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Celebrating small kindnesses and basking in the little things.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Speak properly, and in as few words as you can, but always plainly; for the end of speech is not ostentation, but to be understood.

William Penn (1644 - 1718)
I have always respected those who can speak with language rich in a vocabulary that is large and deep. Those individuals dazzle the listener and reader with rhythmic language that dances on the tongue. There have been several occasions where that same vocabulary is used to posture kindness while dripping in cruelty and mockery.

We have addressed the idea of sarcasm. This is different. This is about using intelligence to speak down to others. It is a conscious knowing of a higher ability and using that ability to push another down. A fragrance of cruelty stinks up the place when that type of advantage is taken. A strong vocabulary is necessary, especially in any professional environment; however, when that vocabulary is used to bully, degrade or trick others it is neglect.

Think about the way language is used in all of the places you travel: home, school, sports, friends etc. How does your language change depending on your audience? How does the language your hear influence how you perceive others and how does your language allow others to perceive you?


jackie said...

I do agee language changes depending on who you're talking to. Like with my friends, I can really say anything to them because we are comfortable with each other and don't feel the need to impress each other. With my mom, well she counts as a friend because I can say anything to her. With teachers at school, I speak with respect because, you kind of do have to impress them. What it all relates to is the ability to impress people. People feel the need to always impress people because they want to fit in, get a job promotion, ect. I guess authors want to impress people, too, because they want to sell books. In my point if view, it's not always about just having a good vocabulary.


bsman132 said...

Ok on this there is really nothing to argue with. I use sarcasm all the time. Its not always meant be mean to poeple but, yes, most of the time it is used that way. I dont always look down on others while using sarcasm, sometimes it is used to make a point about something that really wouldnt be made clearer. My parents have gotten annoyed because in my house, almost anything is criticised using sarcasm.

Language is good because it can be used in many different ways. Many times people manipulate others to get what they want. Yes that is a good and bad way to use language. They know what they are talking about and can use their knowledge to impress others.

Thats all I have to say about that.

Andy or Tyler said...

Just to start and clear things out for mrs. perrin, this is tyler posting not andy. I must also note, that on the blog, I liked her use of traffic light paragraphs, where one is red, one is yellow, and one is green. Now that I have those details down. I believe that we sometimes will talk according to how people around us will understand. For example, when talking to my brother, I will use would use the word "boring", and when talking to a rich, well educated, british man I might find myself using the word "Platitudinous" instead, just to show off. I might say some of those words in front of my brother to show off too. Of course it would also be to mess with him and he would think I'm calling him names and stuff. So thats basicly how we use different language around different people. Usually I try to stick with basics though.

Perkinsdrummer66 said...

Well my language changes depending on who im with. If im with my parents or adults im more polite. If im with my friends i say and talk about things i would never say near my parents. Also if I here my friends swear, to me its no big deal. If i hear my parents swear, i know they mean buisness! It all depends on who your with sorta like our jounal today. Peace out -Perkins (the code is pratord)

JESS(:! said...

My language usually always changes depending on who I’m talking to and who I’m with. I think depending on who I am with like my friends and family I am more open and speak more clear and I usually speak what I think. But when I’m with other adults such as teachers and kids I don’t know I am a lot more shy and usually don’t say to much of what I think and just agree with what ever is said so I don’t feel weird.
The way I hear people talk defiantly changes the way I think about that person and how I should talk to them or if I should even talk to them. I hear a bunch of different conversations in the hall and some of them are horrible and make me think I don’t ever want to have any part with them or what they are talking about, it sometimes makes me think that they are a really bad person but then it may turn out that they are actually really nice but I just caught them talking at a bad time.
I’m not really sure how they way I talk allows others to perceive me because I’m not that person. But I usually try not to say anything bad about any body and just try to stay on everybody’s good side so nobody thinks bad of me. But you know that’s not going to happen because Not everybody likes everybody.

david said...

language is A BIG Problem now a days. All over school, just walking down the hallway, i hear all sorts of words that should not even come out of an adults mouth. I don't think anyone should swear or cuss or whatever you call it, but what ever it is, if its used bad, used to be mean, or used to express bad or unjust emotions, it shouldn't even be said at all.

