I have been watching the movie A Few Good Men, one of my favorites. It is about having honor and being a part of something greater than the self. It is about how honor starts with honoring yourself and those around you. However, it is also about loyalty. When I was in the military, it was imperative to be loyal. I was loyal to my platoon, my company, my unit, my country. However, loyalty does not just belong to those in the military. It is something we live everyday. We are loyal to our friends, we are loyal to our families, we are loyal to our spouse/significant other.
This idea will crop up in the pieces we read and the movies we watch. Romeo and Juliet will show us loyalty and its impact on those who abide and on those who choose disloyalty.
I want you to think about what loyalty looks like. Describe it. Who has your loyalty? Why do they have it? What is the cost of it? How do they lose it?
Loyalty is being there for someone or something no matter what happens. Loyalty goes hand in hand with trust; there has to be trust in order for loyalty to be present. My closest friends have my loyalty and my parents and brother do as well. They have it because i love themand i trust them-therefore, i am loyalto them. The cost of loyalty is trust. One loses loyalty by doing something that the person who gives loyalty feels strongly against or when the trust is broken.
-Nicole Lorig
Loyalty looks like someone who won't give up no matter what. Loyalty is when the most important thing to you is whatever you're loyal to. True loyalty goes so deep it hurts. True loyalty is to die for. The strange thing about loyalty, is whatever you're loyal to, you generally aren't passionate enough to die for it. You can be loyal to your friend in that you don't spread rumors about them and you’re there for them when they need you, but you probably aren't loyal in that you would sacrifice too much for them. If someone is really loyal, nothing is too much. You wouldn't even have to think, there would be no hesitation in anything. It may sound extreme, and loyalty usually doesn't go this far because it's mostly irrational, but this is what loyalty can be. Loyalty exists because it is part of a commitment to something, when people commit themselves they have a greater chance for success. Loyalty allows for focus and drive on that one thing, but overshadows all else. I am loyal to my friends and family because they are good to me and I can trust them. Loyalty will cost you whatever you're willing to sacrifice. If you're truly loyal, it might mean everything. You loose loyalty by betraying someone or not keeping promises. However, I suppose you could be blindly loyal, in which case someone could hurt you over and over and you'd still be loyal to them.
To me loyalty is synonomus to trustworthiness; if I can't trust someone, then I'm most likely not loyal to them. Loyalty is not a one way street. Both parties must be loyal to one and other in order for it to work. I'm loyal to my family and friends, and if one of them betrays me, then it takes me a very long to forgive them. I am an extremely loyal person, I always have my friends backs no matter what. That's why it takes me a long time to forgive someone if they have betrayed my trust, because I pride myself on honesty and integrity. The cost of loyalty is basically the cost of respect, you have to give it to get it. I can't be loyal to you, if your not loyal to me. I believe loyalty is the most important quality in a good friend, or a trusted family member.
Loyalty is always sticking by someone and encouraging them right or wrong. I think the best example of loyalty is the way that the Poor Clare Colettine Sisters in Cleveland stick to the cloistered life. I visited their monastery on Saturday. And I noticed they stick together like a family, and they always stay constant in their prayer. They remain loyal to the one who called them to that vocation, and also to themselves. They rise at midnight to pray, and that really signifies loyalty. What friend wouldn't wake up at 3 am to help you?
A. Plumlee
Loyalty looks like A friend that sticks with you no matter what and wants to be their for you. Also Loyalty could look like a team, you are all loyal to your team. When your on a team you rely on other team mates to get the ball (talking about football) and to pass it to whoevers open. If they wait to long and dont pass the ball you lose some of your trust and loyalty to that person. If someone is loyal to you or you are loyal to them Your probaly friends in someway. You help each other and are close with them.
-Namoski 7-8*
To me loyalty is faithfulness commitment and dedication.People like my family and my closest friends Kyli,Alex, and Cassie have my loyalty. These people have my loyalty because most of them have been there for me for my whole life.They also support me and encourage me to do better.To earn my loyalty all it costs is to be a friend. Someone who accepts me for the way I am and respects me.If someone were to lose my loyalty it would be because they would have to stab me in the back or lie to me about serious situations.
