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Celebrating small kindnesses and basking in the little things.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Conformity and Rebellion

The way we see the world is often created by the world we come from.  Conformity and rebellion will also look differently dependent on the world we are from and the world we wish to rebel from.  One student said today that sometimes when we rebel we are actually conforming.  I agree.

Your blog this week is to look at this picture and explain how you see conformity and rebellion emerging.  Be very specific in pointing out what you see as examples of each.


Monday, February 10, 2014

Where I Live...

Where I live is not just a place.  It is a world that shapes my views, shapes my eating habits, and shapes my education.  Where we live does more than just house us.  It changes us.  I have had the great opportunity to live many places.  I have lived on a farm, in the city and now in suburbia.  The only place I would still like to live is in the woods or even on a mountain.  Oh, maybe the beach!  Okay well, there is more than one place I would like to still live.  Regardless, each place I have lived has impacted me.  

From living on the farm, I learned much about the land that we lived on.  How much it takes to grow something from the ground and to cultivate it.  From the city, I learned about people.  So many different kinds of people, all bringing something new and different to the table.  From suburbia, I have learned about relationships.  With the world being shrunk down in to a small island, I have learned how interconnected relationships are.  

Your post this week is to think about where you live.  How has where you live shaped your thinking?  How has it shaped the way you see the world?  How has it impacted the way you interact with others?  I would like for you to speak about the positive things.  I am not censoring you.  I'm asking that you look at the positive side of where you live.  I know that there are negative things that each of the places I have lived have taught me.  That is reality.  For this post, tell me the positive.