Determine the purpose--the societal commentary being made. Explain to us what your choice is, then explain what the purpose is--define, persuade, explain. What action is wanted--what we should take away or do as a result? Finally give us some examples to back up your thinking.
The purpose behind the Audi Q3 commercial that deals with scripts and abandoning the script is to not only sell cars, but to persuade the viewer to believe that with this car there are no limits. Man writes his own destiny. The clip shows characters reading from a script when interacting with other people. It shows one man getting into the car and leaving his script behind and the partner who is left behind does not know what to do because his destiny has not been planned. This commercial appeals to the emotions of the viewer. It counts on free will and the desire for man to live without being told how to.
The game I decided to choose is Clash of Clans. This is an app on the app store but has grown way bigger then any other app before. The purpose of this game is to show that this game is more than an app and is capable of being much more. This game is free on the app store but the company has made millions on the game and advertising. But Clash of Clans slogan is, “You and this army” and the purpose of that slogan is to show that you are in control and are kind of a part of this fun, great army. Supercell, the makers of this game wants one to take away that if they play this game they will have a great time commanding this fun army. For example, during the commercial they have music playing, which is more upbeat singing the words “happy go lucky me”. So in conclusion Clash makers just want one to have a great time playing this game and enjoy the army they control.
Eric Bulic 1st
I chose the song Lose Yourself by Eminem. the reason why I chose this is because this song can help someone be more determined to do something in there life. weather it is to get an objective done or to push yourself to do more and most likely succeed in your life. this is a very up beat song that can and has been jammed out to by me no matter my mood. even if you are depressed you can listen to this song and think about your life and how to take control of it back and never let go of the moments that are important to you in your life time.
I have chosen to write about the new NBA 2k15 commercial. They have many well known superstars playing a typical 3 vs 3 pickup game. However these are still professionals. Then Two kids are on the side of the court and the ball is knocked there way. Then the kids slowly pick up the ball and one of the players says "You going to pass it" and the two kids smack the ball and say "No, we'll play" then suddenly the two boys grow into the size of two normal NBA players and begin to face them. The point in this commercial is to show the viewer that if you buy their game, you will be able to make yourself into the game to give you the feel that one is able to play with NBA players like Lebron, Kyrie, Kevin Durant, etc.
Jeff Anzo 3rd
I recently read the book Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. This books main purpose is to explain that the heroes and villains aren’t people, but stories. Every person has their own side of the story to tell. Sometimes when the all the evidence points to a certain person, it’s not always what it seems. This story explains how a woman goes missing on her 5 year anniversary and all of the evidence leads to her husband, but it is not what it looks like. This book uses a lot of suspense to appeal to the readers; it put me at the edge of my seat while reading it. For example, the ending of the book was a twist and very shocking and you never wanted it to end. Do not always point fingers at the people closest to that person.
~Becca Gardella 5/6 Period
The television show 'rescue me' is a series that focuses on the FDNY, or firefighters of New York, post 911. The societal commentary being made is that people have forgotten the heroes that were lost from this tragic event, and that many people don't realy know the trauma that these surviving heroes go through currently. It explains post traumatic stress and what it is like. The action that is wanted from this is for people to step in and appreciate what these people do and actually take notice of their problems, but the issue is they don't want to be seen as someone who is weak. For example, one guy takes to writing poetry. He is too scared to tell his own wife about his coping method because she doesn't believe that he has any problems at all since 911 happened a few years prior.
B. Geiss 5/6 period
I have chosen to right about the video game Destiny. Destiny takes place in the far future where the Earths solar system has been taken over my aliens and there is only one free city left where humans can live safely. This game is all about hope. The humans fight the aliens so that one day they can regain their planet and live life as it was before. Severely outnumber, all they have is hope. Hope is a very strong emotion because it can keep a person going when nothing else will. When you are completely exhausted and have nothing left, there is a strong feeling of hope that keeps you going.
I have chosen an anime called "One Piece", and is it a whole lot to cover. This anime created in 1991 is still running today and has a very interesting story behind it. It begins with a character called Monkey D. Luffy, who wants to aspire to be king of the pirates in a time where pirates are on a quest to find the biggest treasure in the world. The treasure is called the One Piece and it was left behind after the original king king of the pirates, Gol D. Roger. This show is very deep and has many themes and issues that are brought up in nearly every episode. Of course, the show has quite a lot of crude or otherwise gentle humor, but most of the time it can also be serious. The majority of the show does however, promote the use of following your dreams and making your own destiny. With the theme of pirates, these dreams are considered their treasures. And with these treasures, Luffy has his own, which is his special straw hat that he received from another pirate that he looks up to named Red-Haired Shanks. This show teaches anybody who watches it to dream and to go out and achieve their goals, no matter what. Whatever the cost, even sometimes death, won't stop them from pursuing what they want to achieve.
