Think about what traits you value in other people. What traits are a must in your friends and what traits are a must in one of the following: teachers, coaches, celebrities, athletes? Then, think about if these expectations are reasonable. Are the traits we expect others to embody the same traits we ourselves demonstrate and are they attainable? Explain how you see these traits demonstrated in someone close to you and why you think these traits are important to your relationships.
As a person who values any type of friendship, I will always be looking to improve on myself and others. In this way, I tend to focus on big points of interests in which people can be towards me. Some of these interests are loyalty, honesty, being compassionate, and of course generosity. These traits are all earned and well respected between others, and I of course respect them as well. In these ways, my friends all show a maturity that stands above and beyond others in my eyes. I also try my best to show these traits as an example to others and even my friends. No one wants to be friends with a hypocrite, or even have to deal with them. By using that ideology, I better myself and others by following my own example. In the case of teachers, I expect them to follow these guidelines as well. If a teacher were to be cruel or unreliable then I for one would not take them as seriously. These traits are important because they show who you really are as an individual. By following your own perspective and helping others achieve theirs, you can make your relationships better than they were before.
The traits I value the most in my friends are kindness, loyalty, funny, caring, respecful. the reason why i chose those traits are because they are what i value the most. i want a friend to be kind is so that we can get along fine. i want a loyal friend so no matter what we say to each other will last no matter what is said or done. i want them to funny so its fun to be around and to joke around with at anytime. i ike my friends to be caring is because i want to care for what i do in life and also so they can help get out of a bad place if im not in a good mood. i want them to be respectful to me because i want to trust them with any information in my life. dakota jakubson 1
In my friends I look for loyalty. I need my friends to be trustworthy, and even if my friends make mistakes I need them to be honest. I also need my friends to be social like myself because it will help us have a better understanding for one another. Amongst coaches athletes, and teachers I personally expect honesty courage and loyalty. thats for all three, for athletes I feel they should also be physically strong. Now, these are also some ridiculously high expectations for these people. Just, because they are at a higher level than others such as being peoples idols, they are still humans and make human errors due to the fact of imperfection. In relationships close to me all of the significant people in my life are loyal honest and they always have my back no matter what. That is what makes friends friends and thats what deciphers true friends from fake ones.
Kenny Fritz
I look for a lot of things in a friend. I will be totally honest, I am not one who has an overflowing amount of friends. I have two or three really good friends, and I am totally OK with that. I always look for honesty first, along with trustworthiness, humor, niceness, and respect. I think that honesty is a major thing to look for in a friend, because you don't want them to lie to you about things. When I look at my two best friends, I see that they have some things in common with me. My one best friend is very musical, just like I am, and I think that is important to me, that she has things in common with me. It adds to things that we can constantly talk about, like writing our own stuff on guitar and things like that.
I think that when it comes to a coach, like my bowling coach, I see many of these same traits, like honesty, respect, humor, and trustworthiness. It is important, I think to have a coach, or even a teacher that has some of these traits, because it makes your experience on the team, or in the class more enjoyable, and makes you more able to connect to things. It is not fun if things are serious all the time. You have to add some humor in there every now and then to make things more fun.
I think that all of these traits are reasonable, because they are all pretty important in showing who a person truly is.
I honestly only value one trait in a friend and that is honesty. Without an honest friend; are they really your friend at all? I really only have two good friends and they are both very honest with me. That’s why we get along so great. Of course they have other traits that I like about them, but honesty is my number one trait I look for in a friend. In a teacher, I look for respect, honesty, humor, and trustworthiness. Now not all of these traits are super important, like humor but sometimes it’s nice to have a teacher make a funny comment to make the lesson more interesting. A teacher who respects there students is the most important trait I look in a teacher or even my soccer coach. All of these traits are very attainable and think everyone should have most of these traits. Having these traits definitely make it a lot easier obtain a relationship, whether it is a friend, boyfriend, or even family member.
~Becca Gardella 5/6 Period
The traits that i look for in my friends are reliability, independence, courage, honesty, and the ability to be affectionate. Reliability and honesty go hand in hand for me because i have to be able to rely on my friends when it's important. I need honesty from them because without honesty there could be no true relationship or bond. Independence is also important because no one wants a clingy person. The ability to be affectionate is an odd trait, but it is important to me because i do not want to be friends with someone who is dead inside.
