no big reason. Warm coat so it could keep me warm,my blaket because I can't slepp without it, and a picture of my whole intire family just to keep them always with me.
If I was forced to leave my home and take only a few small items with me, it would be a very tough decision. Other then as much money as I could carry I would bring my Cross necklace. This has always been important to me since the day I received it. It reinsures me and shows others my relationship with God and how my religion is very important to me, no matter what circumstances. It also tells me that He will guide me and keep me safe for wherever I would be taken. I would also bring a small picture of my family for remembrance of the past and the hope of the future to come; a happy family; perfection.
If I had to leave my home and did not know if and when I was coming back I would take with me a few sentimental photos, a book, and a pair of socks. I am not a material person so it would be hard for me to decide what to bring along. Clothes and 'things' do not make a person. It is what is inside that really matters and makes a person who they are. I would take with me photos of my family and friends because they would remind me of some of the best memories I have had with the people who mean the most in my life. They will always bring a smile to my face and remind me of the times we have had together. I would take a book with me, probable The Secret Garden because it is my favorite book and is very inspirational to me. Everytime I read it, it makes me think of all the extra things or material possessions that I do have but do not need. Also, because when I read I am able to block out all of my surroundings and just get lost in the story. Finally, I would take with me a pair of socks(unmatching of course) I believe socks help to express individuality and plus they help keep your feet nice and warm. And if I didn't know when I was coming back home I would sure like to have warm feet. These little things would help me perserve through anything that comes me way and remind me of my family and who I really am.
I am a person that gets emotionally attached to EVERYTHING!I have birthday cards, letters, pictures and more from years and years ago. I know that I can manage life without keeping everything I have ever held, read or seen, but saving them is part of what makes me who I am. Being crazy emotional is what makes me me. When I was born, my mom's best friend gave me two stuffed animal bunnies. One was green, one was pink. For some reason I named them both Dee Dee. When I was about six, I lost the green Dee Dee. My mom thinks my younger brother accidentally threw it out. I was hysterical! I cried for days. At the time, it was probably the worst thing that has ever happened to me. So I only grew up with one Dee Dee, the pink one. As crazy as it seems, I still can't imagine parting with it today. Dee Dee has been on every vacation and every sleepover with me. And I don't plan on getting rid of it anytime soon. So I guess if I had to pick one item out of everything to take with me, I would choose my favorite pink bunny.
if i were to leave home, i would take clothes, food, water, notes from my friends, my ipod and coloring books. my clothes and notes from friends would remind me of home and how things used to be.Reading old notes from friends always put me in a better mood. The food and water are important becuase food, like outback, can always make your day better. I would take my ipod so i could play games, look at pictures and listen to music. I would take coloring books because i can sit there for hours coloring and its something that i have loved to do since i was a little kid.
For me its REALLY REALLY REALLY hard to let go of things. I have so many memories that I can't afford to let go of. From old clothes to just random paper from a long time ago. I always have to hide things I wanna keep because if my mom finds them...those memories hit the trash. But if I was forced to take only a couple things with me I would probably take pictures of me and my grandparents and pictures of my family and friend. I would take my ipod, my favorite clothing and my sweatshirt. I would take a picture of my grandparents because they were my best friends and even though they left me all by my self forever, they still will always be my bestfriends. I miss them more then anything in this world even though I have such caring and loving family. I would take a picture of my family and friends because their the color splash to my world. I would take my ipod because music completes my life and always makes me feel better. Taking my favorite clothing with me would be great because I love clothes and taking my favorites would be wonderful. And I would take my sweatshirt with me because im pretty much always cold. This is what I would most likely take with me if I was to not come back to my home.
Believe it or not, I have actually thought about this topic except if it were a fire or other natural disaster and not a deportation. Even so, if I were to have to choose a few items, I would grab my stuffed animal polar bear first. I have had this bear ever since I could remember. Whenever I had something hurting me, I would go up to my room, lie down, and talk to my bear. I have shared tears, stories, and happiness with my stuffed animal. He is by far my best friend ever. as many others, I would take my diary and pens. I think that it is very important that I keep track of all of the events that go on in my life, that way, if anything were ever to happen to me, the person who finds my diary can share what I always wanted to with the world. If I had the choice, I would want to take all of my possessions because they are all sentimental to me, but these two possessions would always help me to feel right at home.
I am commenting on iank140113 post. When you talk about your religious necklace, it reminds me of a gold necklace that I received for my first communion. It also reminds me of my faith and how I must always stay faithful to my Lord and religion. I would like to also add this item to my list of things to take with me.
I would have a very hard time trying to decide on what i would take with me. I love to collect things that interest me and I have a connection to most of the things i have. If I had to choose a few things to bring with me, I would take a doll, a cross, and a photo album. I would bring a doll because it was given to me when I was little and it had also belonged to my older cousin. It brings back memories of my hold house and family. I would bring my cross because it was given to me by my aunt and uncle when I was baptised. It reminds me of my faith and what my family means to me. I would bring photos to look at cheer me up. They show change throughout the years and the change that will come.
