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Celebrating small kindnesses and basking in the little things.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


In my family, we enjoy asking moral dilemma questions and psychology questions that ask those who are playing to make choices. You are now part of the discussion. I want you to think about what you have that is important to you. What defines you? What could you not live without? What would you give up and what would you keep?

Now, pretend that you are being taken from your home and you can only take what you can physically carry for long periods of time. You may or may not be able to plug in and whatever you choose eliminates something else from being chosen. What would you choose?

Think about the above questions. Answer carefully. Explain the significance/importance of each item to you. List each item and explain why it was chosen.


Anonymous said...

Some things that I value in my life are my first stuffed animal. My rabbit Fluffy gives me someone to talk to when I am sad and lets me always have a friend. Another thing I value is the pictures of my family I own. These pictures give me comfort in knowing my family is always there for me even if they aren't right by me.

If I was to be taken from my home for a long period of time I would bring those things because when I'm lonely I could talk to Fluffy. Also I could talk to her about my problems and never really feel by myself. She would always be there for me and never leave me just like a true friend. I would bring the pictures of my family because I would be worried that I would forget what they look like and with pictures I wouldn't. I also would know that they are thinking about me event though they weren't with me. I know that they love me and pictures are a constant reminder.

-Addie Gall

annaj said...

I find myself to be a sentimental person. If I were to be taken away from all that I have been and known since, well, I was born, I assume the list of things that I would bring would be quite extensive, but the first few things that I would think worthy of taking with me would probably be:

-something to remind me of who I am. Maybe a journal or something that I could look at and that would keep me from the inevitable fear of changing.

-something to remind me of what I have been. Likely a doll from my younger years to make me remember happy times and the carefree, easy-going life of a child.

-my favorite book. I always think about my ideals and my future and such things, and books have always been my way of keeping myself in a straight line towards a happy future. I always thought that if you studied a fantasy world, your world could be as a fantasy: usually pretty happy. If I were to be taken from all that I know, I would want that comforting thought and my favorite story that backs it up.

-Lastly, I would want some means of communication, or if that's not possible, remembering my family if they should not leave with me. A cell phone would be really good, with pictures of home on it and the option of calling anyone that I missed at any time that I might desire.

Anna J. 7-8 period

Sarah palmer said...

I find myself knowing that there are certain items that I could not live without, but also some that define myself. Yet, I feel that I do not need everything. There are some items that I know I would take with me.

Some photos of friends and family, so that I can always have them with me even in a sticky situation. They always know how to get me through the day.

I would also take a new book, because I love reading and you usually can't get me to put down a book unless there was a fire. I would want to know that incase I had gotten taken from my home, my book would be there to comfort me.

One last thing would be what I need. That would be my favorite stuffed animal teddy. He makes me remember when I was a kid, (the happy time of my life) and I would always hold him tight, and become happy.

Kayla Cameron said...

Thinking about everything that I get to enjoy in my life, the things that I am fortunate enough to have, I find it to be easy to pick the ones that mean the most. My family has to be one of the most important things in my life. Dance is one thing that I say defines me in my life. I wouldn't be able to live with out my picture of my Grandma. If anything I would give up my phone, and anything I would keep would be a photo album.

If I was to be taken from my home for an amount of time ad being able to take only what I can carry, I wold chose to bring my Ipod. I would bring this because when I am frustrated or i'm not sure what to do at any moment I listen to music. Sometimes its rap that has nothing to do with my situation and other times its Taylor Swift. No body relates to a girls life better than Taylor Swift. I would also chose to bring a scrap book or a photo album with me on my trip, so I can be able to look back at all of my memories that I have made through out my life and know that they are still important. So I can have a reminder about who I am no matter how old I get.

kayla said...

The main thing that defines me for being who I am is my music. A day without music is a day of darkness in my world. I could give up my sight, but I would never give up my ability to hear the sounds and the music that surround me.
If I were taken from my home, some things I would bring with me would be:
-my violin, it may be a larger item, but it's definately much more portable than a piano. I could pick it up and play, no matter what mood I am in, no matter where I may be.

-pocketful of money. Sadly, I believe you cannot get anywhere in life without money. I'd start with enough cash to get me to where ever I may be going.

-lastly, a backpack of trinkets and pictures that remind me of my friends and family. Where ever I may be in the world, I would be able to look at those pictures and know that I am loved and will always have their support on anything I do.

kayla said...

The last one posted is from Kayla B.

Rohan Srivastava said...

As a human being, it is difficult to give up personal possession as there are an abundance. However, when it comes to the importance of each object, sacrifices must be made. Items like a cell phone, Ipod, clothing, sports become trivial matters because they do not hold tremendous meaning. Items like family pictures, memories, and even my dog's collar possess more meaning than others; these objects hold the roots that I originate from. They are my identity.

If I was the be taken away from home, I would bring a small family picture, a sketchbook with a pen, and a watch. This departure from home is probably not a pleasant experience, so these would be the most important.

All of the physical items deal with mental memories and experiences:

-Family Picture: the family picture reminds me of who I am and where I come from. I will base my decisions of this departure from home based on the consent of whether this would be approved by my loved ones.

-Sketchbook with Pen: The sketchbook will be used to draw and remember experiences and memories. Although I am not adept in art, this sketchbook is for me, so only I can understand my artwork's purpose.

-Watch: The obvious reason for a watch is to know the time. It is psychologically irritating not knowing the time or the date. However, this watch will also be the reporter on important dates like birthdays of myself, family members, and friends, as well as holidays.

-Rohan Srivastava 2*

Ryan said...

Many objects hold some sort of importance in my life. However, many of the things I use each day are not truly important in my life. This includes things like my computer and my cell phone- though I value these things, I really could live without them. Though I seem to be constantly checking emails, texts, and news alerts, none of these really influence my life a great deal. However, most of the things that I value are not physical objects at all, rather emotional and physiological possessions. These include family and friend bonds, memories of good times, and knowledge of right from wrong. These are what truly make up a person, not their physical possessions. Don’t get me wrong though, I wouldn’t leave my home with just the clothes on my back! Things that I would take include…
… Family portraits- I value the time I can spend with my family and the memories we have created together. For this reason, having a reminder of my family would be invaluable. Though nothing can match actually having your family beside you, a symbol of their comfort and support would always come in handy.
…A Journal- a journal is good for almost anything; taking down quick notes, jotting down ideas, drawing whatever comes to mind, and even for creative writing on a boring day. I tend to be a very creative and idea filled person, so I would need something to record all of this on.
… A camera- Can you ever go wrong with a camera? Of course there will be times when I would want to take a picture of something worth remembering. And about the power issue… a disposable camera would be fine I suppose. Just as long as I have enough of them to capture whatever I may find interesting. And finally…
… A symbol of the Christmas Season- the Christmas season is by far the happiest month and a half of the year. I love to see a smile on everybody face, and to see how much people are willing to give to one another. And though one may argue that winter and the snow are horrible, I love the snow. There is just something so peaceful about watching snow fall from the sky.
And of course if power was not an issue, I would not hesitate to bring my phone as another source of entertainment and communication.
-Ryan M. 2

Jacqueline Knirnschild said...

If I was being taken away from my home I would bring my scrapbooks, picture frames, Pandora bracelet and my cross country medal. It may sound cliche but these are the objects that define my life the best.

Scrapbooks - I cherish these books so much, I spent at least a year or two scrapbooking constantly with my mom and cousins throughout middle school. They're filled with family vacations and wonderful memories. On rainy days I love curling up on the couch and looking through these scrapbooks.

Picture frames - My bedroom is filled with my favorite pictures in nice frames. I got a digital camera for Christmas in sixth grade and since then I've taken pictures at every single social and family event. I love having memories to look back on.

Pandora bracelet - Last Christmas I was given a Pandora bracelet and I love it so much. I wear it almost every day to school. It makes me smile when someone looks at all the charms and compliment my choices. Each charm represents me, my birthstone, a cupcake for my favorite desert and a present for my birthday. I feel naked without this bracelet on my wrist.

Cross Country Medal - Cross Country is a huge part of my life, I put so much work into the long runs, practices and early morning Saturday meets. That is why I cherish my medal so much because it's the result of all my hard work. I received eight place out of nearly 300 girls in the open race. I'm so proud of my first medal and keep it hanging in my room at all times.

Jacqueline Knirnschild said...

Sorry!! I forgot the leave my name again, oops...
The last comment was from:
Jacqueline Knirnschild 7/8th period

Dechameleon said...

Things that are important to me include the ever-present brainteasers I like to think about (Sudoku puzzles, riddles, crossword puzzles, etc.), the poem "My Creed" by Dean Alfange, my sketch pad and a bunch of pencils, and the natural rhythm I feel inside me. The brainteasers help me to stimulate my self and are my way of counteracting all the video games I play, and I do play a lot of video games for a good reason, and yes that technically makes me a hardcore gamer. The poem "My Creed" by Dean Alfange is important to me because it was the building block of my thoughts on "
popularity. I view popularity as pointless because of the fact that it works like this: if you fit into the biggest group, you're popular, and if you don't fit into the group, you're not popular. I can email you the poem if you want.
I would take my sketch pad and pencils because with them I can draw what I see and feel and share my experiences with other people, plus it achieves the same thing as brainteasers too! Lastly, I would choose to keep my inner beat, which technically is physical because it is on a use-it-or-lose-it basis, because with it I feel I can do anything. A city street, a garbage can, a bucket, and some sticks, and I can share the beat with other people, and make their day better. Making someone smile always makes me feel good, and that's all I need.

BrittanyG said...

I think I would probably choose to take my rings that I wear. One of the ones I wear I got when my mom and my stepdad got married. They made my sister and I part of the ceremony and gave us each matching rings promising to always be there and support us. The other ring represents tradition in my family because on every girl's thirteenth birthday they get a ring with their birthstone in it.

In terms of something to actually take with me, I would bring books becuase whenver I am bored, I read. It gives me something to do as well as a new insight. I would also bring pictures of family, friends, drawn pictures from friends and letters/cards that I have recieved. I keep most of this stuff becuase I use it for reassurance that whenever times aren't great with that person, I still know the way they truly feel. If I went away, these feelings would still be with me in the form of the pictures/cards.

One of the most important things I would bring would be one of my stuffed animals. Every girl (or maybe even guy) has that special stuffed animal that they got when they were young. I actually don't have a specific favorite, all the ones I have received have all held special meanings to me because they came from loved ones.

Julianne said...

I can image to be in the sistuation that you want use to hypothetically think about right now could be very difficult if it were actually happening to me.

One of the most important things to bring would be a family album containing photos of my most loved members in case I ever lost them. The thought would be unbearable but the photos would help to keep the memories alive.

I would also bring a cross/bible or some sort of religous item to help remind me of my faith and what really matters especially after losing my home, I would definatly need my religion to stay strong in hope for the future.

Next would have to be the stuffed animal given to me by my grandma. After she passed I slept with that little stuffed dog almost every day for a long time as a kid. The dog helped me feel comfotable gave me something to squeeze tight through the bad times.

Lastly I would definatly grab my savings and money. Although it is said that money can't buy happiness, it can buy the things that you need to survive which would be a nessesity in this situation.

Kelli Shumate said...

Things that are important to me are my grades and my iPod. My grades effect my future and reflect what I stand for. My iPod helps me relax, calm down,and pass time. A thing that defines me is my flute. When I'm sad or bored, I know that I can pick it up and play it and everything will be okay. When I play, it takes me to another place where there is no stress, just me and my instrument. I couldn't live without my family or friends. Without my friends, I wouldn't make it past 5 minutes of school. My family is my support system that is constantly there for me regardless of my actions and they will always have my best interests at heart. I would give up my iPod, and my flute because they are material objects that don't last forever. I would keep my friends and family because I know that I can always count on them to boost me up and have my back.

If I were being taken from my home and could only take what I could physically carry for long periods of time, I would take my sleeping bag. It would keep me warm and comfortable and inside of it. I have a emergency kit that came with it. These choices would keep me alive.

Ang5339 said...

As a human I have many possessions that I hold near and dear to my heart. One of my first being the stuffed worm that my parents gave to me on the day that I was born. I really couldn't stand to give this up because just seeing it, feeling it, it reminds me of my childhood, and of snuggling up in my bed at night with my mom when i was little. One thing that I could not live without is my photo album; it has all the important pictures of when my brother was born, and family vacations. These are more than just objects but memories and they can't be replaced. I could give up my electronics, and my clothes, and none of that would matter because those things can be replaced. Things that are personally important to me and my family would be what I would keep. The last thing that I would bring would be my portfolio, because it has my own poetry and artwork in it and all of those are important to me, and when I'm writing and I have a specific inspiration or feeling, I can't really duplicate my work. It's special.

