Choose one person who you think has impacted you the greatest. It may be a grandparent, a parent, a neighbor, a teacher, etc. It could be anyone. Explain how they have changed yo in some way. Tell a story that shows how you have been changed or impacted by this person.
My example:
When I was a child, I would go to my my grandparent's house for Spring Break. I would stay without my parent and one of the things I looked forward to was going to the cemetery and going to breakfast. On our way to breakfast one morning, when I was about 13 years old, my grandmother and I saw an elderly woman who was walking down the sidewalk. As we were stopped at the light, we saw the woman fall. She just fell forward and landed on her face. My grandmother said,"When I pull over to the side of the road, you jump out and go over to that woman."
I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I was a kid. But, when my grandma pulled over, I ran across the street to the woman's side. He face was covered in blood. She was shaking. I tried to get her to lay on her side and rest, while the people behind me were calling the police and ambulance. My grandmother came over and started to talk with her. Slowly, she calmed down. The police arrived and the paramedics loaded her into their vehicle. I just stood there.
My hands were covered in her blood. My grandma told me not to touch anything. When we got to the restaurant, I went to the restroom to scrub my hands clean. We later called the hospital to check on the woman and were told that she had a bruised face and I think a broken nose, but she was going to be okay.
I can still remember the blood on my hands. I remember the helplessness I felt at not knowing what to do to hep this woman. My grandmother has since passed away. My heart is heavy when I think of her and the profound impact she had on me. This was just like her. She would go out of her way to help others and she cared deeply for people. She has passed this on to me. Through her example, I am a better person.
A couple months after moving in to my current living location, I met a kid named Brett. We had both grown up living two almost exact opposite lifestyles, and yet at the point I began to get to know him, we were now one in the same. At this point in our lives, we were both living in a household with only a mother and a younger brother. The difference that I would later find out about, was that he had never had any relationship with his father, where I had actually just been introduced to the position of not having one around.
When I had first met him, I really didn't think anything particularly fond of him. Until the first time all the kids in the development we now lived together in, got together to play a game of football outside. I came into this game knowing that I was trained to play football by my dad for the first 15 years of my life that he was present. So naturally, I was playing the game big-headed. Then the hit came. I was thrown the ball and right before I made it into the endzone, I got completely smashed. Afterwards, I simply got up and looked at who had just tackled me smiling because I wasn't expecting it. Brett, who's name I hadn't even known yet, after tackling me to the ground had just turned the other way and waited for the next play. No negative statements towards me, nor arrogant comments about himself. That was the time I thought to myself, I want to get to know this kid.
Now for the sake of saving words and anyone who is reading this' time, I'll skip to the point. Long story short, this dorky looking (stereotypically because he wore glasses) fat kid(at the time, he has since gotten in shape) has now come to be my closest friend. He is like a brother to me, and we are with one another basically every chance we get. Strange it is how someone you couldn't imagine you'd ever talk to could end up being one of the best people you ever meet in your life. This experience has since changed me to definitely live more by the standards of not judging a book by its cover. As generic and boring sounding as that statement it, it could have an enormous effect on your life.
On November, 18, 2010 my dad was in a terrible car accident. A woman drove left of center hitting my dad head on. I knew something was wrong because my dad was always home when I got home from school. I remember getting a call from my neighbors saying there was an accident and my sisters and I should come over to her house. I didn’t get to see my dad for a couple of days because he was in the ICU at metro-health hospital. Both his femurs were broken, his left arm was shattered, a few ribs were broken, and both his liver and his spleen were bleeding. The first time I got to visit him I remember looking at his face and saying to myself, “wow he looks perfectly fine”. But eventually I noticed the rest of him and I knew that he wasn’t in good shape.
The awful part was that the person that caused the accident walked away perfectly fine.He finally got to come home after a month and had to spend a couple months in a wheel chair. This was probably the toughest part for him. He had to sleep in a hospital bed downstairs for months. With the help of some friends, they built him a temporary shower in the garage, since he can’t go up or down stairs. With the help of physical therapy he can now walk now and is perfectly healthy. I remember this day like it was yesterday.
