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Celebrating small kindnesses and basking in the little things.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Twas the Night Before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the night
not a creature was stirring, not even the light.
The wishes were hung by the chimney with care
in the hopes that those listening might be willing to share
their dreams and their thoughts with a little bit of flair.

The fear of the unknown was placed in a drawer
shut up tight and not permitted to speak forever more.

And Courage in her finest and Joy in her best
had just settled in for a journey at last.
When out in the ocean of life did appear
a man they called "doubt" smiling an evil sneer.

I have started the poem and it is your turn to finish. Try to keep the rhyme scheme and the characters figurative. What will "Doubt" do now that he has come across Courage and Joy?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Holiday Season

The holiday season is my favorite time of year. It is the one time when the music is positive, heart warming, and beautiful. Anger disappears from the music and so does judgement. I love the colors--the gold, red, green, and silver--sparkling in every direction our eyes travel. The traditional Christmas movies filled with pasted on smiles, and cliches, warm my spirit when I sit with my girls on the couch passing on memories.

Shopping might be my favorite. I find tremendous pleasure in buying for others. No one looks at me weirdly when I give them a gift or a card. They do not ask "why" or "what's wrong." I am permitted to give. Even though the stores are crowded, the lines long, the people grumpy, and the traffic crazy, the hum of a familiar song makes me hum to myself while smiling like an idiot.

This is the time of year when we can see the world of possibilities; this is when we see the good in people that sometimes hibernates during other seasons. I encourage to think about all of the best parts of the holiday season. Besides getting gifts, what makes you love this time of year or dislike this time of year?

When I think of the holidays the words that come to mind are "It's a Wonderful Life," sugar cookies, Trans Siberian Orchestra, family, "Yes, Virginia There is A Santa Claus," ribbon, giggles, and angels.

What do you think? What string of holiday items weave their way through your memories?

I know I said that I would not post, but I feel the need to.