Tells us a story that involves a lesson that we should learn that speaks to the morals, culture, and time that you live in. This story could be personal, or it could be fictional. If you want to tell a story through poetic form that is fine as well. If you choose to tell a story that is true, do not throw others under the bus. Change names if need be.
Your story should have an intro, body and a conclusion. It should have characters, and conflicts. It does not have to be long.
EX: When I was in high school, my parents decided to paint the house. Our house was too tall for a ladder, so my parents had to rent a cherry picker. It is a truck that has a crane/arm that moves a bucket holding a person toward whatever direction you want it to go. So, my mom climbed into the bucket and my dad was at the controls. My sister and I stood watching as the rope unwound from around the spool allowing the bucket to move high up toward the eaves of the house. My dad looked at my sister and I and said, "Do not touch this rope. It will sever your hand or whatever is caught underneath it."
My sister, heard do not, and that was enough to encourage her to stick her finger under the rope. As my dad pulled my mom in from the top of the eaves, my sister stuck her finger under the rope. Her finger sliced. She pulled her hand out and the tip of her finger fell to the side. I rushed her into the house to wrap her hand and the finger in a cool compress. Fortunately, the doctor's were able to sew her finger back on.
The lesson--parents know more than you think. Pay attention to your surroundings and listen to those who know more than you.
A little girl had been told once to never go anywhere that was unknown to her. Her mother had told her this countless times. The young girls curiosity had taken her other where. One day after school while her mother had been sleeping she had took her dog spots for a walk in the woods. At first she was scared to be adventuring alone but the comfort of her dog was enough. A mile into the woods her dog goes dashing after a rabbit. Suddenly one loud gun shot goes off and all that was herd was birds taking flight from the trees. She ran to find spots pierced with a bullet. She hadn't realized she had entered private hunting grounds. Such a devastating outcome for traveling into the unknown woods.
Jeff Anzo 3rd
A couple of years ago on Christmas Eve, my family and I were getting ready to leave for my grandma and grandpa’s house. This is tradition. That year my family decided not to take the dog’s with us. We have two miniature dachshunds, Royal and Winston. Royal has severe separation anxiety and will do anything in his power to get out of his cage. My little sister, Tessa, was in charge of putting the dog’s in their cages, which are located downstairs in the basement. My mom told me to double check and make sure Tessa locked the dogs up correctly, which I never did and we left.
We got to my grandma and grandpa’s house and didn’t think of the dogs for the rest of the night until we got home, which was around 12:00. I knew something was wrong when I saw a bunch of trash everywhere and Royal wagging his tail. Turns out Tessa did not lock up the dogs correctly and that was partly my fault too. While my family started to pick up the disgusting trash, I went in the basement to get Winston out of his cage. The basement was just as messy, wrapping paper and opened presents everywhere. The basement is also the location where my mom stores our Christmas Presents. My dad’s favorite Harley-Davidson leather jacket was also torn to shreds. That night my sister and I got yelled at and so did Royal.
Lesson—always lock up the dogs correctly and to not ignore your parents when they tell you to do something. From that day forward Royal has never gotten out of the cage again.
~Becca Gardella 5/6 Period
I do a lot of shopping for my parents. Sometimes they have me run to the grocery store to pick up things for dinner or to get other random things we might need. My dad gave me a credit card that he transfers money onto when I need it. I have to keep a close eye on the balance and let him know when I need more.
I went to the grocery store once to pick up laundry detergent for my mom. My dad asked if I had money on my card, and as I was trying to quickly get out the door, I told him yes. After picking up the items I needed, I went to the self check-out line and scanned my items. When I swiped my card, though, it rejected it. I swiped it a few more times,and it continued to tell me that there was an error. Then the blinking light at the top of the register went off. A cashier came over, but could not figure out the problem. After another 2 employees came over to investigate, they realized that my card was being rejected because there was not enough money on it. I had to make the employee wait for me to call my dad and for him to transfer more money so I could pay for my items. It was super embarassing and it took way more time than it would have if I had checked the balance on my card when my dad told me to.
When I got home, I apologised to my dad and told him that I would keep a better eye on my account from then on. I think of that moment every time I go to check out at a store and remember to keep an eye on my funds more often.
My parents taught that you should always be on time for your curfew, to never be late. My parents would tell stories of the things my grandparents would do to punish them if they were ever late. Respecting the set curfew time is a way to earn my parents trust. If you break that trust, the rest of our lives living under our parents' roof would be hell. So, being the responsible children that we are, we always followed it.
One night, my brother was out with his girlfriend. His weekday curfew time was 11 at night, and he always pulled into the driveway at exactly 10:59 every single time. He was never late. My parents trusted him so much. So this one night, 10:59 rolls around, and he wasn't home. 11 hits, not home. 11:01 and so on, he wasn't home. My dad sent a text to him at 11:20 asking him where he was. He texted back saying he was on his way home now. When he got home, he walked into the house slowly and was crying. He was so afraid of what my parents would say. My mom just laughed, and said that it was alright. He wasn't in any trouble. My brother was extremely confused. She said because it was the very first time and it was an accident, that it was okay. She was just happy that he was safe.
