In Romeo and Juliet, we will see friendship in many forms. So often our own friends are the guides we need through our darkest hours. I can recall many times when I have called upon another to help me carry whatever pain or fear that I had strapped to my back. Our friends are our confidants, our vessels to scream into knowing that our secrets will never be shared or dispersed.
I want you to think of the role of friendship in your life. What do you expect of your friends? What do you trust them with? What can they count on you for?
When I look for a friend, I would look for people who are honest, friendly, or are people who I can engage an interesting conversations with. These are just some of the things that my friends are comprised of, and it is these qualities that have kept these people my friends since we were in grade school. In, addition, I can trust them with most of my secrets, but I have the fear that they will blab it to their other friends, or to the wrong people. However, I can trust them with most of my material possessions (mainly making sure they are not damaged). Finally, my friends can count on me to be reliable for major projects, group work, adn other things like keeping secrets, and beign honest, sincere, and maintain a stable relationship.
a friend is someone you trust to follow your lead even if it causes a problem they are someone you trust to keepwhat is importantsafe no matter what to defend your ideal and value's without going against them.
From my friends I expect a certain level of trustworthiness, intellect, attention, and empathy/sympathy. I trust my closest friends with my secrets, knowing they will keep them safe, and in turn they trust me with theirs. I personally believe that it is extremely difficult for a teenager to keep all the painful events of their life within them, and therefore I try to offer sympathy and empathy to my friends and expect the same from them. My friends an always count on listening ears, wise words, non-judging eyes, and above all else a certain level of privacy so that those who are expected not to know don't.
-John B. Shaw
my role in friendship im an open book, im ready to share life experances to who ever wants to hear them. im friends with everyone mostly everyone so alot of people come to me for advise or just someone to talk too. i beleave friendship and trust are keys that open many doors in our lifetime.
I expect out of my friend: Trust, care, honesty, and integrity. I trust them with many things; from secrets to our own trusting relationship. They can count on me for everything. My friends are my family and whatever they need, they can come to me. They know that.
I beliieve that friendship is very important in my life but I think there are many different levels of friendship. Out of my true friends I expect understanding, integrity, and honesty. I trust my close friends with everything. I trust them with my thoughtd, my feelings, and even my deep dark secrets. A true friend should be depended on and should be able to depend on me and trust me with everything I trusted them with. Their shhould be a mutual trust created and as a result a strong bond.
~Rebecca H.~
I expect my friends to always be there for me, give me advice and help me through every situation. I trust hem with all my secrets and problems and I know they will not tell anyone. They can count on me with anything and I will be willing to help them out.
Friendship has always been very important to me. Although I have had many friends that have come and gone, most of my best friends and I have been friends since elementary school. It's kind of weird to think that I looked for the same things in a friend when I was five than I do now. I can always count on a true friend to make me laugh when I need to, which is pretty often. I can also trust their opinions and know that they are always honest with me, even when I don't want to hear it. But most of all, a true friend is someone that is always simply there...supporting you with anything and everything, without judgement. I think as a friend, people can count on me to keep secrets and promises and to always encourage everyone to do better than their best. I believe good friends are rare and hard to keep, but at the end of the day, they are the people that make life possible.
A role I play in a friendship is that I'm the guy who is always happy and always has the jokes and always can bring people to reason before action. I expect my friends to respect who I am and not for who they want me to be.friendship is very important to me without my buds I wouldn't be able to have as much fun as I do right now
My Friends Mean The World To Me. Their All Like My Family. I Expect My Friends To Be Their For Me When I Need Them To Be, Understand Me, And Help Me Through The Bad Times In My Life. I Trust My 4 Close Friends With Everything. I Feel Better Shareing Things With Them Because It Makes Me Fell Better To Vent And Let Everything Out Then Holding It In. I Count On My Friends For Alot. I Feel Bad Sometimes For Thinking I Rely On Them So Much For Things. Being So Close To My Friends Makes Us Stronger Together.