Therefore, my dad is my hero because he made me a stronger person. This accident taught me to live everyday like it’s my last. I now know that if my dad can get through a horrific incident like this one, then I can get through anything. He stayed strong the whole entire time and tried his hardest to push through and walk again. This memory will always be a reminder for me to stay strong and fight for your life because you do only have one life, so make the most out of it.
~Becca Gardella 5/6
My best friend Emily (who is three years younger than me) and I have been friends since I was 8 years old or so. I met her at my friends house that we used to go to before and after school, kind of like a daycare. I remember the first day we got together, at her house. I called and asked if she wanted to come over and hang out. However we were younger than 10 years old, so I would really consider this a play date. We set up all of our Littlest Pet Shop things and played with them for hours. I have been best friends with her ever since.
Being an only child, and having to go back and forth between my parents houses, I have had a lot of stress and bad times throughout the years. Emily has been there right by my side through it all. She is my hero and the little sister that I never had. I don't know what I would do without her. She is always there to cheer me up when I need it. I can act like a total wacko when I am with her and not care what anyone thinks, because all that matters is that we find ourselves funny. Being friends with her has taught me that I should not care what other people think of me. It has also taught me that once you find someone who knows pretty much everything about you, even your deepest darkest secrets, and they love you still the same, then that is a true friend and you should never let them out of your life. I thank God every day that I have her around and that I get to spend so much time with her.
8As I look to the past to recognize someone who has made an impact on my life, I realize that everyone has done so in some way. It can be minute or in a grand scale, but in the end, it's just another chapter in their story. When it is asked to see who my "hero" is, I have no one who is present. A hero in its definition is someone who does deeds in the name of good to assist others who are weaker than them or in their time of need. That isn't the case for me. In my eyes, a hero is not someone, but an aspect of someone, that can change someone else's life in an instant or over time. There is no way to see who is a hero just by looking at them or what they are, it's about the process of thought that comes with someone that makes them a hero.
In my life, I have changed many people and caused many people to change their way of thought. Yet this doesn’t make me a hero. If I were to change the world I live in, I still wouldn't be a hero. This is because a hero is an attribute of someone, and it is up to a person to be a hero in their own right. Many people that i've helped can see me as a hero, but it isn't a defiant feature that defines me. What does is the fact that I like to help others, and that's what matters to me the most.
When it comes to a real hero, at least in my eyes, I have no hero. I see everyone as being able to be a hero, yet no one I know or have seen has been a pure version of what many think is considered a hero. This of course can change with anybody who is willing to become a hero or the aspect of one. All it takes is effort, honor, and a lot of time spent on what you want to do. I really see anyone being a hero, but no one can be a real hero, unless they were to be born that way.
Through out my life my dad has always been my hero. From the day i was born he was always teaching me things in life i would need to know. From cleaning, cooking or fixing things around the house. He taught me to fix flat tires, play pool and the responsibility of being a man. When i had my surgery in 2008 he was always at the hospital, making sure that what ever the doctor did it wouldn't hurt or scare me. He is always by my side no matter what the case may be. To this day he is still teaching me things that i will need to know in life. He stated "I wont be around forever, so i want to make sure you're well prepared for the real world". I always knew what ever we are doing, i'm learning something that will help me in life.
My mom has been the hero figure it my life since the day I was born. Not only has she given me the means to survive, she goes above and beyond that. She is the hero to me because I could not survive without her and everything she does for me. Since taking care of me as a baby, to dealing with my attitude now, she is still always there for me. My mom is a very tough person, but she truly cares for the ones she loves and would do whatever it takes to make them be successful.
