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Celebrating small kindnesses and basking in the little things.

Monday, October 31, 2011


It is interesting to me to look at and think about all of the reasons people write. We all come to writing for our own personal reasons regardless of whether or not a teacher makes us. Many came together during the month of October to explain for the National day of writing and to answer the question, "Why I write." Attached is the link to a website entitled Figment. (click the word Figment it is the link.) Here students, adults and others submitted reasons as to why they write or in some cases why they do not write. I want you to go to this site and read through at least two essays. Do not just pick the first two. Go through and read the two that appeal to you. Describe the reason they write and comment about their writing on our blog. Do not just take the easy road and say, "It was good." That would unacceptable!!!!!

Seriously look at what they wrote, how they wrote and the reason they wrote. Comment on one of the three items. Once you have described two from the Figment site, I want you to answer the question, "Why I write." Do not just say, "Cause mean old Mrs. Perrin says I have to or I fail." If you write that, guess what--that would be uncool!!!!! Think about why you write. It can be in poetic form like mine or in paragraph form.

I write to better understand the world

and my place in it.

I write to give voice to ideas yet unborn

soon to be birthed into a world filled with confusion.

I write to breathe life into moments

painted by words and given shape by emotion.

I write to remember and forget; to learn and to unlearn

I write to play with words yet untouched and watch them

unpack themselves into disheveled beauty.

I write because sometimes survival is necessary

and a concrete manifestation of thoughts set me



Anonymous said...

The first entry I read was entitled "You Don't Even Know". I saw the way and reason she wrote was for her sister who had autism. People didn't understand her sister the way she did and to hear a grown adult and teacher call her a retard hurt her very much. Other people just don't understand what it is like to be or know somone who is autistic.

The next paragraph I read was entitled "Silence". The reason why this writer wrote was because there was no one there to listen to her. She was along and needed someone to listen she knew if she wrote then someone would listen to her. Writing let her put her thoughts down on paper and tell someone who would eventually read her work her problems.

I write to show people how I feel without telling them I don't have the courage to tell someone "no" if they ask me a question. I won't retaliate or stick up for what I believe in unless I use writing. To me writing isn't just words it's a power in my hand that God has given everyone of us to express our feelings. Writing is my tool for you to listen
-Addie Gall

Jacqueline Knirnschild said...

One girls answer to why she wrote, was that it was an escape from her real life. She grew up reading books and started reading a lot of poetry in 8th grade. These factors combined and lead to her becoming a writer. I like the way she ends her answer: "So, that's why I write. I mean, what if I didn't write?" That makes me think about how much writing affected her as a person. She loves writing short stories especially and I think that writing de-stresses her and distracts her from her worries in her life. If she didn't write I bet that she wouldn't be as happy.

Another reply a woman said that she wrote about truth with happy endings and a message in the story. She says, "Writing that invokes crying and laughter inspire me". I agree with her that writing to teach values and provide joy is really important. Basically she writes what she knows best, which is true of many writers. I disagree though, I don't think absolutely all writing needs to have a purpose. Sometimes it's nice to just read a happy story or poem with no real meaning to it.

I'm not really much of a writer anymore. As a kid though I wrote many diaries, journals and stories. Now I only write on occasion because I'm just too busy. However when I write, I do it because it's a way to express myself and remember. I like to write about experiences that have happened to me because it's what I know best and then I have my stories that I wrote to look back on and remember. The other day I actually found one of my old diaries and smiled at all the funny things I wrote down. I complained about my younger brother and wrote silly stories about playing with my friends at recess. As I read my journal I had flashbacks to all my fun ties as a kid. I write to remember.

Jacqueline K. 7/8th period

Julianne said...

I read a story by Leah Levine that I really enjoyed because it spooke to me in a way that I could relate to. I felt as though she had been through a lot and was just looking for a way to escape or someone to understand. I would be very interesting in actually reading one of her stories to see what kind of descriptions ends up on the page.

The second story I read was by Marrisa Steidl and I didn't really like it that much. It seemed sort of choppy and that she bounced around too much. The author talked about her life then completly switched over and answered the question like a picture that you can tell the person posed for. The one thing that I thought was good though was how she incorperated her own life and experiences into it. With better choice of words and transition this entry could have been a lot more powerful.

I don't really write know as much as I used to. In the past I used to sometimes write about my day and it felt as almost a chore. Now when I write wether it be for school, a note or another reason I find myself never putting the pen down. Once I get an idea I cannot stop thinking and the details just come pouring all over the page. I write to descibe and explain and use the most of the best words that I can find. I write with the hopes of painting a picture in the readers mind, amaazing them, and leaving them ithching for more.

Rohan Srivastava said...

The first story I read was "Silence" by T.X.Jaine. I chose this story because the title reminded me of the book, Night, by Elie Wiesel. I wanted to know if this possessed any relation to Night. Reading this entry, it seemed that the girl is ignored, the world indifferent. She is in her own night, like Wiesel in Night. The inspirational moment was when I realized that her story she wrote is a cycle as the last sentences are identical to the first two sentences. The author writes because she understands that writing gives a voice to the individual. She knows that during some point of her life, someone will take time to read her thoughts.

The second literature I read was "The Escape" by Suchita. Unlike the other essays, this writing has a title which captures my interest. The title is subtle and I want to know more. I enjoyed that this writing is created as a poem, making it unique. The author feels that writing is an escape into another realm. The writer choses the world they wish to dream and experience through the words they create on the paper.

I write to express my thinking. Writing is unique in which it can compel an audience, imagine a picture, and reveal a message. No one can read minds and writing allows me to put my thoughts on a paper. Writing clarifies my understanding of a situation, eventually making me more knowledgable and less ignorant. I write so I can support my beliefs. I can gather information and structure it in writing to make my reader interested, but more importantly to subdue my reader into supporting my beliefs.

kayla said...

The first entry I read was "Why I Don't Write." the author wrote about how she used to write in a diary. Writing in a diary was a way for her to lay out her feelings of the day on paper. I used to write in a diary; it was a way to get all my thougts out, to say things I didn't get to say before.

The second entry I read was "Silence." The essay was extremely well written: very descriptive, yet short and straight to the point. The author wrote about how the world was silent and there seemed to be no one listening.

Writing for me is a way to express my thoughts. Maybe I'm happy and I just don't know how to show it- I'd write out my whats on my mind. Maybe I'm furious, but I don't want to express my feelings. I'd write out everything, then throw the paper away.

Kayla 2*

Samantha said...

THe first entry I read was "You Don't Even Know". The reason she wortes was becuase os her sister. She see her sister different the way other people don't. It's like they never meant someone that is autistic.

The second entry i read was "Escape". When I saw that this one was one of the entry it caught my intersest. I like poems that are different.

I really don't have time to write, but when i do it's like someone inside is taking over. When i write it's more at school, but when i write a note or etter to someone it's like i can't stop writting.

Samantha S.

Anonymous said...

“You Don’t Know a Thing” by Stephie was an extremely inspiring story. The author first talked about the autistic girl. The author then reveals to us that the autistic girl is her sister. This story reminded me of how people always call other people mean names. They don’t know what the other person goes through. People are misjudged and misunderstood every single day.

When I read, “Why I Write” by Sunah Chung, I began putting all of the information that she gave us together. She was adopted, overseas, because she was given up for adoption. Reading this story made me feel like I was solving a puzzle in my mind. When I solved the puzzle, I understood the reason Chung writes; to express her feelings and her sorrow.

Some write for money,
Others for fame,
I write to be funny,
I write not to go insane,

I write if I’m mad,
I write if I’m bored,
I write if I’m sad,
I write to go to a world unexplored,

I write if I’m happy,
I write for numerous reasons,
I write if I’m feeling snappy,
I write during all of the seasons.

annaj said...
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Kayla Cameron said...

The first entry that i read was "I Write Because..." I found that the reason she wants to be able to express herself. She wants to be able to say the words she feels and put them into a way that she can understand and that will satisfy her. She also writes to save her memory, so that she is able to go back at her writing and be able to picture the memories that she had made in that place at that time.

The second entry that i read was "Why I Write". Reading this is realized that this girl wants to be heard. She wants people to realize her work and be able to understand it and truly care about what she had written. I can see in her writing that she is young. She writes to let everything go. She wants to be able to share everything, but she feels that it will be unappreciated when it is shared. Herself finds everything easier when she can let it all out on paper.

I am not much of a writer, never really have been. It isn't that i do not like it, no that is't it at all. It is like if i am writing something i feel that people wont understand what i am trying to say. i feel that people wouldn't think i am good enough. That i shouldn't even be trying. At times i will write but its only for school. As i am writing for school though wether it is on paper or in a computer i always will find myself going into the writing. Even it is a paper that has no reason for my opinions i always find myself letting everything out. Those times i think to myself... maybe i should start writing but for now i stick to dancing my emotions and feelings out.
-Kayla Cameron 5/6

Anonymous said...

I read one about a girl, she wrote to why she wrote was to release her feeling and write down questions that she had. Writing helped her to deal with her emotions since she was moved away from her family and thinks about them all the time. She writes about how when she writes about her past it keeps it there and it doesn’t make her think about it all the time. She finds some things are easier to write then to tell someone. Writing helps her not to feel alone and she feels that it listens to her. I found what she wrote extremely meaningful. It was impressive in the way she could say enough about her past without saying too much. It is difficult for her to cope with her questions without answers about her family.
I read another one about a girl who writes because she feels that it is a passion, she feels like she has to do it to relieve her problems. To her it isn’t only writing it is another world. She expresses her emotions in love stories, happy stories and sad stories. The words come naturally to her and she admits that it may not be the best, but it is her passion in the writing that makes it her own. This has a lot of truth to it. I like what she said about passion and how writing is like another world. Putting words together on a page can be beautiful.
I write to put make me feel better when I am sad and happy when I am angry. When I am angry I write to make sure I can get all of my negative feelings out without hurting anyone else’s feelings. I write to express myself by the words I choose and how I use them. I write to define myself and to be creative whether it is in a note to my friends or school work. My writing is the part of me where I can be creative and I can write about anything and everything and it makes me feel good. That is why I write.
-Lydia Sch. 1*

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

@Jacqueline K. : I agree that writing is a way to remember. I enjoyed where you wrote how you read an old entry in your diary about elementary school. I too used to journal about my sisters and how they were annoying me. I never thought of writing as a way to remember.
-Lydia Sch. 1*

Anonymous said...
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Kaitlyn Pieper said...

I first read the entry "You Don't Even Know". The way I saw the reason why she wrote was because she wrote for her autistic sister. Alot of people never really understood her sister the way that she did. They just looked at her and made fun of her. People need to get a life and just give those people a chance. The truth about them is that they all have a special gift that we don't and will never have. God gave them that gift because he new they wouldnt be like the others. He wanted them to be special.

