I am a person who does a great deal of reflection. I look back at roads I have taken and think about what I have learned. I can recall one moment where I realized what it is that people have taught me. I wrote, "I am amazed what other people have taught me. Some teach me patience, some teach me disappointment, and others teach me silence." People teach us things everyday. I have learned recently that ignorance and blindness make people attack what they do not understand. I have also learned that when opinions are formed rapidly without knowledge a shell of understanding is formed and no argument can hold. In my youth, I struggled horribly with learning from people. My cynicism kept me from the glass half full and turned me to the opposite. As I have grown older, I have come to see people differently and learn to accept people regardless of their beliefs. This, however, was born out of seeing beyond my own place in the world. I have tried on other people's shoes and walked around in them. This has taught me much.
What I have found is that learning isn't something only gained in classrooms. Yes, it is where we are pushed, asked to think deeply and to demonstrate what we know. In addition, we learn from our surroundings. In Romeo and Juliet, we will see what happens when hate is learned and sides picked. In high school we learn more than books.
I want you to think about what you have learned this year? I do not want you to pick a class and list all of the vocab or dates learned. I want you to think BIGGER. What did you learn about yourself as a learner? What did you learn about friendship? What did you learn about family? What did you learn about relationships? What did you learn about high school?
These are just optional questions. You know what you learned this year. Please reflect without using names--this is not a slam fest where we attack others. Attacking other only breed animosity and anger. This is about finding future direction. We cannot move forward until we have examined the journey.
In the past year, I have learned many things about the world around me. For example, I had found that most people can be very violent, if provoked. Also, I had focused in on how relationships change as the years move on. Some could have been from friends that I still have but do not see or talk to that much, or making new friends with old enemies or new, unidentified, friends. All this can meerly be gained from comon interests or from talking to these people day in and day out. In addition to the relationships among peers, I had found the relationships between family members exist greater than the past. For example, my parents and I are not the best when it comes to talking about things that happen, due to the fear that my brother or I will be yelled at or hassled to explain something that we did not know about. Now, we seem to be progressing, but I still feel things can be better. This is what I had learned in the past year.
The years that i have been living in this world I have learned a lot from it. There's a lot of things that this world has it has good thing and bad things. I have learned that people could change ver easily about things.This is what I have leared about the world.
thoughout the year i was trying to get by when we got a book and a project about it the philosophy about one of the book's by the same author it reminded me so much of where i am and i realized that I could learn from it I asked about and soon got it one of the major themes in it was timishel-thou mayest in hebrew I soon applyed that thought to every thing around me and thought that if not agood way to think then areasonable one and it helped me in reading nighht by Eli Wiesel which helped think even farther on the subject of which i debated several times this what helped me thoughout the year
Throughout my freshmen year at BHS I have learned many things. In regards to relationships, I have learned that friendships require compromise; people will give a little but you have to give too. You cannot just tell somebody to change something about them and they will do it, you must negotiate. My educational experience has been eye opening. I have learned new rules and study habits. I have realized that in high school I cannot get by with just reviewing for a test the night before; cramming does not work. High school requires more than just classroom time in order to get the A’s. My family is awesome, they’re always 100% behind me.
I have learned ALOT over the year. I have learned about friendship family school and much more. Friendship i have learned that you have to be honest with one another. What goes around come around, if you say something small about one of your friends they may take it the wrong way and your brestfriend can become your worst enemy. for family dont take them for granted the are the most important ecspecially this year when my great grandma passed away it made a huge impact on me. I wasnt really close to my great grandma and when she passed away my heart dropped and i learned that family is the most important. School is probably the most important if you dont do well in school you may never get anywhere in life. Education may be the most important thing you can have, if you have an education you can have a good education you can have a great job and do well in life. i have learned sooo much in this year that my head might exploade.