I chose the song Time of Your Life by Green Day. The purpose of this song is to persuade someone that whatever decisions they made were the correct ones. Generally, towards the audience, the purpose is for us to believe that all the decisions we've made were for a reason and we should enjoy the past that made us make the decisions. "It's something unpredictable but in the end is right" is a great quote from the song that shows the most random of decisions or issues can happen and will happen, but can and will be the right choice. We should focus on the future and not in the past that made us make certain decisions. "So take the photographs and still frames in your mind" is an example of Green Day telling us to take time to remember the past. After this line comes "For what it's worth, it was worth all the while" showing us that even though we need to remember the past, we should be accepting whatever happened.
Bloxsom, N. 5/6th period.
The video game deus ex is not only for entertainment with its graphics and storyline, but the game main purpose is to explain where society is heading with the new technology of computer implants, high tech prosthetic called augmentation, finally new biomedicine to help cure people. Not only the purpose is to explain, but to pursue gamers or followers of what side do they chose. Every human has a choice to be pure or be like a cybrog. For the protagonist Adam Jensen, he did not have a choice because he was in critical condition by an unknown terrorist group that took valuable scientists where Adam worked. In order to revive him; doctors would have to augment him. This snip it detail from the game get a clear view of seeing new technology in the future. By playing the story line of the protagonist would unlock hidden that will affect the gamers decision towards the end. Now the way the game persuade the gamer is by the gamer itself. Depending on what the gamer feel about the overall situation, there are three button to pursue that society will listen about augmentation. Freedom, Restrict, and Truth, are the three choices that will provide a cut scene and what can be inferred. Honestly, no one is able to follow the same choice as everyone else. Every person has their own opinion to decide what is best for the world. And that is how society may work in the future.
Dhanraj, J. 3rd period
A show that has really sent out a positive message to me is One Tree Hill. The purpose of this show is to show the audience about life. It shows that stuff goes wrong and it shows that stuff goes wrong. It shows that when things are bad, that they will get better. It says to the audience that when things are good, enjoy it, because things aren't always going to be rainbows and butterflies. It allows the audience to believe that when things get really really tough that you will always have somebody to fall back on. No matter how bad things get, there is always a place to go and somebody to fall back on. Throughout the series i learned the importance of family. When I say "family" i don't mean a mom, a dad, a sister and a brother. This show shoes that your family is who proves that they will always be there for you... My favorite character is Peyton Sawyer. She lost her adopted mother and her birth mother to cancer, and her dad isn't around a lot, but she has a strong family. She’s been through hell and back with these people, and their relationship remains strong... So basically, this show explains life. It explains the ups and downs. The audience learned a lot from the 10 seasons of this show, and it has taught a lesson that will stay throughout life.
A television show that I have chosen is Red Band Society. This show is brand new and has only aired about 5 episodes but each episode gives a special meaning in each essay. Red Band Society is about a group of teenage kids who have many different disease such as cancer, anorexia, etc. who live in a hospital and somehow all become friends and make several life lessons. The proudcer's purpose of this show is to give the audience an idea of what It can be like for young teens living in a hospital. Each episode has a different obstacle or decision that a character has to make. The producer tries to give the audience the most realistic view of how these teens live and what choices they have to make and how they will conquer them. I really enjoy this show because it gives you such a different look on life and how difficult it is to be in one of these kids places. One of the teens, Leo has bone cancer which led him to get his leg cut off. He wanted to play soccer in college but now that he doesn't have one leg can not fulfill this dream. Another girl, Kara has a heart problem and she always wants to be the queen bee, she wants people to be afraid of her and when she gets sick people give her sympathy but that's not what she wants. She wants to be treated normal. That is what all of them want, to be treated normal. The producer wants to show the life inside of the hospital rather than outside.
M.Al-Zarraq 5/6 period
Aesop once said, “No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.” I believe that this quote is embodied in the movie Pay It Forward. This movie is about a young boy who decides to do something nice for three random people, and instead of asking them for anything in return, he asks them to do a random act of kindness for three more people. This then creates a chain reaction of people spreading kindness around the world. This movie is meant to explain how if you do nice things for others, eventually others will do nice things for you.
This movie received positive responses from both viewers and critics. After this movie was released, many foundations and organizations were created based on this philosophy. After watching this movie, one is expected to look at life differently and to try and go out of their way to do nice things for others.
Muha, J 5-6th period
I have decided to analyze the TV show Psych. The show is about a young guy named Shawn who drifts from job to job, traveling and experiencing life to it's fullest- at least that is until one day after calling in a tip to the local police station that ends up in an arrest the police call him down for questioning and the only way he can explain his hyper-observational skills is by pretending to be Psychic. This leads to a ongoing partnership between Shawn and the police department where he solves all kind of crime from kidnapping to stopping serial killers. At first Psych appears to be just a goofy comedy, and a lot of the time it is, but every now and then there's that heart breaking moment of honesty and emotional between Shawn and his love interest Juliet or his best friend Gus or his strained relationship with his father that really cements the show as awesome. The purpose of the show is to explain the many stages in life and the importance of growing up emotionally, but also still being able to have fun. We see this in about halfway through the run of the show when Shawn and Juliette are talking alone and Shawn explains his love of his motorcycle and how free it makes him feel, but since he's met Juliette he's been thinking about getting a car.