Bad language comes in many different forms. People could swear, like i said up there, or they could say something mean, unfair, of untrue about someone to be mean of hurtful. If you walk down the hallway swearing trying to be cool, I am sure the other "cool" people will think you are cool, but in reality, it think that person(s) just have a really small vocabulary and just cant think of any other word, or they just don't want to "sound smart". That is my view on language and how people use it for good or for bad.

Tom Ludwig, PHD said...

Hello. This is Tom.
My language doesn't really change at all. When I hear people that constantly say bad words, I get a bad impression of them. I think that on TV or if you're casually talking to your friends it's ok, but not when you first meet someone. For example, if I started to post bad words on this blog, then the comment will be deleted by the blog author. I personally don't like people that try to use language that other people don't know and that confuses them. That happened to me a lot last summer, particularly when I was reading WUTHERING HEIGHTS OR GREAT EXPECTATIONS, which I believe were written to be Language Arts assignments for honors students. William Penn agrees with me on this matter. "Speak properly, and in as few words as you can, but always plainly; for the end of speech is not ostentation, but to be understood." -William Penn (1644 - 1718). I am also pretty sure that I don't know what ostentation means. But Penn must have been pretty successful doing what he did, because he was the founder and propriotor of Pennsylvania. Anyways, I agree with Perrin that a good vocabulary is good in most ways, but if all you do is sit on the couch and read the dictionary to find words that will make other people look bad, you have no life and it is very mean.

By the way, don't try to make me look bad with language. I have a PhD.

Tom Ludwig, PHD said...

By the way, I just looked in my crystal ball and I found out that
ostentation means "boastful showiness."

Nikki said...


Haha, in all seriousnessnow... language always changes, if you're speaking to a five year old you're going to try hard to "drop" to their understanding so you can get your point across. When you talk to someone older than you, you should speak with a confidence and know what you're saying. You don't have to have an extremely expanded vocabulary to sound smart. Knowing a lot of big words means nothing unless you know how to use them properly.

I like to think I have a decently expanded vocabulary and people know this and automatically think I'm smart. Well for all they know I could be. Or I could be a complete idiot barely worth giving the time of day. "The pen is mightier than the sword." (I'm not sure who said this but I quoted it at least >.<) I agree completely. Language is a powerful thing and when I hear it used ever so lightly everyday it dampens my spirit, but when in the right hands it can be a spectacle of beauty and passion.

Unknown said...

YES! FOR ONCE, I HAVE THE FIRST COMMENT! WOOT! Anyway, I believe, that among many other things, language is something taught and shaped by parents. If a child sees his parent putting down other people, or the child himself, I believe the child is more inclined to being rude and/or disrespectful, as they have seen it done without consequences and may see that as being right. This is how I believe language is shaped in people.
Have a great Thanksgiving everybody!
-Hiroki "the h-bomb" Witt

Jena said...

Language defines so many aspects of someone's character.It shows their education, their background their morals, their creativity. Even in the smallest sentence you find out something new about a person. I love to play around with words and phrases that no one is familiar with. Language is very strong. If you play around with language too much, it's very likely that someone will get hurt. Others percive people by the way they talk,if they don't like their talk then they probably won't talk to them a lot. Language sometimes changes as you swtich audiences or friends that you talk to. This happens mostly because you feel you have to change or be careful of what your saying to one group of friends then to another. Language can be a good and bad thing. It helps us ynderstand each other but it also tears us away from each other. well, i think thats it.
Happy Turkey Day!!
p.s. If you haven't looked up the turkey song by adam sandler, do so IMMEDIANTLY. It's really funny!

Anonymous said...

I know alot of people are going to talk about how intelligence shouldn't be used against others. Most of the time there right and it is a mean thing to do. Except when someone trys to do it too you and you do it back. Also when people try to rub a victory in, sometimes they need there legs cut out from under them, for there own good. Everyone in my class knows I am a nice guy but if you dont know me, I know I sound like a total creep but I really am not. I can actually be a pushover.

