I recently started thinking about how I have changed as a thinker over the years. As a kid, I would find myself gathering information from books. I read constantly. I still do. I also gathered information by listening to others. So often, the intelligent people I knew would reveal their wisdom through conversation. Additionally, I was exposed to other types of conversation that allowed me to come to my own conclusions about what they really knew. I found myself thinking in a straight line. I started at point A and ended at point LMNOP.
As the years have progressed, I have also found information through the Internet, databases, research, and now my iPod touch. It is information at my finger tips. I download apps that provide specific information focused down for my knowledge. If I want to learn about Mythology, I download the app. If I want to lose weight, I download an app. If I want to learn about local restaurant experiences, I download an app. My thinking has changed. My thinking now is an explosion. An idea will strike me and I will see information exploding out from that single experience to see the ripples, the fragments, the impact of one bit of information on many others.
I want you to think about how your thinking has changed. How have you changed the way you gather information and make decisions? Have you changed? If not, why have you not changed? What is the result of the world around you on your thinking?
The way that I have changedin my way of thinking is that I went from always asking my teachers, parents, or my peers for the answers to school-work. (I still do from time to time). But now, I either look in my notebook or my textbook to find the answers that I am looking for. In addition, I use various forms of technology, primarily the internet, to find the answers that I seeek. For example, today was the day after the biggest pay-per-view in Profesional Wrestling, Wrestlemania. I know that to find results, whole matches, etc., I would go to the website for the information that I need. In addition, I also use the magazine Rolling Stone to gather my information on any new album, or any big rock band that I listen to. However, when it comes to me and making decisions, I am very undecisive. For example, I see two of my favorite foods, A cheeseburger and a taco. I would not be able to chooes because they are both my favorite foods and they both taste delicious. My thinking is a wide variety of ideas and thoughts. Once something comes to me, I will usually hold onto that idea, it just all depends on what it is I am thinking.
Generally, I would say that I am a sporadic thinker. As soon as an idea hits me I race to my computer exploiting both research and opinions, the information waiting only for the speed of my fingertips to enlighten me. When I want a word defined I simply click the ball in the center of my mouse and up pops my dashboard, ready to define, research, calculate, inform, translate, forecast and entertain (which is partly why Mac is infinitely better than Microsoft). Recently, however, I have discovered the joy of looking things up in my family's 75th Anniversary Edition World Book. The World Book gives such reliable and detailed information on any subject I would care for and more, and many times I must stop myself from reading more than I had originally planned to. As a Christian I (of course) turn to my Bible, but usually for more wisdom than guidance. To me, my Bible is a source of true insight, and that is the most valuable search engine of all.
-John B. Shaw
for many a year ever since I was young it was always black and white or the good the bad how ever after reading many book's and thinking irealized there are more patches of gray than you can think of and that from every idea you have every thought if brought into reality can have as many good concequences as bad and that you are able to use as you wish.
I have changed the way of my thinking because of the new decisions I am starting to make as I grow up. When I was young I use to respond without even thinking. I have just changed a little because I am still making those same decision as I use to do. But now as I am growing up I am being more imature than before. Now I am making way better desicion than before. This how I think my way of thinking has changed.
The way I gather information has changed since I was a little kid. Whenever I had a question, I would just go and ask my Mom and Dad. Now, whenever I want to know something, I can type it into google and thousands of sites come up with information. This had made the world around me easier to understand, because I have access to websites on anything I want to know. Also, I know now to think before you speak instead of just saying whatever you want and this has made relationships with people a lot easier too.
i think that this year was one where i deffinitely saw a difference in the way my thinking works. when i was younger, i would speak without thinking, which was something i absolutely hated and i knew that as i grew older, it would change. in school i hated researching for anything because i simply didnt care. i felt like there was no use in having to search for topics that were only necessary for a project or just homework. my way of thinking wasn't the best because i didnt put much effort into anything that people told me to think about.my way of thinking now is very deep and if i have a certain idea, i have to immediatly write it down so later on when i have time for myself, i can look it up and learn about it. with mythology i was confused half the time and it angered me that even though i found the book interesting; i couldn't understand it and that affected my focus a lot. eventually i was back and forth with the book and other resources and the internet, trying to compare stories or find answers to all of my questions. overtime i can say that my way of thinking has changed for the good and as i grow older it will be change even more. all of my surroundings and events impact the way i see and think about everything in life.
