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Monday, February 24, 2014

Conformity and Rebellion

The way we see the world is often created by the world we come from.  Conformity and rebellion will also look differently dependent on the world we are from and the world we wish to rebel from.  One student said today that sometimes when we rebel we are actually conforming.  I agree.

Your blog this week is to look at this picture and explain how you see conformity and rebellion emerging.  Be very specific in pointing out what you see as examples of each.



Nick Morton said...

The buildings in the photo represent conformity. At one point they were newly structured and similar in form and character. The continuous sequence of the buildings symbolizes the conformity as well. The rebellion in the picture is the trees. Although demolished at one point in time from the buildings,they have managed to break through the barrier. They are continuously growing and eventually will rise above the buildings (conformity). The trees can also be seen as a rebellion against conformity in the fact that each one is completely unique. Unlike the buildings, not one tree is exactly alike to the others. The uniqueness in the trees represents the separation from conformity.

Unknown said...

Conformity is shown in the old buildings. They all stand together and look exactly the same, refusing to change. The trees represent rebellion. They're all unique, growing in different ways. The trees are rebelling against the old buildings that are all exactly alike, and forming a new community.
-Cali Brandt

Unknown said...

Within this photo the buildings represent conformity. All of the buildings are identical with their structure and appearance. They are standing together as one group. They are forced to stay the same as the others in that area. The part of this picture that shows rebellion is the trees. At one point in time the trees had been cut down due to the buildings being built where they had been. They have decided to go against this situation and grow, even though ‘society’ or the buildings in this case, didn’t want them to. They are making a statement and setting themselves apart from the rest.

Marissa Jenkins said...

The trees are an example of rebellion. They look like they do not belong, or as if they should not be able to sustain life where they are growing. They're color also stands out with the buildings around them being so dull and gray. The buildings on the other had represent conformity. They do this by how they look. The look of abandonment and simple dull colors take away the color in the world making the viewer feel like there is not much to do. Almost as if they have to variety in their life and cannot think outside the box.

Unknown said...

The buildings represent conformity. When they were first built they were brand new just like the buildings that surround them, and then they continued to look more and more dull with age, just like the rest. The rebellion in this picture is the trees. They were most likely destroyed to make the buildings that were built around and above them. But the trees continued to grow back although they were not meant to fit in the scenery. Each one is unique, unlike the buildings.

Unknown said...

The picture shows over grown trees compressed between two abandoned buildings. The trees are growing wildly, doing as they please. The way the trees are growing represents rebellion because they are going up against the norm. However, as they grow they are molded by the edges of the buildings. The buildings represent society and how it keeps people in line.

Unknown said...

The buildings show conformity in that they are all similar structures. Rebellion is depicted as the trees as nature is rebellious against the buildings and man-made structures.

Unknown said...

The green in between the walls show conformity stuck in the middle of rebellion, rebellion being the walls of society. The walls are tall, symbolizing it is hard to get over, but still possible.

Erin Janecko said...

In this image conformity and rebellion are represented with old buildings and trees. The old buildings represent conformity, and the trees and plants represent rebellion. While the buildings are straight and uniform, the trees are growing wildly and free. The trees are running right through the buildings and slowing creeping into them. The trees threaten to eventually take possession of the buildings.

Unknown said...

The buildings in the picture looks identical meaning they are conforming, because of this, they long for a change so it shows a sign of rebellion. So this way, it can distinguish difference upon each individual. The trees are symbolic for individuals because they are each different in height, color, etc, so it separates the buildings showing each individual is different from each other and society.

Unknown said...

Depending on how you view the picture, conformity and rebellion can be seen in different ways. The buildings can represent conformity because of the way they stand, look and are built the same. They can also represent rebellion because they are wilting away from their original condition. The trees show conformity because they are all doing the same thing: invading an area they do not belong. They also can show rebellion because they are not following the normal behavior of trees. Different perspectives offer different thought processes.

Unknown said...

I see conformity in the old buildings, there are thousands across the world but they always look the same, showing how we accept cities look. They also show conformity to a mechanized world,cities represent a world full of machines and engineering. Trees represent rebellion, nature isn't valued in a world of machines so the trees coming back shows a resurgence against this world, taking back what the civilized world occupied.

Unknown said...

The trees in the picture represent rebellion by each one being different and growing in their own ways. Each tree grows as it was and is not following a set way. The conformity is represent through the buildings. The buildings are all similar in their appearance and none of the buildings stand out as different they are just the same. This is conformity because nothing is different they all follow a set structure and do not have any appearance uniquely their own.

