Yes, I am going to talk about this topic this week. Our second Act deals with the result of Romeo and Juliet seeing each other for the first time and kissing at the ball. Here, is the idea of love at first sight.
This idea has always been touted as a "romantic" idea only to be seen in Disney movies or romantic comedies. We see it in "Cinderella," "Snow White," "Little Mermaid," and many others.
I think there is a part of all of us that wants to believe that this type of relationship exists. We hope that we will see our dream across the room and our hearts will know before our minds that true love exists. However, love is more than this.
Yes, a spark may be ignited in an instant. This spark may burn us from the inside out with a desire to be with, dream of, and connect with our dream. But what is it that keeps the love glowing?
In looking at our play, love will show itself beyond the characters of Romeo and Juliet. Think about love. We know that love between man and woman involves many things. We are going to stick to the brain, heart, and soul components for this blog. (no physical discussion will be held.) Where does it come from? How do you know that you love? Is romantic love the only type of love? How does it evolve? Ultimately, how does it dissipate?
Love is perhaps one of the most complex emotions that a person is capable of feeling. It is fueled by attraction, happiness, enjoyment, and maybe even hatred at times. I'll be honest; I don't know exactly how to put the concept of love into words.
I've always wondered if love is generated from the heart, as people believe, or if the concept is conceived in the brain and evolves through thought. If you ask some of my peers, they'll tell you that the true way to love is through the stomach. I can't say I believe that, but the theory is rather amusing. Personally, love is that euphoric feeling that sparks and ignites joy. I can say I love to read, I love my family and friends, or I love ice cream. Each one brings me joy, but each one generates a different type of love. Reading and ice cream are guilty pleasures, but the bond I share with my friends is that inexplicable type of emotion that I associate love with. Of course, there is the romantic love that is the common bond a couple shares, but that is something that I've only ever seen portrayed in novels and movies. Most high school relationships are far from love, and I'm certainly not interested in watching my parents flirt, so the concept of romantic love is rather hard for me to describe.
Love is fragile, and therefore easy to dissipate. Although it normally takes two to establish, it can only take one to rip down. The fragility of love makes it easy to break over disagreements, arguments, and the like. Personally, I believe that if love is true it will not easily shatter. I also believe that I'm not exactly one to speak in favor or against love, for I am still too young to fully understand it. Only time will tell if my ideas and fantasies are accurate, but until then and perhaps even after, love will remain a mystery.
Love is definitely something I don't fully understand. At least the romantic relationship type of love. I understand the love for one's family perfectly fine. I'm not sure where love comes from or how someone would know they are in love. Technically love comes from the brain. But in the feelings sense love comes from a connection I suppose. Wanting to learn more about or person or the connection between family where someone wants to protect the one they love from anything and everything. Whether its familial love or romantic no one wants to lose it. Romantically I don't know how someone knows they are in love, I have never been in love so I really can't answer that except from my movie knowledge. In that case someone who is in love will do anything and everything to keep that person and make them theirs forever (sounds creepy, I'm aware). I think someone would know they love another person in any sense if they can't truly imagine their life without the person they love. Obviously, from the way I have been respondiong I think there is more than just romantic love. There is also love between family, friends, for some people even their pets. I know love grows and evolves, I'm not sure of the stages. I think a lot of the evolution of love depends on the amount of time spent with person, whether its too much or too little. I know loves dissipates because of a loss of interest, knowing too much about someone, someone being unfaithful, or doing something that can't be forgiven. I do know of a quote that everyone has heard once or twice that holds true in this situation. A person never really knows how much they loved something until it's gone.
~Abbi R. 1st period~
I have always viewed love as a special attraction, a bond at most times, between two people. This bond can be between a parent and child, a husband and wife, even two friends can have a certain type of "love" between them. Where it comes from is from the heart and brain, where our mind tells us that person is pretty or good-looking, our brain causes mixed emotions about the person opposite to you. For example, when the brain would tells us no I cannot be with this person for reasons unexplained, our real thought would be YES!, I wanna be around this person all the time. However, the heart can truly tell us if it's love or not. An example is where some pretty girl, and a guy she has known for a long time are attracted to eachother, where they start out as friends, then become lovers after so long, because their hearts lead them to this direction. However, love just does not have to be romantic. It can also be between friends and family members. Finally, love-like relationships evolve from simple friends and peers to lovers at last. This can be done from dating, seeing your lover frequently, and other things as well, which eventually lead to lovers at last. In the end, however, it can end be fights, or the realization that you just were not right for eachother.
Love comes from many different parts in a relationship. Love is what you feel and believe. It comes from trust, belief, and your own happiness. You cannot really see love, as an obsever. We can feel love between ourselfs and the person we love, but no one else can see it. Love is all based on yourself and how you feel. One might view love and attraction and joy and happiness. Another might view love as companionship or loyalty. Love doesn't just have to be romantic. There are many differnt types of love that different people show. I have love towards my friends, family, and different hobbies I have. Love comes from the persons attraction towards what they love. Whether it be looks, personality, the feeling you get, or just the person/thing in general, love can evolve from anything.
Let me just say I am a hopeless romantic. I live for the romance in books and movies. Although I tend to find interest in the topic of love I have never once myself felt true romantic love. I believe that love comes from the heart. Many people would argue that love comes from the brain but I believe the brain in mainly for generating thoughts and analyzing ones surroundings. If you analyze and focus on love too much, it is no longer love. Love is an unexpected feeling that one can never break down. I know that I love because there is a connection between me and what I love. But love is a very hard concept to break down. Honestly I have no idea what and why I love. It is just an emotion I feel from time to time. I know that I love to dance and read, and even my friends and family. But those are two very different things. I loving dancing and reading in the sense that they give me joy, but I love my friends and family because of the connection we share together. As I have said before I have never felt romantic love but this is not the only type of love. I love my friends, family and some objects of interest as well. Love evolves through the two people and the special bond between the two. I would to say I believe in love at first sight but it is quite rare. And I have only experienced true love in books and movies. The relationships I have witnessed at school are not true expressions on love, and I tend not to dwell on the love between my parents and adults that I am close to. In the end, love can be over through fights, or just the fact that the two people never got to know each other in the dating stage and learned too much about the other that they did not agree with. Or overall they just drew apart and dwelled on their differences. I believe that love can last forever, if wanted and believed in my both sides of the relationship.