Traits that are a must with my coaches are physical strength, wisdom, motivating, honest, gentle, and understanding.
I think these traits are reasonable, or that almost all are reasonable to achieve in relationship. I believe that these traits are definitely traits that come from what i already embody myself. So in my mind, i feel that others could attain what i have attained.
The traits that are listed for what are a must in my coach are all traits that i do see in my current coach already. My throws coach is this huge, scary looking guy. He possesses physical strength, which is very important because why would i work out under the instruction of someone not physically fit themselves? He encourages me, and is honest in every way. He seems like he would be some brutal or mean coach. Being gentle gentle is important to our relationship because my coach knows about the anxiety that i get before a meet. He helps me calm down and goes over everything and explains my mistakes in a polite way. It's important because to get an athlete to perform well, an athlete should be respectful of the coach, but also know them on a personal level that allows them to be able to work together to achieve a common goal.
B. Geiss 5/6 period
In my friends, I look for people that are kind to other, respectful, are responsible, but are also easy-going. I wouldn't want to hang out with someone that is serious also the time, but they also need to know when to be mature. In a coach, I would look for someone that is responsible and also knows how to motivate his athletes. I think that all of these traits are reasonable, because its not like I expect them to be 100% honest all the time. That would be unreasonable. You aren't going to tell her if the outfit really does make her fat.
We all have our own ideal friends and what they should be like, but friends that stay true to you and true to themselves are what I look for. The group of friends I have vary in traits from being honest of the time to being caring and respectful. I also have a few friends that are all of these traits and no matter what trait they hold they are still the best friends I could have. I believe people have reasons behind what they do and if someone needs to lie once and awhile it will happen, but I know they will tell the truth in the end. My friends carry so many unique traits and this makes them so important to me. People make mistakes and when they own up to their mistakes I value you that a lot in my friends. I have a group of 4 friends that will never let me down, they a are any trait you can name even it is only a small part of them. My friends don't have to be perfect cause I know I am not perfect and that's what makes them so special.
In a coach I want someone who is determined and willing to push me to my limit so that I can do my best. I want someone who wont give up on me and will continue to make me a better player. I also want a coach who cares and has a sense of humor. Coaches can have so many qualities and as long as they pushing me as a player, and working on making me become better, any other trait they have will probably be beneficial.
M.Al-Zarraq 5/6th period
There is really only one trait that I look for in a friend and that is trustworthiness. Though for an athlete, the traits they require would be self-confidence, discipline and competitiveness. The trait I expect in a friend is one that I demonstrate effectively. It is most certainly attainable. To be truthful is achieving trust in someone else. It is not that hard to be truthful, but for some reason, a lot of people struggle with it. Trustworthiness is how I determine who is a friend and who is an acquaintance. Now for an athlete it is most certainly attainable to have self-confidence and discipline, as well as having competitiveness, for these traits are just on you and no one else.
Everyone has higher expectations for people than they would like to admit. We all do it without even trying, but when it comes to reality we would like, as they say, to treat everyone the way you'd like to be treated. With that said I look for the traits that I most often give out. Which is loyalty from friends, trust from family, and honestly from teachers and coaches. Friends are something we have to cherish because they do sadly come and go. If loyalty is given out than it will more then likely be given back in return. Having people that constantly have your back is very important because there are going to be so many times in life you want to give up or you get a set back but if your friends are there for you they will get you through it, and help you talk about your problems. When it comes to family, trust is the only thing that keep the relationship secure. Without the trust of my parents life would probably suck. I have to earn that trust by staying honest and trusting that their decisions are what is best for me. When it comes to teachers and coaches without honesty I will never grow as a person or get any better. Honestly will make or break a person in the real world and that is very important to remember.
Ally Modie 3rd period
I value many traits in other people, but the number one trait is trustworthiness. If I cannot trust someone, then their other traits don't mean a thing to me. Yes, I know many people who can make me laugh so hard that I start to cry, but that doesn't mean a thing when I can't trust them. I need for people to be honest with me even if it's something I don't want to hear. That is what true friends do.
The traits that all teachers need to have is to have a sense of humor. It honestly sucks when a teacher is uptight, and cannot joke around with their students. It makes the classroom much more enjoyable. By being much more enjoyable, it is much easier to actually learn in the classroom. Many teachers think the classroom needs to be strict and stern to learn. I will admit, the first couple weeks of school should be, but just to show the class that the teacher is in charge. But after that, the teacher should be be able to joke around with their class because it makes it much easier to learn.