Taking a step into High School has simply changed my perspective of my entire life. I walked the halls with my friends, yet all of a sudden the cliques I was familiar with all seemed to be slowly morphing together. Everyone was talking to each other as though the bond of simply being adolescents together was overriding existing differences. Yes, there were still some people who stayed within their own group of friends or who still fought when the chance came, but the majority of people were suddenly communicating as though they had been life long friends. My own friends had found their paths in life and knew where to take themselves in the future, and suddenly it was imperative that I decide what I was going to major in inside my household. Subjects in school were all different from what I had been accustomed to in junior high, and I realized that few of the subjects we learn in school can actually be applied to daily life. If you wanted to utilize the skills you'd collected, you would have to go the extra mile to build upon the basis you had created for yourself. I also learned that although I chose to procrastinate often, that once I actually apply myself to something I really dedicate myself to it. I have poured my heart and soul into many projects that I have done, and in the end the work has paid off. In short, this year has opened my eyes to many things I'd never seen before. My world had all changed with two simple word: High School.
I have Learned that I am my own person and high School has helped me see that. I noticed that since being in high school so many people lose friends and people change just to fit in. Now that I'm in High school I see that I'm getting close and closer to my friends and that they are like my close family. I see That In High School everyone thinks their going to be together Forever when the truth is your only a teenager and the person you 'love' will probably be gone within a few months.
Since I have started high school I have learned a lot more things than I did in middle school. For example, I have found that being friends with people that really are just using you cause you don't have any friends is not a good way to have a real friendship with people that just resent you. Relationships people have change like when you have a girlfriend/boyfriend they break yo with you because they like someone else. I have also learned that stress comes from a lot of things like your friends, and family, and school work, also relationships. I have also found out that I have been progressing with all the stuff I have learned. This is what I have learned in the past couple of years.
Matthais Lohr
This year I have learned that there are more challenges that exist outside of the little bubble I call home. High school is stressfull and need a lot of time management. I learned how to balance school work, extra curricular activities, and having a social life. I learned that my family is always there for me and the things they do are to protect me. When I need someone, I can go to them. I also learned that friends can help you through a lot. I learned to keep a few friends close, ones that I know that I can count on. I learned how to talk to new people and care less about what other people think about me and get to know them before I form my own opinions. I learned that bonds are important. Those who I am close with are like my support group. I also learned to keep an open mind and think of multiple outcomes. I have grown and learned a lot in my first year of High School.
This year I learned that we are who we are and nobody or nothing can change that. I also learned that after getting into high school people change and try to fit it and act "cool" when all their really showing to others is immaturity. I learned that when you realize that you have some fake friends, you should just let them go and not try to be friends with someone that won't stay true to you.I learned that my family members are people I can trust no matter what happens. And there are so many more things I learned this year but the major one probably is myself realizing I shouldn't change for anyone. I want people to like me for the person I really am and not the person their trying to make me.
When I started high school I was confused and terrified and thought that I wouldn't even be able to make it through September before I had to drop out because I was failing my classes and had no friends. I guess that's because at that time I was still only equipped with my middle school knowledge. I have learned so much from high school, especially outside the classroom. I learned what signs to look out for to let me know who I can and can't trust. I learned people's lying faces. I learned that over nine years of friendship doesn't assure me that I can trust the person with my personal information. I also learned to love my best friend even more than I already did because I know that through thick and thin she's there and wouldn't spill my secrets for a million dollars.
Inside the classroom I learned that A's aren't just handed out anymore. I need to work and work to get them. Effort and deep thinking is critical in high school. Things are no longer spelled out for me. I now know that a 30 second look-over is not studying and won't get me near the same results as an hour-long study session. High school also helped me realize that I can live under the same roof with someone and be biologically related to someone and look just like them and yet we can still be two very different, I'd even say opposite, people. And probably the most important thing I learned from high school is that no matter how mad the people I care about make me, I've still got to love them.
~Brooke C. 1st period
I have learned a lot this past year. I've learned how quickly you can lose and gain friends and how easy it is for people to change. Also, that you can't please everyone and that you have to accept the fact that some people will not like you. I also learned, that hardwork in school will eventually pay off in the long run and having friends to help out, makes it a lot easier. I also learned that sometimes you need to meet new people instead of hanging out with the same group of people all the time. I've also seen that as a learner, I need to study a lot and I can not just show up and think that will get me an A. Being in highschool this past year, has completely changed me.