A friend, to me, is someone who won't leave your side for anything. When i look for friends i look for people who have the same personality and morals as me. I look for friends that wont leave when something better comes along. My friends can trust me to be there for them and to help them with whatever they need.
Friends I'm looking for are the kind of people that are the same type of me like funny, honest, trustworthy, people that I can talk to seriosly about something personanl. This are the kinds of friends I'm looking for and that I have. I want someone to trust with all my heart like my parents.That I could tell them all my life secrets and that they would care about me and would listend to me. Friends to count on me and me on them.This is waht I want on my Friendship relationships.
what i look for in a friend is that they are always honest with me. I want to be able to trust my friends with everything i tell. All my secrets. My friends can count on me for anything.
when i look for a friend i ll look for honest, trust and a person who has my back.I would never trust my friends with anything of mine because you never know the actual way someone acts and feels against you. My friends would alway have me to back them up and my trust.
What I think when I look for a friend is I look for if they are honest, able to start up a conversation, if they really are a true friend. What I can trust them with is the secrets or things I tell them because some people go on and tell other people and then it gets all around school. I can trust them if I give them something that is mine and when they give it back. They can count on me when they need information, or doing a project, if we are doing group work that needs to be done by the end of the period they can count on me, keeping there secrets, and starting up a conversation.
I expect my friends to bring the best out of me. They need to be able to relate to me and try to help me in any way because, after all, that's what friendship is. Friendship is similar to splitting yourself in half and letting the other person carry around the other half: you depend on them (as if they carried your other half around, you see?) I trust them with all my agrrivations, secrets, embaressments and bipolar attitudes. I trust that they will always be waiting for me after i travel through a rough patch, that they will help direct me toward the path that's right for me, not necisarrily them. They can count on me for just about anything. I can be a mentor, a human diary, a listener, a "crazy times when im with her" person. I can and usually are anything for my friends because they deserve that. They help carry my loads, and i do the same for them.
All I expect from my friends is their honesty and true friendship. What I trust them with depends on how close we are. If we're very close, and I consider them a best friend, I'll tell them anything and everything about me. If they're not that close, I don't ever tell them much. My friends can count on me for almost anything. Almost meaning that I would never choose sides or do anything bad for them.
-Liz 2nd period
I expect my friends to be honest, kind, and there for me when I really need them. Likewise, I would try to do the same for them. I trust my friends with my secrets, fears, dreams and insecurities. I could also trust my friends with any material things, because I know they would give them back unharmed. I hope my friends can count on me to be there for them, and that they can count on me to keep their trust by not telling secrets.
represent the middle of society because pants typically are in the middle of an out-fit.
Friendship is a major role in my life. My friends are rocks and things that keep me sane. They are people that manage to cheer me up, even when I just want to curl up under a rock. I expect my friends to listen to me and keep my secrets. I expect them to respect me and treat me as their equal, nothing more, nothing less. I also expect my friends to support me in what ever it is that I do. I trust my friends with anything. If I had to put my life in a friends hand I would. My friends can count on me for anything. I keep their secrets. I would even take a bullet for any of my friends.
Sorry a part of my language arts essay got in that.
Friendship plays the biggest role possible in my life. Without my friends, I probably wouldn't be sane or maybe even alive. I expect my friends to be trustworthy, understanding, supportive, and respectful. I will provide each of those things the the greatest of my capability in return. My friends are people that I can depend on, and they'll be around forever because it takes alot for me to trust you or to become close to you. Friends are extremely substantial in anyones life, but especially mine.
In my life my friends are a big part of my life and they meen alot to me. To my friends they know everthing about me. From my friends i expect that they dont lie to me and understand that when i am being me i have a tendicie to be mean and i dont meen it. They can count on me to bring them up when there down and help them when they want it.
With my friends i don't want someone who always has to be better and someone who always puts people down. My friends are trusted with things such as secrets and if i need a favor i can always trust them to help me out. That's what a friend is to me.
