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Celebrating small kindnesses and basking in the little things.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place. ~Zora Neale Hurston

Oh, the yucky LOVE stuff is upon us. Roses are red, violets are blue the world sees love in Valentines Day. How about you?

I have and probably will always be a sappy, hopeless romantic for the rest of my life. Everywhere we look, newspaper ads, magazine articles, billboards, song lyrics, plays, stories, and yes, poetry, tell us how to define love.
According to dictionary.com, love has many possible definitions. Here is the first of soooo many:
1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

The strong words in the definition are interesting. Such profound language speaks to the weight of such a feeling/emotion. "Profound and passionate," both denote a sense of strength and purpose not to be questioned. Yet, most people question LOVE. It is a word that is over used, yes, I know. But, how does one establish it exists? Shakespeare uses Romeo and Juliet to address this idea of true love through his beautiful iambs and couplets. We see it in Pyramus and Thisbe from Ovid, Taylor Swift sings about it in her song, "Romeo and Juliet," Moulin Rouge revisits the idea through a medley of songs that stretch across rock and roll history and the list could continue.

How do you see LOVE speaking to the romantic expectations of those who pursue it? Does romantic love exist? How does it differ from all of the ways portrayed in the books, plays, poetry we read? You have read Wuthering Heights, Great Expectations, Kettle Bottom, and soon will embark on a journey through Romeo and Juliet. Is there hope in the real world for LOVE or is it fit only for the books? DO these expectations that have raised the bar so very high make it all worth it? Does it exist? Is there more than one kind?

(How can we not blog about Valentines Day the week of?)


Nikki said...

darn Mrs. P, I was gonna say how the word love is overused in my cynical and pessimistic fashion... but seeing as it is nearing that commercialized and chocolate-smeared holy day that has become oh so less than holy. Why should you need a day set aside to express love? you should be able to just go up to your significant whosoever and say, "Hey... I love you!" everyday of the year but of course, that just wasn't good enough for anyone else.

Sorry... well I, like few others around me, am a bit of a romantic. it's when the beauty and former strength of love that my talons bare. I still believe in a romantic kind of love complete with dozens of red roses, poems and holding a boombox playing the love anthem on full blast at midnight outside their window. When I see something like that it gives me the fuzzies. When I see two people whisper sweet nothings to each other under the tree where they had their first kiss it warms my heart... but when I see two people just staring at each other and you can tell just by being in the room with them that they're completely oblivious to the world around them and there's only the other person that matters and there's no where else they'd rather be then right there just wasting time with that person, it lights a fire in my soul that keeps me warm even when the evils of the world start to freeze my feet. People throw the word around love so lightly and it's what makes finding true love so rare I suppose. When you do find true love it's the most amazing thing, do everything you can so you don't loose it because it's just a once in a lifetime thing.

geez I dislike Valentine's day, it's taken love and commercialized it and made it all about diamond rings and chocolate and... well really just jewelry in general.

Carme said...

Love is seen through others in the ways that it is portrayed in books and movies. Some people really do believe that they will meet someone who will just sweep them off their feet. That once they see each other the room will feel with energy and it will feel that they are lost, and alone in their worlds. We will never truely know if romantic love does exist. Some people may have it and some may not. I believe if you are willing to give up your happiness in order to make the other person happy, that this is an example of true romantic love. Putting the other person before yourself and the way you feel. Of course, there are also those who believe that showing who you love and the way that you feel is truely romantic. I think that both of those are ways of how romantic love exist. It depends on how you show it. I believe that there may be hope in the real world for love. Just doing the little things for another show that you love and care for them.I do believe that only some things are only fit for books. Like in Romeo and Juliet, when Romeo rescues Juliet from a tower. I highly doubt that the man would climb all the way up the tower to rescue his love. I think he might use a helicopter or a very long ladder. I don't think that the expectations in books raised the bar too high to make it all worth because isn't just being in love with someone worth it? Not the presents or stuff that this person gets for you, but the way that they make you feel.

Perkinsdrummer66 said...