Since this was my first year in high school I learned tons from books to friends to family. In school Ive learned that procrastinating is not wise. Ive also learned that the longer I procrastinate the more stress I put on myself.Also this year Ive learned about making new friends and that it takes a confidant person to come up to new people and start up conversations, and I also learned to be that confidant person. Last but not least I have learned great amounts about family. Ive learned that they are the real friends that will last a life time, and this has helped me grow a more personal bond with my sisters.This year has helped me grow a lot as a person and learn a lot of new ideas.
Kree McMonigle
This year has taught me life is a story. It has showed me that I have the ability to reach my goals. I made the volleyball team showing myself all hardwork pays off. In my friendships I have seen people change whom I would of never thought could be differnt. Girls changing cliques, becoming people they said they would never be, but i guess that is a part of life. My family has grown by more support. We have learned to support each other more with everything. In the classroom I have explored my talents and limits. I learned what i struggle in so that I can get help. With writing it has showed me what I want to be when I'm older. I would analyze my story more but I said the basics, plus my stories still being wrote.
Many, MANY times during this year I have reflected without being told. I honestly talk to myself when I'm home alone and examine situations, past events, and significances. From the people around me I have learned what it means to be a friend. I've learned just how important it is to be honest and to be listening and understanding towards others. With regards to relationships I've learned how important it is the contain my emotions and that being friends is much more beneficial and makes things easier. I have learned how important it is to be commited and to stay on track. without that, I might've dropped this class long ago actually. But I struggled through, and learned to always think about what's best for the future, not just for the present.
The years that i have been living in this world I have learned a lot from it. I have found that many people can be violent, caring, and over-caring. With relationships (friends and not friends) I have found that compromise and honesty is the way to go. I give something you give something. I'm honest with you and you're honest with me. My studying habits have been on and off. I have learned that there are many distractions that pull me away from studying but I'm trying to pull myself in. As my parents say "if you aren't trying and are getting B's, think of you grades if you do try. B's are not okay" I know that I have it in me and even though my parents constantly yell at me, ground me, take stuff away from me, it's because they know that i can do better if I try. Over all my world is totally messed up. It's been crazy. I've laughed, cried, yelled, and even had a mental break down this year (Not going to lie:/) but it's because of that, that I've made the friends i have made, join an amazing theatre program which i love, and found out who my friends really are. All because of Highschool
I've learned that it's harder to see the moral to a story then to be told the moral, but the first option is so much more enlightening. I've learned that some friends are listeners, others criers, and even more are laughers. I know that I have two friends who will be my brothers in arms when I need someone to fight alongside me. I learned that girls-no insults meant at all-are a lot more difficult to understand then even geometry. I've learned that two plus two isn't always four, and that violance can solve some of life's problams.
I've learned that when there is a common interest between two humans, almost nothing can tear them apart. I've learned that Frederick Douglas was correct, "It is not light that we need, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake". Finally, I've learned that I am sooo much wierder then my parents ever let on.
It's interesting that you ask that, because this time of year especially is a time of remembrance for me. I have learned to be more sympathetic towards others because of freshman year. There are people that I am nice to, there are people i tend to evade contact with, and then there are those annoying people that i don't like but must be civil towards. This year, i learned that i shouldn't procrastinate on things, because that is not good for the heart. I also happened to learn from Father Andy in confession last Sunday during our Holy Week night of reflection , to not cast blame on others, even if i am angry at them for what they do. To close, I don't want to be political or anything, but i want to use a scripture passage:
'Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing'
~Jesus Christ, on the cross
This makes me realize that it takes alot to forgive someone, and that is what i need to work on the most.
A. Plumlee
This year i learned that only a true friend will be there for you even when you are fighting, and there are many people that will pretend to be your friend even though they are not.