Unknown said...

I think that the buildings represent conformity. They are all the same grey color and they are never going to change. The trees growing in between these buildings represent rebellion. They are new and full or color and life, and they will constantly grow and change their shape. They have grown in a place where life didn't exist so now they are bringing a new idea to the area they have put themselves.

Unknown said...

The trees continue to grow and change as time passes representing rebellion. They are separating the two old gray buildings that will always remain the same. The buildings show conformity because they are built identical to one another and will not diverge from what they look like. The only thing that will change in these buildings is they will age and one day turn to rubble.

Unknown said...

The buildings represent conformity. When the buildings were first built, they were all made the same; strong and durable. They were made to last, but the trees took over. The trees were probably cut down in order to have buildings there. The trees rebelled and eventually grew big and strong enough to take over the buildings.

Unknown said...

When looking at this picture I see the buildings being the conformity while the trees are a sign of rebellion. The buildings my be old and are deteriorating but they stay what they are and will never change. The trees show rebellion by the way their possibly in the streets, they didn't grow where they were supposed to by like in a park or woods, but they took over throughout the streets below and grew as nature took its course.

Lauryn Osborne said...

The buildings represent conformity. They were once the only thing that was there. None of them are changing into anything new. The trees are rebelling against the buildings because they are changing the way things used to be.

Unknown said...

Conformity has always been a major issue throughout society, people always doing what the rest of the crowd seems to be doing. The example in this picture I think would be the buildings. The buildings represent conformity because society has told them how to be. Society has created them the way they want them to be and they go along with it because that is all they know. On the other hand the object that is rebelling would be the trees. The trees are an example of rebellion because the grow freely in they way they want with nothing stopping them. The trees do not conform with what the rest of society may want them to.

Unknown said...

Conformity is shown by the buildings. They are all similar looking. They will not change as shown by their obvious old age. The trees contrast this, though. They provide color and life. They represent rebellion from the uniformity of the buildings.

Unknown said...

I view the builidings as confromity because everything is being industrialized and cities are poping up every where. That would be a normal thing if a new neighborhood started being built. Rebellion would be wild nature invading the city and taking it over in the picture as the city looks run down. Nature would be rebelling against the industialization of society.

Anonymous said...

I think that the buildings represent the conformity and the trees represent rebellion. the buildings represent conformity because they change with each other. one building doesnt get older faster the other. they are both going look the same and will never change to be different than one another. the trees represent rebellion because they are something new with in the two buildings. they are growing and changing every day. they aren't like the old buildings that will aways be the same. they also are growing between the two buildings which could represent the rebellion coming through the conformity.

Unknown said...

The buildings in the picture are a symbol of conformity. I think this because they are all forced to have the same appearance as one another and were all built in the same way. I believe that the trees are a symbol of rebellion because they are spliting the two buildings apart from each other. The trees also show rebellion because they are all different heights and grew in defferent ways, whereas the buildings were all built at the same time and are exact replicas of one another.

Unknown said...

The buildings show conformity because they both look alike. They are both gray with a withered look and have the same structure. Rebellion comes into play by the green grass area that separates the two buildings. The trees act as rebellion due to one never being the same. From the bark, to leaves, trees are never the same. The trees are going against conformity and being different from the identical buildings.

Unknown said...

The way I see this picture, it could represent two different viewpoints.

The first is that the trees represent rebellion while the buildings represent conformity. The building in this picture are old and run-down and the trees seem to be popping up and spreading throughout the run-down town. The trees show the change that is emerging from what has originally been set in stone, represented by the buildings. The buildings also show a certain level of uniformity. Most of my classmates seem to follow this viewpoint.

My viewpoint, however, is a bit different. I believe that conformity is represented by the trees, while rebellion is represented by the buildings. However, after a while, i believe that these roles in the picture switch. When you first think about it, you first see how old the buildings are. After thinking about it for a little while, I thought about how the buildings first came about. Nature surrounded everything, and when mankind began to settle, we made the buildings. We began to change the world around us and made things the way that we wanted them to be. After this, the rebellious buildings become the world's newest uniformity, thus the buildings representing conformity. When the buildings wear down, the rebellious trees take over and change everything back to the way things were before, thus becoming conformity after rebelling for a certain amount of time. This entire transition is a cycle and is, in reality, never ending.

Andy Hoza said...

