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Celebrating small kindnesses and basking in the little things.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Oh, the Places we do love!

I love my house entirely decorated in holiday garb. Everything looks so complete. The smell of live greens and the stockings hanging on the chimney make my family room one of my favorite places to be.

This week, I want you to think about your favorite place. What makes it so perfect? What emotions does it evoke in you? What does it look like, smell like, sound like?

Do not tell us the place. Just like last week, I want you to describe it for us.


Sara1220 said...

The warm, fuzzy feeling of that one room. Red hot fire, in the lovely red brick fireplace. Sitting on the floor, back to the couch feeling the heat escaping from the flames. Family decorations, of all color and genre. The tree and all of its traditional ordainment's with my twist of colorful lights. The yellow star on top and the velvet carpet under the tree. My dog sleeping under the ordainment she once ate, looking just as guilty. The white, fluffy snow laying so silent outside. I find that the most beautiful time of the year. Snow on the ground, untouched and plump snowflakes falling gracefully from the sky. Warm in the home, and next to the fire.
-Sarah P 1*

Kayla Cameron said...

The smell of that one place. That one spot that always smells like mints when I drop my head on the pillows. Where I can listen to my music and dance around like no one is watching me. That place where I can go to be alone. Where i can think about the day and what has been done. Day dreaming deep into the different shades of pink and orange walls. Covered with photographs that being back the memories that make me who I am. There is no other place where I would rather be than that room.
-Kayla C. 5/6

Anonymous said...

The place with the soft green carpet and tall, tan walls. The fireplace with the bright orange and yellow flames dancing merrily behind the red and green screen. Snow falling gently to the ground as I sit and watch on my favorite leather chair with my steaming cup of hot chocolate and my fuzzy slippers. Fifteen hand-painted ceramic Santa's looking lovingly down on me from the tall, cherry oak entertainment center with the 6-pane glass doors. The hundreds of family portraits looking sophisticated in their dark frames lined up along the walls and on the tables. The aroma of the fire, hot chocolate, and the musty smell of the christmas garland draped along the fireplace remind me of the holidays and gift-opening. This truly is the most wonderful time of the year in my favorite room of my house.

Kelli Shumate said...

The radiant sun peaks through the all-encompassing clear glass. My place is an area where the sun touches the warm and soft carpet. The rich mahogany color of the walls takes me into a dreamlike world. Within this world is where I can venture into myself and just relax. The scent is of its own category that seems to emit the pure essence of all of my combined family members smells. As the seasons change through the windows the only things that shift are the arrival of blankets and hot chocolate in the place of lemonade and ice cream. Though there is luxurious furniture throughout the room, I prefer the carpet. As snow falls to rain to stars, I find myself solely staring out the window up to a seemingly endless sky. The place where the sky and I become one. I spend hours upon hours gazing up to the sky and simply just being. This room is mine and mine only because of what all these times have built between us.

rykordahi14 said...

It is always cold in the beginning. You first walk in and you get a shiver. The room is filled with people, who just like you, want to take their angers, frustrations, problems, and sorrows out before returning home. There is the constant sound of metals clinking and clanging, along with a mixture of a horrible type of music where screaming is considered singing. We all know the music is terrible, however that is besides the point; we are not here to listen to good music. The floor is rubber, as if to bounce you back up if you fall, or maybe to absorb all the emotions that you throw at it. The walls are brick, stand tall, and are a blank white. There are a plethora of mirrors to show yourself what it is you actually look like, and its up to you change it as needed. Once you are near the end of your visit there, your body is steaming while your hands are freezing. You tiredly, yet willingly grab your things and make way for the exit, only to return the next day.

rykordahi14 said...

^^^Ryan Kordahi 2*

BrittanyG said...

It is a place of loving, warm comfort that encloses me and fills me with a sense of being. Surrounded by the all-white walls may seem monotonous and formal but to me, it was comforting. On the outside peach, stucco walls and high peaks made for the perfect surroundings. The shrubbery that dotted the landscape gave me a sense of protection due to their massiveness and the ominous feelings that come with them. I cried when I left. It was the only place I had known and I didn't want to leave the room that still had pooh bear wall paper as a border because my mother couldn't bear to take it down. I understand her because who wants to leave something so precious behind?

BrittanyG said...

Brittany Gettle 2*

rykordahi14 said...
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Kaylee.Marie said...

it's the smell of the campfire, like roasting marshmellows, melted chocolate, peace-like. The way the lake freezes over from the nearly twenty degree weather. Snow drizzled ontop of the trees and the grass. The way you can see the log cabins and almost imagine the black smoke coming through the chimneys, rising higher and higher until it fades and disappears with the clouds. It looks like it should be the picture on the front of a Hallmark card, something out of a movie, somewhere someone can only imagine being. But it's real, and it's perfect, and going there is peaceful, and happy. You seem to forget any and all worries accustomed lately, and just.. smell the campfire, listen to the howling wind, the campfire songs, feel the snow beneath your feet, feel the snow sting your face walking around. Forget, and realize what you have right here and right now, is more than you could ever have wished for.
~Kaylee Lhotsky 7/8*

Paige_S said...

That soft, quiet, and peaceful place where you can always find me. Where I go when im happy, or when im sad, or when i just need time to think. The warm air that surrounds me, the soft blankets that cover me, and the cool pillows that protect me help me to relax and not think about anything more than what I want. The baby blue walls that cave me in, the window that is open to let in the air, and the fuzzy carpet keep me protected while im there. the place that smells like laundry and cleanliness, that you can breathe in without wanting to stop. The wonderful feeling of being there helps me to feel as if I don't need anyone or anything else in the world.

Paige S. 1st

brunswick52 said...

it is warm and cozy. their is alot of things to do. it sounds like outside at night if you have no neighbors. you can eat hear. it makes it perfect because their is family inside. you can not get wet if you are here. it is also safe from burglers. somtimes it is not good but most of the time it is perfect. it is full of decorations at holidays. their is chrismas trees in side of this structure.

Khoa said...

That one place that makes my stomach warm, like there was a fire burning within me is the living room in my home. When im in that room, or to me a sanctuary, i feel secure, calm and pieceful. The fireplace keeping me warm when its freezing, and the way the China reflects the sunlight gives me a feeling as if im walking in the clouds of heaven. When I'm cuddled in a little ball in the arms of my dark olive green couch, it's probably the most comfortable feeling I've ever experienced. This is that one place where i can relax, and be me, within the safety of my home.

kayla said...

