One of our big ideas is the idea of Fate. It is often said by many that fate is the reason they were in a particular moment at a prticular time, or that it was fated they would meet their spouse at a party they never intended to go to but decided to at the last minute. Fate is blamed and given credit for many events and meetings.
Look through the book, and think about the importance of the role of fate. Does it exist? Are the events in Romeo and Juliet guided by fate? Is fate an excuse?
Argue for or against the role of fate thus far in the play. Use the text to support your answer. Your points this week will also be dependent on you commenting on one other person's blog. Be sure to blog twice--once for yourself and once on another's argument. This week's blog will be worth 25 points.
While I don't believe that life is predetermined, fate has a large role in the play. A good example of this is the quote, "a pair of star-crossed lovers take their life." The term itself (star crossed) is referring to astrology, or the idea that our lives are determined by the stars.
I've heard fate used as an excuse before, as if a person isn't responsible for murder because they were born under a troubled sky. This is foolhardy. The fact is humans do things because of emotions, reasoning or some form of faith. We won't just enter the utopian age because, "The moon is in the 7th house, and Jupiter aligns with Mars". Again, this is simply foolhardy.
To close, I don't think that real world lovers are doomed to kill themselves for each other because of astrology (an ancient and brutal belief, look at the Aztecs), but the Author may have wanted to convey this message to help tell the story.
I agree with how you said fate doesn't determine how we act. But I would argue that we how we act depends on fate. Although fate doesn't determine how we live our lives, we get to determine the impact of fate. So I agree with your arguemnt that we are not determined by fate, but I would like to add that the end depends on our immediate reaction to an event of fate.
In my opinion, fate is a belief more than anything. Some believe that you were meant to be at that one place at that exact time so this or that would happen. Some believe it's simply just coincidence. I am a strong believer in fate. I think everything happens for a reason. I wasn't tought that, nobody told me that's how the world works, I just view the world like that. I once heard a saying that is sooo true. It was, "If you want to make God laugh, try to make your own plans." I could not agree more with the statement. I'm not saying that I don't have my goals and my wants in life, but I wonder if i was destined to want those things. And I wonder what they will lead me to.
In Romeo and Juliet, we see fate when Romeo is crying over Rosaline and how he loves her but she doesn't love him back. It just so happens that that night, he get's invited to the dinner party where he meets Juliet, the soon to be love of his life and future wife. I believe Romeo was destined to be on the street at the time the servent asked him to read the invitation, which lead him to the dinner party, which lead him to meeting Juliet.
fate a difficult concept yet so simple to many thoughout several (of shakespheres) wrightings we here o cruel fate though i believe fate is never predetermined for it was tybalt's choice to go after romeo that caused the most recent chapter of this great story but it was the choice of the family's that caused this feud to continue it is as i belive that fate is rather the choices of multiple people making multiple choices that that affect's those arond us that equals what we call fate for it was romeo choice to ask for juilit's hand and it was juiliet's choice to say yes.
I believe in Fate. just not to the extent of most people. I believe that it happens, but some people believe that it happens a lot more than it actually does. I do not believe that it is Fate either, but rather God. However, i will call it Fate for this blog assignment.
I do believe that Fate exists in this book, but it is more of an evil Fate. I do believe that Shakespeare is trying to play with the idea of Fate, and put a negative spin on it in this particular piece. I do think it was Fate that lead Mercutio and Benvlio to drag Romeo to the party where he met and fell in love with Juliet. But the fate is evil, for their love for each other consumes all of their other thoughts and feelings and ruins their lives, until they eventually kill themselves in the end of the play. So Shakespeare uses the idea of Fate to try to allude to Romeo and Juliet falling in love and being happy, but he also drops little hints about a tragic ending too. He totally crushes the happy love part of Fate in the end, but he builds upon it constantly throughout the play, especially in Acts 1 and 2.
Personally, i believe that many many people do use Fate as an excuse, which is what I was getting at in my first paragraph when i said, "... some people believe that it happens a lot more than it actually does." When one blames a negative event on Fate, they are using it as an excuse when it is not truly Fate that did such a thing, but rather one's own doing, and they are not taking responsibility for their actions when they blame it on Fate. Fate could be when a baseball player is not good at bunting, for example. The player was going to go to one High school, but moved before their Freshmen year, and as a result ended up playing baseball at a different high school where the team bunts a lot. Because they player moved, he greatly improved his bunting by the end of his senior year, and got drafted into the M.L.B. because of his overall talent and skills (including bunting).
Fate is destiny. It's like what your life decides for you. I heard the saying " Control your life, or somebody else will for you." I think this quote is as true as it can be. It's like reality, but that somebody will often be known to be the other side of you.
Yes, I think fate does exist in Romeo and Juliet, but more as faith and belief. I wouldn't say that it's guided by fate through out the whole thing but it does have a reoccuring role for the most part. For example who knew that after Romeo and Juliet meet eachother at the mask party for the first time, it would lead them to getting married, and going against their families.I would say that's fate because thats not something that happen's often or now an days. At first when Romeo was wanting Rosaline he couldn't even think of any other girl replacing her. And when Juliet came along, he didn't think twice about who Rosaline was and what she mean't at one point in his life.
Fate can at time's be an exuse because everything happen's for a reason and everyone finds joy in every moment occuring , but when bad times come up in a bunch and just shoot straight at you right after the other, that's when you would probably make fate an exuse.
I also feel that fate is a belief. I think the same about someone saying it's fate and someone saying it's a coincidence. I also believe everything happen's for a reason, and niether was I taught that. That's just the way I feel about it from the inside.
In Romeo and Juliet, the concept of fate is existant throught. An example would be the party at the Capulet's house. Here, Romeo and Juliet meet for the first time, and it becomes love at first sight for the two. Another way it is existant is when Mercutio is slane by Tybalt, where he states with his dying breath, "A plague upon both houses!" This means that more chaos and dismay are to come along the lines of the families, and it does. In addition, these events arer guided by fate. It was Tybalt who slane Mercutio, and as the dominos toppled, Romeo had in turn ended his life at the sight ofn his fallen friend. Finally, fate does not seem like an excuse for such matters. As stated earlier, when the dominos toppled over, fate was seeled by the actions of both Tybalt and Romeo. These things happen for a reason, and no one can prevent them from happening. In addition to that statement, there is always someone to blame in most matters.
I agree with your statements on the concept of fate in Romeo and Juliet. It was because of the actions of the individuals that trigered the pre-etermined fate that was to be. For example, it was because of the individual actions of Mercutio, Tybalt, and Romeo witch caused these events to happen. However, the end result was that two people died, and that sealed the fate of Romeo from these events.