If I was being taken from my home I would bring my favorite books and my MP3, because I can literally entertain myself for days with those two things. I have been an avid reader since I was in third grade, and books are like my release. When I want to escape from my own reality, I open a book and crawl into somebody else's. (That's also why I don't read non-fiction, because if I wanted to face reality I wouldn't be reading.) I would bring my MP3 because music is the most relaxing thing in the world to me. It puts into words what I can't say myself sometimes. Lastly I would bring my cellphone, not because it has any sentimental meaning, but so I can talk to my friends and family.

Angie Graf 2*

Sarah B said...

Its very hard to choose the things I value the most in life. Although I value my phone, ipod, computer, and television, the most important things to me are the sentimental items. The first thing I value is the note my best friend wrote me when we were little. It said that no matter what happened we would always be there for each other and we always have been. It means everything to me. The other item I value is the wooden heart my grandpa and I made together. This means so much to me because we made this together about a month before he died. It was the very last thing he made and it means a lot that it belongs to me.

If I was taken from home and could only bring a few things I would bring pictures of my friends and family. This would be my inspiration to get through any hard times that I may face. Another thing I would bring along with me is a journal. I would bring this so I could write about my past, present, and future so I could always remember it.

Katie Eileen said...

Somehow, I cannot conjure up a definition of myself. I like listening to music and singing, but music is not my life. I love reading, so that might contribute to my definition of myself. My religion is also a great factor of my definition of myself. I could not live without my cross necklace, or actually just the idea behind it. I would give up electronics and things that make life easier, but are not necessary. I would keep pictures of my friends and family and my stuffed animal monkey George (or my Bambi blanket) because my dad got it on his birthday and it reminds me of my family and their importance to me.

If I was taken from my home and could only take a minimum amount of items, I would take a bookbag to carry them in, first of all. Other items that I would take would include:
-My bible: There are always new stories to find, new passages to make sense of, new scriptures that I would spend long periods of time on analyzing and comprehending.
-My favorite book (Lord of the Rings): The Lord of the Rings is the kind of book that you can read over and over and find new ideas, new meanings to everything each time. Also, having a fantasy world to compare mine to might help me based on the situation I was in.
-My Bambi blanket: It would remind me of my family and it would provide comfort in times of darkness and sorrow.
-My cross necklace: It would be a simple and light thing to carry, but it would be of great importance to me as I (presumably) faced difficult struggles. It would provide me with the comfort of knowing that I was not alone and that my God was with me, carrying me through the darkness.

~Katie D. 7/8ยบ

Anonymous said...

The things I value that are sentimental are art, family photos, a calendar, and a ring. There are so many other things I could choose, but these few items mean the most to me. I would need my running shoes because they define me. It would be hard to give up certain things that mean so much to me now. When I think into the future, I find my iPod and computer less important than the things I value most.

I would take a pencil and journal so I could keep track of the days and remember what my life was like, I would also sketch and draw. I would bring colored pencils to brighten my world on bad days or make the drawings come alive when I am sad using shades of blue and grey. I really like art and it would be one of the top things on my list to bring. I would bring a photo of my friends and family to make sure I never forget. A watch to make sure I knew the time and a calendar to keep track of important dates and events. I would make sure to bring my running shoes because running is a huge part of who I am. I would also bring a sapphire ring that is very important to me because it was my great grandmothers and then was passed on to my grandmother. Then she had given it to my mother and now it is mine, I never knew my great grandmother. Knowing this makes the ring even more special to me.

-Lydia Sch. 2 period

im not crazy i swear said...

The things i value most in life are simple things like family, respect, trust, and loyalty. My brain is something i value the most becuase if you have a sharp mind and a sharp body you can overcome any obstical in life.

The items that i would carry if i was taken away from home is a gun becuase i would rather have one and not need one than need one and not have one. I would also bring my water bag backpack becuase dieing of dehydration is excruciating.

Nick K said...

If I were forced out of my home and limited on what I could take, well I wouldn't take to much. I would spend a good ten minutes just staring at all my junk. Eventually it would hit me that none of that crap really means anything. I spend so much of my time worried about my possesions that it distracts me from my life. I'm one of those people that still have those little sticky hands and plastic frogs that jump, from five years ago at Chuck e Cheese stashed away somwhere. so once I take a look at this and see that it's all garbage. I look at my more expensive things like my X-Box and see that it doesn't really have to much meaning to me.

We tend to look at our possesions almost like a part of us. I mean come on were not lord Voldermorte where they have a peice of us in them. It's just silly.

I would take the following if someone kicked me out of my house for good, right now: My guitar, my innoying yet addictive rubbix cube, my pocket knife, a few changes of clothes, and a few various survivol supplies.

I would leave everything else behind because nothing else really means that much to me. I wouldn't even take pictures because all those precious memories are stored in my head. And if I lose my head,well I wouldn't have much use of anything else anyway.

Hunter G said...

one very important thing that i value in my life is my family because when your sad or mad you can always talk to them and they'll cheer you up.

and if i were to be taken from my home i would bring...

a picture of friends and family: to remember were i came from and the good times in life

a radio: to hopefully get in contact with someone that way im not completely lonely.

and a picture of my house to remember what my home looks like in case i ever go back there.

-Hunter G

Andrew Diamond said...

A few things that have extensive value to me in a personal way are; the gold cross that my grandfather gave me on my 14th birthday, my St. Ambrose rose that I got on graduation, my fathers ring that my mom gave me to remember him, and my prayer book that I received at my 1st communion. Most of my items have religious value, and my Catholic beliefs mean alot to the way I live and how I think. The rest of my items mean things that are connected to my familia. But the two items that mean the most to me in my life are my ereditร  della famiglia or family heritage which I can easily carry with me, because it is me, and my Chinese wooden sword that my grandfather gave my after he visted the Asian country.

Andrew Diamond said...

A few things that have extensive value to me in a personal way are; the gold cross that my grandfather gave me on my 14th birthday, my St. Ambrose rose that I got on graduation, my fathers ring that my mom gave me to remember him, and my prayer book that I received at my 1st communion. Most of my items have religious value, and my Catholic beliefs mean alot to the way I live and how I think. The rest of my items mean things that are connected to my familia. But the two items that mean the most to me in my life are my ereditร  della famiglia or family heritage which I can easily carry with me, because it is me, and my Chinese wooden sword that my grandfather gave my after he visted the Asian country.

Andrew Diamond 3rd•

ChloeK said...

I couldn't live without music. Music is one of the most important things to me. I value my friends, I couldn't get anywhere without them. By far, though, the most important thing to me is isn't really a thing at all. It's my family.

If I were being taken from my family, I would bring:
my journal: I write everyday--thoughts, poetry, music. I can't go a day without putting thoughts into words.

I would bring a note my best friend wrote me. It reminds me of who I am, who I don't want to be, and why she loves me. It would keep me from changing.

I'd also have to bring a bracelet my little brother brought me home from an Indians game. It means alot to me that he spent money he could've used on himself to buy me something. I never take it off, and it always makes me smile.

AmandaC. said...

There are not any items that truly define who I am or items I wouldn't be able to live without. I am the person I am today because of my background, my experiences, and my parents. Not because of the items I have recieved throughout my past. I feel that there are items important to me such as my cellphone, my sport awards and medals, and the clothes on my back, but there isn't one such thing that if someone were take away from me I couldn't live without it.

If i was to be taken from my home for a long period of time I would bring some of my favorite books to read so I wouldn't be bored all the time. I would also bring paper and a pen to write letters back home if I could. I would bring my laptop also so I could keep in touch with everything that is going on back home. I could even use it when I get bored. There is nothing I couldn't neccesarly live without but if I had to bring some things with me because I was being taken far away from my home, these are some of the things I would bring.

Amanda C. 7-8th period

Camillemarie said...

I feel that words itself do not describe me, but specific situations. Experiences that I have had in the past and how i reacted to them is who I really am. I could not live without my family. They are part of me and I would'nt trade them for anything.

I would take pictures from my past experiences and memories. Pictures of my friends,family and plaes I have been. I would take my bible as well. I would also take clothes and necessities to survive.

The significance of the pictures is that if I did not have pictures, I might forget about certain memories. There are things I want to remember and cherish to make me happy. Other things could bring bad memories, but it's all part of life. Remembering the past is how you prosper in the future.
My bible is what shows me how to guide my steps in life. It shows me right from wrong, and tells me what to do in times of need. I would bring my necessities to survive so Icould live a continuous life wherever I went.

Rachael said...

Some things that I value in my life are my stuffed Lorax, the book The Lorax,a sented Candle,The cards that my freinds gave me for my birthday, the small photo album the size of an agenda, and the bag i made with my cousin.

These are important to me because my Lorax, is my favorite stuffed animals, he still goes with me everywhere;to every sleepover. The book the LOrax, reminds me of when i was little, my favorite athour and how much i love science. This is because the lorax deals with polution, species and defforestation. The next thing i would bring would be a sented candle from bath and body works, called the lodious flower. everytime i smell it i Think of the movie, percy jackson and the lightning thief, countless sleepovers with my best friends Nicole and Sara, and puts me ia relaxing mood. The photo album has pictures of everyone in my family, so that i can look through it and remeber all the good times i've had with them. And to carry everything would be a bag that i made with Nicole, something speacial to me to make my journey special.

Rachael said...

Ohh sorry, the last comment is frome Rachael S. 5/6

Paul S. said...

There aren't specific things that are important to me. My brother is someone very important to me. Not that my other family members aren't important to me, it's just having a boy that is around my age to hang out with. If I had to pick an object that is important to me, it would be one of those rubber bracelets. It's engraved with my middle school name and year. Normally that wouldn't be important to somebody, but I was only at that school for a year before I moved to Ohio. I made a lot of friends there and my bracelet reminds me of all the good times I had in eighth grade.

If I had to go away from home I would definitely bring my bracelet. I would also bring a few of my favorite books, which include The Princess Bride and a few Calvin and Hobbes comic books. The Princess Bride is my absolute favorite book. It's a great book and I love the adventure and comedy of it. Calvin and Hobbes define me because that was how I imagined myself as a kid, or how I hoped my imagination could be like.

Paul S.
7/8 Period

macey j. 3rd said...

some of the belongings i own that i can't live without would have to be,family photos, my journal & pens, & i would bring as much money as a could incase i needed it.
if i really had to and couldn't bring anything electronic,i could live without my phone, ipod and tv.

-family photos are important to me so i remember the good times i had in the past and seeing my family happy means alot.

-my journal is important to me b/c i will journal when im going through a hard time or need to vent about something. i also write down my goals for soccer and school.

-money is something i would need incase we stopped anywhere & i would be able to buy food and water and any other necessites i might need.

-if i was able to bring a phone i would so i could contact my family and let them know tht i was ok and i was always thinking about them.

Maddie Kidd said...

What defines me is my memories that I have from my childhood till now. I could not live without the pictures and the things that remind me of my family and who I am. I would give up the things that are not necessities like a cell phone, Ipod, or clothing. What I would keep would be the things that describe me as a person like pictures of friends and family.

If I were to be taken away from my home the thing that I would take would be pictures because I would always be able to look at them for reassurence and never forget parts of my lifetime good or bad.

Also I would take paper and a pencil so I would be able to write letters to my family or even just to help my self through whatever is going on. I would take this because I like to write and it would help me feel better about being away from the people I love and care for.

If I could I would take my Ipod because music means alot to me and it helps me when I'm upset or sometimes even happy. Music can express me as well as many others in ways that are undescribable.

Marissa Ratino said...

If I had to give up anything that I own, it would be my phone and other electronics because you don’t need technology to be happy. There are more important things in life than playing Angry Birds or texting. I know for a fact that I wouldn’t be where I am in life today if it wasn’t for my family and friends.

I know there are some things that I couldn’t find myself living without, but in some cases, you can’t have everything. If I was taken away from my house, I would bring pictures of my family and friends because they are the most important things in my life. They are always there when I need them and I couldn’t live without them. Another thing I would bring is a notebook and a pen so that I could write about my day and look back at it if I was facing a similar situation in the future and make right choices. The last two things I would bring is a pillow and a blanket because for me, resting my head on my pillow and being covered with a blanket is very comforting and helps me forget the bad things and clear my head.

Samantha said...

