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Celebrating small kindnesses and basking in the little things.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

This I believe

We will watch a Spoken Word Poet discuss what she knows to be true.  She will make the argument that we all bring knowledge that is either similar to others or our knowledge will teach others something new.  It is in what we know that we find our individual poetry.  Words have power. They allow us to take our thoughts and give them shape.  We allow them, our thoughts, to find rhythm, meaning, and a place when we combine them with other words.  It is the artful placement of language that gives it power.  

We all come from someplace different. We may reside in the same town, but our place in it is unique. It is unique in perspective.  My view of the world is very different from yours  because of my age, my gender, my level of education, my experiences in the world. We need to accept this and appreciate this.  

What I want you to do is list ten things you know to be true. Look at my examples.  Create your own list.

My list is as follows:
I know this much is true:
1. When we look back on our lives we see moments where choice was vital, and we may not always like the choices we made. The goal is to not make the same ones again.
2. The people we meet change us.
3. Parenting is hard. Helping to shape the lives of others is incredibly hard and important.
4. The more we let others into our lives, the richer we become in knowledge.
5. There is always going to be someone who is stronger, faster, smarter.  Humility is necessary.
6. On the other side of fear is courage.  Courage is pushing through fear.
7. Children teach us to pay attention to the world. Never out grow the inner child.
8. Knowing who you are and sticking to your beliefs is vital. Do not betray yourself.
9. Holding yourself and others to high expectations is a must.  However, we must forgive ourselves and others for imperfections.
10. Kindness should always be shown.  We never know how someone's day is going or what their life may hold.  Always show kindness!  


Unknown said...

10 True things

1: We make decisions by the way we are pressured or who we hangout around with.
2: Our strongest influences are family or whomever you were raised by.
3: People/ friends come and go in life so do not hold on to or rely on one person/friend.
4: As we grow older we become more wise. We gain knowledge.
5: Goals are necessary to become successful. Stay organized and have a good mind-set.
6: Sometimes the people you trust the most are not who you think they are so do not trust anyone but your family.
7: Dreading on the past will only hurt you, not make you better.
8: Give constructive criticism to people who need it instead of being mean and putting them down. Kindness never hurt anyone.
9: There are always more options in the world so do not be so close-minded to trying new things.
10: Every decision effects your life and how it is being run so choose wisely

-Madison S. 3rd period

Unknown said...

1. Life is much to short to worry about the little things. All they do is get in the way of allowing you to see the good.
2. Everyday I am convicted of wasting a moment or allowing something great to slip through my hands. My goal is to hold on tighter to them.
3. I have the most amazing family anyone could ever ask for. I find this out to be truer everyday.
4. Once something happens, it’s over. You can sulk in it or move on; I choose the latter.
5. Know what you believe and stand by it one-hundred percent. Never compromise!
6. Whenever I feel completely unable to do something on my own, through perseverance and prayer, I usually get through it.
7. People are selfish. They’ll step on anyone in order to reach the top. Try not to be this way.
8. No matter how hard someone can seem on the outside, there is always at least one thing that can get them to soften. There is good in everyone... somewhere deep down.
9. Do not judge a book by its cover. That’s been a big one!
10. Take everyday at a time. It's a journey that never gets you where you want to be. It's constant.
Alexis Kratche 2nd Period

Unknown said...

1. Your opinion of others has the potential to change who they are, use it wisely.
2. Friends do not let differences and conflicts break them, separate them even, but work together to mend them and make them even stronger.
3. A physical wound is nothing compared to an emotional wound. One heals, the other could be with you forever.
4. We are only as good as the people we associate ourselves with.
5. there is no "victimless crime"
6. without goals, we have no ambition to work.
7. we can't have people just hand everything to us, we need to earn what we're given.
8. People need to understand who or what they're dealing with before they reject it automatically.
9. A relationship must have a solid foundation, without a foundation, you have nothing to build on.
10. Treat others as you would treat yourself, the simplest of habits can mean the biggest differences in an other person's day
-Eric S. 3rd period.

Unknown said...

1. Things happen for a reason. Even if we don't know the reason at the moment something happens, we will eventually find out.
2. We also make choices for a reason as well. Although we may not feel great about them initially, we may find that they were good choices.
3. Someone is going through something worse than you.
4. No one is perfect.
5. There is always something someone doesn't like about his or herself. A lot of the time that is the thing people admire most about them.
6. Everybody wants what they don't have and could carless about what they do have.
7. Words cannot be taken back. Choose them wisely.
8. A smile or just a couple of words can make a person's day better.
9. Be thankful for the people in your family that are still here because they will be the ones there for you when you need it.
10. Life can change in the blink of an eye. Say thank you every chance you can.