The traits are very reasonable. I know many friends and teachers who have these traits themselves. I myself have these traits, at least I like to tell myself that I do. By having these traits, It is much easier to have a greater relationship with the person.
Pelka,E. 1st period
The traits that I value the most in other people are honesty and respectfulness. If I feel that I cannot trust someone nor be respected, then I will not go out of my way to befriend them. In a teacher, I expect respectfulness and kindness. I am not able to learn in an environment where the teacher does not respect the students or is not nice to them.
I think that these traits are definitely reasonable to expect in a person. It is not hard to give respect and kindness and expect some in return. I believe I demonstrate these traits well. Because I think that I am kind and respectful, I expect those around me to be as well. If everyone respects each other, we are all happy.
These traits are demonstrated to me through my friends and family. Not all of my friends and family have the same opinions and we get through that by having respect for one another. Traits like these are important to relationships because these are what make the foundation for such a thing. Building relationships is like building a house; you have to have a strong foundation. If a foundation consists of traits like honesty, respect, trustworthiness, compassion, and kindness, then you can easily build the relationship. The relationship, much like a building, would not be able to stand if it were not for such a strong foundation.
Bloxsom, N. 5/6th period.
Often times, when you are around someone enough, you start to become like them. After all, it is human nature to repeat the actions of others. That is why I choose to surround myself with people who share the same traits that I value.
Some characteristics that I think a friend should encompass are honesty, forgiveness, and kindness. They should be someone who is always there for you and has your back in an instant. You should be able to tell them anything and seek advice from them when you need it. They should be someone who encourages you to do better and to be yourself no matter what. They should give you honest feedback, even if it is the brutal truth and you don’t want to hear it. They should understand that everyone makes mistakes and instead of getting upset over them, they should learn from them. And mostly, they should bring you up instead of tearing you down.
I have been friends with most of the same people for about six years now, and I believe that they all embody these traits. We have a close group of friends who are like siblings. We hangout all of the time and rarely fight. We are honest with each other and don’t talk about others behind their back. We learn from each other and help one another when we need it. We are all positive people and always bring our best self to the table when we are hanging out with each other.
Some characteristics that I think a teacher should encompass are respect, maturity, and responsibility. They should be someone that is honest with you and gives you their true opinion on things. They should not give up on you, and give their best effort to try and make you a better self. They should teach you lessons in the classroom as well as in life. A teacher should also be someone who is a leader and makes wise decisions, since they are role models to their students.
I believe that every relationship in life is a two way street and you can only ask of them what you ask of yourself. If, and only if, you practice what you preach then I think it is reasonable to ask that of others.
Muha, J 5-6th period
Traits I value in my friends are kindness, loyalty, and honesty. I want my friends to be kind because if they aren't then I probably wouldn't be friends with them. I think kindness is a trait everyone should possess because it's obtainable by anyone. You don't have to be rich or exceptionally skilled in order to be kind, you just have to be nice to people. Loyalty is important to me because if someone is truly your friend then they will be loyal to you no matter what. Friends should be like family you choose, but in order for them to be like family they must be loyal. If someone isn't loyal then they're likely to one day stab you in the back, metaphorically of course, but even still, you shouldn't have to worry whether or not your friends are loyal. Honesty, like loyalty is vital in the foundation of a friendship. We're lied to a lot in our lives, but the people who should be honest with us all the time is our friends. You should be able to be brutally honest with your friends because in the long run, it's beneficial for everyone. I think all of these traits are obtainable and that I embody them the best I can when I can.
~Spencer K. 1st Period
i want to be friends with people who are mature trustworthy, caring, respectful, and,responsible! These are important traits to have in friends because then you know that you could always count on them when the situation calls for it. they should always be there for you when you are in trouble or if you just need someone to talk to. In teachers, you'd look for honesty and trustworthiness because you need to rely on them. These traits make it easy to make and keep friends or stay in long-term relationships.