Loyalty to me is something that means that you are someone who no matter what ill stay by them and they will stay by me. In my life there are very few people have only my friends who have shown me they desvery it, if you have my loyalty it is almost imposibale to lose it that is because it takes alot of time to earn it, but if you do manige to lose it is the hardist thing to do because if I am loaly to you and you mess that up it shows you are deserving.
Loyalty is when someone is being there for you or you for them no matter in any situations you are.My parents are my loyalty because they are the ones who are always there for me at any place and any time.I know they have my loyalty because they are always there for me and because of that I trust them.The cost of the loyalty is the trust that they have for you. When someone loses loyalty is when they are not their for you anymore and your trust to them is broken.
Loyalty, to me, is something where a person follows a series of codes and laws. In addition, person can be loyal be keeping promises, or by being there for someone in their time of need. those who have my loyalty are my parents, friends, and anyone else close to me, or that have had a personal relationship with me. They have it, because I can trusr them to be loyal, and they show it. For example, I need a ride home from swim practice, so due to the loyalty between me and my friends, I can be sure to know that they will offere me a ride home with them. The cost is friendship and reliability. My loyalty can be lost by betrayal or going back on one's word with what they promised.
Loyalty is like a paycheck. Before someone receives their pay-check they must earn it. People who are loyal to me and respect me have my loyalty. They have it because I return trust, loyalty, and respect, the way people give me those. If I am not respected by a peer, I will not respect him. The cost of someone being loyal to me is that the person will be let down. I have ideals that are not the norm, and when people fail to see eye to eye with me, they lose trust in me. You will lose my loyalty when you go against my core principals; treat others the way you want to be treated, respect authority, and respect me. If you break any of these loyalty will cease to exist between us.
loyalty is the foundation not just civilization but human nature without it this world would not be it is what is the foundation of not only frien d ships and alliances but also most idea and group's with out it not even the smallest family could exist
Loyalty is about being faithful to another person. My friends and family have my loyalty. I believe that only the people you care about most should have your loyalty. I'm not saying that you should only treat the ones you care about the most with toatl respect, you should treat everyone with respect even if you don't like them, but you should especially stay loyal to the ones you care about most. This is because if you go out and do things a friend or family member doesn't want you to do then you're not being loyal and its very disrespectful. Noone wants to be treated like that.
Loyalty to me is when someone says not to do something and they respect the fact that, that is what they were told. Also I think that is just being good friends to people. Everyone who is close to me has my loyalty, my family, friends team mates. They have it because I can trust them with stuff that I know they won't go and tell people if i told them not to. I don't really think there is a cost to loyalty. If someone is respectful then that is enough. They lose it if they go against what I told them not to do.
loyalty looks like a silver bell, and a ring a silver bell personaLLY i have a silver bell and i gave it to someone i trust completely he is my everything im forever loyal to him. the ring is a tie to a bond like marriage or a friendship there everlasting and love trust throughout there lives. the cost of loyalty is indeed trust and undyeing love for that person i dont give out my trust to just anyone.im loyal to only two beings god and the holder of my silver bell im loyal to him because i love him and cant see my self without him in my life i care for him more then i care for myself he indeed has a special place in my heart. someone can loose loyalty by simpily breaking ones trust.
Loyalty is something that should be taken very seriously. I do think that there are different degrees and types of loyalty though. There is the loyalty of a lover/spouse, where they can be trusted and they will always return and be faithful. There is the loyalty of a friend wwhere they will and are expected to stick up for their other friends and will always be there in their friends' time of need. There is also the loyalty of a family member, which for myself would be the strongest. For a loyal family member I think they should be trusted with anything and willing to help one another without hesitation, no matter the cost. For myself, I would say that my closest friends and family have my loyalty. Those people have my loyalty because I know they won't take it for granted and that they will always be loyal back. Of course the cost would be loyalty in return and respect from that person. Someone would lose my respect if they continuously lied to me and used me. I wouldn't trust them and therefore I wouldn't know if I was being loyal to someone who deserved it. I wouldn't put my reputation on the line for someone who dopesnt appreciate and deserve it.
