When I was a kid, I hated the dark. If I was the last one to go to bed and had to turn the lights off, I found myself running as fast as I could up the stairs sometimes taking them two at a time. It was my hopeless pursuit of light. For some reaon, the dark behind me was frightneing. The light at the top of the stairs provided me with comfort and as long as I did not look back, I could move forward.
In Language Arts, we have discuss archetypes. We discussed light versus dark: Light--hope, renewal, or bright ideas, the beginning of knowledge. Darkness--the unknown, ignorance, despair, the absence of knowledge.
In looking at these two ideas, I want you to define "Night" (not the book title) in your own words. What do we know of night? Why do you think people experience fear at night? Why do you think our author, Elie Wiesel, entitled his book Night? Use quotes from the book to support your thinking.
Night means the night time where you go to sleep. Night is a dark time for many people. I think people experience fear because it is a scary place to be unlike daytime where you can see what is going on around you. The author titled it night because it was when his family died in the prescence of his view. "I am burning up in my insides, give me water" this shows something is going to happen to his fater.
Matthais Lohr
Night-Is when it is dark outside and you go to sleep. We know that people can be scared of the night. I think people experience fear at night because of the darkness and that you do not know what will happen next. Also, that in scary movies everything bad usually happens at night. Elie Wiesel, entitled his book Night because he wanted to show how this a dark time period in history and during their own lifes and how everything is changing so quickly. The quote "One night? One single night?" "surely it was a dream" can explain why he titled the book night. Their lifes had been changed forever in just one night.
-ashley fortney
Night for me is a dark place. It is a place where I can go when I want to be alone. It is a place where my inner demons and I are at peace. It is a calm state, but at the same time everything I say or do reflects a dark, evil side of me that only a handful of people have seen. Night is a mysterious place like that at the bottom of the ocean. Anything's image is distorted at night. Toys' shadows become monsters that creep at the bottom of your bed. Anything is possible at or in Night. Imagination run wild because of fear. People are afraid of Night because of the fear of the unknown, and of not being able to see. This brings fear to people because sight is what they rely on most. Ellie Wiesel titled the book Night because this was a dark time for him and the Jewish people. "What are you my God? I thought angrily. How do You compare to their stricken mass gathered to affirm to You their faith, their anger, their defiance? What does Your grandeur mean, Master of the Universe..." (66) Wiesel's writing suggests anger, hate, and doubt.
night is that hormoneous teen who grabs you and turns off the lights. leaving your vission impaired leaveing you helpless and scared. night is when your under your blanket as if it sheilds you from the darkness ans unwanted monsters that show up within the shadows of your room. night is that scarymovie you insist on watching before you go to bed haughnting your dreams. night is the reason we hide for what beckins in the darkness is what our imaginations bring to life.
Night is the temporary loss of something that comforts us, usually our trustful vision which is defined by light. The only reason people ever fear night is the fear of the unknown, and by over coming fear of the unkown, one would not be scared of night anymore. I think the book Night is entitled for the same reason, fear of the unkown, because at all times the Jews were unceirtan of what fate awaits them.
Night for me is the time of seclusion. This is my time to put everything behind and be by myself with my thoughts. We know night can be portrayed very differently. It can be the time of fear, paranormal happenings or the time for monsters and violence. Society, movies, books and TV shows have turned night into a time for evil and fear. This is the reason I believe that Mr. Wiesel titled the book “Night”, that even during the day; all the monsters and fears are still out just waiting for somebody to let down their guard. “And we were forced to look at him at close range. He was still alive when I passed him. His tongue was still red, his eyes not yet extinguished.” To me it is a time of peacefulness, calmness and tranquility not wickedness.
When I hear or think of the word night I think of scary things because in movies if there scary they take place at night. Night is mysterious and unknown and you will never know what's behind you or what's in the corner of your eye, when it's night it's silent you can hear the slightest sound even a pin drop so if you hear creeping the first thing you think is someones in my house but there not. I think elie titled his book night because night is mysterious and unkowning like he was not knowing where he is and where he's gonna go next.
Night for me mean at the time of a day a dark consumes the air and light around me that gives me the fear of not knowing whats happening and how i cant control it. The quote of the book is "I steped out of the cart in the camp the was full of lights that consume the night" it gives you the fear of how light can consume night and how night can be bad or good in a away of the state of being.
-koa beates
Night is the eternal darkness of the unknown, and the living place of our deepest fears. It is manifested with hopelessness, ignorance and obscurity and nighttime or darkness is often associated with these negative feelings. We know that night is a time when it is very hard to see, and a time when most people sleep. These two things make us particularly vulnerable and unaware during the night, which is probably the cause of our fear of the dark. I think that the author Elie Wiesel titled his book Night because of the quote on page 34 “ Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed.” I think that the coming of that first night represents his loss of innocence, and his confrontation of the bottomless and intense levels of human hate and cruelty. I think that the first night in camp was when it really sunk in what was happening to him and his family, and just how hopeless and desperate their situation was. I think the title also implies that all of the Jews were uncertain of their future, just as you do not know what may happen during the hours of darkness, so too were many of the Jews ignorant of their fate.