The lesson that was learned here is that as long as we kept the trust that our parens gave us, we wouldn't get in trouble.
Once there was this boy, and the boy's name was little Eddie. He was getting ready for a tournament in Minnesota for hockey. The worst part of the whole thing is getting ready to leave. Not to leave home, but to make sure you do not forget anything. Eddie had done this hundreds of times before, getting ready to leave for a big weekend, thinking nothing differently of this one. He made sure he had his dress clothing, gear, regular clothing, food, drinks, electronics, toothpaste and money. His dad kept hounding him to check and recheck again that he wouldn't forget anything. Alright dad I know, I got everything, getting more and more annoyed each time he would ask.
Eddie was so excited to finally get going. There is no better experience then being to just be with your team. The flight was fun yet quick. His dad came with him like he always does to be there and support his son. He always hated making his dad disappointed. Once we got to the hotel room, we started to unpack our belongings. Being loud and having fun like always, but within minutes it grew silent. Little Eddies dad looked at Little Eddie and said, "I forgot my phone-charger". Little Eddie looked back and said, "hmm that sucks."
Moral of the story is that you shouldn't be so worried about other people, and be more worried about yourself.
Pelka, E. 1st period
Once upon a time there were two boys, one boy went home to a home of wealth and riches, while the other boy went home to just a little house along the side of the interstate. Well the next day the boys had come into school with there favorite toy. So the rich boy brought in an amazing robot that has humanlike functions. While the poor boy just brought in his own blanket. The rich boy looked around and saw that his other classmate didn't have much. So that moment really got him thinking.
The lesson learned here is, don't take anything for granted because not everyone in the world has it as nice as you do. Also, never to judge a person on what they own and their belongings.
Eric Bulic 3rd
When I was young, my mom told me a story about a three kids in her high school. She was in eleventh grade and was taking Biology, when she had a big test coming up. One kid in her class brought in a “cheat sheet” the day of the test, and him and his two other friends all copied off of each other to receive a good grade. When the teacher noticed that these three kids all had the same answers and all sat by each other, she confronted them individually. Two of the kids lied and said that they had not cheated, and the other admitted his wrong-doing. The teacher failed the two kids who lied, and she allowed the kid who told the truth to retake the test after studying. The moral of the story is to always tell the truth.
Muha, J 5-6th period
When I was in the ninth grade I had no idea what to expect of high school. I was trying out for the high school soccer team. This was big deal for me, it was something I was not useful. I had joined the summer league and only knew about 2 girls the rest were upperclassmen and a freshman I didn't know. When we got to the first game of the summer my mom came up to me and said "Do you see that girl over there, she doesn't know anyone. Why don't you go over and introduce yourself." As a 14 year old I was so annoyed, why do I have to be friends with the new girl, that's dumb.
I did what my mother asked and talked to her. She ended up being a pretty nice girl. As the summer went on we got our teams, we both made Junior Varsity which made us a bit closer. Its been three years from that summer and I am glad to say that new girl my mom made me be friends with is one of my best friends. Its amazing how acting nice (or being forced to act nice) can do for someone. I had made a bestfriend that year. I wouldn't have done that without my mom.
The lesson of the story is Don't judge a book by its cover. She may have been the new girl but without my mom having me talk to her I would have never met my best friend.
M.Al-Zarraq 5/6th period
The were these five kids in Saturday detention: a troublemaker, a preppy rich girl, a jock, a nerd, and an outcast. They all thought that they were better than each other and that they could never associate themselves with a nerd, troublemaker, or outcast. As the day progresses, they start to learn that they all face the same kind of problems in their home lives. They all feel pressure and cold-heartedness from their parents and this brings them all together, at least for the day. After they sit in a circle and talk about themselves, they learn that even thought they belong to very different social groups, they are all basically the same. The moral of this story is that you should not judge somebody before you get to know them, because they might end up becoming your best friend.
I died on Christmas. If I had been paying attention then maybe I could have stopped it. The night sky was beautiful, each snowflake drifting down to the ground sparkled with a special kind of holiday light. The breeze was slight and snow covered the ground. The cold air outside invited one to sit to an open fire, bundle up in a blanket and fall asleep. I was driving, the heater was on, and all I had on was my t-shirt and pants. It was comfortable that way, coats were thick and heavy. I was driving when my steering locked up. I was driving when it went off the road and into the tree. But it wasn’t the crash that killed me.
I was fine. I had no broken bones or puncture wounds. But the car was shot. I needed to call someone. I looked in the car, but I forgot my phone at home. I wasn’t going to be rescued. I needed to find someone that could help me. The only way was to look for a house. I could see a light across the rural fields. It would be a long walk. I needed to stay warm. I checked the back of my car for anything to keep me warm. A coat, a blanket, a towel, anything that could have helped. It wasn’t there. This was never going to happen to me. I had to go. I walked the through the snow. The two feet of beautiful white flakes had become the agent of my death. I never made it. I died lying in the snow, my body stiff and frozen. I remembered my friends. I remembered my parents and my brothers. But I died alone, young and stupid, in a winter wonderland.