Abbi R. 1st period
Loyalty to me is somewhat different than what I have seen on others' posts. If a person truly has my loyalty, I do not have to trust them, admire them or even get along with them. Although these components are often naturally there , they're are not necessary. My best friend in the whole entire world is Samantha Nicole Coleman. Sometimes we fight and don't get along, I'm still loyal. Sometimes she loses her trust for me, but she would still back me up, no matter how mad she is. In any argument, any day of the year, any year in our lives. Even in an argument when she knows I'm wrong she backs me up, or vice versa. She will never lose my loyalty, and I hope I will never lose hers.
Loyalty isn't just being there for someone, or supporting someone, its about trust. You have to trust someone enough to let them prove to you that they are worthy of being loyal. My friends and family are all loyal to me supporting me, and in return they have my trust and my support; my loyalty. One loses loyalty by lies, or the term 'throw one another of the bus' its the little things that lose loyalty such as talking to someone behind there back, ditching someone when another better opprunity comes along. But in the end true loyalty is when someone has been unloyal to you, and needs youre back and when youre there even after everything, ready to catch them.
2nd period
Loyalty is staying true, and abiding with those you are loyal to through tough times. Loyalty may require sacrifice, but you do it with love. My parents and my friends have my loyalty. The cost may be putting aside my desires and focusing on someone else's, or sacrificing something you may want to have or do, because you care for another, and what ever your sacrificing may get in the way of your friendship. To lose loyalty, one must do something in the "bad" category, such as stealing, lying, killing, etc. One can use their common sense to discriminate what is or is not acceptable, and when one does something excessively, (because people do make mistakes), respect is diminished, which is a building block of loyalty, and therefore, loyalty cannot prevail under these conditions.
I think loyality is when you have faith in someone. You can be loyal to someone and not even be really friends with them butanother face of loyality is just giving trust to the one who will stand at the door and be there forever even when the whole world walks out. My friends and family have my loyality. I think they have it because their all really close to me and I can depend on them for anything and they will always be by my side even when im wrong. The cost of my loyality isn't really too much. If you give me faith, honesty, and back up, you've already gotten my loyality. Even if your a stranger, and do something nice for me or if I see you doing something really really nice for someone else, you atomatically just bought my loyality! They lose my loyality when they backstab me! Or when I feel they have crossed their limits, and I can no longer trust them.
Loyalty can be described as that one person that will be with you through thick and thin, no matter what happens, they have your back. Many people have my loyalty; they know that I will not back down until they do. I will always be there with them. They have my loyalty because they have earned it. They have walked beside me through troubling times and good times without turning away. There is no cost when you have my loyalty. I just expect it right back. Losing loyalty is very easily done-by lying, going against my beliefs or talking behind my back. Loyalty can be earned back but it will take a long time to do so.
Loyalty is someone who is always there for you and stick by/stands up for you when you need them. The people that have my loyalty are my close friends and parents because I can always come to them and count on them. Whenever I have a problem or just need help figuring something out. I can always count on them because they haven't let me down. The cost of loyalty is most of all trust. How you lose loyalty is when the person that you count or are close to breaks your trust between you and that person.
-Jordan M.-
Loyalty is caring enough about someone to always be there, to always show up when they need you. Loyalty is standing up for what is most important to you no matter the circumstances. One can't be truly loyal and not be trusted. How could someone be loyal to someone they don't know for sure is always going to be there? I know that if I wasn't always positive my friends and family would be loyal to me, which would be my lack of trust for them, then I could not be loyal in return. My family and closest friends have my loyalty. I would never intentionally do anything to hurt them. I would always show up if it was necessary that I be in a certain place at a certain time because I know for a fact that they'd do the same. They have in the past. They have my loyalty because my trust for them runs so deep and I know that they would never hurt me. The cost of my loyalty is knowing that they are also loyal. I should never find anyone I'm loyal to leave me stranded or talk about me behind my back, or they instantly lose my loyalty and trust because if I cannot trust them I cannot be loyal to them. If my trusted friends and family lie to me or hide things from me, they lose my loyalty.