The few things I would take with me if I were to never return home would be my iPod touch, practice pad, and drumsticks. This material thing has my rants saved on it, along with music which has many attachments. It would entertain me if I got bored and also has many family ties to it. Certain songs on it that were recommended to me have changed my life. My drumsticks and practice pad hold many memories contained within them. Like the pair of sticks my Grandpa bought for me who I was very close to, he has since passed away, or the practice pad I bought while I was in Indianapolis. Not only do those things hold many sentimental attachments, but beating out songs on the pad and sticks really helps me get rid of anger and sort out feelings.
-Adam H.
commenting on Sarah's post
Writing really helps take away stress and sort out feelings. Even if you aren't leaving your home forever you should still try.
If I were to be taken away from my home and only to bring a small amount of things, I would probably bring a journal, a book I had made in art class last year, and my memory box. I don't have a journal that I write in now, but if I were going to go through something like that I would definatly make one. I think its a good idea to keep note of what I was going through. That would have been a huge part of my life and even though it wasn't really a good thing that I would have gone through, I would still want to take note of it. I wouldn't want to forget of it. There are so many things that I have gone through in my life, good and bad and I can only barley remember all the detales. It makes me sad to think about because I just want to know everything from my past and want to keep track of it, even if it was bad. So I would definatly start a journal. I would bring the book I made in 8th grade because all my favorite memories from summer 2009 and 7th grade are in that book. When I read it and look at all the pictures I laugh and sometimes get a little sad. I see how different I am now, how I used to be close with a group of friends and just how terrible I am at spelling. It is one of my favorite possessions. My memory box is a box that I put pictures in, and cards, hats, drawings, notes, movie tickets, and any physical thing that holds a memory to me in there. Whenever I find something new to put in there I look through it and I laugh. It's really one of the greatest things I have. It brings me joy when im sad and it lets me keep the friends I no longer have. Friends come and go but memories never change.
Commenting on Adam’s post:
The drum sticks and practice pad are very good things to take with you. Personally, I have no connection with my practice pad, so I would choose not to take it, but I would definitely bring my sticks. I also think it would be more fun and more uplifting to drum and play on items in your surroundings, rather than just the pad creating different sounds and rhythms.
This is strange because this is kind of like a reoccurring dream I've been having since I was a little kid. I am in my room sleeping when I wake up and realize there is a fire. Usually I get all of my family out first and then come back inside and have a meltdown as I try to bring all my stuff with me. If I was going to be deported I wouldn't try to take anything big or bulky. Instead I would take my favorite necklace, just to have something pretty with me and make me feel better, and pictures of my family so I can always have memories of them. If I couldn’t bring jewelry, I would try hard to have something colorful or shiny with me because if I died I would want my last memory to be of something beautiful.
Comment on hliszniansky25
I think a journal is a great idea. If I could, I would take one too. It would be a really horrifying experience to write about, but I could look back on everything I went though and get strength from it. All the things I would though, even though they would be bad, I wouldn't want to forget them either.
Like probably every other teen in America, i would take my ipod and my phone, just so i could stay in touch with the world, in case of emergency. I would take my ipod to help my escape the things happening around me,but those are not the only things i would take. I would also take my dog, if i could because she is a symbol of undying love and fun in my life. She brings happiness into my life when i am feeling down. If i could not take my dog, i would take pictures of her, and of every family member i could take. I would protect the pictures even more if i believed that those family members were dead. I agree with John when he says that his sister told him that the only way people can truly die, is when we forget them. I would not let that happen by protecting the pictures with my life.
The things i would take is my ipod because if i were just walking like them and i got board i would pull out my ipod. My ipod was bought for me out of consideration of my step mom because i just needed one and wanted one really badly. i would take a book because if i get board while walking i can read. i would take a journal to take notes on what goes on so if i do live i can show my grandchilderen what happened to me in my days.
Matthais Lohr
Ah, the dreaded question. I've been so often asked what I would take that I have come to doubt that I could take anything at all. I'm not attached enough to any one thing over any other, with the exception of a few pieces of heirloom jewelry that would already be on my body anyways. My violin would likely be going with me, as would my guitar, but then again both would be large and awkward to have to carry for long distances. One thing I do believe I would take with me would be a manuscript of my book Wolfsbane, because even though it is a fictional story, little parts of myself and my friends have been reflected through the characters and I've grown attached to it. In conclusion, if I ever had to evacuate my house, I would be sitting in the middle of my room staring at all of my materialistic needs and trying to figure out what truly matters to me, and probably fail at choosing the most important things.