Kilgore,J 3rd period
The traits that a friend should have is loyalty, respect, and trustworthiness. They also need to be honest, if they do something that upsets me then I would rather have them tell me than find out down the road by someone else. You should be able to tell your friend anything without them telling everyone else what the secret was. As for coaches and teachers, I think that they should be honest, caring, and understanding. I think this way because these people are ones that we look up to and people that are in charge of us. If they didn't have these traits than who would we be able to talk to when we need help with something bigger than what your friends could do? These expectations are high but I think everyone should be able to maintain these traits in order to be the best person they could be. I think that if we expect people to be this way than we should have to act the same way in order to have a relationship with someone.
Adam Nickles
Throughout life, many people come and go, all teaching you different lessons and in a way, leaving with you parts of them self. You learn from people with not-so-good traits, but you learn more meaningful lessons from people with a knack for listening, people who are care-free and unafraid to be themselves, and those who honestly care for others and will be there when you need them most, usually with great advice to help in depressing situations. People who are trustworthy, compassionate, unique, loyal, good at listening, funny, and care-free tend to make the best friends. I've never heard of anything bad coming from a friend who can make you laugh your butt off even when you thought it was the worst day of your life. As for teachers, I believe they should be leaders, role models, passionate about whatever they plan to teach, exciting, wise, understanding, and helpful. It's near impossible for someone to learn from a person who does not really care about what they are teaching. There is nothing more exciting than to be taught by a teacher who really knows their subject and doesn't just read from a book, but puts their own twist on the subject matter. When someone is passionate, you can tell, and it makes a course all the better. It's also important to have a teacher that is ready and able to help if it is ever needed. I think that all of these traits are attainable and anyone could embody these traits if they wished to. However, I also know that humans in nature are not perfect beings. People make mistakes, slip up, and sometimes may let you down. No one I know perfectly attains all of these traits without any faults, not even myself or the most respected individual. There is nothing wrong with having expectations of how people should be, but it's important to remember everyone has bad days and may sometimes fall short.
The traits that I value in my friends would have to include honesty, loyalty, and the trait of being a good listener. In a celebrities, I expect them to have the traits of honesty and being a good example to the many people that look up to them. I believe that these expectations are very reasonable because they allow society to have real outlooks on their own lives and others. I think that we base the traits that we expect other people to have on our own traits and what we would want ourself to have. One of the most important traits that anybody could have is the trait of honesty. Honesty is the key to a successful person and one that is looked up to highly by other people.
Astorc 5/6
As every other person in this blog, I expect loyalty and honesty in my friends. What is a friend who is going to go behind your back, say bad things about you, and then deny it? There is no room for people like that in our lives but, unfortunately, it is a part of life. Next, the one big thing i expect from my teachers is courage. The reason being is that they need the courage to get in front of the class, instruct the class, and also put some students in their place when need be. I do believe these traits to be attainable by my educators, after all they went to school to be a teacher. Students who become out-of-hand are apart of the fine print. I see these traits demonstrated in the best teacher in the world Mrs. Perrin! She is not afraid to put a student in their place like some teachers need to do!
P.S. Do I get bonus points for referencing my fav teacher?
The traits I value in friends are honesty and loyalty. I would never want a friend who would lie to me, and talk behind my back to others. That is one of my biggest problems with people is when they talk bad about others behind their backs. It's very rude and shouldn't be accepted in today's society. In looking for these traits, I of course represent them myself. I am very honest with friends and loved ones, and especially loyal. With loyalty you look for that more in a significant other because you obviously wouldn't want to be with someone who is not loyal. I see these traits in all of my current friends and in my own relationship. I expect my teachers to be kind and helping. I don't mind doing hard work for someone, as long as they are nice and are willing to help me if I put in the work. No teacher should be unkind or not helpful, what's the point of being a teacher if so?
Tyler Hardy
As for myself, I look for friends who are mainly responsible, but funny at the same time. to have a friend who is funny would be able to joke and bring the sadness into joyfulness. without being funny makes life more boring. Also having friends being responsible is important as working like a team, everyone has a specific job that needs to done. If no one cannot not get the job done is not a friend worthy of staying.
Like my tennis coach who is like the same as my friends. Share the same traits of being funny with the team on the road and at home. And is responsible for every player of the team to show a positive attitude, and give tips to help help correct the wrong and win matches.Also with his experience; he will teach our team of getting better and show purpose of the sport of tennis. that two things is always what I cherish for in life. And I will keep following this for the rest of my life.