The next one I wanted to read was "Silence". I think the reason why this writer wrote was because she thought no one wanted or needed to listen to her. So she began writting to maybe get there attention. She thought if someone would have to read this they would understand and maybe talk to her some more.

I write because its a way to express my feelings. I write songs when im feeling happy. I write poems when im feeling mad or depressed. I write because I like to read what I feel not just because im bored. I write cause its a way for me to see what the problem is, then I try to figure it out. Writting is just my way of expressing my emotions. I like writting what I come up with not other people. Its my writting my way.

Monyak65 said...

Why I DON'T Write
Summer Nguyen
This girl says she doesn't write because most of the things she writes are private and she doesn't want them to become public. She knows that if she writes that the things she writes down are vulnerable to being found and publicized, such as when her mom found her diary, which had some bad things about her mom in it, and punished her for it.

"An Outlet of the Mind"
A. L. Rockwell
Rockwell write mainly to get everything in his head on paper. He writes down his emotions to let them out when he doesn't want to tell someone about them. He writes down his humorous moments when he is too shy to say them aloud. He writes down his ideas so he won't forget them. He writes down basically everything to try and organize his mind into words on paper.

I don't write because I simply have no time or desire. I have so many things to do between sports, schoolwork, other school activities, things at home, etc. that I never would have the time to write. I have no need to write either. I don't have some bestseller waiting to happen in my mind. I don't need paper to vent my feelings, either. I just simply have no need to write. The only time I do write is if I need to for school.

Paul S. said...

The first essay I read was called "Why I write." It was in poem form. The girl who wrote it didn't come right out and say it, but it seemed as if she wrote because she wanted to get her feeleings out of her and then look at them. It was a way for her to escape reality and look at all her feelings, good and bad.

The second entry I read was entitled "The Escape." It was in regular paragraph form. The person who wrote this said she wrote to convey her emotions. Conveying her emotions in writing was easier to do on paper than in reality. Writing was her emotional escape.

Why do I write? I write to let whoever is reading about something. Whether it be a journal or a formal essay in class, I am telling the reader something. I always imagine myself as the reader, reading what I have written. I write to communicate. Yes, talking is faster and easier. Though talking is really only used to tell someone physical stuff. Writing can tell more in depth, with more detail, with better quality even. That is why I write.

Paul S.
7/8 Period

Marissa Ratino said...

The first passage I read was called,"You Don't Know a Thing". I liked this one because it shows that people truly don't have any idea that what they say can be offensive, even if you don't know it right away. I surprised because the teacher didn't think about what he said or how it could affect others. When she writes, you can see that she writes to express her anger. I was happy to see that she has a way to show her anger instead of hurting someone.

The next entry I read was called,"Why I Write" (Sunah Chung). She writes because she thinks paper "absorbs" her words. She says that people comfort, paper listens, but paper lacks the comfort. The says in the story that she will continue to write until she finds someone who will truly listen and care about what she has to say.

I write because it helps me organize my thoughts, vent my anger without hurting people, and clears my mind. It helps organize my thoughts because I can see what is actually happening instead of trying to memorize everything at once. It helps me vent anger by letting me express my feelings instead of being mean and hurting other people when I would regret it later on. Lastly, it helps clear my mind because then I won't have to keep everything jumbled up in me and causing me stress and headaches.

Sarah B said...

The first story I read was "Glittering Pixie Dust." I really enjoyed reading this entry! I liked reading about how she gave the little girl, Avah, the book with all of her stories in it. I thought her story was sad because she was left out of many things because she was born a little different. I also thought it was happy because someday Avah can look back at the book and realize shes not the only person who is left out.

The second story I read was "Silence." What I enjoyed about this essay was that it was very detailed. It describes how empty it was outside and how much they needed someone to listen to them. They needed someone to listen to their problems and tell them how to solve them but mostly they needed someone to care. Writing was the only way they felt someone was listening.

When I write, I write to escape the world. When i write it makes me forget about all my problems and all my stress. I also write to vent. I write to get all my feelings out about a situation. Sometimes when I write I find a solution to my problem. Both of these reasons make me feel better. They make me feel like everything will be okay eventually.

em said...

The first story I read was called “The Escape”. They write not to become famous, but because “each word represents an emotion, a hope, a desire a love for another, or anger that cannot be tamed”. They write to find an escape, to find freedom. They wrote their story by using a poem. They use the idea and theme of writing as an escape throughout the whole poem. They also use similes, “The escape that comes from the words on a page, Constructed so carefully in my mind, Is like that of a stream trickling down a pathway”. I found it sad that they write to escape the world around them and to not be alone. I found it very inspiring that they write to express their feelings about love and anger.

The second story I read was called “Why I Write! :)”. They write because they get to pour out their imagination and “make a mess”! They write to cure their boredom, to sooth their soul and to feel free. I find it amusing that they write because they can “make a mess”! I find it really cool that they write even though they're “not the best at it” and they're still proud of what they do write.

I write to remember. I write about how I'm feeling or whats going on in my life. I write when I'm upset or when something really funny happened. I write so when I look back, I can have a few laughs and make fun of myself. I keep a journal, but I don't usually write in it unless something really major happened. Writing makes me feel better and it helps me to get my thoughts organized. Writing lets me say things I'm too scared to say and makes me think.
Emily L 7/8*

JazlynRae(: said...

The first entry that caught my attention was titled plainly and simply "I Write Because...". She explained that she wrote as a way to say what she feels and what she thinks. She says that when you're speaking, words that are said cannot be taken back or changed. However, words that you write can be twisted and rearranged so that they are interperated in the manner of which you please. She doesn't write to escape, she writes to analyze the presence of reality.

The second essay was titled "Why I (don't) Write". The author expresses his reasoning in an understandable way that many people in modern society struggle with. He questions, when I write, is it really me expressing myself? In fact he explains that it's our teachers that determine how we write, what we write, and why we write it. Writing can in fact create a negative impression of itself when experienced at school. Just as the author explained.

Why I write.
We take that big final exam at the end of each school year.
Reading, math, science, and writing.
My favorite part? The writing.
I write to express myself.
I write to embrace reality.
I write to make myself and what I have to say known.
It's always made me excited to write something when I know others will read it.
Even if it is criticism.
When given a prompt I try to mix in my own twist.
Add in my voice.
It is true that teachers determine the curriculum of our writing.
I like to find the loopholes and shine through their expectations of my writing.
In my writing I am giving the audience access to the way my imagination thinks and works.
Jazlyn R. 7/8

Michelle! said...

The first story i read was called the Ashes Of Misery. I think they wrote that so they could release some pain and express their sorrow and anger. I enjoyed it because it was something that you dont usually read about. The poems we read our usually happy so it was a nice change!

The second story i read was called Silence. I enjoyed this poem becasue it wasnt very descriptive. you had to think for yourself and let your imagination take over. I think that person wrote it becasue they needed a way out and their way out was writing

I write to express myself. I write for the simple joy of knowing that there is a different world than reality. I can write whatever i want to on paper and it's like another place. I write because its a good way to relieve stress

MandaC3 said...

Jane Etherge Why I Write:
This totally explains what im actually going throught and i like it because you explain how you feel like theres some one but sometimes theres not. When you want someone the most they're never there. Also she wrote about the times that people made you laugh and made you smile. Sometimes being happy and when someone just does the smalles things that can make your day and maybe even the week. She also talked about how there were things that she couldn't reach but she had help along the way just to help herget through to where she is today.

Julia W. Letters, Words, Pages
This explains what someone would normaly write for. People normally would write to express their feelings in certain ways and I get it. Some people actually dont write to understand themselves but it is kind of rare. This poem is good but I dont really get a huge picture about how she is and what her feelings are until the end.

I write because it makes me feel safe inside.
I write to make the writing a piece of music in my head.
I write to make the music a piece of artwork.
I write to make the beauty inside of me a piece of another persons life.
I write to pour out my dreams and express my feelings in the way that words cant describe my feelings.
I write because it makes me feel like im the only one in the world and its making my sould become clearer.
I write for my dreams and sould to be shown in my life and other people can read them too.
I write to become free.
~-~-Amanda C. 3*~-~-

Camillemarie said...

One entry I read by Andrea Santoyo described how she grew up reading books. Since she was young, books were read to her or she read them herself, which is a lot like me. Then as she became older she was taught how to analyze the structure and reason behind it which made her appreciate the writing more. She writes for meaning and emotions.
Thw other entry I read was by Gabriella Quinn, and she made her entry in a poem format. She described how she writes for an escape. She thinks that writing is needed to live because without it you have no outlet.

I write because its a way to show passion and emotion in a way that you don't need to physically speak. You can use imagry and use words that appeal to the five senses in order to create a new world. It lets your imagination grow and your mind go wild.

annaj said...
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annaj said...

The first entry that I read and could relate to was a poem entitled "The Escape" by Suchita. She described how words are magical little devices used to deliver the "big picture" and how she writes not for fame but for love of the act. I admire the way that Suchita made writing sound like a story in itself, before the actual story is put down on paper. This author captures the character of writing for personal entertainment.

The next passage that I really liked was one entitled "Why I write" by Alexa Avitto. This poem was a very nicely written explanation of the uncontrollable need to get your thoughts out on paper and a pen always being there for you. I can really relate to this, especially when Avitto writes, "but this pen, it knows what I've done/and never says a word." This has a special meaning to me, for the fact that I always feel myself shy away from expressing myself, but I can be anything in my writing. I always write more then I would actually say to a person, my pen knows me, as the author of this passage's pen knows her.

Why I write:

Writing is an extension of my mind that is opened to the outside
Writing is the connection between who I am and who I want to be
Writing is pulling the picture begging to come out of my mind onto paper in an exact way that paint could never produce
Writing is a relief from my inner demons and an entertainment of my soul
Writing is a miracle of life and a privilege to the inspired
Writing is my own personal world
Writing is anything that I want it to be
Writing is the vision of a world yet to be discovered
Writing is the pathway to the future and the bond to the past
Writing is magical-That is why write

Anna Jankovsky 7-8 period

Calp said...

I first read an entry called "Sunshine". This is short and sweet. The author explains how writing can be a consuming task. They wrote about how the writing can take so long and the critics can be harsh. But she defends her reason to write as "It has to be the feeling of sunshine rippling through you like the freshest of rivers; consuming you and making you a ray of sunshine." (line 8-9)
The writer explains how good it feels to write. I really love how they described it, metaphorically but also realistically.