Sarah, I can definitely see you taking your flute, and you have reason to. It is small enough to carry with you and I'm sure those you're traveling with will want the extra boost in enthusiasm as you play them along. Journal I can understand as well. I've carried one with me since sixth grade, and it's amazing how it has come to benefit me when I'm reporting on a story or doing something along those lines. And I bet one of those sentimental pictures is of Chumlee from Pawn Stars, isn't it? Well, that doesn't surprise me. It was very interesting to see what you would carry with you!
If I were to leave my home and never return I would take my beautiful cat Opal, my CD Florence + the Machine, my journal, my DVD’s of The Office, my yoga mat and the books Tuesdays with Morrie, The Five People You Meet in Heaven and Into thge Wild. First off, I love my cat Opal so very much, she is one of the many reasons I want to get out of bed in the morning. She is like a child to me and brightens up every single day of mine. It would be incredibly difficult to be without her, therefore I would want to take her with me. Also, I would bring my all-time favorite CD, Florence and the Machine. It is a whole album of music in which I love all the songs. All of the songs have hidden meanings and are so eloquently sang. I honestly listen to the album every day, belting out each and every line and ignoring my case of tone-deafness. Third, I would bring my journal which is full of illustrated memories, non-fiction stories, fictional stories, theories, thoughts and ideas. My creativity and love for scrap booking radiate on the cover of my journal in which I decorated with pink and floral paper. All of my written ideas could most certainly not be left behind. Next, I would definitely take my yoga mat, another essential of mine. I attend yoga class at least twice a week as an emotional reliever and physical soother. My yoga mat is a lime green GAIAM yoga mat, one of the best brands. I am so proud of my skills in yoga and the feeling of hope and relaxation yoga brings to me. Yoga is one of the few practices that brings me heaven on earth; I could not leave without it. In addition, I would bring my set of DVD’s for season four of my ultimate favorite show “The Office”, I love the show so very much and I cannot watch it without hysterically laughing. The show also holds memories of my friends, family and I watching it and laughing crazily. I have watched all of the episodes so many times that I can quote most of the funniest scenes. Finally, I would bring my all-time favorite books, all of which hold dear to my heart from the amazing stories they tell of wisdom, heaven, love, hope, dreams and beauty.
Haylie Reich.
I am commenting on Nicole R. By the way, your writing is exquisite. I completely agree with you. Finding the most important things would be tremendously difficult. I read your blog post after I wrote mine and then looked around my room. I questioned the things I had written myself on my blog. After reading yours I thought, "Hey wait, I would want to take that too, oh wait and that, and that..." pointing at several additional possessions in my room. It truly would be difficult for me as well to choose, let alone know what the most important things were. Your post was wonderful and definitely made me think . J
Haylie Reich.
Commenting on Adam, and Nicole's post
Adam I can definatley relate to how playing music gets rid of anger. Also I've tried journaling in the past, I just always forget to write in it. Also Nicole for the last time, chumlee is weird!!!
I'm just like my dad. I hold on to every little thing. I have tickets from old shows and places i've been too, a dried up corsage that I never wore, little knick knaks that I got from my oma's apartment before she went to the nursing home. The list of little things I have is endless. If I were to leave and never return home I would most absolutely take a notebook and my ipod, along with a few special pictures. I am constantly jotting down stories or sometimes lyrics, depending on what mood I may be in. I wouldn't know what I would do if I couldn't jot down a fantastic idea that I wouldn't be comfortable sharing out loud. Even though music helps me express feelings like writing does, I don't think I could bring my guitar or my clarinet. My iPod is of sentimental value and I have it with me everywhere. If I don't have my iPod with me, I feel exposed; naked. It helps me hide from the bad things in the world and certain songs on there are special to me because they're a large part of good memories.
commenting on Adam Hribar's post: It's completely understandable that you would bring those things. Music, for everyone yet especially you, is a great way to get out feelings of anger or excitement.
If I had to leave my home and only bring a few things, I would bring photos of all of my family and friends, a ring my mother gave me, my favorite book series, and....soap! I would bring the photos of everyone so I would never forget the people that mean the most to me. Photos only capture one moment, one specific memory, but they can also trigger more memories. I would bring the ring my mother gave me because it is very important to me. It not only represents her and how much she loves me, but it's absolutely beautiful. My favorite thing would be my favorite book series because if I had to go an extended period of time without reading, I would probably have multiple panic attacks. I love to read and I love my books. I believe soap is self-explanatory, but I will explain my reasoning anyway. Soap cleans you and disinfects you and makes you smell better and not as if you had rolled around in a dumpster. Soap is, obviously and unequivocally, a wonderful thing.
~Brooke C.~
I am commenting on Jen's post. Jen, you see, I very much wish I had also said that I would bring socks. Socks are awesome. Socks serve so many purposes! And by the way, my socks, too, NEVER match.
I am commenting on Martina's comment. I think it is great that you are able to express your feeling through writing. In the past, I have personally found it difficult to keep up with a journal. It is important to express your thoughts and feeling, especially when you're in a tough situation such as being forced out of your home.
