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Celebrating small kindnesses and basking in the little things.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Parenting Memories

All of us have memories of our parents that will forever be stuck in our minds. These memories can be good, bad, sensory, emotional etc... Never the less, these memories help us to define our parents and who they are in our lives. Our parents influences through their actions, words, and beliefs.
One of my favorite memories of my dad comes from when I was five years old. A blizzard had taken Ohio by storm and many people were stranded. My father, a member of the Ohio National Guard, was called to duty--activated. This meant that he had to leave our house and help everyone else. We lived on a 33 acre farm and the roads were covered. My mom could not drive anywhere and food was getting slim. She called my dad to tell him we needed milk, eggs, bread, butter and the like. He promised to see what he could do. Later that day, I sat on the floor in the living room of our old farmhouse. I was watching television. I heard the propellers--whoosh, whoosh, whoosh--before I saw them. In the back of the house the snow swirled around in the air. An Army green helicopter landed in our back yard. In the middle of the swirling snow and propeller noise, my dad climbed out of the helicopter carrying bags of groceries. He walked through the white snow in his Army uniform--the hero to his family.

I'll never forget that moment. I think it was this image that motivated me to go into the military. I wanted to be more. I wanted to fill those big boots. I do know that not everyone will have a helicopter and the military in their stories. But think about a memory of a parent.

Describe the memory. Use vivid descriptive words. Explain why the memory is important to you. I want lots of details!!!!!!!! You may need to think about this and then come back to the writing. I also know that there are some memories that are not good. By the negative nature of the event, we are impacted. Share memories you do not feel uncomfortable having others read and respond to.
You only have until Friday at 7:00 p.m. to post. Anything after that time will not be counted!!!!


Alisha Hoy(: said...

Ok. So... a memory i like with my dad is when I went to cedar point with him, his girlfriend, my sister, & two of my nephews. I like this memory because i dont see my dad much. i didn't know him until a few years ago. And cedar point was the first big thing we've done together as a family.

Unknown said...

Mid summmer before fith grade my parents, aunt and uncle had taken me, my sisters and cousins to the Lorain county fair. We adopted a rabbit while we were their. She was a young doe jersy wooley rabbit. We brought her home and put her in the rabbit hutch we have outside, by this time it was late in the evening. my cousins were going to spend the night at our house. We had all gone to bed, I was drifftin off to sleep when i here my dad walking down stairs. A few minutes later I heard him yell for my mother. I then sat straight up woried. My mother raced down stairs. I just assumed then that it was nothing important. After a while of both my parents going up and down the stairs a few times my mother came in my room and said that i needed to help my father. i came in my parents room and saw our rabbit sitting on the bed wrapped up in a towel. It turns out my mother had a feeling that something was wrong and hadasked my father to go check on the rabbit. My fater then found the rabbit torn and bleeding in the cage, so he had brought her in and we (me and my father had) took the poor rabbit to the vets who gave her many stiches. The rabbit healed and two years later had 7 baby bunnys. Thanks to my parents work and money we have a great rabbit and her sons and daughters.

Anonymous said...

Watching the yellow dash markers zip by as we sped down the long and narrow highway. To the left of me my mother, a hold of the wheel with tears in her eyes and hands trembling. In the backseat my sister sits quietly afraid to break the silence that lingers in the air. Minutes before we had gotten a call that father had been rushed to the hospital. Says hes alive and is ok but has a severe concussion.

This is not a special moment so do say but it is one to make you step back and realize never to take things for granted. Very rarely we are givin a second chance in life to realize how much we are being careless and selfish. This memory helps me remember to love your friends and family always becuase you never know when life is going to make a turn that is fairly unnexpected.

tori-pace said...

My favorite family memory was going to Niagra Falls. I went with my mom and dad. The first thing we decided to do when we got there was go on the Skywheel.It's a huge enclosed ferris wheel that gives you a really good view of the falls from the top. We finally got to the top and my dad went to take a picture and our camera wasn't working. He got so mad he stood up fast and cracked his head on the ceiling of our cart thingy.(forgeting it was a low ceiling) It was so funny. He finally got the camera to work and so we got the pictures from there. The rest of the weekend there was amazing. It's so gorgeous. I want to go back. :)

Katlin said...
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Katlin said...

Ok one of my favorite memories would be when I was camping seasonal at this one camp ground and my dad slept walked almost all the way down the street. My mom chased him all the way down the street and finally caught up to him and woke him up....his face was priceless!

~Katlin Fields~

champaigne said...

I was outside and decided that I was going to run up and down my dad's trailer that hooked up to the back of his truck. I liked running up and down it when it was down because I liked running on the slope. It wasnt down so I decided i was going to take it down myself. Little did I know the thing was more than 5 times my weight (I was four years old). There was two little chains that you had to lift up for the ramp to come down.(Noone was around at this time.) So nothing happen. I then decided to run quickly over to the other side and take the other chain off. Then me being unitelligent and juvenille I decided to run back to the other side instead of out of the way. It's oblivious that the whole ramp fell on me. I was stuck under it for about 3 minutes trying to scream for help loudly. It was hard for anyone to hear me I guess, but finally my dad came after he panicked for a second. He then lifted the ramp off me and hugged me tight in his arms. I was happy I wasn't injured greatly, but I felt a lot better when he hugged me. I did go to the er but the whole fact was that he made me feel better even though physically I wasn't.

Allison H. said...

My memmory about parenting is that every night when it was getting late and time for bed, my dad would read me a story. I would always make him read me the story the Ginger Bread Man, almost every night. I loved this story, mostly because my dad would always talk in fun voices. I would always say "you can't catch me, I'm the ginger bread man!" when that part came in. I loved this book. I loved having my dad read me books every night. I will always remeber this because it was one my favorite things when i was little.

Natalie Esson said...