Night is when its dark in and out, and when we all go to sleep. We all know that at night we go to sleep and obviously it's dark out and the only light in your house is the ones that are on. I think people experience fear at night because maybe there afraid to be alone or just afraid of darkness. Maybe the fear of thinking someone will get them because you can't see anything.I also think people expirence fear because there afraid of whats gonna happen the next day. I think Elie Wiesel titled the book Night because of how they didn't know if it was their last night or how hey didn't know what was gonna happen the very next day. The quote "Night fell. Some twenty people had gathered in our courtyard. My father was sharing some anecdotes and holding forth his opinion of the situation. He was a good storyteller." This quote shows how they all just had to wait and try to get through the night and see what will happen to them tomarrow. They don't know where life will take them in the day or night to come.
Night, to me, means "an unknown." I say this, because when I look into dark rooms in the middle of the night, I can see shadows dancing, images of what I think are shapes of people. Yet, its just my mind playing tricks on me. In addition, this unknown darkness, this evil presence that something will jump and attack a person from behind is why I think people are scared of night. In reality, its our own fears that form as these shadows, these figments of imagination which only appear at night, is why people are scard of night. This is also why I think Elie wiesel titled his book "Night," because he knew not of what his fate would be. The quote that best supports this is when he says, "...we were all people condemned to the same fate-still unknown." (Wiesel 21). This is my view of night, as an unknown.
Night is when all the scary things that haunt people come out. ''...into one long night seven times sealed.'' Wiesel watched his family fall apart before his eyes...the one thing that he did not ever want to see.
oops not again...I have been posting under cantalatina13 lately...because my password did not work...this is Ana
Night is darkness. Night is when you stop the things you normally do and just lay. It may scare some people because you do not know if you will wake up to see another day. I think Elie called this book "Night" because the Jews were forced to stop their normal everyday routines. Also, I think it is called night because theJews did not know if they would see another day in this time.
Night is the time with no light no hope and no happiness, its the time when all the vocies are gone and its just you and you have to face yourself, there is no way to lie to yourself, that is why I think people are afraid of night not because we think monsters are going to come and take us, but of having to face ourselfs i the quite and dakness of night. The aouther named the book because it is the point were he lost all the happiness and light in his life and he was left alone to see what was important in his life when he said "they sepperated us men on the right and women on the left." Ment that him and his dad were going to the working camp, and his mom and sister were going to the gas chamber.
Night is when it is dark outside and the period of time we can be alone to sleep. We know that night is the time where it is dark outside with no lights and can at be scary. I think people are afriad of the night because they can't see much of anything in the fear of the pitch blackness that happens at night. While not knowing what's going to happen when they turn thier backs or fall asleep. I think the author entitled his book Night because he never knew what what was going to happen or if he could survive throughtout all of this horrible things that have happened to the Jews. Also, to show his fear and how much of a horrible time it was. A quote to support this is, "I looked at my house in which I had spent years seeking my God, fasting to hasten the coming of the Messiah, imagining what my life would be like later. Yet I felt sadness. My mind was empty."
-Jordan M.
Night means when our side of the earth is not facing the sun.Night is dark. people are msot likely scared at night because we cant see our surroundings as clear as we can during the day. also back before we had technology and art most predators came out at night so thats probably another reason people are scared at night. elie wiesel titled the book night because most of the worst things in the camp happened at night like when they arrived it was noght and when they left for the other camp in germany it was night." we ran throught the night." this quote shows that most of the time the setting is night.
Night- the unknown; the invisible; darkness. Night is when many begin to experience fear, for anything may be hidden in the darkness of night.
I think Elie Wiesel entitled the book Night because many of the times they had to move from place to place took place during the night. Each time they had to move, they didn't really know where they were going or what would happen there; it was unknown. Just before evacuating the concentration camp to march to the cattle cars, Wiesel describes the scene. He says "The gates of the camp opened. It seemed as though an even darker night was waiting for uson the other side. The first blocks began to march."
I infer that the 'darker night" he refers to is really meant to explain the unknown future that lies ahead.
-Nicole Lorig
Night can be very versatile in it's interpretation. To me, Night is the time where I can't sleep and tend to relax and do my deepest thinking or write my best works. It is the quietest part of the day in my household, and the best to do some self-reflection and even the silence alone can put you in a meditative state of mind. It is also the time in which the stars are visible, providing me some inspiration for my writings and artwork. It is also when the most vibrant dreams occur, and sometimes open the mind of the dreamer so that they are more aware of their desires and feelings. I've always taken Night to be a beautiful and enlightening time, but even I must admit that the darkest Nights cause discomfort for myself, mainly because if I can't see in front of myself and I'm unaware of what is standing nearby, I feel uncomfortable. It was also during the dark that as a little girl I saw my 'monsters', and the little boy who told me that he didn't want them to see him. I never understood who they were, but I did realize that I only saw this tormented little boy in the darkest of darks, and that was enough to convince me to keep my eyes closed tightly during the Night. Even Elie Wiesel felt unsure of the darker Nights, and expresses his discomfort when he says, "It seemed as though an even darker night was waiting for us on the other side." To him, Night was a marker of time, a time of change and of partial safety when he was in bed and under his covers. Other than that, it was the significance that brought about feelings that were in themselves as versatile as the semantics of the word Night itself.