~Brooke C. 1st period
loyalty is showing consideration and being trustworthy. to me loyalty is seen when one is supportive and cares about what's going in another person life. they take the time to listen to them inspite of the situation; they take the role of someone who you can eventually trust. their personality and character make you feel comfortable and they accept you for who you are. my friends and family have my loyalty because they understand me help me out when i don't even ask for any. i honestly am loyal to anyone, regardless where we stand. event though i may not trust them, they can stil come to me whenever. i consider loyalty as one of my values and its very important to never lose it.
Loyalty to me to staying true to what you say and being there for someone no matter what. My family, close friends and youth leaders all have my loyalty. These are the individuals I can trust, and respect, and I will always stand up for them. It costs these people to be trustworthy to me and to respect me as well. They lose my loyalty by being dishonest and going against my back with something I may not agree with.
Loyalty is standing by someone no matter what. It stands tall, no matter what tries to tear it down. It's like a sturdy building, withstanding strong winds and other catastrophic weather. My closest friends can count on my loyalty, and my family as well. They have my loyalty because I see them as great people who make my life meaningful. With loyalty I can somewhat pay them back. My loyalty is priceless. After past experiences, I have taken away my loyalty and now only give those who really deserve it. Those who I know will always do the right thing and will always carry potential, and will care for me as I care for them. And I have to know that I have loyalty from them as well. If I did not feel any of the above from them or recieve any of the above from them, then they certainly donot deserve my loyalty. To lie, cheat, be effortless, and never have goals or strive to leave their mark on this world, is to lose loyalty from me.
Loyalty is when those around you stick with you through thick and thin.Friends and family have my loyalty. I know that they will always be there for me no matter what. There are no conditions for loyalty. People risk their lives to stay loyal to their friends.One can lose loyalty when they go back on their word and can't be trusted any longer.
The first thing I immediately think of when one says loyalty is marriage. When two people are married they voice their unbreakable vows and fully commit themselves to be loyal to each other forever. They trust each other to be completely faithful and devoted to each other forever. Loyalty is being there for someone no matter the situation. It is being completely faithful and devoting oneself completely. To me loyalty is very similar to trust. You have to trust someone to give them your loyalty. For someone to be loyal they needed to be trusted completely and there to be no doubt in the way. Very few people have my loyalty, just like my trust, my loyalty is earned. They need to be true to me but also to themselves to earn my loyalty. I need to know they can be trusted. The cost of loyalty is trust and respect. I need to know they can be loyal and never betray me. To lose my loyalty, my friends or the ones I have trusted in the past need to betray me and break my trust. If they are no longer loyal to me, then I will no longer be loyal to them.
Loyalty is being faithful and devoted to a person. My friends and family have my loyalty and they have it because we trust eachother. Loyalty does not cost anything it should just be part of a relationship.People lose loyalty when they are dishonest or do something to hurt you.
To have loyalty you must respect people and be trustworthy. People who have my loyalty are my family and my close friends. To earn my loyalty you have to be loyal to me and my family. If you respect me I will respect you. If you are loyal to me i will try to be as loyal as possible to you. Lose my loyalty when you disrespect me or my family.
-Mitch Andzelik-
Although I consider myself trustworthy by not throwing people's secrets around, I would say very few people outside my family have my loyalty. Single digits, even. I am loyal to my best friends Jacob and Zack, because of the blood sweat and tears we've shared together and because I love them as brothers, and brothers don't just go around betraying each other. However, those that I have not spent a certain amount of time with I don't trust very much. Many people have asked me what my middle name is, and I don't recall telling anyone outside the nearest and dearest mentioned above. This is because that with my full name people can access whatever they want from me, and while the questioners don't necessarily have malicious intent, it's just something I like to keep special, as an emblem of trust.
-J. Shaw
Loyalty has alot to do with trust and being there for friends/family/ and others through anything. You have to have trust to be loyal. My parents have my loyalty and my closest friends share loyalty with me as well. The cost of loyalty is respect, honor, and trust. You loose loyalty by making decisons that will lead to mistakes, but you can always earn it back.
