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Celebrating small kindnesses and basking in the little things.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Songs play an important part to how so many of us understand the world. I want you to listen to this song by Tom Petty, "Wildflowers." (Click on the song title. It is the link.) This song paints a picture of a person simply by the lyrics. By using the word "you," he makes it personal to the listener. I have always felt like this was about me, knowing full well it is not. However, I do relate to the idea of wanting to throw all matters of conformity out the window while embracing all of the wildness of nature that is pure and good, so I could find myself sitting to bask in the sunlight while feeling the wind against my face without any cares or worries. The boat out at sea paints the picture of freedom in all directions. The idea of complete freedom. By implying that the listener needs these, the lyrics implicitly--indirectly--tells us the listener feels restricted, held captive, unable to be who they want or do what they want.

I want you to write about a person without telling us who they are directly--explicitly. You will show instead of tell. You will help us to see the person for who they are by using indirect characterization. I would type this in Word so that you can paste your answer. I will want you to bring this to class. Be creative and school appropriate.


Khoa said...

She looked beautiful more then ever. Her dress, shining white as if she were an angel sent by God. As she walked down the aisle, all eyes on her face, so tan as if she were a perfect woman. A twinkle in her eye as if she concealed Orion's Belt in her eyes, hair shiny and smooth like silk. Many women envious of her looks, but really should be of her personality. She was the ideal woman, gorgeous, animal loving as if she wouldnt hurt a fly, someone who could get dirt on them and wouldn't freak out, someone who loves the outdoors but would also like to cuddle indoors, someone loving, and someone independant. That was the perfect woman.

Anonymous said...

I sat in her warm arms and hugged her, tears coming down my face. I knew I was safe now that I was with her. I smelled that familiar smell that smelled like our laundry soap and lavender combined. She let me lean on her and put my face in her soft dark hair. I heard her voice sing to me: a beautiful voice that should have belonged to an angel. The soft blue of her eyes spread kindness to whatever they looked at. When she kissed me her love stayed on my cheek even when her lips left.
-Addie Gall

im not crazy i swear said...

She has the most innocent smile. She is short but not too short. Her physical features are flawless she is the prettiest girl in school. She has silky black hair with light brown skin. She is a very loyal friend. She has the most extraordinary eyes I have ever seen. I can look into some people’s eyes and guess what they are feeling or what they are going to do but not with her. Her eyes are so brown they look pitch black making her pupils blend into the black color of her eyes and I think this is very pretty. She has a cruel sense of humor. She is also hyper like she just drank three red bulls hyper.- james helms

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The smile on her face glowed when we come to visit. She is always nice to everyone and she wears a soft perfume that lingers in the air when she gives me a hug. She is kind and cares about everyone. She volunteers all the time, even when we are visiting. I know anytime I have a problem I can count on her. She knits me a scarf every year for Christmas and has knit me a scarf every year and can’t remember a year when she didn’t. I always love the scarf and I am so glad I have her.
Lydia Sch. 2*

Cheyenne said...

She walks like an angel, so innocent and fragile. She has often be glanced over; casual blonde hair, always perfected, and a smile that could stop you dead. The one who’s tinsel blue eyes, model figure, and insane personality and concealed to her friends. Who chose to stand out in her own way, not with hairspray makeup and fancy things, not by changing herself. Rather by reading my lips when words cease to flow. The one who turns a solo into a duet, who would rather share my pain and bandage it with a hug then to walk away. She did not need easy; nothing she aims for is ever simple, all she need’s is possible.
- CW_1

Rohan Srivastava said...

She opens the garage door, purse and lunchbox in her hand, her eyes hovering over diminutive wrinkles. Her son runs to her, his tail wagging, his ears bent backwards, excited to see. She puts her purse and lunchbox on the island in her realm, where she walks onto the sea of tiles. Her son follows her and she bends down, her thighs touching her calves, petting his body, engulfed by a golden brown fur. Her yawns screech through the atmosphere, but she still walks to the stove rotates the switch, beginning her sorcery. She throws her cauldron onto the stove,placing her silver wand from the drawer onto the microwave. The water inside the cauldron boils, and she opens another one of her cabinets, staring at the highest shelf. She calls for her son, the one without the tail, the fur, or the collar wrapped around his neck. She waits only seconds to hear for an answer like a general impatiently awaiting for his soldier’s response. She decides not to disturb him, trusting him with a reason for silence. Nobody is around her, so she picks up a stool and takes it to the cabinet. The stool wobbles from age, but she climbs on top of it, her knees stabbing themselves into the seat. She reaches for the container, able to grasp it firmly. She descends to the sea of tiles, her handing touching the cauldron with water now bubbling and gas rising. However, she does not phase, her skin not reactive towards the 350 degree pot. She hops off the stool, places it back to its original location, to resume her magic. She reaches the stove, views the boiling water and goes to drawer to retrieve her wand. She opens the drawer, rummages to find it, but is unsuccessful. She calls for her son again.

BrittanyG said...

She fights against all odds. She doesn’t care that she’s different and she doesn’t care what people think. She is herself and nobody can change that. Even though people make fun of her and tease her, it’s nothing. Yes, she’s underdeveloped and yes, she may be your age but in a lower grade. That shouldn’t matter. She is the happiest girl and nothing and no one can take that happy go lucky smile off of her face. Every time I see her, she smothers me with hugs and ‘I love you’s’. Not many people are like her in both personality and her characteristics. She is one of us, even though you may not treat her like it. I hope the best for her and I hope that she can stand up and prove to everyone that she is just like you.
Brittany Gettle 2*

Michelle! said...

She used to be the type of person everyone envied. A gorgeous girl that made her own style, her own sayings and her own music. She played the acoustic guitar with her sister and they sang the most beautiful harmonies. She was a college student studying the art of graphic design but was not a fan of school. She was a well rounded girl that was going to make it big time in the world but poor choice after poor choice sent her trembling down a hill of despair. No one expected for her the life style she now has but that is her own decision. Once a life filled with pictures and music notes now has red cups and flashing lights.

JazlynRae(: said...

She's gorgeous but won't admit it. She calls herself the “ugly friend”.
She has long dark hair and clear blue eyes that look like diamonds in the sun.
She is fun loving and loves to sing. They call her love.
She doesn't strive for attention, I think she's just self conscious.
Original and funny.
Loves music and laughing.
With pet names and jokes, too many to remember.
She's my best friend and we're so close like sisters.
Not like when somebody says their friends are like family.
It's like we are so close that we even make our own Family Christmas Cards to send out.
She has newly straightened and whitened teeth and pale skin with not a blemish or flaw.
I wish she could see what everyone else could see.
The only thing wrong with her is that she doesn't realize how perfect she is.
Jazlyn R. 7/8

JazlynRae(: said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Julianne said...

She is my joy. She may be frial and well weathered but still has a young soul. Wise yet 70 going on 17. She has hair like cobwebs with a sprinkle of salt and pepper. Barley making it up to the shoulder on my 5"2 frame. Calm and collective with a halirious flare of spice underneth. She may have seen better days but those big glassy eyes hidden beaneth thick glasses tell her story. Not related but yet she is the one I feel closest to although the amount of years between us couldn't be greater. She comes from cat hair covered sweaters and beat up Ked's with a faint smell of pine lingering in her presence. She is the bestfriend, sister and mother all in one. Just what I need when all else fails.

Kaitlyn Pieper said...

He was more handsome then I could have ever pictured him. His hair buzzed but not to short. With his casual where of clothing. His black sweater,his deep dark brown eyes I go gaga for. (Even though I dont like brown eyes) his deep voice that give me shivers every time he talks, I feel I would be really safe with him, if we were ever together. He makes me feel like iam pretty, and deserve to be pretty. Sure he has a dark sence of humor but you got to look around that. When he through me in the pool, I could feel him flexing his muscles as he picked me up. His olive color skin, his adorable smile, the way he looks at you. I feel that I might be with him one day.

Anonymous said...