My favorite parenting memory is about my dad. Every night, my two brothers and I would pick out a Dr. Suess book for my dad to read to us. The four of us would sit on my parent's bed and think of a word we would want my dad to incorperate into the story. Once our word was decided, my dad would begin reading the story. When my dad came to a word that he found appropriate, he would replace it with the word we had chosen. This was always funny for us when we were little. The only one I can really remember is when we decided to make the word "Burger King" and the spotted guy ended up living in 'Burger King' instead of the circus. We would always have so much fun with this. Now, whenever I see a Dr. Suess book, or hear anything about Dr. Suess, I think about my dad and the stories he used to read to us when we were kids.

Unknown said...

The best memory with my mom that i ever had was when me and my mom when sledding in North Royalton.We both got on the sled and went down a huge hill. Unfortunately when we got to the bottom we went to far and into some trees so i flipped us and hit the tree first so that my mom didn't get hurt and then when we got up my mom carried me up the hill in gratification for what i did. Then we both went and got hot chocolate.(Her treat)

Djakovic said...

In my memories my parents have helped me a lot to make my life what it is today, being the best I can be and doing the best of what goes around in this school. My most important memory, yet sort of foggy still in my mind, is the day when my dad bought me an accordion. He said "Son, when you play this accordion and practice so much that your fingers fall off. You'll soon see that you'll be a professional accordion player." Even though I didn't like it at first, it started to grow on me and well, my dad was right about the many things he's said to me in my life. This is why it is so important to me because it was the beginning of my legacy.

Danielle Bruno said...

well lets see my favorite memory of my mom is when we were little me and my sister would watch the wizard of oz, aladin and lamb chops over and over again with our mom. we had our favorite parts like the part were the scarecrow gets hit on the head, in aladin when the geinie is telling him about what he cant wish for and at the very end if labm chops. but just having our mom there enjoying it with us makes it very special because she had to work alot when we were little.
Danielle 4/5

nferrier said...

One of my favorite memories I have was when my parents and my brother would have game night. The reason why it was fun was because my dad would always tell me how to win. Even though sommetimes Iwasn't in the mood for a game it always made my day better. My bother and I would always get mad because of who ever won we got jelous.

Christina B said...

There are many memories that I will never forget. One memory is when my dad came home from a business trip. He goes on many, and can be gone up to 3 weeks. I was about four years old when my dad came home from what seemed to be quite a while. His flight came in late and I had been waiting. My bedtime came and went and I eventually fell asleep. I was excited to see my dad and couldn’t wait even though it had only been 1-2 weeks. I was awakened by the slow, steady motion of a rocking chair. My dad had come home; he picked me up and rocked me in my bedroom. This meant a lot to me because he cared enough to come in and say hi even though it was late and he had been on a red eye flight. I also remember when my mom would rock me to sleep when I was even smaller. She would sing “Mocking Bird” and I would soon be lying in bed fast asleep. These memories me a lot to me because they show love and kindness.

Sierra Wick said...

Before my parents divorced we would always go on a camping trip to Mohican. The cars would be packed with so much stuff that i would be crammed to a a very tiny section of the backseat. With a cooler at my feet and some other unmentionables in green bags probing the back of my head. Sure it wasnt the most comfortable of all car rides but it didnt matter. As long as we got to our destination. Of course we had left late (like every year) and of course we had trouble finding our tent site. By the time we did find it, it was pitch black outside and the only light came from the orange glow of the fires from neighboring sites. My mom and I would sit back while my angry and frustrated dad tried to find the missing poles or stakes in the dark. This was to be expected so i carried on about my business. The day after was always the best. The trunks of the S.U.V's would be open and the soothing melody of Jack Johnson would be coming from the speakers. The river offered a nice place to swim and it was an overall fun time. I think what i remember most about this camping trip would be the fire in the trunk of a tree that some younger campers had left burning. All the campers brought buckets and a huge assembly line was formed from the river to the tree to try and diminish the red hot ambers on the inside of the trees trunk. This was one of many classic camping trips that we have gone on.
(Sierra Wick)

Unknown said...

My favorite memory was when i went to cedar point for the first time. I went with my step mom and friends because my family was to afraid to go. Well i was scared but i wanted to go.I was so excited to ride my first roller coaster! I loved it, and i had a great time.

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite memories with or of my parents was when my parents, sister, brother, sister-in-law, me , and all the dogs went to Hocking Hills. This was a strong memory because my mom worked really hard to make this a good trip, and she did a good job of making it a memorable trip. The most memorable part though was when we all went to the caves and my dad slipped and cut his leg open. This was terrible, but none of us could forget it and how it happened. (He tried climbing a rock and slipped.) ha, it was all funny afterwards though. None of us will ever forget that trip.

Anonymous said...

The metroparks are a fun place to be. The birds chirping, the colored trees, and the rain.

One day, my dad and I went down to the metroparks. It started off as a beautiful day, but, as many of us know, things can change really quickly - especially when you're talking about the weather. My dad was going for a run and he had agreed to let me ride my bike behind him. Well, the beautiful day ended and a dark, angry one arose. Terrential downpour! I was pouring so hard, I thought I could hear the leaves being shredded off of the trees. So, as most nine year olds would do, I abandoned my father and told him that I was heading for the car. But, I over looked the fact that I was on the other side of the road. I passed the car and kept going. On and on I went, in the rain, ending up getting soaked to the bone. It was then, at a traffic light, that a man tapped me on my shoulder and said, "Are you Alex?" My dad had sent a stranger to look for me.

That memory shows me just how big a part of my life my parents are. When you are nine years old, and you're lost in a huge park, well, the fear is pretty much crushing. My dad showed me that day not only that he'll talk to anyone (which he still does and it is very annoying), but he cares enough about me to trust a complete stranger.

-A. Muir

TayA said...

My favorite memory of my parents is when they got me to ride my first rollercoaster. We were at Hershey Park and I was 7. My mom and dad were going coaster to coaster and kept telling us to ride them. But I kept thinking that they would break down. At the end of the day my mom finally convinced me to ride the Great Bear (The 2cnd biggest coaster there). After the ride I was so happy I rode it. My parents kept saying they were so proud of me. Now I ride every coaster, whenever I go to a amusement park and I can thank my parents for that.