The story is about preparation as well as death. Mistakes come from inexperience and lack of planning for the worst. To make it through the rough periods in one’s life it is better to be able to understand how a situation would play out and how to deal with it. Again, this story is about death. People die. They die all of the time, and when they die they may die alone. It would be empty and cruel. It is important to cherish the short time that people have left in their lives and remember for what it is and not just the negatives. Enjoy the time that is given to you.
Colton Kemp 1st
I'm going to tell a story that many people already know. That is the Christmas Carol. This story is about an old man, Scrooge who owns his own business. He treated his workers, and any other people he came into contact with, very poorly. He had large stacks of money, but he had no one to share it with nor did he want to share it. He grew lonely and unhappy, bitter and cruel. One night before Christmas, he's visited by three ghosts: the ghost of the past, the ghost of the present, and the ghost of what has yet to come. The first ghost, the ghost of the past, shows him how his own greed is working against him and pushing the ones he loves away. The ghost of the present shows a sickly boy in a poor family who may die if his conditions are not changed soon. The future ghost shows Scrooge after he has died. He sees his housekeepers stealing and selling his belongings and discussing how awful a person he is. Scrooge is deeply haunted by everything that has been brought to his attention. He can no longer hide from who he is. Waking up on Christmas morning, he immediately begins to show kindness by giving away money that he has plenty of and being more fair to his workers who he had been over-working and under paying. He also brings food and joins the sickly boy's family at dinner, using his riches to help the poor family. The moral of this story is that greed is a despicable trait that harms more than just the person who is displaying the greed. No good ever comes from trying to keep everything good to yourself. Greed can turn you into a hated person and cause you to miss out on the truly great things in life, such as love and family. This story also shows that it is never too late for a person to change their ways if they don't like the way things are looking.
Corrine Luzier
5/6th period
when I was younger, i would always go in my backyard to play with my dogs sammy and abby and sometimes, i would be careless and leave the gate unhinged and one or both of the dogs would get out. luckily they were smart enough to stay in the area and not go wonder off and we'd have to go search for them. one time, my neighbor had told my mom that one of the dogs had gotten out. sure enough, we go outside only to see abby had somehow snuck her way into my neighbors backyard. the lesson i've learned since then was to always make sure the gate was hinged and secure to prevent future escapes.
Kilgore,J 3rd period
Javaris jamar javarison Lamar was a kid in a class full of other children. He was actually one of the smartest kids in his class. He also had a great sense of humor. He could've been one of the funniest kids in the class but unfortunately, his parents were from the Middle East. It never seemed to matter which country, they made fun of him just the same.
But javaris jamar was not deterred. He drove himself to be better. In academics, in social events and with his jokes. He gained a few friends but they weren't real friends. They would always want to hang out with other friends, not him.
Javaris jamar grew up to be a successful comedian and even had experience in college football. He was successful and happy in life and raised a family with his wife. His childhood "friends" resented him and were jealous of his life, even though they made fun of him as children.
Moral: no matter you're ethnic background, you can be successful if you are determined.
Paul Smith 3rd period
I saw a movie once, called "Taken in Broad Daylight". This movie is about a teenage girl who goes to the mall in the middle of the day to buy a new CD. After she purchases this CD, she starts to walk to her car in the parking lot. She is too busy listening to her music through her headphones to concentrate on her surroundings. A man comes up behind her, covers her mouth, and kidnaps her. All of the people that were in the parking lot stopped and stared, doing nothing about it. The rest of the movie was basically about how she was taken all across the United States by this man, but she knew which states she was in and when. She used her knowledge about the states to strategically find phones and leave voicemails on her friend's phone, giving hints as to where she was in what state. Of course with the police officers and FBI, all ended up OK. This movie of course, was based on a true story. The lesson of this movie and storyline is to always keep an eye on your surroundings, especially in today's world.
Sierra Schleich 1*
Every season before it gets too cold to go outside, my dad and I would put Christmas lights around the house. This was obviously a fun time for little me and still is to this day. We used to live out in Parma until I was about 8 and then we moved out here. The first Christmas that we lived out in Brunswick was the first time that my dad let me go up on the roof to put the Christmas lights on with him. I was way too excited to even think about what I was about to do. He kept telling me to be careful and not to mess around, but little me wasn't listeninng. It went in one ear and out the other. As I was climbing up the ladder, it shifted and moved off the sidewalk and I to the grass while I was on it. The ladder shook back and forth on the house and I was terrified. My dad saw the look I was giving him and complete terror and he told me that everything is going to be okay. He held the ladder and helped me get onto the top of the house to help him finish the lights.
The lesson learned- paying attention when anyone tells me to be careful and having trust in my dad that he wouldn't let anything happen.
Alex Krencisz 3rd period
Earlier in the year I was fortunate enough to go to the state bowling tournament along with my teammates. Once we had qualified as we had expected to do, I soon ran into some problems with my game. This problem carried over into the practice day we had down in Columbus the day before the tournament. Going in, I had no confidence.
The next day at the tournament, I was soon on my way and had found my game again. I kept rolling with it and my confidence kept getting bigger and bigger until I ended up posting a good score and finishing sixth in the state as an individual.