Unknown said...

1. People put down others in order to get what they want.
2. Happiness comes from excess amounts of serotonin, dopamine and nothing else.
3. When we answer a question, it’s not solved; it uncovers more questions.
4. Dogs are man’s best friends, and cats are for grandmothers.
5. Reality is the illusion we choose to submerse ourselves in.
6. Friendship is the key to another reality.
7. Giving is better than accepting.
8. Life is like an Oreo. It starts with a layer, fills itself with cream in the middle, then ends with a layer of cookie again. What makes the man or woman is the amount of cream and the taste of it.
9. Being unaware of our consciousness allows us to do whatever we want, while being aware of our consciousness allows the rest to do whatever they want to us.
10. Homework and school (without a purpose of its use in the future) is just a distraction from what we could be doing in our lives right here and right now.

Unknown said...

1. Being popular is a joke, so be who you want to be.
2. No one is going to like you if you aren't anyone except yourself
3. Everyone is different and their own person, you can't change them.
4. If you are unsure what to do, you can almost always think of your favorite book character and ask yourself "What would they do?"
5. If you want to do something, accept the consequences but make sure it's worth it
6. Don't judge a person by their looks, that kid with the weird hair and piercings has a great personality and your sitting there judging him.
7. We all live in a society that says "be yourself" but in reality it says "I dare you to be yourself, I'm going to judge you no matter what."
8. Life goes on
9. Everything happens for a reason, go with it
10. Have a dream? Don't wait grab it by the throat and strangle it.
October 2, 2012
Brittney C.-Per. 3

Anonymous said...

10 Truths

1) The biggest influence on yourself and your beliefs is your parents.
2) Responsibilities help you to grow up, especially having younger siblings who look up to you.
3) As you move on and move out you need to always surround yourself with people who are better than you.
4) You can’t get stuck in the past, you need to learn from your mistakes and move on, my grandma always said, “your future is right now, so stop wasting it”
5) You need to remember everyone has a past and chances are you don’t know all of it. Be nice.
6) Everyone has problems, and in order to insure your own happiness or contentment you have to become more understanding with yourself and those around you.
7) Life just simply isn’t fair.
8) You’re going to fail. You have to take that failure as a challenge and rise above it.
9) The more open and receiving your mind is, the bigger the picture gets, and the more confusing everything becomes.
10) You should always be striving for self-improvement.
-Samantha Hoyt

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

1. So few want to be rebels anymore.
2. All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy.
3. It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.
4. We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology.
5. The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.
6. We judge others by their actions, but we judge ourselves by our intentions.
7. A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
8. Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes I think we're not. In either case the idea is quite staggering.
9. The greatest argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.
10. Don't let schooling interfere with your education.

-Steven P. 4th - 5th Period

Unknown said...

1. Giving up is quitting and quitters never win
2. Friends are a huge factor in life
3. You get more responsibilities as you grow older
4. Worrying keeps you from trying new things
5. Fear is always possible to overcome
6. Family is unconditional love
7. Life is only what you make of it
8. A dog is mans best friend
9. There are many obstacles in life
10. It is often hard to tell whether you are making a good or bad decision

Kyle H. 4-5 period

Unknown said...

1. As we grow older we become wiser.
2. Everything happens for a reason.
3. Your life can change in the blink of an eye.
4. Life is too short to be anything but happy.
5. Everyone is different which makes them unique not strange.
6. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
7. Good friends help you through bad times.
8. Never pass up the opportunity to tell someone you love them.
9. Don't live in the past, life goes on.
10. Treat others like you would want to be treated

Kristina M. 1*

Steven Zahorai (awesome) said...

1.) Miracles are real
2.) There will always be good and bad people, but the good people will always succeed in life
3.) Everyone deserves a second chance
4.) Saying please and thank you every day makes you and everyone around you in a happier mood
5.) Living in the past changes a person
6.) Look forward to everyday and you will make it a better day
7.) A little love goes a long way
8.) Life isn't fair, but the fair make the best of life
9.) Death isn't the end
10.) Dreams are more than just random thoughts

Steven Z. Period 7-8

Unknown said...

1) It is impossible to understand someone completely.
2) In a crowd of people there will always be someone that does not like you, but by that same theory there is always one person that does.
3) A person expects more of themselves than anyone else.
4)Laughing is good for a person's health.
5) Everyone is afraid of something.
6) The more polite someone is, the easier it is for others to listen to them.
7) Everyone has an inner child.
8) Trust is the most delicate substance that exists.
9) Time heals almost everything.
10) Life is short, make the most out of it.
11) Do not regret the past, it makes a person who they are.

George Patsko said...