She sees things that are not seen by normal people. She’s overcome with voices in her head that are trying to come out. Most of her day is spent in a rocking chair, creaking back and forth, mumbling. She mumbles weird chants that are put into her mind and order her to say them out loud. She screams in warning, in pain, and agony; if only if they would listen. She looks around and sees the future; thinking that she is going insane, but is not. She paints, not because of love, but because she can’t stop herself. There is a magnetic force that pulls her towards the art room of the asylum at random times. What she paints emerges later on. If she paints a car accident, days later, word of a car accident will spread. No one cares enough to look at her painting, though. If they wanted to look at it, it would be found in the trash, tossed away by the custodians.

Her life was saved from being taken by a telephone wire. In general, her life was saved from being taken by her own hands several times. She has a hard time keeping herself alive because she believes she shouldn’t. They don’t understand. They put her in the hospital for her actions. She doesn’t know how to deal with her ability and no one understands her. Her life growing up was tough. Her father beat her while her mother looked the other way. She was ruled a, “menace to be among society” by the judge. Her therapist believes that there is no help for her and wants to abandon her. The white walls keep her in and hold her hostage. There is a garden where the members go to plant flowers to help calm themselves, but “no garden can calm me” she thinks. The garden is only so that the subjects can forget about the rusty barbed wire fence. That is the fence that separates the sane from the insane. The fence reminds her that she is not allowed to leave and is meant to keep people in.

One night, as she sat painting, she grabbed the wrist of a nurse. She screamed, “GO! ESCAPE FROM THIS PLACE, AS FAR AS YOU CAN. YOU DON’T HAVE LONG!” Her grip on the nurse tightened. She jumped up and hit her knee on the easel. As she clutched her knee, she let go of the nurse. Red paint dripped onto the floor resembling blood. The nurse gasped and called for help. All she can remember when she woke up were the needles piercing into her skin. Her elder sister is sitting by her side. She takes no notice of her and asks the doctor where the nurse is. Her sister gives her a sad look, as the doctor tells her that the nurse had been released from work earlier than usual because of the accident. The nurse had been murdered while walking home.

MandaC3 said...

She is like an angel walking in the stars and shining more than ever. Her beautiful figure was sent down from God. She has the face of and angel and smiles like there's no tomorrow. She makes you smile when you see her and makes you cry when you think of her. She is the one who makes you laugh and makes you feel better when something is wrong and shares all those good times and bad times that you have had. Her love stays near and dear to my heart and I will never forget her and her love for her is always with me forever and always.

MandaC3 said...

The last one was from Amanda Caspary 3*

Jacqueline Knirnschild said...

He was intent on winning his game in Modern Warfare 3. His innocent young face was crumpled in deep concentration. His fingers flew across the buttons on his Xbox controller. His black hair was tousled around from so much intense gaming. He probably hadn’t brushed it in days. He smiled as he talked smack with one of his friends over the microphone. His dark brown eyes sparkled with pure happiness and content as he attacked one of his enemies on the other team. He was wearing a ratty old t-shirt and athletic pants. Once again he probably hadn’t changed in days. He was completely satisfied with holing up in his man cave for the whole weekend. He was sitting on his trashed bed. There were chips, candy, blankets, pillows and clothes strewn across his whole bedroom. He grabbed a handful of chips and shoved them in his mouth and continued gaming.
Jacqueline K. 7/8th

Ricky said...

he is always there for me no matter what. we are the best of friends and will always be forever. he has taught me everythhing i know in this world today. we have went through the good and the bad no matter what we will always remaine friends forever. he teaches me all of the things i need to know about being succesful in the world and not let my life got to waste. we will continue to be best friends and our friendship will not end .we do almost everything together he teaches me how to hunt and fish and to never give up no matter what happens.

Ricky said...

the last one was from Ricky K.

annaj said...

He is the best of people; he is the worst of tempers. Always dependent on his electrical lifeline in the form of an iPhone he reaches for the stars while confined to the moon. Managing to be family oriented in his stressful, head-aching world, what is the point of criticism for the cool head of his insane intelligence?
He is the best of encouragers for faults many. He is the ideal tutor for tutorless smarts. The important things mean much while the small things still don’t mean little and his laugh can light all of the cosmos. He writes the answer to the unsolvable questions of many. He can fund galactic dreams, and finds himself a handyman. He is perfect, he can make the stars.

Anna 7-8

Katie Eileen said...

She was always such an inspirational person. Every time we walked into her house, the smell of delicious homemade food stunned our senses. Her blue eyes would twinkle as she stared down at a game of scrabble, mind shooting off in all directions. Her stout figure and grayed hair were always a comfort. Her wrinkly hands would summon us towards her every time we saw her for a big hug. Her frail voice still echoes in my mind today, calling us up from the basement for a dinner of meat and potatoes. Her weary smile never ceased to brighten my day. Her cane use to rest in the corner of the living room, collecting dust; she was always an independent, strong woman. I loved her with all my heart, and still do to this very day. If only she could have stayed.

~Katie D. 7/8ยบ

Rachael said...

He sat at the organ, fingers on the keys. The deep carve in his brow showed the years of toil and hardship, a mask normally worn when he thought no one was looking. The turning of pages seemed to create a calm rhythm and as the music started the mask that had been worn for so long dropped off his face. Fingers splayed graciously, quickly across the keyboard, 50 years instantly dropped off his face, as the mask melted and was replaced with a totally different age. A look of twenty passed in his eyes like the twinkle of a star, and the gray hair seemed almost light blonde in the lamp light above the organ. The seriousness went away, and personality showed through as crackled, weathered hands. His face, though grave, showed a love for his art, the art of making music on an instrument long forgotten except at church. The inspiration and skill blended with his passion for music tangibly giddy tone was tangible around him. When the music stopped it was almost as though a door had been shut and the mask returned, carved from a different, closed era, but the twinkle of twenty never seemed to quite leave his eyes, even long after the music had stopped.
Rachael S 5-6

Alison said...

She's a beach blonde, silky, always perfect hair. Has faded freckles on that dented nose. Make up always flawless on top of those green sparkly eyes. An 18 year old who acts 5, on lucky days 6. She has the best attitude out there, never mean, to me at least. Who pays her own way through things unless you’re insisting! She has the best sense of humor, always laughing and smiling! Animal lover, owner of 2 chubby Labs, and a Guinean Pig, named Adele. She’s been there since I was 5.

Alison said...

Last one was AlisonAnderson .

Kaylee.Marie said...

She looked gorgeous, almost absolute perfection. Her shoulder length-dirty blond hair was up in curls, tied in a bun. Her dress poofed out underneath her tiny 5”1, 103 pound frame. Corset tied in the back, jems along the bust line, strapless, blood red. Prom. But it wasn’t the dress or the hair or the jewerly or the corsage that made her gorgeous, but it was her smile. Normally bright and happy, tonight it was brighter than the sun itself. Pure joy and happiness mimicing that of one five year old with ice cream. Tonight was the night of her life, the one she had been waiting for since she was in sixth grade. With the love of her life and her best friends, nothing was going to stop her from stopping smiling. Nothing and no one would kill her happiness on this night. She was truly the princess she had always dreamed of being on this night only, she was perfect.
~Kaylee Lhotsky 7/8*

macey j. 3rd said...

She is tall but works her skinny in shape body the right way. She has the best personality any guy would want or should be looking for. Her eyes just pop out at you when she looks at you in a way that makes you mesmerized. They are yellow and green a color that I have never seen before. Her teeth perfectly straight thanks to the shiny small, hard wired braces. She has silky dirty blond hair that falls perfectly. She is my most loyal and prettiest friend I know.

Samantha said...

Her arms were right there for me. She protects me from danger and from people who are mean to me. she always loves me even when im bad. She's the perosn i turn to when im upset or when i want something. she laughs at me and my jokes even if there really stupid. She's the one how always helps me with me homework. she is the perfect person.
Samantha S

Rachel Javorsky said...