The moral of the story is to always have confidence even when I am not feeling it. People are capable of incredible things, you just have to believe it.
When I went to the National Scouting Jamboree with one of my best friends Tom. We had to spend two weeks with thousands of strangers in another state. As volunteer staff we had different jobs, and couldn’t hang out until the end of the night. We met at the staff lounge from 10:00-2:00AM every night because it was the only time we could. We noticed a table of people that seemed to be around our age, but a little older. And this was strange because almost every camp staff member was far older than us. So Tom had been trying out new magic tricks and demonstrating me how they worked, when all of a sudden I had an idea. Tom would use his magic skills in order to join their group. So we decided to try it out and it worked, within and hour it was like we were all best friends. After that night we all met up at the lounge to hang out for the rest of the time we were at the camp.
They were some of the coolest people I have ever met. All of them worked as staff for the zip lines, and they agreed to give us special access to the zip lines too, which turned out to be extremely helpful when trying to dodge a 400 person line. Eventually I began to ditch my job as a cashier and began training to work at the zip line. Everyone was extremely fun and cool and they all came from different states too! Michigan, South Carolina, Colorado, West Virginia, and Texas. We grew so close and had so much fun that we even scrounged a cake and birthday decorations and through a party for one of my friends from West Virginia.
Even though we all didn’t know each other at first we became great friends in a relatively short amount of time. I learned that if you cease an opportunity and show great courage great things can come of it like our friendship. If it wasn’t for Tom confronting them to show a trick we would have never met each other and we wouldn’t still be in contact with them 2 years later.
my freshmen year, one of my really good friends told me and a few others that his parents were going out of town. we all planned to go over there and just hangout and play video games. my friend though told other people and soon most of the freshmen class found out he had the house to himself the upcoming week. everyone was planning to go to his house because they thought it was a party.
the day of the "party" I went over around 7 and there was a few of my other buddies there. at first we played video games until about 9:30 people started showing up, most being people we weren't friends with. people were bringing drinks in and I knew it was a bad idea, I had a gut feeling it was no good. at 10:00 I finally called my dad and told him he needed to pick me up.
the next morning, I woke up and checked Twitter. everyone was tweeting about how they are in trouble because the cops came to the party. I knew I had to go with my gut feeling and leave. so life lesson: follow your gut
On an episode of One Tree Hill, the town losses Quentin Fields. He was an athlete, a friend, a brother, a son, and a role model. On his first episode, one would say that he was the stereotypical jerk. He was big headed and his ego was in the clouds. As the season went on, he changed. He found interest in literature; he became a role model, and became a better person. Quentin went into a gas station one night to pay for his gas. It was here where Quentin Fields lost his life. The next day, his friends hear of the news. Some are regret not saying what they wanted to say to him, some regret not getting to know him. The next day, Quentin's teacher gives his class an assignment, she tells the class "I want you to write something, anything at all, about Quentin Fields. If you knew him, write a favorite memory. If you didn't know him, write what you think the point is of all this for yourself and your life and your time here. This is a literature class, and that's what writers do. We put pen to paper in times of devastating tragedy, we just try to make sense of it." One of his class mates wrote about what she though of Quentin, "I never knew Quentin Fields and I guess now I never will...I didn't know Quentin Fields but I'm jealous of him because I see how his absence has affected the people that did know him so I know that he did matter to them. And I know he was loved. People say Quentin Fields was a great basketball player. Graceful. Fluid. Inspiring. They say on a good night it almost seemed as though he could fly. And now he can." This episode taught me a lot. It showed me to say what you need to say before it's too late. Tell people what you need to say because it could be too late. This episode taught me to get to know people. There's great people out there, and you'll never know until you step up and get to know the people around you.
Every summer, my family and I go down to our house in Florida for vacation. The house is on a island called Longboat Key, about 15 miles from Sarasota. The house is right on the beach, and it is quiet and a perfect getaway from reality.
One summer afternoon, my dad, brother, and I went to run some errands and we made a stop at the book store just off the island. We always make a trip to this book store to get our summer reading books and some magazines for my mom to look at while tanning on the beach. This particular stop left a lasting impression on me. As we were walking in, there was a homeless man looking through the garbage in hopes to find some leftover food and drink. I immediately felt the need to help. This book store has a little coffee shop in it, so I ran inside to buy him water and a sandwich. As I bought it, my brother walked out to give it to the man, and he was gone.
This story of my experience here has a moral to always be thankful for what each of us has. We always tend to think we need more while someone else out there is scrambling for the bare minimum.
N.Pozna 5/6
Everybody loves getting money for holidays or birthdays. The best feeling in the world is knowing that you have a lot of money on you or to your name. A lot of people save their money or set their money away. But for a lot of people the money I guess you can say "Burns a hole in their pocket". I am one of those people that have a hard time saving up money. I am always told when I get money or I get paid that I should spend it wisely. Save your money because later you will need it.
Justin Hartory
1st period
There once was a brother and a sister who got into a terrible fight. The brother and sister had a disagreement about who gets to use the car that they split, and it ended in a screaming match. The fight ended by the sister yelling at the brother that she hates him. The brother took the car and those were the last words she said to him.