Mitch Slyman
The thing I expect from my friends are being honest,trustworthy, giving,funny, and always accepting. I love my friends for who they are and not what their not or what their trying to be. I think having a certain expectation isn't always neccesary but sometimes it just depends who the person is. I only trust my really close friends because i dont want to spill my secrets to someone I don't know so well or someone who I know will not be able to keep anything to themselves.I don't want to tell someone things to that will backstab me, like I might not even know if their really my friend or not so I dont just wanna tell someone anything. I trust my true few with pretty much everything, I love them like I love my family and I know I could tell them anything, it would be forever safe. My friends can trust me with anything, and ill be there no matter what. If the tell me something they know i will keep it safe. Anyone can trust me if they know me well enough, I mean im always open to friendship, i'll be friends with anyone.
I don't know what I would do without friends. They are part of my support group and help me to become the person I am. When I look to someone for friendship, I look for honesty, trust, a someone that I can just talk to and have fun with. I trust that they will keep my secrets and personal information. I trust that they will be there for me and know that I will be there for them too. My friends can count on me as somebody that they can come to when they are feeling down and upset and need help or just to hang out and talk.
The main thing I expect from my friends is not to judge me. We're all quirky in our own way and I expect them to understand that and not look at me like I'm crazy when I speak. I couldn't spend my time with someone who doesn't get me. My friends and I all have similar senses of humor which helps us connect and have interesting conversations. I also expect them to always have my back. If someone is talking about me behind my back, I want to hear that my friends didn't sit there and listen. I want to hear that my friends gave them the "death look" and spoke in my defense. I would do the same for any one of my friends. I expect them to listen when I have boy drama, school issues, home problems and anything that falls in between. My friends would say that I'm very open with my opinions, but that's only true with them. I don't tell everything to just anyone. I trust my friends to keep my secrets because I keep theirs. They know that they can talk to me about anything and I won't judge them. They know that I always understand where they're coming from and I do not think that they have lost their minds. We can always talk about just about anything because I know that I can trust them and they know they can trust me.
~Brooke C. 1st period
When I look for a friend, I look for someone who cares about me, respects our differences, who is loyal, funny, creative, and has things in common with me. I forge most of my friendships at school, but I have trouble maintaining them because of the chaos. I also have many friendships at youth group. I find that I can relate to them on a more common ground, because we are all gathered for the same reason. Faith
A. Plumlee
i expect honestly, loyalty, and somebody that is trustworthy. i trust my friends with secrets and to be there for me when i need them. My friends count on me to be there for them, to be able to keep secrets, to stand up there for them when people are messing with them, and to give them advice.
When I think of my friends I don't expect anything out of them. They are not my employees, they are all individual with their own personalities and ways of dealing with situations. I hope that I can depend on them to tell me the truth and spare me future embarassment from mistakes. I also hope that they will be there to help me and talk with me when times are great and when times are bad. I want to know I can trust them and that they won't judge me for something I have said or done, my mistakes. I trust me feelings with them. I know they won't try to make me feel worse when I'm already down. Along with that i trust that they know how to make me laugh and feel better. In my friendships my friends can expect me to always tell them the truth and tell them when their judgements become too clouded or harsh. They can also expect me to listen when they are upset and be there when they need help. I believe that friendships shouldn't be filled with temsion. Everyone should be able to speak their mind and tell the others how they feel without everyone getting angry and fighting. Friendships should be everlasting and not based on popularity or rank.
Abbi R. 1st period
My friends can count on me for anything and everything, and they all know that. Even now that we're all in high school the ones thatI have lost more touch with know I will be there for them. They still come to me for advice and if they ever need anyone to talk to they know I'm here for them. When I look for a friend I look for someone who's honest and trusworthy who also has the same values as me. I don't want to be haning around with someone who does bad things that I don't want to do because I like the life I'm living now and I don't want to be pressured to do things I don't think are right. My the friends I have now I know I can trust one hundred percent. they are great people and I don't know what I'd do without them.