Yes fate does exits it the play. A very good example to explain this is when Romeo says, "I will do anything to be with you". I think fate can be use as an excuse because somebody might say that then really not mean it.
Matthais Lohr
I believe fate does exist, but it does not cause everything that happens in our lives.
The evnts in Romeo and Juliet are guided by fate. Fate made Romeo decide to go to the party, which caused him to meet, and fall in love with Juliet. It was meant for Romeo and Juliet to be together, and even though they didnt know it, fate drew them together and finally got them to fall in love with eachother.
Fate is often used as an excuse. people use it as an excuse when they cant figure out why something happened.
I am for Fate so far in the story. i beleive that all of the events that took place in the story happened for the good, even though in the end we all know fate will take them for a deadly ride.
I have to agree with ptoorxx3. Fate is like destiny it also is how you control your life and not some other person controling your life and making the decisions for you.
I think the idea of fate is definately present in Romeo and Juliet. Romeo was not even going to go to the party and because of hime going he fell in love, got married, and his good friend Mercutio to die, along with Juliet's cousin. I think that it is fate that Juliet did not want to be married, yet she fell deepply in love with Romeo and married him after only knowin ghim a day.
Sheakspeare also plays on the idea of fate in that two fmailies who forever hate eachother are connected by their children's love. Romeo and Juliet end up dying all because they met at a party and they knew they could never love a member of their enemies family.
hallie 2nd period
@39 leader
I agree that it is people's own decisions and actions that affect outcomes and situations. However, I think that it was fate that brought them together and starts the relationships that cause these decisions and actions to take place.
No, fate does not play a major part in Romeo and Juliet. Fate is defined as a greater power guiding you to a greater purpose and we do not see this in Romeo and Juliet. There is no character that directs the characters and there is no higher power hinted at in the book. The actions of the character are a result of their interaction with other characters. We see characters effecting those of others is in Act 1 where Tybalt wants to fight Romeo at a party but cannot because the prince has forbade them from fighting at the penalty of death. Another instance where Romeo killing Tybalt is a result of Tybalt killing Mercutio, and that was because Tybalt insulted Romeo and Mercutio. As a result of this Romeo is banished. (Act 3 Scene 1 pages 681-684) A third instance of this is when Romeo goes to a party as a result of coaxing from his dear friends and cousins Mercutio and Benvolio. There has been no interaction between a higher power and any character in the book, and therefore fate cannot play a part.
I support the role of fate. Everyone makes choices, yet they are not 100% sure where these choices will lead them. I believe that everything happens for a reason and that fate is predetermined. In the first lines of Romeo and Juilet we see fate. “A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life.” We see that no matter what they do, their fate in the end is to take their lives. Also, "A plague on both your houses” shows fate because we know that characters from both houses will eventually die. We also see fate when Romeo and Juliet meet at the party, I think that no matter what happened between Romeo and Rosaline, it was always Romeo's fate to be with Juliet.
I also believe that fate is a belief, some people think its coincidence while I believe you were meant to be at a place, at a certain time. I agree that everything happens for a reason.
everything happens for a reason.And I do believe that fate is an excuse. In Romeo and Juliet the idea of "fate " is seen when Romeo goes to the Capulets dinner party, even though he is a Montague. This is where he meats Juliet and they fall in love instantly. We call this fate, but what if that word (fate) didnt exist as a way to explain what happened? Then the situation would simply have just been "happened" for no reason believed or no higher power thought to have played a part. I know that last thought was kind of confusing but what Im trying to say is fate is just another label, another word to put to a situation to describe it, which in my opinion unnecessary. To me fate is just another adjective almost like we would describe a day as cold. or the sun as hot. Romeo and Juliet meeting was fate. Also the idea of fate is shown in the book where Shakespeare refers to Romeo and Juliet as " a pair of star-crossed lovers" This refrence goes back to the belief that when Romeo and Juilet were born, their stars crossed symbolizing that they would be in eachothers lives.This says nothing at all to me about the reason they are in love or if they were ment for each other. I think that whatever happens , happens and there is no reason we need to label it.
-Alex Boac
The future is written in water and can easily change based on a person's actions and choices. Or, at least that is one of the things I've always said. Whether or not it is true depends on who you are applying it to. Some people, such as Romeo and Juliet, might heavily argue that they were destined to meet after Romeo was suffering from heartbreak at a party he never planned to attend.
In Romeo and Juliet, I think that Shakespeare intentionally incorporated the idea of Fate and directly had it influence our favorite star-crossed lovers. In their case, I don't think that fate was an excuse; it was simply how they viewed the outcome of all of their combined actions. In their time, it was likely perfectly acceptable to sum up events that took place by chance to be fate. I'm also sure that the idea of fate crossed Shakespeare's mind a few times as he wrote out the script. I think--in the case of Romeo and Juliet--that fate is a perfectly logical explanation for all of the events that took place. Yet, it is fiction, so if it were an actual event that took place I doubt that fate would be much of a contributing factor at all.
Alex, that was very well said. They were defined by Shakespeare as star-crossed lovers, so at the very beginning the chorus flat out states that "they are doomed from the start because the stars were crossed when they were born". In short, it was fate that brought about their love and downfall. Still, this doesn't support a real life example of fate, because whatever happens will simply happen.
In some instances, I do believe that fate exists. Fate controls the future, but it also controls the past and the present.The events in Romeo and Juliet being guided by fate is an interesting concept. "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet"(- William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, 2.2) and "This day's black fate on more days doth depend:This but begins the woe others must end."(- William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, 3.1) are examples of this.
A. Plumlee
Matthais, do you think fate exists outside of the play too? and how in the play and where does it exist? I agree with you on the existence in the play though
A. Plumlee
I definently think fate plays a role in Romeo and Juliet. I believe that because of fate Rosaline was not in love with Romeo but instead Romeo was sent to the party where he met Juliet who didn't want to get married and eventually fell in love with Romeo and married him. I think that both of these things happened ecause of fate, they weren't just a coincidence.
I also believe that fate is a belief more then anything and that things dont just happen because they are a coincidence. I also agree that everything happens for a reason.
I believe that we all have freewill but our life's are planed out. Like i think we get to choose what to do but its destined that its going to happen. But that doesn't give people an excuse for murder. You can't say "Oh, i killed him because my destiny says i should" that would be just stupid. That is what i think about fate.