1. The world as a whole is a cruel place. Do what you can to better it.
2. You only get one life. Have fun with it, but don’t screw it up.
3. A true individual is someone who says they don’t care about what other people think of them, and means it.
4. It’s ok to be influenced by others. Just don’t let their thoughts rule your life.
5. Anything you’re not willing to put all of your efforts into is not really worth doing.
6. Fear of uncertainty is rational in moderation. Don’t let it run or ruin your life.
7. Never argue against stupidity, just walk away from it. Stupidity is never willing to give in to gaining knowledge.
8. People should stop doing things when they stop being appreciated and start being expected.
9. Things should always be done for a reason. Nothing should be ‘pointless.’
10. Open-mindedness is a rare quality that everyone should strive for.

nicole said...

1.)Though friends may not be, your family is always there for you.
2.)Things will always get better. Don't give up.
3.)Popularity really doesn't mean a thing in the long run.
4.) Your dreams are as real as you make them.
5.)Everyone you meet will change you.
6.) Be realistic in expectations for yourself and for others. No one is perfect.
7.) We must learn from the past, but we also must be able move forward. Time stops for no one.
8.)Reading opens the door to a a new reality. A book can change you just as much as a person can.
9.)Music will change your life.
10.)ALWAYS treat others with kindness. The way you act towards someone impacts them more than most people realize.

nicole said...

Nicole 7-8th

Unknown said...

1. The only person in the world you have to be better than is the person you were yesterday.
2. 2nd place is just the first loser.
3. Pain is just weakness leaving your body.
4. dont ever stop what your doing bc someone in the world is doing what your doing and is not stopping so dont let them pass you up.
5. You only live once, so live it up.
6. Dont let yesterday's problems ruin todays events.
7. there are 7 plants, 204 countires, 50 states and over 1 billion people, dont let one ruin your day.
8. if you want to be succucful then you have to want it as bad as you want to sleep.
9. being early is being on time,being on time is being late, being late....
10. its not about how hard you can hit, its how hard you can get it, how much you can take and keep moving forward, thats how winning is done.

Unknown said...

10 True Things

1. Everyone comes from someplace different.
2. Music has an influence on everyones life
3. The only things that matter are the things that effect your life.
4. Never judge someone by how they look.
5. Every day is different.
6. Overthinking is what kills you
7. Pain is only temporary
8. We judge before we know.
9. Life isn't fair.
10. Losing the one closest to you can change your whole aspect on life and friendships.

Unknown said...
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chrissy difilippo said...

1. Life is too short to worry about the things we can just brush up.
2. Dont keep things bottled up because what comes after that is worse.
3. Never doubt yourself.
4. Listen to your parents when they tell you not to do something due to protecting you.
5. Walk in someone elses shoes before you sit there and judge.
6. Giving up might sound easier but once you go through with it its the hardest thing to do.
7. Theres always going to be people who will sit there and try to tear your world apart.
8. Dont hate your family but take in every mintue you have with them.
9. Everything happens for a reason.
10. Never back down on something you say you were going to do.

Unknown said...

1) Your life is what you make of it.
2) Everyone has secrets that they tell to nobody.
3) The world is a darker place than many would like to admit.
4) When facing a difficult challenge, fighting through the frustration will make one stronger.
5) Bad decisions are made to rebel against society.
6) People do things sometimes for no other reason other than the fact that they want to prove something to themselves.
7) Decisions are made sometimes on instinct and not based upon logic.
8) The flaws that people have are the exact things which make them human, not what they do well.
9) When people ignore their problems, they only give power to those problems over them.
10) Life is a constant fight for survival, once one stops fighting, they stop living.

Anonymous said...

1. Everybody makes mistake but we can't morn over them.
2. Nobody is perfect but we have perfect moments in life.
3. If you really want something, you have to really work hard for it and not give up.
4. People become stronger when they have things in life that knock them down.
5. Friends come and go, but true friends stay.
6. If you set your mind to something, you can achieve anything.
7. The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence.
8. People should always speak the truth, even if the truth hurts.
9. Don't talk about how miserable or bad your life is because theres people have it who have it worse.
10. Forgive and forget, you only have one life and you shouldn't hold a grudge over something for the rest of your life.

Kaitlyn Jindra 4-5

mckennavalasek said...

1. the happiest people don't have the best of everything, they make the best of everything
2.being brave doesn't mean you aren't afraid. Its about standing up to the part of yourself that is afraid.
3.People aren't perfect, their real. That's what makes them interesting.
4.Everyone has something going on in your life that you don't know about, so don't be the one to make things worse.
5.The things in life that are created by inspiration are the most valuable.
6.Hot tea and honey on toast can help you on a bad day more than you think.
7.It is important to know and love yourself
8.Worn shoes are the evidence of a well adventured life. Worn books are the evidence of a well adventured mind.
9.If we listened to peoples favorite music we might just learn something. Because even when people silence and guard themselves to the world, music speaks.
10.One of the most beautiful things in life is the sky, those who don't take a few seconds to look at it everyday miss out on something amazing.

mckenna v.