He has short blonde hair and pale blue eyes, so pale you can almost see through them. A smirk seems to be always glued to his face as he hurries down the hallway. His long and lean stature is far above me. He has a beautiful smile that could make any girl’s heart melt; it’s a shame that his smile is such a rare sight to see. His favorite outfit would be a simple pair of blue jeans and the word “Slipknot” or any other band printed on a shirt. His view of the world is something that others could not understand. If it’s mainstream, it’s not for him. He opens his soul to me and speaks from the heart. He tells me everything about his dreams and ambitions, whisking me away to a different universe with the passion in his words. He has so much faith in me and believes in everything I do. He makes me feel like I’m a saint-to-be. He puts wisdom in my life and helps me see clearly. He helps pick me up when I fall. He and I have a special relationship that he has with nobody else. It’s custom-made for the two of us. -Rachel Javorsky

Jaimie Lynn said...

He is always there for me. He has brown hair and has a little bald spot in the middle of his head. He always twirls his hair where the spot is. He has a sweet spot on his head. He is thirty years old. He is the most amazing person. He loves his music. The music he plays is always so loud and shakes the whole house. His music consists of techno and old school things. He works at a computer service, which means a website. That website is really busy. This person is really nice and awesome!

Jaimie Lynn said...

last ones from
~*Jaimie W 5/6th*~

em said...

She's my best friend. She's tall, always stylish, hard to miss. Her long, blonde hair is most often up in a pony tail. She always has her fingernails painted, usually purple, her favorite color. She's the one who always tells me the truth even when I don’t want to hear it. The person who I can go to for anything and talk about everything. The one who won't judge. The one I know will never ditch me, and the only one I know for sure would never talk behind my back, she'd tell it to my face. The one who sits right next to me during worship, and Dave's lesson when we're both too scared to talk. The girl who always makes me laugh and smile even on my worst days. She's gorgeous. She's kind. She has the bluest eyes and dimples when she smiles. She has fair skin, with light colored freckles sprinkled across her nose and cheeks. When she talks she has a slight Nebraskan accent, even though she'll tell you she doesn't. She's always there for me. She's my best friend.
Emily L 7/8*

Sarah palmer said...

Her light brown eyes, and warm smile instantly brighten any dismal room. Her reaction to others is kindess, the kind you find deep within the heart. The usual rocker look with night black skinny jeans, star converse and a death metal tee-shirt. At about 5-4 she stands shorter than myself, but always walks proud. Using inspirational words that seem to come straight from a self-help book. The girl who always knows the right things to say even when no one is listening.

AmandaC. said...

She is always there when I turn around. She will pick me up and protect me with all of her might. She reacts quickly to difficult situations and can be unpleasant when she has to. She has blond colored hair, each hair as curly as a spiral. She has, thin, scrawny hands and unpolished fingernails. She stands at a height of about 5’9’, her body being fairly thin. She doesn’t think so, but looks amazing. She will make the room shine when she smiles. She cleans up the most enormous situations and messes that I should cause. She is always there for me and I will always be there for her. She thinks she is an imperfect person, but in my eyes she is perfect. She is my protector, my friend, and the person I can count on to give me the support,love, and care I need to get through the rough days.

-Amanda C 7/8*

Kelli Shumate said...

He is tall with dark hair. He has a presence when he walks into the room that makes everyone around him stop and stare. His uniquely deep and dark brown eyes make me want to stare into them for years and years. He has the eyes that a person can get lost in. His smile is one of discomfort but it is still special in every way. His legs are of the strong type that show off his many years of athletics. His stature is of mortal discomfort but it lifts as he becomes acclimated. The way he speaks is of the utmost importance with many words sticking out more than others. When he simply looks at me, he takes all the thoughts out of my mind and leaves me breathless. He wears his emotions on his sleeve with easily identifiable signs left out just for me. When we do not speak, my days become boring and without purpose. He can lift my day all the way up with just a simple smile in my direction. Being enclosed in his arms feels like the best safety I have ever known. He is friends with all and brings comfort to all the lives he touches each day.

demo said...

As my parents had go out it was just me and him. Earlier we had fought.he was up stairs and i was down stairs. The quiet by only the sounds that the computer and TV made. There was friendship and forgiveness. From one
"O how are you doing" to "are you OK". the trust we had was unbearable. There lets me share my feelings and some one that under standees me. he is my...

Ryan said...

His eyes speak determination; of age and experience.
His face covered in wrinkles, speckled in hues of brown.
His chin sags and teeth fight for a grip on the gums. His nose large and intrusive, always in everybody’s business.
The hair that he has left sits on his head with certain awkwardness. It is long and grey. A sign of the life that he has suffered.
A scar rests upon the surface of his face, but from what? No one knows.
His stick-like figure hunched over to the point where some call him “the cane.”
He lives alone, with nobody to call his own. With nobody to love him. Nobody to care for him, nobody that cares about him.
His health is declining, his age rising. He needs help, but refuses to take it. He can do it himself he says. He is old fashioned. No car, no phone, no computer. Just a house with few lamps. Many books, one bed.
All day he sits on his porch, hunched over in his rocking chair. Watching. Listening. Observing. He knows all. He watches what happens and listens to what is said. Some may call him the silent observer. As the scores of men, women, and children pass his home each day, nobody stops to say hello. Nobody sees how he is doing, nobody cares.
They just walk right by as he watches, listens, observes. Some do not even notice him, but do they just choose to?
Nobody knows of the life that he lived, of the wars that he fought. Nobody knows of the wife that he loved, of the kids he could not have. Nobody knows his interests, his hobbies, his pastimes. But does he even have any? Is he a person or just a shell? Nobody there to record his thoughts, memories. They shall be lost from the world with his passing.
Nobody knows of his disease. It is easily curable but nobody cares enough to help.
He passes.
Silently and peacefully. A smile on his face, a light in his eyes. His memories gone forever, lessons forgotten.
The authorities come to take his body. Nobody to pay for a funeral. There is no funeral, just a silent burial. Now they notice. Now they wonder. They wonder why they did not notice. Why they did not help. “We could have helped” they say. But we didn’t. We ignored him as we went about our lives. “Oh, our lives”, they say. So busy. So fast.

Take some time to help somebody. Lend a hand. It could just make their day. Comfort somebody alone, unaccompanied.

-Ryan M. 2

CLuzier said...

She ran in the direction of the wind as it blew her naturally beautiful, blonde hair out of her face. Her sparkling blue eyes were now brighter than ever. The sun created a glimmer in her hair and a glare on her tiny glasses. Each leap she took brought her simple little body closer to me. With my arms open wide and my back hunched over to her height, she took one final step with her petite foot and painted toe nails and leaped into my arms. She smiled with her perfect little pearls with the exception of her few missing ones, as if she hadn't seen me in years, when really it had only been a week. Her eyes looked up at me as a role model, as I looked onto her as the perfect little sister. I kissed her on her soft, pale cheek and carried her to the slightly opened back door where we would have a whole day to waste away on the simple joys of life.

kayla said...

A beautiful girl with dark hair, having bangs since the day we met. She smiles, showing off her brace-covered teeth. Shes been with me since we were seven. We've been through everything, never once having a fight. So many memories, so many laughs. We could hold hour long conversations about nothing at all. She shares the same interests in music as I, such as violin and The Beatles. On days I need her most, shes always there, standing at my door with a smoothie and six pounds of nacho cheese, reminding me to Let It Be. She knows so much about any topic, and tells jokes that will literally make you "roll on the floor laughing." A fortune teller, or maybe possessing extremely well judgement, for she never seems to be wrong. Shes the support I need, pushing me to run further or swing the bat faster; always forcing me to take it one step further. My family welcomes her to every "Bravchok Family Day," for shes like the sister I never had. She can bring any topic to life with her extreme sarcasm, brightening even the darkest of days. Some may see her as just some genius girl who always knows the right thing to say, but shes more than that to me- shes my Best Friend.
Kayla B 2*

JackiK said...