love is a emotion that i have had little expierience with many (as do i) believe love in the terms of counter parts (man and woman) is spirtualy preordained such belief may be so from the genisis saying god made eve for adam from one of his ribs though the emotion is often know in western wrighting's it more unique to the individual understanding of it and is often stated as a key part of life and is said that those with out have no reason to live the story of ullyses returning to his wife penolope which tookhim ten years to get back showing the need for it
I believe that love comes from the most deep parts of the mind souil and body. Lovestarts in the pit of a persons stomach when they first see that special person. The butterflies start getting louder and more fluttery when that person comes near and when it is found that they are the special person. Then the bond gets deeper when talking and finding out about each other starts to happen. After that comes dating and connecting on an even deeper level. I believe that when a person falls in love they will just know. I don't think that romantic love is the only type of love their is. People use love very losely. They love things and activities not just people, like one normally thinks. Love evolves slowly. It takes a very special person to find out everything about someone and except them for who they are. When love dissipates is a very tricky thing to try and define. Love can dissipate quickly but more often then not it unravels slowly. People learn things about who they've fallen in love with that they don't like and ultimately it ruins the love.
~Rebecca H.~
LoVe comes from many different things. You know that you love cause u can feel it. Romantic love is not the only type of love theres many types. It evolves the more your around the things u love. Love diSsipates when there is a confliCt or u just lose the feelings u had for the things u love
Love is actually to be honest, a topic I am not too familar with myself. But from watching the glow in other's eyes, the intimacy that two individuals share, I can but make some guesses.
Love does not seem to nest in the heart; it seems to simply radiate. It seems to sometimes be the only connection or substance between two people; the only motive. I think of love more as a substace. It can make other's drunk, bubble and flutter inside of someone, and even cause pain. It can be like a drug; make one's heart pound, stomach flip, and even cause shortness of breath. It can even cause others to hallucinate and daydream. If authentic and genuine, love can help relationships flourish and pass over speed bumps.
Love comes in many different forms, not just the romantic type. It can be between a mother and child, close friends, and you can even express love towards a band you enjoy or food. Love doesn't just come about because of marriage; love can be spread around to others and objects. But like marriage, love can only prosper and flourish with trust, connection, loyalty, and compassion. Without these key ingredients, one may not deserve love from another.
Love is not easy to lift off one's shoulders; it really needs a serious and dire reason to leave someone for good. Such as lying and cheating, stabbing one in the back, or even if your favorite band's new songs totally sucks. It takes time to form love, and takes time to remove love. Unless taquitoes all of the sudden became gross then that would be easy to stop loving. But taquitoes will always be awesome.
Awww!! I love love! Nicholas Sparks books, romantic comedies, plays, shows, life...anything with love, I'm all over. I guess you can say that I love the idea of love, being that I myself have never been in love. What is often associated with love that I think everyone is so attracted to is the happiness linked to it. At least that's all I would ever want out of love, just being happy. I have learned from my parents, though, that love is hard work. I remember asking my mom when I was little how she knew she loved my dad. She told me that from their first date, she knew she was going to marry him because they were complete opposites. They have made it through high school, college, and 18 years of marriage, not easily, but they've made it. I can only hope that one day, I can be half as happy as my parents are. When I think about love, to be honest, at first I think about the Notebook, and A Walk To Remember. And how there are tear marks on the last few pages of Dear John. But then I realize that those are just stories, and that they were made for people like me to cry and go crazy. So then I think about real love. The kind that I can see in my own home. The kind that I still wonder about, but still hope for. Of course, I have loved people. I love my sisters and brother, my bestfriend, and my teammates. This is a different type of love. It's a bond that we share, something that can never be taken away from us. Romantic love, on the other hand, seems to get all the credit. This kind of love is the connection between two people that are sincere and genuine. You should be able to trust the person with you life, and want to spend time with them. That person naturally brings out the best in you. Like I said, I'm not quite sure what that love feels like, but I'm guessing it's supposed to feel natural, right, and maybe even make you feel completed. That's how the books describe it at least. Love evolves over time. The more you know about a person, the more you can understand them, and the more they can understand you. When you're really in love, you'll always want to find out more about each other. A part of me believes that once you fall in love, you can never forget it. That doesn't mean that you will always love the person, it just means that that person will always be a very important part of you or your life. I think people have second chances at love, just with other people. Again, these are just guesses. I'll have a better idea when I'm actually in love.
Hallie 4-5
Love comes from two things; a chemical response generated inside our brains as a survival mechanism to carry on our genes when we see a person who's physical appearance is seen to be much like our own and an emotional compatibility when two people have all the right emotional qualities in common. I know I experience this chemical euphoria when I experience a joy that only one certain person or thing can bring on. Examples of this would be getting a new drum set piece, getting a hug from that special someone, or eating your favorite candy bar that you haven't had in a couple months. As you can see in the examples romantic love is not the only kind there. There is the love of friends, family, or objects. None of these are necessarily wrong,like an attachment to an object or a loved one. It evolves when you experience these things enough so that you not only enjoy the positive things that come with it, you also enjoy the negatives. It comes when you get so used to the fact that that negative thing is there you say, "I can't avoid it so I might as well learn to love it." It ultimately dissipates when to people lose trust in each other, or when in objects those challenges become easy.
Love is an extreme emotion. It is an emotion that is so complex that it can make and ruin people's days at the drop of a hat. It is a bond, but at first it is a simple feeling. It is created differently for different people. Some people "fall in love" very easily, while others never fall for anyone. For the most part, it is created with a physical attraction, however it does not always start this way. From there, the personality and enjoyment takes over. It is then metamorphasized into a deep care and passion. It is then that you know that you love someone, when you care about them so much that you cannot get them out of your head, or when you get those little butterflies in your stomach when others talk about them. Those are the signs of love. However, that is all only true for romantic love. The other types of love are family love and friend love. Family love, well you might not always want to love your family, but you do not truly have a choice when it comes to them. As time passes, though, you may care for them, so one may feel the side effects of love. The final type of love is friend love; which like its other love siblings, stems from care. It is when your friend deeply care about you, and you feel the same. It is when you are close with them, and can share anything with them. People can usually have fun doing almost anything with their best friend, but that is just a perk of friendship love. Love can sometimes evolve from romantic love to friendship love over time, once the attraction part subsides, and you really love the person for their personality, but are not necessarily attracted to the other person. It can dissipate easily when the person you thought you loved turns out to be a totally different person then you thought he/she was in the first place. IF they repeatedly hurt you and show the opposite characteristics that attracted you, then i would know that i definitely do not love this person anymore at all, however this is not the case with many girls.