My family is the most important thing in mty life. I choose fami myly becuase they are always there for my whenever im down.
I think that sweet defines me becuase when im around family, friend, and even people I just meet I am always so nice to them.
I don't think i could live without my cell phone. I choose my cell becuase everything is on it. If i dont have minute i go nuts.
If i had to give up one to give up one thing itwould be dance becuase ijm up at my dance studio everyday for hours and i never see my family. If i had to keep one thing it would be my dog(s) becuase i love them to much leave behidden.
- Samantha S.
5/6 period

Jaimie Lynn said...

The thing that defines me is my music. I could not live without music because i just love it so much. I can not go a day without it. I would never give up music for anything. So, I would always cherish it and keep it in my life and heart.

If i was taken from my home i would take my phone. I would take my phone because i would be able to call anyone i want to and i would make sure i know where i am and if i dont i call for help because my phone has a tracking device on it. I would call someone they can pick my up and they can also give me my music.

Jaimie Lynn said...

the comment above is -
~*Jaimie Wasikowski*~
5/6th period

MikeC. said...

I value God, family, and music very highly. God can get you through anything, and so can family. I just enjoy music (14929 total itunes plays as of today). So having said all these things, and assuming this is not a survival situation, here's what i would bring.

Family photos:specifically ones from events i consider significant, or have a good memory relating to.

A Bible: Where the best guidance regarding any sort of hardship can be found.

An Ipod: I listen to music a lot, and would miss it.

A Watch: Knowing the time is important in my book.

I would bring a guitar, but those are rather annoying to carry after long periods of time.
-Mike C. 7/8-

Paige_S said...

Some things I would not be able to live without are my family, and family pictures. My friends are very important to me, but if i had to choose between my family or my friends, I'd pick family without even thinking about it. I would be able to give up my cell phone easily, because I rarely text, and my only phone calls are to my family.

If I was taken from my home, I'd take a blanket, my cell phone, food, and playing cards. The blanket would be a neccesity because if I was taken somewhere freezing I'd be able to keep myself, and possibly others warm. My cell phone would be important too, because wherever I was taken, I could call for help if I needed it. Food is also a neccesity, because wherever you may go, you may not recieve food at times you really need it, you need food to live. I'd bring playing cards, because they can be taken anywhere with ease, and they are intertainment. Plus if I get them taken away, my life would not be over. I would also take family pictures, because no matter where I am, I would want to be reminded of them. My family is very important to me.

Paige S. 1st period

MandaC3 said...

The things that are important to me are my family, friends, and those people that aren't my family but are there to support me whenever I need them. The things that define me are running, spending time with family and friends and being on my ipod or just listening to music. I could definately not live without my family because they suppore me in every decision that I make, also they help me through everything no matter what the problem is. I would never be able to give up running because I want to run 24/7 and thats all I do. I would be able to give up tv, internet, and all electronics except for the ones at school and my iPod.
If I was taken from my home for a long period of time I would bring my cat Oreo and my sugarglider Sugar. Just in case if I ever get lonely and need something to talk to or just have something near me that would just keep my mind going. I would also bring my scrapbook and all of the pictures that I have to remind me of why I'm here or just make me laugh if I ever needed someone to keep me going. I also would bring my running things like my shoes, spikes, devils uniform, food, sweat pants and sweatshirt just incase if I would have to run somewhere or I would just want to run. Lastly, I would bring my box and my box contains everything that I have done or those things that are very important to me.
~Amanda C. 3*~

Rachel Javorsky said...

If I were taken away from my home I would bring:

-Photos of my family and friends so I won't forget them. They play again.

-A solar-powered generator so that I have something to power my electronics, such as a cell phone charger. It could power my phone and allow me to communicate with my loved ones.

-My baby blankets. I could keep a hold on my childhood. They bring back memories from when I was a toddler.

-A camera--disposable or digital (I've got a solar-poweered generator to power its charger), that way, if I ever return home, I'd be able to show pictures of my life away from home

Rachel Javorsky said...

RachelTheBandNerd was Rachel Javorsky

em said...

What defines me are my memories. The memories I make with my friends, my family, and cross country all shape who I am. I could not live without my friends! They keep me sane and are always there for me. I think I have a lot of unnecessary things in my life, like my phone, or my facebook. I love talking to people and seeing what they are up to, but I could give up being addicted to checking updates and new text messages! I would definitely keep my photo albums and ipod.

If I was leaving home, I would take my photo albums, watch, ipod, bible and a journal.
Photo albums – I would take my photo albums because the pictures capture all the important people and events in my life, and they're fun to look back on. Pictures are very important to me, they take up half of the mirror in my room, so when I wake up I'm reminded of how lucky I am to have all of my friends and family in my life.
Watch – I would take my watch because it's so annoying not knowing what time it is!!! I'm addicted to checking the time, especially when I go running, I get to see how well I’m doing!
Ipod – I would take my ipod because music calms me down, I can totally relate to it. Like Taylor Swift, Big Time Rush and Selena Gomez! Listening to it makes me feel good.
Bible – I would take my bible because my religion is very important to me. God is always there for me, whether good or bad. Reading it makes me think about who I am and what I'm doing with my life.
Journal – I would take a journal because I love writing things down. I'm constantly making lists and writing notes. I have a horrible memory, so I would need to write things down so I don't forget!

Emily L 7/8

Jake "The Stud" Simonelli said...

Something I couldn't live without would be my phone. I know it is not suppose to be that important to you but I need it to talk to friends and family. Not only just for fun but for emergencies too.Something I would give up would be my Playstation. I love it, don't get me wrong but I can live without it.

If I was being taken from my home I would have to bring a photo album of my family. I have to see my moms face everyday. Im a little mommas boy. But I love her. There is no way I can go for a long time without seeing my mom, dad, sister, grandma, and cat gumball.

The importance of my phone means so much to me. Im on it all the time. When im bored I can play games or listen to music. I can also keep in touch with all my friends.

The importance of a photo album is common sense. You want to see your family and friends and even fun memories you had. It will always be a reminder of what you have.

Jake S, 5-6

spencer29 said...

i would choose m ipod because i use it for everything. I would choose my ipod because I use it for music, games, and internet.

the next item i would choose is my clothing because i need something to wear.


CLuzier said...

Many things can be used to define me. For example, my family does. Without my family, I would never be who I am today. We have all gone through hard times, and there was always eachother to fall back on. My old banket also defines me. I have had it since I was born, and it helps me to remember everything I have been through. I could honestly not live without my photo album. It has pictures of my family and I from when I was first born all the way to now. This helps me remember where I've been and what I've been through. When I get upset, I look at the photo album and remember that my family is always with me. I find myself thinking that cell phones, laptops, and material things are not as important as other things in life. I think of it this way: If a cell phone or laptop breaks, you can but a new one. If you lose your family or your friend, you cannot buy a new one. Generally expensive things are always replacable, so I think of family, friendships, loyalty, and so on as being more expensive then those.

Like I said before, my photo album and my blanket are very important to me, so I would definitely take them. I also would bring my bible because when I feel upset, I open it to a random page, and what that page says tends to comfort me.

-Corrine Luzier 2nd period

lenhoff#2 said...

If I was taken away from my family and everything I had ever known, I would most likely bring a cherished family photo, a cell-phone, a five-sectioned notebook with a pen/ pencil, some money, and a first aid kit.
I’d bring the family photo because it will remind me of home and my family. If I didn’t bring it, my family might become blurry and illegible in my memories. I might soon forget what my sisters look like, or the color of my mom’s hair and eyes. With a picture of them I would always see them clearly in my mind, and know that they are out there somewhere in the world. I know that if I missed them I could always look at the picture and see them. Even if they weren’t physically there, I would still hold them close in my heart.
I’d bring my cell-phone, so I could call my family when I get too lonely. I have many cherished photos on my phone and would be able to cheer myself up just looking at pictures from the good old days. I would also be able to take new pictures of the new places I go. It also has games and apps that could keep me busy when I become bored.
The five-sectioned notebook would be quite useful while I’m away. I would use the notebook to write about my experiences and create a diary of sorts. Even if it turns out badly; I wouldn’t want to forget a single moment of this new adventure. Even if my experiences were bad, I would be able to share them with the world if I write them down. Also I could use the paper to draw my surroundings and new people and creatures I come across. I love to draw, so I could also use the notebook as a stress reliever, and draw when I become too overwhelmed or stressed out.
The money may not have any sentimental value, but it may be the most crucial thing I bring with me. Almost anywhere you go you will need money. Whether it is used to buy food and drink, or to pay for a temporary home, I would need money to be able to just get my basic needs. Let’s face it in this day and age you will desperately need money wherever you go.
I would most definitely bring a first-aid kit, because I’m a klutz. I am always getting injured and you never know when you may need a band-aid. This has absolutely no sentimental value, but is important none the less. The first-aid kit is more practical to bring because there are so many uses for it. I would feel a lot safer knowing if something happened and I got injured, that I would be prepared.
These are the things I’d bring. It’s not much and some of the items have less importance than others, but I wouldn’t leave home without them.
c. Lenhoff- 1.

Bex said...

If I were to be taken away from my house, some things that I would take with me that I think define me are a journal, because I love to write and always have a journal with me. I would also take my stuffed bear I have had since I was a baby, because it would remind me of where I came from and who I really am. I would take pictures of my family and friends so I will never have to be afraid that I might forget them. I would also take a cell phone, to at least stay in contact with loved ones until the phone dies. Lastly, I would take my iPod because music is what gets me through the day, I do not think I could go very long without music of some sort.

Bex said...

The last one was from Bekah Hunter 7-8

buschjake said...

The most important thing to me is my friends and family. If i ever need someone to talk to I can talk to them about it and they can usually help. What I value is old family pictures that I have. With these pictures I never forget my chilhood with my brother and sister, and my friends I had in elementary school.I would be able to give up my ipod, television, school, and computer because those have no emotional meaning to me, they are just fun to have.

If I were to be taken from my home for a long period of time I would really want to bring my phone, but I could live without my phone if I needed to so I would be sure to bring things that won't make me forget my past. I would never want to forget how I lived before I left my home. I would keep all of my photos in my phone and I would bring that. I would have pictures of my house, friends, dog, and anything else I wanted. Also my phone would have music that I like on it because music is important to me.

Also I would bring a picture of the Pittsburgh Steelers because it represents my family who is from pittsburgh and we all get together every sunday to watch the football games. My family has always done this and its really important to me because I get to see my whole family.

Michelle said...

If I were being taken from my house the items I would bring are my iPod, my horse, my guitar, cellphone, and a photo album because these are the items that best define me.
My iPod because music is my passion. That is something i could not live without. In a way, music keeps me sane
It destresses me, it makes me happy, and any song i listen to will have inspirational quotes. That is also why I would bring my guitar.
My second favorite thing in the whole world is my horse. I ride and work in a barn over twenty hours a week. Even though I wouldnt be able to carry him cause he weighs 1200 pounds, I could put my things on him and ride to wherever I had to leave.
Photo album because I love my family and they are alwaya there for me no matter what. Obviously I would want them with me but with the album, I could cherish the memories.
Lasty,I would take my cellphone because Id want to keep in with everyone.
The final items I would take is my horse, guitar and cellph
Michelle 1*

iamthelightofjesus said...

I am one of Mrs. Perrin's former students chiming in on this post. I hope it's ok if I do, because I saw it on my dashboard, and it just caught my eye, so I was inclined to comment, even if I would not get a grade.I'm the one who took a vow of silence for a week last year, Mrs. Perrin.
If I was to be taken from home for a long period of time, I would take anything that belonged to my father, my journal, my scrapbook,my prayer things, and the clothes I have on my back. I would sell all the unecessary items in life, like St. Francis of Assissi did, because these unecessary things burden me as a person. These are the things I would physically carry, but also, I would hold any memories of my dad that I have. My reasons for this are the fact that I suddenly don't ave my dad around for support, as he died suddenly. The memories I have of him are who I am, so I would also take my identity with me. And education. Identity and education are things that can never be taken away from me. I would also take my music.

“I think I should have no other mortal wants, if I could always have plenty of music. It seems to infuse strength into my limbs and ideas into my brain. Life seems to go on without effort, when I am filled with music.”
~George Eliot

Ana Plumlee 4-5 last year Sophomore

Anonymous said...

Many things define me in life, especially my family and friends because they’ve helped shape who I am today. And having family and friends there to help me or talk to is the best thing in the world. There are some material possessions that I can’t live with out, but I think family and friends are more important because you cannot replace them.