The way I think has changed greatly. As a child, I would just run to ask my parents for the answers to questions. Now with a little age and maturity, I can use previous experiences, past assignments, novels not picture books, the internet and mentors to find answers to questions. Sometimes new questions develop from seeking the answer to the original question; then a dialogue of conversation helps to deeply explore possible answers. As I continue to age, I’m sure I will encounter many more ways to think, answer questions and come to conclusions. The result of the world around me is a different group of people and an atmosphere that respects and deciphers the answers and questions that come out of my mouth.
The way I changed my thinking over the years has changed drastically I want to make the best decisions for myself and to my friends. My friends help me make some of my decisions or help me as to what to say but sometimes friends don't always know best as I been learning lately . My thinking is always for the better never for the worse I always want the better for everybody because I hTe seeing people down. My thinking I think will help the world one day maybe.
My thinking has changed over the years because, when i was younger i just used to go up to my parents and ask them for the answer to my question. But now i have so many different sources of iformation that i can get my answers from. Like google. If i dont understand a homework problem, and couldnt find someone to help me, i can just go to google and it helps me right away usually. And i mean i still ask my parents questions but i think about how i could try to find the answer on my own before i need someone else to help me. This affects the world around me because now i know and understand what my parents always meant when they said "think before you speak". Now most of the time I take my thoughts and think them over before i say them out loud and to someone. This is how my thinking has changed.
Thinking is not something I really do so often. Just kidding. I am a deeply, I don't really want to say religious, but a spiritual person. When I think, I think deeply about things, sometimes praying or meditating on something. My brain is kind of like blackle.com...I get all kinds of random info. I always am asking questions, and sometimes, I am able to expand on answers that are given in class. However, like anyone, I have problems with decision making. For example, I am deciding what to do with my life...and although this is a huge undertaking,I have some things to choose.
oops. this is A.Plumlee
I used to always look towards my parents for thinking and decisions. I have changed by, well,thinking and making my own decisions When pople would ask me what i wanted i would look towards mom or dad. Now, when people ask me what i want, i think about what would be best for me. The result of me making my own decisions and thinking for myself is that i have friends that support me and i'm heading for a successful future.
Ever since I was little people told me that I had a very active imagination.Most of my life I have used my thought process to create my own information and decisions.This is a partial problem because I was always thinking what if? instead of thinking logically and looking things up.
This has changed as I gotten older.Now when writing a paper on clouds instead of writing how I think clouds are formed I will write what I find through research.
My thought process has not changed completely, many times I find myself creating different scenarios and playing with the ideas in my head.Which is not entirely bad.There are many gray areas so my thinking may even speak some truth in unknown matters.
My thinking has changed greatly over the years. When I was little, I made my decisions based on the actions that I saw around me and what I had learned through expirience. I have always and still do ask my parents when I don't know something and want to learn more. When I was young enough to search and read, my parents encouraged me to search for the answer myself. I ask the ones near me for insight and their opinions and ideas. Now, I search through books and the internet. I learn through reading. I base my decisions on the past and my knowledge. I think through things before I act. I judge whether something is right or wrong and every possible outcomes. I became more mature in my thinking. The world around me impacts the way that I think. I see things on the news, or the people I am around and analyze their actions. I base me decisions on what others around me do, and if I want to be like them or not. My thinking is swayed by my knowledge and the world around me.
When I was younger, my way of thinking was simple: think only for me. Now i realize that other people besides me have opinions and I can't always be right. I used to ask my parents and other people for answers, but now i research and think for myself. While I have learned that I am not always the only person involved in opinions and discussions, I have learned that I need to make a decision that is right for me, not my parents or friends.