Valentines Day is over-rated (of course im probably biased cause im single) like nicole said why set aside one day to love someone . It should happen todos las dias (thats every day for those non spanish speakers) I think that love exists inreal life but not the kind that is shown in books. Like does the popular girl ever fall for the non-popular boy who she never knew existed, who has admired her for his whole life. I don't think so. that kind of love only happens in stories. Well and songs, which I also hate love songs. They just ru-een my day.
This is Ryan Perkins, CNN coming at you with a report of a holiday that is a big commercial.

Verification code: CHIDO

Leanne ♥ said...

Love. A very diverse thing. Some people believe that love is only in the movies or a book. Some believe that you can really fall in love with someone. I myself do believe that romantic love really does exist...but that it is rare. I love reading about romantic stories and all that mushy gushy stuff. But do you really think that you are going to find romantic love a lot? That one can be totally faithful to another all the time? I think that the way that romantic love is portrayed in media is different from the way that we experience it. In media, romantic love does not really show the way it is all the time and how hard it was to get there. It shows the good times, the happy times. Romantic love in real life is not always happy but mostly sad, people experience happiness, sadiness, and even fighting. That does not mean that they are not romantically in love. Overall, like I said, love is a very diverse thing with many different opinions and many different perspectives. I believe that true love and romantic love do exist and hopefully one day true love will find me ♥
Happy Valentines Day! ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Selena said...

Hi Everyone,
Love is such a an undefinable word. You can't capture it, buy it, see it, or force it, its just there and you can feel it.
I believe in true love, not just because I am a girl, or because I am still young, but because I have seen it in real life. I don't know for sure myself, but I hear it is the best feeling in the entire world.
Love is potrayed in books and movies ALL the time. Almost every story you'll ever read, people will want a love story. Thats because love is so powerful. It can will people to do anything. When people find their true love, they would rather die then not be with them (BELLA AND EDWARD CULLEN!)
When you ask if there are more kinds of love, I would say yes. There is lust (hardly love at all), romantic love and family and friends love.
Maybe I am a hopeless romantic too, but someday true love will find me, I just don't know when.
P.S. I think Taylor Swift's "Love Story" is a wonderful song

david said...

I..... believe in love. Love is pretty much an emotion. Without love, would there just be hate? Love creates other emotions as well. Love mostly creates happiness, and also creates anger, sadness, and even hate when someone with love is rejected. I also agree with Drummerboy66 CNN or whatever. I think valentine's Day is overrated and "geared" for a specific gender...females. It is also a very useless holiday, it you can call it one, and makes and breaks many hearts. Many will be rejected, and many will... well you know. It has no purpose but to do nothing and accomplish nothing but do nothing but nothing while doing nothing at the same time that it is doing absolutely nothing (ha ha).Now love can be seen anywhere and everywhere you look; on candy, cards, T.V. shows, movies, potatoes (that is a joke), and even books (lame romance). This just shows how useless valentine's day is. Love itself is not useless. It is rather useful, not useless. It has so many uses i cannot name all of the stuff it does. It does so much stuff, it would take too much time to write, or rather, type all of the things it does. WOE! ALAS! I have written too much! Never mind that was all 4 fun. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA! That is my view on lovey dove stuff and thingies alike.

jackie said...

Alright Mrs. Perrin, you got me! Well I did habe this one boyfriend who kept telling me he loved me but I would never say it back because, well I'm only 14! Love is a very strong emotion that I think you can only experience when you meet your soul mate. There was one girl in my eighth grade clas who was a little overly obssessed with finding "the one" when she was only 13. I was shocked when I saw all the research she had done on the word "love". It shocks me to see all the couples in our grade saying "I love you" when they can not possibly know what it really means. It does exist, though (haha I sound like such a pessimist). I do love Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!
<3 Jackie

Michelle =) said...