If I were to be taken from my home some things I would take with me are:
~My scrapbook because it has many photographs of my family and friends who I love and it will remind me of the good times I’ve had, if I’m not with them at the moment.
~My dog Petie (who is light enough to carry), because it’s like always having a little friend to talk to and he is always loyal to me.
~My iPod because music can brighten or calm my mood and lyrics can inspire me.
~My notebook because sometimes I just feel like writing or doodling something if I’m bored. It could also become a diary and I could write down my experiences and emotions.
~And money because I believe that you need money wherever you go, whether it’s for buying something you actually need or just desperately want

Olivia W. 2nd Period

NatalieK_1 said...

I think that I am defined by the friends I cherish, the pictures I take, and the memories I keep. I don't think I could live knowing that no one in the world loved me or cared. When it comes to the things I would give and the things I would keep, I find my thoughts centering around these objects-

1. I would keep my photo album with me because if I was being taken away from my home and everything that I love, I would want pictures of everyone I love in my life so that I would never forget their faces or the way they laughed or they way they made me feel.

2. I would keep my butterfly necklace I've had since I was little because it's been with me for the majority of my life, and I'm wearing it in most of the pictures of me as a little girl. I know it seems silly, but it gives me a sense of security that I've had it for so long and I think it sort of defines me. When I look at those pictures and wear that necklace, I know that it was with me when I went to New York. It was with me when my grandma died. We went through it all together.

3. I would also take a few books, because I love to read and I need to keep my mind stimulated or I'm pretty sure I'd go crazy. I need things to keep me thinking. Mostly in particular, I would bring the Harry Potter series because they would mean the most to me.

4. I would also bring my violin because I love to play and make music. An iPod would eventually die if I had no way to charge it, but if you play an instrument you can keep the music going for as long as you want. It's also a good stress reliever for me.

5. I would bring the birthday cards my grandma sent me all through my birthdays -every one- that has her signature and a message that she loves me. Just proof that she was once here- that her hand rested on this tiny piece of paper and that she's with me everyday.

6. Another personal belonging that I would bring is my pink blanket from when I was younger. Yes, it's torn and ragged and old but it's a warm feeling of home and I'd need that if I was going away.

7. I would also probably bring my cat. Even if we weren't allowed, I'd find a way to sneak him anyway because he's my baby and he means the world to me and there's no way I could ever leave him.

Apple101 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Apple101 said...

Hey!! Sophmore here! Sorry, couldn't resist the blog!! I think we did a post like this last year. Anyway...
Many things are of value to me. The material things like iPod, phone, quilt, my boots, etc.. Also, I enjoy the abstract things such as conversations, music, and thoughts.
If I was taken from home, I would bring LOTS of paper and pencils. This is so I could put down my valuable thoughts into special words. I would also take my voice, so that I could make music, talk, and express myself. I would also take with me my memories, so that I can remember where I've come from, and remember all of the things that I love. OH! And I would also take my boots (they're fuzzy!) :D


Spiffy Monkey said...

Some things that are very important to me and define me are, my stuffed monkey (Mooch) and my stuffed polar bear (Polar), my best friends and family (including Amanda and Ryan Perkins),my dog Emmy, and my "sisters" ring, friendship necklace.

I would choose:
1) Mooch and Polar because I have had these since I was in the first grade and they are very special to me and if i get lonley on the journey they are "someone" to talk to.
2) My "sisters" ring (which I have because of my friend Estefany) and my half peace sign necklace (which I have because of my friend Lizzy). I would bring these items because they are each a sign of friendship and would help me to stay connected with them.
3) Laslty I would bring a picture of my family. This would help me to never forget them and remember all the good, fun and even weird moments we have had.

--Kristen P.

Apple101 said...

Hehe...I beat my sister here :D

.....carry on!


Alison said...

The things I value in my life, are the things that have been with me through it all. My family is my most cherished thing in my life, followed by, hands down music! That is what I go to no matter how I feel. There are so many songs that help me through everything! Next would be my Canon camera! I love to take pictures of everything, especially things that inspire me. Most people would say their phones, or iPods, but I can say "I hate my phone with a burning passion!" My iPod would probably die in the hour that I am there because I will be looking for WiFi to check my Facebook. Facebook unfortunately is like my life!

If I were to be taken from my home, I would take with my
1. A photo album, with my family, and closest friend in there. With some pictures of my Grandma, even though she died in March, I still can't get over the fact that it actually happen, and that it is real.
2. My Canon camera, to capture the moments while I am where ever I am.
3. A solar powered radio! I need music in my life, it explains my life, it makes who I am.
4. My Best Friend Camerin McDonald...but I'm not carrying her! I can't go a day without her, she is exactly like me, just a little less outgoing.
5. A year supplies of Apples, and Grilled Cheese. I know this sounds weird, but they are my two favorite foods in the world! Can't go a day without an apple!

-AlisonAnderson 5/6.

rykordahi14 said...

The thing I value the most would be my family. They are there when I need help choosing the right answer on an important decision. They are there no matter what emotions I'm feeling. When I'm angry, when I'm sad, and when I'm happy they are there. I don't think I could live without my family, especially my parents. They are there to support me financially, as well as the choices I make. To be honest I wouldn't give up my family, I'd probably give up my second loved thing, soccer, before I gave up my family.

If I were to leave for a long period of time, I would take my soccer ball and wear my soccer cleats, since I can't physically carry my family around. This is so because the amount of work I put into soccer I get back out. This isn't true with most things in life, such as tests in school. One can study for hours in order to prepare for a test, but may not do good on it because they didn't quite understand the material. Not in soccer. There's nothing to misunderstand, it's simple and makes sense, at least in my opinion.


Anonymous said...

There are many things that I cherish in my life, some of them physical, and some of them intangible. Some of the physical things that I could not live without would be a my family photo album, my rosary, and my baby ring. The intangible item that I cannot live without would be all of my memories with my family. While I have items that I could not live without, there are also items that I COULD live without - including my cell phone, my laptop, and my iPod.

If I were to be taken away from my home for a long period of time, I would bring my family photo album, my rosary, and my baby ring.

Family photo album - I value this photo album because it has all of the pictures of my family from when I was a baby, to my last vacation with them. There are so many happy memories put together in one book, that I cannot help but smile everytime I flip through the pages.

My Rosary - Religion has always been a big part of my family, and it acts as a family bonding experience as well as a bonding experience with my faith. When I was in 2nd grade, I made my first communion, and got my first rosary as a gift from my parents. Every time I look at my rosary, it reminds me of the day I got it, and the love I felt from my family on that day.

My baby ring - On my 1st birthday, my aunt gave me a gold ring as a present. I wore that ring from the day I got it, until I was 4 years old and it didn't fit on my finger. That ring symbolized that even though my aunt was 3,000 miles away in California, she would always be with me where ever I went.

Lauren H. 7/8

hyellow12 said...

If I were being taken from my home, it would be hard to choose from the many things I have. There are so many things to consider and choose.

A camera- not only would this show past memories but i would also be able to take pictures of my journey. I would be able to show people what I endured. A picture is worth a thousand words. So this would act as my journal, a way to keep track of things.

My necklace- it was given to me as a gift at my first communion. I was so excited to get it and never took it off. I ended up losing it, and having to get a new on but it still means just as much to me now.

My old teddy bear- my mom gave it to me when I was little. I used to use it to calm myslef down. I felt like when everything else went crazy, the bear was always sitting there, never changing, never leaving. I could always count on it being there.

Tylenol- recently, I have been getting sick. a lot. It is uncomfortable and gross. So i would bring tylenol to improve my mood and help me to get better faster.

A backpack- lastly and obviously, i would carry a backpack. To carry things in and to put new things in. Just an easier way to transport.


Cheyenne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cheyenne said...

I find that I ask myself this question often, if i was put on a island all alone with 5 items what would they be, what would you take to remember who you are. Something that defines me is most likely my attitude. It's something that i carry with me everywhere but many people won't notice it because I'm shy around new people. My friends also define who I am. We complement each other to a T. We all appear introverted but if you get to know us, we are really loud and annoying at times, we want our opinion to be heard.

Something's I would take with me are:
-A notebook or sketch book with a huge box filled with markers and paints. I would take this because I love putting my images onto paper, whether abstract or a actual picture. I don't feel I would be able to live without these because I will draw or paint whatever I see daily, it will pull me away from whatever I was currently doing, and set me in my own little world.

-As a electronic device I would bring my I-pod and my stuffed animal that I named Tommy who plays the music. I fall asleep every night listing to random music and it seems to calm me down. I love listing to the rhythm and the layers of the songs. I will concentrate on a specific song until I can single out the guitar, bass and layers where they are all separate. Music takes my mind off of anything and everything.

- The last thing I would take would be a camera, when I see something unique, everyone else should too. I love photography and sharing what I find with my friends. Each picture has a unique story or tone to it. More detail is brought out through a black and white picture than a colored. though a camera is a electronic device I am sketching an idea to find and take pictures of later.
All these things are part of my day more than any people. Even with my closet friends I am still sorta shy talking about subjects that don't make sense to me. I'm sure once I was token away from my friends and family that every choice I made would eventually change, however this is what I would now bring.

demo said...

Some thing that is important to me is my family. The reason my family is important to me is that i wouldn't have some one to talk to, to make my feel better or to keep me out of trouble. i would give up every thing just to have nice quite peaceful time with my family for ever. My family to me it's the best because of the amount of time we share. They keep me company, help when I'm sick, goes on vacation, and so much more.

Depending on the situation if i had to bring one item i would pick a pocket knife (7 in blade). The reason i would bring this item is because its a defense mechanism. It also can clean/cut food in the wild. A pocket knife is in the top 5 survival tool. If i was on a train during World War Two i could cut open a plank on the floor and i could escape or were ever i was give a other place place.

Some thing that i would not take is my electronic devises because if some thing were to happen it would be the end to them. Though i love my technology i would not want them to get stolen or put in the wrong hands. Such things would be my I Pod or my cell phone. Other stuff would be my x-box, with out a TV its useless not to mention that for all electric devises need to be plunged in to a electric socket. What if they get wet, well you can kiss them good bye.

The significance/importance of a pocket knife is that i will keep you safe and can help in more ways then one.

demo said...

this last post is from Dmytro Stasiouk

ellen_f said...

I don't think i would be able to even decide. I'd love to say that i could just get up and leave my house iwhtout taking anything with me but that's not true. I have so much unneccessary possesions i don't know why I have to have. It sounds so superficial but i really am that materialisitc. Hypothetically though, if i really had to choose i would probably bring:
1. my runing shoes. I can't go anywhere with out them anymore, I even take them when i go on vacation, because whenever i'm in a bad mood i feel better when i run. It's like just taking a little break from whatever I'm annoyed about and forgetting about everything else.
2. Pictures of my friends and family. Memories are always something you can have and you don't have to "carry" them. If there was a situation where i had to leave my loved ones behind I would definatly want something to remember them by.
3. My cross necklace
I have this cross necklace given to me by my parents on my frist communion. It's really pretty, and I'm a religous person so I like to have a reminder of that with me.
4. My Ipod. As cliched as that sounds, music helps me get through just about everything. I have my bad days, and when i do I just like to go into my room and listen to my ipod. There is no way i would ever be able to survive with out my music to keep me going.
5. my baby blanket.
I have this baby blanket that my mom made me before i came. I used to carry it around almost everywhere with me, and it became so tattered and raggedy that for christmas this past year my mom suprised me by sewing the old blanket into a new blanket. I would definatly take that with me, because it reminds me of my childhood, and it's really special to me.
-ellen f, 1*

Alan-McIntosh said...

I really don't have any personal possessions that define me. However if I was to take any items with my they would be the following:

1. Something to remind me of home. This could be anything from a family picture to just a letter. It wouldn't matter just as long as it's something to remind me of home.

2. I would also bring something to occupy my time. This would most likely be books as I almost never get bored with them. One book I know I would bring is a Bible. I would bring this because it has importance to me and is something I can look to for guidance if I need it. Which if I was to be away from home I would defiantly need some sort of guidance/help in a time of need.

3.I would also want to bring something (if possible) to communicate with my family. I don't think anyone can leave their family and not want to communicate with them at all ever again. I would preferably bring something such as a cell phone so that I would be able to keep in contact with them.

- Alan McIntosh 5th period

Alan-McIntosh said...

I really don't have any personal possessions that define me. However if I was to take any items with my they would be the following:

1. Something to remind me of home. This could be anything from a family picture to just a letter. It wouldn't matter just as long as it's something to remind me of home.