Unknown said...

1. No one is perfect.
2. Running is therapeutic.
3. Hard work pays off.
4. Everything happens for a reason.
5. Learn from your mistakes but don’t live life in regret.
6. Treating others the way you want to be treated is key to friendship.
7. Everyone is good at something.
8. No good deed goes unnoticed.
9. Anything worth having requires hard work.
10. Parents are the most influential source for shaping your beliefs.

Unknown said...

1.We can not fence time
2.Actions speak louder than words
3.Everyone wishes to be liked and accepted
4.We do not always have to be the best, as long as we do our best
5.Looking to closely at the past will blind us to the future
6.Life isn’t about keeping score
7.Life is about who you love and who you hurt
8.Things aren’t always as they seem, so take a closer look.
9.Sometimes life isn’t fair
10.Fortune favors a prepared mind
Courtney M (7-8 period)

sean w said...
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sean w said...

1. You take things for granted in life all the time.
2. Your family members have a huge influence on you.
3. People won't change just because you want them to.
4. Things aren't always what they seem.
5. There's no changing the past.
6. Looking back on something that could have been gives no help for the future.
7. Winning isn't everything, its the only thing.
8. If you can't go through life without taking risks.
9. Never settle for second best.
10. It's 8:15 on Friday and MIchigan still sucks!

Sean W. 4-5

Marina Holbert said...

1. Any relationship is under the control of the person who cares the least.
2. Nobody likes to be told what to do
3. There is nothing more pointless, or common, than doing the same things and expecting different results.
4. Pilgrims ate popcorn at the first Thanksgiving dinner.
5. I can change my life at ANY time and any age
6. Random acts of kindness make the world a better place and people, nicer.
7. It’s all about perspective, the way you look at things.
8. Miracles happen.
9. The grass is greener on this side.
10. Your teenage years really are the best years of your life only.

EZaranec said...

1)Forever is never promised.
2)You never know a person's story just by looking at their cover.
3)Each and every decision you make will impact not only yourself, but others as well.
4)If you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life.
5)Sometimes being selfish is the only way to be happy.
6)Being open-minded and accepting will make you a better person.
7)Don't rely on fate, rely on hard work.
8)You are your worst critic.
9)Friends are the family you choose, and sometimes the only family you have.
10)It'll only be a bad day, never a bad life. Stay positive throughout your darkest days.

-Erin Z 7/8

Unknown said...

10 true things:

1. People can change who we are
2. Family should always come before anybody else
3. Everything happens for a reason.
4. If you always care about what people think of you, you'll never truly be yourself.
5. Appreciate what you have before it becomes what you had
6. Life is not about the breathes you take, but the moments that take your breathe away
7. Nothing is gaureented
8. If you want something you have to work for it.
9. Hard work always pays off in the end
10. Live life as if eachday was your last.

Paige E. 4-5

Colton said...

10 True Things

1.I know that we are faced with challenges everyday in life.
2.You can never change the past.
3.You can do anything you want in life you just gotta do the best job you can at it.
4.Everybody has there own individual opinion.
5. Family should always be a place to turn to in life.
6.My dad always says "Dont ever screw anybody over boy, the world is a small place.
7.Its good to have dreams and goals.
8.My grandma makes the best blackberry pie in the world.
9.If your good to me then I'm gonna be good to you.
10.There are only a few people that will be there for u forever in ur life, so while theyre around them cherish everyday

Unknown said...

10 true things

1. We make our own paths in life
2. Our friends and family are our support system
3. Dwelling on the past will make for a dreadfull person
4. Being kind is key to enjoying life.
5. Coming from a family with nothing to earning a better life makes for an accomplished person.
6. Trusting more in yourself and you will go far
7. Being honest is key to not having to watch your back all the time
8. Doing your best will result in much accomplishment.
9. Having pride is not a horrible
10. Helping out others will eventually bring you some kind of reward.

-Amanda Y. 3rd period-

Unknown said...

1.laugther is the best medicine 2. lebron is amzing 3.the knews is real and jersey shore 3.when i lite my socks on fire it is awesome 5.being honest is always good 6.working hard in school pays off in the long run7.doing things slow always pays off better then doing it fast 8.aye kamen is the way to go an ways of the stallion 9.the stallion is superir to all who know him 10. truasting ur self is better then all

Unknown said...