When I look for a friend I look for someone who is similar to me. Who shares the same values as me and will not judge me for who I really am. I am very close to my friends. They help me through everything. They listen to me when I am down and just want to rant and get something off my chest. I expect my friends to respect me for whom I am, even through all the crazy things that I may do. I especially expect them to be honest. The worst thing a friend can do is talk about one behind their back. It ruins the friendships and makes them untrustworthy. I trust my friends with some of my secrets. Not all of them, only some of the less important ones. I am always worried that they will tell someone my secret or view me differently because of it. I trust that my friends will accept me for the person I am inside, because if they did not, believe me I would have no friends. My friends can count on me for anything. They know that I will always be there for them and their problems. I will always lend a listening ear and offer the best of advice when needed. I will do this for them and know that in return they will do the same.
I role of friendship in my life that I greatly honor is the relationship between my sister and I. My sister and I are three years apart, however, those few years do not distinguish
differences. We love each other through thick and thin and I would do anything for her. I expect honesty, respect and acceptance from my sister; all of which I work to, as well, show to her. I trust my sister in accepting me for who I am, showing me large doses of love and providing me with much needed enthusiasm and excitement. My sister can count on me to be her balance. When she is wild and crazy, I am reserved and quiet. I help her see a different perspective on life, as she helps me do the same. She can also always count on me to be there for her, through it all. She can count on me, as I can always count on her to be my forever friend.
Haylie R. 2
I expect my friends to be loyal to me. I don’t enjoy when my friends talk about me behind my back or pick fights with me over stupid things. That doesn’t make anyone a good friend. I like when my friends have the same interests as me, also. I wouldn’t want to be around people who don’t even like the same things that I do. I could honestly see myself getting angry with that person before I even got to know them that well. I trust them with pretty much everything. I can tell my friends what’s going on at home and what my other friends are doing that I really don’t agree with. They can count on me to keep their secrets and be there for them when they are going through a hard time. I give them advice when they are between decisions.
In a way, I expect very little and very much from my friends. I expect little in that I do not call them at all hours, constantly request favors or pester them unnecessarily. I expect much in that they have to put up with me. I trust my friends with my ideas, secrets and with the knowledge that I am completely batty. Sometimes, they don't bear very well with that idea. My friends know that if they need me, they can call me and I will lend an ear. They know that if they need me to be someplace for them, I'll badger my parents until I get a ride(I'll bike if I have to, but I prefer the car).
I expect a friend to be like a sister, someone who you can always talk to, and not have to worry about them judging you. I trust my friends with secrets, like most people, and i also put trust in my friends that they are honest and true. My friends can count on me to be a listener, or advise giver, which ever they need, and to always make them laugh.
My friends are closer to me than my own family. What binds me to my family is blood, but to my friends it is a stronger force of loyalty and emotional attachment that makes me crave their company. We don't get to choose our relatives, but our personal family—the one we establish by surrounding ourselves with loving friends—reflects everything we want in life. We expect our friends to give us honesty, company, opinions, memories, fuel for our dreams, confidence, and so many more indescribably emotions. Personally, I trust my friends with my life. Anything that bothers me, any of my fears, any of my stories or memories are shared with them; therefore, I open the door and welcome them into a part of my life that is set aside for only a select few. In return for the love that my friends give me, I try my hardest to return a mutual love. I have set aside my time for my friends and welcomed them into my life as an extended family, and I could ask for nothing more in life than the wonderful companions I have grown closer to over the years of my life.
I expect my friends to be loyal, caring, responsible, and friendly. I've kept many of my old friends but also added on quite a few throughout my life. I can trust most of my friends with secrets knowing that it won't get around but I cannot fully trust anyone. They can count on me to be honest, loyal, and caring they can trust me to keep secrets and help them get through any of their problems they may have.