I believe loyalty is being trustworthy and respecting someone or something. I think that my family and friends have my loyalty. They have it because they know that I am trustworthy and respectful. I am loyal to them as they are loyal to me. The cost of my loyalty is very great to me. It can be kept for a long time, or lost in seconds. To lose my loyalty would be something very serious. I would never be able to trust you again, and are relationship would very much change. That is what loyalty means to me.
Loyalty is like being able to help someone out when they need you. Loyalty is like taking someones hand and being able to trust them with the things that are loyal to you and other people. My friends have my loyalty and my parents and brother and step-sister. The reason these people have it is my friends are always like there when something happens, my parents because I love them and I know they will be there if something happens, my brother and step-sister because I know I can trust them and I am always there for them and I love them and I am always there for them. The cost for someone to have loyalty is if they are there for you to take your hand when you need them the most and the trust that you see inside of them and the respect they give you. They loss it when something you don't like happens to you like if your friend talks beind your back that is a good way to loss loyalty.
Matthais Lohr
I think loyalty Reminds my of a dog because they are known to always be loyal to their owner. My friends and family have my loyalty because I exspect them to be loyal to me and if I exspect loyalty from others then I should give it back to them. They also have earned my loyalty, especially my family and close friends. The cost of it is for them to be loyal to me back and they lose it if they break their loyalty to me, so I think they don't deserve mine.
Loyalty looks like the person or thing you know will always be there loyalty is a very important thing to me I look for it in my friends in my team and family and also team. Loyalty I can see in my prt dog every time I call my dogs name he always comes without hesitation like
A coach calls for his team that's what loyalty should always look like. Loyalty should be done without hesitation or thinking about it because ethe people who are loyal won't think about it.
Loyalty is staying with someone through thick and thin. It means when the going gets tough you stick it out and you stay with it. My friends family and teammates all have my loyalty. They have it because i trust them and they have loyalty to me. Thats what loyalty is to me
-Mitch Slyman
Loyalty looks like a good friend choosing you over drugs, or you over a boy. It looks like a dog; a companion at your side no matter what. Always on your heels, ready to defend you. Loyalty also looks like a pinkie promise. My friends and sister have my loyalty. They have it because they are close to me enough that i trust them with my secrets and to be myself around them, they have stuck by be also. The cost is simply being commited to another being in the sense that you will always do whats better for that person. One can lose loyalty by being disloyal or not being a good friend.
Loyalty is the same as trust to me. I have friends that I've known for more than 5 years, so I am loyal to them, and they're loyal to me. They would lose my loyalty if they broke my trust. I am loyal to my family because they are there for me when I need them.
-Chris Fassih
Loyalty is when someone is there for you no matter what. People who have my loyalty are people who i trust and who trusts me. I wouldn't expect someone who i can't trust to be loyal to me. Only few of my friends and family have my loyalty. When someone loses my loyalty they would have to leave or do something that was not something a loyal friend or trusted family memeber would do.
Loyalty to me is never leaving someone's side because of a tough time and going to extreme measures to stick up for someone. I believe that loyalty can be considered an extension of trust or the step above trust. The people who have my trust include my family and very close friends. I have known one of my friends since i moved to Brunswick at the age of 6. Him and I are close and are friendship is above trust, we are loyal. When a person is showing me loyalty, I in return, grant them with my loyalty. There is no real price tag for loyalty. Showing trust and compassion is the cost of my loyalty. It is simple, for my loyalty towards someone to be lost, they would have to show me that they are not loyal to me. If observe that, my loyalty towards them is shaken and sometimes lost.
kevin 1st
loyalty is when u are trusted with somebodies most personal information like secrets. the people that have my loyalty are people i have known for a long time and know who and if they are gunna tell secrets to. they have it because they tell me their secrest and i tell them mine so if they slip up i can too. it takes a long time allot of trust to gai mine.they lose my trust by telling people my secrets or if they start being randomly mean
Loyalty is companionship. Loyalty is when you never let someone down, and you're always there for them. The characteristic of loyalty in a friend lets you know that there is always someone there you can trust and you have their shoulder to cry on. My family and friends have my loyalty. I trust them and would tell them anything. I will listen to their problems. I love them very much. I would do anything for them, and that is why they have my loyalty. Loyalty's cost is being a true listener and friend. You have to be able to trust one another. Loyalty is lost when the trust barrier is broken.