10 True Things

1. The people we meet in our life can change who we are.
2. The past is the past and you should learn from it.
3. Don't try to change who you are to impress someone, they should take you for who you are.
4. Family and friends are the most important people in your life
5. Without goals you would have nothing to reach for.
6. You have to take risk in life
7. I hate losing more than i love winning
8. To be better you must work harder, nothing is given to you
9. Don't settle for anything
10. Don't ever take anything for granted

Sammie Heilman said...

1. Live your life one day at a time.
2. Don't let the little things bother you.
3. Live every minute as if it was your last.
4. Never say "I can't"
5. I know nothing is impossible.
6. I know there are miracles in the world
7. I know I'm very blessed.
8. I know the world is a big scary place, and I'm trying not to get lost in it.
9. I know I love being a kid and I don't want to grow up.
10. I know I want to, I will, and I can suceed at anything I set my mind to.
-Sammie Heilman 1 period

Unknown said...

1. You get out of life what you put into it
2. You can achieve anything you wish if you are determined enough
3. If you find happiness within yourself you will find it all around you
4. No matter what situation you are in there is always something to be happy about
5. It's better to enjoy the present moment than to get anxious about the future
6. It's more likely you will regret the chances you didn't take than the ones you did
7. Your fears only have power over you if you let them
8. If you judge someone before you get to know them, you will probably be wrong
9. Everything you've done in your life contributed to who you are, there's no point having regrets
10. It's never too late to achieve a goal or start a new one

Unknown said...

1. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
2. Friends will come and go but family is forever.
3. Time heals all wounds.
4.Everybody wants and needs love.
5.Money isn't everything but it is important.
6. Nothing is impossible.
7. The past is the past and that's all it will ever be.
8.We accept the love we think we deserve.
9. It has to get worse before it can get better.
10. Everything happens for a reason.

Nicole Verdile 4/5

Unknown said...

1. Everything, no matter how horrible or how wonderful, happens for a reason.
2. Live life to the fullest; never hold anything back.
3. Life is a daily challenge.
4. The world isn't always fair, but you have to be prepared for anything.
5. Don't sweat the small stuff.
6. Absense makes the heart grow fonder.
7. Never take anything, or anyone, for granted.
8. Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
9. Be who you are, and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.
10. Never miss an oppurtunity to tell someone you love them.

Ashley Nofz, 4/5

Unknown said...

I know this to be true:
1.) Humans eat and reproduce to live.
2.) Happiness and positive morals go hand in hand.
3.)trying new things sparks life long interests.
4.) Believing in something bigger than our self's gives a person a stronger more positive outlook on life.
5.) We see the past to be more positive then the future.
6.) music Is my favorite form of expression.
7.) Being feel safe when they are surrounded by things that belong to them.
8.) Love is a life long pursuit.
9.) Generous wise people tend to make more money.
10.) fun life threatening events are dangerous and people should avoid them, but at the same time they produce a feeling of fun. :)

Alex Muir said...

1) Set the stakes high enough, and personalities change.
2) We like to be liked.
3) We want the least work for the most reward.
4) Humans connect with nature.
5) We’re all naturally curious.
6) Everybody believes in something, even if they believe in nothing, for nothing is something one believes in.
7) Sometimes the best thing for us is not always the easiest.
8) The more effort put into something, the more that comes out of the experience.
9) There’s always a silver lining. Always.
10) We have to chase what we love, even if others look down upon us, because the only way to truly be happy is to be doing something we truly love.

Tyler Hughes said...

1.) Hard work beats talent, when talent does not work hard.
2.) You never stop learning.
3.) The american dream is alive and well.
4.) you can do anything you set your mind to.
5.) Education is the key to having a good life.
6.) The moment you have success is the moment you want it as bad as you want to breath.
7.) Most people have a strong desire to fit in.
8.) You control your own destiny.
9.) Everyone wants to be loved.
10.) Everyone has a good heart, some times it just takes a lot for some one to show it.

Jen said...

1.One small act of kindness goes a long way for both others and ourselves.
2.You don't need any material things in order to live a happy life
3.Anything is possible if you believe in it.
4.Not a single day goes by that we don't learn something new
5.Every person is unique
6.Your life will mean something to the world if you make it that way.
7.We can prepare as much as we want for the future, but there will always be surprises
8.Families are a blessing, no matter how rough they are.
9.Forgiving feels much better than holding grudges, but is twice as hard to do.
10.Most knowledge is learned through experience.

Jessi C said...