Dhanraj J. 3rd period
The traits I value most in my friends are: honesty, loyalty and respect. I believe honesty is the most important though. I would want my friends to be honest about things. An example is if my friends were hanging out with other people and they talked bad about me I would want them to tell me. or I wouldn't want them ever lying to me. I would want my friends to also be loyal. I wouldn't want them leaving me for other people that didn't like me. respect is big too, if I had dreams or goals even if they were crazy I would want them to respect them. Also I would want my friends to respect who I am for a person. I think these are traits to expect from every friend and they are not hard to be.
-Dominic Ferretti
In the media, it is really easy to find the opinions of athletes, businessmen, and famous individuals on the news. People look up to them as someone they should listen to and believe just because they exist with a higher social status. I don’t like that. A person’s opinion in politics or race or anything else should not necessarily sway one’s own opinion unless the person has a legitimate reason behind what they are saying. Basically, the ability to have one’s own opinion and understanding of others is really important to me. It means that they do not have to rely on others for what they believe but it also means that they can adjust how they say things for each individual or take in more than just one opinion and consider other possibilities. To any individual with any influence on others, I would hope that they are careful as to what they say and be considerate of different opinions. Having black and white answers on many opinions are usually bad, I think, because people cannot take in other options or seem to negative to a different view point from their own. Both my parents have tried to be understanding towards me. Sometimes I get angry and to them it does not seem to be for any good reason. They have to put themselves in my shoes. If they could not do so then I would not be where I am today because they have helped me get through the hard problems and obstacles that I could not tackle alone but was not willing enough to have outside help. Their ability to understand me as helped me to learn to understand others around me whether it be in my home or in public.
Colton K~1
I value people who are Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent. In a friend someone must be friendly, trustworthy, helpful, kind, and courteous so that they are always there for you and area able to have respect from others as well. In a leader they must be friendly, mentally strong, helpful, cheerful, clean, kind, and obedient. These are all reasonable things to consider in a leader because they need to be able to connect with the people they represent, stick to their cause, be willing to help others and present themselves in a positive and clean manner. They need to know what they are doing and the repercussions of their actions. It should be expected for a leader today to represent these traits in order to show good moral character. If a leader to day was not able to show me these traits I would question their position and my vote. The original twelve traits listed above are demonstrated in some of my greatest friends, those of whom I had known for some time. These core traits are what define our duty to the community. Anyone who demonstrates these traits is someone who will always heave potential to be my friend.
Traits that I accept others to have are trustworthiness, respectful, truthful, encouraging, and also helpful. A friend is a person who seems to always be around through the hard times and also the good times. Leaders also should have similar characteristics. These people are looked up to by many because of their strong personalities that influence others. The traits of which i hold my friends accountable,I try to live by. I would like others to view myself as one that carries these traits. I believe that all of these traits are reasonable and looking for these within people will help you find your true friends.
My friends and I are pretty close but we will never tell each other anything really personal. So really what all my friends have is I guess you can say they are compassionate, I don’t really know but I know that they are proud to be my friend and aren’t embarrassed of it. I feel that if my friends really didn’t want to be my friends than I would never want to be theirs. I’m proud of all the friends I got and there really is nothing left to say.
In my teachers I really do look for if they care truly about their students, but also that they want to be there and are proud of being what they are. If a teacher is jut teaching a class to just teach then they are doing something wrong, I think they should want to explore their students and not just know them on a work type level. A teacher should want to enlighten their students and extend their knowledge further than themselves, like I feel when a student thinks of something that they never thought of, the teacher is excited and continues to grow. If a teacher cares they will let their student speak their side on an argument, and really if a teacher doesn’t care about her students then I really don’t think they should be there in that classroom.
Personally, I am a very humorous person and any of my friends have to have a sense of humor as well. It's just the kind of person I am and that's something I look for in friends. At the same time, they have to know when it's time for jokes and when it's time to be more serious. There's always a time when joking might not be the best and they have to recognize that line, which goes for anyone who uses humor.
Teachers, on the whole, need to A.) Understand what they are teaching, at least on the most basic level, because teaching can be an excellent learning source, and B.) Have good personal interactions with their students and their peers in general. If the student does not enjoy the class or the way the teacher conducts it, that student will retain less of the information needed to do well.