Loyalty is being there for someone that needs you or someone to talk to. Loyalty and trust pretty much mean the same thing. They both have characteristics that rquire being there for someone and helping them when they are in need. Also, they both deal with keeping promises. Out of all the people in the world, all of my friends and my parents have my loyalty because they are all trustworthy and care about me. People lose my trust when they arent there for me and seem to not care for me when i need them.
---matt saxon
Loyalty is to stand by someone always. Many people have my loyalty, most of them are friends of mine, and I have their loyalty as well. They have my loyalty not only because I have theirs but because friends mean a lot to me, and I want to be there for them.
The cost of loyalty I believe is to hurt someone in someway so that they don't trust you anymore. Someone could lose my loyalty by hurting me or giving me a reason to not trust them.
To me loyalty is being there for someone and being able to trust them. For someone to have my loyalty I would have to be able to trust them. My friends and my family will always have my loyalty. They have my loyalty because I feel I will always be able to trust them. I know they will always be there for me when I need them and I will always be there for them. The cost of my loyalty is trust and knowing that they will be there for you. Loyalty is lost when someone goes against you and your trust in them is lost. Loyalty is something that is very important to me and is a very important quality to have.
Kaitlyn R. 2nd period
Loyalty looks like the rainy weather in Ohio, you know you can 100% count on it to rain or snow in the middle of winter, and for it to be cold always. You can count on it with out fail. OK, about the weather in Ohio I'm only kidding but loyalty is something you receive from a loved one once you gain their trust and respect. Its without fail that they will be by your side in any fight, or if you ever just need someone to talk to. The only way to lose loyalty is it was fake in the first place. If you are truly loyal to a person, they will always be there. It isn't something you just lose
-last comment (ale96b) was alex boac
Loyalty is like being promised chocolaty goodness in every spoonful of Coco Puffs and getting just that. It’s being trustworthy and always there for people. My friends have my loyalty. They know that I’ll always be there for them. They have it by being loyal to me. There is sometimes a big cost when it comes to loyalty. A friend might share a secret with you that you want to share but can’t. Being loyal is not sharing. They lose it by not keeping secrets and being mean. They lose it by not being trustworthy.
Loyalty is being for someone through thick and thin, and just being supportive and kind. Loyalty can be presented with friendship, marriage, and even between an owner and his pet. My friends and family have my loyalty. I would never cast them from my life, and I would do anything for them. They have it because they've earned my trust, respect, and love. The cost of loyalty is being loyal in return. Be supportive, be kind. Be respectful, be loving. They lose my loyalty if they betray me, if they are rude, and if they are disrespectful- the complete opposite of everything that defines loyalty.
~Martina 2*
Loyalty is kind of like trust.... You trust the person with telling then things. My friend and family have my loyalty. Loyality is when they support you ad are there for you. When someone looses your loyalty it's like loosing your trust
Loyalty is a friend or family member who is always there for you no matter the consequence. My parents, sister, and closest friends have my loyalty. They have my loyalty because I trust them. The cost for loyalty is trust if there is no trust then there can be no loyalty because loyalty and trust go together almost perfectly. They lose it by lying and being dishonest.
To me loyalty is always keeping your promises and do what you said you were going to do. The people that have my loyalty are my closest friends, my parents, and my family. These people earned by loyalty by respecting me and my family. They also kept all of their promises and doing what they said they would. To lose my loyalty, all though they never would, they would have to break multiple promises. They would have to break multiple promises because breaking a few won't do it because I understand that things happen. They would also have disrespect me and my family.