I have definitely changed the way i think and find answers. When i was little, and a question would pop into my head, i would simply ask one of my parents, and their answer was law from then on. However, once i grew a little older, and i thought of questions that did not always have such a simple answer, my parents would tell that they did not necessarily know the answer, so that was that. I would never really look up the answer online, until the past couple years. Then i realized that it was not that parents did not know everything, but rather that there are questions that do not always have a correct answer. This is mainly due to my seventh and eighth grade social studies teacher. Now when i think of something, all of these thoughts explode and ooze out of my head like the volcano in Pompeii. I shift through them and put together the most plausible thoughts. I try not to be opinionated, but rather look at all of the different points of view. I also look up the topic of interest on the internet, and can usually shift through the biased things and figure out what the facts are. My current through process allows me to make decisions relying only on the truth, not letting my own opinion get in the way. I can usually think of the best possible resolution, for all sides.
When I was younger I got my information from my parents and from books. I absorbed as much information as I could and would compare it to new information to see if it was true. If I had a random question I used to just ask my parents or my friends. Nowadays I can just look up on the internet anything I want to know. If something is trivial I would just act on my emotions and do whatever I felt like doing(and I still do)However, if someting is important to me I will think deeply about it but I'm normally bad at making important decisions because I'm scared of making the wrong choice. I've noticed that the world is very fear-based, from the slightly disturbing 'dark energy' that they present in my science book, to all the End of the World movies, I'm surprised to find that this kind of stuff rarely bugs me anymore.
the way i have changed the way i gather information is if i had a question i would go and ask family members.i have changed in the way i gather information because i use sources from the computer, books, friends, by taking notes on things, and from the textbooks we have in school. the world around us is like a big huge computer you think of something and another person thinks of another thing. it also helps us understand the meaning of what to say when we say it.
Matthais lohr
In some ways my thinking has changed and in other ways it has not changed at all. I am stubborn and I have quite some trouble admitting when I am wrong, so this could be a cause of some of my thinking that has not changed. When I was a little girl, when I had a question I'd go to Mom and her answer became the law. Internet wasn't really an option, but I picked up things from my parents, friends, and other family members. Now the internet is my main resource and the first place I go to search for what I want to know. The part of my thinking that hasn't changed is my near nonexistant ability to admit when I am wrong. I have been like that since I was a toddler. I don't know why. I probably haven't changed because I usually argue to the point of my opponent giving up and letting me win. I also cannot make decisions. Whether it's shopping, eating, etc., it will take me forever and a day to make my choice. There are just so many options, and I fear that making the wrong decision will somehow affect me terribly. If my irrational opposition to admitting I am wrong and my lack of proper decision making skills don't change the world for the better, they sure do provide a few laughs for myself, my friends, and my family.
~Brooke C. 1st period
When I was younger I would always aske my parent and family about things. But now, we have Internet I look at websites and magazines.also by looking back at my notes on certain subjects and y comparing my notes to my friends notes, to see what they thought. Teahers are also good to talk to see what types of thinking method try have.
I've changed the ways I gather information and make decisions from My Family, And teachers. My family Has taught me right from wrong or what they think is right and wrong. Which has made my desicions on the things I do. My teachers have helped me on how i gather my information. They've taught me differnt Techniques on gathering information and how to use it to my best ability.
The way I think has changed over the years. When I was little I would ask my parents for the answer. Now, I can just run to my computer and have google do the answering for me. It is easy to understand something when I have a bunch of sources to rely on and look at. As I grow older, I also become more mature. I now think before I speak and if the information is not correct or Im not sure if its accurate I dont say it. Because I can think and say my thoughts better I have made better friends and have better relationships with people then before.
Thinking never truly stops. The human mind thinks millions of thoughts a minute, though we are mostly unaware of all of our side thoughts. I was told that by a key club instructor a few years ago when I attended Willetts, and it was almost hard to believe. I would become so engulfed in a topic that I wouldn't even consider that I could possibly be thinking about anything else. After I focused on it, I realized that there was much more going on my mind than I thought. I was an avid daydreamer, and often got so caught up in my own fantasies that I wouldn't be listening to the conversation or lecture at hand. Yet, I would still be picking up the general gist of the conversation, and even be able to answer questions on the spot. I was picking up other thoughts, and analyzing them even while engulfed in an entirely different thought. I may seem like I am rambling now, but the point I am trying to reach is that my thinking hasn't changed much. What has changed is the way I acknowledge my thinking, allowing my mind to wander at free points when the opportunity is near but forcing myself to daydream less. Perhaps it is easy to do so because I know that once I'm at home, I can google any questions I have or quickly type out any ideas. The internet and other technologies are making it easier to think, and faster to analyze certain aspects.