Spencer K. 1st period
I decided to choose the TV show "The Biggest Loser" as an example in my world. The purpose behind the TV show that concerns losing weight and staying fit is to persuade viewers not only to stay fit, but that the viewer is in control of his life. Man is responsible for his health, and his life, no one else. This applies whether you're healthy or not. For example, the show focuses on losing weight, a problem that more and more people are struggling with, especially in America. It provides many examples of how to deal with this problem, and how we can strive not only to stay physically fit, but emotionally and psychologically fit as well. It recognizes that people are in control, and, in the case of weight, temptations aren't the things that are going to run their lives. The same can apply to many aspects of life. I believe the viewer is supposed to take away a sense of self-control, and self-worth. We are awesome, and we need to care for ourselves in order to stay that way.
Vince Franchino, 5/6*
The commercial I picked is the Lebron Beats commercial. I chose this because in the commercial it shows LeBron coming home to his hometown school and working out. He is wearing his beats while he is working out and the song that is playing is "Take me to church" by Hozier. The main purpose of this song is obviously to persuade people to buy the headphones. The commercial also pumps you up and gets you motivated.
Adam Nickles 5/6 period
The Commercial i chose was the Microsoft Commercial. It's hasn't been on TV in a long time. But the commercial was showing all of the wondrous technology by Microsoft. But at the end, Microsoft use to have a motto called "Where do you want to go today?" The commercial meant a lot to me as it can be used for anything. Technology was growing and it still is. It means to me that there are a lot of opportunities in life. But which road do you want to take in life. Where do you want to go in life ?
I have chosen the song "Float On" by Modest Mouse. The majority of the song can be summed up as the repetition of the phrase "don't you worry, we'll all float on". The main point the artist wants to make is not to worry so much. As we've all witnessed, there are many hard times in life, but not all of it is bad. There are very beautiful moments, too. The song gives people a new perspective on life, to just "float on" and ride the waves of life to wherever they may lead. No matter how hard we try, sometimes things will just not go the way we want them, and that's okay because there is a greater purpose in the paths we are led to. One quote from the song reads, "A fake Jamaican took every last dime with a scam/
It was worth it just to learn from sleight-of-hand" (Metrolyrics.com). Although slightly comically worded, this part of the song suggests that all hardships faced are meant to serve as a lesson. This song gives the message to the viewer or listener that no matter what happens, it's possible to get through it, not always with a smile, but with just the right lessons needed.
Corrine Luzier
5/6 period
The only chance of survival lie within the walls. In the anime series, Attack on Titan, the human race has been trapped within the very walls it created to keep itself safe. Titans, giant human like creatures, devour the humans which it encounters. The masses of monsters have pushed the human race to the edge of extinction. The story follows Eren Yeager as he and his two friends struggle to become a soldier outside of the city’s walls. The story begins when the Titans finally break through the unbreachable wall, one that has never been damaged in the past one hundred years. As the human race is pushed even closer to its end numerous obstacles come in their way. The corruption of the government, human fear, and the violence and destruction of the Titans all plague the children as they grow up and try to attain their freedom.
The themes in the series range, however, it mostly directs its attention towards fighting for one’s goals as well as the self-annihilating actions of human beings. Even in the beginning, Eren has a strong sense of what he believes in and never backs down. His obstinance at times seems foolish, but it is his cemented attitude that helps him to push through all of the people that try to hold him back. The entire country seems to be against the survey corps, the soldiers beyond the walls, as they believe that is all just a waste of time and people believe that the walls are the ultimate and only way of survival against the Titans. Eren shows that people can push beyond those limits and fight to attain their own freedom. Eventually, in the biggest plot twist in the entire series, it is found that Eren has somehow gained the ability to become a Titan at will. This would represent the need to change who one appears to be to finally gain what they are looking for. To achieve one’s goals it may take one becoming the very kind of individual that has been hold that person back.
It also comments on societal corruption and empty belief. The government leading the small surviving race is corrupt and aims for its own survival as well as profitable gains. The group, the numerous actions, kills thousands of people in hope to allow more food to stay on their plate and to kill who ever may threaten their control over the populace. The government and religious bodies are both tied together where the walls are to be absolutely trusted despite their inability to hold back the monsters.
Attack on Titans explains to their audience the corruption of society and of the ability to fight back to achieve one's own freedom and control
Colton Kemp~ 1st
the commercial I chose was the 2014 Microsoft commercial. this has been my favorite commercial since it first came out because it shows all the amazing things technology can do for us. One example it showed in the commercial was a mother giving birth to her daughter and the father was unable to be there so they showed him over the computer on skype. Technology has impacted everyone's life. Some people may say technology is no good which to some point is true (cyber bullying), but it does some great things and can really help people for the better.
-Dominic Ferretti
The item I chose to analyze is the movie Inception. To me, the purpose seems to be reality is a perception. The premise behind the movie is the manipulation of dreams. The main tactic of this manipulation is the "dream within a dream." In the movie the characters' need to carry an object with them when they enter the dreams of others, which they can use to tell if they are in the dream world they intend to be, or if they have entered another, perhaps their own. The idea of needing such an object shows us the blurry nature of reality, and how tentative a grip we have on it.