Love is not something that is easily defined, or fully understood. Love arises from many different sources, such as the yearning to be with somebody and to have them be happy. Love can also come from the longing to be safe, and to not be alone. Love can come from the ravenous desire to be loved and accepted, and you automatically love whoever fills that need. I tend to ‘love’ people more the more time I spend with them, such as my family, simply because I know them better. I also cannot love someone who doesn't love me back for any length of time. I don't try to do this; I just lose interest in the person. Affection grows out of understanding, because it’s impractical for people to harm people that they know well and are close to. If this occurred often, it would slow down/jeopardize corporation- a necessary element in our social needs. One could argue that love is as much/more for ourselves than for the other person, almost all people need to love and be loved to be happy. You know you are in love by the way you act and feel when you are around or think about a person. All sorts of emotions can be expressed, but if they are different then what you would normally feel, and are not hostile, it may be love. I recall that I read somewhere about the five ‘Love languages’ like gift-giving, spending time together, and physical touch( security and connection) I remember that you could take a test to see which one you were most like, with most people ‘speaking’ 1-3. Romantic love is certainly not the only kind of love! There is a mother’s love for her child, the love between siblings and family, the love of friendship that is pure and genuine, and the love a person has for a certain group or cause they belong to. Romantic love, in my opinion, is the most deceiving type of love. Most other kinds of love are more solid, but being so stable and less dynamic and passionate, people tend not to think about them as much. Love evolves with the people spending time with each other, sharing new experiences and creating memories, as well as getting to know their likes/dislikes and worldview. Love dissipates all too easily, like when a person is not who you thought they were, or when unattractive and unwanted qualities come into full view, and when other, more important things in your life are sacrificed or compromised for this person. When you have to choose between two things, you will probably feel some resentment toward the person/thing that made you have to make a choice in the first place. You may also dislike the idea of them controlling or manipulating you, or you may simply have not fully understood what kind of person they were. I still think that you love the person you thought they were; they just were not what you believed them to be.
I have absolutely no freakin' clue where love comes from. I could stick to the sentimental horse-hockey about, "Our eyes met from across the room and the red heat swarmed over my body, my heart melted, and from that moment on I knew she was the one." The truth is we dont know where love comes from, or even what it is. Some say it's merely a biological thing, while others say it's a gift from god. I would think that you know you're in love because of your willingness to do anything for them, even to die for them. There is more then just the romantic love, such as the love a father has for his son, or a child for his mother. Love can evolve from the simple friendship to the burning passion of two youths, or even from the absolute hatred between two people. I think the idea of "True Love" can't dissipate, in the sense that it dies with the two people who shared the love, but love can be broken by trust being destroyed by one member of the relationship. I've been told by my father that trust is a glass needle, perfectly balancing a large rock atop it. When the needle is broken, it's very hard to fix it.
As a side note, I'm somewhat surprised by your saying, "We know that love between man and woman involves many things." There are many Gay and Lesbian couples who would take offense to your saying so. There are two such couples in my immediate family, and they get along so many times better then my parents who are, "So in love". Just a thought, not an attack.
Love comes from you heart. When you see somebody and feel butterflys in your stomache it means that ur falling in love. Love it is romantic and of what I know romantic onl has to deal with love. Love envolve when the person died, or when something happing to him/her or when him/her cheated on her/him, and love actually doesnt dissipate. This is what I think of love.
Love comes from a chemical response from the brain when you “fall in love”. This is created by the physical or instantious chemical reaction from a member of the opposite gender. You can feel this emotion in your heart and soul (even though that is not where it is created). You know that you have love when you can feel it emotionally AND physically by yourself when you think of her/him. Romantic love is not the only type of love, the most common form of love is physical/object love. This is a special connection with something nonliving, such as a racquet, drum set, or even as small as a pencil or pen. Love evolves when you realize that there is more to a relationship then just the friendship, when you feel like more than just being friends. Love can dissipate only when you do not feel anything for the other person anymore. This can take a very long time, or not at all, just on how they affected you.
Love is uncontrollable. There are many forms of love, some deeper than other. True love is fascinating. It acts like a drug. The person in love is numb to all and everything. They float above their surroundings not seeing anything, with eyes still open. It is unconditional love. Sometimes people can be afraid to be vulnerable to this type of love, or at least I am. There are lower levels of love as well. Such as my love for chocolate cake. Or spongebob. These types of love evolve into stronger forms and maybe even addiction ( Chocolate Cake (: ). These small loves go away over time, or are always there in the back of your mind, but true love always remains.
Love and hate are the two most powerful emotions a person can feel. Any other emotion stems from them. Love can make or break you, if you choose to let it. There is nothing worse than a broken heart. Love is exciting, passionate, thrilling, and it makes you really happy. You know you’re in love when that person takes up residence in your head, and is almost impossible to get out. The littlest things remind you of them, and you get butterflies when they walk in the room. You know you’re in love when you look at a person and can tell what their thinking or what their feeling. Love is a powerful connection that you share with someone. Some people say that love is manufactured by chemicals in your brain, and is stemmed by the survival instinct to survive and pass on your genetics. I believe that people who think love is a simple function of the brain are cynical and haven’t experienced love yet. Love comes from the heart, and no matter how much you fight it, when you truly love someone, your brain has no say in the matter.
Love is confusing and I feel like I've felt it before, but I know I haven't--not in the romantic sense, anyway. It's too complicated for me to understand or even attempt to explain. I can get so involved in movies in which the characters are in love that I feel like I'm falling in love with their love. I love the type of love they share. In movies, which is the only source I can use to describe romantic love since I've never felt it myself, the majority of the time love only brings pain and tortures the ones who experience it, but yet it is always worth it in the end. It seems to generate in the pit of the stomach, with that "Oh my gosh look at that person and all their attractiveness over there" type of feeling where you can't even think straight, and grow from there when more is learned about the person, an emotional connection is made and two people are bonded.