My vocab changes alot. When I am talking to just my friends, my vocab is ussually pretty low. If I am talking politics around friends, I try and lower it down so they actually understand what I am saying,(kind of the way I talk about politics on the blog). If I am with people that have Poli (political) Sci (science) degree and I am debating them, then I use every word I know. I have debated people with both a bachelor and master degree in Poli Sci . I can hold my ground against them but considering they have 6 years of college on me, that is pretty signigigant. My political vocab really makes them take me seruisly and makes them actually work.

When somebody walks up to me that I have never met or seen before I of course will get a first impression. I usually ignore there apperance. The two things that I focus on are , there eyes and there speech. The eyes arent related to what we are talking about so I wont take time to explain it. The speech though is very importent with my first impression. If they use words like "cuse, aint, I dont want none, I seen and finally, he got) These show me how serious and how credibly, I can take the person and how well educated they are.

When I meet someone that I want to be friends with I dont try to show off how smart I am unless they do it first. If I am talking to a teacher for the first time I will try to impress them so I get a good first impression.

Overall our language is very importent in how others percieve us and it is unfortently something alot of people forget about.

Thanks you for not chosing something that I will have to argue about and spend my brake wathcing the blog. Also sometime you should have a blog about body language, it would be very intersting.

Constantly Emily said...

Using language to talk down on people. Yeah, I do that. I'm smarter that my sister, duh, I'm three years older. Of course I can use my intelligence to make her feel bad. I don't know why, but I do.
Or, how some people have the idea that if you talk with a southern accent your not smart. I make fun of my cousin all of the time because she lives in Tennessee. She grew up in a suburb of Chicago, she has no accent, but all of her friends to and I tease her relentlessly. That's all in good fun though.
I also, seem to respect and admire people with a large vocabulary. Or make fun of them for being a nerd. The world is a harsh place, after all. Using a deep vocabulary does make you seem more intellectual, and as Americans we have been taught to respect those who are better than us. When people use words we don't know, they hold the image of being smart. Smart deserves respect, thought it doesn't always get it.
I'm not sure how the language I use makes others perceive me, but that's how I tend to perceive others, weather it is fair or not.

- Emily Dushek

♠♥ƔƟƝ♣♦ said...

Oh yes! I have always been pinpointed on this topic, it has always touched me deeply. See I was brought up in manners, be kind, don't swear, use this fork not that one... blah blah blah. I still say 'Father' instead of 'Dad', it gives him his proper title, to me 'Dad' is just some lazy label and 'Father' is repectful. Many kids of this generation swear, and I mean I'll curse when things are really bad, but to use such fowl words in daily speech gives me idea that that person doesn't care about how they look, and my father has always said this, it's a bad habit, kids will start swearing around their house and soon even at important places, it's just stupid. Anyways, the other thing is, and this is one of my many reasons for loving Japan, in Japan to call someone by their real name is like totaltly rude or mocking unless you are super close to that person (family, best friend, and sometimes dating). Most of the time you would be called by your last name and then a prefix, like I would be Glaeser-chan! In America we toss names around like they mean nothing. Not to metion people talk back real bad to their parents, the people that privide and protect them, I find that disgusting! I mean, we have limits when it comes to being nice (we call each other brown nosers) but when it comes to being nasty we're allowed, respect has gone out the window in America, and I find it quite disturbing!

Andy or Tyler said...

Yo, it's Andy

-Part one

My language doesn't usually change depending on the audience that I have. I just try to be myself and I don't want anything getting in the way of me and being myself. The only way that I might act a little different is when my parents are present. I might be a little careful that I don't say anything that is disrespectful in front of them. Other than that, I will just let my thoughts flow and I won't let anyone/anything get in my way. If they do... well, lets just say that no one gets in my way.