Mike Glencer 5/6 Period
I chose my favorite tv show, The Walking Dead. The purpose of the show is to show a group of people coming together as a family to stay alive in the apocalypse. Sometimes, the group gets disbanded, like for example, the group got disbanded when an enemy force (the Governor) invaided the home team's field ( the prison). The most of the team had ended up at Terminus ( a so-called sanctuary) and they eventually took everyone down. Also, another purpose of the show is to show that when there is a problem, you will either grow strong to overcome it, or you will die. For example, Beth, is a girl most people would think that wouldn't survive in the apocolaypse. When the show first introduced her, she was a blonde farm girl who had boyfriends and had cut herself because circumstances but she rose to the occasion and became strong and outsmarted her enemies.
Wiley 3rd Period
The commercial that i have chosen is the new Nike Lebron commercial. The purpose behind this commercial is to show that LeBron James has returned to his hometown and it is no longer about himself anymore. This commercial brings together the city of Cleveland and unites all of them as if they are also apart of the Cleveland Cavaliers. The commercial connects the viewers emotional because it was very challenging for the fans to witness LeBron leave how he did, and now he is back it looks as if he is regretful for leaving. In the commercial the team and the city all gather together in a huddle and join in a chant together
The creator of the TV show “Grey’s Anatomy”(Shonda Rhimes), thought it would be interesting to make a show where smart women “compete” against each other. She also says that she originally created it to have a strong statement against racism. The chief of surgery is an african american male, Dr.Richard Webber. Many people watch this show just for entertainment, or because of the strong bonds between the characters, but the original meaning behind the show displays to us that women have a strong stance in society as well as multiple cultures. The point of the show is to define societal standards between different races and genders and to eliminate the precedent of white males dominating.
Megan Zajkowski
I chose the song "Try" by Colbie Caillat. This song speaks to me in a big way and to most young girls in today's society. Caillat sings about how girls try so hard to try to please society. "Get your shopping on, at the mall, max your credit cards...", she sings of things girls everywhere do to be liked by their peers. They try so hard but in the end they end up not liking themselves and who they've become. This song says to like yourself before you try to make anyone else like you.
Husak, Lina 5/6
Every time I hear the song "We Go On" by Billy Gilman, I cry. This song is so beautifully written. This song is just a song that describes that no matter how bad things can get for anybody, they can manage to "ride out the storm". All that it takes to overcome something is faith. Two lines that really speak to me in this song are the lines "Pull a stranger from the water / and in that moment he's your brother". These lines explain that in a troublesome time, any stranger, or someone you don't know in that minute, could become your best friend, and they may have something similar that they themselves are going through. From this song, which is one of my all time favorites, I think the meaning is to have people that listen to it take away the idea that they can overcome anything, no matter how awful it may be.
The song I chose to analyze is the song "Same Love" by Macklemore. My choice with this song was because I agree with what the song is saying. The purpose of the song is to explain that people in the homosexual community didn't decide to be gay and that medication or religion can't be used to cure them. It is also explaining that everyone should be treated equal, no matter what their preferences are. The action that is wanted to be taken, is that people should start treating everyone the same even if they don't agree with certain things and that gay people should be able to get married, which means they should have the same rights as straight people. The lyric, "you can be cured with some treatment and religion, Man-made rewiring of a predisposition, Playing God, aw nah here we go, America the brave still fears what we don't know" explains how people thing that treatment and going to church can cure people of being gay and how people thing being gay is something to fear when it's really not. The song goes on to say, "if I was gay, I would think hip-hop hates me
Have you read the YouTube comments lately?
"Man, that's gay" gets dropped on the daily
We become so numb to what we're saying" which shows how the world drops comments like "that's gay" or "you're so gay" to insult people and to people that really are gay, it hurts them. When the lyrics say we're numb to what we're saying, people don't think about the things they say and how it can hurt people. Lastly, the lyrics, "when everyone else is more comfortable remaining voiceless
Rather than fighting for humans that have had their rights stolen
I might not be the same, but that's not important
No freedom 'til we're equal, damn right I support it" it describes the people that would rather let people get bullied on and hurt than standing up for them and getting judged. Also, even if people aren't "the same", meaning that they're not gay, it doesn't mean that they can't support those types of people. If they believe that everyone should have equal rights, they will stand up for them and not let people judge them based on that.
The commercial I chose for this is the old Kevin Garnett Beats commercial. He is an older basketball player who can not do what he once could. He is on the team bus and fans are yelling at him, saying he is washed up and is a bum. He then plugs in the beats headphones blocking out all the distractions, playing the song "I'm the Man" by Aloe Blacc. This commercial is to appeal to the viewer that these headphones can block everyone out. It's also to pump you up to show that even against what others think, you can be whatever you want. You can do whatever you believe in.
Steven Ficyk 5/6
The LeBron James Nike commercial “Together” is a very powerful commercial. In this commercial, it is LeBron’s first game back in Cleveland and it shows how if we all work together we can produce something great. The main point is the chant “1, 2, 3 Hard Work 4, 5, 6, Together.” The purpose of this is to show how Cleveland sticks together and how much support we put out. This commercial explains the people of Cleveland to all the people watching and how much we can put into something we love and enjoy and strive for success. After watching this commercial, views can take away what it means to be a Cleveland Cavaliers fan and a person of Cleveland.