I learned that my family is the most important thing in my life and that without them i would never go anywhere with my life.
with relationships, i learned that they most likely not last forever and you shouldnt base your life off of them. I learned that high school is alot harder that i thought it would be and that it is full of drama.
This year has been the year to discover. I have found out a great deal about myself. I have realized that I love to break rules. I have realized that I have problems with authority, I learned how to do a lot of bad things. I learned how to lie perfectly. I am not proud of this, but the people I surrounded myself with made it almost necessary to learn to lie easily and on my feet. I learned that I am more compatible with guys as friends rather than girls. I learned that because I'm only friends with boys , other girls call me nasty names and form outrageous opinions. I found out that people can be deceiving, the hard way. I found out that moronically I'd rather learn from my own mistakes than others. Finding out things can be hard, especially if theyre negative. I learned to sometimes be sensitive,rather than the hard shelled person I tend to be. I live and learn everyday.
Freshman year at brunswick high school, has taught me many new things, not only educational material, but also things about myself. In school, I've learned to be a better writer, and that when you wait 'til last minute to do something, you're going to face the consequences for it.
Walking through the halls, and listening to all the things that different high schoolers talk about, I have come to realize just who my friends are; who's really there for me to count on. I've also come to realize that looks really aren't everything although it is something I'm still working on. Lastly, I've realized that not everything is easy- things happen and life has many challenges that need to be overcome. It's part of the package and as I continue to get older I know that there are many challenges ahead. But, I'll get through them, and I'll grow from them because that's what life is about.
-Nicole Lorig
This past year i learned that hard work and patience really does pay off. Leading up to the upcoming baseball try outs i went out everyday with my dad nd practiced taking ground balls and hitting into the fence over and over again that way i know that i will be ready, at least as ready as possible. In the end i did make the team and i really think it was because of the patience that my dad taught me.
I learned that I'm the smartest in my family. I learned that making friends is easy. I didn't learn anything about family. I learned that relationships start and end quickly a lot. I learned that high school is easy, but important.
-Christopher Fassih
I have learned SO much this year, much more than I thought I ever would. At the beginning of high school I was extremely frightened and very shy. I clung to what I had from middle school and did not want to move on to something new. But eventually I learned that I needed to make the transition from schools. I have also learned from my high school experience that I can do pretty much anything I set my mind to. I am a strong person, much stronger than I first perceived myself to be. While I was in middle school, it was so easy to get straight A’s, I barely had to do any work at all. Now at the high school, I have to work my butt off. Grades are earned, they are not given just because the teacher things you are cute and tried hard. No, the grade you got was the grade you deserved. I learned much about my friends too. I learned that I need my friends and I am extremely grateful for them. But I also learned that no one is perfect and they will not be there forever. People make mistakes and sometimes they betray you. I learned to choose friends that I can trust and to keep things to myself sometimes. It is not always best to tell people everything. Finally, I think I learned the most about my family and our relationship together. I learned that every family has its ups and downs, and that not everyone is perfect. I learned that the people you love the most and think will always be there hurt the most. I could go on and on about what I have learned, as you can see I have learned so much more than I ever thought possible!
i learned how to use quotes. i learned what clothes a guy sould wear and new handshakes.i learned that in highschool some peple that were ridiculed in middle school usually dont get made fun of as much becasuse they meet neew people. also i learned thatsome friendships last and some dont. i learned that my family is a great thing compared to other people families.also i learned that most relationships dont last forever. finally i learned that the highschool is nuts. people fight and freshman are hated by most upperclassmen for no reason.
Throughout this year I have learned many things like believeing and staying true to yourself no matter what anyone says or thinks of you. I also learned how to deal with friendship and not believe rumors or lies about what goes on until I ask the person and find out if its true. One last thing I learned throughout the year is how to deal with relationships between family members simply by talking things out and not making them worse by yelling or screaming back.
-Jordan M.-
I have learned that everyone is living a different life. I had always thought that eveything I had was average. A house, a loving family, pets, parents who are married, etc.. But more and more I realize that I've just been taking all these things for granted. Some people can't afford to live in a house, or watch t.v., or even know who their parents are.