Later that day the brother got into a horrific accident. He was seriously injured and doctors were unsure if he'd survive. As soon as the sister heard the news she broke down. The brother fortunately survived but the sister would never forgive herself. She would have been heartbroken if that was the last time she had got to talk to him.
The moral- be careful what you say to someone, you never know when it's the last chance you get to talk to them.
(This story's fiction)
Steven Ficyk 5/6
It was a beautiful June day during my sophmore year of high school. My parents were going out somewhere and told my sister and I to watch our obnoxious 5 month old puppy, Sophie, which we promised we would do. Unfortunately though, both of us broke that promise. In my defense, however, I was studying for a social studies final that I had the next day and completely forgot about keeping an eye on her. Roughly an hour after studying, I remembered that promise and went to check on my dog. I was completely terrified at the sight in front of me and immediately called my sister over to witness what Sophie had done......
While I was studying, Sophie had chewed a whole in the middle of our living room carpet. My sister and I had no idea what to do, so we just waited in complete agony for our parents to come home. Both of us knew that we would be in deep trouble because of the broken promise that was evident in the middle of the floor. The minute our parents came home, our hearts dropped to our stomachs. They were extremely furious and disappointed that we had failed to look after Sophie and immediately took away all of our electronics for a couple of days, which really sucked. Still to this day, approximately a year and a half later, there is a hole in the middle of our living room carpet.
Lesson- Always keep an eye on puppies because they have a habit of chewing things up into shreds.
Once upon a time, there was a girl who was a little bit too curious and sneaky for her own good. One time, she was sneaking around her parents room, and opened a cabinet door. Inside, there were some dollars that the girl wanted to spend, so she took them. Soon enough she spent the money that wasn't her's and eventually the owners found out. She came home from school and her family gave her the harshest yelling she's ever heard, and the harshest grounding she ever received. From that moment on she knows not to take whats not hers.
- Wiley 3rd period
Graduating from eighth grade is a huge year for everybody. One of the biggest decisions that you have to make is which high school you will be attending the following year. I know here in Brunswick, a lot of people see this as an obvious decision that they will go to Brunswick High School but believe it or not there are other options that are available. I did not always live in Brunswick, for the majority of my life I lived in Cleveland and went to a catholic grade school. My whole seventh and eighth grade years were spent trying to decide which high school I would be attending. I remember thinking "why do things have to be so hard? Why do I even have to go to school?" I obviously knew that not going to high school was not an option and I needed to make my choice very quickly before the year was over. I had chosen that going to a private high school was going to be the best choice I could make for myself but that still left me with many schools to choose from. Now in order to get into a private high school you have to get accepted into it by taking an entrance exam which needs to be scheduled ahead of time. My whole life, im sure like many of you, I have been a procrastinator. I kept putting the scheduling off and telling my dad Id do it later and then when I finally ended up doing it it was the last possible spot I could have been accepted from. Every other high school's testing dates had already gone and past so I was only left with one school to even take a test at. If I hadn't been accepted into that high school I would have had no other choice but to have gone to a local Cleveland public school that im sure many people have heard terrible stories about. This definitely had taught me a lesson in life. Lesson- do not procrastinate because time goes by very quickly in life. Procrastination will get you nowhere.
Astorc 5/6
Harold had a troubled high school experience. He always aspired to be a figure of masculinity like his comic book heroes. Unfortunately, he was a measly five foot four inches. Everyday at high school he was dwarfed by his peers, and this infuriated him. Especially in the presence of Gregory, a kind, timid boy that measured no less than one foot above Harold. Ashamed of his own height, Harold insisted on tormenting the gentle giant. For weeks, Harold would deliver a smack to the unprepared head of Gregory. However, Gregory was too fearful of harming Harold in response, and did his best to ignore him. Ultimately, Gregory could withstand it no longer, and forwarded a swift blow to Harold's nose, breaking it in the process.
Lesson learned: Do not pick on people larger than yourself.
-Ally Modie 3rd period
I had been anticipating the day of getting my drivers license for what seemed like forever. Two days after my sixteenth birthday on a snowy morning I passed the test, smiled for the picture and proudly was a licensed driver. There is a saying that I heard over and over in my head as I drove by myself for the first time, "bridges freeze first." My Papa saw many accidents as a fireman and would say this over and over again. One snowy day on the way to soccer practice I tried to stop and instead found myself spinning in circles, on a bridge. Now I know from experience bridges really do freeze first. Lesson from the story people tell us things over and over again because they want us to remember it to help us and bridges freeze first.
There were two friends that have been bestfriends for a very long time. they did everything together and never fought. They got along really well. One day one of the girls did something to make the other one mad and they stopped being friends for the longest time. They both told their new friends how much they hated each other and how they never wanted to speak to each other again. One day something terrible happened to one of the girls. The other friend was devastated not only because she lost her bestfriend but also because she hadn't talked to her in months and she spoke so bad about her. She felt so much regret and sorrow. The girl never forgave herself for not forgiving her friend and becoming friends again.
moral of the story is be understanding and learn to forgive, because you never know what might happen to someone
Karen Solorio 1st
Every year my family goes to Kalahari for Christmas. It is a tradition that we have been doing for years. When we go, we always bring my grandpa. We bring papa with us on every vacation we go on. Papa is the funniest person in the world. He is crazy and funny and can have a whole conversation with a stranger. I love him and I do not know what I would do without him. My grandpa does not like to ride any of the slides at Kalahari. There are only three slides we can get him on by force. He usually stays in line with us and then walks down.