Each day begins and ends in the same room. The handprints of each of my friends covers one of the four white walls. One window, with pulled back curtains, allows the sun in, filling the entire room with light. Music blasts through the speakers, the volume turned as loud as the neighbors allow. I can sing and dance around as I please. It's a room to which I can escape; a room to call my own.
Kayla 2*

Anonymous said...

pMy special place is where the radiant sun shines down on my skin darkening it to the color bronze. I feel the cold salty air blow around me and the warm sand beneath and in between my toes. I hear the waves crashing at my feet and occasionally feel the water lap past my ankles. The Sea gulls I see all around me eating the leftover food from forgotten picnics. The stretch of rock that leads out to the water that I dare to rock across on, there I sit down and dip my feet in the water letting the fish nibble my toes.
-Addie Gall

Estefany G. said...

my favorite place is one where im surrounded by a sea of green in all directions. in the distance you hear the soft chorus made up of bluedbirds and robins. the crunch rocks make, as you walk from here to there. that sudden breeze that caresses your skin, bringing smells of pine and dirt. i sit on a rock, trying to take all the sounds in:squirrels digging, birds singing, leaves swaying backand forth. its all a perfect harmony. relaxing and thinking, sometimes just trying to get away from the world. hiding under that blanket of green, while my chorus of animals sing me a lullaby.

camerinm1 said...

That beautiful sound of the waves crashing against the shore. sand going in between my toes and water colliding with my legs. when I am here, i forget all of my worries and problems, staring out into the beautiful horizon is an amazing sight and the smell of salt water roams the air. i look for shells and that is the only thing on my mind. i only hear what i want to here, nothing... nothing except the crashing waves. i feel happy with my life when i am here, like nothing can go wrong, like everything in my world is absolutely perfect. when i am there, i never want to leave, i want to walk towards the horizon and lose myself at sea.

camerinm1 said...

^^^ Camerin M. 1st

CLuzier said...

It is the warmest room in the house, caused by the love envoloping it, and also the surplus amount of heater vents. The newly decorated black, wooden shelf sits against the cream colored wall. The shelf is adorned with smiling snowmen, angels, Party Lite candles, and, of course, Santa. The wall opposite of the shelf holds the green and red stocking holder with white words painted, " He knows if you've been bad or good. . .". The stocking holder proudly holds Tigger, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, and a purple fluffy stocking, all of which have been beaten up by the many years of use. Nailed to the wall on the sides of the holder are my dog's stockings, each with a green paw print on the front. To the right, the archway is furnished with a high hanging mistletoe that no one can escape. What really ties this room together, however, are the happily, smiling faces sitting on the ugly floral print couches, conversing about their day. Not a soul could be cold in this warm, heart-filled room.

Rohan Srivastava said...

Ten feet below the ground, perfection exists. I would not care if Mom turned the lock, forever trapping me inside. It is a home apart of a house. I can dream like a king in a room as dark as night. I can brush my teeth and lather myself until clean. I can eat the Cheerios and Poptarts that rest above the laundry rack. I can thaw the pizza from the freezer and hope it appeals to my taste buds. I can post on Facebook to keep in touch with my world. I can play with friends far away with a controller and a microphone. I can pester my furry and diminutive brother until he begins to bite. I can abscond in blankets in the winter and soak in the cool atmosphere during summer. I can bring family down to enjoy a cinematic presentation. However, when they walk pass that abrupt smell of dog food, and climb the stairs back to the house, I can become Batman in my Batcave, ten feet below the earth.

Jacqueline Knirnschild said...

The heat is forever turned up too high in the house making it warm and cozy. There's a tiny dog that always runs around the house. The radio's always tuned to Kiss FM. The atmosphere is always happy and upbeat. There's millions of my friends running around all over the place, playing pool, watching tv, eating junk food, going swimming and gossiping. The shelves are stocked with drinks and food, the family who lives here has extraordinary generosity. I feel totally at ease here, all of my worries leave my mind and I just have fun. Laughter fills the air and I can't help but to smile. Although I've only known this family for a year, their home already feels like home to me.
Jacqueline K. 7/8th period

Anonymous said...

The sun beats down on me and I feel at ease. This is the place where I am isolated, but not by myself. The only people beside me are my family and strangers. The atmosphere is relaxed and the sand is completely covered from coast to coast with towels, strangers, and chairs. I lay on my towel as the sun rays reach down and soak into my body. I stand up and walk toward the waves that are crashing onto the shore. I dig my feet into the warm sand and look out for dolphins. I would not want to be anywhere else. The soft silhouette of great ships is apparent in the distance. The shells along the shore are beautiful like rainbow sprinkles on vanilla ice cream.
Lydia Sch. 2*

Katie Eileen said...

It’s always warm and inviting. There is a wonderful, heavenly smell of homemade food that radiates through the entire place. It saves us from the cold, the rain, the snow, the heat; whatever it may be, it guards us, keeps us safe from the outside. The worn out couches creak the slightest bit when we sit on them. They encompass us, pull us into the place, try to keep us there forever. For a while, we let them. The television is almost always on, softly reporting the news of the day. Tiles click against the board when there is a game of scrabble going. The difficult block puzzles remain in the drawer of the side table, waiting for children’s hands to try and fail to piece them together. The large bay window reveals the large oak tree, its roots bumping up from the ground and snaking all around the yard. Our noses pull us towards the kitchen where there is always delicious food brewing. We travel to the basement to play made up games with our cousins. We are always cut short by the smell of the lids being lifted and food being scooped onto plates. The kitchen is always bustling with women preparing dinner, practically a feast. We crowd around the table and say grace before we begin to devour. I love it. The atmosphere leaves me wishing we could have stayed longer. The people make me want to cry when we have to leave them. The surroundings draw me to them, luring me to stay longer. I want to enclose myself in the place, drag myself deeper and deeper until I cannot be taken away from it. I love it.

~Katie D. 7/8º

demo said...

My favorite place is my home town, because this is were i came from and my family. This is my first language and were my friends are. When ever i go there i get this happy feeling like when you just won something. This makes it the most perfect place because its home and when your there you feel like when your gone for a long time and you just got back and you just want to look at everything that has changed.

AnnaB1 said...
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AnnaB1 said...

The compforting feeling of knowing I can be alone here. The bright teal color of the walls glow when I turn the lights on. All the emotions this room has seen flash across my mind. I get the brief feeling of happiness, sadness, anger, and relief when i enter the room. The sight of the unmade bed and and crinkly pillows brings back many memories. The cloths, usually strewn across the floor, as always, were still there. The pictures on the walls bring a smile and an occasional tear to my face. It does not have a distinct smell, and I take that to be a good thing. I know I can be alone here, not be disturbed, and ignore the rest of my life as I have time to think here. The view of the trees across the road is a beautiful sight, especially in winter, where the snow makes everything gorgeous. This room is my place of scerenity, and I will always love it.

Anonymous said...