1. Our environment influences our choices and so do the people.
2. Giving up and wallowing never accomplishes anything.
3. Trusting people who prove they will be there is right, trusting people who aren't is wrong.
4. Nothing is permanent.
5. The only opinion on yourself that matters is your own.
6. Fear will set you back.
7. Love conquers hate.
8. Getting hurt is inevitable. Don't stop living.
9. Don't stress over little things because everything changes constantly.
10. Accept that not everything will go right.

Jake Mehalik said...

10 truths
1) Nothing is ever just handed to you. You have to work for it.
2) Respect is earned, not just handed out.
3) Don't dwell in the past, it can't be changed.
4) Don't spend too much time being depressed or angry at a certain matter. Life is far too short for that.
5) Life is so much better when you look at the positives.
6) Dreams do come true, so never give up on them.
7) Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.
8) You are who you are today because of the decisions you made yesterday.
9) God places the heaviest burdens on those who can carry it. So don't get down on yourself about bad luck.
10) Only you can control your destiny.

uyallc@yahoo.com said...

10 True Things:

1. No one ever tells you the complete truth.
2. You will always look back on life and regret something you did in the past. So learn from it, forget it and move on.
3. I am scared out of my mind that I will not get into my dream college.
4. You will always get hurt so don’t let it get you down when you do.
5. Family is one of the only stable things in life.
6. Sometimes you have to create your own light at the end of the tunnel.
7. As you go on through life you find out who your real friends are and who are not.
8. Everyone grows up too quickly.
9. No one is perfect, but we all strive to be.
10. You don’t know the want of winning until you’ve lost.

~Lauren S. 4°/5°

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

1. You can not please everyone, if you try pleasing everyone, you will never be happy.
2. People are going to judge you, you have to learn to deal with it and be comfortable with yourself.
3. Even when you think you can trust people, everyone is shady. People will talk behind your back.
4. Hard work pays off, even when it doesn't seem that way, keep working.
5. Life can end in a second, appreciate it.
6. Live life to the fullest, and with no regrets because you cannot change the past, only the future.
7. You can get more out of life when you do what you want but are responsible and respectful.
8. It's not what happens to you, it's how you handle it.
9. Treat other's the way you want to be treated. Be nice, don't bully others because you don't know them and treat others with a helping hand.
10. Don't be hateful. You can dislike something but hate is a strong word.

Erica Jacks 7-8*

Cassie Sherman said...

1. Everything happens for a reason. Even though we may not know the reason till death.
2.If we don't learn to love ourselves we'll never learn to love someone else.
3.Being a rebel isn't about braking the rules its about being yourself and showing the world your not afraid to be.
4.A persons past is what makes them them.
5. If you truly want something you have to be willing to fight for it.
6.No matter how much we don't want to be at times, we are always part of are parents.
7.Pain is part of life it helps shapes us.
8.The only way to get rid of fear to face it.
9. Always go with your gut.
10.To make the most of life, a person has to take in every aspect of it.

Cassie Sherman 3 period

Unknown said...

1.) Life is what you make of it.
2.) Nothing is acceptable except for your best.
3.) We should always work to better ourselves.
4.) Treat others with kindness.
5.) Never stop working to achieve your goal. Never give up.
6.) Try not to take anyone or anything for granted. You don't know when they or it won't be there anymore.
7.) Live your life with passion. Give your life meaning.
8.) Do things out of the goodness of your heart and don't think about the reward.
9.) Hard work is the key to success. It truly does pay off.
10.) Don't ever let the fear of failing keep you from trying.

Unknown said...

1. Friends come and go but true friends stay forever.
2. Be yourself because everyone else is taken.
3. Never accept anything else but what you deserve.
4. Be a leader, not a follower.
5. Your mom will always be your best friend.
6. Everything happens for a reason.
7. Live for today cause tomorrow may not come.
8. Don't be a bully because you do not know there life or story.
9. Everyone has a story, do not judge someone until you have walked in their shoes.
10. Personality makes a person, not their looks.

-Stephanie E. 3rd period

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

1. God is real therefore love is real because God is love. Love triumphs over all. One can always be respectful and loving regardless of the situation.
2. Logic takes precedence over emotion. Tears should not fall upon what is already drenched in your spittle.
3. Contentment is an attribute of character not of circumstances. The end of the world will probably be noticeable by some black out of the sun or nuclear rain. Anything less than that should remain in its proper place.
4. There is what we can control and what we can't. If we hate what we can't control we become dissatisfied and blame both men and God. Rather we should take responsibility for what is within our power and accept what is not. (Stoic principle)
5. Lack of self-control is the worst human flaw. There is nothing worse than not being in control of oneself. Intentional crime is done out of rationality and thus less formidable (though more punishable) than crime done out of glutton craze.
6. Aesthetics take precedence over a large portion of every other quality. It is said that one "should not judge a book by its cover" but one would not want to be caught lugging around an ugly-covered book regardless of its content. Also, extremities destroy aesthetics. Passion always desires the extremities. Passion is never aesthetic and always ugly.
7. You will have some good days and some bad days. Schedule out your bad days for when they will have minimal impact. Start out such days with stubbing your toe, spilling your breakfast glass (making sure it contains a non-staining liquid), locking your keys in the car, etc.
8. My little sister will always be the prettiest girl in the whole wide world.
9. Without belief in God and/or the higher abstract we are just animals engaged in mindless disgusting passion.
10. Loving oneself is unnecessary and egotistical. It is better to shift such a responsibility upon someone else by becoming an irresistibly lovable person.