-Mitch Slyman
I am for fate in the story. Romeo and Juliet are guided by fate to meet at the party. Romeo was not meant to be at the party and would not have been there if the servant was able to read. It was fate that Romeo would be the one to read the invitation and meet Juliet. Although I believe that they are guided by fate, I do not believe that it is an excuse. On some occasions it is our actions that cause our outcomes rather than fate. In the book, Shakespeare writes, "A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life". Their future is in the starts, or fate as others would say. They crossed paths for a purpose. If it was not for fate, Romeo and Juliet would have never met.
I see your point when you say that events occur because of character interactions. But I also believe that fate is behind some of these interactions. You must remember that it if had not been for the slave, Romeo would have never known about the party. I feel enlightened by your point of view.
I think that In a way Fate does exist. I think that everyone is ment to find someone there attracted to. But fate can be used as an excuse. I've heard people use fate for there own faliure. Fate is something that happends and is seen in Romeo & Juliet. In Romeo and Juliet They both meetat the Capulet's masquerade ball. Romeo went to the ball to find Rosaline who at the time he said he was in love with. If Romeo wasnt trying so hard to impress Rosaline then he might not have ever met Juliet. To me that is Fate.
Fate to me is something that goes well that you didnt plan. Fate could also be evil were your in a certain place at a bad time.
i believe fate is in Romeo and Juliet. One part of fate is when Mercutio and Benvlio push and push for Romeo to go to the party to try to get over Rosaline. There he meet Juliet and they feel in love. fate brought them together and even if there families dont like each other they get past it for what they think feels right. i believe fate does exist. You just have to take chances and fate will be brought apon you.
@ale96b i also believe that fate is just like a label. everyone and everything is labeled. i dont think this play would be described as anything but fate, it is very difficult to find another word for fate.
I believe fate works in strange ways we will never understand fully. Fate is one of thoughts things humans are never supposed to understand we just know it happens like going o bed and waking up it just happens because it has to. Fate p,ays a role in everyones life and in the story Romeo and Juliet showing that people cant control what happens to them fate does. You can try your hardest to alter your destiny but fate has already planned this out and seen it and will have you back on track the way your supposed to be without you even knowing.
I believe in fate. I don't believe that fate was determined when you were born (two star-crossed lovers) and your entire life was planned out in one single moment. I think that fate is more of the spurr of the moment. It could be fate that you and the lover of your life both walk up to the water fountain at the same time. I believe it was fate that brought those two people together at that ine moment. What I don't believe is that fate has decided how many children you will have, where you will live, etc..
As for Romeo and Juliet, the story is fiction. I do believe that fate brought them together. What I don't believe is that at the moment they were born, they knew they would die for eachother. I don't even believe that it was determined that they would end up dead at the moment that they met. I believe that fate pulls together the little things, but it is by our own choice that we react to fate's decisions. With walking up to the water fountain at the same time as the love of your life. Fate may have put you there together, but it's your decision if you ever say one word to the person.
It's hard to say if fate exists or not, depending on what a person means by fate. What happens happens, and it was going to, because that's what happened. It’s hard to say for sure that everything is pre-planned, because then anything that happened would become unavoidable. When something happens, or when someone makes a choice, are they proving or undermining the idea of fate? It depends, I think, on how you look at fate. I think fate's role in the play is evident. Romeo was a Montague; he was not supposed to go to a party at the Capulets. However, a servant who could not read the invitation just happened upon him and his friends, telling them about the party. All this shows how what happened between him and Juliet was destined to happen, at the very least in Shakespeare’s play. I think fate can be fuled by a feeling of unfairness, maybe something really bad happened, you could blame it as fate, or if you made a bad decision, then you could just say that it doesn’t matter because it would have happened anyway. However, fate can also be blamed for good things, what you didn't expect or thought would never happen. I think fate can be an excuse, but I think that it could also be used to undermine good things as impossible without fate.
@ Nicole
I think your right. Certainly in stories, you can use fate as the reason something happened, because you know that someone wrote it and made it that way. In real life, people don't agree if our lives have already been thought out by a greater power, or if they already happened, or not, and so the idea of fate becomes much more prevalent when applied to stores.
Yes! I believe fate can exist, but only one someone want's it to. There are people who may or may not push it away and the people who want it see's things differently. I believe the events in Romeo and Juliet were stirred up out of more of a " want not a need" i think both Romeo and Juliet wanted fate so both went out looking for it and thats how things began.
I agree with you when you say "in your opinion" fate is more a belief than anything, but I do believe some people take fate in as something more. Reliogious people for example, have faith in their belief's and in a quite way, honor that belief.
In romeo and juliet shakespeare does seem to be protraying that fate is very involved in the story. i do believe that shakespeare seems to be using fate to ferther the story or as an excuse of what happens in the story. I, personaly believe that fate is used as an excuse to often in sociaty, but at the same time I do believe that somethings are fate that we cannot control, no matter how badly we deny it. these things are like children born with disabilitys, but in this situation it could be the mothers choise of doing crystal meth while she was pregnent, but at the same time she could have done everything right and still had birth defects.
fate in my opinion is used to often as a scapegoat, for example; some one says "it was fate that other girl got in first place" when it probably was a mixture of luck, training, and of course natral talent.
i totally agree with you that people make their own choices in their lives, not fate. Thingsthat happen are more of a coinsidence then they are predetermind.
Well Fate is almost like destiny. I wouldn't say there was that much fate in the story of Romeo and Juliet. Th ony fate I think there was is that they both wanted to get married and they wanted to be together and they did got married but were not really together. So I dont really think there was that much fate in the story only when they got married. This is what I thinks about fate in the story of Romeo and Juliet.
I also believe that fate is a belief or a destiny more then anything and that things dont just happen because they are a coincidence. I also agree that everything happens for a reason. This is what I agreed on and what I think about fate and believing on whats going to happen.
There is no evidence aside from coincidences that fate exists. Therefore nobody can confirm or deny that fate exists. In the world of literature, anything can happen. Fate exists in RnJ. Yes, people can use "fate" as an excuse. They could say "meh I'm not fated to succeed in life" when in reality that is the path they're choosing.
-Chris Fassih
I don't understand the first thing you say. We have free will but our life is planned out? That is pretty contradictory. The next thing you say means that no matter what we choose to do, some magical force will make us indefinitely end up at a specific place in life. I disagree with you because you aren't backing yourself up. If someone kills another person because they think something told them to, I'd hope they get locked up in a mental facility for the rest of their life.
I believe that the way Shakespeare writes Romeo and Juliett is supposed to give the audience the feeling that the "star-crossed lovers" are destined, or even fated, to
Personally, I am not exactly sure where I lie on the topic of fate. As a christian, I have of course heard that God has a plan for everyone and we'll follow exactly, end of discussion. But when I think of how millions of people in the Holocaust lost their lives at a variety of ages, I find it difficult to believe that the Good Shepherd would lead that many of His sheep to certain doom. Therefore, I believe in fate simply because when I say, "That figures." or "Just my luck." I believe it. But as a christian, I discard fate altogether. If God had a 'plan' for everyone, including non-believers, why wouldn't He want to save all of them and rid the world of sinners once again? No. Free will and decisions dictate actions. However, the current decisions we make will put in place consequential decisions later down the road.