My aunt was in a very bad spot in her life this past year and she was in very poor health because of it. My mom would get very mad at her because she was causing herself this harm. My mom had many serious talks with her that made them both cry because they got very deep in conversation. My mom was so tough on her and pulled her back up from the spot she was in, and to this day my aunt is doing great and very happy again. Watching my mom bring my aunt up made me realize how much my mom cares and wants everyone to be successful in life. My mom takes care of everyone, not only our family, but anyone she can help. My mom has given me the world and I cannot thank her enough, and that is why she is my heroic figure and I could not survive without her.
N.Pozna 5/6
When looking back on memories and occasions where I can think of someone who has made an impact in my life, my mom is the first person that come to mind. My mom is one of the most loving and caring person I know. She can act goofy and have fun with us whenever. She is one of a kind and I love her for that. My friends always tell me how much they love my mom and how fun she is, but they don't know her like I do.
My mother is always there when I am struggling in a sport or if I do poorly on a test. She keeps my head up and reminds me of the positive things I have to look forward to. My mom is my rock and one of my biggest supporters. She loves my sister and I very much and that is why she is my hero. She takes care of the people she loves and the people she doesn't even know.
She is a registered nurse and that really helped when we were at the beach over the summer. A young boy was laying on the sand and it seemed as if he had drowned. My mother rushed over to the scene and did everything she can to save the boy. She helped him get a breath of air and continued to take care of this boy until the ambulance arrived. My mother is a hero to all. She is capable of so many great things, and I wish to be just like her when I grow up. She is a role model, a savior and my hero, and I thank her so much for that.
M. Al-Zarraq 5/6 period
For others reading this, it is going to seem very cliche, but for myself, it is very true. My hero in my life is my father. (This would probably enter some sarcastic remarks from my mom about why I didn't choose her as my hero). My father and I have a very strong bond. We are very like-minded, and have very similar tendencies. He has been a big part in my life. From coaching my little league soccer team (even though I despised soccer), to being at every rec league softball game (and making bets with me for hitting homeruns), to coming to every cross country and track and field event I had. He takes pictures of everything that I, and my four other siblings, do. My father supports me in everything I do.
The cliche part is over. My father is literally the strongest person in the world. No, he is not in some record book for lifting however many pounds. When I was just a little, tiny kid, my father experienced really bad depression. It was not just he was sad all the time. It got to the point where he had a plan to commit suicide all laid out. After telling my mother about how scared he was of this plan, my mother said that he had to choose between letting his depression win (and therebye losing her and the three kids he had at this point), or getting help. He chose to get help. My grandfather took the gun that my dad owned away from him as well. It was a long battle. Three months of not even being able to walk to the mailbox without having a panic attack. The thing is, depression lasts longer than three months. I was only a tiny kid at the time, but now I am almost 18 and my dad still had it. He has since been put on 8 different medications, but he is so much better.
My father has helped me through many scares with my friends. I have had several friends who have thought about committing suicide. My dad has been there through every single one. He helped me find the right words to say to my friends, and pushing them to receive help from adults.
I am not the kind of person to cry, and neither is my father. He is one of few people who have ever seen me cry, as well as I am one of few to see him cry. My hero is the man who has been there through everything. He has been there even through battling his inner demons.
B. Geiss 5/6 Period
Being a twin has both its positives and negatives. Personally, I really like being a twin. Of course I do not know any difference, but I enjoy the fact that we go through life at the same pace, so I always have someone to talk to and seek advice from, we share a lot of the same friends, so we have a close tightly-knit group of people to hangout with, we take similar classes, so we can study together and get help if needed, and since we are competitive by nature, it motivates me to continue to push myself and do the best that I can in everything I do. However, being a twin has its negatives as well. Since the day I was born, my brother has always been louder and more dominate than I have. My parents used to say that when we were little he used to talk for me sometimes; so, since I could always rely on him to do this for me, I feel as if it caused me to be the more serious, conservative, and shy one between the two of us.
My brother has always been there for me, so I would have to consider him to be my hero. He teaches me to be outgoing and he slowly breaks me out of my shell. He teaches me to not care about what other people think and to just be myself. He motivates me to do better in everything that I do and to always try my best. I know that if I ever needed him, he would be there in a second. I look up to my brother and appreciate everything he has done for me.
