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Celebrating small kindnesses and basking in the little things.

Monday, March 28, 2016

New Beginnings

The 4th quarter begins today and this is the beginning of the end.  After this quarter, you will be leaving not just a grade, but high school.  Your days as a high school student will end, and you will assume the responsibilities of an adult.  Life only gives us so many chances to start over.  When those chances present themselves, it is imperative that we embrace those chances and make the most of the opportunity.

For your blog this week, think about how you will use this new beginning to make changes.  Think about what new beginnings mean.  What do you need to do before the end of the year to help you enter the adult world confidently and ready?  Tell us where you will find yourself after high school and the steps you need to take to make it happen.  

Monday, March 7, 2016


I am sure you have heard that The Lion King is closely connected to the storyline of Hamlet.  We see the idea of revenge in both stories and the outcome of what happens when we seek revenge.  For this week's blog, I want you to think about revenge.  How do you see revenge?  Is it justifiable?  Think about your world and how this idea of revenge emerges?  What is the result?

Explain your definition of revenge, where you have watched revenge play out, and what the result of revenge is.