Loyalty is the friend that stays when you cry. Loyalty is the one who listens when you need to rant. Loyalty is the person who sticks up for you, even when everyone else is against you. Loyalty is when people have a strong enough bond that they know they can trust and rely on eachother, even when they are not together. All of my family and friends have my loyalty. They have my loyalty because we have bonded and learned to trust eachother. The cost of loyalty is not a deffinate thing. I am loyal to those who repeatedly show me they deserve it. I am also loyal to those who are loyal to me. It takes a lot for someone to lose my loyalty completely. Someone will not lose my loyalty because of being unloyal to me one time; it takes multiple instances of unloyalty for someone to lose my loyalty. Also, if someone proves many times that they do not deserve my loyalty, they will lose it. When someone is unloyal to me in a small way, my loyalty in him or her is shaken, but not completely lost; he or she has the chance to redeem himself or herself and earn back the loyalty that was lost. If nothing major is done that I disapprove of, my loyalty is everlasting.
Alyssa Emery 9th period
Loyalty to me is someone who always has your back whenever your having a bad time. They are there for you and help you with your porblems. Usually bestfriends are loyal to one another. i know i am loyal to my freinds because if they were in need of help they would know i am here for them. My friends are loyal to me because i know they would always help me if i was in a bad situation. loyalty means something different to every person but to me it is like respect because you would do something for a friend that they would do for you!
Loyalty looks like something that you can stand by, whether its stable or not.By this I mean that being loyal isn't made to be a convience to you, but it is a strength that you share with someone or something else.
I am loyal to my family because through all that they have done for me, the least I could do is give them my support through my loyalty. I give my friends my loyalty because they have given it to me. In the past five years that I have lived in Brunswick, my friends and I have grown closer, depended on eachother, became more than friends and in doing so, sharing loyalty. There are more people in my life in who I share my loyalty with.
The cost of my loyalty is simple, show me that you can have it. They must first show me that I can depend on them, and that I have a reason to continuosly stand by their side.
If one were to lose my loyalty, they would have had to lose me, and the connection that we have as well. If a friend of mine, for example, started a horrible rumor about me and I knew that I could no longer depend on them, they would lose my loyalty. What reason would I have to remain by someone's side who had completely tuned against me? Because that's what loyalty is about.
To me, loyalty is being there for someone no matter what. Whether they're making bad or good decisions, you'll be there whenever. You have to trust and be dedicated to this person. If they're not someone you really care about, it will be hard to remain loyal. Few people have my trust these days; I've been betrayed in the past, so I now I am very picky with things like this. The people that I choose to be loyal to are my bestfriend, my parents, and all my siblings. My bestfriend is now pretty much a part of my family, in showing traits like these. They all have my loyalty because in prior situations when I needed them, they had my back. They're my shoulders to cry on and they always push me to make the right decisions. I think the cost of loyalty is whatever the person is willing to put in. If they want someone to be loyal to them, they have to show they're worthy of being trusted. They have to be that good friend to them. The biggest way someone can make me lose my loyalty is to stab me in the back or just leave me for someone new.
loyalty is staying at someones side no matter what happens. loyalty is never stepping away from people when they need you most. my freinds have my loyalty because i stay by their side when they are going through hard times. teh cost of loyalty can be as litle of as big as you want it to be. to lose loyalty Ithink you have to lose trust. once trust is broken, there is no way to get it back.
Loyalty is faithfulness or a devotion to another person, to a place (country), to a group (such as a sports team), or to a cause.
Those who have my loyalty are my friends, family, and boyfriends when I have them. These people have my loyalty because . The cost of it is trust, or just being loyal in return. These people lose it when instead of being loyal, and sticking up for me- I suspect they pick the other party or- they choose the other side over my own.
Although loyalty may not be something we think about everyday, it is defeinately something we see all the time. To me, being faithful means being faithful and devoted. I see loyalty in my parents, how they have been loyal to each other in marriage for nineteen years, and in my grandparents who have been married for almost fify years. But loyalty isn't just found in marriage. It is found in friendships, family, teams, etc. These are the people, in my life at least, that have my loyalty, and I have theirs. I think a big part of being loyal is keeping promises. For me, if I find out somebody broke a promise they made to me, it takes me a while for me to trust them again, depending on what the promise was. I believe loyalty and respect are two different things. Therefore, if somebody is not loyal to me, I will not respect them as much. But that will not change my loyalty to them.