That one year, I was waiting in line with my grandpa. I wanted him to go on this slide that goes into a big toilet bowl. When you reach the end of the slide you fall through a whole. I wanted him to on the slide so bad, so I lied to him and told him that it was a baby slide. Kids go on it. We wanted him to go last, so we all went down first and pulled up chairs and waited. All of a sudden we hear screaming and my papa falls through the whole and starts drowning. He could not see through the falling water and could not swim because of the pressure pushing him down. The lifeguard had to save him. I was so scared. I also felt guilty. I was so happy my grandpa was okay.
Lesson- You should never lie. Lying is not the way to do things because they could end up hurting you or others.
-Alexa Shaneyfelt 3rd period
There was this girl who was petrified of public speaking. No matter if it was standing up to do a presentation, or just having to raise her hand to answer a question, she didn’t want to do it at all. Sometimes she wished she could just hide in the corner and act if she didn’t exist.
When the new semester hit, she was dreading the first day back after Christmas break for it meant that speech class was right around the corner. The first day she walked in, she could feel the nerves start up as she looked at all the other 28 kids that would be watching her present every Friday. This was a time where she wanted to just curl up and become invisible.
As Friday became closer so many thoughts were going through her head;
“What if everyone laughs at me?”
“What if I mess up?”
And the nerves kicked in.
Friday came quicker than she had wished, and as soon as the teacher called her name, she froze. Shaking, she walked up to the front of the class and clicked on the screen to start her power point presentation. Half way through, she took a breather and looked around the class and to her surprise, there were more people looking at their own speech cards waiting for their turn than looking at her. As she wrapped up her speech she wondered if anyone would clap for her, but again to her surprise, the whole class applauded and the teacher said she did an amazing job.
Relieved and a bit more confident in herself, she walked back to her seat and sat down. Moral of the story is, don’t lose confidence in yourself just because you’re afraid of what other people will think of you. Just try your best and you will be able to concur anything.
-Winston. S 5/6*
Me and a few friends decided to drive to Indy for DCI finals. We were under 18, so we couldn't get a hotel room, and ended up going there and back in one day. Macey was in the car with me, and the others were in another. My knees being how they are, couldn't take that much driving in one sitting. Macey had her license, but couldn't drive stick shift. We ended up an hour or so outside of Columbus at a truck stop at around 4 in the morning. I didn't want to deal with my knee, or the being up for 20 ish hours, and she had slept for an hour or so, and was more capable to drive than me. So it ended up turning into a crash course in driving stick. At first she was beyond lost, and didn't understand why there was three pedals. It was about a half hour before she finally understood that the car wasn't messing with her, and was just doing what it told her. Once she got over her fear of screwing up they car, she did really well. There's not really a specific lesson that appeals to morals, or culture, but a lesson for our age and what comes with that. The lesson is more about not letting something that in reality is fairly simple, freak you out and cause you to worry. Once she understood she was in control, she was fine. I think that this can also be a metaphor for our lives right now. We are the ones in control. If we get worried that were going to screwup odds are we will, but if we overcome that fear and understand that were in control, we have nothing to worry about.
Rico had been destroyed by a relationship and could trust nobody. He finally opened up to someone and they made him happy. It was a really good year. Rico was happy, went out all the time, had lots of fun. They eventually broke up. The break up was hard on Rico. Mainly because the reason broke up with his boyfriend was because he had cheated on him with his best friend and then they both had kept it secret for several months. The truth came out and now Rico is heartbroken even more when he learns most of his friends had known about this. He stops talking to most people and tries to forget about them.
Rico had taken 2 months to finally start healing him self a little and very stupidly let this boy back into his life. He told him that he wouldn't leave him again and that he wanted to be there for him.He told Rico that he loved him and would help him through the bad nights because he is the one that started the pain.Rico was happy to see someone cared about him again, he had a tough night and he called him, they talked on the phone and it helped. One night Rico was having a bad night and was having very bad thoughts, he held the phone with one hand and a knife with the other. Rico called and got no answer, he texted and got no reply. He looked on twitter and instagram and he was blocked. The next day after being up all night upset, he looks on instagram and there he was on someone else's picture kissing. Rico couldn't take it he left school and stayed home for the rest of the day. to this day Rico hasn't been the same and he wont ever trust again because of this incident.
The life lesson here is to forgive but never forget. There is no need for hate in the world and forgiving people is natural but as soon as you forget what the did they just do it again until they break you.
Oh blue eyes- By karra adkins, first period.
Oh blue eyes, I see my reflection.