Muha, J 5-6th period
I have no hero. Each person comes with his or her own successes, failures, perspectives, and behaviors. Pinpointing a single person or story would be impossible to accomplish. It is every interaction and experience that I have that teaches me how to become a better person. My parents have taught me to put effort into what I want and not back down. The fights I have had with one of my younger brothers taught me self-control. Teaching martial arts and the numerous people I have encountered there has taught me to be self-confident and stand up for my own beliefs. School has taught me how to interact and meet new people.
There is no simple answer or a single person that has influenced my life in one-way or the other. If it was so then my own perspective and personality would probably be too narrow and not understanding to others. My feelings are a cultivation from numerous people, whether I simply hear a conversation between two people or they eventually become my friend I learn from those people.
Colton Kemp~1
When I think of a hero, the first person that comes to mind is my father. My dad Rudy has not only introduced me to many of the things I love to today but he has shown me how to live in the right way. Sports are a big part of my life and from the beginning I was always never good enough to be on the best team. So, I would come home all sad and down on myself and always at the end of the day my dad would be there for me.
I remember back in the fourth grade I tried out for the travel basketball team. I got the call from the coach telling me I wasn't good enough for the A team so they were going to put together a B team and I would be put on that team. So I started at the bottom and was kind of getting the short end of the stick. But all throughout my childhood my dad preached, all you have to do is get your foot in the door. All I needed to do was get started and then the rest would fall into place. That really fueled my fire, I was filled with ambition after that, and I had a never stop attitude. This mindset was all due to my dads advice. So hopefully after this basketball season I will go onto play college basketball. But all in all this was due to my dads advice.
My hero that is present every day of my life is my mom. My mom is the only person who has been there through everything in my life. As a family, we've faced many hardships, and we've gotten through them together, stronger now then we were previously. My mom can be grouchy and irritable, and seemingly unfair at times, but all in all, I know I can always count on her. My mom has lived a life of struggle as a young kid, and because of this, she has advice for just about any situation I face. My mom is consistent in more ways than one. She is not only always there for her children, but she is continuously doing everything she can to keep her little family happy. My mom is a single parent and has had little help from either my sister's dad or my brother and I's dad. She is strong and never gives up even when life pushes her to the breaking point. I respect her for everything she has done for me and our family and am confident that she will always be there for me in the future. For these reasons and more, my mom has been my hero for as long as I can remember.
Corrine Luzier
5/6 period
A few years back, one of my buddies, Thomas, had taken a leadership position in Boy Scouts; he was the Senior Patrol Leader. Their job is to help plan and run troop activities and make sure that everything is running smoothly. Like all leaders, he an assistant. Although, his assistant didn't do his job and had left the troop. Knowing my personality and my ability to lead, one of the adult leaders, Johnnie Frohlich, had asked me to be the Pitbull for Thomas. The job description was to make sure that all the boys would listen to Thomas and that the meeting ran as it should. At the time, I didn't know what the long term effects were, but I knew that I could know boss people around.
After Thomas' leadership time was up, I became the new Senior Patrol leader. I had since taken the initiative to make sure that the leaders were getting the respect they deserve. This was because Johnnie had faith in me.
Since then, being a leader, and even after wasn't about me. It was about developing everyone under me to be the leaders they need to be in order to be good leaders, to have the skill, the drive, and the respect necessary to lead the troop. It has shaped me into I am today because I think of the benefit of others while in leadership role. It's about making the boys into better men, to help prepare them for what comes later in life.
Without Johnnie, I wouldn't be the leader I am today. I wouldn't have the drive to help others, to make sure they wouldn't be walked all over, and most importantly, that they could experience the things I did, and in a positive way.