I believe I gather information about people and the world from everyday observations. I have always been know to be a particularly observant person. I am often caught looking meticulously at simple objects or situations, listening intently and fixedly pondering. My keen sense of observation to not only standard situations, but also foreign situations helps me learn more about the world and the people on it. I have also always been a very opinionated human being and I like to make my own decisions. I believe this is why my way of gathering information has not changed. I make decisions based on what I think is best and healthiest for me. I am able to make these decisions because I have observed many different situations. Observing what I do want in life and, in turn, what I do not want in life. The world around is FULL of diversity. Large doses of situations, decisions, actions, perspectives and circumstances. My many observations of life whether good or bad, happy or sad help bring wisdom to me. From observation I believe I am an incredibly tolerant, empathetic person. With such diversity in the world I have come to love it more and more. I enjoy learning about all different forms of life. This world, and all its eccentricity, has improved my understanding of life.
Haylie R. 2
I have changed thinking by letting my self influence the way I think. Before I would do what people tell me and just let them walk all over me. I gather information primarily by talking to people. I make decisionsons based off of fact and the way I feel. I have changed because when I let other people tell me how I feel I always end up in a bad situation where the other person wanted me to be not where I wanted to be. The outsie world effects my thinking by applying modern stereotypes and pressures. I feel constantly judged and I feel like I have to please those people. Lately I have been trying to ignore those people and entities.
the way i have chaged in my thinking is back when i was growing up i had no filter. if i thought it was funny i said it. one day my parents yelled at me enough to the point were i finally started to think before i say. my decision making has changed by, i make smarter decisions as i get older. like saving money and getting good grades. but everybody makes bad decisions now and then. its part of being a human. i have changed allot. physically and mentally. i have grown bigger and stronger and i get smarter as i get older. the world deffinatly influences my thinking, especially big news like Libya and egypt. they make me think that world war 3 is about to start. also these days media is huge. especially selling clothes. they try to say that if you wear their product you will look better.
The way I gather information has changed since I was younger. Before the only source of information I had was my family and a couple children's shows. Now I have unlimited sources and ways to gather information. I can now get information from the internet, books, people, and many other sources. The way I make decisions is based on what I know and learned. I try to choose the best decisions for myself in life. I believe I have changed in these ways because now before I make a decision I can gather information about which choice is better. I can search options on the internet or look something up in a book. The world around me helps me realize which choices are good and which are not. They show me the rewards and consequences of choices. The world around me also shows me how certain decisions can affect my entire life.
Kaitlyn R. 2nd period
As a child, I thought based on how my family thought. Anything they said was right, in my mind at least. Now, I think based on my own judgement. I gather information based on the true facts: mainly through books and the internet. I've changed, because now if I were to have a conversation with my dad about politics, or have a conversation with someone I disagreed with, I'd know enough to have my own opinion and my own mindset. The world has changed around me because I disconnected myself from things that hurt me or things that don't set right with me, ultimately leading me in a better direction.
I used to gather information by only listening to what my parents said. Now, I ask questions to other people and to the internet. I still ask my parents things though. This has caused me to become my own person and to be more independent. Before, the world around me was very strict and defined by what my parents said, but now, due to my own thinking, it is full of color and opportunity for new thoughts to arrive.
-Leah Fagan, 9th period
The way i gather information over the years has change a lot! Before i could just ask my mom and dad or at school i would just ask a friend or the teacher, but now and days it is all technology. When i need an answer or help on a research paper i can just use a search engine such as google yahoo or bing. When im on the go and i need and answer i just use my cell phone to look up an answer on the internet and it helps deffinatlly. it makes the world easier because, answers are just at a touch of a button. i have also lerned to figure out my answer before yelling something rediculous out and get myself in trouble.
My thinking has changed because in the past I would go to ask my friends or parents for answers. Now I can find answer of many of my questions from past references and books, media and the internet. I can think on my own now and come to conclusions I never would have thought of as a kid. It is easier to think when the world wide web is so accessable to help answer many questions.