She's the one person in the world that will always just turn and laugh. I envy that. Her laugh is contagious, even after hearing it thousands of times a day. Everyone sees her as the girl that will never shut up, but she will. She tucks her problems under her pillow every night. She catches onto things quickly, even if she's "just kidding." She watches people dance, even when there's no show. She supports you, even when she needs your support more. Her jokes make the whole world laugh, or her laugh louder than the whole world. Whatever she may do, one things for sure, she's my sister.

-Jacki Kett 1*

Marissa Ratino said...

As he ran down the field as fast as a cheetah, but as graceful as a gazelle, he made the touchdown. All of his team mates were envious, yet filled with excitement. His eyes as blue as the sea, his personality like no one elses. He was the idol of the night, didn't brag, but accepted it like a man.

Sarah B said...

She looked at me with her big, blue, sparkling eyes. Her long, blonde, curly hair was blowing in the wind. She knew I was hurting. She could always tell when I was sick or upset. She opened her arms and hugged me tight. Her soft, subtle voice whispered in my ear "Everything will be okay." I remember her smell. She smelled like fresh roses as she usually did which. She made me feel better just by wrapping her arms around me. She is a loving, caring, honest person and she means the world to me.

TaylorS said...

She used to be everybody’s best friend. She would comfort people with just her smile, brown hair and her loving eyes. She was warm and welcoming, for everyone, not just her friends. But one day she just went cold. Her hair got lighter but her personality darker. And her once loving eyes glossed over with pure hate. She changed. People noticed, but she had not.. Until it was too late, and everything had been changed for good -Taylor Sustersic 7+8-

bballplayer3213 said...

Young and smart with one of those innocent smiles that always makes you give in. A fighter who became stronger every day. She was different from the other kids and they would make fun of how she looked. She didn’t listen. She was proud of who she was and didn’t care what anyone else thought. You see the sparkle in her eyes and you know right away that she wasn’t ready to give up. Come home after a long day sometimes even a painful afternoon but would still put a smile for you so your day wasn’t dull. Beautiful in every way and filled your days with “I Love You” or “come sit with me” when she couldn’t do much. The one who inspired me that nothing is ever too strong to knock you down.
-Sarah W. 7/8-

ChloeK said...

He’s nice and mean. He’s the worst person I’ve ever known in my life, using; always using. His eyes tell of control, the loss of it and the need for it. His hair is graying, he dyes it to cover it—it grays from the stress of hiding his secret. He is discreet, he is a hunter, he is a life-ruiner. He’s nice to bribe you…he doesn’t want you to tell. He’s mean with everything he does. He hunts for what he needs most. What he feels every man needs most. He takes things from me, takes things no one should have taken. But most of all he is sick, and I fear he’ll never get better. But he’s ruined his chances—I won’t be around to see if he ever does.

Anonymous said...

She has flaming red hair that reminds me of a bright, warm fire, that I would get toasty from on a cool autumn night. Her eyes are a hypnotizing hazel, especially when she makes puppy dog eyes for something she wants. When she laughs it sounds like little bells ringing and it reveals her toothy smile. Once you get her going she will keep running like the Energizer bunny. She is walking perfection, but doesn’t care because the only thing that matters to her is having an adventure. Sometimes she can be an annoying fly buzzing around and I have to keep swatting at her, but I would never want her to leave.

brunswick52 said...

She is somebody that is very loving. She has blonde hair. She can cook especially pumpkin roll. She can be demanding only because she loves me. Her temper is really weird she can be nice one minute then in a snap angry. One other thing about her that there is a lot of questions if it is not done her way so basically it is her way or the highway. She still treats me as a little kid when I see her unless we do something very important together like school work. She always says suck it up and be a big boy and nags about everything that she can. Sometimes I can try to outsmart her but most of the time I can’t because that how it is.

rykordahi14 said...
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rykordahi14 said...

She is the type of girl that everyman longs for. She will be sad if she sees you sad. She secretly is unsure what to do, but she gives that impression to whoever is watching that she practically invented whatever it is she is doing. She has gorgeous eyes that are the most unique shade of hazel and that if you stare into long enough; you will need a map to find your way back to reality. Her smile can surely drive men mad, forcing them into doing the worst, but the way she smiles, it makes you do the best. She always shows a positive outlook on life, so strong it even gives pessimists hope. The way she talks makes you feel high, as if you are lighter than air, forcing the heavy weight of the air to push you upward, sending you to heaven. Just her shier existence in a room will brighten it, like the sun does for the nine planets in our solar system. While most guys’ hearts will fall into the palm of her hand at first sight, this is a mistake. For if you fall in love with her before you meet her, you will be purely focused on her gorgeousness and not her brilliance, amazing sense of humor, and the most interesting perspective on life that you will ever get the privilege of seeing.

-Ryan Kordahi

rich918 said...
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rich918 said...

He was 6 foot 6 inches tall and dressed in a red uniform with a picture of a bull and a big 23 on the front and on the back was a name that will never be forgotten. He soared through the air like a F-16 plane. He could run like a Puma even though he had Nikes on his feet. And he could shoot like no one else ever could or will (cough-Lebron-cough). He shot like he did it in his sleep. And when he dunked he would rise so high and then fell back to earth with style as he slammed the ball in the hoop. And when he slammed the ball down he almost broke the backboard. And when he landed the stands roared. And when he won the game he was already set to dominate the next team. By-Brad R 5/6

Dylan Bohland said...

He was round as a blueberry waddled like a penguin. As he walked down the tall lanky board walk i thought this amazing statue was going down. he walked by me and the ground was rumbling like an earthquake. And i decided that day that i would not become that big and smell like sewage on a hot summer day.

Megan L. said...

Her translucent eyes allowed the entire world to see her pureness. They invited people in, placing sympathy within people like breezes of slow moving air. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in like a warm blanket. Holding me tight and telling me that, “everything was going to be okay”. Her clothes smelled of her favorite perfume, streams of lavender and the fresh breeze of flowers in a meadow, always seeming to comfort me.

She was a strong and diligent woman, always aided by her determination. When the blackness began to swarm around the ones she loved she protected them. When everything became a blaze of ashes and timber, she remained determined; she remained indifferent to the fears that fluttered through her mind. She was there; her smiling face was a support beam that I could never remove. She was beside me eager to help, eager to encourage. I fell into an abyss of darkness, trying to claw my way out, flushing with fear and anxiety. She never questioned or judged; she stood above it all and helped me in a time of need. The woman was pure and wholesome and cared for anyone. She carried the weight of her family upon her shoulders, weighing her down at every turn. Her family was never an inconvenience to her; she raised them above herself, always moving forward. She strived to help those around her, often times more so than herself. Her selflessness and hope saved lives all around her, including my own.

And now, she stands aside and watches her children grow into adults. Each child moving on, with their own lives to live, their own dreams to fulfill. She grows shorter and shorter, each day pulling more from her, taking the remainder of her life with them. Her time is nothing more than the old pages of a calendar, ripped at the core, never able to be used again. However, she will never die. She will always live in the lives of those she loved. Never able to be forgotten.

Nate T. 2 said...

She is the most colorful person on the Earth. Her beauty makes the sun look like a night light. Her fury could upset even the harshest of man. A sense of humor that could make the dead laugh out loud. A personality that brightens the room she struts into with that amazing smile instantly making everyones day better. Deep, warm brown eyes I could look into all day and not feel awkward at all. They change with the beautiful seasons around and the seasons are the one complimenting her. Long brown hair that sways with every stride and makes all the boys moths open wide. Her being is so inviting you can't help but want to get to know her. That is a real woman.

zmiller3rd said...

She is always there for me no matter what dumb things I choose to do. She has taught me everything I know in this world today. She teaches me everything I need to know about being successful in the world and not let my life got to nothing. We will continue to be friends. We do a lot of things together she teaches me how to do my homework when I don’t know how to do it, she also tells me to never give up and teaches me from her mistakes.
-Zack Miller

NatalieK_1 said...