But, only a glimmer of hope, clouded by deception, of what I thought love was and what I thought it should be. But, a cruel reality, yes it sank into me. Like a ship floating out to see, forgot to put its sails up, the wind cannot carry me. I am lost, adrift in the oblivion of pending doom. I'm lost in the storm, waiting for the sunlight which will not come soon. Oh, blue eyes, will you spare me the shame? Of wishing on a star, that I will never see again. A star that might be light years away from us now, or if it crashed, its flooded its seeds into the ground. And maybe it will sprout something new, another civilization somewhere far away, perhaps a new me and you? To start our lives over, a new up bringing and a new start. And maybe if you're a different man, this time you won't break my heart. Oh, blue eyes won't you reassure me? That the years I spent with you, were not taken lightly. That you cherished my company, like I cherished yours. That you see me as an opportunity, not as a chore.
And the moral of this story here is don't fall in love. Especially with a boy with blue eyes, as blue as the sky above. 'Cause one day they'll go dark, and you'll go blind. Looking for a light, a light that once shined in his eyes. And all that's left is the darkness that was always there, but I was too blind, too stupid to notice or care. But, I love him anyways, and the darkness has its allure. It's sick sadistic way of making something so dark look innocent and pure. And before you know it the light you once had inside your self, has ventured else where and unpacked itself onto a different shelf. And then you become just as evil as him, and the innocence you once had has turned into danger and sin. But, you'll know longer care because you'll have him.
Being seventeen years old now, I could only be in scouts for about a year or so. I was getting close to the rank of Eagle, the highest rank in scouting. Only four percent of all scouts obtain this rank. I was in the last couple months until I had turned eighteen and I was no longer eligible to become an Eagle. I had waited all winter before I really started planning my Eagle project and finishing up a last couple of merit badges.
As the months went by, I had slowly been progressing on my merit badges, finishing them one at a time. some, faster than others while prepping for my Eagle Project. My merit badges were completed and all I had left was the rest of the project. it was now May, my birthday being in July, I began to get nervous as my benches that I needed wouldn't be there until June. Finally, the project was finished, the benches had come earlier and I was able to get it all done by the end of May. After it was done, I had to finish my write up for the project and get it signed. After all was said and done, I had a Scoutmaster conference, which is an assessment of what I had learned throughout my entire scouting career. After review, I had passed, and would have my Board of Review after my birthday; which is allowed. Finally, I had gotten he rank of Eagle and all the stress had gone away.
Lesson Learned- Don't procrastinate because there is bound to be set backs and nothing goes as planned; ever.
A long time ago there were 2 girls who were born identical twins. Both girls were raised firm catholics by a strict and oftenly drunk father. There whole life they were raised to care for others and to share all the common wealth they gained. Even though they faced a rough childhood they listened to there father and there religion and continued to give back to others all they have gained. They never turned down offer to help someone, but as the years passed the hardships of living poor to help others get by too became to affect the twins. The oldest twin by 5 minutes woke up on cold and muggy day with an awful attitude and said enough is enough, she shouted in anger "whats mine is mine and I shall make life better for myself!" Her sister Jamie however did not agree with her and they argued until both stormed out. Over the next few weeks the oldest twin Cheyrl had spent time getting new clothes and some of the finest jewelry around, she walked with a smile home happy for herself. However, on her usual way home she passed the usual homeless man she would cook a meal a day for but on that day she told him I'm feeling fat I think I'll eat for 2 today instead. As she neared her home she was robbed of every single thing she had just purchased and more leaving her with nothing and no one there to help her. Except one person, her sister. Her sister had not changed, but she's had some luck, she won the lottery 2 days back, and found the guy of her dreams.
Moral of the story - care for others as you would want them to care for you. Greed is the root of all evil
My story will be a fictional one.
Tom owns a horse called Billy. Tom is a very tolerant and kind master. The horse is lazy and is always finding ways to avoid work.
Once while returning with loads of salt on his back, Billy falls in the river. He realizes that the fall has lessened the weights of the sacks as the salt has dissolved in the water.
The next few days Tom purposely falls into the water everyday. Tom is unhappy at the way Billy is behaving because he is losing money in the process. He decides to teach Billy a lesson.
The next day instead of salt bags he loads Billy with bags of cotton. Billy is unaware of the change. As planned, he falls into the water and gets the bags wet. He is surprised to find the load unbearable.
Billy learns his lesson and starts behaving.
Lesson: Work with honesty and sincerity because laziness will ruin you.
Mike Glencer 5/6 period
One day, at the mall there was a young girl and her family. While there, the young girl, named Jamie, saw something she'd never seen before. There were two men holding hands. Curious, she asked her mother why they were doing that, considering she'd only ever seen a man and a woman doing the same thing. Her mother explained to her that they were a couple and that thats what couples do. Well, along with Jamie, other people saw the two men and weren't as relaxed about the scene. They were giving them dirty looks and saying mean things. Once again curious, Jamie asked her parents why those people were "being so mean".
"Sadly, some people don't think that two men should hold hands like other couples do." Her father explained and the new information saddened Jamie. "It's such a common thing nowadays, I feel that people should be able to accept it." Her mother said as she grabbed Jamie's hand and continued their shopping trip.
There once was a lady, quite pleasant indeed
The owner of two puppies, Cassie and Reed.