cmpmahoney said...

1. Stupid is as stupid does
2. The presidential election is the vote of the lesser of two idiots
3. It is impossible to reason with stubborn people
4. "Today is a new day"
5. Persistence is not a virtuous trait
6. Before the Wright brothers, anyone wishing to fly was required to consume 200 pounds of helium
7. Overachieving is very unhealthy
8. What goes around, comes around
9. People are stupid
10. Life doesn't have a scoreboard

Collin M., 4-5

Anonymous said...

1.)No one will understand you better than yourself.
2.)Music is the only thing that will instantly change your mood.
3.)Nearly everyone's opinion is conflicting with your own.
4.)People need conpanionship. You can't go through life alone all of the time.
5.)Confidence will get you far in life.
6.)True happiness is through self realization.
7.)You will never find anyone who thinks the exact same way as you do.
8.)God doesn't make things happen; you do those things yourself.
9.)Being open to new experiences will always help you.
10.)Following all of the rules all of the time will drive you crazy.

Unknown said...

1)Many say don't regret anything, learn from it. Yet, many still do regret.
2)The choices that one makes can effect their whole future.
3)You are given many chances by many different people, but you only have one chance to live the life you have today.
4)friends come and go, but family is forever.
5)If you have a positive outlook on the world, many times you get positive feedback.
6)Being someone to go to for someone else is a good trait in anybody, but make sure to let yourself speak your mind as well.
7)be yourself, you won't get anywhere being someone you're not.
8)Individuality is something most should try to have. Don't rely on others.
9)The glass is always half full, never half empty.
10)education is what takes you places, not the people you surround yourself with.
Jordan Frederick 4/5*

c hovan34 said...

1.Tommorrow is always going to be a new day.
2.A failure is just another chance to do better.
3.Not being the best does not mean the end of the world
4.Life is full of people that can change the world.
5.Life is full of surprises.
6.Meeting new people can only give you advantages.
7.Anyone can make a difference if they try.
8.Younger siblings can sometimes be a hassle.
9.Each day is a new experience.
10.Band will always be the pride of Brunswick

Unknown said...

1. If you learn to laugh at yourself and your mistakes, you can learn to accept yourself for who you are.
2. Without procrastination, nothing would ever get done.
3. You're never alone in your struggles.
4. Always look at an argument from both sides; understand where the other person is coming from.
5. If you're not willing to give, you'll never receive.
6. There is always someone who has it worse.
7. It helps to be nice to everyone, even to people you don't like.
8. Everyone is on this planet for a reason.
9. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs.
10. Always have an open mind. You may learn something new.

c hovan34 said...
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c hovan34 said...
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c hovan34 said...
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c hovan34 said...
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Unknown said...

1. People imppact your life the most after they pass
2. With hard work anything is possible
3. True love is a blessing
4. Without the down moments in life there would be no good times
5. Most small buissneses don't fallow all the laws
6. Karma always will come around
7. You never stop learning in life
8. True friends suport you no mater what
9. Looking on the bright side is sometimes blinding
10. Being understanding is a blessing and a curse

Mike Combs said...

1: You should never settle for less.
2: Hard work pays off.
3: No one should care what others think of them.
4: Never give up.
5: 2+2=4
6: Life's like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get.
7: If you don't have goals you won't get anywhere.
8: Live day to day because you never know what tomorrow brings.
9: You can't have everything you want.
10: Always be the better person.

Unknown said...

1. We learn from our mistakes.
2. We need to accept the past no matter how bad it was.
3. Without love, we are nothing.
4. As we grow older, we grow more wise and appreciate all the good things in life.
5. There is good in the world.
6. Cherish the small things in life.
7. Family comes first.
8. No matter how bad something may be, it will always get better.
9. Good things come in 3's, but so does bad things.
10. Live life to the fullest.
A.wells 4/5

michael sarama said...