This could be considered as "fate".
I agree that things are destined to happen to someone.
oops. ^-Jshaw
i think fate is real. i believe that everything happens for a reason and if it isn't supposed to happen to you then it won't happen at all. I think fate is shown in Romeo and Juliet when the invitation is given to the servant that can't read and he gives it to Romeo. Fate could be an excuse in some cases but not all.
I disagree on the Rosaline and Romeo fate idea. I think Rosaline rejected Romeo because she knew he was fickle, and she was right. Perhaps it was the fate that led Capulet's messenger to Romeo, and got him invited to the party.
I personaly believe that fate is real. It's always like people say "It's like the stars were in aline for this". This shows how many other people believe in fate too. In Romeo and Juliet, fate is deffinatly a factor. Its the reason they made in the first place. If it weren't for Benvolio convincing Romeo to go to the Capulet's party, he would never have met his true love. This is a major example of guided fate in Romeo and Juliet. Although I believe in fate, I do think that some people may use it as an excuse. They may think that things are bad because fate brought them there. But this may not always be the case. That is why it is majorly used as an excuse. In closing, I believe that fate is very real, and that it can change anybodys life drastically.
I believe that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes fate cannot be change. Fate plays a key role in Romeo and Juliet. It is said that they were brought together by fate. It was fate that led Romeo to the dinner party where he met Juliet. This would change his life forever. The two star-crossed lovers were brought together. This is another example of how fate is important to this book. Because of the way the stars looked when they were born it was already determined that they would meet. They were not only destined to fall in love, but also to die. Fate was very important in the death of Romeo and Juliet also. I believe that fate is used as an excuse sometimes. People say that they were just meant to do things that they should not have done. They also blame bad situations that happen to them on fate. Somethings in life are just meant to be. You cannot really change them. You just have to let fate take its course.
Kaitlyn R. 2nd period
In this story fate has nothing to due with this story because they changed there fate and went with each other instead or Juleit marring Paris she found a way to stay true to Romeo evan if it caused her demise but she changed her fate from living a long life with Paris to killing herself for Romeo. In real life i beleve that people chose what happens in there life that nothing is set in stone untill after it is done, i also think that we are made for surtine things but we can change that.
I think that you have the right idea about what happens and how they were ment to happen
Fate plays a key role in the play Romeo and Juliet. In this play, I believe that fate is for the better. Fate is what Romeo and Juliet together at the ball. Romeo states, "But He, that hath the steerage of my course,
Direct my sail! On, lusty gentlemen." Romeo is saying that he does not really want to go to the party but he decides to anyways. This is the work of fate. By Romeo's decision he goes to the ball and finds his true love, Juliet. There, he sees Juliet with Paris and takes her away to talk to her and says "O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do;
They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair." He wants Juliet and she wants him. Their love at first sight would never have happened unless of faith. With this knowledge, fate has determined good for Romeo and Juliet.
I agree with your idea of fate, and I also agree with where you see fate in Romeo and Juliet. Fate could not have been absent when Romeo gets the invitation. To me it is impossible.
I do not necessarily believe in fate leading us through life, I believe we make our own fate, each and everyday. We make our own decisions and they continually lead us, either left or right. Fate however, is definatley seen within Romeo & Juliet. Before attending the feast, Romeo had a feeling that something fateful would occur. He believed that fate would lead him to the gathering for something grand to occur.
Fate could be used as an excuse. We make our own decisions, and I do not believe anything predetermined is leading us to our next location. I make my own fate.
Haylie R. 2.
@ Kaitlyn
First of all, I think your blog is very nice, and very well written. I like your statement. You did such a nice job that I see your point and I want to agree. You did a very nice job describing the fate seen in Romeo and Juliet :)
Haylie R. 2.
I believe fate is a major part in the story of Romeo & Juliet, and that it starts at the very beginning.
Everything in the play from the beginning leads up to everything afterwards to the end.
For example, if Romeo had not been on the street when he was, he would not have found out about the party. If he never went to the party, he would've never met Juliet, and so on.
I don't believe fate was an excuse because the way they acted and the things they did were not controlled by fate
So far in the play Romeo and Juliet, we can most definitely see fate playing a role, most obviously in the prologue when it is said, “A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life.” The quote is alluding to the stars and the supposed job they have in telling the future. The prologue also explains that Romeo and Juliet were doomed to die right from the start. Another quote talking about the stars controlling destiny is when Romeo says, “I fear, too early: for my mind misgives/ Some consequence yet hanging in the stars/ Shall bitterly begin his fearful date/ With this night's revels and expire the term/ Of a despised life closed in my breast/ By some vile forfeit of untimely death.” Here Romeo says that he has a strange feeling, as if something bad was about to happen that will lead to his death, as if his future was already planned. Juliet alludes to her death when she says, “Go ask his name: if he be married./ My grave is like to be my wedding bed.” The irony is, her grave does become her wedding bed. Juliet also talks of having no control over fortune when she says, “O fortune, fortune! all men call thee fickle:/ If thou art fickle, what dost thou with him./That is renown'd for faith? Be fickle, fortune;/ For then, I hope, thou wilt not keep him long,/ But send him back.” What she means here is that fate seems to constantly be changing its course and she cannot control when she sees Romeo, only fate can. So, she begs fate to bring him back to her. Through the words of the characters in the play, fate can be seen throughout.
Morgan 2
@ptoorxx3 I agree with your comment. It's ironic how Romeo doesn't think twice about Rosaline when Juliet came along
In response to Kaitlyn:
I found it interesting that you brought up the fact that sometimes people blame bad situations on fate. I saw that throughout the play the characters mention fate as a presence that they cannot control, but I never saw just how much the characters whine and complain that fate has brought them misfortune, or that it is all fate’s fault. They seem to leave their destinies to the stars instead of trying to change themselves.
Morgan 2
Fate is a big factor in my life, but it most likely is not the center of it. If something happens, I think part of it is my fate. I make my own decisions, but I also know fate can switch some things up. It's not an excuse to use when bad things happen though either. I personally believe God is the author of our lives and determines what's going to happen, so we can call that fate. An example of fate in Romeo and Juliet is when Romeo is drawn to the party. He accidentally gets an invitation and he just has to go. Without that mishap and him not getting the invite, there probably would be no story today. At this party, he meets the love of his life; I think this situation defines fate to the tee. I think parts of the book use fate and some don't. Like when it says "...star crossed lovers..." This points to the stars and how their lives were run by the arrangement of them. I also believe though that some things just happen because, not due to any kind of fate.