The second one i picked was called "Whispers in the Dark". This author explained how they get ideas at night and cannot sleep until they are written down. I love this one because this is exactly how I am, I write because the idea will not go away. This author says her imagination will not let her rest until she writes down her thoughts.

I write because I am sad
I write because I am angry
Or sometimes i think of something and think maybe,
That would sound good out loud.
Or look good on paper.
I write because a pen feels good gliding on the paper.
I write because my life feels like a movie, or a Taylor Swift song,
I write because the storms at night seem way to long.
I keep it written down, hidden on some paper. Because thoughts are like water vapor, only when it's hot enough does it become visible. when my thoughts are hot enough,
I write.

(cali p 7/8)

Rachel Javorsky said...

One essay I chose was "A Blank Canvas" by Fia Fletcher. The reason she writes is to escape the world around her and to turn a blank sheet of paper into something outstanding. I loved the essay and she used imagery extrordinarily well. Another essay I read was "No Good Answer" by Jane Doe. She writes because she wants to be heard. Her essay was short, sweet, and to the point.

Why do I write? I write to keep my emotions at bay. I throw at the paper what nobody else could ever understand. It makes me feel as though every feeling I ever had is documented on that piece of paper that was once blank. Almost as if someone can read it and feel the rollercoaster. I write to keep myself sane.

Rachel Javorsky said...

The band nerd is Rachel Javorsky.

BrittanyG said...

The first entry I chose to read was entitled "Glittering Pixie Dust". In this, the author told us a story about how she had lost her hearing. She began to become disconnected from her old life and her friends because she couldn't keep up with them. She then finds this book and is so inspired by it she ventures into becoming a writer. She uses writing to escape from the antagonistic world around her. She uses it to feel normal and feel like she belongs somewhere. I enjoyed the way she persevered through her troubles by finding an outlet.

The second entry I chose to read was entitled "Why I Write". It talks of a girl who moves from a foreign country and is uprooted and plopped back down in a new and confusing environment. Since she has moved, you can imagine how hard it is to make friends, this I can relate to. I moved from a different state so new environments is familiar to me. Anyway, the girl expresses that she turned to writing in order to fill the emptiness that friends should fill. She also personifies the paper as being able to listen. When writing the paper takes place of the person that should be listening. She then says that even though paper can listen, it can't comfort like a human can. I agree with her here.

I write simply to let all my creativity and craziness out. I can't exactly express everything I'm feeling write out in the open to everyone without them thinking that I am a lunatic. Journals help with this. Any time a teacher has asked to write a fictional story based on anything I desired, I always noticed that mine was always the longest in the class. When I write, I write and write and write. I have all this pent up imagination and I need somewhere to relieve it.

Iceman said...

Suchita wrote about escaping. She/he(?) wrote how writing gets her escape reality. She aslo wrote about how each word has a meaning of their own. Then when you put them together it makes a miracle. She/he also mentions how she does not write to become famous. She/he writes just because she wants to

Tyler M. wrote on how he doesn't write (that makes sense...). What he is trying to say is that he does not write for himself. The only time he really rights is for an assignment or if he wants to communicate with a friend. This includes email or letters.

I never really wrote other than for school and still don't. I never had a diary or a journal to express my thoughts. I did though write poetry for Mother's day gifts for several people. I did this to show how I felt towards them. On the other hand though I to a degree write/make music. Making music shows how I am in a good mood or very tired. Sometimes i may be dozing off buy thinking of a beat or rythm to make up.

Iceman said...

Above comment from iceman is Thomas 7°-8°

Kaylee.Marie said...

The first entry I read was called,
"Why I write" The girl said that she writes because it's home to her, because no one can judge her in her writing, because she feels so many emotions and it's so easy to get them out. This entry was, in maybe more ways, just like me. I think that it was enlightening that someone could write for almost the same purposes as myself, and really inspiring too.

The second entry I read was called, "I write to release". This entry, close to the first, was about the girl wanting to release the feelings pent up inside her head, she also said that she writes for people to read her writings. As for my thoughts on this entry, I prefered the first one more, because she gave more reasoning to why she writes, and this entry was written in poem-form, which is harder to understand sometimes. They were both very good entries, I just prefered the first one.

As to why I write, I write for every reason. I write because I'm told to, I write to clear my head, I write to give someone a note. Half of my life is normally consumed by writing. I'll admit, I write for myself more than anything else, and most of my writings will never be read by anyone else but me. I write to get rid of thoughts and emotions that I have pent up in my head. I've tried going a few days without writing anything - poems, short stories, LONG stories, song lyrics, anything.. lets just say that I nearly went crazy. When I said that half of my life is consumed by writing, I meant it. I always have a notebook with me, where ever I go. Writing isn't a hobby for me - writing simply defines me.

Kelli Shumate said...

The first essay I read was titled, "The Escape." I chose it because once I read the title, I thought about what it could possibly mean and connected it to my personal life. Once I read it, I still felt the same way based on the wording. The writer uses a lot of words to express her emotions that seem to try to persuade you to see things her way without even trying to.

The second essay I read was titled, "I Can't Forget." I chose it because I felt like I identified with it the most out of all the other options.I like how the writer tells the things that keep her writing in an easy to understand way. They also give lots of examples that are easy to identify with.

I personally write to recite. I like to think about fun times from the past. I like to write it down and spread it with other people and laugh about old times. I write so that I never forget the fun times or the feelings or the pressure. I also write in order to impress myself. Every time I write I have the same goal; to write something better formatted than the previous attempt and that i can be proud of and cherish forever. I enjoy writing diaries or stories about my real life so that when I look back at it years from now, I can remember every thing mentioned through imagery and experience. If I didn't writ, I'd have nothing to look back to. I'd also probably have a heart-attack because of how used to it I've become in the past few years.

CLuzier said...

The first entry I read was called "Glittering Pixie Dust". She writes because it was a comfort to her when she had nothing else. She is deaf in one ear, and then, had to move to New Jersey in which no one understood her. She had been wandering in her basement one day and found a book that her mom used to read to her. That had inspired her to write. At the end of the entry, she talks about how she gave the book to another little girl hoping that it would have the same effect on her.

The second entry I read was called "The Escape". This person writes because she says "There is a kind of freedom that lies behind each line". It gives her a feeling of relief- a burden taken off of her back. I also thought it was interesting that she wrote it in stanzas instead of just putting it in paragraph form.

I write, sometimes, when I just have nothing to do, or the occasional, not-so-fun essay. More often, though, I write when I am upset- sad, mad, angry, any of the unpleasant emotions. When I write, it feels as if the unpleasant feelings leave me, and enter the paper through the pen. I don't write as much now, but when I first moved to my old school, I had to make all new friends. I struggled with this, so I had often turned to pen and paper to comfort me. To me, writing is a power or a way to express yourself.

Ryan said...

I am going to be commenting on an essay by “In Peaceful Slumber” today. I chose to comment on the reason that she writes because it is similar to mine. She says that she writes to free her mind- to clear up her head. She says that if she does not do this, that her head becomes cluttered and full. However, I also like what she expresses her writing as. Rather than writing essays, she describes her essays as doodles. She thinks that she can express herself in a doodle, rather than an essay. I thought that that was an interesting idea. When I need to clear my mind, I frequently turn to Graphic Design projects. When doing this, it feels as if I can just loose myself in my work.

Next I will talk about an essay by Ambyr Coleman. She says that she writes as a way to express herself. I do agree with this. Sometimes, I think that we all want to say something but cannot quite figure out how to say it. Sometimes I get stuck in this situation. For some reason, there always seems to be a way to express yourself on paper. Words may seem to come easier or faster- words with a much deeper meaning that you ever could have thought about in speech.

Now for the big question: Why do I write?

I write, in part, because it is relaxing. If I put on some music and begin to write, it seems harder to be distracted. I become absorbed in my own world, and forget about all of the troubles in the real world. And sometimes, I use writing as a vent. Everybody needs to vent once in a while. However, venting physically seems to just make you angrier. It is far simpler to just let your emotions flow onto a paper, and sometimes when people are angry they even can write better. And finally, and most importantly, I write to express myself. When I write the words seem to flow faster from my head then I can type them. I usually tend to get a little carried away, but who cares? That’s just something that you can do when you write. That’s why I write mainly, to express myself.

-Ryan M. 2

JKuharcik3 said...

The first entry that i read was "I Write Because..." I found that the reason she wants to be able to express herself. She wants to be able to say the words she feels and put them into a way that she can understand and that will satisfy her. She also writes to save her memory, so that she is able to go back at her writing and be able to picture the memories that she had made in that place at that time.

The second entry that i read was "Why I Write". Reading this is realized that this girl wants to be heard. She wants people to realize her work and be able to understand it and truly care about what she had written. I can see in her writing that she is young. She writes to let everything go. She wants to be able to share everything, but she feels that it will be unappreciated when it is shared. Herself finds everything easier when she can let it all out on paper.

I am not much of a writer, never really have been. It isn't that i do not like it, no that is't it at all. It is like if i am writing something i feel that people wont understand what i am trying to say. i feel that people wouldn't think i am good enough. That i shouldn't even be trying. At times i will write but its only for school. As i am writing for school though wether it is on paper or in a computer i always will find myself going into the writing. Even it is a paper that has no reason for my opinions i always find myself letting everything out. Those times i think to myself... maybe i should start writing but for now i stick to dancing my emotions and feelings out.

Rachael said...

the two entries i read, You dont know a thing, and all consuming had a "secret" rythm to them. One that once you started, you just couldnt stop.They arent what they would seem to be, but the emotional depthness that goes into the writing, that is what calls to people. The secret message that only a reader who tries to catch can understand. The author of "You Dont Even know" shows this, in her teachers ignorance and judment of jasmine.

The author of "All Consuming" Shows the reason why she writes, to let her feelings escape and to give life to her ideas, her thoughts and her words. This is what she describes to her mother. Their works are emotionaly deep, and paint a picture, thats why i liked them.

I write, because i like the way it sounds to have my thoughts put onto the paper, so that the peoplke who don't understand me, (my friends, family) can see what i want them to see, instead of just what they THINK of me. I show them my feeling in black and white ink, because most of the time they dont understand me. writing lets my what i want in my mind to show, and i can let my creativity flow, through the beatiful darkness of silence that can grow. (sorry, that rymed a lot.)
Rachael S 5-6

NatalieK_1 said...