2. I would also bring something to occupy my time. This would most likely be books as I almost never get bored with them. One book I know I would bring is a Bible. I would bring this because it has importance to me and is something I can look to for guidance if I need it. Which if I was to be away from home I would defiantly need some sort of guidance/help in a time of need.

3.I would also want to bring something (if possible) to communicate with my family. I don't think anyone can leave their family and not want to communicate with them at all ever again. I would preferably bring something such as a cell phone so that I would be able to keep in contact with them.

- Alan McIntosh 5th period (This may have posted twice because the first one messed up)

JackiK said...

If I was taken from my home, I have several items I would take along. These things I have grown with, have become a part of me, and therefore define me. These things include-

-My Camera- I take my camera everywhere and take hundreds of pictures. Not knowing where I'm going and being taken, I would want my camera to take pictures of where I'm going. The camera would also be my form of memories, for the pictures on the camera could remind me of family and friends. Though I would not necessarily be able to charge it, it would be there when I needed it.

-A Journal and Pen- I'm an adventurous person, and I like to remember everything I do. I would bring a journal to record what I do and where I've been.

-A Guitar- Music means the world to me. Of all the instruments I play, this would be the most portable. Though I'm not the best at guitar, I could strum a few chords to make my mood just a little better.

All these items are a part of me, and I would take them anywhere.

-Jacki K. 1*

JakeB said...

Something that I value in my life is my basketball because I love to play basketball its my life. My basketball shows me how much I have grown over the years. At the begining I was horrible at basketball now I have grown a lot and I have gotten really good.

If I was taking away from my home I would take with me my phone and a portable electric thing so I can charge my phone. I chose this because if I had a phone I could call for help and if my phone ran out of batterys I could charge it.

Jessica said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joey H. said...

some thing i need in live are electronics. My iPod gives me something to do when im bored. the second thing i would need in life is my phone because without i would have no way of communication.

Now if i was took from my house for a while i would bring those thing.
without them i would have less thing to do and keep my occupied. i would bring my phone to talk to my family and friends and my iPod if i ever needed something to do. now if i was took from my house i know what to bring...
(Joey Hrovat)

Iceman said...

My instruments are very important to me in my everyday life. I love to play the saxophone and a make the music coming out sound great. I also love to play drumset because i absolutly love any beat of a drum. I also go to play if I am very mad and i just bang on the drum heads.
I see myself as a all around kid. I do well at school and play some instruments. I am involved in the Boy Scouts outside of school and Academic Challenge at school.
I do not think i could live without sports. Even though I live near Cleveland and a huge fan of all the sports team that choke, I still live by Ohio "Motto" as "There's always next year." I also like to golf and bowl. Sports just make my life better. I talk about sports with friends and get excercise from participating. Without sports I think my life would be a lot different.
I would probably give up my my Xbox. I like to play the system but I do not play it often and if I did I would probably become addicted to gaming which is not a good thing for your health and will hurt your social status. I would keep my insturments because I love to make music and practicing will make me become better.
If i had to leave my home and could only take a few things, this would be easy because I am in the Boyscouts and one of our campouts is the "Wilderness Survivol" in Febuary. I would bring my backpack and stuff it with all of my needs. This includes a sleeping bag and pad with maybe a pillow. Changes of clothes would also be packed. Then matches, knife, mess kit, hand sanitzer, compass, tent, rope, solar powered light. And if I had room I would pack my iPod with a solar powered charger (yes they do sell them) if I had the time for it.

Thomas M_7°-8°

EthanE said...

Some things that are important to me are my grades, my family, and my iPod. I could not live without those things. Grades, they give me something to stride for and a goal to achieve. My family, they are always there for me and whenever I'm down and lonely I can go to them and my mood flips 180 degrees. My iPod, I could not live without as well. It calms me down, pass time, and takes my mind off of things as well.

Some things I would give up would be TV, my phone, and my computer. I do not need these things to be happy or to entertain myself. I have my family and friends for that.

If I were to leave home for a long period of time, I would most likely bring a picture of my family, a picture of my friends, and a pen and paper to write to them. I could not live without them so I would need to do whatever I could to keep in touch with them.

-Ethan Engelke

Morgan said...

I have to say, there are a lot of repetition in the items listed in comments. Most people mentioned taking momentos that remind them of their family and that greatly amuses me - although we aren't in this situation and it's simply a question to get your mind moving, I highly doubt most people would think to grab things such as those.

Personally, I wouldn't probably take much, and if I did, I would end up regretting it later. The idea that my items can define me seems sort of morbid to me - if I were to leave and never come back, how would someone assume I was just by seeing what was scattered on my desk and on my shelves?

Of course, it always depends on the situation I would be put in and the severity of why I was leaving - so I tried to chose items I would take if I was just going to another house in a hurry or some sort - still a modern place with electricity.

- The first thing I would bring would be my laptop, I saw some people say they would bring their phone so they would still be able to keep in contact, and my laptop could do the same. Not only that, but I'd have instant access to news of the world going on around me (if there were internet access, that is) and if I had to hide away, as long as it was untraceable, it would be able to entertain me.

- My copy of 'Paper towns' by John Green. John Green is one of those authors that can pull me out of any funk I might be in. Read this book when you're upset, and you'll set it down feeling sky high again. It's a spirit lifter and I've read it so many times the words are actually more of a comfort to me than anything else.

- I would also bring a notebook and a pen, because when in isolation or in some sort of desperate situation, writing can be the difference between going mad and being able to analyze your situation until you no longer fear it.

Morgan D. Second Period.

JazlynRae(: said...

~I can be defined in many different ways, because it's all based on perspective. From my point of view I find my self to be very friend and family oriented. If you've ever heard the commonly used quote, "you are who you hang with," then that would be the best thing I could provide to explain how I define myself. I value the thoughts and feelings of those who are close to me and even those who aren't. I put myself in other people's shoes and I always try to remain optimistic.
~I could not live without somebody that I trust or at least a memory of one that I trust. I always need to have somebody that I can talk to about my problems. I would give up everything I own for somebody that really means alot to me such as my mom or my best friend.
~ I would take all of the letters, small gifts, and photos from my friends and family that I could grab. I choose these items because they will always lift my spirit, bring back memories, and make me smile.
`Jazlyn R. 7-8

Rosevine A said...

If I was to be taken from my home, I would find it very hard to decide between what I would take. There are endless possiblities and what I have narrowed down to are as follows:

First, I would take a picture of my family and I. I would also take a picture of my closest firends and I. These pictures would always remind me of my family and of all the great times I've had. If I was to make life decisions, these pictures would help me to stay strong.

Another item I would take with me is a poem that was written for me by my mom. The poem is framed and contains a picture of me when I was little. I would take this with me because it always reminds me of my mother's love for me. This poem means the world to me and I hardly go a day without reading it.

The third item I would bring is a cross necklace given to me by my family the day of my confirmation. I would bring this with me because it would remind me of God and of my confirmation. My confirmation was one of the best days ever and this necklace clearly reminds me of that day. I would also bring with me a rosary. The rosary, reminds me of God and to do what's right. The rosary would also help me know who I am.

Another item that I would bring with me is a Barbie doll I got for Christmas in 2002. When I was little, I was always in love with Barbies and every time another one came out, I just had to have it. This Barbie doll reminds me of my love for Christmas and of my numerous Barbie dolls I used to have, when I moved to Brunswick, I had to get rid of all of them except for my Christmas Edition one.

I would also bring with me a CD with my favorite songs on it. I would bring this with me because I would be able to enjoy my love of music and dancing at the same time. I would be able to practice different types of dance with different kinds of music and this, would make my time away from home less stressful.As they say in dance, "Dance: The body says what words cannot." With dance, I would be able to let loose and let all my worries dissolve away.

The third to last item I would bring would be books. I love to read and I would bring my favorite books with me so that I would never get bored. I have always had a love for reading ever since I was little. The books I would bring are the Twilight series and the Harry Potter series. These books give the reader a whole new world to live in and I love them!

The second to last item I would bring is my cell phone. I would bring this in the hope that I would be able to get in touch with my family and friends. My cell phone is one of my only forms of communication with others and I would want to be able to get in touch with others.

The last item I would bring is a diamond necklace that was my mom's wedding necklace. This necklace was worn by my mom on her wedding day and she cherishes it to this day. This necklace would forever remind me of my mom and dad and my family.

zmiller3rd said...

Somethings that are important me are my family because they give almost every to me and without them i wouldnt know what is right and what is wrong. My friends are also important to me because if im having a bad day they always know how to make me laugh and put the bad times/thoughts away for a while and have fun. I would give up the pool my family has in the backyard, yeah it is nice to have it but i just dont enjoy it as much as others do. I would definitly keep my ipod because i like listening to music and playing games to make time pass by faster, and also keeps me organised.

If i had to leave my house and take only one thing that would be my phone to call my family and see if they are ok, this assuming that the house caught on fire or something terrable has happened.
-Zack M-

Kaylee.Marie said...

I used to play these games all the time. The, "What would you do if your house burnt down? What would you save?" Or I would read a book about the holocaust and would try to imagine what life would really be like to only take the clothes on your back, to go somewhere new and unfamiliar to you. To go somewhere where danger lurks everywhere and you are constantly on the brink of death. I personally think that people take material possessions for granted all too often.

If I was to be taken from my home, I wouldnt be thinking, "Oh, my phone!" or, "my ipod!" No, it would be more along the lines of;

-A journal. I'm an avid, and I mean AVID writer. I may not be the greatest, but it helps me clear my mind and deal with issues and pointless drama going on in my life.
-Pictures. People say a picture is worth a thousand words, and being taken away from my home, and possibly my family and friends; I would indefinately need something to remind me of them, their love and their support for me.
-Turtle/Whale-tail necklace. My mom and grandmother went down to Hawaii back in february. My mom bought me a whale-tail necklace, and my grandmother bought me a turtle necklace. I combined them and practically always have the necklace on me, it's jut a reminder of their love and how much the both of them mean to me.
-Markers/Cloring books. I absolutely love coloring. Just as much as I love writing, coloring comes in a close second. It's something to do to pass the time, and its surprisingly a great stress-reliever.
-Guitar. I would bring my acoustic guitar. Im terrible at playing, my ten year old cousin is giving me lessions, actually. But over time I've gotten better and really fell in love with the idea of just being able to sit down and strum a few chords and just have everything else seem to melt around me. I say that music is my life alot. In reality, it really is. It's my secret escape from anyone and anything going on in my life. It's soley based on me, and how I feel, and how I choose to play, or what I choose to write, or what I choose to listen to.
-Cell phone. I know I said that this was one of the materialistic items I said I wouldnt bring, but if by all means nessicarry, if I could bring it with me to get in contact with people, I would in a heartbeat.

~Kaylee Lhotsky, 7/8*

natalieshnatalie said...

As a human, a living breathing thing, everyday, all I want to do is survive, we all want to survive. You could say that I'm not a sentimental person, or that I'm very sentimental and make bonds with everything, but if I were told to leave my home, for an hour or infinitely, I would pack items that would help me live. When your life is in question, where your future is going, what you may be doing tomorrow, when you can't answer those questions anymore, emotional value, in my mind, becomes a trivial thing.
First would of course be a backpack, something small, like a drawstring Nike bag that can sit on my shoulders without making me complain about lugging it around.
Second would be my iPod. Music is a big part of my life, and it is also a distraction, so wherever I'm going, I may want it desperately. It also holds a few memories, pictures of me and friends, family, and my dogs, things that I would miss. Mostly though, there are songs that remind me of people. If I were missing my dad, I would just play 'Ice Ice Baby' and memories would come flooding back of us rapping it in the car, him successfully, me not as much. I can also communicate with it, as long as I get wireless internet, which really, I can walk down the street and find five places with wi-fi, so that could prove itself not a huge issue. Of course, it would die, eventually, but if I were told to just leave my home, that would definitely be an item in my backpack.
My wallet would be important, stocked with gift cards for multiple stores and Starbucks, money, and some change. You really can't leave your house without money, not in an emergency. I don't know where I'm going, but I would definitely take money with me, if not my whole wallet, then I'd just throw the contents of it in my bag. If I became hungry, lost, cold, scared-I could probably buy something to help me in most situations.
Fourth, would be a few peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to hold over my hunger. They are light, filling, and extremely easy to carry. I could make four and keep myself from going insane from hunger, if I time my meals right.
Last, I would bring a light refillable water bottle. If I'm lucky, I will get the chance to refill it, if I'm not, then at least I have my water for some length of time.
If I were going on a two hour trip to the park, or a cramped three day train ride, I wouldn't choose anything different. Every one of these things was thought of for my survival, and one for my entertainment. Everyday I live this, but with a few changes. In the morning I leave for school, armed with my iPod, backpack, jacket, lunch, water, and my wallet-just in case. This has always been, in the back of my mind, my survival kit.
-Natalie S. 1

Khoa said...