Since love is such a strong word, how can a definition capture it all? Hate is also a strong word. Everyone has felt it too. slippery slope blah blah blah I know. But it's my opinion so there. ANyway, if hatred is able to be defined, why can't love? Both being strong and intense. are they both real? Or are we feeling little portions of them? If we got the whole thing, wouldn't we be overwhelmed? A full dose of love (talking about it as a drug) would make us "high" and uplifted. NOthing else would matter in the world. But it does. And if we had a full dose of hate, we would all by psycho murderers. Luckily, we aren't. I personally don't know if I believe in love. I mean seriously how can I tell I'm fourteen. I don't know everything in the world even if i say I do. Yet I notice the changes in our perspectives in love.when we are very little, we are convinced the other sex has cooties. By high school, most people date as many people as they can, for the fear of being lonely.I'm sure that everyone we go out with we won't love.high school relationships onaverage last like a week. I sincerly doubt that after two days of going out with some one you realize you love them. Valentine's Day to me is good for friends. I get my friends stuff but i don't expect anything. Maybe if I was going out with someone I would expect something. then I would be very disappointed if I didn't recieve anything.But i'm usually not like that. If i actually love someone and they love me, Valentines day is a mere holdidday where people show that they ove another.Why would you have to show someone? SHouldn;t they already know? ANyway...I don't believe books and all that great stuff can actually capture how love feels and looks. If it's as strong as definitions portray it, it must be better than books. And how can we be sure love exists? so many parents are divorced nowadays its not even funny. WHy marry a person if you know it's not going to work out?? I think books movies and everything raise the bar too high. Girls are usually the ones expecting things and when not, its destroyed.feeling terrible when it doesn't go right. Putting all our hearts in it then getting it torn away. I also think there are different kinds of love. I love my family and friends. Even though most of the time I HATE matt with a super strong passion, I don't want anything to happen to him and i still love him. As for my friends, even if I get mad at them, we stay friends. we love eachother. JUstnot a I LOVE YOU!! LETS GET MARRIED! kinda way.
so I rambled on a long time. time to let ya good.
michelle :]

Michelle =) said...

I also agree with the CNN dude. I hate love songs. they are ucky. Most them drive me nuts and are terrible!! I have also seen true love. But i still dont know if I believe in it. seeing isn't believing. believing is seeing. HA thats from one of the santa clause movies and polar express!!!! hehehe :] if I think of more I'll write again.
peace for now!
michelle (=

Marissa said...

Love.Love.Love.I love that word. I see love speaking to people mostly through the media. I do believe the media gives the public false information about love. Yes, I do believe that romantic love exists, its just very hard to find. Love in books, plays and poetry is more of a happy, clean, fake love . This is different than reality because in reality love in not always a happy thing, people in life get into fights. Love can be very hard at times , it can cause alot of people to be sad and depressed. Yes, i do believe that there is hope for love in the real world, it can be hard to discover though. I don't believe that love has expections. Love can be whatever you want, it to be. I believe that love exists and it is worth it, but yet again i wouldn't really know because i had never really been in love. I believe that there is fake love, like when a guys just buys his womens heart by gifts and there is another kind of love, true pure love. I don't really know what true love is yet, but i'm sure that someday i will know .

Happy Valentines Day!

Tom Ludwig, PHD said...

"Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love."
-Albert Einstein

I think that romantic love is a lot different than other forms because it deals with two people that, in an ideal situation, will be together for life and were not previously really close to each other. For example, I love my family, but that's different than two people who love each other and get married. For one thing, I've loved my parents all my life, whereas in the other situation they probably met in college, work, or maybe high school. The definition that Mrs. Perrin found covers both of these instances, though. The "family" type normally isn't "profound" or as "passionate" as a marriage type of love, but does usually involve an affection for family members, especially parents/children. I care for my brother but I don't really trust him as much as my parents, which is probably normal.

I think that in the real world, love doesn't exist as it does in fairy tales or shakespeare plays, which is why some people like to read and dream about them so much. I don't really want to make anyone all depressed by saying this, but if you really want to experience a love that is completely perfect and uninterrupted by anything, go read a fairy tale. Great Expectations and Wuthering Heights will just make you even more depressed, and you won't understand Romeo and Juliet anyways.


Unknown said...

I think the word love is over used in the world today. Walking through the hallways at school I hear students using the words "i love you!" we're only in high school and I don't think that this kinda of language should be used to one another, we have so many people that are going to be put into our lives. I do think that there are different forms of the word love. I could say that i love my homework, ha and i could say that i love my family. They are totally different forms. I know that it does exists somewhere out there but i think it's getting harder to find true love.

happy valentines day ! <3

Adog said...