Unknown said...

One memory I have with my dad is when me, my sister and my dad all went camping together in West Virginia. We stayed for two nights and almost the whole first day it was pouring rain so we didnt get to do much but we still had fun and went swimming on the inflatables in the big lake that was there. It also rained all night long! The next day we were supposed to go white water rafting and it was nice all that morning unitl we hit the big rapids! It started pouring rain! But it was still so much fun to be with my dad and sister too and I know that my dad loves me so much and always wants me to have as much fun as possible:)

Anonymous said...

A memory of my parents is when I was sitting in my house with my brother watching t.v while my parents were in the kitchen. When I was sitting on the couch I heard yelling and screaming coming from the kitchen. My parents were fighting about something and I didn't know it before but they were fighting a lot. After a while, my dad stormed out of the house and went to his parents house for a while and my mom went up to her room. They ended up getting divorced and that will always be a memory because it caused my family to fall apart.
-Amanda Stertzbach

Logan said...

A memory with my dad is when he took me, my brother, my neighbors, and their friends camping. there was this huge rope swing and we fleww of into the river. we also went on a 10 mile canoeing trip. it took forever. while we were there i got to sit and talk with my dad. I liked this because we dont usually talk alot.

caitlyn b said...

Half way through my seventh grade year my family went out to celebrate my straight A's for the first half of the year, when my dad gave me a challenge. He thought that if I could do so well, that maybe I should I have a challenge to push myself harder. The challenge was to get straight A's for two years. My prize: a two week vacation to California, by myself, with my aunt and two cousins. This was the little push that I needed, I worked hard, but didnt get the straight A's, but I kept my average above 3.8 all year which satisfied me and my parents. My aunt and cousins flew in for their normal summer visit, the day they were supposed to go back, I just, left with them. I stayed in California for 2 and a 1/2 weeks, and traveled all around the San Francisco area. The way my dad pushed me to succeed was just what I needed to gain some confidence. My dad makes me want to work hard to get what I want out of life.

Kath said...

It was a regular hot Fourth of July. I was at home with my mom, my dad, and my sister. We always would have sparklers and those crackler things. So like any other year, we went outside, eager to play with the sparklers. I loved sparklers then! They were a mystery. The bright light sparkling in the dark. So my dad opened a box and lit one each for my sister and me. I played with it, making shapes in the air. As soon as it went out I threw it in the grass as I usually did. Then, my dad picked up my sister's sparkler, which had gone out around the same time as mine. Being the helpful child I was, picked up the sparkler because I was helping my dad. He was sitting on the front porch step. I was in the yard, near my sparkler. So being helpful, I picked up my sparkler to make it cool down quicker in this bucket we had. Now usually it would be no problem. It went out. I am about 5 or so and was being careful. My parents trusted me. But just my luck...BAM!I picked it up at the wrong end. It was hot to the touch and my reflexes went into action. I drop it, but tears just poured down my face like Niagara Falls.
My mom took me inside, and being a nurse, she treated my hand with care and love.
Till this day, I still remember this memory. It reminds me of my mom and how caring, loving, and gentle she is. That is what makes her a great nurse...and mom! She took such great care of me and I am so grateful for her. If my mom wasn't a nurse, I don't know how she would have handled it. I am sure she would have been caring, but being a nurse helped a whole lot. I love my mom and what she does. She is so great at it!
So she treated my hand. My first three fingers on my right hand...I think...had lumps on them for a few days, but I survived!

Unknown said...

a memory that i like is when me and my brother started a water fight with my mom.( we always start water fights, we just had one this weekend.) it all started when my brother dumped an ice cold cup of water on my head, so i went to the kitchen and dumped a huge bowl of water on my mom. me and my mom teamed up against my brother. he decided to lock himself in the bathroom so me and my mom got cups of water ready to spill on him. when he came out we got water on us and our cups ran out. so he had us trapped by the door and their was a cup of coffee near by. well my mom told my brother to stop and well he didnt listen. so my mom grabbed the coffee and through it at him. it got all over our table and it coverd my brothers psp!!

Unknown said...

Ok so i was about 8 and I was getting up for Psr tired and mad that i had to go. So when i went upstairs my dad asked me if I would like to go fishing instead and i was so excited i said yes and ran upstairs to get changed then helped my dad gather materials and pack up. We got there very early that morning and I'm no exactly sure if we caught many fish but i had a great time and it sure beat the heck out of Psr. That is a great memory that i had with my dad.

-Nick Rienerth

nicole said...

My favorite memory was on our family vacation to Florida. After a long day at Universal Studios, we got stuck in traffic for about three hours. When we finally made it back up to our hotel room, our keycard wouldn't work. After trying it several times, we realized my mom had done exactly what they advised you not to do; she left it by her cell phone which demagnitized it. It wouldn't have been so bad, but this had already happened two times. We were in Florida for a week.

-N. Rouge

nicole said...

My favorite memory was on our family vacation to Florida. After a long day at Universal Studios, we got stuck in traffic for about three hours. When we finally made it back up to our hotel room, our keycard wouldn't work. After trying it several times, we realized my mom had done exactly what they advised you not to do; she left it by her cell phone which demagnitized it. It wouldn't have been so bad, but this had already happened two times. We were in Florida for a week.

Lindsay Jakubowski said...

One of my favorite memories was with my dad. I was probably about 4years old. I lived in North Carolina at the time. Alright well my dad whet on a business trip and he always brought back presents or a post card. When he got back he gave my brother and sister their and gift, and then he gave me mine. He gave me a stuffed animal cat. I loved the cat and took it everywhere with me. He never left my side. Whenever I went to the park I would bring it with me. If I didn't have it at night to sleep with I couldn't go to sleep. So my favorite memory was when my dad brought me home that gift.

Mumbufu said...