Their is a unending list of important items to me that have sentimental or even obsessive value to me. Such as my pillow, which i like to call, "squishy.". It is my my favorite pillow that is oddly shaped. It's really not that squishy at all. When i am sad or angry i like to hold Squishy tighty to my body so thers so room between to get maximum comfort. Another thing that i have an obsession with is my iphone. Although im not proud of it, we live in the modern world of technology. It lives and hreathes around us. My iphone has everything on it; my friends numbers, texts, memorable pictures, and most importantly my music.

If i was taken away from my home i would bring my dog rocky. He's my baby. The cutest thing on Earth. I would bring him with me because he comforts me, he makes me feel better. With him, i have someone to talk to.

Nikki S. said...

If I was being taken from my home, I would bring only the things I would think are necessary. I would not bring any electronics because that would make life much easier. I would bring...

-My favorite stuffed animal, a red panda. It is my favorite animal and it will always remind me of who I am and where i came from.

-Pictures of my family and friends. Pictures of my friends will remind me of my life and how they will always be there for me. I would also bring a picture of my soccer team and me. They are like my family.

-A journal and pens. When I don't feel like talking to someone I'll be able to write all my feelings in the journal.

-The last items I would bring is my favorite book series, the Everlost Trilogy. I could always read them when I'm bored.

Woods said...

I would say that I am defined by my faith. In my family we are very strong believers in Jesus Christ and his teaching. There has never been a time in my life when that has not been the case. Which brings me to the next point, what I could not live without, and that would be Jesus in my heart and my loving family whose idea is the same. Without God I would be completely lost. My family is also extremely important to me and my life would be miserable without them.
If I had to give something up it would most likely be electronics such as my phone, mp3 player, tv, dvd player, computer etc. Yes, they are extremely nice things to have but life would, in reality, be much simpler without them. I would keep the things that are important to me and have sentimental value. I would keep things like my Bible, pictures of family, notes from family and friends, and things that remind me of home.

If I was being taken from my home and could only take certain things with me, there would be some items I would choose without a doubt.

I would take my Bible for sure. As
I have stated earlier my faith is very important to me and God's word would help me through the difficult times. Also I would have the opportunity to spend more time in the Bible and grow in my faith without electronics getting in the way.

I would also take pictures of my family with me. I love my family and being without them would be extremely difficult so having pictures might help ease some of the sadness and remind me of them.

I might also take books from the Harry Potter series in order to have some entertainment and enjoyment. These would allow me to escape from the lonely world I'd be in and dive into the world of Harry Potter.

Another item I would choose would be my stuffed animal which reminds me of my older brother and sister. It has a shirt referencing to Olivet Nazarene University and pants relating to Indiana Wesleyan University, the colleges of my siblings. I am very close to my brother and sister and having a tangable object to hug when I miss them would help imensely.

And finally I would take a bag of sorts to put these items in to protect them and decrease the difficulty I would have in carrying it all.

Jeffa said...

Some things that value to me in my life are my cross necklace for my 14th birthday, a journal i kept from a retreat I went on in eigth grade, a bear my mom gave from when she was a kid. A picture of my family and of maybe my close friends. Another thing that is very important to me is a pocket knife my grandfather gave when i was a kid.

If I was ever taken from home for a great period of time i would take these selected items. I would take m cross necklace to remeber my faith. The journal so i can write about my thoughts everday. The bear to help comfort me in hard times. A picture of my family and close friends because I am very close with them and I know they wouldnt want anything to happen to me. I would take the pocket knife to always remind me of how m family cares about me.

JeffA 1st period

Woods said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Woods said...

The post from "Leah" was from Leah W. 1*

Anonymous said...

I'm usually not a very sedimental person but there are some objects that mean much more to me than others. In normal everyday life the most important things to me would probably be my phone, ipod and playstation 3. These things are all very important to me because they help me pass the time, talk to friends and have fun. Even though these objects are obviously expensive and fun, if I was to be taken away from my home I would probably bring more meaningful objects instead of my favorite electronics.

Technology probably would not help me in a situation when I'm away from home. Instead of my usual attitude toward objects, I would act more sedimental when choosing what to take with me. If I had to choose some things to take with me I would probably take my gold chain that was given to me by my aunt and uncle because it reminds me of my family and my religion. Another thing I would take would be pictures of my home and my family. Lastly, I would take the memories I had of home and hold on to them for as long as I can.

Anonymous said...

Many things are important to me and many things define me as a person. One thing I could not live without would be all the memories I've have the past 14 years. If given no other options I would give up my cell phone, iPod, laptop and such things that have no significance in my life. I would choose to keep pictures of my family and friends, a bible, my pointe shoes and my Pandora bracelet. Each of these items have a significance in my life and I would not want to give it up.
Pictures- I would want to keep pictures with me to remember the people who have been a part of my life and made me who I am. These people are so important to me I would want to see them everyday and relive the memories we've made.
The Bible- I would want a bible so I would constantly have faith in God and know that everything will work out. In hard times I can always look to God to help me and the bible would help me always pray and believe the best will come.
Pointe shoes- I would want pointe shoes with me because dance is such a big part of my life. I have been dancing since I was 2 and it is something that always makes me feel better on bad days.
Pandora- I would want to keep this because each charm was given to me from a family member on a special occasion. It would help me remember the special times I have had with my family and all the things that we have experienced together.

Sam said...

For many people, material objects hold too much value. Many of us could not live without our cellphones pressed against our ears, our laptops in front of us, or the latest version of "Angry Birds" on our ipods. For some, only being able to take what one could carry would be an agonizing decision, as for myself, it is realatively easy.
If I was forced from my home and could only take what I could carry, I would take my shoebox full of photos. These photographs are important to me because they take me back to the memories that they portray. Plus, as a photographer, my more serious pictures give me a sense of pride in my work.
Another item I would take would be my book, "Horton Hatches the Egg". I would take this because it has sentimental value to me. My dad used to read it to me every night when I was younger, so it brings back all those happy memories.
Finally, I would take a few notebooks and pens so that I could write about my experiances away from home.
-Sam H. 1st period

Sara1220 said...

In the case of being taken away from my home, there are of course quite a list of things that I would want o bring, but I probably would not be able to hold onto the whole time.

One thing I would take would be a couple of pictures reminding me of past friends and family. Looking back at memories can really help when I'm feeling down and can bring a smile to my face.

Another thing I would bring would probably take is my ring to remind me of the person that I am and what I think is important.

The last thing I would bring would be a drawing pad of paper and a lot of pencils. Drawing is a great way for me to get my mind off of things so I would be able stay sane and express my emotions all in one time.
-Sarah P 1st period

bethany w said...

I can't really find exact words to describe or define myself. That would be like trying to calculate exactly how mant blades of grass there are on the planet. I do posess things that are important to me, that I could not live without, however. My instruments for instance, I would keep them with me no matter what the situation.

If I was taken from my home, like I said before I would take my instruments, or at least my saxophone. Bearing in mind I play nine instruments, I would have to choose my saxophone to take with me. That's all I really need after all, because music is what makes me happy, and I don't need much more then that. When I'm upset I play music and I'm happy, and that's what really counts in life, being happy.

The significance is that I feel like I'm home with music, music is my passion, my lifestyle, and my dream. So wherever I go, I could always have a little piece of home with me.

By: Bethany Westphal. 2nd period.

zirkle said...

the things that are impotent to me is my family. i know that they help me if they could. if they are not there physically, then they are in my hart and always will be.

if i was to be taken from my home for a long time i would bring a water container so that i can drink and refill it when need be. i would also probably bring some close that i can where and some books that i can read to pass the time.

HannahKG said...

Unfortunately I have been through minor situations where I have had to pick my favorites within minutes, and leave the rest behind not knowing when I would possess them again.I try not to be a materialistic, stereotypical girl, but when asked what personal objects I could not "live" without, a few things pop into my mind.

-I would first want to have my favorite bracelet and star necklace. My bracelet was made in Africa by my mother's uncle. I wear my star necklace almost everyday; it was my mother's in high school which gives me hope and holds much sentimental value. Both of these pieces of jewelry make me feel comfortable anywhere, and they give me a feeling of power; like I can achieve all my goals.

-Next, I would take any form of a music player, iPod,laptop, stereo, etc. As long as I had some way to blast lyrics that pertain to any mood I'm in- I would be happy. For me at least, music is my communication.

-Lastly I would take a notebook and a pen; just to be able to write down my thoughts and keep my mind sane.

Pictures would be a comfort item, but not a necessity for me. I personally like to experience life rather than wasting my time taking overloads of pictures of it. Memories are more vivid than a snapshot.

-Hannah Grabowski 2nd-

Dbosko56 said...

One thing would not truly satisfy me if I was tken from my home. If I could carry my family to wherever it may be, then I would do it with no hesitation. The problem is that I can't carry my family, so i would have to take something of less value.

If I had to chose, the first item without a doubt would be my cell phone. I can't be seen anywhere without it, and I don't know what I would do without it. The reason for bringing this is if I ever need to talk to someone i know, I can always just give them a call or send them a text to make me feel at home.

A bag of clothes would always be an option for me, because everyone needs something to wear. I wouldnt want to be walking around in the same clothes for a long period of time.

The last item i would take would probably a couple of books. I love to read a good series befoere going somewhere, and while I'm gone, I'll have enough time to read a novel or two.

Dbosko56 said...

oh and that was Dominic Bosko 1st

Anonymous said...

I consider myself to be a emotional and sensitive person. There is this need inside of me that, whenever theres a problem going on I have to tell somebody. So, I value my best friend, and love ones very much. I value music so much, and I use it to get through ever day life, so it seems silly to ever want to get rid off it.

If I was taken away from my home, what would I bring? Mhm. That's a difficult question, when you really think about it. The first thing I would decide to take with me would be, a couple of notebooks and pens. I would bring that so I could express my feelings, I could write stories, keep a diary, to entertain myself and to keep my thoughts organized and to remember the time I spent away. As cliche as it sounds, and what I already stated. Music is my life, I would bring my ipod, Music is sometimes a driving force in my life. It keeps me going. I couldn't even imagine living a day where I haven't listened to the beatles. I would also bring my blanket, that I had since I was a young child. I would bring that because not only for warmth and protection, but for the memories it would give me. It would remind me of my family and all the times I've shared with it. I think I would also bring my favorite book the outsiders to pass the time with, and to remind myself of all the happy memories I've had with it, and all the laughs I've shared because of it.

-Jennifer Wiley 7/8

Megan L. said...

As a human, a lot of my life is based on being materialistic and relying on all the technology and tools of the modern world. If I even consider losing my phone, my Facebook account and my computer I would feel that my life was about to come to an end. However, when I truly consider my values and the true person I am, I get a new aspect of the things that are important to life.

After analyzing the situation of being removed from my home and only taking a seldom amount of my belongings, my perspective of what is important changes entirely. On the inside my moral values differentiate completely from that of my material values. As a person, my life and personality revolve around my friends, my family and the memories I carry with each individual. In reality, my life would rarely change if I lost a few of my belongings that are just mere objects. However, if I were to lose someone that I love, my life would never be the same and I would go on with a feeling of constant dread and regret.

Personally I would leave behind the mere objects that hold rare significance in my life. These things would include my cell phone, my computer, majority of my clothing and many other things that I use but are just objects that are more materialistic than important.

Things that I would take include:

-Photographs and Pictures of My Family and Friends.

These are important to me because each photograph will always hold the memory of the past. I love photos and pictures because they allow me to relive a moment of the past for just a small second, but in that second is a world that is priceless and irreplaceable. Also, photos bring happiness and joy to those who see them. I know everyone time I look at pictures from when I was a child or even a few weeks ago, it brings so much joy and entertainment to me just to see and remember that specific moment. Photos also tend to bring joy to me even when I have terrible days and when I am really stressed.

-A Book of Letters

This is a book that would include letters that my friends and my family and I would write to each other before we were taken. This book would be important because it would give each of us a little joy and happiness where ever we were taken. Also, this would be very sentimental to us and allow all of us to remember each other and always to preserve the memories of the good times in the past. Also, it would act as a motivation to survive and stay strong so we could all see each other again.