My thinking has changed a lot and still is changing. It will probably always continue to change. Things that have made it change are just every day life, school for the most part though. I gather information with the internet. I think I always have. I make decisions by thinking about the consequences. I have changed - improved my decision making skills. I don't think about the world around me very often. How do I think about the world? Well the world is a great place and a bad place. I guess this creates equilibrium.
-Christopher Fassih
My thinking has changed because i used ask my parents everything and not think things through, but now i try to do everything myself and use my resources to gather information. The world around me greatly impacts my decision making because as i am getting older, i am starting to make more mature decisions
when i was little i would awnser my questions through other people. i would ask my parents wanted to know and they would tell me the awnsers. now i gather infromation form books and the internet. when i make decisions i usually make them for myself using knowledge i have come across in the past. i think about what is best for me. in this way i try not to let my thinking be swayed by other peoples opoinions.
When I was a kid, I would always ask my parents or another adult my questions in search for the perfect answers. Now, I now about the resources that are at hand, and I look to the internet and textbooks for my own answers. I also tend to make mistakes, and a question becomes answered through that process.
The way that this has changed is that not only do I depend on others through my thinking, but I have discovered that I can depend on myself as well.
Another thing is, when I was a kid I put myself first. I didn't know that there were people out in the world who aren't as lucky as I am, nor did I know that I had the ability to hurt other people's feelings. With this knowledge I try to think about other people, and try not to say things that would hurt them.
The result of The world around me based upon my thinking benefits. I try to keep my thoughts towards other positive. I try to think of what would be best, not only for me, but for the others around me. Also, I don't have to depend on the world around me to gather my knowledge. I believe that my thinking will continue to change throughout the years, and I will make new discoveries, and I will contribute to the world around me.
My thinking has changed through out the years through attaining new knowledge, gaining wisdom as I get older, peers around me, the news, and books. When i was younger, like most, i was naive and thought everyone and everything in the world was great. Over time, the reality of the world revealed itself to me through the television, the media, my peers, and the news. I feel that one can never know everything, and the ability to attain more knowledge is a privilege whether it be through school or on a day-to-day basis. My way of thinking has become more positive and open, especially in the past few years.
I must agree that my thinking has changed profoundly over the years. The very clock work of my mind is much more refined than what it was just a few years ago. I give credit to books and great novels. The character's become people I want to be around and their intellect influences the way I would handle situations and think about certain deciscions. I also give credit to my parents. Listening to their opinions, observing and taking note of how their brain and thinking works has helped carved the way I think and decide who I want to be. More than ever have they been driving the idea that my grades and schools are my first priority and I should be more worried about my future than anything. But also, some of their ideas I donot agree with, but with these disagreements I can use them to help decipher how I would like to be as an adult. Thanks to my computer, I have knowelegde from around the world about anything at the click of a button. I can type in any question I have and thousands, even millions of results are waiting for me. It's absolutely incredible. With all of this, my thinking has a wider variety than ever. I have discovered new levels of myself, along with philosophies, beliefs, goals, meanings, and ideas. With these, I can impact the world in my own way. I want to be different, but not indifferent. If someone has dropped their books or is sobbing in a corner, I will pick them up or offer a shoulder. With these new philosophies I can give better advice, and even help decide who I want to be imfluenced by. I believe I have my mother's gift; to read someone through tone of voice, body language, word choice, etc. With this I can learn more about someone, and use it to communicate with others better. By observing behaviors, I can use the information to create my behavior and how it can be most mature, friendly, efficient, etc. Without these new levels of thinking, I have no idea who I would be.
My thinking used to be as simple as questions, and answers. The answers usually came from my parents and teachers, and I did not question them. Now my thinking is more complex. Somtimes when I get an idea it's like an explosion in my head, and if I don't write it down then I usually forget it. Now instead of asking my parents, I research it on the computer and somtimes in books. Now it seems as though anything you would want to know is one click away on the internet. However, more often then not, my questions don't have an answer. So I like to get both sides of the argument and form my own conclusions. Once I form my conclusion, I find that I am not easily swayed from it. I'm a very opionated person, and somtimes I get into trouble voicing those opinions. I really need to learn how to bite my tounge once in awhile.