N.Pozna 5/6
I decided to choose was the video game Battlefield 4. The purpose of Battlefield 4 is to provide us with realistic war game-play. This is the most realistic war game that I have ever played, and is why I enjoy it so much. I believe it is the evolution's in the game that make it. In no other war game am I able to put an explosive charge on multiple walls to bring a building tumbling to the ground. The game is so dynamic for multiple gaming experiences. I can play from an assault class to engineer, support to recon, depending on what type of game-play I want. From being able to be a stealth sniper, to a loud heavy gunner makes the game much more enjoyable then having to consistently use the same thing. If I'm feeling spunky, I can take off on an aircraft carrier in a F-35 and play from the air, or hop in the M1 Abrams tank. The wide verity of option to use in the game is endless, and that is what makes it so great. In conclusion, BF4 is a great way to take your mind off of basically anything, especially homework, as it gets hard to do when playing BF4. It gives people the opportunity to play the way they want to play. Battlefield 4 is just all about having fun.
Pelka, E. 1st period
I decided to chose the video game Madden 15. The purpose of Madden 15 is to give the football fans and gamers a chance to experience football game play at a professional level, using all of the professional players. The rosters for each team is updated every time there is a change to them as well, whether someone gets injured or traded. Madden 15 bring a competitive edge to gamers where you could compete online or even manage a season in the game. Each year the creators of Madden come out with a newer version of the game with better graphics, different rosters, different game modes, and an overall different atmosphere with the game. Overall, Madden 15 is a game meant for entertainment purposes and fun, while still having a competitive edge to it.
Renfro, B. 1st period
I chose the TV show "Arrow." Arrow is based off of the character Green Arrow from DC Comics. I like this show mostly because of the super hero type action and adventure it displays, but also for its subliminal message throughout the series. The main character, Oliver Queen, aka, the Arrow, is on a mission to save his city. He is so focused on accomplishing this task, that sometimes his judgment is clouded and he loses sight of what is really important. He has to be reminded by his friends or family that he has to make the right choices. Most of the time, this happens as Oliver is about to kill someone, supposedly for justice. There's no doubt that any of the people he hunts down deserve it, and he's killed in the past before. But sometimes it’s not just about the unspeakable act of killing. It's also about that persons family, or Oliver's family. Sometimes, he gets caught up in the moment, and loses sight of his ultimate goal; to lead his city to salvation through leading by example and when that fails, then resorting to other methods, such as violence or, yes, even killing. This is the message the show merits itself with throughout. That there is always another choice, always another option to be a better force for good in the world.
Paul Smith
3rd Period
The song I decided to choose is "A little bit stronger" by Sara Evans. In this song she talks about the strength she gains each and every day. "Even on my weakest days, I get a little bit stronger." The lyrics within the song portray a positive outlook that she has on life. Also, she is trying to persuade her listeners to be strong no matter what; through death or heartbreak from someone. "I know my heart will never be the same, but I'm telling myself I'll be okay, even on my weakest days, I get a little bit stronger." This quote from the song is showing that when you get hurt your life may never go back to how it was before. But you have to move on, and eventually you will be strong. Waking up with a smile on your face everyday shows your true strength in any situation.
I chose Lebron's new Nike commercial. I chose this because it is my favorite commercial. I think it is very inspirational. The commercial is not really selling anything except for the idea of coming together as a city. Lebron repeats the words "one, two, three work hard, together on six. I think that it is a very important message that as a part of a team we should all work hard together. I like how the commercial shows all different kinds of people coming together to one place. It shows how we can all work together for one goal.
Although I could not come up with a television show, commercial, song, movie or video game, something that has shown purpose in my life is fishing. Fishing in mine and a lot of other's lives; to make money and to get away from everyday life. Fishing has played a major role in my life the past few years and has become a focus of mine, so much that I even work in a tackle shop. The most common purpose, though, is to act as a stress reliever. Life can be very stressful and some people turn to leisure activities such as fishing to get away for awhile and relax. Being out on the water is a very soothing time between man and nature and should be enjoyed by more people. There are very few things that are relatable to the feeling of being out there in nature. Go fishing! Even if you are not catching anything, it is still a great time to just be out there. It is not about the catch!
The game i chose is Claah Of clans. This game is an app featured in the App store and is a free game. Over time, the game has gained immense amounts of popularity and has a fanbaase that spans the globe. The company has made a huge bargain off of the success of this game.The slogan is "you and this army" which means that you control your forces and you can also join clans with your friends or strangers and participate in "clan wars" against other clans. They make this game sound very fun by having singing characters and and catchy songs that bring attention to the game itself.In conclusion, the creators of this game know what it takes to make this game sound very intriguing to possible players by giving them control of their own army.
Kilgore,J 3rd period
The commercial I picked to analyze is the Lebron James Nike commercial. In this commercial he say "1,2,3 hard work. 4,5,6 together." The purpose of this quote is saying that we can stick together through anything. Lebron is returning home to cleveland and is saying that we can do anything together. This quote can be used for anything. It is very powerful in the meaning of being together and sticking together.