These traits are not difficult to obtain, if people do not already posses them. I find pride in making people laugh, and I find bringing more enjoyment to people's lives causes only positive things. I think the world could always use more laughter and positivity. I see these two specific traits in my former teacher Mrs. Lopano. I was in her Spanish 3 and Spanish 4 classes and she embodied both the sense of humor in a friend and the personal interaction skills of a good teacher. These traits she possesses and demonstrates in her class have directly inspired me to pursue a career in teaching.
Paul Smith
3rd Period
The many traits I look for in a friend are, honesty, loyalty, humor, respect, and energy. As for the traits I look for in a coach; confidence, character, a sense of humor and honesty. So all in all I would like my coach to be my coach at times but also at times be my friend and kind of have fun at times. I believe the expectations for both a friend and coach are somewhat reasonable. The only reason there would be any doubt for the traits for an ideal friend is that they wouldn't either be loyal or honest. I feel like nowadays there are a lot of two faced people in the world who don't truly care about you. I think the traits I expect from a friend and a coach are very attainable. Actually I feel i represent all of those traits fairly strongly. I have had the same 6 friends since the day I was born and I think are friendship has lasted so long due to the traits above. These traits are important because they are the basics for an amazing friendship. I think the most important one of them all is honesty. Having someone that is honest with you is such a blessing because whether or not its advice or performance someone who can always give you honest advice is awesome!.
Eric Bulic 1st
The traits that i most value in a person are honestly, and loyalty. Both of these traits are reasonable and are found in many people. All of the people who are close to me have these traits and i find then in myself as well. These are important so that you may trust the people close to you. If you cant trust people then you cant form a good relationship with them.
Boltz 1
People in my life are there for a reason. Over the years, I have gone through many different things, friends have come and gone, others, a very select few have stuck around. One of my greatest friends, always says that if he needs to know who someone is, he asks me because "I know everyone" according him. Although I may "know everyone," there are a few who really stand out. These are friends who I can go to for advice when I have a rough day or am stressing about a test. I know they won't lie, they will tell me exactly how they see it. They usually see the whole spectrum of the situation while I drive through the tunnel. They aren't people who talk bad behind my back, or think that they are better than me. I can trust them with anything without fear of being judged, no matter the topic at hand. They are loyal to me and would only go against me if it would better me. They stand up for me, especially when I'm not there. When I make a decision and I'm really set on it, they may not agree but they respect it, even if there will be an "I told you so" later on. They are people who I trust my life with. Everyone needs people like that in their lives. You can be the most independent person in the world, but I guarantee that you have someone like that in your life. If not, it's shameful. These traits are said to be reasonable because no where in this blog did I say that they were there to do my work, or to do something because I didn't want to, all I ask for is someone who I can trust to be there for me, no matter the situation. So sure, you can know everyone, but it's those whom you are close with, that matters the most, for they will be there for it all.
To be looking in a friend one must be opened minded yet picky at the same time. The opened mindedness in a friendship allows the relationship to grow and always be interesting. Being picky I look for one who has integrity, this trait is the most important trait of them all in my opinion. To be honest in a relationship the honesty is important good or bad both would be valuable. The person who should have the most integrity would be the teacher. The teacher must be honest to all their students and with out this no one would succeeded.
The trait I value most in any friendship or relationship is loyalty. Being loyal is so important in a friendship and knowing that the person will always be there for you and would never do anything to intentionally hurt you. Other important traits for a good friendship are understanding, honesty. Teachers and coaches should have the traits of caring, understanding and discipline. A teacher who really cares about their students and tries to understand them is a good teacher. I feel a teacher and especially a coach need to show discipline. A tough coach can get the most out their players and help them be their best. I feel all of these traits are reasonable. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes but we can learn from them and still have these positive traits in our life.
There are many traits I value and look for in others. It all depends on what type of relationship I have with that person. For example, I value honesty, care and strength from my parents. I always expect them to be there for me, to comfort me when I'm down and to always love me no matter what. From my friends I expect honesty, loyalty and faith. I don't have many friends that I can talk to, so I really do expect honesty from them. If they have a problem with me, or in general, I would like for them to tell me. I'd also expect that if someone were talking bad about me that they would stand up for me. Finally, I expect loyalty, honesty and strength from my boyfriend. I expect him to stay loyal to only me, to always be honest and have strength for our relationship along with strength from me. I don't think these values that I expect are out of this world, they're the normal things anyone would expect. I'm sure all of my friends and family expect these values too. We as humans, need these from others to get through every day life.