I used to always look to my elders for answers to questions. I rarely looked for the answers on my own. I could not make a decision without consulting someone. Now, I find answers on my own (usually) and I make decisions on my own. The world around me has opened my eyes to new things. I’ve learned new words and phrases. Learning those new things causes me to learn even more. It’s like a ripple effect, just like Mrs. Perrin. It has caused me to over analyze things a lot. I need to not do that. I’m still learning and developing new ways of thinking.
I have changed the way I gather information by questioning things. I used to take the first answer I got, unless it wasn't what I wanted to hear, then I would get more and more answers until I got the answer I was looking for. Now I get as many answers as possible and attempt to choose the most credible and reliable answer, instead of the biased one.
I have changed the way I make decisions by considering all points of view, or as many as I can think of, and acting while considering the consequences. I consider what might happen if I make certain decisions and so I change what I do for the best outcome.
The impact of the world around me on my thinking is knowing that I have choices and opportunities. I know when I can do something, and sometimes when I can't. The world around me supplies my answers and backs up my thinking. The world influences my thinking directly and indirectly, and in differing gradients, effecting me more and less.
Grace Shank
My thinking has changed in some areas but not in others. When I was younger I would always listen to others and the ways they talked and even acted to get my information. I never really had my own opinions, and if I did, I never voiced them, either because no one was listening or I was just too embarressed to say something. Now I form opinions quickly and i let my voice be heard, espicially while I am around my family. Also, when I was younger I would ask questions to gather my information. Now, I reach for my laptop or my IPod to look up the information I need on the computer. On the other hand, my thinking has not changed at all in the way I make decisions. I have always been horrible when it comes to making decisions. No matter if its as simple as what to wear or eat, or a harder decisions that will imparct my life forever. I always take forever to decide. I am afraid others will not like what I have chosen or what others will think of my because of my choice. Although I may be quick to formulate my opinions when it comes to my decision making, lets just say it needs a little work!
I feel that my thinking has changed a lot from my experiances in life and the people I have met and continue meeting. Books and the Internet will always be here to provide us with solid facts(more so books in this case) and Information we seek on how to stay in shape or daily life things(more so internet) but how often do we listen to the world around us and what it has to teach? I love listening to peoples opinions and I always listen when someone is stating theirs. By doing this I learn to see another side of a story or agrument, and opening up my range of thought from looking straight forward to expanding and being more open minded. When I have more opinions at hand, they make me think more.
BTW the last post was left by Alex Boac. Soryy I keep forgetting my namee
My thinking has changed a whole lot over the past couple years. When i was younger i always thought that no one would get hurt if i just said whatever was on my mind. But as i got older aand reallizing that i hurt friends feelings i decided to keep those thoughts inside. The way i gathered information has changed a lot too. Before i would ask my mom or dad a question and if they didn't know it then i just dropped it and moved on. But now i either use dictionaries or the internet. The result of the world around me by making these choses is that i haven't made friends sad by saying something mean.
I think that my way of thinking has changed in some spots, but has stayed the same in others. When I was little and was curious about something, I would go straight to parents. I thought that they knew everything. I still go to them for advice and answers to my questions, but I now have more things/sources to find these answers. I have teachers, fellow students, books, the internet, and so many more. These new souces have made information much more reliable and a lot quicker to find. I can type a question into Google and thousands of sites come up with the answer. A way I have changed myself over the years is when I was younger, I would act on impulse and not think before I did anything. Now, I've learned to think things through before I do or say them. I still am horrible at decision-making though. It can be what to wear or something I will live with forever; it's still super hard for me to decide what to do. That's always been a weakness of mine and I think it always will be. I think that the world has had a huge impact on my life and how I think about things. The world tries to tell me that certain things are "cool" or are the "right thing to do." What famous or inspirational people say or do kind of influence what I feel like I should do. I still have my own brain and I form my own opinions, but outside forces really impact me.
The way I have changed my thinking is by previously going to more adult figures that I know and learning from them. I dont think that I have changed because I make decisions based on the information that I am given. The result of the world around me on my thinking is that I have friends that would look up to me and learn from the ways of my thinking.