For the future, I plan to remember that what I have is a gift. It is not something for the taking. I believe that it is important that I have learned this, so I can change my life for the better, and maybe the lives' of others as well...
I have learned that everyone is living a different life. I had always thought that eveything I had was average. A house, a loving family, pets, parents who are married, etc.. But more and more I realize that I've just been taking all these things for granted. Some people can't afford to live in a house, or watch t.v., or even know who their parents are.
For the future, I plan to remember that what I have is a gift. It is not something for the taking. I believe that it is important that I have learned this, so I can change my life for the better, and maybe the lives' of others as well...
In the past year Ive learned a lot of things about myself. For example im not the all star i was last year at wrestling because of the level of competition im facing now. Another thing is how i learned who i can and cant trust. I learned who my true friends are and the ones who are just using me. Also that family is the most important thing. The last thing i learned was that you only have one life so you have to live it to the fullest
-Mitch Slyman
Through my freshman year, I have learned many things. I've learned the values of trust and communication through a past relationship. I have learned respect and perseverence through marching band. Without having had that experience my freshman year, I'd have the same six friends from previous years. Though I still have those friends, I've branched out and made more opportunities for myself. I wouldn't be as great of a musician as I am at this point in time. My classes, besides giving me new knowledge, has helped me over come my struggle with procrastination. I would often put off things to the last minute. Yet this year, I learned that that is absolutely not the correct way to do things; especially for this class. I've come to be more accepting of people I would never have talked to because I thought they were "weird" or "creepy". Now, some of those people are my new found friends, that I would do anything for. Yet, I've also learned how to cope with stress, fear, and hurt in large doses through many fiascos throughout the year.
This year I have learned a lot. Not just in school,but a lot of things. In school I learned I need to try my best and challenge myself. I now know many things that I am able to do with my education because I have pushed myself and know how to work on things. What I've learned about my friendship with different people is that people change. Going into high school I thought I was going to keep all my same friends, but in the end I'm finding out that that's not what is happening. I learned to make new friends because the old are changing. I learned that my family will always be there for me. I knew that before but I really know that know. After staying up late working on projects or swimming at swim meets and something goes wrong they are always there for me. What I learned about high school is that it is not the same as middle school. It is a lot harder, it challenges me to do m best all the time. I also learned that my teammates will always be there for one another. Having to do with the sport or if you just need someone to talk to. I've learned many things this year, many good but some bad.
Throughout this past year I have learned much more than I did the year before. As a student, I have learned that it is much easier to learn if I enjoy a subject or am cognizant of its relevancy (sorry biology). In friendship, I have learned that many high school friendships are fickle in both loyalty and emotion. Because of this, the best friends are often the ones I had before I started high school. With family I have not learned much when compared to the previous years, nor do I care to. None of my siblings are home, and the relationship I have with my parents grows ever multi-layered, as temperamental as we both are. With relationships, I have learned that there are those based on minutes of hormones and infatuation, neither lasting very long, and there are those based on week and months of trying and never succeeding. Sadly, such is high school. As I mentioned above, most things are fickle, temperamental, and unworthy of attention when thoughtful of its value in the future. But as such minors (in the eyes of some adults), we cannot see reason as we have not had enough experiences to even partake in a serious discussion. This I have learned through trials, tribulation and much frustration. This is what 9th-grade taught me.
-J. Shaw
This year i learned that high school changes people. My friends have changed in their attitudes towards me and other people and some of my friends changed so much i just dont want to be friends with them anymore. My family has changed by my family helping each other out more often and supporting them whenever they needed it.I learned that no matter what happens you should always be there for your friends and family.
I have learned many things this year from many kinds of different sources; from class, from my friends, and even from what other people comment on this blog. I have learned just how valuable it is to have friends in a place where you hardly know anybody. I have also learned that even though people tend to hold themselves responsible for something that happens to them, it is not always their fault. Lastly, I have continued to explore just how many things that are thought to be impossible can be overcomed just by looking at them a different way.