I feel the rush of warm air as I swing the door closed. I'm greeted with the fresh smells of dirt and hay. I smile as I go deeper into the building, turning the corner to reveal all the holiday decorations. I stop and admire one as a familiar large head perks up to look at me. This head is attached to a massive body with four legs, looking at me through metal bars, returning to snacking once confirming I haven't intended to gift the precious present of treats. The girls, surrounding the board that holds all fate pertaining to this building, turn around and I greet each with a smile and quick conversation. This is the one place I can come to and be totally accepted. Where success isn't based on looks or who has the newest jeans, but who has the most heart and is willing to work vigorously to get where they want to be. I am at peace here and the feeling it holds lingers in my heart long after I have left. It is my true home where there will never be afraid to spent my granted time.

ChloeK said...

As I walk in and drop my bag on the floor, kick off my shoes, I close my eyes and I smile. The colorful walls, the stairs that first-handedly bring you to the room that's all girl. Before settling down in my favorite room of that one place, I go on the same adventure I've been on over 100 times before; walking around in circles and inhaling the warm scent of vanilla, a slight scent of hay and an everlasting smell of spices and... "home". I go here when I need to get away, need some time, miss this place, miss these people. The windows show everything going on, rain or snow, kids of all ages playing football and baseball in the streets and fields. This place makes me forget about any tears I may have ever cried, and sadness I've ever felt, any feeling of anything but joy. I can't help but smile here. As soon as I'm done exploring this place for the thousandth time, I settle into the big couch as we watch tv and movies until we pass out. It's always so loud, but yet always so silent and relaxing--loving. I could live there forever.

Michelle! said...

The smell of pinecones and cinnamon fill the air during the holidays. Cookies and fresh baked bread are piles up on top the oven as the counter tops are filled with the rest of the goods. There are six decorated lights that light up the pumpkin colored walls. Tile floors make a mocha look in a odd polygon shape. Every meal is mAde here and the cleanest For that reason. It's one of my favorite places during celebrations.

EthanE said...

The place with my oh-so-welcoming bed. With the walls painted scarlet and gray, rooting for OSU. The place that is covered with clothes on the ground, looking like a tornado hit. Where I can do whatever I want, whenever I want without being criticized by my parents. Where I can relax and reflect on my day in peace in quiet. Where I can get my work done without distractions. Where, if needing to blow of some steam, can go work out. This is me, this is my room
Ethan E. 2*

hyellow12 said...

the warm breeze and the sun. the potent smell, my nose is now immune to. the beads of sweat drip down my face and neck. everything is brown, living or dead. dust clouds the air. the door bangs open and closed with the breeze. Sunlight beams through the newest skylight. I here the scurrying, shuffling and pounding of feet. I hear a swishing noise as someone goes around with the cart. Here there is peace. I hear the distant vroom of passing cars. The popsicle in my hand slowly melts into juice. I can yell as loud as i want. I can laugh at things that aren't funny. I can complain about everything and no one minds.

hyellow12 said...

^hannah m 1

Rachael said...

Right next to the pond, where tall trees shade a picnic bench that faded orange. Its completley quiet and hardly ever does another person find the quiet spot near the pond as their secret hideout. Sitting there, the animals ignore you. Ducks swim across the surface, chating to each other noisely, deer eat the grass on the other side of the pond, not even bother to look up because they dont see you as a threat, and dragonflies buzz past your ears, shimmering topaz and silver in the golden sunlight filtered through the trees. This is where i can be by myself, nobody around, no electronics just myself and my thoughts. the sound of the pond is comforting and surreal, like the place itself. ANd its all in my backyard, hidden from my other family members that are too busy to go outside.
Rachael S 5/6

Bex said...

It always smells like a smokey fire, mainly because there is almost always a fire going.The brown and white sponged walls surround me. There is always some sort of music coming from the computer, I cannot stand silence. When I am there i feel safe, like nothing can hurt me and I know that I can be accepted for who I am.
-Bekah H. 7/8.

Julianne said...

The room with the warm yellow beige walls and the rich chesnut carpet that sinks in just enough under your feet. The rich red rug cosy enough to fall asleep on next to a crackling fire. That soft sound of Christmas carols buzzing in the background and the comforting aroma of the Yankke Candles. The modern yet traditional styles of big leather sofas, plush pillows and wooden details along the floor and celing. Warm inside with the glow of a tall and glistening tree. To top it all off a window drapped in curtains, big enough to glance out of the relaxing oasis and into the snow cold and snowy night.

Sarah palmer said...

The smell of red cinnamon filling your nose, and a hint of fresh flowers. The bright colors of yellow and black stand out from the walls, showing team spirit. Two bright 60* watt lightbulbs hang from the ceiling uncovered, outshining the sun. The warm fuzz of my gold and black blanket bring me into my comfort zone. The sounds of blasting rhymes bounce off four solid white walls, vibrating through my ears. This is my place of solitude, the one place where I can truly be alone. Where all my emotions can fly freely.

annaj said...

Warm oak fragrance in the dimly lit room with flowery armchairs, quite fashionable for the eighties. Just one wall lined in mom's library, the dark colors of my favorite books blending into the wallpaper, providing a perfect backdrop for the main event: the great big plastic tree decked with lights and tinsel. Every inch hidden by a bulb or representation of my happy life's collecting with a sparkling star sitting, crooked, on top. The black piano sits in the only corner with a lamp next to my mother's and my own collection of violins and sheet music mountain. One arm chair is positioned in the corner of the room between the tree and the grand book case, just above the heater. At any moment that one might chose to crawl up into the big chair and read a book or stare at the elegant nativity set up right near, they could go happily, with no interruption from any, as one sitting there is practically invisible. Hidden away in my little nook, I can sit for hours and discover the meanings intertwined into my Christmas tree, into my music hall, into my favorite escape.

Anna J 7-8 period

Sarah B said...

The place where a I go when I need to escape the problems I face everyday or just when I need to be by myself. With my favorite colors of pink and orange surrounding me, I breathe in the smell of french vanilla perfume. Pictures of my friends, family, and favorite memories devour the walls. In this room I feel safe. Inside the four walls I know I am protected from the world.

JKuharcik3 said...

That one place that makes my stomach warm, like there was a fire burning within me is the living room in my home. When im in that room, or to me a sanctuary, i feel secure, calm and pieceful. The fireplace keeping me warm when its freezing, and the way the China reflects the sunlight gives me a feeling as if im walking in the clouds of heaven. When I'm cuddled in a little ball in the arms of my dark olive green couch, it's probably the most comfortable feeling I've ever experienced. This is that one place where i can relax, and be me, within the safety of my home.

Ryan said...