The building are old and decaying and the trees are new and rebel against the blocky buildings. The trees are natural and curved which are different than the buildings. If one decides to leave the buildings to be with the trees are they conforming to the trees or rebelling against to the buildings?

Unknown said...

The buildings represent conformity because they are concrete, never moving, and similar in appearance. The trees represent rebellion because they grow and are different between the two uniform buildings. But, at the same times, the trees could also represent conformity, because one tree grew and then all the other trees grew to conform to rebelling.

Unknown said...

The idea of conformity is represented by the buildings in the picture. They are alike in color and nearly symmetrical to one another. Rebellion is presented through the trees in the pictures. It brings life to the picture, it grows in a place you wouldn't think a plants could start to grow. It brings the idea that conformity will always exist will always exist, but so will rebellion.

Jesse Marinaro said...

The old stranded buildings show conformity while the growing trees show rebellion. The old buildings have stayed the same for years and have no signs of changing. The growing trees were once destroyed during the construction of the buildings but the trees have rebelled and started to grow back the way they were decades ago.

Unknown said...

In the picture there are two buildings with overgrown trees in between them. The buildings represent conformity because they look the same and are doing the normal. The trees are the rebellion in the picture because they want to be the way they were before the buildings were even built.

Unknown said...

The trees to me represent the rebellion because the human world tries to take over but nature will always win in the end. Furthermore, the buildings and industry represent the conformity. They are typical and bland just like conformity is but rebellion is unique and beautiful like the trees.

Unknown said...

I see conformity in this picture because of the two stone buildings. They were built exactly like one another in structure and size. The trees in the middle I can see being the rebellion because they are rising up, constantly growing, and taking over the building. Soon they will be bigger and more full than the buildings, and take over the existing “conformity” of the buildings.
Cody Taylor 3rd period

Leighia Szijarto said...

Looking at some of the comments below I see the idea that the buildings are conformity however that's not how I see it. In this picture nature is conformity. While nature grows and flourishes these buildings neither wither nor crumble. They stay fairly the same. Society has given up on them leaving them to be the eye sore, or in this case the rebel. They stand tall above these trees expressing opposition to change. While the world around them shifts and turns that remain still, dead, and silent. That is their form of rebellion. And sometimes we choose that form of rebellion as well. Sometimes no words being said is more impactful than an onslaught of words.

Unknown said...

Conformity in the picture is shown through the buildings. Although each is old and run down, they are all similar in structure. At one point each building looked similar to each other with little differences. Rebellion is shown through the trees. There is not one specific type of tree planted in the area. The trees are also growing in unconventional places, and stretching the vegetation onto the buildings.
-Lisa Dynia

Unknown said...

The buildings in the picture represent conformity. They all look the same and look very old, and have continued to not change overtime. They have not let anything change them from look the same through out the years. The trees represent rebellion. They are changing, and growing overtime. They have decided to not avoid the buildings, but rather overtake them.

Unknown said...

The buildings in the picture represent conformity being where they are supposed to be. The trees however represent rebellion. They represent this by growing where they are not supposed to.

Unknown said...

In the picture the trees to me represent rebellion and the buildings represent conformity. The trees to me seem out of place in the ruins. The buildings stand tall towering over the green leaves on both sides, slowly withering away, old, broken. The trees however spring up amidst the two giants, fresh, youthful, changing, growing. The trees represent everything that the building cant be.

hallie314 said...

The old buildings represent conformity because they are all standing there, old and looking exactly alike. Maybe this is because as time goes on, society seems to become more liberal. The old buildings symbolize old fashioned conformity. They also look deteriorated because conformity is boring; it causes deterioration in the world because lack of variation leads to an exhausted and bored society. The trees in this picture represent rebellion because they all grow in different ways, reaching for different things, just as rebels in today's society reach for different and unusual things.
-Riczo 5-6

Unknown said...

In this photo, the trees represent conformity. Nature grows on its own naturally and spreads over the earth. Before man came to be, trees and rock were the only things that populated the earth. When humans started building tall structures like seen in this picture, it created a rebellion against the trees. The reason for this is simple. The trees were there first. They are completly natural and therefore represents conformity. The buildings represent rebellion because they invaded the territory of the trees in the first place. When something innanimate like a building is placed in the territory of something natural, it is rebellious.

Sean McClain said...

The buildings represent conformity because they are unchanging and "eternal". The trees, however, are rebellion, as they are living things in a dead world, constantly changing and adapting to their environment, pushing out other forms of life in their pursuit of biological success.