She insists on straightening her gorgeous blonde hair even though it’s naturally an amazing perm.
She’s got stunning blue eyes that you can get lost in, and the rare times when she sings, it is the voice of an angel.
She thinks she needs to be skinnier, but in truth she has the cutest body and the perfect butt.
Her laugh is contagious and the queer raising of her eyebrows at me only makes me adore her more.
She is in truth a sister to me, and I feel as if I am part of her family. Whenever I’m down, I can always expect a sleepover, a chick flick and some Just Dance on the Wii: my Tylenol when life gives me a headache.
It’s our belief that some secret undercover agents working for Brunswick City Schools have intentionally kept us in separate classes ever since seventh grade because we had mind conversations across Mr. Stern’s classroom that more often than not received weird looks from the bald, creepy looking Language Arts teacher. He must have informed the agents that we’re dangerous around each other and they have kept us apart ever since.
Food plays an important role in our friendship- such as the times when we ate a whole bag of tater tots in one sitting and discovered that dipping cheetos in chocolate is actually very delicious.
She is dazzling and the most real person I have ever met. She is always herself, and that’s one of my favorite things about her. Her bubbly personality draws people towards her, like bees to honey. She’s literally that sweet.
She loves this boy who doesn’t know she exists, and this makes me angry because she deserves her knight in shining armor. But I’m confident that one day she will find him.
She truly completes me. Four years ago, we made a promise to stay best friends for life and I’m positive this will stay true forever. We have our ups and downs, but through it all we’ve always been there for each other. Our inside jokes and six-hour phone conversations about nothing in general have us bonded together like glue. I would never be myself without her, a girl who brings out a side of me that’s goofy and random and beautiful and confusing and awkward, all at once. I don’t ever want to lose her. She is the best person here at BHS, without a doubt, and I’m so grateful that we’re in each others lives. If she wasn’t, who else would I write this crazy long paragraph about?

Camillemarie said...

She looked absolutely beautiful. Her pure white dress was magnificent. She had lace going through the middle of her back with white silk material wrapped around the front. Her veil was draped over her tan face and sparkling, blue eyes. She had pink lips as light as bubble gum and as soft as cotton candy. The ends of the dress were held by two boys while she walked slowly down the isle. She looked up to see her groom staring at her with a smile.
Camille Simonitis

zirkle said...

He is kind to everyone. just lets things go that are not inportent. is true to his word and never lies even to get out of truble. he is the true good boy that cares more about other people then himself. he is the best person that i will ever meet.

lenhoff#2 said...

He stared up at me with his deep, sapphire blue, wonder-filled eyes. His adorable toothy toddler grin spread across his face as he held up a green Easter-egg in his small pale hand.
“What’s in here?” He asked inquisitively in that kind of childish accent all two-year-olds have.
I ruffled his light brown hair and sat him on my knee. “I don’t know! Why don’t you open it and find out?” I replied.
His eyes lit up with joy as he opened the egg. “Whoa! Money!” he gasped in wonder as he held the one-dollar bill up for me to see.
I laughed. “And what do you do with money?”
“Give it to mommy!” He replied handing it to my Aunt.
She laughed. “I taught you well! You’re such a smart little boy!” She said in a joking manner as she folded the dollar up and putting it in her designer jean’s pocket.
C. Lenhoff- 1.

alexgrabowski. said...

Her hair as rich as the soil from Earth. When she looks at you it feels like the whole world has stopped. Those huge, baby blue eyes can be most powerful weapon. The way she cocks her head and glazes her eyes over, could sway me into anything. She's the only one I ever find myself venting to. She's held my hand and guided me every step of the way. She inspires to strive for the best. She may only be twelve, but understands me just as well as my mother does. We share the same passion for dance. It's an art that allows us to move with the music and express ourselves without using words. The joy is brings the both of us is truly indescribable, as we close our eyes and let our hearts and the music work together perfectly. She has an elegant smile, which can bring warmth to everyone around her. She's the person I am most jealous of. She is near perfect in every way.

camerinm1 said...

She is gorgeous, everywhere she goes, but she doesn’t know it. She doesn’t understand her beauty; she has the face of an angel. She masks her pain so well, but the truth is, she is in so much pain. She sits in her room alone, she cried herself to sleep, punches holes in her wall, all behind closed doors. Her family isn’t there for her; she is going through life alone. Completely alone. She is scared, so, so scared. The man she loves isn’t the man she thought he was, he doesn’t treat her like the princess she is. She cries hours on end for this one boy, and what she still doesn’t know, is why.

Sara1220 said...

You show the way that I should go, you serve as an inspiration to move forward. Throughout the sad, heartbreaking moments your there to help my push through. I'm there for you too. You think your not the best and that you anything but perfect, but getting to know you has shown me anything but. Your perfect in you own twisted way. I see who you are, sometimes better than you do yourself. We wouldn't have it any other way. You care about others more than you care about yourself, you have put yourself in questionable situations just to help me out. -My best friend
-Sarah P 1*

Woods said...

One of the smartest people I know, though he has his faults like everyone does. Not afraid to show who he really is, never hiding behind a mask. Passion for Christ, face lighting up at the opportunity to talk of his Lord. Drops everything to have a conversation with me, even making him fifteen minutes late to a meeting to make sure I know he cares. If he doesn’t have time, he makes times. Late nights of walking and talking, forcing me to spill everything, but I don’t mind that he knows. His hugs are perfect and I miss them while he lives four hours away. He is protective as a tiger and won’t let anything harm me. His “Hey, Honey!” makes my heart melt and causes tears to flow involuntarily, but I cherish them. His corny jokes and humorous spirit bring laughter no matter what you’re going through. He genuinely cares, he loves me and I love him. Who could ask for a better big brother?
Leah W. 1*

Jeffa said...

He has been there for me over the years. We are so much alike in our personality. He is about the same height as me to six feet tall and about 150 pounds. He is extremely comical with his words and actions. He will be the first one to volunteer for things. He is a person I can always count on. We hang out all the time. I consider him as a brotherly figure in my life. He is one that whenever I just need someone to hangout with him is always there. The first time we hangout all we did was laugh even if nothing was spoken everything was funny. He is the one that if we ever argue over something we can instantly solve the problem and just go on with life. He is the one that would always want to have friends with him because he couldn’t live without them. He is the one that if you let him in your life he will affect your life in a positive way. He is the one that. He likes people that are true to themselves. He is one that is always looking to have a good time. He is one that can always make you laugh even when you’re in a horrible mood and the last thing you could possibly think of would be laughing. He is one that I can always count on to play Xbox with. He is one that is always looking for excitement in his life. He is one that loves t take a risk.

JeffA 1st period

Monyak65 said...

She is truly perfect. She is tall but not too tall, thin but not too thin. Her bright blonde hair falls perfectly around her beautiful face. She has a wonderful sense of humor and knows how to take a joke. I can tell her anything and vice versa. She has always been there for me from the time I met her and I know she always will be. Every time I see her I can't help but smile. To me she is the most beautiful girl ever to come into Bayshore Campgrounds. We have had good times and bad but the good outweigh the bad. She likes me for me and I like her for her. She has never been one to judge and that I love about her. She is one of the best friends I have ever come to know.

Bex said...

Standing at six feet 1 inch tall, I look up to him, both physically and mentally. Everyone does. He is what some people would call “the genius child”, there is not anything he does not understand. When someone else does not understand, he is always willing to help. Not everyone always asks for his help though, since he is brutally honest and very sarcastic, but that is just who he is. He is a really good friend, he is always there for you and will always fight for you and your reputation. He is what I call the role model for self integrity; doing the right thing, even when no one is there to watch you.
-Bekah H. 7/8.

ljstephens2015 said...

She’s my best friend. Short, with many same characteristics as me. Everyone thinking we are twins. Always having a bright face and waving to everyone, as friendly as can be. We can sit and talk forever or dance around like freaks. She is sporty and musically inclined. She is a genius in disguise, always creating devious plans for us to laugh about in years later. She’s my right hand, and I’m her left. Not able to function without each other. She’s the one who is very distinct. You can’t miss her. She’s the one I go to for everything, important or as stupid as can be, she listens. She’s my sister and I don’t know what I would do without her.

Lydia Stephens 2*

Maddie Kidd said...