My friends are what hold me together. There are some in particular who help me live in different ways. Some are for laughing, some are for secrets, some are for drama, some are for boys, some are for schools, sports, hanging out, etc. With anyone of my friends missing, I would be at a great loss. For my friends, I expect them to listen to my problems, be there for me when I need someone to lean on. I need my friends to keep my secrets that I can't tell anyone else, and most importantly I need my friends to help me have fun! I can trust most of my friends with anything. They tell me their secrets and I tell them there mine. My friends have been with me a long time, and there is a portion of all of us that holds each others secrets in a deep dark place where nobody will ever find them. When my friends ever need someone, I am there. When they are angry at their boyfriend, girlfriend, teachers, parents, etc, I am there to listen to them rant and grow furious by throwing out all of their anger at me. I help friends with social problems, school problems, sports problems, and any other problems imaginable. I love my friends and no matter what, I will be there for them, and they will always have my back.
What I look for in a friend is qualities i find among myself. Honest, Funny, Friendly and love sports. I want an honest friend so that i can trust them with my deepest secrets because everyone knows its not a secret if someone else doesn't know. I look for funny friends so that everything isn't so serious. They say laughing is the best calorie burner! A friendly quality in a person is important because you want someone outgoing and that you can bring around other friends. I also want a friend who loves sports because well If i think of it.. My bestfriends are my volleyball friends! I fear untrustworthiness, nastiness and jealous friends. My friends can count on me for anything, I am a type of friend who would come to your house at 1 am if you needed me. (that's after I screamed at you for waking me up). Friends are important in ones life because they are the people who get to chose, you can't choose your family but you can choose your friends and surround yourself with people that bring out the best in you, and thats truly the best feeling.
2nd period
When I look for a friend, I look for fun, bubbly, loving, poeple who are just like me. They also can't care what people think and have to be able to be fun. I also should be able to trust them with anything of mine, and I should also be able to trust them to be there for me and do what I ask. I expect them to be trust worthy and honest, and responsible. I can be there for my friends when I need them, and they should also be there for me when I need them to be. They can count on me for anything, and everything. <3
I expect from my friends to support my decisions. I trust them to not tell other people things about me that I tell them. They can count on me for help when they need it.
-Chris Fassih
Friendship is an important part of my everyday life. They are there when I’m sad, when I’m angry, and when I just need someone. I expect understanding, compassion, and to just be themselves. I trust my friends with everything, especially the things I don’t want to tell my parents. They can count on me for everything. I am like a diary, one with a lock and key. They always tell me their secrets because they know I will never tell. I would do anything for my friends.
ONe of the the things that I expect from my friends is that they wont leave my side when i need them. I want them to help me get through the hard times and make the good times even better. I also expect my friends to accept me unconditionally. I trust my friends to tell me the truth, to be honest with me. my friends can count on me for anything.
I expect my friends to be trustworthy. I want to be able to tell them something and not have to worry about them sharing it with others. I also expect honesty. I do not like to be lied to. It annoys me when you know for sure people are lying then they deny it. I also would want a friend to be sympathetic. I want someone who will try to pick me up when I am down. A few of my friends I feel I could trust with almost anything. I can tell them anything and not have to worry about anyone else finding out. Any one of my friends can count on me to listen. Sometimes I am not much of a talker, but I can listen to people for a while. If they have a problem or just need to talk I can always be there for them.
Kaitlyn R. 2nd period
friendships are msot of my life. especially when it comes to going to school. i talk to my friends for abot seventy percent of the day. i expect them to tell me a bunch of funny stories that happened throughout the day. i trust my friends with secrets. they can count on me not to tell any of their secrests.
When I look for a friend, I would look for people who are honest, friendly, or are people who I can engage an interesting conversations with. In, addition, I can trust them with most of my secrets, but I have the fear that they will blab it to their other friends, or to the wrong people. However, I can trust them. They should be someone who understands your values and respects your boundaries.
Friends are those people that, when everyone else looks at you like your crazy, they are not afraid to be on your side even if it makes them a freak, like you, in everyone else's eyes. They know it doesn't matter what those other people say. I don't expect anyone to do this for me. People can be too fickle, one day they are your best friend, and the next your worst enemy.
I trust people who won't remember my crazy rants from the day before to tell to everyone else. They couldn't remember my secrets even if they wrote them down, and so I know they are safe. I know anyone else would talk behind my back, and we'd end up like those girls at lunch "I heard you were talking sh*t about me! Don't be talking sh*t. . . blah blah blah."