I think you know that you're in love when you are fluttery yet not afraid. What I mean is that you are not afraid to be yourself around the person because you know that they will always care for you no matter your...quirks. Yet, you are still fluttery, as in that crazy feeling in your stomach, because just being with that other person makes you feel that way. Now, other types of love could be for family and friends or objects and possessions. This kind of love doesn't give the fluttery feeling, but you know the love is there because if you put some deep thought into it, you'd realize that your life would be pretty hard to live without him/her/it.
Love for anything, under any of these circumstances, can evolve with time and how often you are with the thing you love. Obviously, if you are with a person more often, you learn more about them and your feelings either grow or shrink with this newfound knowledge. You may find something out about that person that makes you never want to be around them again, or you may learn exactly what you wished would be true. This leads to the last point about how love dissipates, which I just explained some of. It can dissipate with the knowledge of something about a person that you dislike. It can also dissipate with time spent apart, but not always. Sometimes, I believe love can strengthen with time apart. It all depends on the relationship and the people involved. This is all just a guess and what it seems like from the outside looking in, because until I feel true romantic love or maybe not even then, will I begin to comprehend it.
~Brooke C. 1st period
Love is something that you feel inside and express outside. True love is what comes directly from your heart, or in other words, your heart is the forever president of love. There are many types of love. Not just romantic. You can have love for a person, a place or even an oject. I personally have an over flowing love for Chocolate and clothes. I love my family and friends very much, and one day i'll have the romantic love. I know when I love something when I keep wanting something. I think love evolves when someone breaks someone's heart. Yeah the heartbroken feel's they can't trust the heartbreaker anymore. But when the heartbreaker realizes what they did and how wrong it was, their love for the other increases and they want them back in their life. I think love dissipates when it's passed on and expressed to one another all day, everyday!
Love comes from the mind, and i don't believe it can consume or define the heart. I believe this because human attraction is due to chemicals in the brain, and love is a foul trick our minds play on us in order to further our species. BUT there are lucky humans who are somehow able to keep this euphoric love going. There are also many types of "love". Family, friendship, animal and material. The above 4 are platonic love, yet I am not convinced that it is really "love". I think it is rather bonds between people/things/animals and we define this relationship by calling it love. Do you understand? Love is not what defines the bond, the bond is charcterized as love.
Love can smolder into ashes, which is actually the normal (i believe). Love is not suppose to be a long term commitment, it is only the recent society way that we define love as one person belonging to another. In Romeo and Juliets time, the men and women often loved others and that was thought to be ok. Nowadays, if you "love" more than one, you are labeled as disgusting names (Im sure youve heard those names in the hall). So yeah, thats my opinion.
Love is an emotion that comes from the mind. It is an unconrollable feeling that i sinfluenced mostly by the actions of the person being loved. There are many foems of love other than the love felt between two people who are dating or married. There is the love between family members. There is also the love for inanimate objects, music, movies, or shows. Love is a strong bond and I do not know where it forms, but I think that true love never ends. I think that if love ends, it is because two people have changed so much that they can not be in love anymore, but that does not mean they do not love one another in a different way.
Hallie 2nd period
Love is an emotion that i feel without thinking. It is an instinctual emotion that guides our lives. Sometimes we love things and we do not know it. I think this is love in its purest form. When we can enjoy something and not feel the pressure to put a name to it, I think we can truely let go and be ourselves. When love is adressed it can lead to pain. Love cannot be defined by one action because love is a combination of many differant feelings. The love that we feel for differant tings in our lives carry unique emotions. What I am trying to say is that love i not always shown through romantic gestures. Love is something that we feel without thinkig about it. It just happens. I think that is what makes love so special. the uncertainty of it creates sensitivity and excitement. Through love a bond between the person and another object or person is created. Over time this bond is strengtheneed. The longer this bond lasts, the stronger it gets. As a result the love that is felt is harder to dissapate. Love between people may dissapate because of a lack of trust or uncertainty about the future. However i believe that once love is felt it can never completely be erased.
Love is an emotion that comes through a person's attraction, or there heart, or even when you form bonds with other people, it is also sometimes formed in a relationship. When I love i actually show it by giving someone a hug, i also show love when i say it to someone. There is more kinds of love than just romantic love, you have frindship love, family love, and a lot more different loves. Love evolves between two people that love each other and have spent a lot of time with each other. Love also evolves between two people that can trust there partner. Love dissipates when your partner dissagress with you, or you fight over things, or your boy/girl friend cheats on you, or you start spreading rumors about your girl/boy friend.
The definition of love is simply this " Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.''
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Love should always be able to be replaced with someone's name in this passage. If the name fits, that person is truly love.
I know that love is something unconditional, and the more you love someone, the more it doesn't make sense. If you were to ask me what love is, I would show you photos of Life Teen retreats, because we are a family, and surely we would regret hurting one another. We have feelings of infatuation, which we interpret as love, but in reality, it is just temporary passion that will soon die away. I think that the definition of love depends mainly on perception. For some, God is love. For others, love is the feeling they have for their friends. and for others, love is this: I knew you were the angel that carried my broken body, to heal my wounds, to bring me back to life.you are my angel. in your arms i have found peace. you found i was precious. worth so much more than i thought. I could swear that God sent you to help me on my way. and now i am an angel, just like you. there's nothing to hide. with such a gentle smile, i put my hand in yours. Angel.
A. Plumlee
I am very happy with this blog question for I'm a hopeles romantic. But never realy felt that love but I feel it now I have a love I cherish his company his opinions and his veiws. I love to tell him how I love him cuz he dose the same fir me. But love is something tuff you know it's love when you let them in and tell them your secrets and how you feel. For guys they become protective upon there love and never want there love to be hurt. Girls feel the boy is honest and feels safe and wants to be with them as much s possible. You can also have love already for someone like a mother and her newborn child they have a love bond by birth. Love is strong and also weak many can't handle loss of love and many go crazy when they found love ether way love is what makes us who we are as emotional people.