10 true things
1: highschoolers are immature
2: parents do not like to be wrong
3: you will only have a few real friends in high school
4: Lacrosse is an upcoming sport in america
5: life is to short to worry about the little problems
6: cherish your family and all the time you spend with them
7: i do no enjoy writing but is important in life
8: school is a way to advance in education
9: Mrs perrin is married
10:Do not judge people based on how they appear or else they will do the same to you.

Jacob Dybiec said...

1.) Life isn't always easy
2.) Sometimes, you've gotta do stuff you don't really like
3.) Knowledge is power
4.) Never give up; keep trying, and nothing is impossible
5.) Procrastination is a bad, bad thing...
6.) Life is short, have a ball!
7.) It's always easier to work together than alone
8.) Set goals for yourself; it will provide motivation
9.) Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you
10.) Always stand up for what you believe in

Sdornauer said...

1. Everybody sins
2. Everyone believes their own reasoning
3. There are small pointless things that drive a person to anger
4. Everyone dreams
5. School is completely misunderstood by teacher and student alike
6. You must take pleasure in what you do or else you will go insane
7. Nature is the only true beauty
8. To do something well you must be disciplined
9. Everyone has failed in big way at least once
10. You shouldn't try to please everyone

Brittany m said...

1. Life isn't always easy.
2 live life to the fullest.
3 cherish the little things.
4. Life's to short to worry about the little things.
5. True friends support you through anything.
6. Family is forever not friends.
7. If you fail try try again.
8. Don't let anyone stop you from doing what's right.
9. You should never for lest then you deserve.
10. That today's my birthday and I'm sad I did this late

Jeff Neuhaus said...

1.The strongest belief that exists is belief in yourself
2.Everyone has the capacity to hate
3.Some people don’t practice what they preach
4.We fear what we cannot understand
5.Jealousy eats away at everyone
6.Not a single person is perfect
7.People bully others to mask their own insecurities
8.If you want something done right, sometimes you just have to do it yourself
9.Being stuck in the past gets you nowhere in the present
10.Actions speak louder than words

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

10 Things I Know To Be True:

1.) Life is precious.
2.) Mother's always know best, listen to them!
3.) God is real.
4.) You choose your own destiny, choose wisely.
5.) Love will always conquer hate.
6.) Honesty is hard, but so is trying to remember a lie. Only one will earn you respect, tell the truth.
7.) Helping others will in return, help you.
8.) Not everyone will accept you, but you should accept them anyways.
9.) Success has a different meaning for everyone, but everyone still has to work for it.
10.) Hard times will pass.

Summer Murrell 1st period

Unknown said...

10 things i know to be true:
1) Aprreciate everything you have
2) Your family is most important
3) Treat others how you want to be treated

4) Being rich and having materials is not important
5) You need to do whats best for yourself
6) If you work hard, anything is possible. Hard work pays off.
7)The truth always will come out so do not lie.
8) Your own happiness is key
9) Surrounding yourself with good people will make you better
10) Life can be taken as fast as it is given
Joey Marincek

Sonya S said...

1. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.
2. In 2011, approximately 39,520 women are expected to die from
breast cancer.
3. There are over 200 different types of cancer.
4.During the Rapid Eye Movement sleep the body is paralyzed by a mechanism in the brain in order to prevent the movements which occur in the dream from causing the physical body to move.
5. The brain is approximately 75% water
6. Every time you sneeze some of your brain cells die
7.Your left lung is smaller than your right lung to make room for your heart
8. The only part of the body that has no blood supply is the cornea in the eye. It takes in oxygen directly from the air.
9. German Shepherds bite humans more than any other breed of dog.
10. The 2009 ZR1 was the first 200+ mph production Corvette ever made.

Unknown said...

10 truths

1. A reputation is hard to lose.
2. Hard work can get you a lot farther than someone that has talent than when the person that has talent doesnt work hard.
3. You are who you are today because of the decisions you made yesterday.
4. Actions speak louder than words.
5. If you don't want anyone to find out about it, don't do it. 
6. The biggest influence on teenagers is their parents.
7. Everything happens for a reason.
8. The only person that can change you is yourself.
9. Without goals there is nothing to strive for.
10. Life is better when you're outlook is positive.  

Brianna Dugan p2

Jake Coseo said...

1) Our outlook on life is never certain.
2) Being open-minded to the world allows one to discover their true worth.
3) People of today are, in general, pessimistic. That makes it even more important to be optimistic.
4) People change their personality based on their situation
5) The world was born in chaos, and wants to return to it.
6) Success is but a viewpoint.
7) We will never know when we will die, but will die anyways
8) The past is something to reflect upon, and learn from, but not made to live in
9) Time is nothing but perspective.
10) The world in which we living in today is always changing, and these things may not be true in five minutes.

Jacob Coseo