I read an essay titled 'Silence' and it really appealed to me. The girl wrote that she lived in a silent world where she was not heard, seen, or recognized as being someone. She was waiting for something -anything- to come at her and make her feel alive. She sat and looked at the window. Nothing. She writes because it made her feel alive. It made her feel needed, that someone out there would read her words and feel the emotions she felt, the pain she endured. I think her writing was very good, it was one of the better essays I had read. At one part she wrote, "I wanted sound, but afraid to say something. Scared that my shouts would escape my mouth and disapear without a sound. I had to know my life was not muted." She wrote because she wanted to feel as if she had a voice; that she was being heard and that she was making a difference in her own way. Another essay I read was called, "Why I DON'T write". The title interested me because I wanted to understand why someone wouldn't enjoy writing, to "have a peek at the other side", so to speak. His story is actually quite fascinating. When he was a teenager, he used to enjoy writing and he kept a journal. He wrote personal things in his writing: things he didn't want others to know. His mother came across it one day and decided to read it, and ever since then he hasn't trusted writing anymore. He feels that writing should be private unless the author decides they want to share it with the world. I think the way he wrote was very intelligent, but it was the fact that he no longer enjoyed writing that made it feel heartless.

Writing is a part of me. Ask any of my friends, it's something I naturally do. But why I do it... now that's a hard question to answer. I think I know where to start. Writing is a lot different than talking. When you talk, you have to pull words quickly from your mind and once they're out, you can't pull them back in. Sometimes you stutter because you can't get your point across, and sometimes you're trying to tell a story and it's just not coming out right. While writing, you can twist and turn a sentence until it becomes something beautiful and profound. You can stretch it like an elastic band to reach around and hold tight a thought. You can go back and change some words and add something you hadn't thought of before. You can play with it and test it and experiment until you've produced something that is genuinely "good writing". This is what I love. I love to write because when I am at a computer with a keyboard at my fingertips and a mind full of ideas, there is a sense of satisfaction that comes out of getting a story down on paper. When you tell a story, it is purely your own. A piece of art born only from your mind, heart and soul. That was what writing is- it's an art. When I write, I know my words are my own. I look back and I see myself in those words, and I am given a new sense of confidence because I know what is inside me and what I am capable of. I write when I have anger in me, because it is a healthy way of escaping those feelings. I write when I'm upset, so instead of curling into a ball and crying, I convert those tears into words. Writing is like a locker in your mind. You can take your feelings and your rage and your tears and you can store them someone safe where they aren't going to hurt you later. It would be cliche to say that writing is like "being in a whole other world" but in a way, it is. Writing is my escape. Not an escape from reality, but an escape from life's troubles. It's a breath of fresh air, a natural medicine that eases me through anything life throws my way. I will always write, because writing is a part of who I am. For me to stop writing would be giving up a part of myself- a part that I love and cherish and will hold with me forever. This is why I write.

hyellow12 said...

The first one I read was called "Silence". This person wrote because they felt someone was listening. When the entire world seemed to freeze, writing was still there, always attentive, always listening. This person wrote because they felt they could help someone else.

The second essay I read was called "Once Upon a Time..." This person writes because they love it. Thinking up little scenarios and skits taking them wherever they wanted to go. This person started writing because of their fourth grade teacher who had a big impact on her love of writing. She recalls how she could share aloud with the class what she had written. She loves to write, that's why she does.

In the first essay it was told from the first person point of view, but it flowed in a way that almost made it seem like an anecdote in a novel. She wrote about 1 specific moment too. Just the moment to her when time froze, and she felt the most alone. She wrote is because it was her way of knowing someone was there, and going to read it. She wanted to help them.

In the second essay, the person has a very casual form of writing. She writes as if you were talking to her directly. Her story is about memories from fourth grade, when she 1st began to really write. She writes because she loves to. Plain and simple.

I write for enjoyment.
I write for the world.
I write for communication.
I write to keep in touch.
I write because I have to.
I write because someone has to.
I write to share emotions.
I write to ask questions.
I write to learn.
I write for connivence.
I write for sympathy.
I write for fulfillment.
I write because I have nothing else to do.
I write to keep track of things.
I write to become someone I'm not.
I write to get my fairytale ending.
-hannah meyer 1st period

Katie Eileen said...

The first piece I read on "Why I Write" was titled "Silence". The author wrote this similar to a how a book is written. I could easily see this chapter being the first of many for this author. She used the repetition of certain phrases and it is very descriptive and provides an excellent visual aspect. The author wrote this entry because it allows her to free herself of the burdens of life. It allows her to discard these burdens by filling the paper with them. She writes so that someone will hear her and so that someone will be inspired by her, which, in fact, I am. She used powerful fragments and the ending represents a paradox because she says "And so I began," referring to writing, and then she continues on to start repeating the beginning of the entry.

The second entry that I read was titled "The Escape". This author wrote "The Escape" in a poem format, and it explains why she writes in a partial free verse style. The author explains to us that she writes because it frees her and she is able to escape from the real world and unravel herself on paper. She says "There is a kind of freedom that lies behind every line," which means that each sentence one writes, they become lighter and lighter of the troubles that they face. Writing eases the struggles.

Why I write:
I write for the carelessness of the art.
I write to relieve myself of the worries and troubles of the day.
I write so that I may be understood by others.
I write so that I can leave myself behind and become enthralled in something of my own creation.
I write to show the world my true thoughts.
I write for others.
I write for myself.
I write to witness the beauty of writing.
I write because I desire to write.
I write because I can.

~Katie D. 7/8º

ljstephens2015 said...

The first "Why I write" was Letters, Words,Pages. It was about writing to get away from everything and It was their way to make everyone understand what they're going through.

The second one I read was No Good Answer. It was about writing being a regulation. Being like breathing. It's something that must be done. It comes across as a friend, something that can be gone to in time of need to let everything.

I write to vent about everything running through my head. I write to let everything out. Writing is something that doesn't invlove thought but heart.

ljstephens2015 said...

Last comment by Lydia Stephens 2*

Anonymous said...

The first entry I read was “Glittering Pixie Dust”. The reason she wrote was to get into a carefree dimension and to escape what was really going on in her life. It helped fill her loneliness with creativity and imagination. I enjoyed this story because it goes to show that were are all different and feel like we don’t fit in sometimes, like the author having hearing loss. It also shows how we can become inspired, when author finding a book and she soon gives it to a little girl, Avah, who was feeling the same as she was.

The second entry I read was “Why I Write”. The reason this author writes to let out their ideas, thoughts, fears and wishes, instead of keeping them bottled inside them. This writer writes secretly as they state, “And I can’t just trust anyone/ With my deep thoughts and stupid puns/ But this pen, it knows what I’ve done, and never says a word.” I can relate to this author because sometimes I write down whatever I’m feeling without a filter and I don’t particularly want everyone to know.

I write because it expresses my feelings, happy, mad, sad, stressed
If I don’t then the emotions will be forever bottled inside me

I write because there are too many ideas and thoughts in my head
If I don’t let them out they will bounce around causing me pain

I write because there are things I want to remember
If I don’t then they will be floating around in my stream of lost memories

I write because it relieves stress, is calming and therapeutic
If I don’t then I will turn into a mad person

I write because it gives me a rush of amusement
If I don’t then I won’t feel the pleasure and descriptions

I write because I learn new things about myself
If I don’t I will never find the true, beautiful person I am

I write not just because I can, but because I simply want to.

~Olivia W. 2nd Period

Laura A. said...

the first essay i read was "Why i DON'T write". Thia essay explained how a writing was ruined for a young girl when her mother invaded her personal space and read her diary. This made her feel like writing with a pen and paper was no longer safe and she couldn't record her own thoughts. I connected with that essay because when i was younger i would write in a diary but my brother would go throiugh it and tell all my friends, family, and people i didn't know what i would write about so i never enjoyed writing after that.
The second essay i read was "Why I (Don't) write". This one was strange to mr because this person said they don't write because a true persons self is never really released. They are hidden under what "sociaty" wants and how they believe and determine what "Good" writing is.

I don't write because I don't feel like it's safe
I don't write because people don't understand when they read it
I feel like I'm being criticized and knowone trys to understand my writing
I don't write because I have knowone to write for.
When i do write I write to get my point across in a simple way that can't be miss understood
When I want to relaxe I now read to forget about what I'm doing.
I no longer write.
I have know one to write to.

Paige_S said...

The first story that I read was entitled "Stress". I chose to read it because many people relieve stress by writing in diaries or journals. By writing about your feelings, you let loose all your emotions. This piece spoke to me because stress plays a big role in people's lives. The author writes "I started my writings when I was in like 3rd grade. They were stupid, and nobody will ever see them. Most of my stories on figment are stupid, just things I said, just because I needed to escape my world." When she says this she explains that even though things she writes sometimes are stupid, they help her through things. Writing helps her to "escape" her world. When I get stressed out I do not want to talk. Writing would be a good way to relive stress without getting mad about it, and taking it out on others.

The second piece I read was entitled "You Don't Know a Thing." This piece was very interesting to me. Instead of telling her teacher off, which i would have done, she calmed herself and took it like an adult. She had an autistic sister who was just called "retarded" by an adult. The teacher should have acted like more of an adult, he judged her without knowing anything. This girl wrote because she wanted to share her story without it getting out of hand. If I were her, I would have blown up at the teacher as soon as he said it. The way she handled things was a much more efficiant way, she let her feelings out through writing. She acted like an adult when the adult acted like a child.

I do not write as much as I talk. I would rather tell stories of my day to people who listen, rather than to paper. I enjoy making up stories though. I do write on occasion what I wish my world was like. I draw pictures, and use symbols more than words. When i feel angry of frustrated i usually turn to writing. This is when I make my stories about how I want to change things. I write to change my world.

Paige S. 1st

Alex H said...

The first story I read was "Why I Write." It was written in the form of a poem. The reason she writes is, to most plainly put it, to express her feelings and thoughts. They have a deep meaning to the author because she mentions how not just anyone can read what she writes. I really liked the selection of words the author chose for her poem. This makes me infer that she is a creative writer. I have a very similar reason for writing.
The second story I read was "The Escape." The author's meaning for writing was very similar to that of the first author who's story I read. It is to express herself, her emotions, everything and anything she wants. To her, writing is a sort of escape.
I am glad I read both of those stories because those are both reasons that I write. I write to draw a picture of my emotions through words or to escape my reality. When I write, I can make everything the way I want it to be. They are my thoughts and stories that are dear to me, so like the first author, very few people ever get to read the writing I have put on paper. Writing is also very important to me because it helps me through tough times or just lets me show what I'm thinking. Because of that, I love writing.
~Alex H. 2~

Anonymous said...

The first entry that I read, the title was "My Addiction." When choosing my first essay, I thought this would be about the author using writing to help end a battle with drugs, but it wasn't. She wrote this essay to tell the world that she has an addiction to writing, and how much her parents, friends, anybody is going to try, they can't change her. Others think her addiction to writing is dangerous, but it isn't.