The lights from the Christmas tree illuminate the room. The glow from the Christmas lights is warm and inviting. The cats dance happily around the tree, hiding among the skirt. The mantel decorated for the holiday. Stockings filled with candy hang from the nails above the fire. A candy cane sits in each. There is one for everybody, even the pets. Statues of Santa abound. A blazing fire lit beneath. It gives warmth to everybody’s heart. The snow falls peacefully outside the window. The presents sit under the tree. A sign of the generosity of the family. The room smells of pine and sugar cookies, all because of the candle burning in the corner. The children are ecstatic as they rip open their presents. The parents watch with a look of amusement in their eyes. They take turns opening the presents; youngest first. The Christmas music plays gently in the background, it lightens the mood. Cameras flash as presents are open. Children with bellies filled with cinnamon rolls thank their parents. It truly is the most wonderful day of the year. And this is certainly the only place to celebrate it.
-Ryan M. 2

ellen_f said...

I stumble over mountains of rejected outfits sprayed across the soft cream carpet. A purple rug hiding nail polish, make up and spilled drink stains is under a purple table covered in tubes of colorful lipglosses, pots of eye shadow and long tubes of mascara, pretty bottles Coach, Hollister, and Juicy Couture perfumes and sparkly, shiny jewlrey. The pumping bass of Headlines by Drake beats through the cluttered room. Shoes, bags, hangers are scattered across the purple and green bedspread. The room smelled like the vanilla candle that was burning. Stacks of Seventeen magizine were tipping over, falling onto a stack of Taylor Swift cd's. Bulliten boards were hung all over the walls, displaying certificates, ribbons, and moments captured with friends and family. Despite all the mess, noise, and sesnory overload, the room was peaceful. It was calming. The perfect escape for a break from the rest of the world.
Ellen 1*

JazlynRae(: said...

Toes in the soft sand. Bright, radiant sun shining down on my face. Fun things to do all in one place; volleyball, surfing, and tanning. Surrounded by cute little shops selling clothes, swimsuits, and froo froo drinks. Beautiful views and relaxation. The feeling it brings gives me a sense of happiness and a warm feeling inside. The sunset is always the best. The pink and purple sky lighting up bright behind the horizon.
Jazlyn R. P. 7/8

NatalieK_1 said...
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NatalieK_1 said...

Oh... the anticipation as you run onto the boardwalk, your feet flying up the stairs so quickly you're afraid you're going to trip. Your hair is blowing behind you and your heart is racing, your eyes fixed on the horizon. It slowly comes into view, a never ending line of blue that seems to stretch into eternity. Then the smell hits you. It's a perfect mixture of saltwater, fish and freedom. You're laughing as you run along and get to the other side. You then race down until your feet hit sand. You stand there for a moment, digging your toes into it. It's still warm from the hot afternoon, but it's beginning to cool and you feel as if you're walking on clouds when you begin to run again, kicking it up behind you. Palm trees brush your shoulders as you whisk by. The leaves feel soft and delicate, the most gentle of caresses. Then you reach the water. The waves roll in gently and seashells crunch under your feet as the tide brings them in. You don't really mind though, as the water jumps up and dances around you and gets the bottom of your jeans wet. It's pulling you as you wade in deeper and deeper because you can't help it. Your clothes always end up soaking wet on the first day. After the long drive there, it's the best form of relief from exhaustion and aching bones. You're in the water up to your chest, splashing water at your cousin when something catches your eye. It's a silhouette against the crimson sunset. Two dolphins are leaping out of the water, entwining around themselves and swimming into the distance. You stare for a moment and then close your eyes, listening to the beating of your heart and feeling the joy swell up inside of you. This is how you remember it- your favorite place in the world. You wish you would never have to leave.

macey j. 3rd said...

the fresh scent of the green grass. fresh paint lines get your boots white.different weather hits you as you run. the freedom you have.colors of the different leaves all around you. people having a good time.sweat dripping off your body. hitting people full force to tackle them. this is what i love to do and where i love to be.

Rachel Javorsky said...

I love the blue and white walls and the constant searching for the legendary orange dot. The old carpet that looks like it's from the 80s. The consistent sounds of a metronome ticking, a note played out of tune, a beautiful melody, a marimba playing, and a conductor losing his temper. The room that has holds more emotion than any other in the school building. You can be yourself with no fear of being judged. A place where I can get lost and forget the world. A place where it's just me, a sheet of music, and a snare drum. It's my second home and it occupies my second family.
~Rachel Javorsky 7/8~

Jaimie Lynn said...

This place is just so warm and the feeling of love and fun in the air. The little kids (yes including me) run up and down the steps playing hide and go seek and tag together. The whole place is covered in lights. Its nice and bright and also dim at the same time. Grandma is sitting in the most comfortable and biggest seat getting ready to give everyone their present she got us. Then after we get those presents, the aunts and uncles handing out their presents they are giving to us. Then after presents show them off then we eat some more. When we r done settling and having fun its really late and everyone starts to leave. My mom and us are always the last ones to leave even though some of us wanted to go home early.
~*Jaimie W 5/6th*~

Samantha said...

My favorite place is cold in the winter and warm in the summer. I see animals flying overhead, dogs walking thier owners, and chimpmucks fighting over nuts. i sit there wathcing the fish swim around and fighting for the food i throw in.
My place is where I go do all my thinking about whats going on in school and at home. i love my olace and i go there even every I can.

Samantha S.

Anonymous said...

The bright sun rises high into the sky as people forget about their worries and relax. Soft, white sand rests on the ground as people walk on it, unaware of just how scorching it really is. A ways away from the sand, crystal clear water washes up and gives sweet relief to the sun-dried people. Behind the beach sits a complex so large and extravagant that even the wealthiest person would look at it and be amazed. The grand, ornate design looks perfect against the natural beauty of the outside world. Many people flock to this destination for the very reasons I just described: the relaxing atmosphere, the ornate buildings and the natural beauty.

Nathan Bardwell said...

My second home that houses my second family. A large room encompassed by freshly painted blue and white walls. A room always filled with a sea of chairs and music stands. A room that is constantly filled with the sounds of beautiful music. A room that I can always go to when in need of peace and comfort, A room that can hold more emotion than any other in the school building. One of the few places left on the earth where you can be yourself with no fear of being judged.

Nathan Bardwell said...

Nathan B. 2*

Anonymous said...

The bright sun shines through the colossal windows filling the room with happiness. I can smell the mouth-watering food from next room being prepared. When I walk here from my bedroom I can see the mountainous pillow filled couch and the colorful flower vases that reflect the light around the room like a disco ball. Picture frames that hold great memories are all fighting to stay on the fireplace mantel. Most of all I love the sound of laughter from my family and closest friends. This room reminds me of Grand Central Station; it’s packed from wall to wall and there is always something going on. Whether it’s for having friends hang out in or just relaxing with the family, I can always come here.

Camillemarie said...