My favorite family memory is when my whole family went to myrle beach. It was nice to just relax and not worry about the stresses of life. my dad taught me to play pool, which was cool and my mom went to the beach with us and pulled me out of the way of a jelleyfish. It is a good memory because my family can get pretty stressed at home so it is nice to just relax every once in a while

ashirilla said...

A memory I like happened a couple of years ago on super bowl Sunday the day the Steelers won. My family is HUGE Steelers fans becauses they are from Pennsylvania. We were having a party and everyone was having fun. Then when the Steelers won everyone ran outside and started running down the street screaming. "They won!" They won!" It was awesome. My dogs were even running with everyone. (I'm so happy they decided to come back and not run away!) My dad never usually blows off fireworks in out yard, but since it was a special occasion he did. Well as soon as the fireworks were done the police came down the street. Everyone was outside and we all sprinted into the garage and the guys grabbed all the fireworks and we closed the garage to wait till the cops pass. Well we are the 4th house on the street and I don't know how but the cops passed our house and continued down the street! I will never forget the look on my dads face. It was so funny!
This is an important memory to me because it shows how much fun my family is. It also shows how supportive they are because they supported the Steelers the whole year even when they lost games.

ctrussa said...

One of my favorite memories was when my mom took me and my sister to mrytle beach. Its was awsome because our family has a condo on the beach so we had a realy nice place to stay in. It was alot of fun but waiting for the day to leave was horrible.

tarren2121 said...

One day my dad took me and my older brother to hinckley to go swimming.We were going somewere nice after we went swimming so my dad was all dressed up. And me and my brother were both still very young. Our dad told us not to go by the bridge but we didnt listen to him. So we both started to drowned. Our dad had to jump in and save us with his suit on.He was very mad that we didnt listen to him but at the same time he was happy that we were ok.

Jeff Neuhaus said...

One night in the summer when I was little, my dad came home with a brown and white cat cradled in his arms. It looked mangled and sick, yet unafraid. My dad had found him on his way home from work, lying on the side of the road in the Metro Parks. His intentions were to merely get it to safety and take it to a vet, but after awhile my entire family grew attached to him. After a lot of begging, we kept him, and named him Max. He lived a happy, healthy life. My dad had saved his life, and created a wonderful childhood memory for me.

Unknown said...

One of my least favorite memories, starts with my family, except dad, driving to my grandmas' apartment. It is December of the year 2000. My youngest brother, PJ, is sleeping in the back of our van. Joey, my older brother, is in the middle seat, on the right side. I'm sitting next to him, and mom is driving. It started off as a casual visit to our very sick grandma, who has lung cancer. Driving down the highway, mom loses control of the steering wheel. The car has slid on a patch of ice, and collided with the guardrail. After finding everyone to be ok, mom calls 911. Within 5 minutes, the police and an ambulance shows up. We are taken into the back, and driven to the hospital. I will never forget that accident.

A.MacIvor said...

My memeory was with my dad. It was the first time I was riding the millenium at cedar point. I was so scared. My dad made us sit in the front seat. People offered us money for our seats because it was the first year it was open. He refused the money. So we rode it and I screamed. But i'm glad I did becuase I realized how much I love roller coasters. Now my dad takes me back every year.

Unknown said...

hmmmmmm well one one of my favorite memories was with my mom.it was spring break and we all were going to florida. i could not wait to leave for the trip while we were there we did alot of fun things. we went sight seeing, swimming, fishing, went to the beach, and para sailing, after this trip i becam alot closer with my mom and my family after then. i will never forget that trip.

Unknown said...

PS this is mike sarama from 6th period.

Unknown said...

One favorite memories is at the 2004 All American Youth Horse Show. I was showing in Western Showmanship with my pony Abby. It was my first time showing there and I was nervous. I don't really remember doing the actual pattern but I do remember getting called back for finals. I kept getting nervous because they place from 8th to 1st backwards. Then they called me for first and I was amazed. It was my first ribbon at a big and to this day I still use the bag I won but the thing I remember most was when I came out of the ring my mom was crying. I didn't understand why. Then she laughed and said it was because she was so happy. This is one the best memories from my past.
~Meghan Harkin

Unknown said...

This summer when my family went to Cedar Point I was super excited to ride the Raptor, since it's one of my favorite rides. It had been broken down pretty much all day until about 2:30. We were eating at the time so Jeff (my boyfriend who I brought), my mom, and myself walked to the back of the park to ride some stuff before returning to the Raptor. By the time we got into the Raptor's line it was an hour and a half wait. After waiting in line for what seemed like an eternity we finally got on the ride. About halfway up the first hill thing the ride abruptly stopped, which freaked everyone out since it had previously been broken. My mom spotted a worker coming up to the seats behind us, and it turns out some kid was trying to pull something out of his pocket, so for everyone's safety they stopped the ride to make him put whatever it was away. Once the ride started back up my mom started screaming her head off!! I swear she was all I could hear! Jeff heard her clearly from two seats down and I'm sure everyone else did too. I think it's one of my favorite memories of my mom because it was really funny and gives me something to tease her about :) It was definatly an interesting ride on the Raptor. :)
--Erin Zaranec! :)

Anonymous said...

a memory i have with my dad is one friday night in 6th grade i was realy bored and my dad came downstairs and he said mitchell do you want to watch the cavs game tonight? and i said that was a great idea and i would go turn on the tv. then he stoped me and told me we shouldnt watch it on tv.. and i asked why and he said that he had 2 tickets to the game that night and he wanted to take me. I was sooo exited! so we went to the cavs game and i had the time of my life.Just me and my dad.

Unknown said...

The only moment I can remember with my mother is when she had just finished washing the floor, and I was running right after and of course slipped and fell. I was about five at the time, and i just sat on the tile floor laughing and laughing. She ran over to me and a look of absolute genuine concern came over her face. It didn't matter that I looked fine, but she kept asking if I was okay. I have yet to see that look of genuine concern on anothers face. I can't remember her smile, but I can always remember that she cared.
-Carly Fleck

Unknown said...

my memory is of a story my mom told me about her childhood. my mom told me that on her first day of kindergarden at the end of the day, the teacher took the kids out in groups so they could get on the right busses. she was in one of the last groups and the whole group she was in missed their bus! so her principal had to drive them all home.

amandeep101 said...