-Jordan M.-
Like others, I believe that in the beginning I started thinking an learning by listening to my parents and older brother. The things that they said made me curious, and over time, I begin to expand on other's thoughts. I also gain my information in books, the internet, television, hanging with friends, going to different places, etc. my learning never seems to stop, and I am continually applying it to my experiences and coming to a larger conclusion. Overall, I may have changed by adding to the number of ways that I gain information and the way that I use it, but overall, I believe that I am still the same way that I was back then. The only factor that I believe has affected my ways of thinking, is the world, environment, and society around me. I am influenced by society and the world because, I tend to try to learn what is popular, what is going on in my community, cool places, parties, etc. By looking at what is around me can greatly influence what and what not I try to learn about and discover.
The way you think can change a lot throughout a lifetime. It can change with age, technology, the people you meet, etc. But I think it mostly changes with experience, and what in life you have been through or witnessed. I believe a part of the way you think is determined at birth...you are either born a deep thinker, or you aren't. But that can obviously change throughout time. Time brings oppertunities, people, and surprises to life that can change the way you think. Sure, books and google have a lot of answers in life, but I think the most real, honest answers come from the people in your life, the people you trust the most. The ones that are in your life, or have gone through it already, are the ones that should help you make decisions. I have changed the way I think a lot, especially in the last few years. I've met a lot of people, read a lot of books, and had some really good teachers. And I know I still have a lot to learn and a lot to think about. The world has given me many oppertunities in life. The world around me teaches me something new every day. Other people's thoughts travel quickly, through the internet, texts, books, or even just talk. That's just the way the world today works. Their thoughts and words are helpful, knowledgable, and inspiring. So I just hope that one day, I can have an impact on the world by my thoughts, just as it has impacted me.
My thinking has changed over the years in the way that I can now expand what comes to my mind, rather than leave a thought and forget it. If I want to know something, I can look it up on the internet the instant I get access, rather than asking somebody and ending the thought if they do not hold the answer. As a result, I feel that I have the power as well as the privilage of answering whatever question I can think of.
Aspects of my thinking are always changing. The way I gather information is always changing. I find new ways to gather information when I am in class talking to other students about research. I also find new ways of discovering information when I am talking to adults. This new information sometimes alters the way I make my decisions. I have been changed by this because I have have found better ways to research, which makes me re-think how much time I need to set aside for research, making me a better planner. The world around me impacts my thinking daily. The media, my peers, and adults I encounter all give me new ideas that embed themselves in my brain and blossom into full ideas. My thinking impacts the world by me voicing my opinions to the peers that I trust, and them carrying my opinions to others they speak with, continuing the endless cycle. Hopefully, my thinking will impact the entire world one day.
Alyssa E. 9th period
I've changed the ways I gather information and think by starting to do things for myself instead of what the kids at my school did or what people do on tv. I know that I've changed a whole lot over the years. I feel like I have a deeper understanding on things now that I do them because I want to.
Liz 2nd period
In fifteen years, 5 months, and twenty-odd days my thinking has changed right on track with my life. If life is faster, then thinking speeds up. When life is slow, as is thoughts. It used to be that all my thoughts were derivative of either of my parents. As I grew and my thoughts became more my own, my opinions began to differ. Soon, the wealth of information found in the screen of a computer began to solve more of lifes mysteries then wasting my parents time. I have also changed in my thought patterns, becoming more callous in my judgement. In short, I have changed, and the effect of the world on my thinking is nowhere near as important as my thought's effects on the world.
I changed the way i think because of the new technology available. I use the computer for research projects. My iPod touch for quick Spanish translations or definition of a word. I also take notes instead of just asking my friends what were learning and things like that. My iPod touch is also my day planner it has all my events for the day, what time it is, how to do things ect.. Thats how my thinking has changed over the years
Mitch Slyman
I analize my thinking but having teachers and parents help me. I also have some of my friends help me out with a problem I have. I would also look online to help me make a decision on something. I think alot before I do something. I think about life and people and also on what has happenede over the past and what is to come in the future. I would say Im a critical thinker. I will think things over until I'm sick of them
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