There is a place that I can always be myself. This is a place where you smell "warm and cozy" from Pink as you walk in. In this room I can dance in front of my mirror with my hairspray in hand, blast Eric Church all day, and know that privacy is always there. I can pray by myself, dance like a fool, and sing like there is no tomorrow. This is the place where I can sit for hours talking to my sister about anything we can think of, do my hair, do makeup
, or just relax. Inside these walls shows the embarassing
Camille, but the one that is who I really am.

Jake "The Stud" Simonelli said...

What makes this place so perfect is just the love in the air. I feel right at home when i'm at this place. When im here the emotions that come out are love. It sooks so warm and cozy. Everything is all nice and soft. It smells like homeade cookies, and sounds like christmas music.

jake simonelli 5th-6th

AmandaC. said...
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AmandaC. said...

The feel of the room is welcoming and warm. The dirty ragged carpet does not affect the feeling of comfort in the room. The large,green,cushioned couches that I fall asleep on while watching TV late at night. The soothing scent of candels that are to my liking. The 52" TV with the amazing picture,best TV in the house. The feeling of family surrounds you when you are in this room. My dog always there nudging his head against your knee, begging to be pet wanting to feel loved. The family decorations that surround the mantel, that go with the time of the year;Christmas,Halloween, and other Holidays. The fireplace that warms up the room during the cold time of the year. I love the warmth that comes from there as it reminds me of the good times.The pictures of my sister, my brother, and I on the far wall, that hold memories that we will treasure forever.

-Amanda C 7/8th period

Paul S. said...

What most do not realize is how comforting the outdoors can be. When I go there, it is like my own personal parardise. Some might not consider it a paradise as I do. You step outside and see the bright radiant green of the grass. The black metal table perfect for dinner next to the bonfire pit. When lit, you can smell the smokiness that comes with every bonfire, so useful in repelling those blood-sucking monsters, mosquitoes. While too small for me now, the playset pops next to the grass with vibrant yellows and the finished wood. The forest of flowers seems to stretch on forever in the center of attention. I often find myself lost in the intoxicating fumes that only flowers bring. When the sun falls, this is the perfect site for all sorts of fireworks. Roman candles, fuse-timed pyrotechnics and many others fight for their own spot in the sky. A chance to dazzle everyone with their own brilliant colors that light up the night sky. This is my perfect paradise, right in the middle of the suburbs.

Paul S.
7/8 Period

Rosevine A said...

The warm feeling you get emotionally and physically as one walks in. Family members expressing their love while the fireplace keeps us warm. One is suddenly happy when in this environment. Christmas decorations engulf the room. The Christmas tree stands as a centerpiece in this room. The smell of vanilla and cookies surrounds the air. One can hear the soft sound of snow outside. One may also hear the TV in the background supplying coversation to the room. Just outside of the window, one can see the snow falling slowly and with ease.

Sam said...

The snow wrapped itself around every corner of the park, turning the lake to ice, and bringing the stream to a standstill. The cold nips at my fingertips and bites at my face, but I pay it no heed. My best friend stands next to me, his hands jammed deep into his pockets and his green eyes trained on the scene before us. It is as though the park has been taken from a greeting card and set before us, stealing our breath from our throats. The dog pulls on his leash, reminding us that he is here. My friend takes his leash and leads him to the run down and long deserted tennis court. It is here that we let the dog of the leash and play with him. A snowball war is bound to ensue as it does everytime we visit this beautiful place. All to soon, the winter sun begins to sink below the treeline. We gather the dog and set off for home.
-Sam 1*

Jeffa said...

That one room that is perfect for sleeping because of the cool air that just sits in the air. The smell always is fresh and clear. Covered in Cleveland Brows decorations. Peyton Hillis fat heads, Browns helmets, and a Cleveland Browns Christmas tree that is filled with only browns ornaments and orange lighs. The combination of a tan carpet and hardwood floor. The room always blocks out all other noises. Has lighting on the walls that are usually dimmed. The place where I can go just to think just to get away from everything and have some personal time. The place that i can always just hang with my friends in and not worry about anything. This room makes me feel melllow inside and relaxed.

Mikec. said...

The room has pink carpet, which doesn't at all fit it's theme. The first object seen is the colorful tree, with it's glimmering ornaments and multicolored lights plastering the green branches. It smells of Christmas, a gingerbread cooking mixed with candy-cane. There is always some kind of whimsical Christmas music being played, usually by strings only. The floor is clean, but will soon be strewn with wrapping paper from the plethora of wrapped gifts under the tree.

Maddy G said...

The one place where I can visit everyday and unwind. It has my guitars in stands ready to play, my CD collection all neatly organized. The sky blue walls give it such a calming presence with the light green curtains and black furniture to balance it out. It's familiar smell of vanilla air freshener trying to hide the dust hidden under multiple items feels like home. It is the perfect place to do homework or to read, and also the perfect place to hang out with friends and family. After long days at school, it is the only place where I feel I can escape and just breathe. It becomes the coldest room in the winter, and the hottest room in the summer. The windows face the front of house and let air enter easily. The room is covered in various posters and pictures wherever you look. The room can be bouncing with music or completely silent allowing you to think. This is what makes this room my favorite place to be.

- Maddy G. 1st period

Anonymous said...

The warm and inviting smell of Italian food invites me inside. The house is covered in decorations that change every time I visit. You can hear the sound of pots clanking in the kitchen wherever you go. I look around and so many memories flash back before my eyes. This place is where I can be happy, sad, mad or a mix of emotions all at the same time. Nothing in the outside world matters anymore. It is a place of comfort and serenity that makes me feel as ease.

Calp said...

When you pull up in the car, it seems as though nothing is really there. all it is is a rickity old wooden staircase leading down the side of a mountain. walking down those old stairs you get chills the farther you go down. The cool breeze lifts up your hair and goose bumps appear on your neck and arms. When you reach the bottom you are almost in a cave. There on the left is something that looks as if God shaped it himself. Water pours off the edge of the cliff and lands to flow down the stream, around your feet, to the river. The waterfall is attleast 75ft high and you climb it if you dare. The mist of the cool fresh water hits your face. The sun shines off the water like a mirror. Nature is beauty.

LaurenO said...

The warmth is oh so prevalent. It is covered with chairs, benches, and tables. The doors and windows give it a homelike feel. The diving boards allow me to imagine kids jumping and splashing around with friends. I live in this place for hours a day. It feels like it is my second home.
Laurne o 7/8

Maddie Kidd said...

It is that one room that when I'm in it I know I'm home. The room that smells like perfume and hairspray combined to make the perfect scent. The room that you can barely find the floor with the piles of clothes. The room that I could spend my entire life in and never leave. It's the room where when I'm angry, sad, or just need to be alone I can always go to and just listen to my music and sing as loud as I want. The room with bright blue walls with different colors of pink, blue, green, and brown. It is the room that is filled with my childhood memories that are captured in the thousands of pictures. It is the room that can change colors, funiture, or pictures but will always have the same meaning to me.