Night can be very versatile in it's interpretation. To me, Night is the time where I can't sleep and tend to relax and do my deepest thinking or write my best works. It is the quietest part of the day in my household, and the best to do some self-reflection and even the silence alone can put you in a meditative state of mind. It is also the time in which the stars are visible, providing me some inspiration for my writings and artwork. It is also when the most vibrant dreams occur, and sometimes open the mind of the dreamer so that they are more aware of their desires and feelings. I've always taken Night to be a beautiful and enlightening time, but even I must admit that the darkest Nights cause discomfort for myself, mainly because if I can't see in front of myself and I'm unaware of what is standing nearby, I feel uncomfortable. It was also during the dark that as a little girl I saw my 'monsters', and the little boy who told me that he didn't want them to see him. I never understood who they were, but I did realize that I only saw this tormented little boy in the darkest of darks, and that was enough to convince me to keep my eyes closed tightly during the Night. Even Elie Wiesel felt unsure of the darker Nights, and expresses his discomfort when he says, "It seemed as though an even darker night was waiting for us on the other side." To him, Night was a marker of time, a time of change and of partial safety when he was in bed and under his covers. Other than that, it was the significance that brought about feelings that were in themselves as versatile as the semantics of the word Night itself.
I ask that you please ignore the comment before mine. My ignorant little sister didn't log off of her google account, and I accidentally posted on it and was unable to delete it. Sorry!
Night is obviously when the sun goes down. But at night its so different the darkness makes it so you are not aware of what is going on around you. I tihnk he calles the book Night because it one night his life was different. When its night you may feel helpless because you can control whats going on in the day its easier you can see whats going on. And the jews had no control of what was happening they couldnot help themselves.
-Mitch Andzelik-
Night; a dark, timeless pit of nothingness that you can't see. Your surrounded by alot of things but you can't see any of it, so you feel completely alone. But it's really just when the sun goes down and you can only see if you have a light. "Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed." (chapter 3) But when it's dark everywhere, your mind wanders and you wonder what creeps and crawls and walks amung you whenever you cant see anything, until the relief of when you see the sun rising. It will eventually be light out again. "The night was gone. The morning star was shining in the sky. I too had become a completely different person. The student of the Talmud, the child that I was, had been consumed in the flames. There remained only a shape that looked like me. A dark flame had entered into my soul and devoured it." (chapter 3) But you still have the memory of the night.
Elie Wiesel called the book "Night" because he was writing about such a dark time in his life and how his whole life was changed by one night "So much has happened within such a few hours that I had lost all sense of time. When had we left our houses? And the ghetto? And the train? Was it only a week? One night- one single night"
Hallie B
Night means darkness, quiet, sleep, and fear. People are afraid of night because it is dark and unknown. When people can not see what is coming next, it often makes them anxious and jump to conclusions about even the smallest noise or sense of movemennt.
Hallie B
Night: Night is when nothing is what it really is. Night twists and turn things and your imagination runs WILD.Night is when all the ghosties and demons come out and dance around your room and a silence falls over you and Its the loudest thing you have ever heard. Night is where you start to dream about life, death, love, hate, things that would normaly never cross your mind during the day, whens is sunny and safe. You can never predict what thought will spring on you next , enlightening you , or frightening you. Darkness and night go hand in hand for me, when the only sliver of lights you may see are the occasional star or sliver of moonlight and it only comes out when you need a guide. Its a vast emptiness where you can create out of it whatever you please. When all goes dark you are transported to another world where there is you, and only you, and thats when the bets thinking happens because when its only you, and nothing else is seen you are forced to face yourself. It leaves you open, with no guard, vulnerable. I think thats why so many people are afraid of the night.
I believe that Elie Wiesel titled his book night becasue night is a foggy place, where there is no clarity. I can't find a quote to upport this in the way I want to word it but the whole situation where Elie tries to stay close to his father , but seems to get seperated all to often supports this for me because you wonder where is his father at that moment, what is he thinking, is he coming back ? this leaves the reader wanting more and wondering, always wondering.
Night is something really powerful that scares people away. The night is dark and sacry. People have had experience fear because the night is really scary."Night" becuase the jews thouth they wouldn't
have another happy day light how they used to have it before everthing beggin.
Night is something really powerful that scares people away. The night is dark and sacry. People have had experience fear because the night is really scary."Night" becuase the jews thouth they wouldn't
have another happy day light how they used to have it before everthing beggin.