Oh boy... Mrs. p, how many times have you done this now - where you have told us what something is and give examples and then ask us if it exists? Bah! of course it does! The only people who haven't experienced some form of this love is the people who are lying about it.
This reminds me of a song that would come on a radio station in the game of Fallout 3 (there is only like three or four songs on this station) and it was about a grrl who was in love and she said that she was as corny as kansas in summer or something. But that made me remember that.
I don't know why but i am really looking forward to the Romeo and Juliet play coming up here. I am especially looking forward to seeing people squirming in their seats! (muahaha!) but the funny thing is that the only thing i know from Romeo and Juliet is that quote that goes "oh, romeo..." from the amazingly random video on a site somewhere.

I have exhibited some 'tough' love, if you could call it that, on the television series Soliltary. on this there is a computer that makes the people inside do weird things like eat cheese and set up mouse traps and drink shark chum. She said something about giving tough love to the players, but i don't know the context exactly. She claims to be increasing the players will power and focus.

Andy or Tyler said...

Andy's Award winning blog!

Andys friend(s) say:

Yo, it's ya homie g dog gangsta' gangst broder from da' west. Da' names Bonfy. Bonfy Jamefy. I is lovin' the wetha' out here dog. Wat is crackin' out here yall? I can't wait ta' see yo' blog man. I is bustin' my head out ta' see it! I can't wait no longer dude! I wan' ta' here da' lovin'

-Bonfy Jamefy


Thanks to my massive fan base. I have desided to write an extrordinary passage about the topic Love.

1. The intro:

First off, I have come to the conclusion that the subject in question is indeed a very silly one. Love most deffinately exists.

2. The in-depth part

Love: a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

That is the definition that my teacher has put up. ha ha, it is so silly. I think that it was very uncreative to use the actual dictionary definition. If I were the teacher, I would put up my own version of the word. For example: The word Forgiveness was breifly described in on of my other detailed reports. this is the definition:

Forgiveness: to forgive means to take all the anger that you have for someone and throw it out the window. Then go outside and pick up the anger. Then repeat 6 or 7 times. Then take the anger to a brick wall and repeatedly bash the anger on the wall until you think that you've beaten the living crap out of the anger. Then take it to the local trash compreser and get the anger all mashed up. Then, to finish it off, take the beat up anger to a bomb testing site in nevada and place it under the drop tower and wait for a big bang! Now, the anger is gone and you have forgiven whatever you were angery at in the first place. That is a short and sweet definition of forgiveness.

That is my own creative input on that word. If a Freshmen can do that then a Language teacher could always do much better.

3. The answering part

Love exists everywhere I go. Even in advertising slogans. Altel Wireless company says "come and get your love,"(singing sounds). Also, I hear it all the time at school and it is very common to hear/say "I love you!" Love is everywhere. Love is awesome. It is even in a lot of cool songs like "What the world needs now, is love, sweet love!" Love is such a cool thing, and to doubt is is terrible. If I had my own city and someone didn't like love, They would be banished, Shunned, and spit at!

4. The Fun part.

Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!

5. The Speacial Word!


6. The End

SEE YA'!!!!

Beth said...

Personally I think that Valentines day is kind of an overated holiday. I mean why should there be a holiday to show somebody you love them when really you should do that 365 days of the year. But then again as my inner girl is kicking in I have to admit I am a fan of Valentines day. I mean who does not like to get chocolate and flowers and all that good stuff! And maybe if your lucky ... even a barbie valentine!

I also have to admit that I am a bit of a romantic, or so I like to think I am.So I totally do believe that love exists and is out there. I do enjoy to watch those cheesy chick flicks that usually all end up like girl gets the guy, they fall in love, and they live happily ever after. And whenever I see that it makes my heart just go awww.

I see true love in my parents everyday. Yesterday actually marked the day of 35 years of their first date and they are still going strong. My parents taught me that love is all about being there for a person no matter what "in sickness and in health and through the good times and the bad times." and I think that is truely what love is all about.

Tony H. said...

love exsists in some people, only if you want it to. If you truly love someone than you were meant to be.