Krencisz,a 3
I chose the anime Sailor moon. This anime focuses on a girl named Usagi, incarnation of the moon princess Serenity. Who can transform herself into a sailor-senshi, a long with eight other senshi who fight crime by moonlight. Although, this show was made in early 1990's and has currently been remade. This anime has had an enormous impact on my life, especially when I was a kid. It taught me that no matter how awkward one may seem, they can still make friends. An example of that would be Usagi uniting the socially awkward girls together and making an unbreakable bond.
And them protecting Usagi through the thick and thin, and never leaving her side. For me, this anime has taught me the true meaning of friendship. Another thing is to never give up on love, no matter how hard things may seem.
Another example would be Endymion and Serenity, as their former selves sneaking around to see each other when it was forbidden to be in love since she was a princess and he was from earth. But, although it was forbidden, they still fell in love and Endymion lost his life for her, taking a sword to the chest and in Serenity's sorrow she ended her own life. But, as they were reincarnated they still found one another and fell in love once again. To me, they represent just how hard love can be but how worth it, it is. And if you truly love someone, you would do anything, even give your life for each other like they did.
Fighting evil by the moonlight- Karra Adkins, First period.
The song I chose is Steven by Jake Miller. The purpose of this song is to explain to the listener what the consequences of being bullied can be and what your actions can make others do. The action that is wanted from this song is to stand up to bullies and to be a voice for others who may not have the courage to. Another action that is wanted is to take what you say to others seriously because you never know how your words can affect them, even if it is a joke.
A line from the song that shows this is when he sings,
"But first he sat down and wrote a couple letters
One to his step-dad, one to his mother,
couple to the kids at school, one to his brother
Bringing them the pain that they once brought him
tear drops on the paper one after another
Yeah, I hope that you all feel guilty.
Cuz I'm broken now and you can't heal me
And now you're all an accompliss in murder
each and every one of you has chipped in to kill me"
Astorc 5/6
The t.v. show I would like to do is The Walking Dead. I love this show so much because it really shows how much everyone would really have to mature and show how everyone isn't as bad as they play themselves to be. We can act all big and bad and huffy puffy but when something scary or wrong comes into play they cower. This show really give the commentary of man up or shut up, because you either take action for what you really say and talk about of how you can survive an apocalypses like this or how you want one. But if it happen in real life they would be the first ones to cower behind the biggest man in their group because they can talk the talk and can only partially walk the walk. Always remember you never know who you really are in bravery until it is tested by death or fear.
Pieper, Kaitlyn 3rd
November 9, 2014
I chose the song "Rather Be" by Clean Bandit. I decided to pick this song because it tells you to take chances when you can. This song is a really upbeat song and a very catchy song. When ever I am in a bad mood I put this song on and right away it cheers me up. This song explains that if you love something so much then that's where you always wanna be with. I believe if youre in a bad mood or if something is bothering you that you should put this song on blast and jam out.
Of course I am going to pick a movie, and the movie I am going to choose is one of the best of all-time, The Shawshank Redemption. The Shawshank Redemption is about a man, played by Tim Robbins, who is wrongly accused of murder, and is meant to spend life in prison, the Shawshank prison, for these deeds. The purpose of the movie is to explain one man's wrongful sentencing, as well as his determination to escape the prison. We take away from this movie that some people in prison truly are innocent, and that if you are determined enough to do whatever it is that you want to do, you can do it. We get this because of Andy Dufresne's (spoiler) escape from the prison, and what he proceeds to do afterwards. I love this movie, and I truly learned a lot of lessons from it.
The game a choose to make an impact on the world we live in is Assassins creed. In this game you get to choose on the very fine line of life and death. The game is like a well written poem. The game writers take you on a life changing story with you have to kill your victims, but then you get to see a event that changes your perspective and gives you the choice to be merciful. The impact that this has on the real world is that we must look to find the things that make us change. The line that we must cross to think for our self's is one that is hard to find. The line only revels its self when we change with out knowing it. Assassins Creed tells us that in order to change us and the world around us we must assume that nothing is true until we change.
I chose Marry the Night by Lady Gaga. The songs lyrics and complex beat comment on how you don't need anyone to be happy all you need is yourself to be happy. This song means a lot to me and has gotten me through tough times when ever i feel down i put this song on and it puts everything into a better perspective.She wants you to not give up on your life and to always know that it will get better. For example when she says "I won't give up on my life, I'm a warrior king live passionately" tonight
I chose to analyze the song “Cool Kids” by Echosmith. The purpose of the song is to say that everyone wants to feel like they fit in, they want to be cool and have people like them, but the “cool” kids don’t necessarily have things better, and everyone should be grateful for who they are. Just because someone is “cool” doesn’t mean that they have a bright future, or that they have a perfect life, they’re just considered “cool” because they are mainstream and “fit in” with the rest of the world. The song’s purpose is to say that if you are special or unique, don’t be ashamed of yourself for not being considered “cool” because you have your own traits and ideas and that’s pretty rare today. Also, it might seem like the “cool kids” have an easier and better life, but everyone has their own problems, and everyone has problems, some people are just better at hiding them than others.