If I were uplifted from my home tomorrow , knowing I might never see my home or friends or have a life ever again, I would take nothing. I know it sounds odd but reading all the other comments made me realize how vain people have become,I am not refering to Mrs.Perrins classes , but to everyone and most people In general. The way I see it is there are so many homeless people in the world today that have nothing, so If you were to ask them what they would take if they were to be deported they would probably say nothing, because they don't have much to start with. yet they are still human, and they still feel emotion and feel hurt and loss and would go thru the exact same trama any of us would face going into a concentration camp. Me taking nothing is simply my thinking of if you have to suddenly let go of the past and all you have ever known, why make it harder by bringing things Like and Ipod or cellpone to help you remember,which may I add neither will be of use to you anyways and unless you add a charger to your list will die sooner or later (haha) but as you see all we need is our strength, hope, unity and the will to get us through the toughest times,and I feel we would make it and in the end and when we know we are alive and still with our health, we wont remember any of the material things we cared so much for, we will be thankful for what really mattered
-Alex Boac
In response to choles post, I totally agree that if you had to atleast take one thing, I would most definatly go with an oversized pair of sweat pants and hoodie, even thou you would most likely have to change them but at least you were chilling in comfort on the way there !
If I were to leave I would take my clarinet, pictures of my friends/ family, food, blanket, and my ipod. I would take my clarinet because I love to play it and I love the feeling of playing it, it makes me feel proud. I would take food because you might not be able to find a place that provides food or you might not have enough money to get some. I would take a blanket so I can keep myslef warm and not freeze. Then I would take my ipod because I can't go a day without hearing any music and I can relate to most of my music if im in a sutation similar to the lyrics of the songs. I would bring the pictures to remind me of the past with my sisters, parents, and friends how important they were to me, with all the memories I had shared with them.
-Jordan M.-
I am commenting on Haylie's post: I completely agree I express myslef through writting to when I need to get my feelings out or just feel like writing. I think it's great to bring your favorite cd because I love music to death, I can relate to the lyrics most of the time and connect them with things happening in my life also. It's also nice to have a pet that you can count on too.
-Jordan M.-
if i were to leave my home and not knowing whether i'll ever return i'd take with me my necklace and photos of friends and family. i'd take my necklace because i received it from my grandmother and i wear it everyday to keep her close to me. i'd also take photos of friends and family because they mean a lot to me and i care for all of them very much. it would provide me with memories of the people who help me through my day.
Sarah i would agree with you i write a lot and it helps me when i'm in a bad mood or just want to blow off some steam. writing takes me to a place where its just me and my own little world.
I have been asked this many times throughout my life, and my answers are never the same. I get mildly attached to different things, and at different times. If I were to have to leave my home, I would take my cat, Baby Kitty, my snuggie, my iPhone, and Norbert. Baby Kitty has been by little babygirl for my whole life. She has been there for me when no one else has been, she knows when i'm upset and she will come and cuddle with me, and she always has a bright, spirited look on her face! She provide me with the company and support I need. Baby Kitty will be my friend to talk to me, except she won't talk back and judge. My snuggie is comfortable! I can wear it anywhere, and I rarely get cold(considering is IS the blanket with sleeves)! It will provide me with warmth and remind me of home. My iPhone holds all my music, games, and memories. Being far away from home, I would not be able to live without my music. Eminem, Mumford & Sons, and 3oh!3 get me through my day. I hold on my phone memories; saved text messages, notes from certain people, and things that make me happy. My phone will provide me with entertainment. Last, but most definatly not least, I would bring Norbert. Norbert is a stuffed animal penguin I have had since I was very young. Though I don't carry him around as much as I did a few years ago, I still bring him to special, important occasions. I would bring him with me because he holds my childhood, his dirt covered stomach reminds me of home, and his glued on eyes remind me of my dog...who likes to chew on things. Norbert gives me someone to hug when i'm down, or when i'm happy.
Reply to Chloe's post: I as well don't get to attatched to material items. Your items sound like they would provide you with tons of comfort! Your items also share a lot about you, and tell me that you're a very down-to-earth person.
I would take my hat. Outside of school i always have a baseball hat on not one with the staright bill pointed up or to the side a atcually basebal hat. i would take that because with out my hat I dont feel as if im me. Its wierd but I always have as hat on unless I am not allowed. Another reason I would take my hat would have to be because I play baseball and when i wear my hat It helps me remember all people i have met and all the fun i have had.
-Mitch Andzelik-
Response to Andrews comment.
Im assuming your grandfather bought you and your brother the Ipods. I have a close relationship with my grandfather and I would understand why you would want to take that.
-Mitch Andzelik-
If i had to leave my home I think i would bring my scrapbook and a necklace my family gave to me. the necklace would not be hard to carry and would remind me of where i come from and what i believe in. I would bring my scrapbook because i would want t remember the good times that i had at home.