Most cases a person believes they are "in love" by the looks of a person before they know them. In my opinion, real love is when you grow a deep attraction and adoration to another for their personality, and then looks could just be the sprinkles on the cake. You know you love when the person becomes all you think about, or care for greatly. When their name crosses your mind, or you pass their face, or hear their voice, all you can think of is how much you wish they were yours. Romantic love is definitely not the only type of love. There is family love. Which, once again in my opinion, should be more important than the love of another person. Love evolves when the person you have your heart set on loves you back. Once you are both connected the happiness just goes on and evolves into whatever they desire. Jealousy can lead to a downward spiral in love. Fights about silly things can also do so.
-Liz 2nd period.
Love exists in many forms and shapes,But it's certain love that has a lasting memory or impact. Everybody remembers there first love because it's the first time you felt special or important, I'm saying this based on a fact not my personal experiance because I have yet to fall in love. I think you know when your in love is when your actions come from your heart and not your brain. Romantic is not the only type of love, There is many ; A love between family memembers, a love between friends;. I think love evolves over time, It does not take one night or one time to truly fall in love, that's what makes romeo and juliets story so fascinating, they fell in love instantly; or as people say "Love at first sight" But it seems as most people have to pull out there 'binoculars' and search a little harder. Love dissipates by evil or time. Just because you loved that person in the beginning doesn't mean they are that same person in the end. That's why there are allot of divorces; when time changes people change. Ultimately at the end of the day when my child asks "Who was your first love" I don't just want to pull out an old yearbook or photo, I want to point across the room and say "That's him".
Love is patient, and love is kind,
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude,
it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects,
always trusts, always hopes,
always perseveres.
Love never fails.
- Corinthians 13
-Lexie G
2nd period LA
Like many people, I'am also a hopeless romantic. And like many people I love reading about true love, love triangles, and the heros that die for love, but I find myself falling in love with the idea of love. I have never felt the feeling of 'true love' or a 'romantic love'. I believe that love comes from your heart and also it just pops up. When you say you love to read, write, run, dance, and sing you (me as well) are stating things that give you joy or happiness (things you love to do). For me the idea of 'true love at first sight' is a silly fantasy of a six year old girl with pigtails in her hair, dreaming that her 'prince' will find her and make her happy. Well guess what, I hardly believe anyone today sees someone and is instantly in love. The idea of 'true love' is different. It plays on the idea that two people are committed, honest, respectful, and loving to each other. When I find that person I want to spend the rest of my life with, he has to be my 'true love'. True love in movies is not what we see in real life. Without fights, happiness, crying, anger, and forgiveness true love (to me) can't go on. I believe that with the right person love can last forever. (:
one of my favorite quotes from the notebook----->
Noah: Thats what we do, we fight! You tell me when i am being an arrogent son of a b**** and i tell you when you are being a pain in the a**, which you are 99% of the time! i am not afraid to hurt your feelings. You have a 2 second rebound rate and then your back to the next pain in the a** thing.
Alli: So what
Noah: So it is not going to be easy, it is going to be really hard. And we are going to have to work at it everyday. But i want to do that because i want you,all of you ,forever, you and me, everyday,
Love can be a great and also depressing thing.Its caused by a chemical reaction in the brain that stimulates your hormones and makes you attracted to that person. It can be annoying at times to because sometimes the person doesn't like you back and your stuck with those feelings. Also when your a teenager you think your in love with people all the time when your actually not. That's what love is.
Love is a very hard emotion to comphrend it comes spontaneously with whoever you find atttractive. Love can be a very hard thing to lose and an easy thing to receive. Love can be achieved by the person you find to love you most. And love can be destroyed by the person who loves you the most by a mistake or one person doesn't loveyouthe same way you love them.
Love comes from the desire to be with someone that you enjoy spending time with. It is a connection between two people, usually a very tight connection. When you are in love, you get that feeling in your stomach and your heart begins to race every time you see that person . You have and urge to talk to them or be around them. When you love an object, you find comfort in having/using is. Romantic love is not the only type of love. One can develope love for a close family member, friend, or an object. It evolves from the friendship of two people and grows into a closeness that they can only have with each other. It can dissipate if an event occurs that tears each other apart, such as a conflict. Also, the feeling can dissapear, leading to a loss of love.
Love is a strong word.
Love is a product of many things like passion, fondness,wholeness and happiness.
It is hard to explain how you know your in love, and as far as I know I have never been in love, at least romantically. Even so I know what love feels like.Love is a spark, a sincere joy, a warmth,a high.Love evolves from friendship and caring an ultimitly never dissapeares.
Love is a strange word. People love each other but yet they love there ipod or phone. There is more than one type of love. I think love comes from your mind. It can be love of a object or of a person. Some people use it as a friendly term. Like they love your coat or something, or they love you as friend. Love is a weird thing, I tihnk you make love. By that I mean you create love.
-Mitch Andzelik-
Love comes from a closeness of two people i think. it happens when the other realized they cant go a day without seeing, thinking, or hearing about another person. There is a friendship love, family love and romantic love i believe. Love evolves from a close friendship i think. i dont think love ever really goes away i just think it weakens when dishonesty happens.
Love is one of the bad but good kin d of emotions. love can either be terrible by breaking your heart or good and making you feel like u can fly away with the person you love. you know your in love when you can trust the person with any secret or anything you can always care about them and you always want to be by the person. i think that thier is mroe then one type of love such as chemical love where you are matched with someone. i also think thiers love at first sight and also love in which you fall in love with someone out of the blue.love evolves by how a relatuionshop goes on such as the more you spend time the more love and the more trust shows to the person.
Koa ^
Love comes from the happiness and emotions you feel around a person. I think that a lot of people feel like they are in love when they really are not. If you actually were in love, you would do anything for that person, you wouldn't be interested in anyone else and you would have changed as a person, because you are willing to do anything to win over your loved ones heart. Romantic love is not the only type of love though. To me, there are four types of love. Friendship love, family love, romantic love and unconditional love. I have a love for one of my bestfriends Alec, I would do anything for him and I can talk to him about anything and I know he will always be there for me, this is the type of love and person that everyone neeeds in their life. I think love does evolve, since a 15 year old and a 40 year old probably do not feel the same while in love. Throughout time, growth, change and feelings, love is evolving. I do not believe in love at first sight. I think love is ever growing and you cant be in love after seeing someone once and not really getting to know them. Love begins to dissipate when a person feels unhappy and dissatisfied. I dont think love completely goes away though, once you give someone a piece of your heart, it stays with them forever.
i am in love with the idea of love. i LOVE watching romantic movies reading romantic book ang hearing about two individuals falling in love. i feel that love comes from the deapest part of the heart. i dont believe in love at first sight because you dont know the person well enough to love them. you have to get to know them well enough for your heart to tell you you love them. i believe there are other types of love than romantic there can be risky fun relaxed ect. love may not end up they way you wanted it too but it is envolved in the actions you take so i dont believe that "love never fails".