The song starts out talking about a girl who has unique traits, but fails to appreciate herself because she feels like she isn’t good enough. It says, “She sees them walking in a straight line, that’s not really her style. And they all got the same heartbeat, but hers is falling behind.” The song is talking about a girl who wants so badly to fit in with the “cool” kids, but she’s unique and has her own way of doing things. Then, the song goes on to talk about how she sees the “cool kids” as being invincible. It says, “Nothing in this world could ever bring them down. Yeah, they’re invincible, and she’s just in the background.” This girl wants to be like the “cool kids” because she thinks they are perfect. She sees these people as being flawless, having everyone love them, never feeling depressed or having problems, and she wants to be like them. She wants to be perfect, but no one can be perfect.
In addition, the song also speaks about a “cool kid” and how he doesn’t know what he’s doing with his future, and he really doesn’t have it all together as much as people think he does. It says, “He sees them talking with a big smile, but they haven’t got a clue. Yeah, they’re living the good life, can’t see what he is going through. They’re driving fast cars, but they don’t know where they’re going. In the fast lane, living life without knowing.” This is basically describing that “cool kids” have it hard too, they just hide it. The moral of the song is that no one has it easy, so people should appreciate their own unique qualities and stop wishing that they were someone cooler because everyone has problems and no one has it easy, no matter how easy they make it look.
Rachel Luna 3rd
The book "Thirteen Reasons Why" By Jay Asher has a meaning deeper then another book I have read. The book is about a girl named Hannah Baker that commits suicide and she records 13 tapes about why she did what she did and who she has to blame. At first the book didn't seem very serious until I realized that there are so many people out there that really feel the same way. The purpose of this book is to explain the meanings behind teen suicides because it is such a horrible but occurring tragedy. The author really wants to get his point across to have teens stop bullying each other because people don't think it is effective when they say one wrong thing. But for all they know the person being bullied could get negative comments from multiple people a day which can really push a person into a very dark place. Unless the person that kills themselves leaves a note no one really knows why. Thats why this book shows such great motive because they have these tapes passed around to all the people that they are about which really changes all of these teens lives. In the end of the book everyone that has heard these tapes realizes what had happened and had changed from that day forward.
Ally Modie 3rd period
I chose the movie "Yes Man!" starring Jim Carey. The movie is about a bank employee who would always say no to everything. No matter the circumstance, he said no, denying opportunity after opportunity; till one day. He had gone to a convention where he is challenged to never say no, to say yes and take chances and opportunities. Like Jim Carey was persuaded to say yes to everything and to take those chances, we are persuaded to do the same. The movie is calling the audience to action during the convention. It is calling the audience to take chances, instead of being bottled up and keeping to yourself your entire life. It indirectly says that if we don't we will miss so many opportunities. A few of them, could have been life changing, others a waste of time. No one would know unless the opportunity is taken. If you go to college and some type of job offer comes your way, or a new major comes about, take that opportunity, it may be life changing, it could also shape the rest of your life.
The book “The Fault in our Stars” by John Green is not a cancer book. This is book is about a young couple who have been through some difficult things come together and discover a love. They both have cancer and have to deal with it through the whole book. Through the book you learn that there is more to the couple then their cancer. You see how they grow as a person and as a couple. The purpose of this book is to explain that their love is stronger than any cancer. That cancer does not have to change us, and that it makes us stronger. This book shows that people with cancer are not different from people who are not sick.
-Alexa Shaneuyfelt 3rd period
There is a television show series that is on pretty frequently called criminal minds. This show is quite different from a lot of shows because it brings with it a large amount of suspicion and is quite honestly the exact opposite of what we want people to be viewed like that live in our society. It hifhlights cases of serial killers, arsonists, and so on that were actually legitimate cases of the FBI. The shows intention is to help to define the mental thought processes of these criminals and use that information to track them down. What should be taken from it though is the way to hopefully receive a better outcome if one were to ever get into a situation with such a person. Despite what most people's instincts are, it is picked up quickly that most criminals thrive on people's fear, so it basically adds fuel to a fire and largely decreases your chance of realistic survival. The unbearable reality is that there are auch people that are living around us and we may not even be aware of it.
I the game Assassin’s Creed the main characters all are trying to defeat a person with a terrible plot to either gain power or control people. The main character has to kill those in his way in order to reach the villain. Sometimes horrible acts must be committed for the greater good. In Assassin’s Creed 2, Ezio needs to kill the head of the Borgia in order to prevent him from taking power over Rome and also avenge the death of his family, but in order to do this he has to take on the role of a murderer, a thief, and a spy to achieve his goal. Determination and will power are needed to accomplish your goals. Without it there is no motivation.