One thing I learned about myself as a learner is that I need to completely apply myself. If I only pay attention half of the time, my grades will feel the effect of that. And at first, they did suffer. I was used to being able to doze off during middle school and be able to keep my grades up to my standards. Now, I realized that doing that is not the best idea. Another I have learned about myself during this first year of high school is that you will always meet new people. At first, I thought I would be friends with only my friends from Willets. But I have come to realize that I will make friends from other schools which I have done this year. As I go on through high school, I will learn many more lessons.
-kevin 1st
I have learned this year is to live your life as your's and not let other people take control and tell you what to do. If you sit there and listen to each and every friend then you'll more and likely end up where you truly want. So if I sat here listening to every word one person told me to do, I could possibly end up ding bad negative things, but letting me choose my own path then I'll stand out from the crowd and become a leader of positive things, lead others on to the right path. Friends are just there to help you get up when you fall and give you their opinions. I always ask my true friends for their truthful opinions. It helps me in the long run. I have personally lost some friends in high school, and one friend turned out not to be a true friend and just take away someone special to me, but that just gives me strength to move on and get up on my own. Thats what the whole part of being human is, you do not always need someone to pick you up, you have yourself and thats what I believe in. Thats what I learn in this year and the past.
My thoughts on high school have changed since the first day of school and I have learned so many new things. People have told me that high school was going to be so difficult and you will have hours of homework. I do not find high school that tricky. I learned that if you pay attention and do your work it can go pretty smooth. Also people told me that you lose your old friends from middle school. I have made so many new friends, but most of my best friends are the ones I have known for years. I learned that you need your friends to help you get through high school. They will be there to make you laugh when you need them and I will be able to do the same. I also learned that your family will always be there to help you. During this past year there have been late nights and busy weekends where my parents will help me with homework or help put together a science project. I am not sure how this year would have gone without them. Finally I learned that you have to take that negatives in your life and try to make them into positives. It can help you get through something much quicker.
Kaitlyn 2nd period
Freshman year at Brunswick High School taught me A LOT of things; some good, some bad, but all useful. Some things I've learned about me being a student is that I have to push myself. I can't just get good grades by barely doing work, I have to put forth all effort and bust my butt. I also learned skimming over notes for two minutes is not studying and will not get me an A on a test. Friendship is a very touchy subject for me, but I've learned a lot of things this year. I've learned that people won't always be there like they said, they'll choose new people over you, and people lie to you to look good. Those are just a few things. I've also learned that you can find a true best friend that you'll have forever, knowing them only for a year. If they stick with you through everything and will always be there to pick you up, they're a keeper. This year was definitely the most eye-opening for family. With moving and family members fighting and choosing sides, I learned my immediate family will always mean the most. They will always be there, no matter what. They're the one thing that keeps me together when I'm falling apart. Especially my mom; I became even closer with her this year than I ever thought we would be. Relationships kind of goes hand in hand with what I learned about family and friends. Some people won't always be there for you, but you don't need them. If you have the true few, that's all you need. I learned high school is tough. It will knock you down to the lowest of all lows. You need to push yourself more than ever. People change all around you and situations pop up, but you need to learn how to handle them. The biggest thing this year taught me was how to be strong when everything falls apart.
Throughout the year I have met alot if new people. I have learned alot of new things about myself. Definalty have seen who my real friends are the past year and I have gotten to know my true self. I have also learned alot educationally.
During this year I have learned many things about myself through the way of learning. I learned that I am capable of knowing a lot of stuff. I learned many things about learning by not only myself but others. Outside of the classroom, I learned that keeping friendships is important. Friends are a key in life and you don't want to lose any of them over something stupid. I learned that family will always be there. When I have trouble with something they are always there for me, and thats something I hope to keep. I learned many things about High School. I learned that it can be as fun as you want it to be. I learned that in H.S., you can have fun when you are learning knew things. I learned so many things about myself this year, it has made a better person.