Love comes from your heart, and your soul. You know that you love (some one)when everytime you think about them you get a warm feeling in your gut and you believe that they are the only thing that will ever make you happy, and that without them, you feel like you are nothing.
There are many types of love. there is love for your family, for your friends, sports, foods, activities, and your "significant other".
Love evolves from countless hours of enjoying the thing you are "in love with".
The love for a boyfriend/girlfriend evolves from sharing things that you both have in common, talking for hours, and spending time together.
Love can "dissipate" (end or dissapear) if there is an argument(with a person), or if you find that you nolonger need the person you are/ were in love with or even if you feel something better has come along in your life that make you feel as though you need to "let go" of your loved one.
it comes from hormones. You know because you have similar interests or hobbies or ideas. no. the more two people would stay together the stronger they feel about each other which leads to marriage eventually. It dissipates when the people stop liking each other which usually results from an argument.
Love comes not only from the heart, but from the soul as well. The soul is who you are, and I believe that we love one another with our whole selves.
Love is a powerful thing. Love is a choice. Love is created when you care deeply for someone. Love is when you would give yourself for that person. This powerful emotion isn't just given between a boyfriend/girlfriend or a /husband/wife, but for your friends an family as well. You know that you love when you would do anything for that person. You know that you love when you can be yourself around them. You know that you love when this person makes you feel like the most wonderful person alive.
Although love is a strong connection made between two people, it is also an emotion on material things. Like how I love ice cream, and I love fishing, and I love reading, and I love etc... Overall, love is an expression of the positive emotions that you hold towards someone or something.
The love that you have towards certain material things never really evolve. Though when you love a person, your love for each other grows as you grow closer, and discover more about one another, and discover more about yourself through each other. Though if two people grow apart, the love itself could fade, Although love is an extremely powerful thing, it is also very fragile and requires a great deal of respect.
Love is complex yet simple at the same time. It technically comes from the brain but I like to think that it comes from the heart. It seems more special that love has its own special place. When you are in love you just know it. You get that feeling inside that makes you smile. There is no real explanation of it. Romantic love is most deffinitly not the only type of love. You can have love for your friends, family, pets, and activities. I love my family with my life and I love my friends like they are family. Love evolves from two people getting to know each other and having a special bond. It is built on trust, respect, loyalty, communication and many other characteristics. It continues to get stronger through the years that people are together. Love dissipates when people lose the special bond that they have together. They lose trust and respect for each other and it goes downhill from there. Some people are just not meant to be together, while others are soulmates. Love can last forever. It is in the hands of the people in love.
Kaitlyn R. 2nd
Love comes from your soul, and can go beyond the grave. For instance, when a loved one dies, you can still some how feel their love. You know you love when you would do anything for that person, and be totally selfless for them. Romantic is definitly not the only type of love. Love can be between your friends your parents, your pets, or anything you find really enjoyable. Love isn't just physical, its a bond betwwen people, that can make you feel light inside. Love can evolve by recieving a greater understanding of the person you love, or learning more about yourself. In many cases, people file divorces because their love has dissapated. Love can dissapate when your true self emerges. You learn that the person you lovee is not who who though, or they have gone through changes that changed the person.
Love comes from the trust, respect, and friendship between two people. You love something when you can't picture your life without it. You can love someone romantically but you can also love them as a family member, as a friend, or you can love something because it makes you happy. Love evolves from trust, respect, friendship, compassion, faithfulness, and caring for one another. It dissipates when one or more of those things goes missing. Love is a very fragile thing and is ment for those only who know how to use it. It can be made just as easily as it can break.
Love is just great! I love the whole concept of love. Growing up, I've always wanted the whole fairy-tale love story like in the movies. Now that I'm older, I realized that's not always what love is, but it can be if you make it. For some people, it can take a short period of time to develop this kind of love or it can take forever. Love comes from really bonding with the other person. You are the same in a sense, you seem as if you share a soul. You like the same things, you think the same ways, you just click. You can tell that you're in love when that person is all you think about. When you'd take a bullet for them. When you would give anything and everything for that one person to be happy. You would walk to their house, at three o'clock in the morning, in the pouring rain if they really needed you. Just that relationship you feel is present in your brain can show that you're in love. Romantic love is probably the most common form of love and the one everyone thinks of, but that is definitely not the only kind in the world. There is love you can show to your family, the love you show to your best friends, the love you can show to items or possessions. Your love can grow and become stronger just by sticking with your partner. Showing them that you will never leave them and you'll always be there if they need you. Once you get older and more mature, there's a lot more you can do with love, but there's still things we can do now. I believe your lover should also be your best friend, so they should just show those kind of qualities. Unfortunately, not all love stories have happy endings. Sometimes it just doesn't work out, not everyone has that click and the people clash. A couple can lose their love in many ways, and sadly, it only takes one person to break it. The other person can fight and fight, but in the end it just may not work. Some ways love can slowly crumble is by arguing about silly things,losing your trust in that person, and just becoming unloyal. Take all the things that end a friendship, and multiply it times one hundred. Love is a whole 'nother level, so it takes more hurt to fall apart. I can't say that I will never suffer from heartbreak, but I hope I'm smart enough to know it was for the best. I personally think the term "love" is overused, but sometimes it just fits. I hope to have one of the exceptionable guys that really means it when they say "I love you."