In a beautiful villa this woman resided,
So large that a stranger would want to be guided.
The lady was fair, and honest and kind,
lived many memories and years left behind.
She looked about sixty, or more i presumed,
and in all these years her wealth had much bloomed.
Her husband a doctor, and she too a nurse,
kept plenty of money beside in her purse.
Now the mention of puppies was vital indeed,
for her kids had grown up and company, she did need.
She treated the puppies no worse than her kin,
the money she spent on them some would call a sin.
Three thousand a month went just on their health,
What else would she do with such immeasurable wealth?
A trip to the psychiatrist had surely confirmed,
Cassie had depression, that much was affirmed!
This lady had also, as most elders do,
developed complications and needed pills to subdue.
One fateful morning, her housemaids stood cleaning,
when in runs this lady her time quickly depleting!
To a significant meeting she had she needed to hurry
so she rumbled the house for the time made her worry.
She arrived in the kitchen to grab antidepressants
Scooped them all in her palm not knowing what was laced in their presence.
She went to the meeting and when she returned,
The look on her face showed she was clearly concerned.
“Tanya..?” she asked in a voice very quiet
“It seems Cassie misplaced some pills from her diet”
“You wouldn’t have happened to see them did you?”
“Cant say i have” said Tanya, whose attention she drew.
She then asked Oryna the same question as before,
To which the answer hadn’t changed, Oryna had swore.
The lady then went to Oksana, her last chance,
To ease up her mind, from this horrible trance.
When Oksana replied, the answer was clear,
The little old lady had reason to fear.
She said a voice, quite somber and mellow,
“why did all the pills have to be yellow?”
The housemaids all left, throughout the gateway arching,
for deep down they feared the old lady would start barking.
They returned the next wednesday and asked for a report,
And quickly found that they had comfort.
The lady reported that she became overjoyed,
with her emotions the medication had toyed.
Although this particular incident had no casualties to exhibit,
A strong moral this story does not fail to inhibit.
many a way this can be showed but to the point i will cut,
One should keep their medication separate from those of his mutt.
Vadym Gabyak 3rd Period
There once was a curious young little boy who was clumsy and wanted to touch everything. It was the day before Thanksgiving and his mother was making mashed potatoes as there was a pot of boiling water on the stove. She told the young boy to not touch the stove because it is very hot and will burn your fingers. The mother turned back to the stuffing and continued what she was doing and she heard the boy yelp and cry in pain. She took the boy and out ice onto his finger so it wouldn't burn.
Moral of the story: always listen to directions. There is always a reason behind them.
There was once was a very lonley man who lived alone. He thought that he knew everything there was about everything. But one day a very educated young man came to him to seek his knowledge of anything and everything about the world today. the young man knew a good amout as well. the lonley man thought he knew more though. so the man chalenged the young man to a battle of knowledge. they sought out a unbias superviser to officiate the debate. there where many questions about anything and everything. It came down to one last question. they were both knotted up even in corect questions answered. In the end the young man answered the very last question corectly. The lonley man was very suprised by the out come of the event and was very mad also. the young man in the end earned the respect of the lonley man and the lonely man learned not to be so aragent. Dakota Jakubson 1st period
Once upon a time there was a boy who was raised by a wealthy family and always got everything that he wanted. He never paid for anything on his own and would not be able to even if he had too. He went to public school and met another boy who lived in poverty and worked with whatever money he could get. The two boys became friends and would hang out often.
The two boys would always want to go places and do fun things, but the poor boy could not do all of the things the rich boy could because he did not always have the money to. The poor boy tried his hardest to save money of his own, but did not get much help from his parents. But the rich boy just got whatever he wanted daily from his parents money. The two boys remained friends even though the rich boy bragged about having a lot of money to do whatever he wants and not have responsibilities. The poor boy got a job and learned to handle his own money, while the rich boy just spent money like it was nothing and learned nothing from it. The two went to different colleges but had the same majors in college as they both wanted the same career in life.
Both of the boys ended up applying for the same job at the same company as 25 year olds and the boy who grew up poor got the job. He got the job because he was more experienced with work and responsibility and was not handed everything in life. The poor boy went on to live a more wealthy life as an adult while the boy who grew up rich struggled with his money.
Moral - Take responsibility and do not take anything for granted
Jake Busch 5/6
Once there was a boy who had torn his acl in a sports related injury. After his knee had healed he had wanted to return to his life as an athlete. He went through the therapy as the doctors had instructed and planned to return at full strength. In the off season before his sport was to start again, he decided to play flag football and ironically during warmups he happened to tear his knee again and need to go through the entire surgery process again causing him to miss schoolwork. Now he is stuck and going to have to try to catch back up so that he can get into the college of his choice. Moral of the story is if you want to get into college and get good grades, don't risk playing sports that will cause you to have knee surgery.
Renfro, B. 1st period
An individual is being able to have your own thoughts your own decisions and your own life. It is being able to view the world through your own eyes in your own way. The example is so simple. Its everyday life for us as an individual in the usa sure were blinded by soem of the things around us but we get to make our own decisions and live our own life through a set of reaosnable guidlines set out by the goverment.
Dillon 5-6
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