Geissman301 said...

i think love does really exist. I think this because you wouldnt hang around some1 u didnt like. So y wouldnt love exsist? I think of love as kinda a friendship thing. I do not belive there is "true love" to the extent you see in novels, but i do think there is actual love.

happy valentines day

Anonymous said...

Well I totally disagree with you. I do believe that true love can exist in the real world. I don't think it can exist in books. Most of the time that love is potreyed in a book it is just so fake. In alot of love storys they buy each other flower and chocalate every other day, true love isn't like that. They don't need to show the other person that they love them. The other person already knows that there other loves them. (I know that, that portion might have been hard to follow, sorry;) And yes, true real world love does exist. Alot of us (including myself) have been in love at one point in are life. Yeah we might use the expression a little too litely but most of the time we mean it. Yeah there are also different types of love, there is the way you would love a pet or family, or how you would love a girfriend or boyfriend. Yeah love is a great thing and I hope everyone can truly enjoy it.

Andy or Tyler said...

Hello, Tyler Here, just wanted to make that all clear. Sorry if my writing is rusty: I haven't posted in a while, but here goes nothing.

As for your first question: "How do you see Love speaking to the romantic expectations of those who pursue it?" Thats a tough sentance to decrypt. It's like your trying to confuse me. Anyways, If you mean something alon the lines of "Do you think love is as romantic as those expect" I say no, there is no such thing as Romance. Romance is very similar to love in the fact that it is cheesy and that it is fictional (only in books) I consider the two words totally different, and I don't beleive one word can descibe the other. It's like saying it is fictional, real love. Books don't have love, they have romantisism. Romantisim can sometimes be so cheesy that it can only happen in a book.

Back to love, you might love for different reasons, but its all the same, only the names will change, everyday, it seems were wasting away. Another place, where the faces are so cold. I'd drive all night just to get back home. I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride. I'm wanted dead or alive. Wanted dead or alive. Sometimes I sleep, sometimes its not for days. And the people I meet, always go their separate ways. Sometimes you tell the day by the bottle that you drink, and times when you're all alone all you do is think. I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride. I'm wanted dead or alive. Wanted dead or alive. I walk these streets, a loaded six string on my back. I play for keeps, cause I might not make it back. I been everywhere, still Im standing tall. I've seen a million faces and I've rocked them all. Im a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride. Im wanted dead or alive. Im a cowboy, I got the night on my side. Im wanted, dead or alive. Wanted dead or alive.

A special thanks to Bon Jovi, for without his song "dead or alive", I would have never been able to do this report.

Andy or Tyler said...

This is Tyler, and I totally disagree with what michelle said earlier. She was dissing love songs, saying they were "ucky". I haven't heard a love song I hate yet. My favorite one would have to be "never gunna give you up" by rick astley. Who's with me? are we just going to sit here and let people diss love songs? This is madness! THIS IS SPARTA!

-Tyler Golias

Perkinsdrummer66 said...

Whoa! in kevin's post there was nothing political at all. That can't be . The fabric of space and time must be unraveling or something. Now im questioning everything about the universe. (not that i didn't anyway) Im in shock. This isn't right. Who are you and what have you done with Kevin!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Perkins, I did this on my Ipod and it takes so long to type. Another way you can love someone is like how I love conservitism. Happy?

Perkinsdrummer66 said...

Oooh you did it on you Ipod eh? Cool im guessing Itouch. and as for the happiness you asked, ill let you know when mankind reaches a new level of evoulution and know one will ever rape, murder, or fight again.

Verification Code: fasts

Unknown said...

I think romance isnt always a form of love, its kind of like icing on the cake. But i think when people are in love, some make it fit their romantic needs, others feel they aren't getting enough. But what do flowers and candy on Valentine's Day mean if your fighting all the time and can't stand each other? (even though i do enjoy romance!) It all goes back to the meaning of love, the affection for someone. I dont think anyone will ever truly know if love exists until they experience it. but after observing many people around, i do believe it exists, through the good and the bad. Of course love is worth waiting for, or at least i would like to hope so. In my mind part of my life-time goal is finding my true love, and marrying him. Romance would help inbetween. Ha. I do love listening to those 'sappy' love songs and watching those love stories, but it all just seems worth it. Oh, and the bar is never to high for guys, if it comes from your heart, it'll be just right!