One person that really impacted me was my grandpa. He is my hero, even though he passed. When I was younger he took me fishing almost everyday because he had a pond in his backyard. He would always tell me to be myself and do what makes me happy. I trusted him so much and I always had good times with him. My grandpa was a good man and he always did good things for people. I try to be like him. Another thing he would always tell me was "you can do anything you put your mind too." If my grandpa was still around I know he would teach me so much more. I'm not the type of person to really be influence either but he did. My grandpa had the biggest impact on my life and I still see him as my hero even though he's not around anymore.
-Dominic Ferretti
One hero who has truly impacted my life was my grandpa Bob Uline. He was an extremely warm hearted man who loved to help whoever he could. He lived up in Marblehead inside a big wood cabin with a pier at the end of the street, with my grandma. He was always doing little projects to help out the community. He created a whole bunch of neighborhood signs that can still be seen today. He was 82 when he did all of these little projects, and eventually he was diagnosed with lung cancer., he died soon after that.
I have always seen him as a hero because no matter what, he was always willing to help people. As I grew older and further understand what my grandpa did I have looked at him as a hero. I have taken in on what he has done by helping out any way I can, and putting others in front of me. When my grandpa died he was honored with a plaque for helping out the community, the pier at the end of his street is now known as Bob Uline Pier.
the hero in my life is my father. We would always do things together from going fishing to going to high school football games. he is my hero because he is always there for me when I need someone. He is the one person who I could go to if ever needed anything and he would always listen and help me if needed. when we would go to high school football games, he would always talk to the other people that sat by us. He taught me everything I know about sports. I wouldn't know anything about sports without him. He's taught me so much about life and i don't know what i'd do without him.
3rd period
Ten years ago my mother was diagnosed with cancer. I was only eight at the time and I didn't really understand the full capacity of what was going on. I just only really remember how pale and tired she looked all of the time. Even after her treatments she was extremely sick. She would get home from treatment and would sleep for 48 hours straight most of the time. It was rough on our family seeing my mother like this.
I would often ask her if her if she was afraid if she would pass away. Looking back I don't understand why I would ask her so frequently. But she would always tell me no, and I was always puzzled on why she wasn't. But would explain that no matter what God puts us through, he will always be there to protect us, even through death. From her saying that, it has always impacted my viewings on life.
My mom is my hero because she has always been there for me, even through there hardest moments of her life. We have a very close relationship now, and it grows each and everyday. She has taught me so many life lessons that I wouldn't have learned from anyone else. And from that I must always thank her.
Pelka, E. 1st period
When I think of a hero I think of my grandpa. He has taught me everything there is to know about life. All throughout my childhood I feared him because he was strict but as the years went by I learned that he is this way for a reason and he taught me respect. Now he is very sick. He has prostate cancer, diabetes, lives on an oxygen tank, and many more things. He taught me to just enjoy life no matter how hard it gets. He doesn't have that much time left, so I want make every moment count that I have with him. He just a very down to earth little old man that loves his family and it pleases me whenever I see a smile on his face.
Adam Nickles 5/6 period
Just like many people, my father has been the greatest influence in my life. His influence on me, however, is different than many others' stories. My dad was a positive influence on me for many things. He was a good man, and taught me as many things as he could in the time I had with him.
My father was one of the, if not the most unhealthy person I have ever met. It wasn't entirely his fault, he had many diseases and many side effects of the medications, etc. He was also overweight, and was confined to a wheelchair for the last few years of his death because of four strokes he had, and... there was a lot. Anyway, he wasn't healthy, but he wanted all of us (my mom, my brother, and myself) to be. Unfortunately, he never was able to play catch, or go fishing, or do many of the cliche things father-and-son would do. Instead, he would focus on the things he could do, like build models, or paint and draw. He taught us to be good people, and that, he could do. He was one of the best people I have ever known in my life, not to mention his innate ability to make anyone laugh and smile. He had a certain charm to him, at least when he wasn't in the "fog" (the two years in which he had strokes and was almost identical to a mentally disabled 8-year-old). This ability to make someone happy almost made me forget that he was so unhealthy, and in so much pain, because he always had a sincere smile on his face, just happy to be alive and see the people he loved. These things, although important, weren't the only reasons why he was the biggest influence on me.