Night is the darkness that surrounds all of us at the end of the day. Sometimes night can seem unending and unnerving. The night personally freaks me out because it seems as though anything can happen, and I have no clue where it would come from. Sometimes when I am home alone and in the dark I will run past the windows and scurry my way quickly out of the dark; I dislike the lack of knowledge. Visibility in the light is key to sanity, one knows what is coming next and what angle it is coming from; abundant with knowledge. I think Elie Wiesel named his book Night because he felt the true horridness of night. He had the lack of knowledge to what was going to happen next, the never ending despair and the frightening reality of ignorance all around him. Elie Wiesel states, “Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed. Never shall I forget that smoke. Never shall I forget the little faces of the children, whose bodies I saw turned into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky…” (xix) Haylie R.
Night is the setting of the sun and the rising of the moon. It is the time when darkness envelopes everything around us and, to me, it is a representation of an end because it brings a close to the day. It seems to also represent death because death is the ultimate end. We know that night is the time when we are supposed to sleep and when everything is either calm and restful or dangerous, alien and uncertain. People experience fear at night because the darkness is like a blindfold; we can't see to tell where we're going or if we're alone or if something awful and frightening is lurking behind us. We are afraid of being in the dark alone and isolated and supplied with no answers. I think Elie Wiesel entitled the book "Night" because it represents an ending, a death. The title could represent the death of the Jewish people and the others who were put to death. "In front of us, those flames. In the air, the smell of burning flesh. It must have been around midnight. We had arrived. In Birkenau." (28) In the night, we don't know what awaits, and this case it was the crematorium.
~Brooke C.
To me, Night is the time to be alone. After all our events from the daytime are gone, night is for reflecting. We see night in many different was. Generally, we see it as a time to go to bed. Sometimes night is scary. Being alone, not being able to see. I think Elie Wiesel entitled his book 'Night' because the Night is often looked at as scary. When we are little children, we often associate the night with Monsters. Night generally reminds me of the word 'fear'
My personal definition of Night is the dark, in which I can not see my own hand in front of my face. Where everything casts ominous shadows of unknown enemies lurking about. I find that I have an irrational fear of the dark. It could be because the dark renders my vision useless, and magnifies every creak and groan of the house. Despite my intense fear of the dark, I find that I am able to do my best thinking at night. When I am by myself and suddenly everthing is crystal clear. My fears, my desires, my thoughts on certain aspects of my life. It is also a time to relax, sleep or if that evades you, to read a book. In the book Night, by Elie Wiesel I believe that God represents light. Hitler,concentration camps, facism, indifference, and loss of faith represent the night. Everything terrible happens at/in night because they have all lost their faith in God. "Akiba Drumer Has Left Us, a victim of the selection. Lately, he had been wandering amon us, his eyes glazed, telling everyone how weak he was: " I can't go on...It's over..." We tried to raise his spirits, but he wouldn't listen to anything we said. He just kept repeating that it was all over for him, that he could no longer fight, he had no more strength, no more faith. His eyes would suddenly go blank, leaving two gaping wounds, two wells of terror." When the Jews lost their faith, they lost their strength. They no longer felt any reason to go on, and they felt abandoned.
~Sarah C~
Night to me is when it's dark and scary. When you feel like no one can see you or hear you when you scream out loud. It feels lonely and you can't see anthing. Dark for people is like when you are in a crowd and no one knows that you are here or when you feel like no one can see you. Like then someone feels invisible or left out of a group. In Night at the camps people felt in the dark because no on stopped to look around or really take a look at what was going on.
Night is when the Earth is facing the moon. It takes Earth 24 hours to make a full rotation on its axis.
We know that night is the period of darkness between sunset and sunrise.
I think religious people might be afraid of night because they think they'll get haunted by a demon or something. And some kids are afraid of night because, well, night is dark. He entitled it "Night" because of this quote:
"One night? One single night?" "surely it was a dream"
-Christopher Fassih
Night is the time when there is no light and you cant see anything. I think people have fear of the night becasuse you cant see anything so they think someone is in their room and they are going to hurt or get kidnapped. I think the author titled the book "Night" because all of the really bad things like getting forced to get moved to the cocentration camp and the killings happened in the night. For example when Elie was talking about the kidnapping and the selection then he says, "All this happened in one night?" This proved that everything bad happened at night.
To me night means fear, darkness, and the unknown. I do not like night and I often find my self dashing through my house trying to get away from the darkness to the safety of light. I think people fear night because of the dark and the feeling that anything can happen. Even after you get older there is still something creepy about it. I think Elie Wiesel named the book night because it represents the unknown. The people in the camp including Elie Wiesel never knew what each new day and each new night would bring. They feared what would happen to them next. They never knew where they would end up the next night. He says, “Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed”(34).