Unknown said...

Well, first off, love must exist, because its the only thing that keeps my from putting a fist in the computer when Andy, or Tyler, or whoever he is that thinks he's clever, posts a half a page long blog.
...Anyway, just today in Spanish class, we discussed Valentine's day, what we would do for it, and it's history. Now, we discussed St. Valentine, and his love for whoever he loved, and how he would go at great lengths just so he could speak to her. Now if this isnt love, what is? Also, if this is not love, then why have we generated it into a national holiday for all to celebrate. Love exists, case closed.
-Your Private Eye,
"the-H Bomb"

bsman132 said...

Ok im sorry that my post wont take up half the page. im just not really the person to ask about this type of topic. im going to have to say that yes, love exhists. But that doesnt mean that everyone is going to experience it immediatly. like right now i may be attracted to someone but, unlike some people, i know that they pbly wont love me for awhile. and thats if we stay together long. im not saying that i would be expecting to break-up with them but it is probable.
Anyway i actually thenk the word love is overrated these days. but it does exhist. it takes awhile to find tho. ppl try too hard

Dr. Markus said...

I think that love does actually exist. It's what inspires us to be with someone we love for eternity. I think the emotion itself exists, but I have to agree with everyone else about the fact that Valentines Day is a dumb holiday. Why is it that every year, there is ONE day that we celebrate how much someone loves their partner? Shouldn't that happen everyday? Why is there one special day? It's kind of weird to have one day. But I also think true love happens to everyone at some point in our lives.


Anonymous said...

Oh Perkins, quiet your whining. Besides without all of that where is the sense of adventure. And yes I love my Ipod Touch, it is one the greatest things made,,, ever.

Unknown said...

in some ways, love does exist. most of the books i read is about how boy meets girl they fall in love the end. i guess that sort of happens in reality, but less dramatic. of course love exists within married couples, boyfriends/girlfriends, even friendships, but in my opinion the romantic love has a different feel to it.

i have a dream (like most real people and many of the disney princesses) of falling in love one day and having a huge family. in that sense, love isn't all about poems, roses, chocolates, but about personality. i like it when someone picks up on my kind of humor and plays along. love isn't about kisses and hugs and materials
but the way you make someone feel by using your feelings.

xoxo (:

JESS(:! said...


I see love ever where and everyday although it may not be true love. Most of the time I see love through television, radios, and magazines. I think that a lot of the time this form of communication is giving people the wrong kind information and views about what love really is. I honestly do believe that true love does exist, but I’m not exactly sure how to put it in to words. I think a lot of the time people think the have found true love but they really haven’t and things just get bad from there. I have heard that true love can be hard, stress full, and can cause a lot of tears. Yes there is actually many different kinds of love like family love & friend love. I think love in books does not exist in books but people only believe it does because that want to believe that there love could be prefect love and that’s not gonna happen because love is far from perfect.
True LOVE to me in my own definition is to wait and find some who will always bear with you through the bad and as you spend more and more time together you will grow stronger together, just someone who you can have thousands of cherished moments with, and even tough fights may occur with your true love it is only bring you closer.

JESS(:! said...


I see love ever where and everyday although it may not be true love. Most of the time I see love through television, radios, and magazines. I think that a lot of the time this form of communication is giving people the wrong kind information and views about what love really is. I honestly do believe that true love does exist, but I’m not exactly sure how to put it in to words. I think a lot of the time people think the have found true love but they really haven’t and things just get bad from there. I have heard that true love can be hard, stress full, and can cause a lot of tears. Yes there is actually many different kinds of love like family love & friend love. I think love in books does not exist in books but people only believe it does because that want to believe that there love could be prefect love and that’s not gonna happen because love is far from perfect.
True LOVE to me in my own definition is to wait and find some who will always bear with you through the bad and as you spend more and more time together you will grow stronger together, just someone who you can have thousands of cherished moments with, and even tough fights may occur with your true love it is only bring you closer.

j.spear(: said...