Love is something we all strive to find at some point in our lives. I believe love comes a place in the brain. You know its love when that person or something never leaves your thoughts. Also you know its love when you get an feeling that words cannot describe when your around that person. I believe that Romantic love is not the only kid of love but its the one that everyone is trying to find. People love materialistic things like their Xbox or their iPod but it is not the same as loving a person. Love evolves the longer you know someone and the more you know them. When that happens your love for them grows. Love does not dissipate, if your feelings for someone go away, then I don't think it was ever love. Love is an unconditional feeling for a person and it always should be there.
kevin 1st
I do not have much experience with romantic love, however, I would say that love that is not ‘romantic’ truly does exist. Saying that Mother’s Day is tomorrow, Sunday. Love is something derived from within someone’s soul. I believe anyone can love anyone and anything. All it takes is the unselfish understanding that the others persons happiness is more important than your own. My mother does so very much for me and treats me with the utmost respect. Caring for me day in and day out. Always being there for me in difficult times and supplying me with logic in times of confusion. My love for my beautiful mother comes from my own soul and heart mixed with her inconceivably beautiful heart and soul. She is always here for me and I truly appreciate everything she does for me. I try my best to show my appreciation to her, even in times of difficulty. My love for my mother comes from my unselfish belief that her happiness should always come before mine. Even though she says the exact opposite; true mutual love. Unselfish feelings of trust, happiness and appreciation. I believe we know we truly love someone when tough times are placed before us and we choose to satisfy the other person before ourselves. My mother would without a chance put my happiness before her own and I truly try to do the same. She is always here to help me, respect me and provide me with strength. I work to return all of the undying favors she has helped me with. The everlasting love I hold for my mom evolves from day to day. Everyday I realize how much she sacrifices for me and how beautiful of a human being she truly is. Everyday I learn something more amazing about my mother and all of the wonderful acts of kindness she does everyday. Evolution of life is closely tied to the evolution of understanding. My love for my mom becomes stronger, every time I become less selfish. Every time I find the courage within my soul to see all of the unselfish acts my mother commits, my love for her evolves. The love I have for my mom, is undying. It will never go away. Our love has evolved way to much, and become way too strong to dissipate. There is nothing she could possibly do that would stop be from loving her. When I say my mother is unremarkably beautiful, I mean it. I love her with all of my heart and soul and nothing could taint with that.
Haylie R. 2
Love: a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. love is tough , love is kind, love can hurt , love is real. I believe that true love is real but i dont believe that love at first sight is possible , i think that is just a saying people say when they are truely in love that "it was love a first sight" but they had to get to know eachother before you can be IN love . Love is very fragile, It takes two to be in love but one to mess it all up. i dont think that romantic love is the only kind of love there are loads and loads of different kind of love.
Love comes from an attraction between two people when they first have a physical then emotional attraction. once they are emotionally bonded they feel like they never want to eave that person again.you know what you love when you feel a certain feeling in your body that makes you extremely happy. no there are many loves. there are friendship loves, family loves and animsl loves. itthose dont mean u are going to marry a friend or family or pet, its just a thing yoou like to have a part of you. it evolves over time and after spending time with those people. it goes away after stress and too much time together. which leads to fights and sometimes separtaion.
Ah, love. Sadly, many famous (and mythical) men have died because of their love and trust of their inamorata of choice. But love between man and woman is not the only kind of love that exists, for instance, in the Bible Judas Iscariot loved Jesus of Nazareth. For those who are not familiar, Judas betrayed Jesus to be crucified, so how did they love each other? "Well duh, Jshaw jesus was perfect and loved everyone!" one might say. But Judas? After he knew what he had done he tried to give his money back to the officials, but they refused, calling the money "Blood money". Judas later hanged himself. This is an example of materialistic love conflicting with relationship love. Judas Iscariot, unfortunately, had difficulty deciding between the two.
I often have trouble with this topic simply because I dislike high school relationships, and I am, after all, in high school. It is painful for me to watch many different boys and girls suffer because they misjudged their "love". I, for one, will never tell a girl that I love them in high school, for it is too fickle. Most people, I believe, do not know the difference between infatuation and love. Infatuation is selfish, whereas love is not. In fact, I find it impossible for myself to believe in high school love, for there are tests later in life that cannot be taken in high school. The most defining words of love are dedication and sacrifice, which are also the defining words of marriage and parenthood. Both of which should not be undertaken in high school. However, even infatuation can take place outside of high school. When a young couple gets married, I always wonder if their infatuation will last to love or divorce. The latter obviously represents short term infatuation. The former is what raises children in a healthy environment. My favorite movie situation with love is when in Spiderman 3, Peter Parker wants to marry his girlfriend, Mary Jane, he consults his Aunt. And she tells him: A husband must always be willing to put his wife before himself. I see this most with my mother and father, but also with my friends' mothers and fathers. This to me represents true "romantic" love and makes me believe that love at first sight is impossible.
Love comes from the mind as well as the heart. Some love is only your mind making something into what you want it to be, not what it is. Other love, is something that is not your whole world, does not complete you, but makes you feel better. Love is not what should complete you, but it is something that is warm and nice to have. You know something is love when you simply cannot bear the thoughgt of losing them, and even when your mad at them, you still want to be with them. There are many types of love, romantic, family, friends, and love of your pets. Love doesn't have to be romantic, you love your friends, your family, not just your significant other. Love evolves as you get older and wiser, and as you learn more about the person and they learn more about you. Love can dissipate easily, through a lie or a betryal. True love though, very rarely can be broken, unless an extreme tradgety arises.
-Leah, 9th period
Love comes from the attraction that you feel between you and another person and the feeling of joy and happiness that you feel between the two. You know that you love by the feeling of saftey and comfort that you feel when you and the other person are around eachother. Romantic love is not the only type of love for example there is spirtual love. Love evolves by being around that person and learning more and more about them everytime you are around them. Love disspates by not feeling that sense of joy and happiness that you used to feel around them before or simpilying just not caring for them anymore.
-Jordan M.-
Love begins in our hearts and our souls. I do not believe that everyone will know if they are in love until they feel it. People can not guess that they are feeling what they do not know what it feels like. Love evolves from getting to know the person. From learning about common interest and allowing the love to grow. Love is destroyed by anger and interferance of the rest of the world. From stress caused by others or jealousy.