Kaitlyn 2nd period
to me, night is when it starts to get dark outside, and the air cools. it is also when i feel most volnerable. people usually start to get tired when this happens. We know that at night it gets dark, and is when the "creatures of the night" come out to feed. i think people experience fear at night because they cannot see as well as they can during the day, and horror movies make them sometimes feel like there is something lurking in the shadows waiting for them. When i was little, i would try to sneak downstairs in the middle of the night to get something to drink, and i would always see the light coming from the light we have above our sink. i would always think that i saw the shadow of a tiger in the light, and run upstairs, hide under my blanket, and go back to sleep so the imaginary tiger couldnt eat me. I think that elie wiesel entitled his book night because while he was in the camps, he had no hope, and he was miserable. i know that elie nolonger had any hope when he said "I thought of us as damned souls wandering through the void, souls condemned to wander through space until the end of time, seeking redemption, seeking oblivion, without any hope of findind either" (36)
Night is a time for rest where darkness takes up everything around you. Night is the disappearance of all that we believe we know. I think people find fear at night because what they know seems to just vanish before their eyes. Darkness takes away what they knew about day and shows different creatures and thoughts. I think the book was titled "Night" because he repetatively speaks about night, "One night? One single night?" The book shows how different ones life can be compared to day and night. The nights seemed to be never ending. They got off the train at night, marched away from Buna being trapped in the snow cold night. All that seemed normal during the day was different than what they had experienced during the night.
~Sami Eberwein
For me, I would describe night as a time when you do not know what will happen expect next or like the archetype describes unknown. I believe that people fear night because they would like to know the road ahead. Since to me night is not knowing what is going to happen, that is why I think people fear night. I think that Elie Weisel called the book "night" because going to a concentration camp is going to a place of unknown. He was not sure what to expect. One quote that helps "Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed." I used this quote because to me it explains how he did not know what to expect going in to the camp.
kevin 1st
For me, I would describe night as a time when you do not know what will happen expect next or like the archetype describes unknown. I believe that people fear night because they would like to know the road ahead. Since to me night is not knowing what is going to happen, that is why I think people fear night. I think that Elie Weisel called the book "night" because going to a concentration camp is going to a place of unknown. He was not sure what to expect. One quote that helps "Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed." I used this quote because to me it explains how he did not know what to expect going in to the camp.
kevin 1st
Night to me is that it is when it is dark outside. i think people experience fear because it is dark out and they dont know what is going to happen because it is dark. i think the book is called Night because it is all a blur to them what is happening. it is always a dark place.
To me night is complete darkness. Sunlicht cannot seep through the cracks of the infinie black sky. When standing outside at night the darkness looms over me and takes the hope out of the world. I cannot see anyting, and the fear of the unknown sets in and takes over. Senses become hightened and surroundings become sinister. Nothing is the way it seems in daylight. Even the happiest places show their evil side. That shadow lurking around the corner could be anything, friend or foe. Our imagination races. We rely on our sight to tell us our surroundings and to protect us from danger. When that is taken away form us we imagine things that are not real. I think Elie Wiesiel titled his book night because for many of the Jews, the Holocaust was not a real event. It was something that happened to other people but never to them. The ignorance they had tword the Germans acts were held right up until they were in the concentration camp. They never accepted their fate until it was to late. The acts performed by the Nazis were unimaginalbe, therefore making the unbelieveable. What people cannot see becomes unreal and distorted. This distorted view of life is often represinted through the danger and confusion of night
Many young children say that they are afraid of the dark, but are they afraid of the darkness itself or are they afraid of the blindness that the darkness gives them. The unknown can scare any person, no matter what age. The ultimate darkness, the unknown, is night. Our main source of light disappears and we are left vulnerable, not knowing what could be three feet ahead of us until we turn on a light. In the book Night, by Elie Wiesel, night brings an uneasy feeling. Elie seems to lose more and more of who he was and stays longer in the darkness, not knowing what will happen, or even if he will survive. He writes, "Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed....Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes. Never shall I forget those things, even if I am condemned to live as long as God Himself. Never"(34). In this quote, Elie talks about how that first night at the concentration camp stripped him of his dreams, his religion, the things that made him who he was. As a result, he was left not knowing what terrors would await for him tomorrow, or even knowing who he was anymore. And that is the scariest thing of all.
Morgan 2
To me, night means when the sun is no longer shinging and that part of the world is filled with an absence of light (darkness). Night is a time usually when people go to sleep because there is no longer any light outside to see and there is really no reason to stay up. I think people experience fear at night, because they cannot see everything that is going on around them, and they are afraid of something snaking up on them. I think Elie Wiesel titled this book "Night" because most of the book took place at night time, and all of the important things that happened occured at nighttime. The quote from the book, "Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed," explains what I am talking about above, because it is saying how one single night changed his whole life forever. Also it occured at night so that is why I said the author chose the title night because it is a time of darkness and hate (in the book).
-----------Matt Saxon 4/5 period
Night to me means the unknown or a mystery. When you step into a dark room you don't know what to expect. Night can also be a figuertive of a dark time in ones life. I think Elie titled the book "Night" because of the long and overpowering darkness that happend in that period of time. To support my theory; "Here or elsewhere, what did it matter? Die today or tomorrow, or later? The night was growing longer, neverending." (page 98)
I believe night to signal the end of day. We usually go to sleep at night because we can't see well, and more things can usually be done at day. The archetype of night relates to why we sometimes fear night; we can't see very well, we fear the unknown, and robberies in movies often happen during the night. I believe Wiesel titled his book "Night" to symbolize the dark shroud that encompassed the holocaust, the turmoil, the indifference, and the stench of burned bodies filling the night air.
"Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed." (Wiesel xix).
-John Shaw
Night is the time of day where we become less sure of ourselfs. Our sight is limited and it is difficult to see what is ahead of us, or in Elie Wiesel's case, the future. One can lose hope in the night and lose sight of theirs goals and dreams. For some, night may be comforting. But for others, it can be a great fear. People are afraid of whats lurking behind them, and unable to search for what they believe is following them. We can't physically see around us and our mind begins to play tricks us. We start to see things that aren't really there, which makes people afraid. I think that Elie Wiesel titled the book "Night" because so much can happen in one night, especially the unexpected."When had we left our homes? And the ghetto? And the train? Only a week ago? One night? One single night?" (37) His family lost everything in one night. They lost their possesions, each other, and the hope for their future. So much had happened to him during the night that none of them could have ever expected. One single night can change millions of lives.
Without night, or dark, there would be no day, and no light. Light is only made bright by darkness, the contrast of white on white is unseen. Night is necessary to life, as it is to infants when they sleep. If no despair, unknown, or ignorance was present in the world hope, renewal and pursuit of knowledge would not exist either. Night is the contrast to day, what makes it possible.
What we know of night is that it is dark. Religion was made to go against the dark, to fight it for you. Because then you are never alone. With death would come darkness, and that is what you are afraid of.
In the dark you lose your sense of sight, this makes all of your other senses stronger and so a spider scuttling across the floor has the capacity to scare. People experience fear at night because when their senses are all jacked up they see things, and hear things in the dark that aren't really there. So when there really isn't something to be seen you figure since you can "hear" it, that there is a cereal killer creeping into the room.
I think Elie Wiesel made Night the title of his book because the jews remained in the dark the entire time. At first they ignored all signs that something was wrong, then when something definitely was wrong they had no knowledge of what was happening. They were ignorant, as the archetype for darkness states. "There were those who even voiced optimism. The Germans were running out of time to expel us, they argued. . ."(20)
But the people of Germany watching the Jews being expelled and starving in the trains were extinct too. "Were this conflagration to be extinguished one day, nothing would be left in the sky but extinct stars and unseeing eyes."(21). The conflagration and extinct stars being the Jews and the unseeing eyes being their neighbors of the Aryan race.
Grace Shank
The definition of night to me is scary just like horror movies and a lot of people don't like to be out at night. People don't like to be out at night because its not easy to see and people just weren't suppose to be out at night that's just not the way were designed. He named the book night probably because night is scary and represents horror and the unknown and death much like Auschwitz was.
Mitch Slyman
I define "night" as a time for the evil and the horrific to rear it's ugly head. A time where the light can no longer melt away the fear and the darkness can come out and conceal frightful events. Night allows evil to lurk. People fear this time because the dark obscures our vision and allows us to be vulnerable to the unknown; so we stay in the light. We know that night is perfect time for ghosts, fabled monsters and myths, and infamous psychaotic murderers to take their prey. We also know night as a time to sleep and dream away to forget and not experience these fears. It is a time where we feel like we are unprotected and all alone.
I believe Elie Wiesel entitled his book "Night" because night is known as a time to conceal the worst and is known as a dark and hopeless time that is filled with endless fear and monsters. The Holocaust can be referred to as night by the Jews because it was full of fear and lost hope for prisoners, the Nazis were the infamous monsters, and it felt as if God was doing nothing-as if it didn't exist. That God no longer protected him and he left all his followers alone in the unknown of the night. I feel this way when Wiesel says, "I was the accuser, God the accused. My eyes had opened and I was alone, terribly alone in a world without God, without man. Without love or mercy." (Wiesel 68)
To me, night is the time of the day to be all alone. At night, you reflect about what happened to you during that whole day. It can be relaxing to some people and frightening to others. To me, it's a little bit of both. Some people have a fear of nighttime because of the darkness that goes with it. Darkness means you cannot see what is going on around you, and that can make some people feel nervous or frightened. The night is associated with the unknown, and is usually potrayed as something bad is going to happen in movies. I think Elie titled the book "Night" because of how pepole think of the nighttime. He too is a person and has those eery feelings. His whole life was pretty much a "night", full of fear and never knowing what was going to happen next. In the night, he was a different person. He was more careful and worried more. A quote to back that up perfectly is, "The night had passed completely. The morning star shone in the sky. I too had become a different person." (37) This shows how he was more secure and felt more safe in the light, rather than the dark.
Night is a mystery. It is dark, nervous, anxious, eerie, and ready to envelop anyone who does not face its intimidating characteristics. We know little about it because it is sosecretive and baffling. The definiton of night is " a condition or time of obscurity, ignorance, sinfulness, misfortune, etc." In the book, "Night" by Elie Wiesel, I believe that he entitled his book by this name becasue of its defintion. The holocaust was a time of indifference, sins, and change. Wiesel states," I glanced over at my father. How changed he looked! His eyes were veiled. I wanted to tell him something, but i didn't know what. The night passed completely...I too had beocme a different person"(Weisel 37). Not only did Elie and his father change, but many others changed as well. They let their fathers fall behind, they stole rations of bread, gold, and shoes, they killed others to survive themselves for just a little longer. Nobody stayed the same during this dark time. Nobody came out fom their bright enlightened selves and came out tany other way than a dark, empty soul.