I think there is more then one kind of love. There is the love for you family and friends that you have and the love that you have towards a person that you think you could spend with for the rest of your life. I find the first would to be true. But the second is questionable. I think people try to find this love quickly. Love takes time and people go searching for it. I feel that the romantic love that is in books is way to extrondinary for real life. I am too a hopeless romantic but i know that love in books and movies doesnt exist how i wish to see it.

Constantly Emily said...

I say love does exiest, truly exist, and in many forms too. There is first off, the one people think of first, your romantic love. When two people love each other in "that way" it is a special thing. Sometimes it doesn't always last, but I believe that one will fall in and out of love many times in their life. There is also a different kind of love, one that almsot everybody experiances day to day, but hardly recognize, and that is family love. I love my family and friends, and tell them ofter. Everyday before I leave my house in the morning to go to school I tell my mom and dad, "I love you!" and they reply the same. Am I lying? No, of course not! So to people who say love does not exist, I say they are in blind denial. To people who are in romantic love with somebody, I say good luck. And to the people who are happy and love life, I say congrats, happy Valentines day.

Unknown said...

What can I say about Love? Well probably just that I don;t think it really exists. I mean I believe that people can like each other and stuff just not love at first sight and stuff like that. "Love" is just a name for a stronger feeling of "like." What Im trying to say is I think people are starting to look at "love" as an object that they need to get when how you feel about someone should come naturally over time.
em rady

Perkinsdrummer66 said...

(SIGH) another valentines day where im still single. I kinda wish the love in stories was real. that would be cool. well im done 4 the week. later. ~El Perkino

Jacob said...

Honestly, i think the world revolves around love. At least i know that is what i center nearly everything around, for myself. Mostly everything i do involves love. It makes things better. I can't exactly tell you what i think love is. I just think it's something that is undefinably, such a great feeling, that is difficult to describe. Although i cannot describe it, a few things i've always imagined that would come along with love, is caring for the other, as much, or more than you do yourself. I've also always thought it was FOREVER. not a long time. Forver. That's reaaaaaaaaally long time. But that's how i think it is, it shouldn't be temporary. One quote i once heard was "Love is a word that is not to be used in passed tense, you do, or you never did. That's what i think love is. All these movies and songs are showing me what other people thing it is. But i still think, it's what makes the world go round. Love is essential to life. Live, Love, Laugh. As all those myspace girls would put it.


austin said...

ok, so I'm not even sure if love exists. I truly will not know until I experience it. As of right now, i think that love is all up to the person who is loving. If they want to love, then they can, but if someone feels that love does not exist, it will not.

Gabrielle Schwall said...

Love sucks if you ask me :C
You think you have the greatest thing in the world, and it will usually crush you in the end. -hahaihatebreakingupwithpeople-

In my veiw, love is love. There's no real difference unless your talking about the real-deal or just a little crush. But I can definatly say there's somewhat of levels to it, if that makes sence. (I need to work on explaining things better x____X )

I always hated the love shown in books. Most of the time they're very unrealistic and poisen people's minds with the false fantasies of "their prince descending from his majestic castle on a white stallion that glimmered in the moonlight". O god, give me a break. If anything, you'd be lucky to even see some guy ride a mule just for you. (I don't see many guys riding horses)

Unknown said...

there is definitely more than one kind of love other than romantic, but there is also true romantic love in the world. yes, books, movies, and songs, etc. have given love very high expectations, but i think that it will definitely be worth it when it happens, and i believe that it will. its not the only kind of love though, because i love my family and my friends unconditionally. i love mushy love songs like by taylor swift, and chick flicks that make you cry. love might not be as perfect as is portrayed by them, i hope that even though it wont be it will still be better, because it will be real.

Unknown said...