The next essay that I chose was,"In the garden of muse." This essay showed an angel, or something of the sort, coming down and asking the author why she wrote, and after sometime of time to think, she basically said, that she wrote to be free, that she wrote to be herself.

Why I write?

I write to smile
to smile to see that something I created
could be remembered
I write to release
I write to be remember, these things I write
Could be etched in stone
I write to express, express more meaning
than simple expressions
I write to be true and I write to be completely false
If I always write I'm always accounted for

Jennifer W~ 7/8

AmandaC. said...

The first essay I read was entitled "Silence." When reading it, I could tell right away the the writer needed reasurrance or someone to lean on because her world was silent. At the end we finally figure out that to escape the silence she writes. She writes to feel alive and to know that there is someone who will eventually read it and who would hear her through her writing. I liked the way she built up the sadness and silence into something more to the writer, which is writing.
The other essay I read was entitled "You Don't Know a Thing." From reading this essay, I could tell that the author writes to get rid of pain that others cause. This one specifically was to get rid of the pain of no one understanding his sister and what she goes through in her life.

I really do not write all so much. To get rid of pain... I do not look at that as a reason to write. Even in my essays for school, I do not like writing about the bad times in my life. I think the only reason I write in life is about the good things that happen to me. Most people when they write is all about letting out their depression or sadness, but I like to remember the good times in my life, not the bad ones. So when I do write I write to remember the good times in my life because those are the times we should cherish the most.

Amanda C- 7/8th*

Jeffa said...

The first entry I wrote was entitled "The Escape". The woman in this entry feels that every word she writes is letting out one of her emotions. She lets out hope, a desire to love one another, or to tame her anger. She believes behind each line in writing their is an example of freedom.

The second entry was titled "Why I Write". The woman in this one believes that the writing can heal. She writes to expel everything.She writes about her worries, hopes, fears, fantasies, wishes, and miseries. She trust the pen with her thoughts and also writes to let out her demons.

I''m not huge on writing but I do enjoy to write if it is a good topic to write about. When i write about good topics I feel I can write about anything I want to and no one has a say in what i can or cant write. I feel really free. I also don't have to show my writings to anyone if they are personal to me. Writing can be good to let out personal emotions that i need to tell someone about I write out m emotions but almost in a way people who read it wont understand.
JeffA 1st period

Anonymous said...

The first entry that I read was "You Don't Even Know". This story really affected me because it made me see how ignorant and mean some people can be towards others. The part that I really liked about it though, was when the teacher was trying to sound cool to the students by calling the autistic girl a retard and students just looked at him. I think it's really sad that a grown man would actually call someone with a mental handicap a retard.

Another story I read was called "Why I write". It was a poem that explained what happened to the author when she wrote. It used some very poetic lines such as "It starts out with a single thought that wraps itself around my head" and "I write to let my deamons out". I really liked these two lines because they basically said that she lets her thoughts take her and then writes about them to get them off her chest or to express herself.

I don't write much on my own, but when I have to for school I ususally enjoy it. I write because when I do I feel like I can say what I think and express my feelings to other people. I want others to know how I feel about the particular topic I am writing about.

Megan L. said...

Reading through these entries, I have seen a new perspective on how different people value and express writing. Out of all the entries there were two that I found really though provoking and interesting.

The first article I chose was called, Why I (Don’t) Write by Tyler M. I really like this piece because it explains the idea that the world is really cliché. He explains that our writing is just a pointless and mere lie that fits in with the majority of society. For example, he writes: “They constantly play with me like a cruel puppet master, the ultimate example of how society not only judges what is ‘good’, but how ‘good’ is achieved, and to what extent of an opportunity is given to achieve it.”Through his writing he shows his pessimism for how literature is solely based on what society finds acceptable. Overall, his sole purpose is to show that we can’t consider writing to reflect our thoughts because it becomes altered so it won’t be quickly rejected by those around us. Tyler M. writes in order to express himself and his deep feelings about the world all around him. He uses writing as an outlet to go against what society wants and to reflect his own feelings about writing, regardless of anyone else’s opinion.

The second article I chose was called, “You Don’t Know a Thing” by Stephie. I found this piece very interesting and really well structured. For instance, she writes not in the form of an essay or explanatory piece, but through a story that allows the reader to view her through a deeper and more complex level. Also, she doesn’t blatantly tell the reader why she writes or its significance to her. Instead, she shows this idea through a time that is extremely meaningful in her life, allowing the reader to infer and assume why she writes what she writes. Overall, I feel Stephie writes in order to capture times of impact in her life. I feel that she uses her writing as a way to release and untangle times of sorrow, in addition to teaching moral values. For instance, in this particular piece of her literature she addresses a time when her sister was being made fun of for having Autism, by a teacher of authority and example. I personally viewed this article as a way to release the anger and frustration created during this time. Also, I felt it was used to express the idea that no one can say things of such hatred and disgrace without being in another person’s shoes.

I write for language arts, to analyze quotes and to explain literary works.

I write letters to my friends, to brighten their day and for the satisfaction of their smirks.

I write poems, to expand on ideas using the creativity of rhyme.

I write short stories, to relax when I have an abundance of free time.

I write scripts for theatre, to create a performance never before seen.

I write papers for science, to explain why plant cells are green.

I write essays in social studies, to analyze Napoleon and his downfall.

I write quotes and phrases just to hang on my bedroom wall.

But most important of all the reasons I write,
Is to capture my reasoning and my insight.

I write to express my pain, my darkness, my sorrow.

I write to remember the joy that there will always be tomorrow.

I write to capture what I am feeling, what is bottled up inside.

I write to push the past and all the dark times aside.

I write to express myself and all the ways I’ve grown.

I write to show I am always changing and that nothing is ever “written in stone”.

Bex said...

The first entry I read was named "Glittering Pixie Dust".
This girl wrote because she was deaf in one ear, so she was not excepted at school. When she was little her mom read her a book that she loved, once she got older she found the book again, and read it. She decided she would write to make her life better than it really was. I really liked this essay because I think that is why a lot of people write, to escape the real world. I also loved how at the end she gave the book that started it all to her little four year old neighbor.

The second entry I read was entitled "Letters, Words, Pages". It was a poem explaining several different reasons why the author writes. I liked it because she writes both to please herself, and to please others.

I write to express myself. I am not the best with words, but for some reason I seem to be able to write them down. I have always lived in my older brother's shadow, and have been known as "Nathanael's little sister" most of my life. I write so I can have my own voice in life, so I will be known as "Bekah", and I honestly think it has helped. I am much more of a social person now and not as many people call me "Nathanael's little sister", because I am finally starting to get the words from the pages I write, to come out of my mouth.

Bekah H. 7/8

lenhoff#2 said...

“The escape” is about the author not writing for fame, but instead she writes for the miraculous way that emotion filled words strung together to make a beautiful piece of work. She puts all her emotions such as hope, love, and anger into her writing, which makes the piece of work come to life even more.

In “Why I Write” by Andrea Santoyo one of the reasons she writes is because she loves literature. She says she –like me- writes to escape. In this way she is exactly like me because she uses her writing to escape the real world into a fantasy of her own creation. Also like me she likes to become her characters, which I personally feel helps you get an even bigger sense of their personality when you do.

I swear I wrote this before reading any of the poems/ essays on Figment. I did not copy anyone’s ideas!!

I write to escape.
Anything can happen when I put my pencil to paper
I am in charge of everything
When I write I can be who I want to be,
there is no one to tell me how to think or act.
When I write I become the character
I am the one having the adventure
I’m the one who casts the spell and saves the day
I escape into my own fairytale
I weave my deepest thoughts, dreams, and desires into my work
I can put on paper what I could never do in real life
When I write I feel at peace because I’m being my own person
No one can tell me how to write or what to write
When I write I am in charge of the past, the present, the future
I can bring back loved ones who’ve passed on or meet my greatest heroes
Writing helps me escape out of reality,
Out of the pressure, the drama, the stress
Into a fantasy where I say what happens and I control everything
That is why I write
I write for the escape
C. Lenhoff 1.

oliviaY said...

The first entry that I read was entitled "Silence". They said that they reads to get their thoughts and desires on paper. They wanted someone to hear their thoughts and desires and to inspire people by their wrighting.

The other entry that I read was titled "Why I Write". The person said that they write to expel everything. They write to get their feelings out. They wrote their entry in a poem. The lines flowed and it made the entry make sense.

There's more than just one reason that I write. The main reason why I write is usually because I have and essay or a project for a class. Other times I write it is to express the way that I'm feeling. Also I write to when I have nothing to do. It's something that I do very often.

-Olivia Y.
second period

macey j. 3rd said...

the first entry i read was titled " Glittering Pixie Dust". the reason she wrote this was because she has a hearing disability and people looked down at her. She lost her friends just because she couldn't hear out of one ear. People looked at her as if she was an alien and didn't belong. When she wanted to see her old friends again she said it was difficult for her to "fit in".

the second entry i read was titled "You dont know a thing". the reason she wrote this was because her feelings were hurt by a teacher. the teacher didn't know that her sister was autistic and he called her a retard. this hurt her very much and nobody else knows what its like to have a sibling like that.(in this story)

the reason I write is because it helps me vent my feelings and lets me exspress myself, in ways I can't do by talking to someone. I feel that this is easier than explaining my situation to someone. writing gives me the freedom to escape from everything.

Maddy G said...

The first entry I read was "Why do I write?" By Emma Miner. The reason why this author writes is to tell stories. By writing, she is able to vent out what she is feeling. Writing becomes her outlet like how some people paint,ect. She is able to express herself and she enjoys making something come out on paper from all that goes on inside her head. She also writes to hopefully inspire the person reading it. By writing she hopes to impact at least someone by what she took the time to write about. I really liked how she explained each aspect on why she writes. All her details show that she is determined to let the audience feel what she feels. When she talks about hoping to inspire someone, I feel that same way with my own writing.

The second entry I read was, "Why I write" By SVAMS. This author writes because they love to know that they have created something new by themselves based on what they really think. They write because they like knowing that they have something to say, and that someone is listening to them and how they feel. It makes them feel a part of something bigger outside of just being a teenager. I thought that this author made their work easy and entertaining to read by adding in some humor. The author says, "Writing is my way of feeling part of something bigger, something more than just a teenage girl sitting in front of a computer screen." By using this humor, and comparison, you can understand their points better.

I write for a few reasons. I mainly write because it makes my thoughts easier to examine. There is only so much space in your head to truly think about something. When I write, I feel as if the space is unlimited. Like I just bought a new Ipod with more Gigabytes. I can freely let my thoughts out, and release the pressure from my head. I also write, not as often, but I write to create stories. Sometimes your own life gets boring and its fun to create something new. However, I do not like to write new stories very often because I feel like every main character is just myself on the inside. I also write for my reader. I like to make people laugh, or just affect them somewhat. Usually my writing is very easy to connect to.