Woods said...

White walls recently painted with soft pink, purple, and blue. Pictures hanging of my siblings and me from various years and happy memories together. A white dresser passed down from my sister, a white bed frame that belonged to my grandma. The warm smell of vanilla fills the air, even when the room is cold, warmth is felt in the heart. Here I can laugh anytime and cry without being judged. Songs fill the air, songs of various Disney movies, Christian artists, and Broadway shows. Other times air filled with silence and alone time with God. A place filled with comfort; a place where I can be who I want to be.
Leah W. 1

bethany w said...

The blue carpet that slowly comes apart over the years. The spacious region where if alone inside, it echoes. Full of polished trophies over generations and generations of people who earned them, together. The terris where one always trips over if not looking. The railway to the highest terrace to the very left of the room, that groans every time it is walked on. It smells of spit, cork grease and valve oil. It sounds, if full of occupants of chaos and conversations, or of beautiful noises making a masterpiece. If alone, sounds like an empty, abandoned place where there isn't any life. The perfectness is the imperfectness of that very place, where one cannot be perfect, and makes mistakes. Yet when one makes a mistake in this place, you learn from it with your personal integrity and help from others, that is the perfection inside of it. The revisedly painted walls, from two summers past; a nice change from the condition it had been in before. The emotions it brings vary in many different ways, my life had been changed in this place. A three-hundred-and-sixty degree turn of my mindset occured here, in a positive way. The doors it opened for myself, and the emotions of happiness that came inside too. The taught emotions of respect, integrity, virtue, excellence and countless more. The doors that open to this beloved place are priviliges that they are always open. The doors that hold the place inside, full of memories and hopes for the future will remain.

Bethany Westphal, 2nd period.

ljstephens2015 said...

When you walk in it feels like an icebox, just the way I like it. The smell of the perfume sprayed before school. Pictures of friends and family all over the door and walls. My favorite colors, favorite designs and things splattered somewhere in the room. The one place all of my own, where everything is placed where I know. Music always playing, hair straightener always sizzling, the atmosphere of a teenager. The place I go for everything, for comfort and with friends. The one room that could fully describe me.

ljstephens2015 said...

^^ Lydia Stephens 2*

Anonymous said...

Not many cars zoom by, but few do pass by. Us being one them. Barns and animals lay in the scenery, crisp ponds and creeks,also. Houses spread far apart, different colors and sizes and shapes. Wide open spaces, and big bright blue skies are easily found here. You can wander into this place and live, or you can slowly pass through it with your car. Fresh air that holds the scent of freedom is always available. Oh how I love this place..

Jennifer Wiley 7/8

Anonymous said...

There is a place, just across the sea. Where the elephants walk, out on the street. The sun beats down over one hundred degrees. The merchants sell goods on the streets. I smell like a mixture of sunscreen and bug repellent. Especially during monsoon season, where the water floods the streets. The farmers working till the day ends. I visit the Himalayas with my family. The monkeys run around, looting an innocent child’s ice cream cone. There is a place, just across the sea. That is where I am from.

Kevin. M said...

my favorite place is a place that my family gathers frequently. We have family game nights. We watch the big game. Just enjoying everyones company while we can still have it. We can always smell the aroma of breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Especially this time of the year when christmas cookies are a tradition that has been fulfilled for as long as I can remember. This room is always filled with life. With the warmth of a nice fire to tie it all together, it is hard to find a place better.

Ben W. said...

The relaxed, happy feeling of that one place. It brings up emotions of family time and happiness. The expensive houses, the sound of the waves crashing on the beach, the sounds of golf carts being driven around. It is my favorite place to be.

Ricky said...

the nice open air and the open field. many kids around and many adults to. people are cheering others on and trying to win. when there is a breeze dust arises from the ground and makes a make shift sand strorm. it is hot and humid the kids are giving there all out on the field. their coach is there to support them. they never give up and they never stop until the end.

Ricky said...

^^^ Ricky K.

em said...

Seagulls chirp, freezing cold, salty waves crash, sea shells get stuck to the bottom of my feet, the smell of sun tan lotion is overwhelming, and the heat of the sun beating down on me. Looking out at the endless water, in the distance you can see faint buildings and ships. The time passes too quickly. This is the best place on earth. I feel safe here, relaxed. There are no worries. Being here with my family and my best friends always makes me feel so good!
Emily L 7/8

Megan L. said...

The wind blows in all directions, plucking hats from the heads of residents, blowing their papers down the street. Its cold fingers comb through my hair, lifting it off my shoulders and into the atmosphere. The buildings reach to the sky and are never ending. Their windows go on for miles, enlightened with the lights of work and determination. Car horns ring in the background, dogs bark and the entire place is a blaze of noise, a noise I hold very close to my heart.

There is something about standing there in the middle of the sidewalk, watching as people shuffle along, as cars race by in the streets and as the bright, fluorescent lights consume one’s soul and heart entirely, that changes the way I view the world. As I walk down the sidewalks, covered in gum and dirt, I only see the cleanness. I only see the business men striving forward, briefcases in hand and the street performers on the sidewalks trying to make ends meet, full of determination and passion. As I stroll down the street making my way, I see the inspiration that lies within people. The mothers racing to catch the train to their next job, their children dragged at their sides, the artists capturing every aspect of the surroundings that have absorbed their beings and the policemen who stroll along protecting society from danger and harm.

Within this concrete jungle, I become lost and absorbed into the atmosphere of hard-work and determination which lies deeply within it. Here I don’t see things in color, I don’t worry about things or what is to come, I see it as a place to release, a place to change and to fix, moving on from the past and striving toward the future. The bright lights shine upon me and guide my way to devotion. I stand by passively watching for now, knowing that one day I will leave small suburbia and become one with the concrete principles of commitment and compassion.

JordynN1 said...

The the warm feeling you get when you walk in. The red comfortable couches with big soft blankets by the fireplace. Decorations of red, green, and white fill the room. The sun shines through the windows and lights up the room. The room around Christmas time puts you in the holiday spirit. Where my family always is. The place of comfort and kindness.

bballplayer3213 said...

The peaceful and quiet place where I always tend to hide. With white walls, dark blue carpet and a feeling that lets me know im safe. Long, soft blankets that I can wrap my body in when im feeling upset and soft, fluffy pillows that will always be there to protect my head. A place that never requires any work, just someplace where I can sit by myself and think. The tall white door that deflects all my problems trying to come in and haunt me. After a long day the air relaxes me, and makes me feel like everything else is going to be ok. My own little world where there are nothing but dreams and imagination. A place that makes me feel that im not alone, but nothing else in the world really matters.
-Sarah W. 7/8

Ang5339 said...
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Ang5339 said...