-Part two

I think the way that other people talk gives me a general impresion on how they act. It's kind of like a guy that smells like beer all the time. You can get an idea on what kind of person they are by how they smell. It works the same way with words. You can get an idea on what kind of person they are by hoe they talk. For example, someone who uses words that educated people use, then you can infer that they are smart. If they use a lo of slang and bad words then you can get the idea that they aren't educated. This doesn't always apply. Someone that is educated could simply be pissed off and that would be why thay used profound language. Or a person who normally uses slang could take a look through a dictionary for a while and all of a sudden they use words that even a rocket scientist couldn't understand. That is why judging someone on how they thalk is not always a good idea. As they all say "Actions speak louder than words."

-Part two (of part two)

I really don't know how other people persive me based on how I talk. I guess I really can't answer that unless I'm inside someone else's mind, and that would be very scary. This part of the question is "UNANSWERABLE!"

-Part three

There is an error in the third paragraph of your post Mrs. Perrin. It took ages to figure out what you where trying to say. I am saying this as a friend so that no one suffers the same terrible fate that I have endured.

-Part four

The word of the day is igerstab!

-Part five

I'm terribly sorry that this post is so long. I just had so many important things to say. Anyway, See ya!

-Part six

??? Why arn't there any posts up???

Selena said...

Mrs. Perrin,
Language is everything, without language our world would be confusing, lonely and frightening. My language changes all the time throughout my day. When I am around my friends, I shorten words and sentences and don't broaden my vocabulary. When I am in school however, I speak intelligently and use proper words. I am sure that everyone does the same thing, because its the way we are taught to behave and adults like to hear us speak with class.
Also, percieving others by their language is just as bad as judging them by looks. If people talk using slang or short words, then we judge them as stupid or poor. However, when people use big words they are percieved as smart and all around a better person. For example when we listened to the dream song the authors language alone, told us his orgin and a lot about him. Language can tell so much about a person just like how they look.
In order to make others feel inferior we use big words to make them sound stupid. We like to feel better and more powerful, so we put others down by lowering their self-esteem through our knowledge. I am not going to lie I have done it before.
When others say "That ain't true!" I burst out and say "That isn't true!" and then I always get the comment "Selena, you don't always have to correct people." (or something along those lines.)


Michelle =) said...

I am smart. I do sometimes use language in bad ways. I use sarcasm all the time. My friends know I don't mean anything by it and I usually point out stuff (like the obvious for example) using it. One thing that I know I shouldn't do is use my language against people. My friends are not all necessarily the sharpest people you ever meet, but that's what makes them great. One of my friends I tend to use my language to put her down. Some of the things she says are not even acceptable for a three year old to ask so you know where i'm coming from. I'm sorry for doing this to you at lunch!! hahah

When walking through halls, so many bad words come up. I personally don't swear. I have no need for it. I seriously don't think people need to insert a bad word in between every single word. I understand if like your really really mad and it slips occasionally but other than that there is no need for it.

In sports, I try to dull down my language just because I don't want to be seen as a nerd. Yes, I might be the smartest one on the team but I don't prefer embracing it. I mean i should be glad that I am smart, but in sports, it's not necessary. I guess you can say i am more stupid in sports than in school.

I think depending how you talk can influence the way people see you. I cannot think of any examples right now but you know where I'm going.

I disagree with the Penn dude just because I am wordy. I don't like writing alot, but it makes me feel done and accomplished if I wrote more than necessary.

that's all I got to say... If it made no sense to you then oh well. Seems to make sense to me...
Michelle =)

Gabrielle Schwall said...

I really like what Jackie said, and I pretty much agree with her C:

I speak more comfortably around my friends, and we can talk about any topic without feeling like a total dork or something.
Then adults I speak a little more cautiously, and put my mouth in check a little better.

Speech also changes according to age. Like younger people like us know and understand c4@+$p3Ak CCC:
And older people can't read that kind of stuff xD;

Also the interpretation of it all changes with everyone. People always react differently.

Adog said...