- Maddy G. 1st period

rykordahi14 said...

The first entry I read was "Why I Write" by Andrea Santoyo. She told the audience the whole reason she writes, to escape into her imagination. She explains who she's been reading since she was before school and how she has always loved to just day dream. She says writing gets her away from the realness of life and puts her in a world where she controls the outcome.

The second entry I read was "Why I DON'T Write" by Summer Nguyen. She explains that writing is great, it helps you get over things and express your feelings, but she no longer writes. The reason she no longer writes is because she wrote about her feelings towards her mother after fight, and her mother found the writing. So basically, Summer got into trouble for writing her feelings out because of her parents' snooping.

I write for one reason, that reason being that it helps me relieve stress. If i have a ton of things to be doing, as crazy as it sounds, I'll sometimes just stop and write some things down. Usually I write about what to do next or how to whatever it is next, but its just helps me look at everything and see how i can manage it and be less stressed out over it.

rykordahi14 said...


-Ryan Kordahi 2nd period

AnnaB1 said...

The first story/ essay I reead was called "Silence" While reading this entry I realizerd that this person write because they felt alone, empty, and and the feelings of nothing. She could not feel things physically, or feel them emotionally and mentally. She writes to get out her emotions, to feel alive, and to have someone actually know how she thinks and feels. Her writing was very good and the way she describes how she did not feel any emotions or pain was very easy to imagine.
The second essay i read was titled "I write because" This essay makes some very good points. for example she says "I write because written words can be taken back and rewritten. Spoken words can not." This is very true, and sometimes it makes me wish I wrote everything, because then I could take back anything that sounds wrong or mean. Also she says she writes because she needs to remember. This is true too. When you write stuff done its less likely that you forget it.
I would write this paragraph on why I write but then I would be lying to you. Because honestly, I don't write. There are several reason's I don't write. One reason is that I am usually busy, and writing to me, is not worth my time. I say this because to me writing does not give me a release, it does not tell other people my problems, and it does not help me stick up for myself. To get a release from life and whatever else everyone goes on about i just talk to people, or sleep, or do something else. Writing is not my release. Also the writiers said it would tell everyone their problems. Well to me that is not true. Anywhere I would write my problems down if I did, which I don't, I would make sure noone saw it. My problems are MY problems, not anyone else's, and they don't really need to know what's going on in my life, it's not their business. Also people say tht when they write it helps them stick up for themselves. Once again this is not the case for me. Sticking up for myself is not a problem for me. So it's not like i have something against writing, I don't, but the honest truth is that writing holds no personal value to me. I will write for school, I will write for teachers, but I do not write for personal reasons, because writing does not help my problems and such at all.

Sara1220 said...

The first article I read was called "The Escape" and it was a short little poem describing that writing is almost an art that each word by itself has a meaning but put with other words takes a whole different move in the meaning. When I saw this I started thinking about how words themselves dont really do anything. And in a way they are powerless by themselves, only are useful when supported with other words.

The other one I read was "why I (Don't) write" This was explaining how the author felt he has never truly 'written' because everything he has ever wrote was for someone else. Essays, letters, etc.. I thought this was a very interesting idea and I agree with it a lot.

Why I write: I am not much of a writer and still agree with what the author of the entry I read. Everything I have ever written has been for someone else. Sure I had little diaries from when I was 7 and couldnt spell for my life but I dont think those count anymore. I am more of a thinker. Instead of putting words on paper where sometimes you cant find a meaning or word for how you feel, I look into my mind and brief with myself of things. Its a great stress reliever and less dangerous because no one else can see what I think about certain things.

Sarah P. First period

im not crazy i swear said...

the first entry i read was "I wright becuase". The reason she writes is to remember her memorys. This way she cannot forget er past fealings.
The second entry i read was why i wright this caught my eye becuase the wrighting was tricky i didnt under stand it until i stoped to think about it.

HannahKG said...

"Why I don't Write" was the first entry that popped out at me. A teenager, named Tyler, explains that "writing" is truly just a paradox to him. Tyler believes that, "It’s romanticized, almost cliché, to claim that self-expression is the ‘true essence’ of writing." He describes that every piece he writes, including his "Why I don't Write" entry, has no personal touch and it writing simply for the audience.

The second entry I read was "The Escape." This specific author writes because she loves the meaning of each single word, the miracle of putting those words together, and letting out her emotions.

I write very rarely, and when I do, I do not share it with anyone and I won't reread it. I think, I express, I'm done. On the few occasions I do write(normally poetry), I write to help myself understand my surroundings, emotions, and other people. I never write for simple positive pleasure. To me, thinking is writing; the only difference is whether I place it on paper. Within the process of trying to express my thoughts, I normally just confuse myself on the topic more.

-Hannah Grabowski 2nd-

Anonymous said...

The first figment I read was, "Why I DON'T Write". This girl used to write every day in her journal about her feelings and about her day. When she vented out her anger towards her mom, she never thought that he mom would read what she wrote. However, her mom found her journal, and read through it. This girl refuses to write now, because she is scared that what is meant to be secretive and personal, can be seen by the public.

The next entry I read was called, "All Consuming". The girl in this entry writes because she can't bear to think what would happen if she didn't. She loves the feeling of knowing that she can go into secret worlds and just be creative. She can't imagine not writing. When she is asked why she writes, her immediate response is, 'Why do you breathe?'. Writing to this girl is like breathing - it's just a natural thing that completely consumes her.

I am not a big fan of writing. As a little girl, I always wanted to have a diary and be able to look back on my life when I grew up to remember every little thing that I did. It soon became too time consuming. I would forget to write in it somedays. Other days, I just didn't feel like writing in it. Now as I get older, I find myself writing when I'm angry. It helps me organize my thoughts, and it makes me take a step back and look at the entire situation. I find that after I write down my emotions, I have better control of myself, and I feel a sense of relief. The reason I write is to vent.

Nate T. 2 said...

The first entry I read was "Why I Write". I noticed immediatley the author wrote to express herself to tell the world of what she thinks about ideas and problems. To let go of those fears or dreams onto paper to remind herself of who she is. The way to let go of this world and be with herself and thoughts and get them all out.

The second entry I wrote about was "The Escape". It again is about escaping from the world around us and expressing ones self without judgement. Words can change the world by maybe arguing a crucial point of our society. Words represent us as people, our emotions projected to the world on paper. Freedom from the world can be brought on by writing. Not noticed by those who don't stop to look at a piece, but scream out to those who do look.

JackiK said...

The first entry I read was "Why I (Don't) Write." This teenager writes about how school forces him to write so that he can achieve "success" through grades. He realizes that writing for "self-expression" does not exist. It was very interesting to read.

The second entry I read was "The Escape." This woman explains that writing is an escape from reality. You can say anything you want. Things that exist, or things that can't exist, you can write it. She writes on how each word is an emotion, and she can say exactly what is on her mind. I liked that one a lot.

I write to tell the stories untold,
Those ones that have yet to be written.
I write to show people inside of me,
Something no one can see.
I write to hear the emotion in each word,
A moment that can be replayed forever.

-Jacki K 1*

Ben W. said...

The first essay i read was Why I (Don't) write. And the author says that he writes because of society. He feels that he is forced to write in a dramatic form or the correct way to write to the audience, that society forces her to, and he thinks that writing should be written how the author feels it should and in that persons view.
The second essay i read was why I Write. The author writes for the sake of mandatory respect because the author feels that writing is just as important to life as air, or food is. The author feels that writing is one of the most important things in life.
I do not write because i do not have the time to write, and i feel i can have more of an impact on a person through a conversation instead of a piece of writing. I also do not write because i feel if i do something it is more important that saying something. I am a true believer in the phrase actions speak louder than words and that is why i do not write.

Nate T. 2 said...

I used to write alot just making up stories to share with my friends, but not anymore. I don't neccessarily like to write because in school we are told what to write about it just takes away from it. If i can get a subject I like I feel as if I could write all day about it.

Woods said...

After reading a variety of articles available on the Figment site, one entitled "Why I (Don't) Write" by Tyler M. stood out to me. He talks about the fact that he has never "really written" if you are going off of the idea that writing is an expression of yourself and of your true emotions. He says that when he writes it is always to meet someone else's standards, whether that is a teacher or society. I found this very interesting, in part, because it is so true. We are often forced to write in a certain way, which is very unnatural, and makes us say things that we are against just to get the good grade.

I also read the selection "I Write Because..." by Jen G. She wrote it in a similar fashion to Mrs. Perrin's, her sentences almost turning into lists. She lists her reasons for writing and backs some of them up, comparing written words to those that are spoken for example. Her selection spoke to me because she had similar views of writing as I do, such as: "I write because it is freeing. There are no worries or expectations to live up to" (line 5). She talks about the many aspects of her life that writing plays such an important part to.

Now, why do I write? That is an outstanding question! Yes, I write out of obligation, as do all of us commenting on this blog, but I write because I want to, and need to. I write to get my feelings out and to find an escape without the worries of judgment by others. I can write and get away from all of my problems or even write about them to try to make some sense out of them. There are many things I want to look back on and relive, so I write them down. I write because the paper listens and can follow my jumbled thoughts. I write to brighten someone's day and offer encouragement. I write for fun!

Woods said...

Leah W. 1

Jaimie Lynn said...

The first one i choose was "The Ashes of Misery." I think that she wrote this because she wanted to describe how she felt at that moment. She also describe what it felt like trying to get out of the very dark hole.

The second one i choose was " Why I Wrote." I think she wrote this is to express how her feelings are of her life. she thought that her life was of someone else's mistakes and problems.

Jaimie Lynn said...

i write sometimes but that is just to express my emotions and my day. I just write about my dreams. I also write about what i think life should be or how it could of been.

EthanE said...

The story I read was "Why I don't write". I read this because I do not like to write either. I do not like expressing my feelings, but when I do, I take them out on the football field. I believe the essay though, was well written. It shows the serperation between privacy and public. It also shows how your parents should respect your privacy.

ellen_f said...

The first entry i read was "you don't know a thing" and i really liked the way the author didn't tell you that the autistic girl was her sister until the end. It made you think of the girl from an outside perspective, then you understood that she was actually closely linked to that girl.

The second entry i read was "Silence" and the author said she wrote because of her pain. For them, writing is the only way to express their pain.

I really don't write that much. When i was younger i used to write alot, i used to make up stories and tell people. It was fun, it was kind of like playing a pretend game. Writing is like making up fantasies for me.

Ang5339 said...