She has bright blue eyes which are outlined by dark eyeliner. She has bright bronde hair that is always pin straight. She holds the most trust I have ever given to anyone. She has the personality of a little kid just like mine. She can make anyone laugh without doing anything. She is the person I can sit around with doing nothing and still have fun. She is the one that I have the most memories with where everytime I remember these memories I can't help but laugh. I would do anything for her and she would do the same for me. She can seem shy but once around friends she is crazy. She is the person I feel the most comfortable around where I can be my complete self. She inspires me by the way she doesn't care what anyone thinks, she is who she is and she is proud of that.She is the person that I can tell anything to. She is someone that I hope I will never lose. She is forever loyal, she is my very bestfriend.

Jessica said...

She has long brown hair. She is always there for me no matter what. She goes out of her way to make other people happy, and is always willing to lend a helping hand. She is a great student, and always does what she is told. She always does the right thing. I can trust her with anything. She sets goals and has dreams. She is always striving to do her best. Though I have only known her since June, but she is my best friend.

Jessica T.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

His eyes are the exact color of an exotic sea, holding the same warmth. His hair is soft, the color of blond layering over soft peaks of beautiful brown. The way that he sings, could make all of the angels in the sky blush. The way that he laughs, his laugh makes me blush, it's so sincere, it's so lovely. His smile, is beautiful, a true work of art, warmth is always beaming from it. The way how he doesn't always smile showing his teeth, and how he's insecure, makes me love him a little more. He comes of as an inspiration, something too sweet that I can't even explain. He's someone that you can only find in dreams, something pure and golden. When he speaks, his accent never fails to make anyone swoon. I've seen him on overseas television, and I've gathered a bond,everything is fine.

natalieshnatalie said...

Her house is in the same spot that it has been for years. Never moving, but always changing. She never changed but was always changing what was around her, although her interests stayed the same. I can see her bible laying on her nightstand, with its post-it-note bookmarks and underlined passages. I can hear her slaving in the kitchen over the breakfast she made for me every morning after I’d slept over. I can feel the warmth of my clean clothes around me, which she always seems to wash in a matter of minutes. I can smell the perfume of the rose bush which she most tenderly cared for, more than the rest of her garden. I can feel the wall in the living room, which used to be wood panels, but which is now an average wall. I can touch the carpet with my toes, the carpet which used to be blue and stained but now a clean beige. I can feel the roaring fire in the fireplace which she always set at Christmas. I can see her ginormous tree, covered in cheesy ornaments of singers from ‘her time’ like Elvis and Marilyn Monroe. She claimed to add a new one every year, although I think this is a lie-I never notice. I can look through the chest at the foot of her bed-filled with old letters and newspaper articles. It is stuffed with memories. I can hear the non-silence of ‘poker’ nights, me always beating her, despite my lack of experience. Me winning International Rummy, while she somehow beat me at Spoons. I can see the dent in the knocker on her front door, which I always used as a joke-the door is always unlocked for me. I walk through that door and feel as if I've entered a time machine. Which used to be a house straight out of ‘That 70’s Show’ is now a modern family home. She always changed her house-but not herself. She is the one familiar thing in my life, the one that calls me ‘Natalie Darlene’ and ‘Natalie Wood’ wishing that ‘Natalie Darlene Wood’ were my real name. She was old, but she was young. Always saying that I give her too much attitude, yet never punishing me for it. She makes the same dinner for Thanksgiving as she does for Christmas. She tells me that her home is my home, and it always will be, no matter how much it changes, but always because she never does.
Natalie S 1*

Maddy G said...

His unshaven scruff scratches my face as he crushes me in a hug as soon as I walk in the door. His old smile lights up the room like a Christmas tree and makes your heart grow warm. He is always catering to your needs. His persistence never stops until you are completely satisfied. His gray soft hair shows his age and all the knowledge that comes along with it. His torn flannels and old Levi Jeans show his determination to "get the job done." He has earned the name, "Mr.Fix it" with his garage full of tools, and his intelligent mind that can make anything work. He is eager to buy the latest things because he is eager to learn. He struggles with speaking Italian like how he used to when he was young. Despite his true old age, he acts twenty five and never misses the opportunity to get a task done like cutting down a branch with a chainsaw. He manages a pool and pond made for his grandchildren, always eager to please. He is kind, and gentle. It never feels like going over a strangers house, its as if you have a second home.

- Maddy G. 1st period

Alex H said...

Her face contorted and changed with emotions as her clumsy fingers twisted around the colored paper. The wrenching sound of the feeble paper signaled the opening of her small gift. Her mouth was held wide open, the corners of her mouth carried upward by invisible strings. She was excited and we all could tell. The shine in her eyes told us all what we wanted to hear. This was not a regular gift for a child, but to her it was special. It glittered in the white light of the room. The figurine of the angel was slightly rough but her dainty arms were light and smooth. There was a message inscribed on the front of her dress, a bible verse written in swirling letters. The words spoke to the young girl an this gave the gift true meaning. The angel was so beautiful, so light, so free. She would not let her small hands leave the tiny body of her new, shining treasure. The bright smile on her face never left. Her happiness was always something that could brighten even the angriest person's day.
~Alex H. 2~

Sam said...

Her smile is a warm one, like a light summer breeze. She wears it on her face despite the hardships that have threatened to overcome her in recent years. It is a constant fight to keep her head above the deep waters of pain that only wish to harm her. She chooses not to dwell upon what could have been. She gives her time to those who need it more than herself. When she steps into a room, she likes to pretend for a moment. She likes to pretend that this is Hollywood, and the camera is trained upon her. She likes to pretend that the room lets out a soft gasp at her appearance, even if she is only dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt. For a moment, she likes to pretend that she has that picture perfect life, that everyone stares at with awe, like a fancy toy in a store window. She fantasizes of a normal family, of hair that cascades like a waterfall instead of hanging in tangles around her face, and that she has found her other half, someone to love that will love her back. Unfortunately, reality is forced to bring her from the depths of space back to the cruel, unforgiving ground of Earth. She knows she is not that perfect girl with that perfect life, but sometimes, it's nice to pretend.
-Sam 1*

AnnaB1 said...

She see’s everything everyone else doesn’t. She doesn’t look for your flaws, she looks for the positives. She is able to overlook your imperfections and realize who the true you is. She is extremely smart even though some of her moments match her hair color, blonde. (No offense to blondes) She tells funny jokes and knows how to make people laugh. She is really good at athletics, and usually beats me when we make it a competition. She always will listen, even though occasionally she makes comments. She is one of my best friends.

Rosevine A said...

She is young and sees the world through a different perspective. She sees the good rather than the bad. She is short in height. She has long, dark brown hair. Her sea of hair is always kept braided to ensure that it is well kept. She has huge, dark brown eyes that glisten as she smiles. Her smile is a startling pearly white. She is a majestic angel. Her innocence and attainability mirrors her best features. She is a calm, casual girl who loves food. She breathes happiness. She seeks out to be helpful. She has a big heart.

Laura A. said...

He's tall and strong. People see him, but not the reall him. They don't see the kindness underneath, the courage,the loyalty he has towars his friends. I feel like I can tell him anything. I trust him and he trusts me.His hair is short and I love it. His eyes are brown- green. So beautiful I could stare at them for hours.He has the devious smile that anyone would peg as a trouble maker, but I know better. He can get in trouble but he has a good heart and many people don't see it. I wish they could. His hugs are so tight I sometimes can't breath.
Laura Anino 7-8

Estefany G. said...