If I were to leave my home without being able to come back there would be many things I would take with me. I would probably take notes and letters the people have written me because I never know if I will see them again. I may also choose to take pictures of family and friends because they make up my life.
If I had to leave my home in the frenzy that Elie had to, I would take my i-pod, my diary, a picture of me with my two bestfriends, and the ring I got from my grandmother. I would bring my ipod because music is my life, and if I couldn't listen to it, I'd probably go crazy. I would take my diary so that whenever something would go wrong, then I could write it down and it would help me get through it. I would take a picture of me and my two bestfriends because they mean the world to me, and the picture would remind me of the good times every day. Finally, I would take the ring that my grandmother gave to me because I love her dearly and the ring reminds me of her. That is why I would take my i-pod, my diary, a picture of me with my two bestfriends, and the ring I got from my grandmother.
In response to Allie's post, I would have to agree because the notes that I got from friends and pictures of my family would really help if I had to leave. I didn't think of the family pictures before because I always thought my family would be with be, but maybe not.
In response to Leah's post, I never thought about brings things given to me by my family members such a the ring you talk about. I would also bring a necklace my grandmother passed down to me.
First off, wow!! taejoh's comment was really...inspirational? I think that's the word I'm looking for. That's amazing, and so true how the simplist things can bring you the greatest joy.
The things I would keep with me would be my necklace. The medal of St. Bebedict. I would keep it to show the pride I have in my religion and to remind me who I am. I would take with me the photo of my brother, sister, cousin, and I in Canada when we were little, to remind myself that I am loved and of the good memories. I would take with me a notebook and a pencil, for my random thoughts, feelings, and doodles. I would also take the small wooden box that my brother painted for me. Maybe the journey I'm about to go on won't be wonderful (such as the Holocaust) but I might want to keep something along the way...to remember.
WOW!! I have to comment again! Claudia your commment just made my day "(it IS the blanket with sleeves)" lol!!
If I were to leave my home, I would take all the symbols of my faith...my bible, my rosary, pictures of my friends. I would also take all of the qualities that I have. Everything I have within me holds answers that I truly need and I am looking for.
oops this was A. plumlee
If I were to leave my home, fearing I would never return, I would most definitely bring photos of my family and friends. They hold memories and stories. They even can remind people of things they wouldn't otherwise remember. I also would bring this blamket my mom and grandma gave me on my 6th birthday. I would bring it for the obvious reason of warmth, but I also would bring it along because it's comforting. It was given to me by people who love me and always want the best for me. Of course, I would bring the obvious essentials like clothes, so I'm not running around naked. I think that sums up everything I'd bring, Mostly just items of comfort.
~Abbi R. 1st period.~
In response to Brooke's post, I 155percent agree about the soap issue. Feeling clean and diseaase free always makes my day better! Oh gosh, and the books. I would bring my favorite book so i wouldn't go mad. I think i'm bringing too much stuff but I'd also bring a toothbrush....yeah those always come in handy. I believe THAT is a good list, and now I'm done.
~Abbi R. 1st period~
In response to Alex Boac's post.
I agree with you how you say that people should not dwell on the things they have. I believe that it is the person inside that truly matters not the things that they have. We should be thankful for the memories and everything we have.
If I was leaving my home and was not sure if and when I was coming back I would take with my ipod, my cow, a book, and some pictures. I would take my ipod so I could listen to music and play games so I would not get bored. I would also take my beanie babie cow with me because I have had her since I was born and she has shared many memories with me. I would take a book with me so I would have something to do. I would probably take Firefly Lane because it is just a great book. Reading helps me block out the world around me and if I was in a camp I think I would want something to block out the world. The last thing I would take would be pictures. I would bring pictures of my family, friends, and my cat. The pictures would remind me of all the great times I have had and they would help keep me strong.
Kaitlyn 2nd period
Commenting on Jen's:
Socks is a pretty good idea because even if they took your shoes you would still have something to keep your feet warm. I agree that socks do show individuality especially when you do wear socks that do not match. I would not want to go somewhere and not have socks to wear to keep my feet warm.
Kaitlyn 2nd period
If I had to leave home with the possibility of never returning I would take my iPod, diary, and my violin with some of my favorite songs. I’d take my iPod and violin because without music my life would be meaningless. Music would also keep my spirits high and keep me in a good mood. I would take my diary so I could share my feelings whenever I needed without verbally sharing them. The big item though is my music. If I was sad and lonely I could just listen or play and that would make me feel better.
- Candice Wroten 2
A comment for Sarah:
Music, for me, is also important. Although we have different instruments we are both cheered up and calmed by music.
if i where to leave my home i would take my phone,and my wallet. one reason is because if i need to make a call i could. another reason is , if i need to buy something important like food i hav the money. those are the most important things in my opinion. they are basic and the first thing that came to my mind. my phone can also entertain me while i am where ever i am at. and obviously my wallet will help me afford the amsolute nesesities.