The first entry I would like to comment on is called simply "Why I Write" by Taylor Crehan. The way that she put it was that writing is her passion, it is her life. I can't say that I would go that far, but writing comes naturally. It is like breathing, and it is something that truly makes me myself. She feels the same and I agree with her in that respect. That is why I chose this entry.

The second entry that I chose was called "A Flicker of My Image" by Rachael Jackson. I Picked this particular piece because I write for similar reasons. She is a poet and so am I. Each poem I write, each line, is a part of my soul. It's a part of myselef, and very few people are allowed to read those poems. She says the same thing in her entry.

I have never been much of a novelistic writer, so when I write for pleasure, I write in rhyme. In poetry. This is my response to "Why I Write":

A blank page
A new life
A chance of freedom
Why I Write

As I breathe in
Put the pen to the page
My mind bursts forth
From its stifling cage

I write to escape
To just get away
From the monotony of life
From the day to day

I am not just a writer
I am spinner of words
I am a poet
Who yearns to be heard

I write for those
Who cry in the night
For those in joy
For those in plight

For the broken hearted
And for the healing
For those who are happy
For all of those feelings

When I need to scream
When I need to cry
When I need to laugh
When I feel I might die

It comes in a rush
And it leaves just as fast
But what’s left is beautiful
It’s something that will last.

-Angie G. 2*

Skipper C. K. said...

The first chapter I read was titled "You Don't Know a Thing". The girl writes to help her express her thoughts on other people and to express her feelings. Sometimes when people cant' talk to others, they write, and I think it is the same for the author of "You Don't know a Thing".

The second piece was titled "Glittering Pixie Dust". The author seems to write for comforting other people and help them cope with any problems. But I also think the author wrote to escape from the world around her that did not appreciate her in any way.

In both pieces I chose them not only because they were true stories, but I liked the format of how they wrote. Describing everything in their surroundings and that they could express their points through a story and not straight out. These pieces make me think that I chose them just because the way they wrote is the same way I want to write in the future.

Sitting at my computer, clutter surrounding me, I thought of a question. A question like most mean old teachers make thier students answer. The question was made to have the kid think but my brian runs dry.I see the broken dragon my brother gave me for Christmas, the book my moom bought me after begging her nonstop, the ten dolloar bill laying upon cards and hard earned cash. Then I think back. Think of those pieces I had to read, about the people who had to answer the exact same mind boggling question as I did. Those reason they wrote. "Why did they write" I thought. Realizing that I write for the same purpose as them startles me. Writing was their for me, when I was mad, and writing was always their to solve my problems. That's why I write, I write to calm myself, express myself, and help others as writing helps me.
Colton K. -1st period

Anonymous said...

The first entry I read was Glittering Pixie Dust. I personally thought it was very inspiring. The writer describes a period in her life when she was weak and turned to writing to help her. The book with the lavender writing is what makes her strong. When the struggles she faces everyday began to overcome her she turns to writing and literature to bring up her spirit and keep her fulfilled.
The second entry I read was The Escape. In this entry the writer explains how in writing each word is a single word but when put together they are more. They explain emotions, feelings and thoughts. They can be used in many different ways to describe things in different ways.
I write to express myself. When I am having a bad day I may write about it to let out my feelings or blow steam. If I have a big event coming up I sometimes write about my anxiety and excitement to keep myself under control. Or if something really good happens in my life I write about it to remember the feelings and ways I felt about it. If I didn't write I feel I would handle many things everyday differently.

KC22 said...

The first entry I read was, "Why
I Write". This person thought that writing was something that is a need that all humans need to fulfill. The writer repeats the line "Must; Have to; Need"(Gabriella Quinn). This signifies that writing is more than just writing but is more like how the writer puts it, like air is necessary to live. Which helps release us from the cage of insanity and ignorance where if we don't write these things will trap us and keep us from being who we are so we must write.

The second entry that I read was titled,"I Can't Forget". The writer's reason to write was because the writer didn't want to forget the stories the author wanted to tell so it was simply written them down. By writing the writer was able to be anyone like a heroin or demon slayer. It would be the world of the author and by not writing it down would be like an insult to the fictional character the author has created.

My reason to write is to escape from this world and create my own. I would be able to fill it with my own ideas and characters. Whether it would make sense or not it would be my own world were I could be able to relax and play with the things I have at my disposal. I could shape that world in whatever way I see fit. By writing I could create my world, the perfect world for me.

KC22 said...

KC22 is Kyle C. 7/8period.

Dechameleon said...

The entry that I read first was titled "I Can't Forget". It was very short, but very descriptive, and the author seemed a little like me, or at least what I would be like if I was a girl. She wrote about the characters that she makes up in her head, and how with her stories she can be anything she wants in the world she creates, whether she, "...felt like a Demon Slayer..." or, "...a kick-&*# heroin who just wants to save the world from evil robot bunnies." She applied a bit of humor to her short story, like I do in writings I keep to myself. Like her, I have made worlds in my mind that cannot and most likely will never have a place in this world.
The other entry I read was "Once Upon A Time". The author wrote about her experiences in fourth grade and how her teacher got the class to write a lot. She also said that even though she had written for fun before, she didn't really get into it until her fourth grade year. It seemed like the author tended to use humor a lot and especially tried to use humor that was a real event.

I write to discover.
I write to show that nothing is impossible.
I write to show that there is no limit to human creativity and that the mind is capable of creating amazing things.
I write to keep myself from going insane, because in reality bouncy rooms and straitjackets are not appealing to me.
I can vent, describe myself, others, and everything.
I can write about anything,
And I can write about everything.
That is the reason I write.

alexgrabowski. said...

The first passage I read was "The Escape". She talks about how writing starts in the brain and then is processed onto the paper. each word she writes has a purpose and draws the readers in. She doesn't write for fame but rather personal pleasure. Writing gives her freedom to think and say whatever she chooses. Writing allows her to escape form the world and become free of surrounding problems.

The second entry I read was "You don't know a thing". This passage is about a girl who has an autistic sister. She gets mad fun of alot and has few friends. the authors teacher had called the girls sister a retard which angered the author. She controlled that anger and kept it inside of her. She seemed like she had good friends that were supportive and concerned about her. This passge was vert personal and touching. It allowed us to step in the shoes of another persons struggles.

I write to express my feelings. Writing is a way to let out your emotions and evrything swarmng around in your head. Writing helps stimulate ones creativity. Writing stories is something you need creativity and imagination for. Writing is a way to releive stress. You can vent you feeling and what is happening in you life. Writing is a way of persuation. I write for all of these reasons, whether it's an assignment, or for myself. Writing is one of the best way to become free from the world and express your emotions.

to: Rohan Strivastava
I agree that writing can compel the audience, imagine a picture, and revel a message. writing is one of the few ways to clear up confussion between others. Also that writing can be potrayed several different ways, depending on the indivdual.

Mikec. said...

The first piece I read was entitled "Why not Write" The author listed his reason for writing as being there's no reason not to write. Which brings up an interesting point; why not write? I see no reason not to, and the author sees no reason not to either.

The other piece I read was titled "Written World" This person writes to get away from the pain they feel elsewhere. So I suppose that writing can be used as an outlet.

Why do I write? I write to put forth points that haven't been stated before. I write to tell stories that haven't been told before.

Ricky said...

one of the essays that i read there main reason they said that they write is because they have to. i like this essay because their statement is true everybody in the world has to write and also no one can take it away.

the other essay i read said
"to escape the clutches of what would happen if I didnt". i chose this one because i dont really understand what they mean to escape the clutches. you dont really get in trouble or anything for not writing so i dont really understand.

i write because i have to in school in school you have to write everyday i dont really write to much out of school besides for essays and i dont like to write i think it can get very boring if you are not writing about something that really interests you.

Ricky K.

LaurenO said...

The first entry I read was called "Why Do I Write?"By: Marissa Steidl This piece was about a young girl who was very smart and imaginative and used her time to write all she could. She wrote for herself in boredom and spare time. She is talented in what she does and wants to inspire readers.

The second entry I read was titled "Why I Write" by: Arkady Adler. This writer is talented in what she does and doesn't think about when to write, she writes whenever she can. The writer also decides that with her writing she can go wherever she dreams. I quote, "It allows me a chance at living in the big city, or at talking to a dragon, or all sorts of adventures that the real world can’t offer." She can live out her dreams through her writing. Lastly, she writes to learn. If she is writing about all these places she will have to learn about them. Thus, causing her to gain more knowledge.

I write to relax,
I write to stay sane,
I write to teach other's facts,
I write so my thoughts stay out of the drain.

I write when I'm mad,
I write when I'm alone,
I write when I'm sad,
I write until my hand starts to groan.

I write about flowers,
I write about people,
I write about towers,
I write about my favorite church steeple.

I write from my memories,
I write all the time,
I write about felonies,
Is that such a crime?

LaurenO said...

last comment by:
Lauren O 7/8 period

Maddie Kidd said...

The first essay that I read about why people write was by Andrea Santoyo. She said the reason for her writing was to escape from the world. She explained her many occasions of day-dreaming and said that this lead to her writing. She thought it was a way to express herseld without using her voice. Andrea explains, " Writing is an escape for me, really. It gets me away from my all too real life and puts me into these wonderful situations where I control what happens,". This shows her feeling of escape and what she exactly is escaping from.

The other essay I read was from Jen G. She writes fro many reasons and one of then is to express herself. She says, "I write because I have an opinion. I want everyone to see it,". This also shows her expressing herself with what she believes in and how she feels. Also she explains, " I write because I can release my worries and problems; without burdening others,". This tells how she can talk about her problems and loose her care and worries on the piece of paper.

I write because I can let go of my anger, happiness, or sadness. When I am feeling the many different emotions there is always a way to escape; with words. I love the way I can lose myself in my writing. I start with staring at a blank sheet of paper and it can turn into my life story. I write to tell people my thoughts even if no one listens. I like to give my opinion. I am straight foward with my answers and that can be seen in my writin, this is also why I write. I am given a chance to do what I want. I write to explain how i feel and what is happening in my life. No one writes for the same reason. This is what makes everyone special. It is that one time you are by yourself and nothing can control the pencil that is in your hand.

Rosevine A said...

The first entry I read was entitled, "Why I (Don't) Write" by Tyler M. In this entry, the writer argues that he only writes to please society and his teachers. He claims he has never truly written for "self-expression." Even when he does write such as for his AP English class, his writing is skewed because he has to write not truly as he wants to but with a certain voice, stragety, and ideas that pleases his teachers. He also says he will never write for himself.

The next entry I read was entitled, "Why I Write" by Sunah Chung. In her entry, Chung says she writes to express her feelings she can't express to the others around her. Writing gives her feelings a sense of importance. Writing is a way she can cope with things. She finds it easier to write about a situation rather than actually talk about the situation. As she said, writing doesn't give her comfort but, it listens to her problems when she needs someone to talk to.