My favorite family memory is when i was little my dad would take me to blockbuster to get movies to watch and we would get alot of movies. He would also watch the movies with me. I like this memory because know my dad doesnt get alot of time to spend with us since he is always busy at work.

Unknown said...

My favorite memory is when me,my family & 2 other familys were friends with went on a cruise. This was a very fun experience. It was the first time i have ever been to the ocean. My family & i did very memorable things. We climbed dunns river falls in jamaica, swam with dolphins & went snorcoling in mexico. I will never forget that family vacation.

kelly klass said...

One memory i had with my family, was when i got to go on a cruise when i was about 7 years old. I was so happy because i was able to miss about a week of school. It was my first time being on the ocean, and i have never been on an island before ! I remember getting all dressed up one night and taking pictures with many disney characters . My favorite one was minnie mouse.I also remeber seeing shows every night,including peter pan, and having a dance on the deck at night. It was so much fun and I dont think i will ever forget the first crise I ever went on. I hope i can do it again sometime .

Unknown said...

when my family and me when on a cruise. the food was delicious, the view was beautiful, and a met someone who lives in new york and my mom and dad were so happy and relaxed. me and my brother actually got along most of the time which i think also helped my parents to "unwind." it was great.

kelly klass said...

One memory i had with my family, was when i got to go on a cruise when i was about 7 years old. I was so happy because i was able to miss about a week of school. It was my first time being on the ocean, and i have never been on an island before ! I remember getting all dressed up one night and taking pictures with many disney characters . My favorite one was minnie mouse.I also remeber seeing shows every night,including peter pan, and having a dance on the deck at night. It was so much fun and I dont think i will ever forget the first crise I ever went on. I hope i can do it again sometime .

c hovan34 said...

The memory I going to tell is when my dad, brother and I played a football game in the front yard.What we do is have a 1 on 1 football game me vs my brother first to 10 points wins. I like this memory because my dad is usally on a busness trip or stuck doing work, so this a time where I can hang out with my dad and have fun at the same time.

Jen said...

My favorite memory with my parents was when we went to Michigan for a summer camp. It was really late after a long day, and we were heading back to our trailer. It was pitch black and no one could see anything. What was worse was that our flashlights were running out of batteries, so we could hardly see the trail. We did eventualy get back, and had a blast at camp. I loved it because it was the very first time the whole family went out of Ohio.

Jen Sens

Unknown said...

my memory is when my dad took me this year to California,Arizona,Utah,and Nevada. I saw things like the grand canyon, zion national park, muir woods,Las Vegas,San Fransisco,Yosemite national park, death valley, horseshoe bend,Lake Tahoe and and a navajo reservation.

marnakeb said...

one of my favorite memories of my parents is when my dad first took me golfing. i'd tagged along with him when i was little with my little plastic golf clubs but this was the real deal. Dad had gotten me my own golf clubs and i felt like a pro! at his time i didn't know that we were just going to the driving range. to me that was all golf was. but when we got there Dad set me up and i swung and missed the ball by a mile! and the second time wasn't much better, when i hit it it rolled along the grass about five fett in front of me. i started to realize i wasn't much of a pro after all. but every time i would hit the ball my dad would comment on something i did right instead of pointing out what i wasn't doing right, which gave me confidence!! i still play golf with my dad to this day which is why i love this memory of the two of us!

<3marna kebberly

Kar said...

Last year i played for the 8th grade football team and we had to go to practices in the morning for 4 hours until the begining of school. Then when school started we practiced from the end of the school day until 5. We lost one of our games but won the rest and the last game we played at the high school stadium under the lights against willetts, which we won. The people who motivated me the most the play were my uncle who played for the browns and my mom for taking me to practices and going to all of my games, even away ones that were an hour away.

KZevchek said...

my memory is on new years eve i don't remember when but is was in a least elementry school is my my parents my brothers and i all sitting around the kitchen table playing games until the ball dropped at midnight then after that by brothers wanted to play poker so they tried to teach me and i beat them all so terribly bad and im much younger then them and my parents thought it was so funny and my mom refused to play but my dad wanted to i like because our whole family is togother and the whole family is having fun together are family isn't together very much anymore.

Unknown said...

Um.. One of my favorite memories was when I was at least 4 or 5 years old and it was holloween . I dressed up as a penquin and before me and my mom went trick or treating i went to go ride my bike . I was just riding with my costume on then all of a sudden i felt a tug and my bike stop. I was little so i did what evey other peron would do freak out and call my mom for help. So i called my mom and i asked her what happened . She told me that my penguin tail was caught in between the spokes. So she got the tail out then we hit the mother load for candy that year. - Asaiah Gomez

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

my favorite memories are when my mom and I have heart to heart conversations, because after i found out that my mom grew up in an abusive household i have tried to treat my mom with as much respect possible because she deserves more then the world and means so much to me.
-Marissa Walczak

Unknown said...

MY favorite family memory happened about 2 years ago. It was August 31st and extremely early in the morning. At about one o'clock my dad woke me up and told me that my little and sister and I had to go to my moms house. When I asked why he said that my step sister, Ivory, was going into labor. Ivory lives in Virginia, so my dad and step mom had to get there as soon as possible. I was so excited because I couldn't wait to be an aunt and see my baby nephew. However, I as a litle mad that i couldn't go with my dad and Cecelia. When Elijah was born my dad send me a ton of pictures. That made me so happy and proud :)
julia romito

Sara Craddock(: said...