The wind is moving through my hair. The sky is beautiful and blue spotted with cotton balls that move in a reel over my head. The cherry blossom tree is below me and the smell carries up through the warm air. The sun is warm on my skin, giving me a gentle hug. There is a bird nest directly to my right where a mother is feeding her babies and I see the cars moving below me. It's quiet and I am at peace. I am on the roof of my house. I can climb out the window of my parent's bedroom in the spring and summer and lie out there for hours reading and sun-bathing and just being me. This is my place. This is where I'm at home.
- Angie G. 2*

HannahKG said...

A sea of colors surrounds the families who spend hours there; including me. The lake wind is blocked from the numerous trees I sit under. Between the pool, and stage, the acre playground calls out the names of children wanting to escape. Splinters from wood posts carry memories.I imagine the yells and laughs that are constantly there to keep me sane.This place holds memories never forgotten.The smell of freshly cut grass lingers against fire. Childish smirks fight against the tired faces of parents chasing their children. My childhood is buried within the grounds of this supernatural place I love too much.

zmiller3rd said...

a cold feeling that makes me feel refreshed. when ever im mad about something i just go go to that place and think it out. it is also a grat place to fall asleep, if i am tired i can fall asleep as soon as my head hits the couch arm. it always smells like cold fresh air. sometimes i can shoot hoops to get my mind off of things. i can also play video games with my friends and over all have a good time.

Alan M. said...

The sound of rain steadily falling upon the ground and the musky smell it causes is relaxing. The look and feel of the place itself can make you forget everything for a short while. It is a place where you can think about almost anything. It is a place where you can almost get away from the world, and that is why it is relaxing.

Alan M. 5/6th

natalieshnatalie said...

The abundant bowls of peppermints, perfect circles with red and white swirls create a permanent minty aroma in the air. The couches have been replaced throughout the years, as new trends come about, but there is always a single rocking chair, warm and comfy, just begging to be cuddled on with the hand sewn blanket hanging over the top. The tall glass doors, letting in the chilly air which pushes you closer to the always burning fireplace. Candelabras and single candle holders sit on the mantle above the fireplace. It has changed throughout the years, carpet, walls and furniture being replaced many times, yet it still evokes the feelings of safety and love. A single couch sits on the newly carpeted floor, and no matter what couch it is, it always welcomes me to fall asleep on it, with my grandmother's quilt and a comfy pillow, smelling clean with a thick dose of laundry detergent. The on going sound of the washer and dryer are heard through the cream colored wall, creating a mood of contentedness. Just being there reminds me of family, of laying on the couch with a pixar movie playing on the TV-something that always seems to be claiming the flat screen.
Natalie Swallow 1*

KC22 said...

The place that allows me to relax and forget about the stresses of the world. Where people can't judge me and tell me what to do. Where I can do what I want to do without the need of a reason. Full with the color of the sea that radiates the peace and calmness of the ocean. The one place that seems to escape the world of sound and is cut off from the world it's self. But at the same time it is connected with a treasure horde full of gadgets and doodads. The one place that seems to be just a boring room but can transform into a place of fun and tranquility. This is a room that only I can appreciate and benefit from the many joys that come from it. This is the perfect place for me.

KC22 said...

-Kyle C. 7/8period

Andrew Diamond said...

My favorite place smells like the grass, the smoke, the sweat and blood of cut fingers, sounds that reside in the background are full of the wind, the laugher, the yells and the sound of chopping wood, the warm feel of the fire and friends, the cold of the night and of the water, the tickling feeling of the one you love, and the soft chill you get as the night sets in, the world just fills itself in all of these wonderful sensations the cover your body

Andrew Diamond said...

Above is Andrew D 3*

AmandaRose said...

The cozy feeling of that one place. The beige brick fire place lit up with colors of red and orange. The smell of pine throughout the room. The town on top of the mantle, each house and store lit up with a tree in its center completing the tree. Five stockings hung from the fire place, each unique just like the people that they represent. The TV softly playing old Christmas music. A cat curled up under the tall Christmas tree. Ornaments collected through out the years fill the tree along with red boys and white lights. On top of the an ancient Santa completes the scene. This is my favorite place to be.

bbjmz said...

I walk through the double doors, paying attention to the pole in the center so I don't walk into it. Again. The memories flood me, all those times at 2 a.m. walking in dazed and almost unconscious. The only thing keeping me awake is the people I've left to say goodbye to. I've put away my uniform, thanking whoever happened to hold open the door. It's warm and loud, but peaceful. Blankets and pillows swallow the room, making it appear as though there is a slumber party. I think over the events of the previous hours. How it went, what we accomplished. I trip up the stairs almost certainly every time. I'm greeted with a drowsy smile. We converse for several minutes, and suddenly our hysterical laughter is broken by the lyrics of a song. My phone. My Mom is outside waiting. I tell her I'll be out soon, even though we are both aware that I'll be another half hour. I head toward my belongings when I'm greeted by another friendly face. We sit down and talk for awhile. As my phone reminds me that my Mom is waiting, I stand up and fall over a few times before successfully making it to my feet. We hug goodbye, the smell lingering on my shirt. I finally gather my belongings and prepare to leave those newly painted walls. The blue and white alternating on each side. The series of steps that I seem to fail at walking on. The memories, of the people and the work. I watch my step and precisely go down one step, only to lose my balance from my heavy bags. I continue my drowsy trip down the stairs and push open the large door to the frigid air. Yet another warm smiling face greets me with hot cocoa. I thank them and walk to the car,finally able to set down my bags and appreciate the hot cocoa that warms my body. The blue and white walls still embedded in my brain, I re-listen to the melodies that made that night complete.

AmandaRose said...

The cozy feeling of that one place. The beige brick fire place lit up with colors of red and orange. The smell of pine throughout the room. The town on top of the mantle, each house and store lit up with a tree in its center completing the tree. Five stockings hung from the fire place, each unique just like the people that they represent. The TV softly playing old Christmas music. A cat curled up under the tall Christmas tree. Ornaments collected through out the years fill the tree along with red boys and white lights. On top of the an ancient Santa completes the scene. This is my favorite place to be.

bbjmz said...

^ Megan 7/8

Alex H said...

The soft ground creates a calming sensation, so does the warm temperature of the air. When I take a deep breath there is a sweet smell, like flowers with just a hint of cologne, a smell I have always loved. It is so isolated in here when the door is kept closed and that is another reason I feel so calm. It is completely quiet until I turn on the music that keeps me entertained. I always find myself quickly laying down on firm mattress with a comforter as light as air, but warms you up just as much as twenty other blankets. The purple walls are filled with artwork and notes to keep the room interesting. This is the only place I can truly relax, my bedroom.
~Alex H. 2~

oliviaY said...