Love is probably the most dynamic emotion that people can possess. It fills the imagination of a human being and leaves them mentally occupied. It is given to people attracted to another and mentally connected to each other. The symbol of love is commonly a heart, but in my opinion it truly is functioned by the brain. One in love will probably constantly think about that special somebody, which is why I think it comes directly from the brain. You know it is love when you constantly talk about it, act differently around your peers or simply express what's on your mind. However, romantic love is not the only kind of love. Friends who care for each other and trust one another with their life may love each other just out of pure friendship. Love itself evolves the more you're away from each other. ( in my opinion ) The more you're away from the one you love, the more you want to be with them; only increasing your attraction to them. It fades just as your trust and honesty do. If you lie, one will realize it's not worth it and it will die out, plain and simple.
Love is the reaction we get when when we either see someone for the first time. Like love at first sight or love comes from hanging out with the person for a while to get to know their personality and realizing that you really like that person. You know it's love when you always want to be around that person but it's not over accessive. It becomes over accessive when you call that person every five minutes wondering where they are. There are many different types of love like friendship, family loves, and object loves. Object love is when you love something like an iPod or your phone. Love can dissipate by either getting in a fight with your lover or getting a better phone and loving it more than your old one.
Love comes from deep in the heart of a person. It is like an adrenaline rush. You know that you love when you feel something spark. Again it is like a feeling of adrenaline. Romantic love is not the only type of love. There is physical love, menatl love, and emotional love. Love evolves when you spend time with the person you are in love with. Love starts to dissapear when you lose that feeling of love that you shared with that other person.
---Matt Saxon
Love is found in knowing someone for along time. I think that there is more than the romantic kind of love because when you get to know like your best friend you being to love them like a very good friend or like a sister/family member. You could find love in someone that you never thought you would love. Love is very big part of life because it's something that is tricky and shows you side of people tha you may not see normally. Also it hurts to love also because when you give so much love to a person and they don't respond you can get hurt.
I don't think I can honestly say I know where love comes from. I believe love comes from your soul and heart, and we are born with the emotion. I see love from example by parents, family and friends. I know that I love because of the strong bond and care that I have for my family. It's impossible for me to put all this into words. If I didn't love I don't think I could show compassion to others. Of course love is not only romantic, love can be unromantic as well such as the love from parents, an amazing creator and siblings that I would do anything for. Love revovles over time and through experience I know love grows even if you don't expect it to come. WIth time spent and good communication love comes softly. Love is truely hard to dissipate because of how the bond to people you love, but dishonesty and distrust can damage relationships.
Love comes from the heart, you know you love when you absolutely care for the person and can't live without them. Romantic love isn't the only kind of love, there could be love with out all the romance, how it dissipate is if they lose the trust and connection between the 2 people
Romeo and Juliet, Cinderella, Snow White, and The Little Mermaid were all written originally before Disney's time. Before Disney's time everyone was married in their teens- way before their brains have fully developed. Hormones are imbalanced as the brain finalizes it's form. These people may well have fallen in love, as do many teens today(or they think they do). Most of the adults it seems are merely attached to one another- like a habit- and are just conforming to society by getting married and claiming love.
I suppose love comes from the brain, but it sounds more like a habit passed on like a disease, one that everyone wants but few can have. At first sight I am sure that there is lust, a physical component to attraction. Eventually it will either evolve or pass. Some lust never evolves, but I guess if it were to it would be because of a connection made between the two. Maybe a connection on a mental level, or personal. Romantic love is not the only type of love there is, it is only the most recognized form.
I am not sure that love ever dissipates, if it does, it could be caused by hormones, or have only been lust in the first place. I for one, am not sure which I have experienced-if either- and so would not know what love is exactly and this is only an educated guess.
Love. Nobody truly has a definite definition of love, it is a mystery and that is why it is so painful to deal with and to live with. We see this trouble in Romeo and Juliet. Thy love each other very much, but there are so many complications. Love comes from our heart. We see features in another person that we find attractive and from there, we begin to know that person and become even more acquainted with them. Our friendship turns into love and continues to burn with passion from there on. People know that they love someone because that person is the only other person that they ever think about.No matter what we are doing or when we are doing it, the person we love is always in our thoughts. We think about them when we wake up, we think about them when we are eating, and we think about them when we are even sleeping/dreaming. Romanticism is not the only love, we have love for our family and friends, pets, and everything else we love and care about. Love evolves simply by spending more and more time with a person. Love can dissipate by getting in an argument with your lover, not spending enough time with your love, having a terrible event happen to your love, etc. Love is a very strong thing and should not be messed with.
I think love comes from our symbolic "heart", which is just reffering to our minds, since the biological heart is not anymore of an intellectual organ than is our liver or foot. You can never truly know that you love, instead, you have to trust your instincts on what you feel is true love. There are many more types of love besides romantic love, which include love for your friends as well as for your close and distant family. Love evolves over time, and it cannot dissipate, because it if did then it never was true love.
The above comment was from Fabian, I was logged in with the wrong Google account.
i believe that love is something that you have for the people close to you in your life. The closer you are to people in your life the more love you have for them because love is created throught the components of trust compassion and understanding of the other person reciving the love. It comes from the mind and from the heart, when you are close to someone. I dont believe in love at first sight just becaus eI think that it takes time to develop with anothger person. ITs something you have to work towards
you know your in love when you cant understand certain emotions in your heart. there are differentkdis of love, family, friends. i think that time keeps love glowing, whatever happens in that time is what makes up love and sometimes love is not romantic it has to go through certain stages to reach real love.
ale96b is alex boac
Love cannot be described. Each person feels differently about love. You can either love a person or love an item. I think you can also love feelings, or songs because you can relate to them. Romance, and love are two completely different things. Romance is a strong bond that people share. Love is something you automatically have or you don't. Romeo and Juliets love is very ancient and romantic. They have a very srong bond that cannot be broken. Weither it's someone trying to break it up, or death. They have their own love that noone would know of unless they were them. Some people think that love is a myth. I think that's rediculous because there wouldn't be anything if there wasn't love. Love is the last most shocking act left on the plant. It comes from two people- any two people. Man, woman, anyone. Love has evolved over a very long period of time. In Romeo and Juliets time, it was very rare and extrodinary. Romance was absoulutly beautiful. I think that you are born with love, and noone can change that except you. Love is strong and powerful if you have nothing left.
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