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Celebrating small kindnesses and basking in the little things.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

This I believe

We will watch a Spoken Word Poet discuss what she knows to be true.  She will make the argument that we all bring knowledge that is either similar to others or our knowledge will teach others something new.  It is in what we know that we find our individual poetry.  Words have power. They allow us to take our thoughts and give them shape.  We allow them, our thoughts, to find rhythm, meaning, and a place when we combine them with other words.  It is the artful placement of language that gives it power.  

We all come from someplace different. We may reside in the same town, but our place in it is unique. It is unique in perspective.  My view of the world is very different from yours  because of my age, my gender, my level of education, my experiences in the world. We need to accept this and appreciate this.  

What I want you to do is list ten things you know to be true. Look at my examples.  Create your own list.

My list is as follows:
I know this much is true:
1. When we look back on our lives we see moments where choice was vital, and we may not always like the choices we made. The goal is to not make the same ones again.
2. The people we meet change us.
3. Parenting is hard. Helping to shape the lives of others is incredibly hard and important.
4. The more we let others into our lives, the richer we become in knowledge.
5. There is always going to be someone who is stronger, faster, smarter.  Humility is necessary.
6. On the other side of fear is courage.  Courage is pushing through fear.
7. Children teach us to pay attention to the world. Never out grow the inner child.
8. Knowing who you are and sticking to your beliefs is vital. Do not betray yourself.
9. Holding yourself and others to high expectations is a must.  However, we must forgive ourselves and others for imperfections.
10. Kindness should always be shown.  We never know how someone's day is going or what their life may hold.  Always show kindness!  

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Books We Love

As a kid, I learned to love books.  My mother ran a daycare in our home and would read to those kids and her kids constantly.  I loved listening to the stories.  We were/are a family of stories.  We cannot help but tell stories when we are together, walking through the park, or walking through the cemetery.  It is what we do. 

I came to books later than most, but love them passionately.  I always have a book in my hand or some other genre of literature.  One of my favorite books is Poisonwood Bible.  The book is filled with so many voices.  The family works for and against each other creating conflict internally while they face the conflicts that surround them.  Each chapter brings a different perspective.  Each character has a strong voice that is haunting.  When I think about this book, images still rise up and greet me even though it has been 14 years since I read it.  These images and voices are very strong and have changed the way I see family, religion and sisters

Your blog this week is to name and describe for us your favorite book.  Now if you do not have a favorite, please pick one that has had a lasting impact on you.  It may impact the way you think, the way you read, the way you see the world.  A paragraph is enough.  Explain why it is so special to you or why it has impacted you.

As bloggers, we must remember to respect the writing of our peers.  Should your post have anything deemed to be unacceptable by me, your post will be deleted and you will receive a zero and disciplinary action.