Husak, Lina 5/6 period
Looking back on my choices in friends, I think it's safe to say that i've made some pretty poor decisions on who i consider to be my friends. I chose people who didn't respect me, and didn't respect themselves. These people have helped me realize which people i should consider my friends. When i think of the word friend, i think of somebody who is courageous, somebody who isn't scared to show the world who they are, and what they believe in. I think of somebody who is trustworthy, somebody who i could tell anything and not have to worry about them telling everybody and their mother. I think of somebody who can make me laugh, this is a trait that none of my friends lack, anything they say just brightens my day and makes me smile from ear to ear. Overall, i look for somebody who is a genuinely good person.
My biggest inspiration in life is actually a celebrity. The traits she has inspires me to be a better person every day. She is courageous. She's honest to the world about the struggles she's faced. Her goal in life is to make the world better, and to help others. Most importantly, she is genuine about wanting to help people. Many celebrities want to inspire others to give themselves a good image, but thats not the case with her.
I truly value the friends and family that I am blessed with in my life. These people embody the traits that I deem important in any kind of relationship, which are: trustworthiness, honesty, and loyalty. In order to have a successful relationship, I believe those characteristics have to be prevalent. I love when I can spill my heart out to someone and feel comfortable in doing so; if I cannot trust them enough with my words, then what's the point of having a relationship? I also latch on to people who are up front and honest with me, even if it hurts. I would rather have someone tell me the cold, hard truth instead of a sugar-coated lie. In my opinion, a person's honesty shows that they truly care. Along with being trustworthy and honest, I create relationships with people who remain loyal. I don't want a friend or family member to talk behind my back; instead, I want them to tell me how they're feeling straight to my face. A person's loyalty means a lot to me; I'm comforted with knowing that I have people who will be right by my side throughout the highs AND lows in life. It wouldn't be fair if I demanded these character traits from someone without anything in return, so I try my hardest to be as trustworthy, honest, and loyal as I can be towards others.
Traits that are a must in my friends are loyalty, trustworthiness, and honesty. I believe that when you treat people nicely, that they will treat you the way you want them too. My friends should also be honest. I do not like people who lie so I need my friend to be able to tell the truth. A teacher should be respectful. That trait is an important one because they have a lot of kids to help and they need the patients and kindness to put up with all of it. I do not think that all these traits are reasonable. There are a lot of people do not have these traits or they have them but choose not to show them. I believe that these traits are attainable. They are not hard at all. People make it worse then it needs to be. My sister is very honest. People love my sister because she is so sweet and honest. We work really well together because she is honest. We have a better relationship because of it.
-Alexa Shaneyfelt 3rd period
Some of the traits that I value involve honesty. A friend of mine needs to be honest and not keep big secrets from me. If we are truly friends, then things should not be kept to ourselves, they should be told to each other so that we can help each other with them. A friend should also be trustworthy. I trust my friends with a lot, so to be a friend of mine, I have to be able to trust you with things. Something that I look for in an athlete is someone who is dedicated and who puts the team first. The worst type of teammate is the one who is selfish and cares little about the team, because even if he has the skill, he does not help the team win games. Dedication is necessary because it is the only way any player can improve. I do not believe that any of these traits are difficult to get out of people, so I do not think that I am being unreasonable in saying these. I also believe that I have all of these traits, so I can expect them from others without being hypocritical.
Friends and family are truly the most valuable pieces of my life. I do not believe it is possible for them to obtain all of the warrior traits at all times, but at certain times I want them to embody some of those traits. Like if I was trapped in a house fire with them I would want them to have physical strength and courage so they could get us out of there. Or if they had to choose between me and other people they would be loyal to our friendship. Lastly, if I were going through a rough patch, I would expect them to have wisdom to help me through it. I would also demand those traits of myself.
The trait that I value the most is loyalty. And the reason why I value this trait is because as a child, I was always let down which led me to choose my friends and the people close to me more wisely. It's important to me to have people around that I can trust, with my secrets and with my heart because loyalty in people is the key to having good relationships.
When I look for good friends I try to surround myself with people who are honest and loyal, but also who aren’t afraid to be themselves. Growing up I was always very shy, and I was afraid that if I was different I would be made fun of. Throughout the last couple of years though, I have found people that don’t just show me the best side of them, but they help me bring out the best in me and teach me that it’s okay to be myself. I do need them to be loyal and honest though, because I want to be able to put my trust into them if I need someone to be there for me. Not that they will only listen to me babble on about my bad day, but also me there to pick me up and get me back on my feet.