Anybody can count on me for anything, I'd back them in fights, or give them my last dollar just 'cause they said they were hungry. Those who know me have seen this, but nobody has ever repaid me that dollar.
I expect that my friends will always be there for me. I expect that they can always make me laugh, that I'll be able to count on them for anything. I expect that my friends like me for who I am, and not for what I have or what I do. I expect that I will be able to trust my friends with anything.
I really can trust my best friends with anything. I can tell them secrets and trust that they will remain kept. I can trust that if I tell them something embarrising that they will not make fun of me. I can trust that if I tell my friends something personal that they will take the time to listen.
I hope that my friends can say the same thing about me. I hope that my friends can count on me to be there for them, to make them laugh, to keep their secrets, to take the time to listen, and to just be a good friend to them.
I believe that friends are a vital role in life. We are nothing without the people that we love right by our side. Standing with us, giving us friendship.
i expect me friends to be there for me when i need them. i can trust them with a lot of things. one of those things i can trust them with my secrets. another thing i can trust them with is the items that i own. they can count on me for exactly the same things that i can count on them for.
I expect my friends to be a good friend. They should be trustworthy and nice to me. I expect that they would respect me and my values. I trust my friends a lot. They are all nice and trustworthy and would keep a secret or something like that. They can count on me for keeping a secret or always being there for them.
---Matt Saxon
I expect of my friends to always be there when I need them, while at the same time for them to expect the same from me. I trust my friends when they tell me something, and I expect them to be honest. My friends can expect the same thing from me, which is what really defines a friendship.
What I expect from my friends is for them to be completely honest with me and not talk behind my back if something went wrong or was said that they didn't even come to me to talk about first. Also, I expect my friends to be there for me whenever I am upset or just need someone to talk to which they always are. I trust my friends with secrets and things that I cant tell any of the people that I dont talk to as much or see them on a normal basis. I also trust my friends that are close to me with anything that I need to share with them. My friends can count on me to keep the secrets they share with me, to be there whenever the time gets rough and they just need someone to talk to.
Friendship takes up so much of my ife because its a very important value to me. I expect my friends to just listen. My friends know that whenever i need them, i usually need themto be there so i can vent my feelings and release all my emotions.They are understanding and know me well enough to find the words to comfort me. I just want them to be supportive, honest and caring. They can tell me anything, they know that i will be there through the ups and downs and that i will always be there and be supportive, give advice and listen. I will not judge them regardless the situation. Even with people that I haven't talked to in years, i will still be a friend to them because at one point we were real close and I want them to know that inspite of our differences they can come to me whenever they need a friend.Im just thankful to have such great friends in my life because i trust them with everything. I would be lost without them.
I except my friends to be honest with me. I no that it is hard to hear honest but it need to said and my friends can but it in away that is doesn't hurt so much. I also want me friend to e loyal and trustworthy. A friend is some one youcan count on them to be there when you are hurting an they sit there and listen to you and just listen. There also there to hold and keep the secrets that you tell them. To help you threw the worst. And you are there to help them in return.
Having good, supporting friends in my life is a big deal. I'm very picky with who I choose to have as a friend, which can be good or bad at times. When I am looking for
a friend, I expect them to be a lot of things; responsible in making good decisions, trustworthy with my secrets, and always being here when I need a pick-me-up. The people I currently label as my "best friends" are all of those things. Best friends are very hard to find, but once you find them, you know you have something good. With these best friends, I can basically trust them with everything. From prior experience, I know that they will never let me down. My older sister and three special people at school are who I consider my really good friends. I may have known them all of my life, or just a year; I know they're genuine people. I can tell my friends my deepest secrets, vent my emotions to them, and just talk about what is on my mind, without worrying that the whole school will know the next day. Very few people will actually show and act out these qualities, lots of people will just be fake. But best friends are the ones you know you can be an idiot around and they don't mind. You can trust them with anything, they can trust you with anything. My friends can expect out of me what I want from them, times a billion. The people who I open up to and feel comfortable around
deserve my best respect. I will always listen to them no matter what they need to say, be their shoulder to cry on when they need it, and give them the best advise that I think will help them become more successful in their lives. Without these friends in my life, I wouldn't have been able to make it through a handful of traumatic instances.