High school has taught me so much about myself. I have learned that hardwork really does pay off. I dedicated myself to studying, taking good notes, going out of my way and staying after school for tutoring and just focusing on getting a really good education. My way of thinking has changed a lot too; i no longer just look at things, i now analyze and actually try to understand what i am really looking at or learning. I know that high school is where one can start to figure out who they really are and i feel like part of me is so phsyched for the future and part of me is still holding on to the past. That is why having a great group of close friends is the best thing a person could have at this age. I have learned that friendship reaches a certain point; i can easily tell my bestfriends anything and i can easily tell them when something they are doing is concerning me or just bothers me. The comfort zone is there and its nice to have a support group through the ups & downs. I can say that my girls are no longer my friends, they are my sisters. I have learned to trust them and its a value i have also taught myself to limit with others because unfortunely high school brings people that seem trustworthy at one point and next thing you know they have done or said something to lose that trust.I learned that my family loves me and that i should cherish and take great advantage of time and spend a lot of it with them. My family knows me like no other person does and they will always be there for me. With relationships, i learned that they are very delicate. When your young and carefree, you look at relationships in a different way. I learned how great it feels to have that one person understand you and constantly remind you how much they care about you. I learned the type of person i turn into in a relationship. A very optimistic side of me shows and my happiness is quite obvious. I also learned how to deal with lifes unexpected decisions. I learned that most relationships don't last for long and things don't always go as planned. I learned to occupy myself and focus on other important things to deal with it aswell. I learned that high school can either be the best last four years of youth or they can be the hardest. I might aswell make the best of them.
i have learned that the world is not fair. and u have to work for the things u want really bad.
This has been a big year, full of new experiences and emotions and not to mention a whole boat load of new people to meet. I have learned a lot about myself, life and highschool that I can compare and reflect about years past. For starters I have learned about the importantance of friendships and how others can help and encourage me in anything I do. My family is not always easy but always by my side and here for some tough love. Driving has been one of the biggest new challenges for me. As I got my temps I felt extremely old, life is so short. I am no longer a child, but not an adult either. I have new responsibilites and my actions now have bigger consequences. It seems as I look back from this year to years past my childhood is leaving me and time is going by so fast, I have to remember to always make each day count and worth something to myself and someone else. Highschool has brought on more work than middle school because of the fact we all are dealing with loads of homework, keeping relationships close to us,family, friends, church and work. Throughout I have been taught how to keep balacned and to overcome being overwhelmed. I cannot thank my parents enough for teaching me that.
In the past year, being in high school i learned so much about myself. For example i found out the way i learn, my studying skills, how to make true friends, etc. i learned that the person you used to be doesnt always stay the same, you grow up , you mature, you make new friends, and life just goes on from there. I learned that you make mistakes in life but you have the power to fix them and learn from your mistakes, not mess up and make more. I learned about myself to stay true to who you are and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. i learned that in high school the friends you used to have dont always stay with you once you get in HS which is upsetting but its reality. i learned that relationships in high school donnt last lonng , they last a week or two and thats it. family wise i learned that family is there for you through anything, they will always have your back through thick and thin , haveing friends is great but its not as great as having your family around . all in all ive learned some good and some bad but hey its reality .
What I learned this year was that to understand someone's- or your- actions you must view the situation objectively. As if from the audience as your life was center stage. A play sent out into the world like a boat to the sea- for all to see.
I have learned a lot from High School. What stands out is how important it is to keep your own identity. Peer pressure never sleeps and as others are conforming to society- the happy and successful people are dancing to their own beat. In TTTC lieutentant Cross wished that he hadn't joined the army. He had only joined because his friends were all signing up and it was worth a few credits. He was not happy, and though I am sure some people are completely content with the system- they will never know what their life would be like if they became a figure skater or a fireman as they once dreamed.
In Of Mice and Men I learned that even the best layed plans can go awry. Even bestfriends who have been around forever can suddenly turn their backs.
I have seen people in the halls who seem like bestfriends, but when one of them leaves the illusion is destroyed and the ugly truth behind it is revealed. All they can talk about is how retarded the other is- it is almost visible how forced their relationship is.