The smell of sweat and fresh cut grass. The greeness of the grass. The way it is perfectly cut, the ball perfectly positoined on top of it. Hardwork and persperation prensent in the ones that want it. The desperation to come out with a win. Many people together with the love of one game.

chris said...

I feel as I am in the clouds. At the top pf a giant, treacherous cliff. A grand marble fireplace rests in the center, bring warmth to all the leather and glass around it. Its not a perfect square, and does now have four walls. The capacity of memories this area holds is far to great to be written. The sun shines on a mat, bringing warmth during the night. I've seen much wild life, from neighbors dogs, to dear, even coyotes. I would never change this room. Ever.

Dbosko56 said...

The aroma of scented candles is eminent once I walk into the room. Th nice warm fireplace next to the vase of glass that holds my aunt's marrige sand. The walls are the color of the sand, a nice soothing tan. It gives me comfort and protectiont o know this is mine. The outside, surrounded with christmas decorations, as well as the inside. This is a place, for me to call, my home.

Cheyenne said...
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Cheyenne said...

The cool air that linger's in your lugs. The mist that spray in your face. This place isn't a room or a house it far from those.My favorite place brings the wind to whip in your hair and your arm's to ache in the morning. It bring's scraped knees and cramped fingers. But most of all it bring's a quiet peaceful place for me to organize everything in my head. Where my scream's, whisper's and hope cannot be heard.
This is my escape.
Cheyenne_w 1

Nate T. 2 said...

The room sets still through the day. When I return to it, its stirring with kittens and a dog. The footsteps of three little kittens across the open carpetted floor may often be heard. I am always relaxed on the warm and welcoming couch. I melt away to nothing, I'm on a cloud seperated from the world in there. Yet, my olders sisters voice always seems to disrupt that peace once a day. Fragrances of candles fill my nostrils and make them want to do a Christmas jig. It is perfection on Earth with just the arrangement making the whole difference. This is the perfect room in the house and I love laying within its realms.

Skipper C. K. said...

A bright light resignates from the warm hearth. The chairs and couches glisten from the fire. A red soft carpet covers the concrete floor. A tree sits to the right of the fire, covered in golden instruments the size of my finger. The fire draws the family together to a central place. Blankets lay on in a corner,to keep warm those that are cold. Above the fire stockings and a tv sat. The family could eat together as they watched whatever movie they wanted. The fire at the hearth, down in the basement, is my most beloved place of all.

im not crazy i swear said...

The smell of plasic mats/turf, blood, concrete, and sweat bring back a homey feeling. All my life i have been in and out of y.m.c.a gyms, indoor soccer feilds, mixed martial art gyms, rec centers, batting cages, and volley ball courts. Its that feeling of energy and compition in the wide space of a areana. Some times it makes you feel like a gladator in a collisium ready to put your body on the line just for heck of it. Its all about who is stronger or faster, or smarter, or that person who just works well under pressure. Everyone is there to be reconized. -james helms

alexgrabowski. said...

My favorite place is the foyer. It's decorated in everfreens, with mant strands of white light. There is a Chrismas tree decorated with gold ornaments, that sits besides the steps. On the leedge above the front door there is a santa clause on his sled with toys pouring out the back. For some reason when i walk in and see everything lit up I can't help but to smile. It gives me a warm feeling, and reminds me that Christmas is right around the corner.

Hgolias said...

the comforting felling of the room you know is yours that you can go to whenever. the soft carpet in every room lets you know that you can just relax there. the smell of pine throughout every room lets you know that threes a tree somewhere in the house. the fire always roaring in the fire place producing heat

caseycows3 said...

A safe haven free of noise and chaos. A place to express ones self and contemplate. It holds memories of childhood evident behind every wall. Smells of perfume, hairspray and cleats engulf it. Bright green walls, a chestnut brown door, double closeted with a secret escape in one. The taste of tears salty in ones mouth if they were to bury themself in the pillow. This place is where I find comfort, courage, make mistakes and fix them.

Dylan Bohland said...

probably my favorite place is my house on christmas eve when all of my family is over and were just having a good time talking and opening up the gifts. And i love the excitement of not knowing what is wrapped up in those boxes.

JackiK said...

The room has a strange feeling. Something is magical in here. It's an empty room, whoever lives here just moved in. Torn blue wallpaper falls gently onto the ground. The window's open, letting the cool air flow in. I'm unsure whether to be afraid or happy. I walk a little closer to examine the wardrobe sitting in the middle of the room. Rustic, yet beautiful. As I walked out, I couldn't help but feel like I missed something.

-Jacki 1*

haley said...

I have come to love the smell of sweaty feet mixed with chicken dinner. In the winter the temperature is penetrating, in the summer it is hot and muggy. Girls are always screaming and running in and out. It is amazing how terrible it sounds but when I am there, nothing seems any better. If you were to walk in you would soon realize that this place, the hot, sweaty, stinky place is actually one of the most happiest places on earth. There is never a dull moment. Every girl in the room is giggling and catching up on the latest gossip. Though the floor is hard and old, and the pictures hanging on the walls have been there for over twenty years, the room never fails to get everything off my mind and enable me to have the time of my life. There is a part of that room that will be with me forever.
-Haley Y. 1

Monyak65 said...

This place is fairly small but filled with so many memories. It is filled most often with the warm smells of home cooking. It is warm and friendly. It is almost always filled with family and friends. This place has been my home for longer than I can remember and I would prefer to keep it that way.

Tvaughn24 said...

My favorite room in the holidays has to be my living room because theres a safe and good feeling in that room. From all the memorys ive had in that room since i was born. The smell of fresh made desserts fill the air and the smell of a plastic Christmas tree. Either the family is over to watch Ohio State dominate in the bowl game there in or just having a great time with the family.
-J Bruder

MandaC3 said...
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MandaC3 said...

The scent of vanilla cookies fills the room. That morning you wake up and wake your parents and telling them to get up. They are too slow so you have to wait for the coffee to be made. Then camera has to be ready for all the smiling faces to come. The thing that makes it perfect is the smiling and happy faces that everyone has. It's also the fact that its not all about recieving but about giving. The laughing when the wrapping paper shoots around like a cannon adn when the cat jumps all around and chases all the paper around. When everyting is opened everyone is playing with their new toys and it gets annoying at times but the feeling of happiness fills the room and noone can replace that feeling of joy.
~Amanda C 3*

Marissa Ratino said...

Coming in from the bitter cold and sitting by the warm fire, drinking hot chocolate and watching favorite Christmas movies. The smell of apple cinnamon and freshly baked cookies emanating around the room. The sound of my dog plopping herself onto the soft ground next to me. That is my perfect moment.