I really like Colbie Caillat's new song "Try" because of the uplifting message it leaves behind for the women in today's society. Unfortunately in this era, the media stresses the importance of a woman's figure, and advertises being tall and skinny in order to feel accepted and adored. However, in the song "Try," Caillat goes against these beliefs and continuously vocalizes that women do NOT have to conform to this "ideal image" in order to be considered "beautiful." For example, she sings, "Wait a second/Why should you care, what they think of you/When you're all alone, by yourself/Do you like you?" She persuades her listeners to ignore the media's messages and to love who they truly are. Caillat believes there is nothing more beautiful than confidence in yourself and all that you do.
i decided to chose the Derek Jeter My Way Gatorade commerical. this is such an amazing commerical. the collab between legendary New York yankee player Derek Jeter and classic sinatra which gives the commerical such a New York vibe, its just amazing. this commerical was created simply to show how great jeter is. jeter has done so much for New york that is just shows his legacy. Derek Jeter is a class act and gives his retirement such a emotional feeling
One show that has had a large influence on me would have to be Red Band Society. This show takes place at a children’s hospital where a group of teenagers, all fighting their own battles whether it’s cancer, anorexia, or waiting on a heart transplant, come together to help each other get through the best and worst moments of their treatments. I believe that the producer’s purpose is to show and explain that even though these kids have strong illnesses, some even being terminal, they each still have a life to live, even if it means they are living it in a hospital. Within the hospital, life is very different for these teens rather than a normal teenage life. They have to give up so much, and are faced with decisions day to day that could change the rest of their life. One of the main characters of the group is Jordi and he had to make the decision of taking over his chemo treatments. Not only has his father not been around, but his mother left the situation as well when she found out about his diagnosis. This put a major weight on his shoulders for being only 16, he has to make decisions about his own surgeries, treatments and basically the rest of his life with very minimal support. This show represents the lives away from norms that we don’t always realize. Even though these kids are in a hospital, they still have to make decisions just like the rest of us. It helps show the reality of life inside the hospital and how even though these kids are sick, they are just as important as any other individual.
- Winston. S. 5/6*
I’m going to have to relate this topic to a movie I saw recently called “Nightcrawler”. The movie surrounds the idea of journalism and the news in modern times. It shows the lengths people are willing to lie and to do things just to get the most views. The movie followers a character named Bloom who is scavenging for a job and soon finds himself trying to get the best and goriest shots of crime scenes for a local news station. He gets deeply involved and soon finds himself surrounded by the dark world of the modern news. All in all this is a statement about how news are these days, they will do anything to have the best ratings and lie to the public just to be the best in a selfish way. I find this true because all the news is these days is a bunch of crap just trying to lure viewers in and sky rocket their ratings and I don’t know what to believe anymore when it comes to the news.
The show that has the biggest impact on my life is "my name is earl". It's a show about karma. It's about a guy named earl, and he has this list of all the bad things he's done to people, and the show is him going around making up he things he did to people by doing something nice for them. He stole ten dollars from a guy at a gas station, bought a lottery ticket, won a hundred thousand dollars, ran into the street where he was hit by a car and ended up in the hospital. He realized he had to change. So when he discovers the idea of karma in the hospital, he makes it his life's mission to be a better person. When he starts doing this, his lottery ticket comes back, and he uses the money to help him with his list. To me the show isn't about what people are like, but what people should be like. Every time he made something up to someone and crossed them off his list, his life would get a little better. This is how I think people should live their lives. Not making the list part, but just doing good things and letting good things happen. When you do bad things, they'll come back to haunt you. I think all the little problems in our world could be fixed by doing just that. The show has inspired me, and some friends to live our lives this way. It's been a pretty positive affect to allow us. To me, the show has a very positive message. It's something everyone should watch and see how no matter what, you control how good or bad your life is. I feel like sometimes people,p are to stupid to see that
The video game I decided to choose is Rapala's Pro Bass Fishing. This is a game where you start out as a average fisherman and you move up through the ranks and beat other anglers to be the best on the tour. This game is all about having confidence in yourself and what you do. Fishing involves a lot of thinking and believing in yourself that you can catch a fish on a lure you picked out. This game could be meant for fun to some people but to me it teaches me something new every time I play it. This game will teach you patient,trust, and confidence all in one. I am sure this game was not meant for this nut it makes the audience believe in themselves. That you are making the best choices possible in life!
The song "Something in the Water" by Carrie Underwood has greatly impacted me. When you listen to the lyrics of the song, it is clearly about baptism and looking to God when you are struggling in life. This song is able to remind people that God is always there, especially when you are down on your luck. Towards the end of the song, the lyrics of "Amazing Grace" are infused, which really bring out the gospel roots of country music. Carrie Underwood is such a powerful individual and chooses to put out a religious message instead of the negative things that many artists sing about.
The commercial I am going to analyse is LeBron James's new Nike commercial. In the commercial, LeBron gets in a massive circle with all of Cleveland and he chants hard work, and together. It brings a sense of unity and it is a very emotional commercial. It uses pathos, with very emotional music and a large group of happy, faithful people. At the end of the chant, they all yell Cleveland, and you can see how excited everyone is for the season, and also for the city. They played this commercial right before the first home game and it really got the crowd, city, and viewers excited. The commercial seems more to me like a small movie, rather than a commercial. This is why it is easily my favorite of all time.
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