Not all relationships in High School are like this though-strained. Still even a simple misunderstanding can lead to the untimate and ubrupt termination of a relationship- real or fake.
In the past COUPLE years, I've come to realize that people change. This change is fed by the attitudes that diversity brings within the years. In high school, friendships are lost. You come to notice that they will run into the wrong crowd and tend to follow their footsteps. On the other half, friendships are gained. You have to realize what you truly value in life, and find the group of people who tolerate and respect your lifestyle as much as you do. I've lost many people I'm closest to since middle school and it was very hard to get over, but it started the foundation to my future. In regards to my family, I realized that you should always take constructive criticism well in order to be successful in achieving goals, or fixing outside problems. Relationships connect with both of these topics. As you get older, both friendships and family relationships change. In high school, many relationships will last, and others will break. In a lot of cases, neither the boy or girl value the true meaning of the relationship. They give up too much of their life for the sake of their relationship, and it ends up taking a turn for the worse in the long run. For example, they will lose many of their true friends, attack themselves mentally and become detached from their family. High school is a huge jump into the real world. Many people focus too much on their image and to wrong just to fit in. I intend to stay a leader in high school and never follow anybody else's footsteps.
- Pete
This year I learned what I actually like to learn about. I think I finally found the direction I would want to go in life with what I learn. I learned that you should only keep the friends who do the same back for you. If you put a great effort into a friendship, they should give you the same amount of effort back, or they're not worth your time. You'll end up disappointed in the end. I learned that family really is always there for you. I learned that relationships aren't even worth it at this age. Wait until you're an adult, things may come out better. Relationships between people as in friends and family- I've learned the ways they can be strengthened, and what can ruin them. I learned you have to work hard in high school or your future is in the toilet.
-Liz 2nd period
I have learned this year that not everyone can be trusted and only true friends will stick with you no matter what and only want whats best for you and to help you. I have also learned that there are people who only care about themselves and put on a fake facade of caring for others just to get what they want and then toss said person aside like they meant nothing to them in the beginning. I have learned that being patient is hard but if you are patient the rewards will be boundless. My educational experience has been I opening. I have learned to practice and that to get good at something and to know it takes time and effort. I have also learned that to know something in education is not just to simply memorize a fact and recite it on a piece of paper; education is to apply a concept and truly know the meaning and reason behind it. Through what I have learned this year I have grown as a person.
This year, I learned a great deal about myself. I learned some of my limits, and I also learned that I do my best work when I’m being challenged. I do a lot of reflection, because by thinking about the past, you learn for the future. My best friend once told me that the future never improves, if you don’t examine the past. I thought that was very wise, even though at the time, I blew it off because sometimes the past is hard or even painful to think about. High school has taught me a lot about different types of people. There are those who what you see is what you get; there is no mask or layers that you have to chip away at to find the true person. However, there are others who live day by day putting up a façade. I tend to identify more with the honest people, who don’t feel it necessary to put on a show. I feel like I have learned a lot this year, and now I already cannot wait for next year.
In the past year I have maily learned that people change. Friendships do not always stay the same, but family will always be what matters most. I have learned that nobody can do something that they do not want to do, there comes a point when people have to worry about themselves first and not about pleasing others. I have learned that there is more to the world than just what I know and who I know, there is a bigger picture that everyone is still trying to understand.
Within this year, I have learned to accept what has transpired, and to view the world with a more knowledgable and understanding eye. I have also learned to be less shy and open. I have learned that you cannot change what has already occured, but you can change what the outcome will be, by acting in the present. I feel like i have gained a greater spiritual understanding also, and how everything is connected in one way or shape, or form, and how everything, down to the most insignificant little object, has a purpose.
This year i learned that only a true friend will be there for you even when you are fighting, and there are many people that will pretend to be your friend even though they are not.
I learned that my family is the most important thing in my life and that without them i would never go anywhere with my life.
with relationships, i learned that they most likely not last forever and you shouldnt base your life off of them. I learned that high school is alot harder that i thought it would be and that it is full of drama.
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