Language...Bah! it's how you use it! not what you say! people can just be plain old dirty languaged people that cuss a lot or they could be funny as h---!(just in case) other times it's offensive. I think it does change when i go from one place to another.
I have always respected those who can speak with language rich in a vocabulary that is large and deep. Those individuals dazzle the listener and reader with rhythmic language that dances on the tongue. There have been several occasions where that same vocabulary is used to posture kindness while dripping in cruelty and mockery.
As to sarcasm, i don't like it.

Unknown said...

I do change my language depending on who I'm talking to. For example, when I'm talking to my friends differs from when I'm talking to a teacher. When I talk to my friends, I'm comfortable, and I usually just say what's on my mind, in the exact way I'm thinking of it. I don't use any big words,just my normal vocabulary, or at least what I think they would be able to understand, haha. But when I'm talking to a teacher, or even people i dont know that well, i tend to think about what i say before it comes out of my mouth. I do this because i feel that people judge on how other people say things, and what type of language is used. I guess you could say i try to sound educated.ha. With my family, i'm pretty open with what i say, we're always using sarcasm, but we know not to take it personally. Well, have a Happy Thanksgiving! and have fun shoppin' Friday, i know i will ;)


Geissman301 said...

My though about language is most people really dont care what say they to their friends because most of them trust each other. I think that when you are around someone new you try and sound more intelligent. (unlike me because i spelled that wrong) Anyways around your friends most people swear and talk bad but around their parents most people aren't allowed to do that. Also that sarcasm is used a lot and its really hard to tell the difference between sarcasm and if you actually mean what you said.
P.S. Heroki you were not first lol

Unknown said...

I've noticed in myself and others that the way we talk is different in front of different people. For example, when Im at school, I use some sarcasm when Im talking to my friends and those adults who I know well. At home is another story. Im much louder at home with my family and like to "ask" my brother to get me things (: one time when I was younger my dad and I were talking at the kitchen table. My older brother came by and asked what we were doing. i said, "Nothing" or, "It's none of your business," and my dad said that if one of my friends asked, I would be happy to tell them all about it. I believe that's true.

at school going from class to class, all I hear is ***, etc. it's as if our generation doesn't seem to care what we do. In my opinion, I sort of analyze people by their actions and words and language. I see who gets in trouble, or people in my class that use the f bomb 24/7. I try to stay away from all that because Ive realized that others judge me on that also.

Selena said...

If you talk and use words that are not "correct" then you won't be accepted by society. You won't get a job and you will be looked down upon. Nobody wants that to happen to them so they use proper language when they need to. From day one in kindergarten we are all taught ways to improve our language. It is so much of our lives, that we need to perfect it to be labeled as educated.


Ashley Carver said...

Mrs Perrin,
Language varies in many ways. With your friends you tend to speak completely different then you would infront of an adult audience. You would tend to watch what you say and how you said it. Therefor with an adult audience you would speak proper english or whatever language that audience would speak. That is the same if you would travel say to Italy. They would speak differently do to how they were raised. Such as people down south speak differently from people up north. It is how we were raised and if we hear someone speak differently we normally act somewhat different do to our brains being trained differently. I speak like people do up north but sometimes seeming that half my familys from down south I myself sometimes speak with a different acsent so to speak. Do people see me different not so much but when I do speak like I was from down south my friends do a double take and I have to repeat myself so they understand. Language is quite strange if you ask me.

Leanne ♥ said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Language is a big thing in our society. Personally, I feel more comfortable talking around people I know...friends/family. That is probably the case with most people.If I am talking to someone I have never met, I tend to be more shy and am not as willing to talk as opposed to if I was talking to my best friend. If I hear someone talking realyl badly to someone else, that I know or not, I seem to like that person a little less. If I was talking really badly, I would think that someone would not like me as much. My language changes depending on my audience as I believe everyone's language does. I would be willing to say something funnier or more personal around my mom or best friend then a neighbor down the street.


Unknown said...