What we know of night is darkness, sleep, alone. What we know of the night is nothing; it's fear of the unknown. People experience this fear because it is unknown. Also, it's when we are left alone to face ourselves. At night, there is no one to interact with once you go to bed, no light to keep you focused on other things. It's just you and yourself. Faced to look back on your mistakes, make the decisions that you've been avoiding. It's when the mask that we put on everyday has to come off.
I remember one night. It was 10:00pm when the phone rang, and I was almost asleep. I wondered what was so important for someone to call at such a late hour. I regret being angry at the caller. This is when I found out that my Uncle had just crashed a four-wheeler, and died. I cried myself to sleep that night, finally managing to fall asleep an hour later. I sometimes wonder that if it wasn't night, and I was still wearing my mask, if I would have cried for that long. Or if I would have covered up the pain, as I often do.
Night is the time when we are left alone to face ourselves; it's when our masks come off. This could be the reason that the book was titled "Night". Elie Wiesel often described what happened to him as "all in one night". I often wondered about this since the book took the time of a couple years. Maybe he meant night in the sense that his mask was off this entire period. There were no material items, no 'light' to distract him from himself; no need to put the mask on. During his time in the camps he was forced to face himself "all in one night".
I believe that Night is a time where all is unknown. It is a time of darkness and a time to sleep. Many events occur during the night that no one knows about and no one can see. It is a time for uncertainy and in some ways fear. People experience fear during the night simply because it is dark outside. I for sure am deeply afraid because I can not see what is a few feet in front of me. People are fearful because they are uncertain of what could be lurking in the shadows. I believe the author titled to book Night because every tramatic event happened to him at night. He traveled at night and was a moved out of his home during that time. Elie Wiesel says, "The last night in Buna. Once more, the last night. The last night at home, the last night in the ghetto, the last night in the cattle car, and, now, the last night in Buna. How much longer would our lives be lived from one "last night" to the next?"(83) Every event he endured happend to him at night, the night he would forever remember.
Night is full of darkness and fear. So many people are afraid of night because it's dark and you can't see everything as clearly. Darkness is full of confusion, fear, and most of all, mystery. When Elie went to the concentration camp, he was confused, and nothing made sense to him. There was no reason why he and his family were taken there; at least no reason he knew of. He didn't know at all what to expect. Death is also associated with night. Death, like night, can be dark and scary. Elie experienced death in many ways in his story, including the death of his family, the thousands of peole around him, his faith, and his hope. This time in history, and in Elie's life, was most definately dark. I don't think Elie was talking about just one night that changed him, but the whole time he was at the camp. He says towards the end, "The night was growing longer, never ending." I think he was talking about their time living at the concentration camps, and how each and every day, it got harder and harder to see the light and to have hope of life out of the darkness.
Night - a time of darkness and the unknown. The most basic things we know about night is that it's a time where we all go to sleep & where it's dark all around us. I think people fear night because it's mostly pitch black and you cant see anything so you dont know what could happen to you. And if something were to happen, you cant see it. I think Elie titled his book Night because the Holocaust was a time of darkness and with everyday that past for the Jews, they never knew what was in store for them the next day. So it was kind of like walking through a dark tunnel and you never knew when you were going to reach the light. It could come up at anytime, you just don't know when.
- Bridget M.
Night is absence. Its omnious and is only filled by a persons immagination. This can be terrifying or comforting. We perseve the night by our memory of what the setting looked like in the light. But because we cant actually see, we can only believe what we think. To clarify, night IS yourself. People experiance fear because they see what scares them, they see what they dont want to. Im not sure how to explain it.
I think the book is titled Night because not only does most of the action take place at night, but also because all of the light had been taken out of his life, and all that was left was fears.
"Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed." Elie Wiesel writes about night, and his first night in the concentration camp. Night is taken as darkness, unknowingness, and fear of what you cannot see. Night is when you cannot see what is around you, and you do not know what to expect. People experience fear because of what's hiding in the night. I think Elie titled the book "Night" because night, is when he didn't know what would come tomorrow. He would move to different camps at night, not knowing what to expect.
-Claudia Krah
Night is a time of recharge, and relaxing. When you can go to sleep, lock the doors or even discuss family issues. Many people experience fear at night because it is a time of darkness and hiding. Night is very unpredictable, making it very scary for people. A lot of movies and forms of literature use "night" to hype their suspense which in turn, influences many other's feelings towards it. I think Elie titled his book "Night" because it symbolizes terror and sadness. His whole book portrays every single negative aspect that night has to offer and goes beyond evil.
"The hours went by. Our eyes were tired from starting at the horizon, waiting for the liberating train to appear. It arrived only very late that evening. An infinitely long train, composed of roofless cattle cars. The SS shoved us inside, a hundred per car: we were so skinny! When everybody was on board, the convoy left (97)."