One of my favorite memories of my dad is when we go to the Browns games together. My dad has season tickets to the Cleveland Browns and he is a HUGE sports fan! But I love that about him. Every year I go to a few of the games with him, just him and I. They are always a ton of fun. The whole allusion of the game. The drive down to down town Cleveland, just me and him in the car, together talking about what we think will happen and who we think will win the game and we listen to the radio or the sports talk radio and we get pumped! Then we tailgate before the game. We play corn hole, throw the football, cook hot dogs. And then when we walk in we go right to the Browns Team Shop and look around and then get more food. I have a tradition of getting nacho's and cheese(: I love it when we find our seats. We sit higher up, I like it better higher up though because then you can see a lot more, better. But the whole rush of walking up and up and up and then looking down is amazing. I love our seats we have. The people we sit by are really nice too. My favorite part would have to be when the players come out on the field and warm up and the music goes on and it's so loud in the stadium and everyone is so happy for the game to start. Then kickoff... My dad and I cheer the whole time! By the end of the game my voice is usually gone. Then when the game is over, we walk back to the car and hang out a little longer. We take another pop out and peanuts and talk about our favorite plays of the game. Then on the way home we turn on the sports talk radio and listen to what they reporters all say about the game. I'm always exhausted after the game and fall asleep with a smile on my face. I cannot wait until the next game I go too(:

I love these memories because it's something just my dad and I do together. Sports are something my dad and I have in common, and I learn a lot from my dad especially at the Browns games(: I love my dad.

Unknown said...

A memory I have of my parents is actually a somewhat bad one. It was my first day of school literally, and I remember walking into the preschool with my mom and not knowing she was going to leave. So I got into the classroom and I remember her taking off. I didnt like that at all and I started getting really sad and crying and I remember then going to the window of the building and seeing her leaving in her car. I think that was one of the top saddest moments I've ever had, but it stuck in my mind real good so that's why I wrote about it

Unknown said...

One of my memories with my parents is when my dad and I went on my dads cousins nephews boat on Lake Erie. Over summer vacation my dad's cousin called him asking if we wanted to go on his nephew's boat. We had to be at his house to pick him up by 6:00 so we had to get up early. When we got to the dock in marblehead, we saw that the boat was 60ft long, the biggest boat in the marina and there was only 6 of us going so there was plenty of room. When we got out onto the water it was smoother than previous boats we've been on because it is so big. We didn't limit out on perch like we expected because it was to early in the season but the owner invited us to come on the boat again so were planning to go again this weekend. I'm looking forward to it.

Unknown said...

D is Devan H. sorry

Nick Underwood said...

One of my favorite memories is when my family went on vacation to Van Buren, Missouri. We always go fishing on our boat. Every year we go we have a fishing contest. Every year I always come in second place. Two years ago after about six hours of being on the river, my dad was in the lead. When we threw our poles in for one last time I had caught a fish that was only one and a half inches longer than my dads fish. That was the first year I had ever won the fishing contest and that is why it is my favorite memory.

Marina Stojanovic said...

My favorite memory with my parents was about a few years ago. My dad, sister, brother, uncle, and my 2 cousins went on my uncle's boat and went on Lake Eire. This was the first year I went tubing so I was kindof nervous but I still wanted to go first! All of us were fighting about who goes first, when my dad steped in. He was like if anybody is going first that person is going to be me! I was so mad because I wanted to go first but it was sooo funny watching my dad! My uncle was driving the boat and he was going sooo fast, especially on the turns! So my dad was having a hard time staying on, especially since my uncle was trying to make my dad fall off! My dad's face was soo funny becasue he was all red from laughing too hard. When it was my turn I went with my cousin. The whole time we were on top of each other, laughing so hard, and holding on as tight as we can. When we got to a turn, my uncle decided to do a sharp turn so my cousin and I flew off the tube! It was soo funny because our swim suits were practically falling off when we hit the water! Fortunately know one saw that!!! :)This is one of my favorite memory because I was able to spend some time with my family, which was alot of fun!!!!!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

One of the only memories I can recall vividly is strangely one of my mom and I folding laundry together right after we moved into our current house. I was two at the time, yet somehow I can picture the scene as if I was looking in rather than living it. At first I thought it was weird that this is one of my favorite/only memories that I can really think of, but it's not. My favorite memories mainly consist of doing average things with people I love. Something as simple as folding laundry with my mom sticks out in my mind because that was one of my favorite parts of the day.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Well, a memory of my parents... My mom passed mid april this year. I remember the night so crisply it gives me convulsions. I wake up at night trembling sometimes crying because I can't get the picture out of my head. The car drive there was so quiet.... all my dad did was drive..didn't say a word just drove and drove and drove... I was speechless, terrified and had the sinking feeling in my stomach... When we arrived we were directed to a room where her body was kept.. I couldn't do anything but stare...the person who had seemed so full and lush with life was now on the hospital bed completely drained. The worst part was the coldness. It was horrifying. To this day I still remember that somber ride home.. listening to madonna's "Time goes by so slowly" and in fact time did seem to freeze at that point in time... emotionally drained as well as physically I got home and just lay there crying wondering how I would make it through this horrible event. I have and may perhaps always go through the pain. This may not be the cheeriest memory of all time but a memory it is imprinted on me as a foot print is imprinted into the coldest winter snow. I've come to the conclusion and stunning but not suprising truth that I live for her not myself. I'm going to make her proud by proving those who doubted her wrong.. all wrong. This is been my special memory.

Unknown said...

One memory I have is when I first went sledding. I was in 3rd grade and I had alot of fun. One of the things that I remeber most was sliding down with my mom andwe were going sooo fast we had to steer to th side or we would have the car that was parked at the bottom. I also rember when cassi sled into the thorn bush and my mom had to pull her out. it was soo funny!

Unknown said...

My favorite memory of my dad is when we went to Orlando, Flordia on my 10th birthday. To me this was one of the biggest birthdays because I was finally in the "double digits". (And finally tall enough to ride the "big girl" rides:)We did everything together, and I was never embarrassed to be seen with him even when he did his "nerd" impersonation. This memory is special because it was the last memory I have of him before he and my stepmom got married. After they got married he changed tremendously. In every way. I miss the old him, but still love and respect (somewhat) the new him.