His eyes, the perfect caramel brown. His gorgeous black hair slicked back with gel. He was tan and had the most brilliant smile. He was perfect. But the thing that stood out more, was his personality. He was the most responsible, sincere, and indescribable person I had ever met. He forgave everyone for their wrong doing. He respected everyone who respected him. Family values were important to him. He was smart and funny. With future plans and goals set in mind, he lived each moment as if it were his last. He knew what he had and he didn't take anything for granted. Chivalry was one of his best features. He would open doors and hold your books for you. He would gladly give his coat up for you, so you wouldn't be cold. It was so hard to feel scared when he was around. His presence gave you a sense of security and safety. Just looking at him made you want to cry. He was that perfect.
He was playful and serene, but serious when he had to be. He had a sharp mind and he noticed the little things. He made you feel unique and wanted. And he knew how to cheer you up. Obstacles were just a part of life he easily overcame. He was flawless in every way. At least it seemed so to me.
His eyes, so deep and kind, had a shiny spark. A spark full of life and peace. If he would have told me he was an angel, I wouldn't have been surprised. He was everything to me, and replacing him is close to impossible.
-Estefany G.

Anonymous said...

He is always there for me, whether I know it or not. He stands at about 5’8 and has darkened skin due to years of sun damage. His hands are rough and gnarly because of the years spent working. His black hair is slowly receding due to age even though he won’t admit it. He has a rough, scraggly beard that never seems to go away. He can be funny and make you laugh, but he can also lay down if law if he needs to. I feel like I can trust him and talk about anything with him. If I need advice I’ll usually come to him and ask about it. He’s never afraid to answer questions and is genuinely interested in what I have to say. He never fails to get me motivated to do something great. The one thing he always tells me that I’ll never forget is “If you’re going to do something, do it right.” This saying will always stay with me and it’s because of him. He is my greatest teacher.

Spiffy Monkey said...
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Spiffy Monkey said...

She always gives, but never takes. She has hope in every breath. Joy in every glance. Her laugh is a bright as the sun, lighting up the darkest time. She is with life in every smile. She is always free and never broken. Her thoughts are always pure and vibrant in color. She is a snowflake, her own; there is only one with her design, only one with her specific gems, her perfect arrangement. She always stays true to who she is even if it isn’t what is “cool”. The cup is always half full and never as empty. She is as open as the wind. For her, life is not the game, but it is the goal.

haley said...

She is always willing to give. The church is home, where she goes to pray, work and have fun. She is active and athletic. She is tall and slender with tender skin. She goes to every extent to make everyone happy. She has the brain of an owl, intelligent and always knows when danger is coming. She knows all twenty-two of her grandchildren’s birthdays and never forgets to send money and a card. Everything she does must be done to perfection. In her house, not a thing is out of place. Everyone she knows believes that she is one of the most holy people in the world. I know she is, and I am lucky to have her in my life.
-haley y. 1st period

Anonymous said...

Some people are beautiful in the way they look, others in how they act. He was definitely one of the second variety - his too sharp features turned up in a grimace or smirk, never anything in between. He was a tangled mess of contradictions - raven feather hair and watercolor light eyes. Unlovable, to be blunt, yet he invited people in all too easily. There is a fine line between admiration and justifiable love, and he somehow made that line broader. You could despise him within moments, yet never want to stray from him. The product of a blood stained past and a marriage left in ruins, he was put into this world out of the hope that he could be better than his parents.

Like father like son, many had to watch him grow up blanketed by the phantom of his parents. Too wrapped up inside himself to shake his introvert ways, he grew up isolated with the exception of a sibling that barely acknowledged his existance.

Some people were meant to tolerate horrible circumstances, and others were meant to change them.

The metal of the weapon feels warm in his hand, and weighs more than the pressure on his shoulders he's felt for sixteen long years.

He knows his plan - he's not afraid. Are you?

Morgan D, second period.

Dechameleon said...

Around him is a sea of emotion with many waves, some as high as skyscrapers, some deceptively small in size but just as strong as the larger swells. His eyes possess a force that drives you away but at the same time provides you with a sense of security that cannot be matched. The shadows and the night are his allies, nature his friend. Attachment to one significant other is his enemy, and the reason for his loneliness and exclusion, but also, in a way, the reason he is wise and cunning beyond his years. His aura is one of a person who has seen the face of death far too many times. He respects a small number of people, and trusts even fewer, but he has a profound love for everything around him, living or not. He fights for everything, and hates only one thing: pure and absolute destruction. He protects from the force that eliminates, and defends against the beast that is the embodiment of armageddon. He is the guardian against Chaos in its purest form.

-James Burns, 2nd Period
(Side note: the person described is a fictional character.)

Skipper C. K. said...

A tiny green spruce, no taller than a lamp walks into a warm home. Five red ribbons hang around the lovely tree. A red pot held the tree. Two small arms cradled the plant and from it popped out a head. Across the child’s face a grin spread from ear to ear. His golden locks curled around his head, hovering just above his shining blue eyes. He isn’t very tall, but his height hides his age. When he speaks it sounds like that of a bird, but he says all that him and his father had done together from the house. He speaks a mile a minute, his body moving in a never ending cycle. In a robotic movement, he walks across the black tiled floor. Around the table he stepped and set down the small spruce, hoping it to be his little Christmas tree. Now sitting down next to the tree, the small eight year old goes on the computer and plays a video game.

Mikec. said...

She was often referred to as pretty. Everyone that knows her thinks so. Blonde hair, Brown eyes. I don't see her like that, at least not anymore. I know her too well, at least since first grade. She is loud, but not always. She's not the smartest girl I've met, but she isn't daft either. Imperfect, but in an elegant way, and she would never let anybody know that she realizes the imperfections as well.

Skipper C. K. said...

skipper c.k. is colton k. 1st period

bethany w said...

She is a girl with beautiful green eyes and gorgeous hair she burys with artifical products. She was here long before I breathed my first breathe of air. She was hurt by dismayed characters passing for friends, when they were the ones who really hurt her. She's a girl who at a party would be the one in the corner on her phone because she has no one to talk to. She's the one that's always there when you need someone to talk to, even though there's no one there for her in return. She's the girl who puts others in front of herself, who would do anything for someone else. She's the girl who loves christmas snow globes, but hates the christmas rush. She's the girl who deserves so much because she has been through so much. She's the girl I wish I could be.

Bethany Westphal 2nd period

Ang5339 said...

She walks down the hallway, nailpolish chipped and dark hair hanging in her face. Makeup caked around her eyes, because she just wants to look pretty and fit in. She is pushed aside, into the wall as a gaggle of girls walk by. The pretty girls. The ones everyone sees and loves. She wishes someone would see her, or notice she is alive. Anyone. She is a broken girl, a shadow that drifts through the halls, non-existent to everyone because nobody cares enough to notice. On the inside she walks down the hall quietly with her shoulders caved in around herself and tears in her eyes. On the inside, she is screaming. Screaming at the world.
- Angie G. 2*

KC22 said...

She is the most unique person I have ever met. She has the energy of a nuclear reactor at full force. The confidence of a lion and has the stubbornness like a bull. The adamant will to excel at everything that she comes across. She has the spirit the size of a skyscraper. The brilliant brown hair that compliments the bright smile full of happiness. She gives out the atmosphere of what it truly means to be fun and is always in a playful mood. When someone tries to discourage her, she strikes back with a way to give her confidence in a world full of judges.
-Kyle C. 7/8period.

JordynN1 said...

Her figure small and frail. The one is always there for me, like a second mother. She is loving and gentil. Her warm personality is kind to everyone. She is someone I look up to, my idol. When I'm down and upset I know I can count on her. Her hazel eyes greet everyone with a warm feeling. She is one of the most important people in my life, she means a lot to me.

Alan-McIntosh said...

She is both serious and loving at the same time. Her face is both cold but inviting. She is someone you can hate, and look up to at the same time. She is someone you want to see, and someone you want to avoid. She is not the best, but she is not the least. She is someone who will teach you things you would have never learned on your own.

Alan M

Dbosko56 said...

His hair is gray, like the color of ashes. His eyes are blue which didn't seem to pass on to me or my siblings.He was there even in the darkest of times. Even though I would continually push him away and try to ignore him, he was always there for me.Whether it be when I'm sitting alone in my room, or he just wants to just check up on me, I know he's always there to help. I may not admit it out loud, but I’m not entirely sure what I would do without him. There are days where we never can get along and I can’t take it anymore, but, in time, things always seem to fix themselves. Whether it be roughhousing or just talking, he always seems to know how to cheer me up and help fix what is wrong.