-Pen and Paper

This is very important because it would allow me to be able to keep in touch with my family and friends even if we get separated and it would allow us to be able to have contact without the use of a phone or electronic device. Also, having a pen and paper would allow me to relax and spend time drawing pictures or writing letters to my friends.

-Blanket My Grandmother Crocheted

I find this important because it sets as a personal reminder of the struggles and battles that my Grandmother went through with Alzheimer’s disease. The blanket she made for me, before I even could remember her existence, is a reminder of my Grandmother’s love and determination. This sets as a role model for me in terms of motivation and effort in my own life. Also, the blanket is a family heirloom that always reminds me to love and to emphasize my family, the way my Grandmother always did.

AnnaB1 said...

Asking me to define myself is like asking me what every number of pi is. There are many different things, and some things are still undiscovered. Somethings that I could not live without would be my family, friends, memories, and my happiness. As for happiness, it will not always be there but it can always come back.
Some things that i may take are: Pictures of my family and friends- I would take pictures because they are very important. They would help remind me of all the important people in life.
My cellphone- It would help me stay in contact with my friends and family. Also it would have pictures on it and as previously stated, they are very important.
Money- This one really does not need an explanation. Money is important and it can be used for alot of things
One final thing I would take is alot of pencils and notebooks. That way I can write and draw and stuff. Also i could document the journey and my opinions and things.

KC22 said...

The things that define are probably my personality and some objects that I have come to possess over time. This also leads to what I would take if I had to leave home for a long period of time. Some of the the things I would take would be my wallet, a good set of clothes, if power wasn't really an issue then I would take either my laptop or Ipod, possibly a notebook with something capable of writing, and a book bag to keep everything in one place.

The reason I would take my wallet would be because its the place where I put the things that are important to me like a special coin I was given from my grandpa or pictures of things in my life,etc. Its also useful for storing things and if needed I can use the money in it for something. A good set of clothes would be good for me is all I need is something that can get me through the winter and so on. Also being able to wear it in the summer too and be able to go on. If power wasn't an issue an Ipod or laptop because I can listen to the music and play games if needed to help me keep my sanity or stress under control. A notebook so I could keep my thoughts and worries in one place. A book bag so I it would be easier to carry everything and wouldn't have the problem of having to leave something behind as often. I would also want to add that memories can help me get through being taken away but can help me without any problems like not being able to take it or anything of the sort.I value my family and friends and the memories, good or bad. Memories is something that I would also and most definitely be the thing that I would want to take if I couldn't take anything else.
-Kyle C. 7/8 period.

Nate T. 2 said...

Leaving my home suddenly would have a huge affect on someone mentally and physically. Two objects I would like to bring with me is my childhood blanket and a pillow. My blanket has alot of sentimental value to me, it comforts me, and it can cover me while I sleep if I'm not in a shelter. I would definately like to want to bring for mental and physical reasons. I would bring my pillow because i would be able to have something to lay my head on while i sleep that is comfortable. Another reason for bringing a pillopw is it can protect me if i get jumped or a situation of that sort.

Anonymous said...

Though there are many things I cannot live without, there are a few items that are of great importance to me. Many times, I am forced to ask the question, “What matters the most, wants or needs?” I look around my house and I see an iPod, a TV, cell phone, camera, radio, and Wii. So I wonder when I will really need these things in real life. You can buy a book, but you can never buy knowledge. I asked my neighbors what one item they cannot live without. Every single person replied that they would “die without their cell phone.” although it would be nice to have my cell phone with me, I do not need to have it.

If I was to be separated from my home, I would bring:
~Many of the books on my bookshelves. I have read them a thousand of times, but I never get tired of reading.I would at least have something to keep me busy on my journey.
~A picture of my friends and family. My friends mean a lot for me, because they are always there for me. A picture of my family would remind me of all the times, good and bad, we went through.
~A calendar of the next five years. Who knows how long I will be gone from home? The calendar would help me figure out the day and date. I would also be aware of the holidays that are coming up. The major events of my life would be on this calendar.
~A stick. A long time ago, there was no such thing as a clock. All you had to do is pierce a stick into the ground and tell from the shadow. A stick would help me figure out the time, except, of course, at nighttime.

-Davina Patel

Maddy G said...

There are many things that I value in my life. Some of these things include my family, and my friends. As for physical objects, they would be my music (like my Ipod, or CDs), my mood ring given to me by my sister, my guitar, my scapular, and my webcam. These are some things I could not live without. Some things that I could give up might be the posters that cover my room, my many stuffed animals, my tv, and computer.

If I was being taken away from my home, and I could only take physical items I would choose:

- My Ipod that has the majority of my musical collection that I've been adding onto since I was in fourth grade. Music is one of the key aspects of my life. It inspires me and lets me express myself. I use it everyday at least once, and I'm always pumping it in my ears.

- My mood ring that rests on my left hand, on my ring finger. It was given to me by my little sister for Christmas. We fight quite often but it is one of the only things that always keeps me thinking about her. It was originally on my right hand but after receiving tendinitis in that hand, and having to wrap it up, I had to move hands. After having to wrap it up, it got so used to the left hand that now I am just too lazy to move it back over.

- I would also take my scapular. It is a hand made necklace that I only take off to shower. It was given to me when we had our house blessed after recently moving in. I was raised a Catholic and I wear it all the time to know that God is always with me. I never take it off and can't imagine not wearing it.

- I would also take maybe my Outer Banks Hoodie. I am a strong believer in wearing sweatshirts. I live in them and I have about a dozen or so. I would take the Outer Banks one specifically because that was bought on the vacation to North Carolina I went on with my family. It was a great trip and I wouldn't want to forget it.

- I would also take maybe a notebook. I like to write things down. It helps to clear my head. Whether that be words, or images. I find that if I don't write something down, I can't seem to comprehend it.

- Maddy G/ 1 period

oliviaY said...

Somethings that are important to me are my family, friends, my phone, and many other things.

If I had to leave my house for a long period of time I would have to take my family, money, food, and a blaket.

I would take my family with me so that i would always have them. My family is really important to me and i would want to live without them.

I would take money with me because if I ever needed anytyhing I could always buy it.

I would take food with me because if I ever got hungry I could eat food.

Lastly I would take a blaket with me for whenever I got cold I could use the blanket to warm me up.

alexgrabowski. said...

The thing I value the most is my family. We have been through thick and thin together and I know that they would alwaays be there for me. Things that I could go without is my cellphone, ipod, tv, computer, ect. These are things i may use everyday but dont really have sentimental value to me. i would take, a picture of my friends and family, camera, compass.

Picture of freind and family- the reason I would take a picture if my friends and family is because, it would remind me of all the amazing times we have spent together and know that they will always support me.

Camera- I would want to take a camera because pictures are important to me cause they remind me of a time in my life and would give me memories of the places I have traveled.

Compass- The reason I would take a compass is because, it would ensure that I wouldn't become lost.

Kevin. M said...

The thing that defines me is respect, responsibility, and care. I could not live without my family, they are what gets me through the day. They are the only people I can
turn to in need. Also, needless to say, I could not live without my cellphone and Ipod. Communication is a very important way to get things and ideas around. But, I would give up anything and everything to have my family. If i was being taken away I would bring my Laptop fully charged. Since I can not physically carry my family I would skype them every day.

ljstephens2015 said...

Physical possesions aren't everything, but when you have absolutely nothing at all, they sure feel like it. If I was to be taken from my home, the most important thing to have would be memories of what I had. I would need something to comfort me and a memory of one of my favorite times.
First I would bring a picture of my family. My family isn't the closest, but it's my sense of home and where I come from.
Secondly I would bring my mom's perfume. Sinse I was a baby, my mom has worn the same perfume and it has become a comforting scent to me. I smell it when she brings me dinner, I smell it when I need her to hug me in my sadness, I smell it when she puts me to bed. The smell of my mother always brings comfort to me, which would be needed when taken away from home.
Lastly I could never leave behind my sculpture that I made in art a couple years back. I made it with my best friends and all of our ideas made this masterpiece that I admire. It was one of my favorite memories with them and one that I don't want to forget.

ljstephens2015 said...

Sorry that last post was by Lydia Stephens 2nd period

Monyak65 said...

The very first thing I would take is the bullet shell from my great grandmother's funeral. This is of great importance to me and it is my only memory of her. I do not know what I would do if I lost it. Second I would take things that reminded me of other family members. Things such as a gold coin my mom gave me from when she went to Columbus. These things would help me to remember the thing that is most important to me, my family. I value these things over anything else I could possibly have.

AmandaRose said...

For me a value things that have many sentimental value. For example my blanket which I gave had since I was a young kid. It is kind of like a security blanket it made me feel safe when I was young and is something that I have an emotional attachment to. I also think that music is something that means a lot to me. For me music is a way that I can express my emotions. It is something that I have grown up with as a dancer. Also my family and picture are the most important things in life. The pictures are symbols of my family which means the world to me.

If I was taken from my home I would take pictures of all the people that mean the most to me. It would make me feel safe to see there faces and also it would remind me to never give up. My blanket because it would make me feel safe and it would be something that I could always physically touch and remind me of my parents even if they were not with me. I would also bring my ipod so I could hear music even if it was only for the first few days it would still comfort me.
~Amanda Sansone

AmandaRose said...

For me a value things that have many sentimental value. For example my blanket which I gave had since I was a young kid. It is kind of like a security blanket it made me feel safe when I was young and is something that I have an emotional attachment to. I also think that music is something that means a lot to me. For me music is a way that I can express my emotions. It is something that I have grown up with as a dancer. Also my family and picture are the most important things in life. The pictures are symbols of my family which means the world to me.

If I was taken from my home I would take pictures of all the people that mean the most to me. It would make me feel safe to see there faces and also it would remind me to never give up. My blanket because it would make me feel safe and it would be something that I could always physically touch and remind me of my parents even if they were not with me. I would also bring my ipod so I could hear music even if it was only for the first few days it would still comfort me.
~Amanda Sansone

Nathan Bardwell said...

If I were to be taken from home and I could only take what I could carry then I would bring:

Pictures of family and friends. Something to remind me of where I came from.

A good book. I personally love to read, whenever I have nothing to do I go get a book and read. I would bring a book that I could read over and over again without getting bored.

My iPod. Music is something that I cannot live without. If I have the opportunity to be listening to music, I will be. I would bring my iPod simply to keep me from going insane.

I would also bring a notebook or sketchpad. Now, I'm not the best artist (I'm awful), but sometimes I like to just sit down and attempt to draw a picture.

-Nathan B. 2*

Skipper C. K. said...

I value so many things in my life, it's hard to start. The most important of all, is my family. Without them I would have no support and their love would be gone. Psychologically without the feeling of comfort I could become more stable. All of the memories I shared with my family would seem to disappear. Other important thngs to me though, are a small rubber moon glow in the dark ball, a picture of my family, a small duck stuffed animal, my baby blanket, and the book I am curently writing. On the other hand I could give up games, tv's, and everything electronical. They simply wouldn't matter to me compared to my family.
It's hard to limit what I could take with me from home if I was to be taken. The things I would probably take are a large book bag, a phone, letters, a journal, photos of my family, my stuffed animal Quacky, A rubber glow in the dark ball, my baby blanket, the book I've already begun to write, a deck of cards, my Martial Arts Belt, a dried rose, and a calendar.
Family- even though I cannot carry them with me I would not be able to go on without knowing they will always be there for me. They have been with me my entire life and their love helps keep me going.
Glow in the dark moon ball- when I was three, four and five me and my parents used to roll the ball at night. We didn't fight and my parents were spending time with me to play. Those memories give me an idea of what happy is like and what to strive for.
Quacky/Stuffed animal- the duck was given to me when I was born by my aunt, but the memories I shared with it are enormous. We hid from my mom and dad so I didn't have to brush my teeth, I held it close when I slept, and if I was in my house, Quacky was with me to share that moment. The duck reminds me of so many happy times when I was an infant.
Baby blanket- with my stuffed duck under my arm, I would sleep with the blanket, hide under it, talk to it, it was almost like a friend. My baby blanket was almost as important to me as my stuffed animal Quacky.
Photo of my family- I could see my family even when they aren't with me and think of all that we did together.
Book I'm Writing- This book shows alot of effort I have put into the last year and also show my transformaition into taking initiative.
Martial Arts Belt- many of my friends are in my martial arts center and the seven years I've spent there says how I have learned confidence, determination, perseverance, and a better sense of friendship.
Large book bag- This is so I can carry many things which are important to me, and being used to carrying alot in my book bag it should be a breeze.
Phone- so I could talk to my family and hopefully it would be solared power so would constantly be charged.
Letters- In case there is no way to recharge my phone so I could still talk to me family.
Journal- So I can write any ideas that cross my mind, what happens to me, any writings I feel I want to write, and record what ever happens around me.
Deck of cards- These are so I have a form of entertainment, but also because my mother taught me to play solitaire and poker. My family and I play cards sometimes just because they are quick games but we are still spending time together.
Dried rose- Reminds me of my dad who like flowers, but also of my parents because they used to have dried roses surrounding the goblets that they had used when they married. Is also a beautiful thing to keep.
Calendar- I can keep track of any holidays, birthdays, and any other important days that affect me or my families life since I do not expect to have a very high tech phone.
Colton K. 1st period

Gabby T . [3rd L.A.] said...