Vinh said...

One of my favorite memories was when my mom, brother, and I went to Vietnam. My dad couldn't come though since he had to stay home and work, but even wihtout him we still had fun. We went to Vietnam to visit my grandmother. The last time we visited her was three years earlier and I remember playing with her arm flab and she would just laugh with me and give a warm smile. The best part of my vacation in Vietnam was when we all went to the beach. The waters were so clear and the sand was clean. There was no seaweed on the shore at all. We just stayed there the whole day and relaxed and enjoyed being in eachother's company. This was a very memorable time for me.

Allison said...

My favorite memory was when my grandparents owned a cottage about two hours away and my whole family would go down there for holidays.
(4th of july, memorial day, october fest, and sometimes thanksgiving.) & my most memorable time with my parents was when they decided to just take my sisters, and brother and me on they boat thats docked to this huge lake. so my dad isn't very good at directions when it comes to a lake so we were stranded out on a lake for eight hours trying to find our way around. then finally my dad just docked the boat in a random spot and told all of us to get out because we going to swim to this random camp. i just will always remember that day because it was a fun day, but also frustrating but my parents made it the best.
-allison thomas 6/7

Jessi C said...

The only memory i can think of that my mother and i aren't screaming at each other is when we went to PA to see my cousins. The ride there was great. I had my brother driving and my mom in the passenger seat. I was in the back by myself, it was relaxing. I love being with my brother and he keeps my mom sane, usually. We played car games and we were having a good time when we went there. It was the only time where my mom and I weren't at eachothers throat.
Jessi 4-5th period

Shannon said...

One of my favorite memories, is when my mom and I were in our hottub outside during the winter time. It was during 6th grade Christmas break. We had just had a major snowstorm and it was really cold outside. She went into the hot tub first and then I walked out after she had opened it. We were in for about 15 minutes and then we got out and walked to the door. My mom tried to open it, but realized it was locked. I had accidentely locked the door, without even thinking about it. My mom walked around to cellar doors on the side of our house.Keep in mind, the snow is around 3 foot high, it's freezing, and we have our bathing suits on. After she unlocked it she came through the house and let me in. My mom and I started laughing so incredibly hard, and we told people about what happened. I will always remember this story as if it were happening right now. (:

mritchie28 said...

A memory from my childhood is when my dad saved me from falling off of a cliff into a river. I was 3 years old and i had just learned how to ski. We were in New York and I had my brand new mickey mouse ski's on with my little red ski boots and i was getting ready to go down my first big hill. My dad said just to follow him down the hill. So I started to follow for about 20 feet but then i was to excited and forgot what i was doing. I just kept going stright and i was heading toward a big cliff. My dad was a little ways down the hill when he turned around and he got back up the hill as fast as he could. As he skiied past he picked me up and saved me. I will never forget this childhood memory because my dad saved my life that day.

cady.riedel said...

There are many memories I share with my parents. I remember when my dad took me and my sibs to cedar point and there was a flood and a tornado warning. Another is when my mom and stepdad took us to Disney Land in 6th grade. We were at Jimmy Buffett's Magaritaville and we got to be on sirius radio to say hi to our aunt back in ohio. These memories are special to me because i spent them with my family.

Unknown said...

My favorite memory of my dad is when we were playing baseball in the back yard at my old house. My dad and I would play 1 on 1 baseball to teach me how to play. I remember he was batting and he hit a fly ball to me and I caught it which I had never done before when he hit it. This memory is important to me because my dad and I used to have a lot of fun playing baseball together and we both love baseball and that's the memory of playing baseball that sticks out the most to me.

zack said...

one of my most favorite memories was when my mom took my brother, my sisters, and me to the dog pound to get my dog. His name is Bailey. I have taught him many tricks. Bailey is 3 years old, he is a black lab and sharpei. I have never had a pet before and i don't like when people can't keep up with me so my dog suits me well because he is more than a pet he is a friend and i used to not get why people were so dog crazy, but i now understand why people love their dogs so much.


Patric said...

One of my favorite memories with my father is when he taught me how to ride a bike. He took me up to Kidder Elementary and I kept trying to ride around the baseball field. I remember him keep helping to get up when I fell onto the field. It hurt when I fell but I really wanted to be able to ride one. After what seemed like forever, I finally was able to ride around the field. I was elated when I didn't fall after going around a whole time. After that, I remember him yelling to a random person that was up there that I was riding the bike. I thought that was really funny at the time.

Marissa Pappas said...

What an original post! This is actually forcing me to step back in the time warp and scan through my crowded memories.
Throughout the course of the Summer, I was involved in an ugly, roiling mass of family fighting. My father was at conflict with my ex-step-mother, and I, being a highly emotional person as it is, bawl on contact when I hear two beings going at it with such verbal intensity. So here I am in the car with my father, and he receives a phone call from my ex-step-mother. They're fighting and I'm weeping. After the phone call my dad apologized to me, and said that it tore him up inside to see me in such a state. "Here Comes the Sun" by the beatles came on, so he turned up the radio and said, "this is for you." The song quotes, "Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting. Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear. Here comes the sun, here comes the sun,
and I say it's all right.." The love in my father's eyes when he "gave" that song to me melts my heart, and, you guessed it, makes me cry as well. Every time. As with every parent, he has imperfections like the rest of them. But this memory reminds me every time that although my father is not perfect, the love that he has for me cancels out every imperfection he has.

Unknown said...

One of the best memory i have with my mom is when me her and my sister, Callie went canoeing for the day at Mohecain. It was a mile river we traveled on. Some how we turned down a wrong place so my mom got out and tried to turn us around and she had one foot in and one foot out of the canoe. And splash! She fell in. It was so funny and she didn't mind at all she thought it was funny too.

