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Celebrating small kindnesses and basking in the little things.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sentence Scavenger Hunt

We are going on a scavenger hunt. Your mission, since you have no choice in accepting it, is to look through your favorite books--and not so favorite books, to find sentences that are interesting.

What does interesting mean? It means the structure of the sentences is interesting. Your sentences could be very long and complicated or they could be shorter but filled with solid strong vocabulary.

An example from The Glass Castle:
"I loved The Grapes of Wrath, Lord of the flies, and especially A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. I thought Francie Nolan and I were practically identical, except that she had lived fifty years earlier in Brooklyn and her mother always kept the house clean. Francie Nolan's father sure reminded me of Dad. If Francie saw the good in her father, even though most people considered him a shiftless drunk, maybe I wasn't a complete fool for believing in mine."

These sentences are interesting because of the lists and the way the author interrupts her own writing with her thoughts.

This is what I want you to do. Find a small passage from a book that you have read, look at the sentences, determine what makes them interesting, and then tell us, the blog audience, why?

Friday, August 21, 2009

It's a very special time of year. Just as the summer reaches its optimum temperature, it is time to climb out of bed, put on jeans and funnel into the building with all of the others who have abandoned sleep.

I love to sleep in. Coming back to school takes 4 hours of sleep away from me. I cannot drink my pot of coffee each morning. I cannot sit and read for hours. I cannot just lay around. Now, I have two daughters, so the sitting around and doing nothing is not normal. Running the girls around and watching them engage in many new opportunities keeps me busy.

School is also about so many wonderful opportunities. Think about what you sacrifice as a result of school starting, but also think about what opportunities you gain. I gain new conversations, new friends, a new appreciation for learning and my passion is ignited. To everything, there is a pro and a con. What are the pros and cons of coming to school and educating yourself. What are you sure that education can and will do for you?

Be sure to speak to pros and cons!