To Andrew: and in my opinion an Ipod touch isnt the best choice for one last thing but that is only my opinion
Patty a is patrick arthur
I have been asked this question many times in my lifetime, but because of disasters, not being forced to leave my home. But if I was to leave and never return, I have a huge list! So, I'll start off by saying a suitcase! Inside of this suitcase I would pack my notebook, Bible, lots of pictures, stuffed bunny, iPod, SNUGGIE!, and my two friendship bracelets. The first thing I would grab would have to be my notebook; it has everything in it. Notes from my bestfriend, journal writings, random doodles, ideas, and memories. I take my journal everywhere and would be lost without it. The second thing I would take with me would have to be my Bible. I myself am a very religious person. I pray a lot, and the Bible helps to guide me with that. I wouldn't read it straight through, just the pieces that I thought would help me keep moving forward. Pictures are a way to capture memories. When you see them, it makes you feel like you're reliving that moment. My family and bestfriend have been there for me through it all, so I could not bear to forget them and the memories we shared together. Whenever I would be down in the dumps, I would pull out my pictures and just smile. Some people may think that "You're fourteen, why would you bring a stuffed animal?" This bunny was given to me right when I was born. My dad went to the giftshop after I was born and I've had it ever since then. When I feel no one else is here, I know I can talk to my bunny, as silly as it sounds. We've faced the big, bad world together and I could'nt imagine leaving it behind. Another item I would pack before I left would be my iPod. It may seem silly, but music is my life. I would be no where without it; it helps me block out the world and I just love it. Some lyrics are so inspirational if you find the right songs, and I know that would keep me sane. A Snuggie; before I got my own, I thought they were the stupidest things ever made. It's pretty much a robe put on backwards, who needs that? But now that I have one, I love it! It's not only comfort, but there's an inside joke about them in my family. Lastly, I would bring my friendship bracelets. These two bracelets I have were made by my bestfriend, I never take them off. He has been there for me through thick and thin. Whenever I look at my wrist, I think of him. If I didn't have my bracelets with me at all times, I fear I would forget him and all the perfect memories we had shared as bestfriends.
Commenting on "ptoorxx3"'s post, I agree 100%. I have an extreemly hard time letting things go; every little thing carries a specific and unique memory. When I get rid of certain things, I feel like I'm losing a piece of myself. I still have pieces of paper, like you mentioned, from the first day of kindergarten. I remember that day like it was yesterday and I just cannot bring myself to throw them away! Finally, I found someone who agrees with me on that!
if i were forced to leave my house i would take my great-grandmas necklace, and a photo of my family. i would take a my great grandmas necklace because it the only thing of hers, and when ever i miss her i just wear it and it makes it feel like shes always with me and is looking over me. i would take a picture of my family because to me family means everything we get in fights but at the end of the day you cant stay mad at them forever and that is what i love about my family.
commenting on hliszniansky25 :
a journal would be a really smart idea beacuse maybe one day in the future you find it and re-read it and remembered some things you may have forgotten. i also think a journal is a smart choice because you can express your feelings without hurting anyones feelings.
commenting on marie's post:
marie, i understand where you are coming from with the idea of bringing a photo album. i think that if i had a photo album with me when i "left" home, i would feel alot better. it would make me more comfortable if i got "seperated" from my family members
if i were leaving my house i would bring extra food and water tht way i could sneak it to reamain healthy. Andrew has a good idea with the ipod touch though because it would be extremely boring.
If I were to leave my home, I would bring a book, a picture, and my iPod. I would bring a book because I like to read when I have nothing else to do and it helps me not think about what is happening. I would bring a few pictures some of my friends and some of my family. I would bring pictures because if I were to never to see those people again i would at least want to see a picture of them. I would bring my iPod because i love to listen to music and it gets my mind off of whats going on.
in response to Jen's comment.
i agree with you about the book. When i read i don't think about what is going on around me.
If I had to leave and only be able to take a few things, I would definitely take all the journals my best friend and I have shared throughout our years of friendship. I would take these because they hold so many memories. They hold power and show what a friendship is. I could end up having trouble with making new friends where ever I was going and I'd have those to remind me that I do have a friend in my heart.
In response to Chloe's comment:
I agree with what you said about holding memories in your mind and not in an object. You will always have tons and tons of memories just when you think, and not always have to look at something.
If I were taken away from my home and could only bring a few items to remind me of my old life, I would first think of my ipod and phone. However, they probably would not do me much good because they would quickly run out of battery. Instead, I would bring a few photo albums I have of my family and I on vacations and at parties. This way I could look back and remember that at one time, life was not so bad. I would also bring books, as many as I could carry, to entertain my thoughts through the dreary days. I could not go without a sketchpad and a pencil, either. Drawing would fill my days with at least a small bit of joy.