The quote represents night by the consequences it gave Elie and his own people. The SS play a big role in the quote and night because their actions were unpredictably evil.
- Pete 1st period
I believe "Night" is darkness, or the absence of light. We know night is usually when people are sleeping in bed, or perhaps working night shift. I think others like myself experience fear at night because the dark shadows create illusions that mess with our mind and sense and creatures of the night are captured in our imagnation. We reach for the light because it gives us a clear sense of what is real. I think Elie Wiesel chose to entitle his book "Night" because so much of what happened to him in the concentration camp was experienced at Night, and things became a living nightmare. Elie Wiesel states, "I watched darkness fade through the blusish skylights in the roof. I no longer was afraid...the instincts of self-preservation, of self-defense, of pride, had all deserted us", (36). The author describes most of his terrifying experiences such as the cattle care rides and the smoke from the crematorium all from at night. Night was wihtout reality to them.
Night is the time in which the day ends and the new day will soon begin. It is a time of uncertainty and worry. I think Elie Wiesel chose the the title "Night" because the Jews in the camps were in an endless Night, but they could not see that there would be a new day, their uncertainty was magnified. “Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed”(34).
This quote shows how the 'Night' of uncertainty was the time that they were in the concentration camp.
For Elie, night is the unknown, the unknown of whether death will be today or tomorrow, the indifference of the world. Night is the pain of the prisoners in concentration camps. The entire time period of Nazi reign was a time of night. The book reads, "Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed" (34 Wiesel). The entire experience at the concentration camp seemed to be, as Elie explains to be one, long night.We associate darkness with evil and solitariness. People fear being alone, having no one but their selves, and being forced to turn inwardly. We now night to be the time when "creepy things" emerge from the crevices, and evil stirs. The darkness plays tricks on your mind, contorting your dreams to nightmares.
**The above comment was from Leah Fagan, 9th period
To me, the word night means the unknown and probably frightening, usually a dark place or period of time. We know that many people are afraid of the darkness and mystery of night. Also, I know that I am afraid of the darkness of night. People can be afraid of the dark for many reasons. One reason could be the uncertainty it presents. Another reason could be the anonymity, almost like a mask, that it provides. Others can simply be afraid of the darkness that often accompanies it. Elie Wiesel could have named his book "Night" because the time period he writes about is a time of darkness, just like night time. Also, the time period he writes about, just like the night, is full of uncertainty. One quote that might help explain is, "Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed," ("Night" foreword, xix). This quote helps explain why Elie Wiesel named the book "Night" because he compares the Halocaust to a long night in the book.
Night is the opposite of day. Day is light. Light is associated with hope, happiness, and the overall good things in life. Night is dark. When the light turns to darkness the good things of light are replaced by the fear and uncertainty of night.
I think people are afraid of the night because at night your sight is diminished, and this therefore leaves you more vulnerable and scared of the things to come.
I think Elie named his book “Night” because of the uncertainty and vulnerability in he felt, that related to the feelings of people when in the dark.
"One night? One single night?" "surely it was a dream" shows the uncertainty he felt. He wasn’t sure that all of the major changes happened in one night, how could he be certain of anything else in the camps? He was uncertain of the camps, just like people are uncertain of the night. Also in the quote "Was there a single place here where you were not in danger of death?" This shows that there were no real "safe" places and Elie at this moment was truly vulnerable. The harsh conditions and lack of humane people made Elie vulnerable to the holocaust, as night and lack of ability to see makes any human vulnerable to the dark.
kree mcmonigle
Night is the darkness that surrounds us. It is the fear of the unknown, of what we can't see, of what can harm us. Night is where our nightmares lurk, our fears hide waiting for us. Our fear of night is the fear of the unkown. Wiesel titled his book night to show the fears that the Jews faced entereing the contentration camps. They did not know what they were facing and what would happen to them, it also shows how quickly things changed for them, the same way that the night creeps upon us, "One nigh? One single night?" "Surely it was a dream." The uncertainty that the Jews faced in the darkness of night changed their lives when they were forced to come face to face with their worst nightmares.
when i was little i was always afraid of the dark, and i still get scared of the dark sometimes. the word night means time for bed. i think people may experiance some scare during the nights because of how dark it is and during the day its all bright and u can see everything outside. the author titled the book night because in his prospective everything happened to his family at night. "i am burning up in my insides, give me water" it means things are happening very fast.
Night to me is simply complete darkness. There is uncertainty in the air and the feeling of wary. The human mind gets into a postion where they feel cautious because they cant see their surroundings. It can be a tremendous topic to some, to others it just might be a time of day. I think that Wiesel titled the book night because through out the whole book he sets the setting to seem like its night. There is no hint of certainty, there is confusion and hatred, people experience pain emotionally and physically. There is absolutely no hope. The opposite of night is day therefor a person feels safe because they can see the outside world and watch out for themselves and only worry about themselves. A person cant do that through out the night. There is no sign of light in the book that helped Wiesel confront night.
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