I love your confidence in yourself and in what you believe. You know that you are the author of your own life and that you determine what will happen in your future (unlike in Romeo and Juliet when everything is "fate"). I wish I could be strong like that and admit that to myself!
I believe people control their own fate. It exists to a point. I believe people are born with a certain overall destiny or fate in mind. But through life’s journey the people have the power to shape that fate into what they want it to be. They have the power to take their own paths in life. I believe fate is a guiding force in Romeo and Juliet, but nothing is definite. When the two lovers were born and who they were guided them to fall in love. But, they could have fallen in love with anyone else too. It was just fate that guided them. Fate led them to falling in love, and it led Romeo to go off to that party to meet Juliet. I believe that fate is sometimes used as an excuse. People use it to get out of certain situation where they might have done wrong. They might say that they were guided by the hands of fate and that is why the robbed the bank or murdered the man. Overall, I believe fate guides people on their righteous paths but we still have free will and the greater power to change our fate.
I agree 100 percent when you say that God is in control of our fate. He is the only higher power that can predetermine what our lives will consist of. He knows exactly what will happen and when it will happen. He guides us to our fate.
I agree with Chris Fassih when he says that only coincidence backs up fate, and that it appears many times in R&J, but not that fate is an excuse. People who use fate as an excuse probably do not know it- it is just a belief they have acquired. They are just telling it how they think it is. Though the way Chris explained it, it does seem that fate could be used as an excuse for success or failure.
Fate an argumental topic that most everyone have different opinions on. I don't believe that fate exists. I think people just die when they die. Things just happen as they happen. Nothing was planned out for my life.
I don't think fate is in the story therefore I do not believe fate is an excuse. Just like any other life, Romeo and Juliet is a story where peoples lives go on. I don't believe fate exists in anything. Both Juliet and Romeo live their life and happen to fall under interesting events. I don't like the idea of fate planning out your life for you. The only person that can change their lifes is the person themselves.
Everything that they said was (discludig the fact it was written by an author) was their own thoughts. Fate is just something that people want to use as an excuse, but nothing that actually exisits. The examples you used can just be things people said, not necissarily foreshadowing anything.
I believe that fate exists, and that everything happens for reasons predetermined before we are born. However I also beleive that our choices and decisions effect our lives as well. In Romeo and Juliet the idea of fate plays a major role. We see fate come into play when they first meet. Romeo didn't want to sneak into the Capulet's party, but was convinced at the last minute by Mecurtio and Benvolio. Then he ended up meeting Juliet there. I think Shakespeare intended to have fate have such a major role in his play.
Nicole, I loved how you worded your views on fate. That is exactly how I feel, but I could never find a way to express that as beautifully as you did.
I don't think fate exsits because nobody knows what's going to happen for sure. It's a choice that we make because nobody, but only God knows what happens for sure. I think that events in Romeo and Juliet are guided by fate because they feel like they are going to be together forever, but in the end the pair of star crossed lovers ends up taking their own lives throughout everything they have done to stay together forever. I don't think fate is an excuse because fate is simply a belief or choice you make based on what you believe in during the situation or event that you are in.
-Jordan Meyer-
39 leader I agree with your post because fate to me simply sounds like a choice that you believe in or choose to do. Also, that everything you choose to do happens because of again what you believe in.
Although I'm not a big believer of fate or the thought that everything happens for a reason, I can see fate being played out in Romeo and Juliet. I saw it when they met for the first time. It was a coincidence that they were both at the party and how they connected so well the same day.
"My only love sprung from my only hate!
Too early seen unknown, and known too late!
Prodigious birth of love it is to me,
That I must love a loathed enemy"(138-141). Juliet says this and it shows how quickly they fell in "love". I see this to be fate, if they got a long so quickly.
-Liz 2nd period
I agree with what you said about there being no evidence that fate exists except for coincidences. That's exactly how I see it.
In Romeo and Juliet, fate can be seen throughout the play. An example of fate in the play would be when they went to the party at the Capulet's house. This is when Romeo and Juliet meet for the first time. An it wasn't intended for them to meet at the party so you could pretty much say it was fate. But i do think fate can be an excuse sometimes because two people can meet and have "love at first sight" and then they could say something that they really dont mean , and then it wouldnt be called "fate" anymore.
In Romeo and Juliet, fate can be seen throughout the play. An example of fate in the play would be when they went to the party at the Capulet's house. This is when Romeo and Juliet meet for the first time. An it wasn't intended for them to meet at the party so you could pretty much say it was fate. But i do think fate can be an excuse sometimes because two people can meet and have "love at first sight" and then they could say something that they really dont mean , and then it wouldnt be called "fate" anymore.
@hallie314 -
I agree with what you said too because fate is a belief to most people. Sometimes when people say that they met someone & it was "love at first sight" , it can be a coincidence. It all just depends on people's different beliefs and what they think is fate.
I believe fate is real. I truly think some things are based on 'fate'. What if romeo would of never attended the party? They would of never married. I believe everything happens for a reason, why? I don't know but it just does. If one thing would of never happend half of us wouldn't be here.
@Hallie I agree ! I wonder what would happen if they would of never went to the party? would there of been a story?
- Lexie
2nd period
The role of fate is definitely present throughout the play. It is expressed just before the Capulet party when Romeo has a "bad feeling" about going. He says, "I fear, too early; for my mind misgives some consequence yet hanging in the stars". Here, he is saying that he believes something bad is meant to happen that night , but he didn't do anything to try to prevent it because he thought it was just fate- it was destined to happen anyway.
I dont believenany of the characters in the play used fate as an excuse , but I do think that Shakespear's point in the play was to show his audience that fate was to blame for the tragedy. I think he wrote it meaning to incorporate the lovers destiny. For example, it is found in the chorus that "A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life". No one said that in the play, it was just stated in the opening to get the idea of fate rolling in the readers mind.
^^Nicole LOrig
I agree with you about fate being a presence in our lives...to a certain extent. I don't think every single thing in out lives is controlled by fate. Only because I don't think fate would control what time I eat dinner or when I watch tv, you know what
I mean? But I for sure believe there are things that fate is in control of like who my mom is or if I was destined to move so I'd have the friends I have. Things that are significant in to one's life I believe may be controlled by fate.