Morgan 2
In response to Taejoh’s post:
I never really thought about it, but a spiral notebook would be a great possession to bring along. Being able to write down what is happening around me might help me clear my thoughts and would serve as an account for people to read in the future.
Morgan 2
if i had something to bring with me i would bring food so i wouldnt starve to death also i would bring my boots and my winter jacket and fresh water so i didnt get dehydrated. i owuld bring these things because these are the tings need to stay healthy and able to stay alive as long as possible.
I would take books, my computer my PS3, my TV, my two cats, my bed, clock, my bags of chips, my music, my clothes, my figurines, my money, and my jacket for cold weather.
My books, for reading. My computer, for gaming and applications, my PS3, for gaming, my TV for watching TV, my two cats because they are my two cats, my bed because I need to sleep, my clock so that I wake up on time, my bags of chips because I like chips, music because I like to listen to music sometimes, clothes to stay warm, figurines because they are awesome, money because need to buy things, and my jacket for winter time weather
-Chris Fassih
The first thing that comes to my mind of taking with me on such a journey would be my cell phone with the charger. I have already written in my Things They Carried essay about the importance of my cell phone to me and the sense of security it gives me. I would also take the map of the school that I recieved during freshman with me to remind me of my past, even if I won't find any use for it. The third thing that I would take is the book that my best friend gave me two years ago before I moved away, which I never managed to read to the end.
Some of the things that I decided to take with me are probably influenced by the beginning of the book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows when Harry takes nothing with him in his adventure except a book bag in which he keeps old school books, a small piece of mirror, his wand, his Invisibility Cloak, and his Marauder's Map.
I personally don't see how you can transport a computer, a PS3, a TV, and two cats with you when you leave for such a long journey. Unless of course you have a bag that contains more space from the inside than from the outside, but I doubt you do.
I would take with me paper and a pencil that way i would be able to write poems and what I am observing from around me. Another thing I would take with me would be a fresh pair of running shoes. With the new shoes I would be able to run about 500 miles until they would become worn out. The third thing I would take with me would be a copy of my bible. Writing and running would help keep me high in spirits and my bible is important because it would allow me to keep practicing my faith. Those are the three things I would take because they are the most important things to me.
Kevin 1st period
I am commenting on John Shaw's post. I agree with taking the bible. I know faith is important to both of us. On taking the harmonica, that reminds me of Survivor Man because he always plays his harmonica to keep him company. I have one from my Grandpa but I really don't know how to play it. I also could not carry around a piano so I would have to part ways with any musical instrument.
Kevin 1st period
If I was to leave home, I would have difficulty selecting items to bring along, because I view most of my belongings as material. If I HAD to choose a few items to carry along, I would bring a photo album full of pictures of family and friends, a cellphone, and some art supplies. I have memories of the past in my head, but the pictures would keep the faces and feelings fresh in my mind. To keep in touch with anyone not with me, and in case of emergencies, I would bring my cellphone. I am an artist, and in no way do I mean that in any arrogant way. I have the need to constantly expressing myself through pictures or words on a page. If any hard times came up, art would keep me strong.
Responding to Chloe's post:
I agree with reasoning for taking so little. Attachments to multiple physical items can be dangerous, at least to your mental health, because all of your belongings may perish in a sudden disaster such as a fire. I completely understand having a few or more select items that have sentimental values coming along on the journey, but when you leave on this sudden departure, you are leaving all of your other belongings behind, and you can't take your house with you.
Commenting Maddy's post
I never even thought about taking a book if I were leaving my house forever, but its such a good idea!It could take your mind off of everything bad that's happening and you can be in your own little world. Im not sure which book I would take, though. Probably anything by Nicholas Sparks.
if i was to leave my home i would bring my cell phone and some money.I would bring my phone to call some one for some help and call 911 if it were an emergency. I would bring some money to buy food for when i get hungry and matbe buy some clothes to wear something else than the clothes on my back. i think those would be the most important things to bring if i was forced to leave my home.
To Patty A's post:
I think you picked important things to bring if you were forced to leave your home because you would have pretty much everything you would need.
If I was forced to leave my home the most important things I would take with me would be my photo album and my absolute favorite hoodie. I would take these things with me because of how close they remind me of my family and humanity. My photo album holds many of my most special memmories of my family, no matter how crazy they can be I love em, camp photos, friends, and many other crazy activites throughout my life. My favorite hoodie reminds me of friends ands all the school day memories I had wearing it. The hoodies is comfy, warm and secure, with it I can't help but remember the everyday normal life routine. I know both of these things would bring happy smiles to my face no matter what I was going through.
COMMENTING to Jen's post:
I 100% agree with Jen's idea to bring socks. Clothes do not make the person but like what she said they sure are nice to have. Simple things like socks or hoddies are nice memories of what we take for granted and how these bring us thankfulness and joy to what we have.