Friends are the supports that carry me through my hardest times. My friends mean the world for me. I would do anything for them, and I know they would do the same for me. From my friends, I expect confidentiatity when needed, honesty, compassion, help, advice, and the ability to make me smile. I also expect them to respect my beliefs, values, and boundaries. I trust my true friends with everything. They have helped me through so much because I have trusted them so completely with all of my problems and secrets. My friends can count on me for anything. I will always be ready to listen to any kind of their problems and not judge. They can ask for advice or help and I will try to the best of my ability to help them. They can count on me to always be there for them and to never tell any of their secrets. My friends can expect honesty from me. Also, they can call on me if they need to rant about something and don't want an opinion on it. My friends can expect a shoulder to cry on when they're sad. They can also expect all types of respect from me. My friends can expect me to be by their side forever (figuratively, I wish I could be by their side forever literally but that is impossible). I love my friends to death and honestly don't know what I would do without them.
Alyssa Emery 9th period
I expect my friends to be honest with me, trustworthy and encouraging and someone there to make me laugh when I'm feeling down. I trust my best friend with everything. No matter the issue, whether family troubles, school,etc. I know we can trust each other to be there to listen to everything we have to say. My friends can count on me to always be there to listen to them, doesn't matter the problem or just to get something off their back. I love to know that my friends can come to me and know what they won't be spread.
Without my friends, I don’t know where I would be. They are the ones who have grown to know me so well, and I have grown to know them. They know when I am sad, angry, or upset. They know how to cheer me up. When I need to get something off my chest, they are always there to listen or give advice. I expect my friends to always be honest with me. Friends don’t lie and try to deceive each other; they are there to lift each other up when the other is down. To fill each other’s lonely days with days of fun. I trust my friends with all my secrets, troubles, and worries. Likewise, they can count on me for the same things. They know I am always there to listen and help whenever they need me.
Morgan 2
I expect my friends to listen to me, give me advice, and keep me happy. My closest friends I can trust with everything. They can count on me for almost anything.
Somebody I know and talk to doesn't automatically make them my friend. I look for people who are true to me and themselves; people who are tolerant and like me for me. I expect them all to tell me the truth, regardless of the consequences that may occur. I expect confidence and humor; somebody who can always be there with a good attitude to entertain me or cheer me up. I trust my loyal friends with anything. True friends are hard to come across, so I'm able to spill my emotions out to the ones I have. All of my true friends can count on me for being there, and never leaving. They can also count on me to respect their aspects. They can count on me for being a friend.
- Pete
When I look for a friend I look for someone who is trustworthy,friendly,and a good listener. I trust my friends with almost anything, and they can come to me for anything. My friends usually depend on me for a good laugh or advice.
I'm the type of person that doesnt make friends very easily, but when I do find a friend, we will most likely be friends for life. My friends are honest, trustworthy, funny, and we all have the same values. My friends are there for when I just need to vent about the world, or my life. I'd be lost without them.
When i am in friend serching, i look for a friend that would be thier for me whatever comes our way, or a friend who will always be nice and support any decision i pick. i think a friend would have the value of listening to you even if your styoryu goes on and on... but will continue to listen to you. -koa b.
My friends aren't just there for me to laugh with, they are there for trust and support. My friends give me a shoulder for me to lean on. I expect my friends to listen to me, even when I speak of the most ridiculous things. I trust them with my life. My friends are my life, and they know most everything about me. my friends can count on me for backing them up, keeping their secrets, being friendly yet honest, and making them laugh. I love my friends as I love myself.
My friends mean very much to me . I always know i can count on them to be there for me when I need someone to talk to or when I'm just bored and need someone to hangout with. I trust my friends with my life and i hope that they know they can count on me for anything.
-Nicole Lorig
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