-Nicole Lorig
I completely agree that fate in and of itself is God. I believe that He guides you through life, giving you signs here and there, and i think that is what people call fate. I think I believe in fate to a more of an extent than you do, but even as strongly as I feel about fate, I don't think it's used as an excuse. Fate can bring on the good, the bad, and the ugly. That's just life. But to me, believing that something devistating or life changing happened for a reason brings me a little bit more comfort. Even if it was coincidence, it's nice to think God made it happen to better my future.
When it comes to fate, I believe and then I don't. Sometimes I wish that it was because it was destined, and other times I wish I could take hold and put it into my own hands. In my own life, I donot see fate. I see things happen because of choices made and people deciding their own paths, not fate tugging at their hand telling them where to go. It somewhat defeats the purpose of being human. If we are constantly being dragged about by fate, then we are simply nothing more than puppets. If we donot take control, we are letting some superstition pull our strings and dance us about. As in Romeo and Juliet, there were choices being made. Not once do I see a character saying they are going to do something just because they feel obligated. Lord Capulet chose to give his daughter to Paris not because he knew that it would create a conflict for Romeo and Juliet's romance and cause Juliet to think about taking her own life. He did because Paris was a good wealthy man who would love Juliet and Lord Capulet wanted the best for Juliet; not because he felt she was fated for a Montague.
Are we human, or are we just some part of a story that has our ending already written in ink?
I want to comment on anselexa's comment.
I absolutely agree with you. I love the stars and I am very interrested in astrology but to take every shooting star and planet allignment seriously as some sort of answer to our lives is a little far-fetched. I also agree that Shakespear adding the presence of fate in his play does help the story seem more romantic.
I think fate plays a huge role in the play Romeo and Juliet. however I do not think fate plays a role in society as we know it today. Juliets family is trying tto arrange her marriage giving her a good future and a higher social statis. she has grown up knowing that it is her fate to be married to a man of her parents choice, this can be called her fate. today our marriages are not prearranged and we go through life doing things that we enjoy, not what is predetermined for us. i do not think fate is an excuse.
i agree with haylie when she says that we make our own fate every day because i think that the actions we carry out now will affect us in the future.
yes i believe fate exists in this poem because if it were not for Romeo's last minute decision to go to the Capulet's Ball. If he had not gone to the ball then he would have never fallen in love with his future wife and his families enemy.
fate is used as an excuse. People use it to make themselves and others believe something is true even if its not. but i don't think fate can be blamed for everything such as; showing up somewhere then something terrible happens its not fate its just something that occurs with no purpose that's not fate.
i agree with 39leader. it was choices that lead to most of the things that happened within the play. although not everything that happend had happened by choice but there were multiple decisions throughout the story that affected everything.
I dont know if fate is real or not but i think you make your own destiny. And what goes around comes around. fate seems to always be present in the shakespear writings. Romeo feels that it is fate that him and juliet fell in love which is suprising since they only knew each other for a couple days. But i dont know if fate is real but to me it seems like nothing is planned out you make it.
Although I said that I believe in fate, I also agree with Mitch. Destiny also can be a major factor in life. Destiny and fate are hand and hand. So I agree with Mitch's statement above.
I do believe in fate. I think that fate is responsible for lifes unexpected decisions whether they are good or bad. Some look at it as an excuse others look at it as a belief, either way things happen for a reason. I think that fate can serve as an excuse because we label why things happen. Comments like ' oh it was mean to be' or ' fate had something to do with it' are just excuses we say. Thats the way life is. It hits us when we least expect it and makes things happen with absolutely no warning. In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo leaves Verona because the Capulets are on the lookout for him because he kiiled Tybalt fighthing him. This leads to Juliet taking a vile that put her to sleep so she wouldn't have to marry Paris on the planned wedding day and in the end its a tremendous chaos and they Romeo and her die. Obviously Romeo wasn't looking foward to killing Tybalt but he did once Tybalt killed Mercutio. He didn't mean to especially now that he was married to Juliet; he wouldn't hurt anyone from her family. So in this case, fate chose to end these two young lives, together, at death. Yes they were young, to others the love they shared wasn't mean to be due to the fact that they were betraying their families by doing so. Fate has this thing where its hard to define.It sometimes breaks the rules leading to things that may seem like they are acting against nature, or suddenly changing the routine life follows. It leaves people thinking why things happen and what did they do to get to where they are. I look at fate as a reward. If you work , and feel like your life is going down the right path, maybe your lonely,maybe your missing something, maybe you deserve something; fate will take care of it but you have to put some work into your future and proceed with life. Everything happens for a reason.
@ Corey McComas
I completly agree with you that God is the author of our lives. He is basically the fate that everyone is talking about. He is what draws people together and leads them to their fate.
Kaitlyn R 2nd period
I agree with you. I think that God is the one who impacts my actions and the way i think. An aspect that is so important is making decisions. Some may say that fate is what makes one person do or say something lifechanging. I think God helps me make decisions, even small ones that affct my lifestyle. I strongly believe in him and he's a part of me. He influences the way I am and rather than fate chooosing what happens in my life;it's He and I together choosing what happens in my life.
I think that fate is present throughout the book. I think that it was Romeo and Juliet's fate to fall and love and end the feud between their families. At the end of the book, the feud is ended all because of their deaths.
Fate a difficult concept yet so simple. I think fate is never picked because it was tybalt's choice to go after romeo. I belive that fate is the choices of people making choices that that affect's those arond us that equals what we call fate. I think that a person chooses their own fate as life happens.
@Anselexa I see what you mean and I totally agree with your belief.
I agree with cmg140015, because I also think that fate is not a legitiment excuse whatsoever for someone's actions.
I do not belive that fate exists. I don't believe because according to the bible people have free will that determines what happens to them and thoes around them.
The events in Romeo and Juliet seem to be plotted by idea of fate. For example, fate puts Romeo and Juliet in opposite Houses making, "A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life". Second,the Capulet Servant could have gotten help reading the invitation list from anyone but it had to be Romeo.
Even though their is evidence of fate. Fate could have been prevented. If Romeo was less impetuous he wouldn't have killed Tybalt and he would have thought before killing himself. Therfore preventing fate.
I believe that Life is already planned out by God. I think that fate is just the name given to the wonderful and mysterious ways of God. In my opinion, God already has our future planned out. He doesn't control everything we do though. All God does is plant us little hints along the way hoping we realize them and follow his plan for us. Bad things happen in life but God planned them out to make us stronger people. If what happened in Romeo and Juliet actually happened in real life, people would call upon fate as the reason why. I personally believe that it is simply God's plan. Everything happens for a reason and God knows the reason. Like in Scene one of Romeo and Juliet, people would call Romeo deciding to go to the party. At first Romeo was hesitant to do it but he was persuaded to do so. Later on he meet Juliet and some would call it fate. I would call it God being clever.