If I were to leave my home without coming back I would take drumsticks because drumming is a big part of my life. I started young and worked my way up as I grew older. It represents something I love to do and it would give me something to do if I needed to be calmed down, or if I was bored. A lot of my friends are also drummers so they also allow me to carry good memories that I've had with them. They got me through a lot and made me achieve so much that they're like magic to me.
I really like the fact that you would bring drumsticks and a practice pad. (I came across your comment after I posted mine). I'm also a drummer and it caught my attention that you are too. I think that is really neat as it seems to be special to you like it is to me. Very interesting.
- Pete 1st period
I am commenting on Brooke Cramer's post. Brooke, I am so happy you said that because if you didn't, I wouldn't realize that I needed soap and would probably kick myself in the head. I am so self-conscience about how I smell and soap would help me keep at ease and reasured knowing that when people gag, it isn't because of me.
If I were to leave my home , and probably never return, I would take a family picture with me because it is not hard to hide and would most likely not get taken away from me. Everytime that I would have a feeling of sadness or any type of discomfort, I would take out that picture, look at at it and remember all of the memories that my family and I had together. Looking at the picture would cause me sadness itself, but in the end it would be a relief.
COMMENT ON: Pete Lowrie
I see why you would bring your drumsticks with you because I know you are really into drumming/music and it would not surprise me at all that you chose this item. If I had a passion like you did for drumming, then I would have probably brought them as well.
-Matt Saxon
commenting on ale96b:
I agree with you alex, why make it harder by bring material things? If we are leaving the past, you have to move on and proceed with your life. Sometimes bringing objects; they symbolize memories and the past life. All you really need to be happy is trust, faith and unity. Or atleast to get through a really tough time in your life. Just aslong as you have your family then that's all that matters.
I would take my black converse, , my old violin bow,a sketch book, and some pencils. The reason I would take my black converse is because they have been everywhere with me. They have many memories for me some good like rock climbing in washington or some bad like going to my grandma's funeral. My old violin bow is very important to me because it was what I used when I first started playing the violin and it is also the bow my grandpa got me just before he died. I would take the sketch book and pencils because whemever i feel sad or angry I like to draw. These are the things I would carry if i would not return home
I am commenting on what cantalatina13 said. Wy would you take the things that you said? Do they mean something to you?
if I were in that situation I would have grabed my MP3 player, one of my Child hood favoret books "The Eye of the Dragon" and the next longest book I could find. only one of these things has real value to me but all are sutable for the situation. the book is the one thing that has real value, it is the first novel my parents read me, and to tell you the truth I have never read it my self, but the story is very important. the reason I would bring my mp3 player would be for entertainment and It has all my family Photos on it. the big book is becauase I dont read enough and if I have a big book to read then I sould have continual entertainment.
If i was taken from my family and might not return I would bring my books. My books are what keep me alive. I drift off into another world when i read. They help me when Im having a hard time or when Im sad. When I love a book I buy it so its like my lifes habit i guess. That is why I would bring my books. I would sit there and read to loose myself from the pain.
I also like to keep things. If I were to leave, I would bring a couple pictures of my family and friends so I would always remember them. I would also bring my favorite sweatpants and hoodie because they always comfort me. Finally, I would bring a journal and a couple writing utensils so i could use it as an emotional outlet. I could also use the journal to keep record of what happened in my life. I hope I will never have to do this...
Commenting on hallie314
I also have a stuffed animal that means a lot to me. It is a beaver and was given to me by my mom's mom when I was really young. It has been with me for so many years that I cannot imagine being without it for a long length of time. His name is Bucky because his two front teeth hang out and I think the name Bucky Beaver sounds good... Choosing things to take with me would be extremely hard, but I'm glad that someone besides myself would take something like that.
The last two comments were posted by Alyssa E in 9th period.
There are many things that are important to me. If I ever had to leave home and know that I couldn't return, the first things I would take would be my cross necklace, my picture board, and a pillow. The necklace because it was a gift from my mom and it means a lot to me. My picture board because it holds important memories. Lastly, a pillow, to remind me of home and comfort.
In response to ChloeN-
I really like your comment. I like that it's really honest. I can't imagine not having an attachment to my own house though. Without being attached, how do you have a basis; how would you feel grounded? (If you get what I'm saying.)
If I had to leave my home I would take my Cell phone, iPod and my grandmas jewerly. All these things mean alot to me! My phone is a way of communication to the outside world and to keep in touch with long lost friends. My ipod is where my music is, something very close to my heart. My grandmas jewerly means alot to me because she is no longer here and it is a piece of her with me.All these items have an emotional attachment with them.
if i was to leave my home i would bring my family photos with me. the photos give me hope that i have a caring for me and how i can not give up and lose them and leave them. i would also bring my favorite stuff toy from childhood because it would bring me comfort and safety just like how a little boy or girl cant sleep without his or her blankey.
-koa beates
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