Hallie 4-5
Loyalty is when somebody stands by you even when they know your wrong because they respect you as a friend. My best friend Marie has my loyalty. She has my loyalty because we have been friends since we were like 12 and i trust that she will make the right decisions for our friendship, and help me to become a better person. The cost of loyalty is trust and respect. Somebody can lose my loyalty by being dishonest with me.
Loyalty is giving ones self completely to the other person and letting nothing come between. myloyalty goes to the people who havee earned it. It is not given away easily and it can be takew away quickly. My loyalty goes to anyone who I cann trust and who will be loyal to me in turn. The only way to lose my loyalty is when one loses my trust. If I can trust a person then I will be loyal to him/her but if they do something to lose myy trust then I won't be loyal to them.
~Rebecca H~
Loyalty is love. When you are loyal to someone, you don't have to trust them, or be with them everyday. You have ups and downs, but your always there for eachother. My family and my bestfriends have my loyalty. They have it because I love them. They have it also because they are loyal to me, they are always there for me whenever I need them to be, or when I don't. The cost is that you have to give yourself up to someone when you're loyal to them. You have to be open with them, and risk them not returning the same loyalty. Someone can lose loyalty by lying, or stealing something, not always an inatiment object, from you. It is very hard to lose loyalty though, since it is such a big deal.
Loyalty is the friend who always keeps your secrets, the sibling who is always there to listen no matter how much you fight, and the one person you always know will be by your side. Loyalty means being faithful, committed, and trustworthy. The ones who have my loyalty are the ones who have earned it. My closest friends and family members have continually helped me in tough times. Through thick and thin they have always been there. The cost of my loyalty is simply showing compassion and trust when it is most needed. However, this can be lost through betrayal. If a friend betrayed my trust in a major way or hurt me intentionally, they may never regain my loyalty again.
Morgan 2
Loyalty is a best friend. It is a mother, father, sibling, lover, etc. It is a person that will stick with you through thin and thick. A person who is always by your side to help you through even the worst of times. Loyalty shows exactly what a good friend, or family member should be. It means that compassion and love must be shown to one another, that you care enough about them to stick up for them when being made fun of. Also, loyalty is when you stick by someone else to help them with whatever they need. Through good and bad, you are always there to offer them a shoulder to lean on. IN my life, my family members and friends have my loyalty. They have always been their for me when troubles arise in school, I have difficulty in sports and managing my schedule. My friends are there for me when there are breakups, drama, and all the other junk going on in a teenagers life. They never leave my side and barely get into arguments with me. These people have my loyalty because I have theirs. By exchanging each others loyalty, we provide for one another and help them with whatever is necessary. The cost of loyalty is honoring it so that you never lose it. You need to respect the fact that someone has given you their loyalty and with that, they will respect and honor yours. On of the ways someone can lose a person's loyalty is to not respect it, or not respect the person who has given it to you. If you get into a fight with a person and start to talk behind their back, and things in that nature, you will lose their loyalty and their friendship.
Loyalty only appears when one takes action on it. Perseverence and trust potray loyalty very well.
Only some of my friends have my loyalty, and I have theirs as well, but mainly my family and instructors are the only ones that have my loyalty and vice versa. They have it because they hold secrets, they help me whenever i seek it, and always cheer me up whenever I'm put down. Loyalty can't be bought, it can only be proven through action. It takes more than just words to prove to somebody that you're loyal to them. It is lost when you go behind somebody's back or when the honesty and trust has crumbled.
- Pete
Loyalty means that you have trust in people and willingly stick to them even beyond their mistakes. People that I trust and share strong emotional bonds with me have my loyalty. They have it because they have loyalty to me as well, which strengthens the bonds even more. There is no cost for loyalty, it is a sign of respect and closeness, but it can be lost by betrayal and mistrust.
Loyalty is respecting someone and being there for them at any time. It's being responsible and being able to be trusted. My best friends, teachers, and family have my loyalty. The cost of it is to teach, trust, and respect me in return. They lose it after multiple times of not showing these.
-liz 2
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