I think that teachers must hold these traits as well because in order to help their students learn, they need to be loyal whether it’s showing up for class every day, or just making the best out of a lesson. They also need to be honest because if they weren’t, students wouldn’t be able to grow and change to get better. If I did horrible with writing a paper, I would like to know what I need to change in order to make it better instead of being told a lie that it was perfectly fine. With the honest truth, I can go back and fix my mistakes, making my knowledge stronger.
These traits are all very important not only in friends and teachers, but within many people around the world. With these shared traits one can learn from new experiences each day, making them a stronger, more positive person.
-Winston, S 5/6*
The traits I value most in friends are loyalty, positivity to keep moving forward in life and making money. I value the day one type friends who will go out of there way for you as you would them. I think having friends like this makes for a happy life. We all have the same goal and that's to be successful in life and that's the kind of people I will put myself around. I'd say my expectations are pretty simple and if you can't follow them then I usually space myself away from that. I think this derives from the world we live in. it is so flawed and filled with lies, so much that when I find people that fit my standards of a real friend, I make sure they know I appreciate them, because those values are not common in today's age.
The traits I value the most in my friends and family are loyalty, acceptance, and understanding. I think it is so important that your loved ones stand by you no matter what. Acceptance is important because they don't have to agree with the choices that I make but they do have to accept them and move on. Understanding is important because everyone has those problems that they're going to have to talk about. I want to be able to talk to someone about a problem and know that they will be loyal to me, accept it, and understand me.
It's important that a teacher has all of these traits. It's important for the teacher to make sure that the students always feel like they are on the same side. When the student has problems with learning something the teacher should be accepting with the fact that maybe they aren't making the right approach, or using the right examples. Understand the problem that the student is having and help them figure it out.
The number one trait that I look for in a friend is honesty. I have lost a lot of friends due to lies, which has then caused me to lose a lot of respect for that person. The second trait I look for is humor. I love to laugh, and I couldn't be close friends with someone that wanted to be serious all the time.
I would also look for these traits in a teacher, but it is also important for teachers to have respect. I don't like when teachers treat all students like the one or two kids who misbehave. I have been lucky enough to only have a couple of teachers like this.
In friends, traits that are a must for me are the traits of being loyal and honest. I have trust issues, so I feel that in order to be friends with someone, I need to be able to trust them and to know that they won't just abandon me in a situation where I need them. In teachers, traits that are a must, are that they also need to be loyal and I need to trust them.. but also that they are responsible and fair. Teachers that are irresponsible show me that they aren't organized that they don't fully care about what they are doing. If they lose a students paper, it tells me that they are somewhat careless and that I can act the same. If they aren't fair, and by that I mean that they treat other students better than some, then it makes me not want to do my best in that class because then I'll feel either way, no matter which category I was in, that it wouldn't matter what I did.
I think these expectations are reasonable because even though I may attain these traits, I feel that everyone should. It makes you a better person and someone that someone else would want to be around with and put trust in. I see these traits in my mother. I know that I can trust her because no matter what, she's always there when I need her and she never makes a promise she can't keep because she doesn't want to break one, and lose the trust that I have in her. She's a responsible adult and she always teaches people fairly no matter what status or abilities they have. These traits are important to me because with them, I am able to build strong relationships.
Loyalty I think is the most important trait. No matter what else they have. I have a hard time making connections with people from being screwed over so many times. So the other traits I don't care as much about. Someone op who is loyal is the most important thing. I don't care if their not the wisest or strongest person. Or if they're the weakest and dumbest. It's their loyalty that counts. But looking past loyalty, no of the other characteristics are more or less important than the others. Everyone is very different, and come from very different backgrounds and lives, so I don't think it's fair to use these characteristics to Judge everyone the same. I think what matters the most is just as a whole, who they are as a person. Not if they're strong or wise. None of the people I look up to I would consider strong. Some not too wise either. I guess the second most important thing to loyalty is them having an understanding of who they are and being ok with it, and not trying to have these traits, but rather them just be like "either I have it or I don't". To me that's what matters most, and makes someone worth looking up to. Not because they have a title or are older, or have all the traits of a warrior.
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