When my father gave us (my brother and I) advice about exercising, or about eating right, or about martial arts, they always had a certain irony to them. I mean, he used to be fit, but he wasn't healthy at all now, so they would sometimes come off as hypocritical, almost sarcastic. He acknowledged this, of course, and it was good advice, nevertheless. However, even though all the advice he gave us was nice, the best advice he could give us was this: don't be like me. He always told us, "Don't end up like me,". He never wanted us to be like him, at least in a physical sense. He always regretted not being able to do many of the things he wanted to do with us, even less so with me because I was the younger brother, and I didn't remember him when he was healthy. I always found it interesting that this has impacted me as much as it has. He was a literal example of what not to do in order to stay healthy. He was an amazing person in all other respects, but that was the one flaw that shined through. He didn't just mean for us to keep our weight in check, either. He meant for us to be truly healthy people, in every sense of the word. This did not only mean physically, but emotionally and psychologically as well. He wanted the best for us. Most of all, he wanted to try to impact us the most with the little time he had in our lives. This has inspired me to try to be a better person, and to be a force for good in the world. That doesn't mean I don't have flaws, obviously, but I try to use my dad's teachings to help better people's lives, whether it be someone else's or my own. It's interesting how someone can impact you so much, in what seemed like so little time.
-Vincent Franchino, 5/6
I do not have one hero I have two my grandma and grandpa who now have passed. As a child growing up my parents were always at work so I was raised by my grandparents. They took good care of me and raised me well made me who I am today by helping me whenever I needed help and just being there for me whenever I needed someone. I trusted them a lot they never let me down. They gave me everything they could I could not have asked of anything better. I always had good times with them. They would always tell me to be myself and always be happy. They were the biggest impacts on my life.
Toor, Jasmeet 1st period
My hero in my life is my grandpa Strazar. He helped me grow and become the person who I am today. He was kind, and gave everyone and everything an equal chance. I loved him and I will forever miss him. He passed away years ago and it was a very sad moment in my life. He never judged anyone and he always saw the good side of every person. Any common comedian couldn't be as funny as he was.
When I was young, the whole family would head out to the lake and we would swim, fish, and camp out. One night, while camping, my grandpa sat me down while looking at stars. He told me that I could be whatever I wanted and I have lived by that to this day. I will never forget all he has done for me, to make him my hero.
The first person I think of when I hear the word "hero" is my pappaw. He is a very kind and friendly man. In all of the time I've known my pappaw, I have never heard him say that he regrets anything that has ever happened to him.
He has faced many hardships growing up in West Virginia. Though he grew up in a very loving family, they did not have much money or material items. He always made the best of what he had and passed that down to his children and grandchildren. Every time I get to talk to him, he tells me a different story about his life. At the end of the story, whether the ending is good or bad, he always tells me how he would not change a thing. His family and close friends mean the world to him and they are who he lives for.
My pappow has taught me a lot about respect and that I should't take my life for granted. He has taught me that even though things in my life may not always be easy and fun, but my family and friends will always be there for me.
Bloxsom, N. 5/6th period.
One person who has impacted me the most throughout my life would have to be my dad. He is the type of person to get things done no matter how many obstacles may stand in the way. He will always put others before himself. He has taught me so many things I had never thought I would do because I am sort of lazy, but I have done these tasks such as changing brakes or tires on a car, building a fence, or even painting every room inside my house. There is no specific story or event that has made him my hero. It's the way he lives his life and the things he does for his family, friends, and community on a daily basis that makes me think of him as my hero. He has always supported me in almost anything I have done or underwent. He is one person who I can say I can always rely on no matter what day it is and that is why my dad will always be my hero.
Mike Glencer 5/6 period
When I read the prompt for this week I immediately knew my answer. My dad is my hero. From day one my dad was always there to pick up the pieces. When my mom left us and later passed away my dad knew he had to be our strength and he set that example of strength for me to follow.