I personally don't think life is controlled by fate, people determine their own actions. In Romeo and Juliet fate plays a big role. I think the characters believe in fate. I don't think they use it as an excuse, just as a way to think of and explain life. An example of fate in the book is of course in the act one prologue, "A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life." It states that they were doomed as lovers since the beginning because of when they were born.another example is when Romeo explains why he dopesn't want to go to the Capulets' party, "Some consequence yet hanging in the stars..." even without knowing an exact event he feels fate will bring him an untimely death if he goes. Also, when Paris is explaining to the friar why the wedding has been moved up he says, "For Venus smiles not in a house of tears." Hre is saying that love can't form when someone is sad or depressed. He uses Venus as the explanation for love. for all these reason, I would say that fate is a big part of Romeo and Juliet.
Abbi R. 1st period
In my opinion, fate is present in this play so far. Before i get to the examples, fate ultimately describes how a persons life will come out in the end. Fate can be changed by a persons actions, beliefs, and inner thoughts. I also believe that some of the events in this book are guided by fate. An example is when Romeo was accidently invited to the party by the servant, and how he met Juliet there. That is a good example of fate, because fate usually catches people off guard, and this event caught Romeo very off guard, because he was truly going there to see Rosaline, the girl he liked at that point and time. Fate cannot really be an excuse because it happens because of actions by a single person. The reason something happened to someone is because of what they did in the past to trigger their fate in the near future.
I am "for" fate in this play because it is shown quite a bit. It is shown when Romeo went to the party which he was accidently invited too, and there he met Juliet and gave up Rosaline. It is also shown when Tybalt got the "lucky stab/shot" on Mercutio under Romeos arm when they were in a sword fight. Mercutio was meant to die so Romeo could kill Tybalt and lead to other difficulties in Romeo and Juliets relationship with each other and with each others parents.
---Matt saxon
I would like to comment on Maddy's comment. I agree completely that astrology is very interessting and it would be nice to believe in fate but she's right it is very far fetched to believe one thing, meaning the stars, planets, and space determine our whole lives when wwe make our own decisions everyday.
Abbi R. 1st period
@Alexia C
I dont believe personally in fate. You said that fate can be used as an excuse. People use fate as an excuse but I dont think its a rightful one, a better excuse would be just not thinking about the situation.
Comment -----
I agree with what Hallie314 says about how fate is a belief more than anything, because a person can believe that they were at a place at that exact point and time (something happened) and call it fate. Other people can just say it is a coincidence that they were there, and not believe it was fate or anything like that at all.
I agree with peopleAR that fate does not controll us. But I do think that many of the charaters belive in fate.One exception is Mercutio because instead of curising fate as he dies he curses the people who killed him showing that he doesent belive fate killed him.
I do not think fate has played a role in Romeo and Juliet. Their actions were results of other people, not some invisible force/feeling. Romeo went to the party because of Benvolio and Mercutio. That means he met Juliet not by fate, but by his friends. Fate can exist. Just not in the play. They could say it's all fate. I just don't think it is.
Adam, I agree with you. Their actions were due to someone else, not a higher power.
I believe fate exists strongly in Romeo and Juliet. It exists when they meet up for the first time, and when they stick together even after Romeo gets banished. Fate is an excuse because god has a plan for us, and you can't change it. Things happen for a reason, so you have to accept them and move on. Or you're just stuck living in a world with no ending, just fear.
@Alexia C i agree with your idea that "fate is responsible for lifes unexpected decisions whether they are good or bad.". That is a very good way to state it, and it's a very true idea about Fate.
Fate is present in Romeo and Juliet so far beginning in the chorus. In the chorus it is said that two star crossed lovers would take their lives. Throughout the story we constantly hope these "star-crossed lovers" will go against their predetermined paths, especially when Romeo hears or Juliet's death tells that he will defy fate. Prior to this when Mercutio is dying he sets a plague on both of their houses, reminding us as readers of their fortold fates. Constantly throughout the story there are foreshadowing clues as to what lies ahead. Juliet said, as Romeo was leaving their sleepover, that Fortuna(the fickle goddess of fortune/fate) should not want to take Romeo and spin her wheel of fortune towards the unfortunate because he is not a fickle person. Yet he is, and still becomes a victim to Fortuna. In the play, Romeo's and Juliet's fates are told long before they come to fruition and so fate has controlled all that has gone on. During Shakespeare's time the people were heavy on astrology, and so believed that their fate hung in the stars the day they were born. I cannot say that I agree with this, but this was their belief and so Shakespeare has incorporated it here in his play, Romeo and Juliet.
The idea of faith plays an important role throughout the story of Romeo & Juliet, as it does in most of Shakespeare's plays. The events in the book are all guided by the idea of faith, which ultimately leads to the tragic ending, as Shakespeare wrote the prologue first and then all the events leading up to the prediction he made in it. He writes about the couple, "Whose misadventur'd piteous overthrows Doth with their death bury their parents' strife"(1.1.7-8). Here in the Prologue he already gives away that Romeo and Juliet will die, which will put an end to their parents' fued. That means that he wrote all the events leading up to that happening. In the case of Romeo & Juliet, fate is not just an excuse because the whole story is written about faith putting them together.
@sami e
Keep in mind, though, that Romeo has fallen in love with Juliet shortly before the party, which is the reason why Benvolio and Mercutio dragged him there in the first place. It was Juliet who fell in love back with Romeo that happened at the party.
I do believe fate exists in the book Romeo and Juliet, but am skeptical of it in real life. Roemo and Juliet are of course star-crossed lovers so much of the events that happen are guided by the idea of fate. The party when they first met is an example of this, which this distinct event changes these two young lovers forever. However, fate can be an excuse to why things happen to people in certain cases, similar to karma. I strongly agree with fate such as guardian angels saving people from accidents and so on, but to fate involved with love is sometimes in my opinion what others think happened to them.
I do not agree with Candice's comment that fate is not a force in Romeo and Juliet, although she does make an excellent point that Roomeo's friends did persuade him. Before the party Romeo felt that going to it would lead to his demise, so because of this fact I think fate was the more dominit force that persuaded Romo to go with his frineds to the Capulets party.
yes i believe fate exists. i believe some of the events in romeo and juliet are fated even though its a book. i see fate in romeo and juliet like when romeo goes to the capulets party and expecting to see rosaline falls in love with juliet. fate can be an excuse but only if something good happens. like falling in love of luck can be considered fate in some cases.
@Matthias i agree that fate exists and that ur example from the book is a perfect example of fate.