What I have that is important to me really is - my family , my close friends , my dog Harley , memories of my grandma , and my creativity .
Things I would give up/ could live without- all electronics I carry around now .
Things I would keep - family memories , photos , etc .
The importance of my family is that they're my everything , they are the people that are with me through whatever happens , they're here with love and support no matter what - "Blood Is Thicker Than Water " .
The importance of my friends is that they're by my side all the time , they have the advice I need when I ask , We'll have our ups and downs but that doesn't change anything , they make me laugh until I cry , I love them like siblings .
The importance of my dog Harley is that if he ever got taken away or lost I wouldn't know what to do , he means to much to me , he is the most playful puppy in the world , and he brightens up my day .
The importance of the memories of my grandma is that they are very meaingful to have since she is no longer around , I miss her too much and it's nice to have some memory of her left . . I would keep stuff with me always .
The importance of my creativity is that if I didn't have creativity I think I'd be probably a boring person , it's good sometimes to be ridiculous .

haley said...

Things I value in my life include my first doll. Her name is Jamie and she sleeps in my bed. Everytime I am feeling down and i look at her she makes me happy. She reminds me of all the things that i have gotten through in my life and that the situation I am currently in isnt so bad.

If I was taken from my home i would definatly bring Jamie because I know I can get through anything with her, wheather it is fighting the monster in my closet or getting off a stranded island she gives me the courgage to do what I have to.

I would also choose to take my ipod, even if i could not plug it in I would want to have something to listen to every once in a while just to keep me company and keep my mind off of the challenge ahead.

I would also want to take pictures of my family and friends. Seeing my family's and friends' faces would reassure me that everything would be just fine. My family is very important to me saying my family is spread out acroos the country and I only get to spend time with them once or twice a year. Which means my friends sometimes have to play the role of my family. That is why my friends are so important to me. For example, when a girl would want to talk to her aunt about something I would have to talk about that same something to a friend. Therefore, my best friend means a lot to me and would most likly make me smile if I were to look at a picture of her when I was feeling down.

haley said...

that last comment is from haley y from 1st period

chris said...

If you think about it, the only important things are water/food and shelter. You could live life perfectly then but you might not be mentally stable. But for me, my family (including my dog), my friends, and memories are important to me. An object that is defines me pretty well is a note book. Me being kid leaves me open to be easily influenced. In a note book, you can draw good things, or bad things, and you can easily erase something and change your ways. Some things I could not live without is definitely my family and friends. They are always there to make you happy or to make you laugh. Somethings I can give up are my Ipod, my computer, my Xbox, and plenty of other material things. Somethings I could not give up are my old family photos and videos. It's always nice to look at photos and home videos of you when you were young, or reminding you of your family and passed away relatives.

If I where to be taken away from my home, I would bring the following:

A family album- to remember all those good memories, how you lived a good life so far.

A watch- To know what day/ time it is.

Something to draw on and write with- Whenever you're bored, you can always draw something. Weather it be abstract or realistic, it makes time go by and makes you think.

Jessica said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jessica said...

There are a lot of things I value, but most of them aren't material items. But, a few items I have that I do value are cards, letters, and pictures from my friends and family, and things I have that show a lot of growth, effort, and acheivement like awards from school.

I don't think people would really know what they would bring with them if they were forced out of their homes. I don't think they would know unless they have actually went through an event like this. But I think if I was forced out of my home I would bring:

1. A notebook- I love to write. A great way for me to relieve stress is to get it all out on paper.

2. Ipod- I cannot live without music. Music gets me through the bad days. There is always a song that can describe how I feel. It helps me cope when I need to, and it's also a good way to entertain me.

3. Guinea pig- As weird as this sounds, yes I would bring my guinea pig! My guinea pig means the world to me. He's always there. If I'm having a bad day I can just hold him and he will instantly make me feel better.

Jessica T.

Calp said...

An object that defines me, my cousin bought me a ring before the school year started. It is made by Navajo Native Americans, real silver and turquoise. The turquoise is supposed to give you luck, and it was given to me by my cousin. It is bold and i love that.
Something I value in my life is my red teddy bear, cherry. I don't know if I could live without it. When i was young my parents would travel a lot, and bring my sister and I back toys. I was given cherry from my mom after a trip to Canada. It helped me get through long storms and scary movies. I don't know if I could give it up. I think I would be able to give up my money. I could give it away because i could always make more. I would never give away my notebooks, inside are thoughts and poems and songs since I was young. MY cousin gave me this book when I was young, and I have written in it since.

I would choose to take my golden cross necklace. I was given my necklace by my grandmother and on the chain is another charm, a silver Mary pendent, that once belonged to my grandmother who passed away.

I would also take my white Bible given to me by my grandmother. She gave it to me when I received my first holy communion and i do not think i could live without it.

I would take my parent's photo albums, from when they were kids until know. I think it is important to know where you came from and it is important to me.

~cali P 7/8 ~

Laura A. said...

Something i would value would first be the stuffed animal my dad got me before he moved to boston. the second thing would be my books. I love to read and if i get bored i can pull one out and read it to pass the time. Sometyhing else would be a picture of my mom, dad, and brothers (eddie and jordan).
I would bring these things because my stuffed animals would give me some confert and a friend to talk to, the books would give a way to escape my current situation and relax, and the pictures to remember my family and to keep going knowing i would see them soon.

Laura A. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Calp said...

The first thing that comes to mind when I think of something that defines me as well as something I feel it would be hard to live without is my ( or any) camera (preferably digital). It is an object that allows me to express myself through pictures of many different things. I take pictures of scenery, animals, and many other things that interest me. Photos of family, friends, and events would also be on the camera. Those are so important to me to help me remember good times that have happened in my past. In a way those pictures help me relive small parts of my life that have already happened.

If I could not take a camera with me because its life would run out and I would not be able to charge it, I would bring my notebooks. I am a writer. It helps me occupy my time as well as keeping my creativity going. Writing helps me sleep, stay awake, and many other emotions depending on what I am writing. I have started many different books just because I love to write and I'm always thinking of new ideas.

~Alex H. 2~
P.S. Cali P forgot to log out, sorry.

Laura A. said...

Something else i would bring that i forgot would be my silver locket my dad got me for christmas when i was 10 or 11.

-Laura A.

bballplayer3213 said...

There are many things that are important to the person that I am. If i suddenly had to choose a few things to take with me that meant the most, I would take the following:
A journal, my music, pictures, and of course my basketball.

I understand that I would have to make a lot of material sacrifices such as my phone and clothes, but these four items really speak about who I am.

I would take a journal because I like to write down my thoughts and things I need to say. If i was suddenly taken from my home, i would need somewhere to put my thoughts and words about this new journey. I would also take music. I listen to music every day. It helps me clear my mind and can relax me. I can close my eyes and forget the world when I listen to music. Pictures are very important to me. I love to look back at the memories they represent. Every important event in my life is represented in a photo. I'm not sure I would be able to carry them all, but i will surely try!

Finally, I would take my beloved basketball. It describes who I am because it is what I do every day. I don't think my life would be complete without basketball. No matter if i am feeling happy or sad, lonely or playful, I can grab my basketball and feel at home.

bballplayer3213 said...

Sorry that last post was from Sarah W. 7-8

JaredS said...

Things that i feel that is important to me is my friends/family and phone
i feel that my family is important to me because they are the people that i truly love and care about and have raised me.
i also think that is important is my phone i would take my phone because with my phone it has almost everything it has photos from my childhood through facebook and can stay in touch with everyone.
if i was taken from my home the one thing i would take is my phone because with my phone i can go on websites such as facebook at given times to see my friends and friends Jared Svoboda

TaylorS said...

Some things that I think I need in life are my family and friends. I think I need them because without them I would feel alone.

If I was taken from my home and could only take a few things with me I would take pictures of everyone I cared about, I would take a book that I enjoyed reading and a phone so I could talk to people.

TaylorS said...

Last post was from Taylor S 7th and 8th period

Dylan Bohland said...

At this age i could not live without my family. Mostly because they support me alot. And there just enjoyable to be around. But one thing i would take with me is the small things that hold the most memories like pictures and maybe little nic-nacs.

Other thing i would brin is stuff to do like my ipod or maybe even a book to read during my spare time.

One thing that would be hard to leave behind is all my pets. My 2 dogs and kitten. Cause like they say a dog is a mans best friend.

JordynN1 said...

A few things in my life that I value, define me and i couldn't live without would be my soccer jerseys and my iPod.

I value my soccer jerseys so much because they all define me. Every little stain, tear and marking shows a little part of the game. My whole life revolves around soccer. It's the only thing that I can physically do that makes me happy and calms me down when I am sad.

I would take my iPod with me because all the songs on it describe, help or pumps me. I listen to my iPod when i am down or even when I need a little motivation. My iPod helps me through the day.
-Jordyn Newcomer

Estefany G. said...

As a human being, i have a lot things that are important to me. some of those things influence my life a great deal, while others dont. for example: my cellphone, computer,email, dsi, are things that i hav and use for fun, just for entertainment. i could definetely live without these things. but others, i cannot live without. for example:my family, my memories, friendships, and a gold ring thats been passed down for generations in my family.
something that defines me as a person would be flowers. i have flowers everywhere. on my clothes, as hair accesories, in my house, earrings, shoes, even on bags. i think flowers express many feelings and can lighten up a mood.
if i were being taken away from my house, i would take some pictures of family and friends, a small stuffed animal for comfort, chocolate, a flower or two, and....some clothes

caseycows3 said...

What defines me. I am defined by my family, my heritage, and soccer. These three things, along with many others paint a picture of who I am. These three things are also very important to me. If I were to be taken from my house for a long period of time I would bring family pictures,a blanket, and a soccer ball. I would bring my family picture so I would be able to look back on my loved ones, and reminise about the good memories I had had. The second thing I would bring would be a blanket. This is because, without knowledge of where I was headed, I would want to be prepared for any condition. A blanket not only keeps one warm, but can also be used as a backpack, a hideout, and many other useful things. The third thing I would bring is my soccer ball. This is because that object, is the reason I get up for school every morning. My life revolves around soccer all year round and I would want to make sure that my skills would not be lost during the period of time I'd be gone. My soccer ball would give me comfort and hope, and it would make me want to achieve my goal even more.

Kuharcik-3p said...

Some things that are important to me are my family, my dog and my friends. I like to think that food defines me because I am always eating. Something I could not live without is music, because I listen to music all the time and it is important to me.I would give up some of my favorite foods like mac and cheese, bagel bites and even pizza rolls for music and xbox. If I was taken from my house for a long period of time i would take a lot of food, a flashlight, a lighter, water, and a gun.

Ellie said...

There are so many things that define me. The most important things I value at my home are my books.If I was taken from my home I would indefinitely take my books with me. Each tell stories created by people of extraordinary minds. I like books not only for their stories, but also that they are proof that your imagination is the most powerful thing is the world. They would give me hope if I could never return home.

Among those books would be a Bible. I value my religion and what it means to me. It's a big part of who I am and what makes me feel safe. It would give me a sense of pride, in thinking no matter what happens I could always stay true to who I am. It would remind me whats important and would block out everything that wasn't.

Anonymous said...

something that is very valuble to me is my grandmother's picture. its valuble to me because its the only thing i have left of her. after she passed i kept her picture, it gives me someone to talk to and a shoulder to cry on.i would also bring my huge tweety bird and pooh bear stuffed animals that my dad gave me when i was little. ive had them forever and i never want to lose them.

if i was taken away for a long time i would bring that picture. i would also bring those stuffed animals. the picture would give me something to believe in. seeing my grandmothers face would keep me happy and safe in my heart. the stuffed animals will help keep my family with me. i can sleep on them and cuddle with them and let my body sink into the cotton.

~deja williams~