The reason I write is to preserve special moments that occurs. I wrote about my my 8th grade year, my first cheerleading competition, and every year I write about my birthday. Yes, these are not the most interesting things to write about but, I write about these subjects to preserve the memory of them. To this day, I am still obsessed with my birthday and writing about things such as my birthday make me happy.I can further preserve events in my life in detail when I write.

Kevin. M said...

The first essay I read was "You Don't Even Know". The reason she writes is for her autistic sister. Her teacher did not even know her sister but he called her a retard anyway. He just doesn't even know what she has gone through and why she is screaming. He just is blunt about the situation.

The second essay I read was "The Escape". She writes to escape from her normal life and just be with her words. She feels that each word she writes has a specific emotion and feeling to it. It's not just a meaningless word on a sheet of paper that she used to take up space. She believes it is it's own special meaning.

I write to express myself. Sometimes I just do not want to go to my friends and talk about myself. Sometimes I will just write about it. I believe it can mean more that just saying it. It can also act as a memory, that will be there forever. Something that I can always look back to and have a laugh about, be sad, or just be touched. Over and over again.
-kevin m.

Sam said...

The first paragraph I read was entitled "Why I Write". In the entry, the narrarator discloses that the reason she writes is because it helps her cope. It helps her deal with having to leave behind her life when she moved to a seperate continent. She uses writing to help her move forward instead of dwelling in the past and what could have been.

The next entry I read was entitled "Silence". In this piece the author writes about the silence that rings in her ears and how she wishes it would be replaced with sound to verify her existence. She wishes to be comforted, to be told that everything was indeed alright and that she was just being paranoid. The reason she wrote this was to break the silence and comfort herself.

The reason I write is complex. I do not necesssrily understand it. I come up with ideas daily and sometimes, on rare occasions, these ideas stick in my head. They manifest themselves and grow into complex webs that are vast and intricate like the roots of a tree. I have to write these ideas down; I have to give them a voice. I am compelled to write simply because I need to (but not because mean Mrs. Perrin makes me). I write for myself, to appease my mind and let my ideas free.

Sam said...

I apologize, I didn't sign my last comment.
-sam H. 1st period

Dbosko56 said...

The first entry i read was called "You Don't Even Know". The reason she was writing about this was the face that no one understands what it is like to live with an autistic person. People judge without having any idea of what they are saying. At that point, they don't care who they hurt, but to get a good lough out of it.

In the second passage i read, "Silence", its how silence, can be more painful than death itself. Having no one to love, no one to care for you. There is no feeling of hatred, but no one to let you know that you're there.

The reason I write is to express myself. I am not always the most open person you know, but getting my hands on a pencil and paper, and I will write till the end of time. I write my feelings, and its just an easy way to get my mind off of things. It feels like I'm in my own little world and don't have to worry about anything. I can just be myself. Dominic Bosko

Cheyenne said...

The first paragraph I read was titled Sunshine. In this the girl describes writing as being a "place to showcase you." This was the sentence that made me keep reading, and wanting her to keep explaining. She says "writing is a way to express your style, and your life."I loved this paragraph because I found it easy to relate to, and the author used all the words near perfectly.

The second thing I choose was a poem called; I write to release.
I can safely say that this poem describes why I write to a 'T' from another person's point of view. My favorite part was "to release pressure, and ideas upon my soul." Like this author we both write to make our thoughts go down and be recorded.

I write because nobody can heaer my thoughts;
because they won't judge you
because it's my expression
because I love re-reading my stories
because if only I could talk to people like ideas flow onto this paper

Cheyenne W_1

bballplayer3213 said...

The first entry i read was called "You Don't Know a Thing". The reason she wrote was for people to understand thats its not fair to judge when you dont know the situation. She wrote because her sister who was autistic was called a retard by a teacher, when all he saw was her run past the hallway. He didnt know the story of why she acted in that manner and judged her in a matter of two seconds.

The next entry I read was named "Why I Write". The reason why she became a writer was because when she was in school or reading a book, it would always spark her imagination until she wanted to start putting her ideas out there. She was able to write down her thoughts on a piece of paper and it helped her to escape reality and she got to experience her own little world that she would have never experienced if she didnt start writing.

Just like the last author, I write to express my imagination and my feelings. Sometimes I dont have the guts to tell people what im thinking or i just dont want to talk about them so i write them down or write stories. I feel that i express more of what im really feeling when i write it down then when i have to stand face to face with someone and verbally tell them. When im writing I dont have to worry about life, or anything around me. Its just me and my piece of paper.

-Sarah W. 7-8

JordynN1 said...

The first entry I read was "Silence". The reason the author wrote this is because she feels as if there is nobody to listen to her. She had a need for someone to listen to her. She wrote this so someone who learn about her feelings and listen to her.

The second entry I read was "You Don't Even Know". This entry was about the other author who's sibling had autism. She show's that people don't know what it is like to grow up having an illness like this. She talks about how people don't know or understand how to work with it.

I write to show people about myself and what I'm feeling. It'showing people my true self and what I think about something. Writing to me isn't just putting words onto a piece of paper, it's giving those words feeling.

Hgolias said...

the first entry i read was "why i (don't) write" i found this article very interesting because of the way it explains diffent peoples writing.
it says "i believe that society suffocates all form of original "true" writing". this quote in my opinion is trying to say that more and more now no new creative types of writing are being made there simply just the same types of writing that there teacher had taught them.

And the other other entry i am responding to is "silence" i had enjoyed this writing structure for a specific reason. the reason i liked this writing structure is do to its surplus of details. one passage that expresses many details is when it says "My room was still; the street, still; the golden trees that lined the roads".

JordynN1 said...

@aussie.girl I really liked how you talked about writing being a way of remembering things. I also liked how you talked about writing in diaries and journals when you were younger.

chris said...

This one person wrote that she writes because you are not judged, you can take your words back, and that there is no judgement.

I'm sorry but I strongly disagree with that. Kids are always forced to write for school. Kids always get graded school. Kids get criticized and judged so much about your writing. Teachers pretty much just tell you if your good at it or not. You either get an A or and D. If you disagree about something and you have to write to support it, or you fell like you should write about something else, you are restrained. There is no freedom.

I write to get my voice out. I also get to write to be original and become different. as this other person said "I write because I have an opinion. I want everyone to see it."

spencer29 said...

The first entry I read was "Silence" which I noticed had some spelling errors but was overall written very well. The author made it seem like you are the one looking out the window with her descriptive words. I also like how the story restarts over. I feel she started writing this story out of boredom with nothing better to do.

The second entry I decided to read was "Ashes of Misery" which I thought was easy to read the way it was written. It makes you feel like she has lost someone close to her and was writing her feelings or the way she wants to be remembered by others.

I really don't write a lot because I have a hard time expressing my thoughts on paper. It is hard for me to get started writing but I am usually happy with the outcome. I like to express my feeling through drawing or clear my mind through sports. Some people writing comes easy, but for me it does not.

Jacob S.

bethany w said...

I read "you don't know a thing" and i thought it was a beautiful passage, even though it was brief, the descriptive words and figurative language made me want to continue reading it. I also read "glittering pixie dust." i loved the story, and the fact that it was true. I could really connect to the story, because I myself write fiction and things in books that I have. Not quite as magical as the one with pixie dust though. The structure and everything about the essay is beautifully written.

I feel like I write because in the real world, I feel like I don't have a voice to be heard. Like my opinion doesn't matter, but if I form it into something maybe someone someday will see my point of view.
Sometimes I write to make myself feel better, if I'm having a rough day and I need some comfort, poetry is always a good escape. Writing music is also an outlet I turn to.
Writing lets me understand things a lot more, once somethings in words I find it easier to analyze it. Writing helps me understand things about myself and the world around me, it lets me not understand some things that can't be explained too, like the magic that comes from the words on the page, that I write.

haley said...

One entry that I read was titled "You Don't Know a Thing." The essay did not quite answer the question "Why I Write?" However, after thinking about i think she wrote this essay because she did not want to talk to people about it, even though she does not clearly state that in the text. I find it interesting that she starts off the essay with a quote. That is a new way of starting an essay that I have3 never thought about. I also like how she with held the fact that the girl was her sister until the end. I think she did this because she wanted the reader to have their own opinion on what the teacher said and if it was so bad, because if she said it was her sister to begin with then the reader would have felt bad for her.

The other essay I read was titled "Sunshine." I did not like the last sentence. The essay would have ended much nicer without it. Ending the essay with "This is why I write!" Did not seem very professional nor effective. The author talks a lot about how she is not a good writer, however in the essay she writes very nicely with big words and tone. The writing contradicts the statement. I like the title of the essay. It is very creative. I think she is using the archetype of the sun to show how writing is for her. The sun shows brightness and happiness and writing brings her brightness and happiness.

Very rarely do I write. If I am caught writing you know that something terrible has just happened in my life. Something so big that I cannot trust a single person with my feelings. I write to vent. Writing helps me think because as I write new ideas begin to form about the topic. Never do I reread nor share my writing. I immediatly throw it away so no one will be able to read or comment on it. I write for myself, no one else.
-Haley Y.

Dylan Bohland said...

The first entry i read was "I Write Because" this was talking about how the author can explain themselves through there writing. I think it is one way for them to help explain there emotions.

The second entry i read was "The Escape". what spo=ke to me in this entry is how they explain their strong feelings.

Anonymous said...

I write to escape from reality

To close my eyes and see the world in my way.

The pen in my hand acts as a door.

Opening a new world when im hurt.

It makes me feel happy and like nothing can touch me.

I take all my tears and put them onto paper and all the pain nd turn them into stanzas.

By the time i realize how much i have written, the tears have stopped coming down my face.

I can relate to the girl who wrote "The Escape", even though we don't writefor all the same reasons. I understand how easy it is to write when you need to escape.

caseycows3 said...

One of the essays I read was titled 'all consuming'. Their reason for writing was that they had so much to say and needed to put it on paper to justify it. It was like a hunger for knowledge and learning, which writin can obtain. The second essay I read was titled 'silence'. This was about someone who felt they are alone in the world, and they write for hope that someone can relate to them, or even just listen to what they have to say.
Why I write: I write because it is a way of expressing myself. I can pour out my emotions and opinions and make it beautiful and insightful. Writing is an art, the paper being he canvas the words the paint. Also, writing is a way of making a point. You can proof and verify reasoning and back yourself up with facts and information. I write because you can never be wrong. There are many different ways of interpretting and styling your writing making everyones different. It shows individuality and that is why I write.