I agree with 39 leader with the fact that you choose your own Fate through your choices, however Fate gives you different choices with different futures behind each door. So in a way, you do choose your own Fate, but in a way, Fate is also predietermined. I also believe taht you have to put a tremendous amount of work into your Fate, most of the time. However, this is not the case in Romeo and Juliet.
I think fate does exsist. I think in romeo and Juliet it was fate to happen because the families are fighting and it just seems to make sense for them to end up falling in love. The families keep pushing to win and Juliet and Romeo have no idea there is even each other. I think there may have been there a reason why the fighting of the two families brought them to fall in love. I don't always thing that the fate in this book is very good. Even thought try fall in love it takes a good amount of work for then to even try to see each other. Tybalt death has to be hard for Juliet and then to no her husban is banished and she has to marr Paris, that fate in that for happening seems that it makes it a challenge that she has to over come to be with the man she is in love with.
I disagree with you because all the event lead up for the family fighting with each other that they would fall into the arms of each other because they can understand what they are going through. I also don't agree with the factthat you do see that some time is can be a scapegoat because that fact that two people end up just finding each other but what experience they have been through. The problems they go though led them up to that moment.
1.) The idea of fate definetly exists within the play, however I don't think it is what guides the characters to their future actions. the events that occur follow the criteria that tragedies include. I don't really think fate is an excuse, personally I think its more of a coincidence (in most cases). An example of fate within the play that Shakespeare uses is at the party. I think the presence of Juliet only brought Romeo closer to her and more attached.
- Pete
2.) @Martinalovesmusic
I agree & disagree with you.
A lot of times i come to the conclusion that things DO NOT happen for a reason. I believe that it is lead by your own choices, not by God. However, when you say "life would have no ending", I personally think life ends with fate, others may also argue that your statement is not affiliated with God at all, which it may be, but not all the time.
- Pete
I believe that fate determines where we will we but we determine how we will get there. I believe that how our lives will live out is already known from the second we are born. Although we may change our mind about something that may change our lives, the fact that we were going to do that had already been determined and so it did not, in fact, change our lives. Fate is present in Romeo & Juliet because it was predetermined that they would fall in love and kill themselves over the "love" from the beginning of their lives. Fate is not an excuse as to why something happened. We still decide on our choices and can control our own movements. Fate does not cause us to raise a hand in anger, to talk to someone we wouldn't normally give the time of day, or to go somewhere we didn't plan on. In conclusion, fate is the destination yet we live the journey.
@sami e
Although I believe that fate is present within the lives of Romeo & Juliet, I believe that it was Romeos decison to go to the ball that changed his life. Fate is a destination that we will end up in, it can not be changed, yet we make decisions that effect us in the present that changes our lives that will result in the destiniation
I believe in fate alot. Things happen for a reason. I think fate kinda makes you act a certain way. Because inside you feel like you need to do something. I do agree with Filippo that Romeo and Juliet is fate. But i agree to that it is evil fate. Because Romeo and Juliet were ment to be together, but they both ended up dead with eachother because their familys problems.
Fate is kinda scary in life. Even though i believe in fate. But even saying people are ment to be, and i did this because i feel i should, its fate, even the good things like that, fate can also be a bad thing. Like in romeo and juliet. They were ment to be, but they both ended up dead. so it was fate, but it was bad fate.
Fate definantly is prominent in Romeo and Juliet. When Romeo is talking to Mercutio he comments on how he feels that he will soon face his demise before his chosen time. Also the fact that they were star-crossed lovers. I think that the events are guided but not dominated. The characters within the book can choose their own ways yet I dont think that fate has no effect. I don't think fate is an excuse yet i'm sure that people often find it to be an excuse. To conclude, R&J has a bold theme of fate but it is not all controlling. Also, fate is more of a push rather than a set path.
Fate is not always boldy hinted towards. And in the prologue to the play it plainly said "star-crossed lovers" which means they were doomed to be together. Hence, fate. But you do lead an interesting point. Possibly the only reason I believe that fate exists is because i was told that it does, rather than come to my own conclusion.
There is no question that the idea of fate exsists in the the book Romeo and Juliet. Some may question whether the being controlling the events is fate though. To some, "fate" is seen as something stupid that some people believe in. To others, fate is seen as the thing that controls what happens to people. Yet to others and myself, fate is seen as the way people understand how God has had all of our lives planned out before we were conceived. All of the events in Romeo and Juliet are guided by "fate." An example is when Romeo was accidentally given an invitation to the Capulet's party by a servant who could not read. Fate is used as an excuse a lot, but that doesn't mean it is a good excuse. People always have the right to choose how they want to live, but in my opinion, God already knows what you will choose.
Alyssa Emery 9th period
I agree with most of what you say in your post. I do believe that "fate" is real, but it isn't really "fate," it is God's plan. I also agree that fate is a major factor in Romeo and Juliet and that it is used as an excuse often.
Alyssa 9th period
I like the idea of fate being a scapegoat, it adds an aura of blame to mankind while keeping some aura of mystery around the facts. I agree with you though, it is used as a catalyst throughout the story.
I believe that fate has a big role in Romeo and Juliet. "a pair of star-crossed lovers take their life." This quote shows that fate is a major part in this play because it is saying that Romeo and Juliet are meant for each other. Also it is like people saying that the they feel like they have met some one before when they really haven't. This shows fate because if they feel that way then fate has chosen them to be together. That is how fate is a big role in Romeo and Juliet.
I agree with PattyA that fate existsbecause he used a good example from Romeo and Juliet that explains how faith is used in the play.
but that is in a story that takes place along time ago. Do yOu see It happening In Our time period?
OMG, I'm freaking out!! I blogged again on the 12th but it's not here!!! I'm posting this to check the time stanps because I know that they are off and I want to see where my post would be...
I think I'm gonna cry... I swear I was comment 30...
I think fate is real. I believe that everything happens for a reason and that reason is life. God chose for you to go somewhere or be someone. Small things fall apart so bigger things can fall together. I think fate is shown in Romeo and Juliet when the invitation is given to the servant that can't read and he gives it to Romeo. Fate could be an excuse in some cases but not all because it was Romeo and Juliets fate that they met, and they fell in love so that must have been their faith. (sorry it's late. I didnt have access to a computer this week because the rain flooded my basement and my computer got wiped out. You can talk to my mom if you would like.)
@Maria :
I totally agree with you Maria. I think Fate is just like destiny. It's just i think that there was fate in Romeo and Juliet because without that masked ball, they never would of met. and I think that played a major role in this play because they fel inlove. The fate was that they were meant to be together, and in the end, they were together because they died together.
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