The best memories i have with my dad is when we went to Silver Lake Sand Dunes and i wanted to 4-wheel so bad, but i wasn't old enough. I was so disappointed so he said he was done riding for the day, but he felt bad for me and took me out. It was the first time i rode on one. And it was so much fun, it was just me and him. I'll never forget that. My dad is great he'll do anything for me. :)
K.Misenko 4/5

Unknown said...

My memory with my parents is when i was little a little kid and my dad showed me how to throw a football and i tried for hours and it took forever and i finaly threw it right and he said he was proud of me for it. It was one of my earliest and the few bonding moment i've had with him.

Unknown said...

One of my favorite memories was when I was 8 years old and my dad was being relieved from company commander. My favorite part was whenever he was giving his speech. He talked about how special we were to him and how much he loved us. He also gave us really pretty flowers. I got dressed up that day which I love doing and I got to miss school so you can definitely say I had fun.(:
C Sims

Unknown said...

My favorite parenting memory was when my family and I went on my first vacation to Treasure Island, Florida in 2006. It was the first time I had ever been on an airplane and I remember how my dad had to sit a row behind us and all alone. I also remember how our family had the nicest looking rental car in our hotel. But my least favorite parenting memory was when my parents got divorced. I remember how I cried for a week straight because I couldn't handle all the fighting. But now everything it's all god :)

tatum n 4/5

andrewperiod67 said...

one of my favorite memories like many others was my family trip to cedar point. as a family we dont spend a lot of time together so it was nice. we had a lot of fun and stayed for the entire day. late at night they had fireworks. we went on almost every ride too.

kelley love said...

One of my favorite meomeries took place last spring when My Dad,my two brothers, my dad's friend and son, and I whent backpacking. (Now backpacking is where you go hiking for multiple days living off what you hav on your back). During my trip we had to help each other out to overcome obsticles. I remember when my dad told me and my older brother to go ahead and find somwhere to put a few tents. So we found a spot across a little creek and my brother went back to help everybody get to camp. My brother ended up running 4 miles back to help out. By the time they got to camp it was dark but they could in the area I had set up. So I remember this because me and my dad really bonded and I know alot of kids dont really bond with thier dads.


Kelly C. said...

One of my favorite memories was the first time that I went on the Milennium Force at Cedar Point. My dad, my mom, and my cousin and I all went, and it was about a month after the ride first opened, and none of had been on it at that point. I remember that I was so excited, when most kids at that age would be terrified to go on that big of a roller coaster. I remember how my cousin who was 4 years older was scared, and he didn't know how a kid my age (at the time) had the guts to go on it. I remember that my dad and I rode in the fron seat, and the ride was amazing! We went on it like 3 more times that day, and now we always go on that ride when we go to Cedar Point.

-Kelly C. 4-5th period

rachel wilson said...

my memory om my parents was when we had a huge thunderstorm and only me and my sister where home. my parents had band practice up at the church which was only about 5 min. away from my house. everyone at the church was advised to stay there because all the street lights were out and the roads were really bad. i had called my dad because i didn't know what else to do because i was so scared. when my dad answered the first thing he said was "honey, are you alright? stay calm your mom and i are on our way home, but it might take a while because we are driving slow." so my dad and mom got home and helped us calm down and stay calm through the storm. this is the most important memory to me because it shows that my parents will do anything to help my sister and me.

(P.S. sorry that this is late, but i had surgery today and was asleep most of the day and i just now woke up.)

Unknown said...

When I was in first grade, my favorite parenting memory occurred. At the time I had never been to a water park before. My parents planned to take my brother and I to the fantastic water park called Great Bear Lodge. One day in first grade my mom gave me a mysterious note to give to my teacher. I could not read cursive writing at the time, so my mom wrote the note in messy cursive writing. Then, a few days after I handed in the note I was called down to the office. I thought I was in trouble and was nervous, but then I saw my brother, mom, and dad waiting for me. I got in the car and all my things for a vacation were packed and my mom told me we were skipping school for three days to go on vacation. When we arrived at Great Bear Lodge, and were in our hotel room my brother and I realized we got a section of the room all to ourselves. Which at the time we thought was really cool. We did a lot of swimming at the lodge, and I spent a lot of time with my family , making it one of favorite parenting memories.

Anonymous said...

My favorite memory was when my dad use to wake me up in the morning when I was little. He came in and jumped on my bed every single morning and sang me the same song. It went "get up, get up, it's time to rise and shine, get up, get up, I know you're feeling fine, the sun is up, the day is bright, and you've been sleeping all night, it's time to get up, and rise and shine". I found it so cool that my dad was jumping on my bed. This was when my parents were still together, and I saw my parents every day, but I still see my dad half the week. He no longer sings me this song though ha. I guess he finds me to mature. Nah, I am not very mature at all haha. Even though him and my mom are divorced they are still friends, and are both remarried. So we are all a happy family.

-Samantha Hoyt

Samantha Hoyt said...

My favorite memory was when my dad use to wake me up in the morning when I was little. He came in and jumped on my bed every single morning and sang me the same song. It went "get up, get up, it's time to rise and shine, get up, get up, I know you're feeling fine, the sun is up, the day is bright, and you've been sleeping all night, it's time to get up, and rise and shine". I found it so cool that my dad was jumping on my bed. This was when my parents were still together, and I saw my parents every day, but I still see my dad half the week. He no longer sings me this song though ha. I guess he finds me to mature. Nah, I am not very mature at all haha. Even though him and my mom are divorced they are still friends, and are both remarried. So we are all a happy family.

This memory was important to me because my dad comes from quite a proper family, and is very proper himself, and I just couldn't believe he was jumping on my bed. He surprised me. He surprises me all the time, and that is what makes memorys like these special. I love surprises. :)

-Samantha Hoyt

Unknown said...

my favorite memory would have to be chistmastime with my cousins. i dont remember how long ago it was but we were all in ny with my whole family and my dad was chasing me and my cousins pretending to be the tickle monster! we were all screaming and trying to run away and hide, but he would alsways catch us in the end=P i liked this memory bc it ws one of the last things that my oldest cousin did with us b4 she beacme addicted to her laptop..