Do you believe in love at first sight. So people think that tthey will know who there soulmate is the first time they set eyes on them. I agree with Nicole, why do we need a day to express love for each other. Yeah i get that one day a year lovers do romantic thing for each other. But what i dont get is that most people only do romantic things for each other on Valentines Day. Why? I think true love is willing to do any thing fo reach other. I also believe true love is when your not afriad to express your true feelings and you dont wait for this one day to express it. I to love reading about romantic stories in books or watching it on a movie. Can that really happen? The love of your life comes and sweeps you off or feet. If you did a survay every would say that happened when they were proposed to. I heard so many different stories from family members and friends about there proposals. I have to a agree that some of them are really cute. For example a family friends just got preposed to. And i thought it was so cute the way her boyfriend did it. It was closer to Halloween and they were going to carve pumpkins. So before they carved he cut the bottom of and filled the pumkin with small boxes. In the boxes had little slips of paper that said the day they meet how much he loved her and will you marry me. Then he hot glues the bottom back on and gave the pumkin to her to carve. When she cut the top of it off she was a little confused for a second then realised that there was nothing wrong with the pumpkin she turned to her boyfriend to say something. When he got down on one knee to prepose. Of corse she said yes. I think what he did was an expression of true love. One of the many ways it can be expressed and i believe out for everyone there is a fairy tale ending for them to.

Andy or Tyler said...

Andy's Award winning blog!

Andys friend(s) say:

Yo, it's ya homie g dog gangsta' gangst broder from da' west. Da' names Bonfy. Bonfy Jamefy. I is lovin' the wetha' out here dog. Wat is crackin' out here yall? I can't wait ta' see yo' blog man. I is bustin' my head out ta' see it! I can't wait no longer dude! I wan' ta' here da' lovin'

-Bonfy Jamefy


Thanks to my massive fan base. I have desided to write an extrordinary passage about the topic Love.

1. The intro:

First off, I have come to the conclusion that the subject in question is indeed a very silly one. Love most deffinately exists.

2. The in-depth part

Love: a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

That is the definition that my teacher has put up. ha ha, it is so silly. I think that it was very uncreative to use the actual dictionary definition. If I were the teacher, I would put up my own version of the word. For example: The word Forgiveness was breifly described in on of my other detailed reports. this is the definition:

Forgiveness: to forgive means to take all the anger that you have for someone and throw it out the window. Then go outside and pick up the anger. Then repeat 6 or 7 times. Then take the anger to a brick wall and repeatedly bash the anger on the wall until you think that you've beaten the living crap out of the anger. Then take it to the local trash compreser and get the anger all mashed up. Then, to finish it off, take the beat up anger to a bomb testing site in nevada and place it under the drop tower and wait for a big bang! Now, the anger is gone and you have forgiven whatever you were angery at in the first place. That is a short and sweet definition of forgiveness.

That is my own creative input on that word. If a Freshmen can do that then a Language teacher could always do much better.

3. The answering part

Love exists everywhere I go. Even in advertising slogans. Altel Wireless company says "come and get your love,"(singing sounds). Also, I hear it all the time at school and it is very common to hear/say "I love you!" Love is everywhere. Love is awesome. It is even in a lot of cool songs like "What the world needs now, is love, sweet love!" Love is such a cool thing, and to doubt is is terrible. If I had my own city and someone didn't like love, They would be banished, Shunned, and spit at!

4. The Fun part.

Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!Yay Fun!

5. The Speacial Word!


6. The End

SEE YA'!!!!

Unknown said...

Mrs Perrin,
I beileve in love to its fullest potential. Love exists all over the place but in many many different forms. I believe that although love is a strongly over used word, that it is real. It is something so powerful and real that its immosspible to grasp. I think that love is very powerful and that when you love someone they dont ave to do anything but love you and show you compassion. Love is undescribable. I think that although we try to understand it through all the comercials and sellings of love, those arent the real meaning of love. love to me is just doing anything for someone out of your heart not beacuse you have to prove yourself but because you feel a deeper and stronger connection with a person then you ever have with anyone else before. love can be in many different ways. for example I love my family and friends but they are not the same love. I live with my family and will have an unconditional love for themm and God. For my friends i have a friendly love that I hope will last a longer time tehn a couple of years. Its a different feeling to have a passionate love for someone and just a caring love for someone. I think that to have true love, it has to be so close to an unconditional love and a passionate love and a caring love that is so deep and unreal that you could just stare at them or think of their texture and melt for them. love is a very strong word and I think people should only use it when they truley mean it in a real sense and not just that they love inanimate objects.
Katie Taylor