First off let me just say that I have always respected you, because you can speak with language rich in a vocabulary that is large and deep, Mrs. Perrin. Also I agree with Andy or Tyler about using a good vocabulary around people you want to impress and not bothering to use it as much when you are comfortable with people like your friends and family. But I also want to add that when I'm talking to a certain person I seem to talk more like them than how I would talk with someone else. Now on to the main topic. Yes, there are other ways to put people down with words besides sarcasm. One way is telling someone mean straight to their face and another is using words that the person being insulted doesn't understand because of some circumstance but the people around you know what you mean. Of course there is also gossip, pranks, the occasional bossing of others around, and all of those other language related things as well. In the end the language someone chooses to use will reflect them themselves.

- Emily Rady

Unknown said...

I think language is a very powerful thing that we use. With a single word or phrase, we can change how anyone feels about themselves or others. It could be something nice or something hurtful, but either one will affect the person you are talking to somehow. This is why sarcasm is so powerful. People say something in a tone or manner that makes it sound like the other person is dumb or unintelligent. I do use sarcasm, just like most people do and sometimes I can see their reaction on their face of hurt. Usually though, when i do use sarcasm, its used to prove a point.
I do agree with Jackie in that speaking with respect does impress people. I also think that speaking with respect makes people think highly of you.

I hope everyone had a nice holiday!

-Dr. Markus

Carme said...

Yes, I think your language does change depending on your audience. I know that when people talk to little kids, they tend to talk in shorter, smaller, more silly word. Their voices also get a more childish tone. To kids, you have to speak like them in order for them to understand you. When I talk to my parents, I usually have to check what I say before I actually say it. Sometimes if I make a comment, they usually scold me for "Talking back when I'm not suppose to". When I don't answer them, they scold me for ignoring them. Usually, I talk to my parents with respect because they know a lot more about life then I do and they are more experienced. The language I hear helps to me perceive others because if I see someone who is talking very loud and is not unashamed of it, I usually think that the person likes attention and doesn't care for what people think or who hears them. My language helps others to perceive me because usually I am a very quiet person, but when I'm around my friends, I can be loud as they can. That shows that I can be unashamed of what I have to say. Sometimes I can be polite and that shows that I know when it is time to be polite and I can respect others.

Jahnavi said...

Mrs Perrin,
I believe that language changes depending on who you are talking to. It happens to me all the time. With my friends i can say anything and be comfortable with it. But, when i talk to my teachers i feel that i need to be more restpectful so i talk more politely. With my parents its like talking to my friends but i kinda have to watch what i say so i dont get in to trouble. I think that the way you talk influences the way others talk to you because if your being rude then others tend to be rude to you. Also the way you talk defines how you are and your personality.

j.spear(: said...

My language changes depending on the audience that is listening to me. When im with my friends or playing a sport i tend to used more slang then normal. In school when im talking in front of teachers and at home i don't use as much slang.

I think if you talk with an extensive vocabulary in front of people then tend to see you as more conceited and think your just better then the people that your talking to.

Unknown said...

i do think that my language changes depending on who I am talking talking to. When I am talking to my friends i use smaller more casual words, i don't have to use big words to impress them. When i talk to an adult i try to use bigger words to try and impress them.

austin said...

Language varies by who you are with. If I am with my parents, i speak much differently then how i do around my friends. Around my mom, I do not use the word "suck" or "shut up". When I am around my friends, that is just some of the words that i might use when I am talking. When I meet a person for the first time, and they swear alot when the speak, I think of them as not a nice person. They could be the nicest person in the world, but I would not know or think that because of the language that they chose to use. Language is a powerful think and you are judged by people if they do not know who you are and they just hear how you speak.

I hope you had a good holiday!
See you in class on Monday

-Austin Olshavsky

Unknown said...

i do agree that language with most people changes depending on who their with, but i'm not sure that it always does with me. i like to use "big" words, just because i think its fun. i say "big", because when i say things like plethora or concur, my friends like to make fun of me for my vocabulary and call me a dork when i don't really think anything of it. i use words that i know, and i don't really care who i use them with. language can also be a big way to have an impression of someone. if their talking kind of trashy, or just being rude or something, im not going to have the best opinion of them. im weird, and even peoples grammar is going to influence how i think of them. i hope that my language allows people to perceive as a smart individual, that can be respected.