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Celebrating small kindnesses and basking in the little things.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Twas the Night Before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the night
not a creature was stirring, not even the light.
The wishes were hung by the chimney with care
in the hopes that those listening might be willing to share
their dreams and their thoughts with a little bit of flair.

The fear of the unknown was placed in a drawer
shut up tight and not permitted to speak forever more.

And Courage in her finest and Joy in her best
had just settled in for a journey at last.
When out in the ocean of life did appear
a man they called "doubt" smiling an evil sneer.

I have started the poem and it is your turn to finish. Try to keep the rhyme scheme and the characters figurative. What will "Doubt" do now that he has come across Courage and Joy?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Holiday Season

The holiday season is my favorite time of year. It is the one time when the music is positive, heart warming, and beautiful. Anger disappears from the music and so does judgement. I love the colors--the gold, red, green, and silver--sparkling in every direction our eyes travel. The traditional Christmas movies filled with pasted on smiles, and cliches, warm my spirit when I sit with my girls on the couch passing on memories.

Shopping might be my favorite. I find tremendous pleasure in buying for others. No one looks at me weirdly when I give them a gift or a card. They do not ask "why" or "what's wrong." I am permitted to give. Even though the stores are crowded, the lines long, the people grumpy, and the traffic crazy, the hum of a familiar song makes me hum to myself while smiling like an idiot.

This is the time of year when we can see the world of possibilities; this is when we see the good in people that sometimes hibernates during other seasons. I encourage to think about all of the best parts of the holiday season. Besides getting gifts, what makes you love this time of year or dislike this time of year?

When I think of the holidays the words that come to mind are "It's a Wonderful Life," sugar cookies, Trans Siberian Orchestra, family, "Yes, Virginia There is A Santa Claus," ribbon, giggles, and angels.

What do you think? What string of holiday items weave their way through your memories?

I know I said that I would not post, but I feel the need to.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Language and the World

Everywhere I look, language is there. I see it on bumper stickers, stickers put on car windows, billboards, song lyrics, shirts, advertisements, etc... We have become a culture of subconscious readers. We cannot even zone out in front of the television without having to read something that flashes across the screen.

Movie and television writers have even taken to providing clues to the endings of their shows by embedding the clues on t-shirts, ticket stubs, newspapers. We have become a multi-genre society that takes in as many forms of language, genres of writing, as possible in a moments time.

A movie that I watched this weekend, Evan Almighty, gave information in the form of the alarm clock, the wood delivery bill, the license plates, the realty sign, television, birth announcement and I am sure that I have missed a few more.

We are surrounded by language. As you go about life this week, pay attention to the language, information, forms of information that you are exposed to. What are all of the ways that you are exposed to language and when do you know that you are exposed to it? Do you know or is it so ingrained into your daily lives that you do it without thought? What are some of the examples of language you encounter on a daily basis?

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Speak properly, and in as few words as you can, but always plainly; for the end of speech is not ostentation, but to be understood.

William Penn (1644 - 1718)
I have always respected those who can speak with language rich in a vocabulary that is large and deep. Those individuals dazzle the listener and reader with rhythmic language that dances on the tongue. There have been several occasions where that same vocabulary is used to posture kindness while dripping in cruelty and mockery.

We have addressed the idea of sarcasm. This is different. This is about using intelligence to speak down to others. It is a conscious knowing of a higher ability and using that ability to push another down. A fragrance of cruelty stinks up the place when that type of advantage is taken. A strong vocabulary is necessary, especially in any professional environment; however, when that vocabulary is used to bully, degrade or trick others it is neglect.

Think about the way language is used in all of the places you travel: home, school, sports, friends etc. How does your language change depending on your audience? How does the language your hear influence how you perceive others and how does your language allow others to perceive you?

Friday, November 14, 2008


Justice is suppose to be blind. A statue is erected in front of many court houses with a woman holding a scale that is balanced and her eyes are blind folded. Often times I wonder if there are small pin holes in the blind fold and the scale is tipped in favor of, sometimes, the wrong side.

Examples of justice being doled out are found in all facets of daily life. We see examples where kids argue and one seeks justice for being wrongly accused. We see vigilante justice being executed in movies, books, and sometimes the stranger than fiction world we call life.

Think about books that you have read, songs you have heard, or moments when you have witnessed justice being ladled out onto the one who deserves it, the innocent or the unsuspecting. What does this look like? Is there such a thing as justice? Is she blind?

Please tread carefully and remember to respect each other and the individual opinions shared.

Monday, November 3, 2008


This response is due by Friday at 7:00 P.m.

I once heard someone say that, "Power is given." The only way an individual or group of individuals acquire power is because they are given power by others, through fear, ignorance, beauty, respect and many more.

Some would argue that when a fight occurs, it is the biggest person who wins because they are the most powerful physically. Others might say that it could be the smaller person because their intellect is so powerful that they can find a way to remedy the situation without fighting or have skills that have nothing to do with size, but speed. It is through the fear of losing the power, that meanness, abuse and the like are born. But power exists beyond the physical. Sometimes manipulation occurs that has nothing to do with brute strength but mental power. We see another type of power when Didion described her use of power when at six years old she realized being a WASP provided her with more than just a title, but entitlement.

I have always wondered about power--How it is balanced, distributed, fostered. How does one know if they have power? At what point in life do we stop seeking power and recognize we only have power over ourselves?
Are there different degrees of power?

Think of a time when you have witnessed an abuse of power or a power play? Describe the scene and tell what was the result of the abuse or power play. How did the person/animal acquire their supposed power and how did this power change them?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Change and impact

From the time that I was a little girl, I have been an observer. I watch how people are treated, listen to how we speak to one another, and am bothered by the sarcasms that interrupt conversations and push people down into themselves. On television, it is funny! In the real world, depending on the relationship and mood of the receiver, it is hurtful. Why can't conversations be about connection, instead of disconnection?

Looking at the world we live in, what are some of the biggest changes you see occurring and what is the impact on you as an individual and as a young person growing up in this world?