HannahKG said...

She wrinkles her nose, leading you think that there is a pungent smell present near the two of you. Really- it’s her response to your attitude. The world is her open book. Stories told with smudged pages. She sits with her head held high, but deep into ancient stories written by Jane Austin. She appears to be “the girl next door,” but dragging along an oversize secret. Her short blonde hair flutters among her bright red lipstick in the wind created by the passing peers in the halls. Is she aware of your stares? Her sarcastic laughs leave you standing at your locker questioning why she’s talking to you. Maybe she’s a spy from France-investigating Brunswick youth. Or is she a reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe? To me, she is a hallucination of my imagination. I have conjured up this image of girl of average height(until you add the high heels she adores,) a tinge of perfume always a little too strong, and shirts low enough to expose the cleavage she shows off so proudly. But then she walks away from you-just another classmate. It makes her noting like a hallucination; and that scares you because your actions towards her are real. You don’t even know her at all.

Anonymous said...

I displayed a knowing smile as I listened to his soft voice tell the joke. His warmth vibrated off him, engulfing me. The fire seprating us danced in his eyes, so alive and passionate. When he completed his tale his mouth widened showing off perfect white teeth. We all got up, his sturdy legs supporting the weight of two as he carried us to the safety of the dry deck. The smell of smoke invade my nose, but I breathed him in anyway. He towered over the Earth like a gaurdian sent to protect it. He was warrior-built, but as gentle as a flower petal, there was no agression in his dark eyes. His body conveyed eleagance as he set my feet cauiously to the sturdy deck. He kept two firm and gentle hands positioned on my shoulders, carefully guieding me to my familiar chair. Each loud step he took confirmed his extragant height and build. His hands slipped to my waist to ensure possesion.

Anonymous said...
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EthanE said...

She was elegent. Her hair blowing in the wind, eyes blinking rapidly as those big long eyelashes seemed to blow me away. She was perfect; simply beautiful. Her smile, shining brighter than almost anything. Her pearly white teeth and her dimples on the crease of her mouth.

LaurenO said...

She is the kindest and most caring person I have ever met. Her hair was as soft as silk and as white as snow. Her smile could light up the whole room. Her eyes showed all of the signs kindness and caring. As you look at her eyes you can see every aspect of her life and how much she truly cared. The fine wrinkles on her face showed her long lived life as a great woman. Never a hair out of place or a wrinkle in her clothing, she was perfect in every way. The last memory I had of her was blurred with tears as I was too young to understand why she left me there seemingly alone and filled with a flurry of emotions. I sat there flooded with red, puffy, tear flooded eyes, missing her hugs that welcomed me every time I saw her.

Paul S. said...

He's taller than I am, by at least a head. His light brown hair is longer than you'd think; down to near his shoulders. His skin is nearly always tanned, except for the darkest part of winter. He loves the movies, videogames, just like any other guy but loves the outdoors just as well. Sometimes a match for computers with his super-smart brain. He'll solve any puzzle, just ask him to. Sure, he may be on the chubby side but it doesn't matter either way. When you look in his eyes, you can see the fun personality behind them. You can practically already see the smile lines across his face. He will be there for me always, through any situation. He is, quite simply, my best friend.

Paul S.
7/8 Period

oliviaY said...

They’re short, they have brown hair, they are skinny, and they are beautiful. They are loud and very talkative when you get to know them, but shy when you first meet. They’re athletic and love to show their emotions by dancing. They are extremely talented and a lot of fun to be around. They can change your mood in a matter of seconds and they have a way with words. They lover to laugh and have a good time, but they have their sad times too. They cry like everyone else, when their in those depressing moods when you think that nothing is going right. They have tears streaming down their face and show a sense of innocence. They are spontaneous and love to do random and weird things. They’re original and unique and there is no one like them.
Olivia Y- 2nd period

Hgolias said...

her face was beautiful like a warm sunny day. and as i held her in my arms she smelled just like flowers. so beautiful smelling all the time. she was simple and her thinking easy so you could always tell what she was thinking. her long brown hair brought back child hood memories. and her brown eyes were like diamonds always looking perfect.

ellen_f said...

She was my exact twin yet opposite. Her tiny, short frame mirrored mine, her blonde hair falling down her back like a water fall. Always dressed perfectly, a giant smile always on her glowing pale face. Her laugh is contagious, the sparkle in her light blue eyes is brighter tan the sun. over the years, i watched her grow up next to me, each year getting more goregous. The memories of her will always be in my mind, laughing, running, singing horribly off key. My sister, my other half, my best friend.
ellen f 1*

caseycows3 said...

They are skinny and tall, insecure and meticulous. They are shy and conservative. They are hardworking and ambitious. They see their goals and have their hands extended, fingertips tickling the edges. They are jealous and angry, sometimes seeing the world through only one lense. They know my flaws, secrets, loves, losses, and each quirk I possess. They helped me when I needed them the most, never speaking of it. Their emotions are hidden within their eyes. They have been hurt and hurt. They share an understanding with myself that I have with no one else. They are my sister. My bestfriend.

chris said...

She wasn't as tall as the trees in the amazon, nor as short as little pine tree sprouts. Her complication is perfect, her eyes reminding me of all those precious moments in at the Atlantic sea, with that beautiful Tennessee grass plain hair. Although I see her twice a day, I still think about her. You can get lost by just glancing, more attractive then the sirens sailors tell story's about.

Anonymous said...

Her long, mahogany brown ponytail bounced against her back as she ran down the court. Her dark brown eyes danced with excitement as she dribbled towards the hoop. Her toned muscles flexed as she jumped to get her own rebound. She smiled with joy and her crooked teeth with the gap in the middle as the ball went into the basket. Her blue and white shorts swayed with her movements as she shuffled her abnormally large feet in time with the girl she was guarding. With pink cheeks and drops of sweat on her brow, she gracefully passed the ball to her teammate and continued to run down the lane.

hyellow12 said...

She has a has a sense of humor. She has fair skin. She is tall and lean. She has silky smooth dark brown hair. She smiles and shows you her straight white teeth. She gracefully moves about. Her dark brown eyes dart about and twinkle when she laughs. Doubling over at a good joke, maybe even falling to the ground. She always holds her chin up and makes sure her authority is know and her voice heard. A sweet aroma follows her wherever she goes. Her fingers are always painted. She will do almost any dare. She is a good friend.
hannah m 1

Paige_S said...

She hugged me tight, squeezing as if she'd never see me again. I smelled her flowery perfume as we held on so tight. She spoke to me like she loved me, more than she ever had. She smiled like she was happy, I could tell she was. She laughed loud and hysterically at the things my family said to try to hide her sadness deep down. I watched her board the plane and wave back to me. Silently she lipped the words "I love you" and i watched her go. I knew she would come home soon, but not soon enough. Hot tears rolled down my cheeks as my family hugged me as tight as possible. we walked away, my legs feeling like jello, and my stomach feeling nervous. I had to be strong, because I knew that's what she'd always wanted.

Paige S. 1st

Kayla Cameron said...

It takes a lot for to grow onto someone. It takes a lot to get to learn if to trust someone. I feel that this person is in my life and will remain. We met awhile a go. Back when we were all little middle school students. Thinking that we were all high and mighty and could do anything that popped into our minds. We did everything together, from dancing together to going on vacation with each other and spending every weekend in the summers together. We loved the same things, we laugh at everything. I can tell her anything that happens in my life as she can with me. Where ever I am she is always with me, always supporting me through everything. I couldn’t ask for a better best friend.
-Kayla C. 5/6
.. sorry late was in Chicago Fri-Mon.

Nathan Bardwell said...

So this is late, but I wanted to make sure that I at least got it done...

She walked in the room as though she were a princess. She had a radiant smile. The sort of smile that only an angel would wear. She had long, dark brown hair that appeared to be woven of the finest silk. She had big, brown eyes that shone like the brightest star in the night sky. She was simply beautiful, no, gorgeous.