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Celebrating small kindnesses and basking in the little things.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Being an Original

You will all be embarking on the greatest journey in about a month.  High school will be over and you will have many paths to choose from.  Some of you have already accepted that your life is your own and that you make choices everyday that will propel you forward.  Others may blame everyone else for your life and the choices you make. What we do not see is that the world requires us to think.  There will be no multiple choice test for you to fill out at work or before you buy a home.  You will have to think.  Be an original in all aspects of your life.  I want you to watch this TED Talk and tell me how it applies to you.  Are you a pre-crastinator, a procrastinator, or an original?  Does he say anything in this talk that you can take with you as you prepare to head down your next road? 

Monday, April 4, 2016

The people we meet

The people we meet in life leave a profound impact on who we are currently, as well as, who we will become.  Look back over your four years in high school and think about those people who have impacted you.  Write your post this week as a thank you letter to that person.  Remind that person how you met and then go on to explain how they have impacted your life.  If you wish to change the names to protect the innocent, go ahead.