Throughout my whole life my dad has always been the strong one. In 2012 my dad was diagnosed with cancer and he because an even bigger hero and inspiration to me. My dad went above and beyond to do all that he possibly could for us even through his pain. Even though my dad is not here with us today he has inspired me to stay strong and continue fighting no matter how rough the battle is.
Astorc 5/6
A person that has impacted who I am today is definitely my grandmother. She died during the spring of my freshman year, but still had an everlasting influence on my life.
First of all, she was the bravest and strongest woman I ever knew. My grandfather and uncle both passed away one after the other, but my grandmother didn't let that defeat and depress her. Later in her life, her sister died as well, and I was actually around to experience that. My grandmother obviously grieved for her sister, but also tried as hard as she could to stay strong in front of her grandkids.
Along with staying strong, she was also very dedicated to her grandchildren. She went to every sporting event that we were involved in and cheered as hard as she could. During the summer, my cousin, sister, and I would spend as much time as possible at her house and she always made sure our stomachs were extra full. Whenever we needed to talk, she was there for us, throwing in some of her own advice as well. My grandmother was also very religious and talked with us numerous times about the word of God. I now go to youth group at my church mainly because of her and I just hope I'm making her proud.
What really inspired me was the way she handled her diagnosis. My grandmother was diagnosed with cancer right around her birthday, but didn't seem to let that control the rest of her life. She tried so hard to act like nothing was wrong when we obviously knew there was. During her last days when everyone was surrounding her bed, she continually asked why we were crying so much and that we shouldn't worry because she would soon be in a beautiful place without any pain. The last words that I remember her saying were, "I will always love you." Those words and her strong, loving, and funny personality will be with me for as long as I live.
Back when I was a Sophomore, my dad and I were out to lunch and he asked me about college. The topic in general annoyed me every time it was brought up because when I was a freshman and someone would ask me what I wanted to do, everyone would always yell at me when I said I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life. But at that time, I had an idea of what I wanted to do. I wanted to do something with film editing or photography. I told my dad that and he just laughed and said I probably wouldn't be successful in it. It really hurt me and when I got home, I was a wreck.
My mom was there and when she asked me what was wrong, I just blew up on her. I was so angry at my dad and I took it out on her. She just hugged me and told me to not let him get to me. She told me that I could do whatever I wanted to if I put my mind to it. My mother is who I think of when I think of the word "hero" because she has saved me from feeling anger from my dad and taking it out on people, which pushed them away.
One person who has impacted me throughout my life would be my Mom. My mom has been there for me all of my life. In a world of terrifying variables my mom has been a consoling constant. She is the reason I am who I am today. She taught me how to be kind, polite, and a good person in general. As a child she would take me volunteering places like March of Dimes and Make a Wish. Being in this environment taught be to be thankful for what I have, even if it's not as much as everyone else. My mom is a hard worker, and I like to think I am too. Throughout my life my mom has had many jobs, from working with kids to working at speedway to working with handicapped people. At all of these places she is well liked and counted on to be there. I hope to one day be half the person she is.
My best friend Erica is my hero. We met about 2 years ago, when her dad became my softball coach. We're both really stubborn, so at first, we weren't really fond of each other. Our dads became friends though, so we were forced to be around each other and eventually became the close friends that we are today. Erica's parents are divorced, so she lives here with her dad during the summer and on school breaks, and in Arizona with her mother during the school year. I have recently gone through some very difficult personal issues, but Erica, despite being almost 2000 miles away 9 months out of the year, has supported me every step of the way. She always knows what the right thing to say is, even if I don't want to hear it, and she is only a phone call or text away when I need her. She's constantly making me a better person by making me step back and get the bigger picture on things. She has had a huge impact on my life, even if we haven't been best friends for a very long time.
In the beginning of freshman year, I met my best friend Emily. She has been there for me for absolutely everything that has happened in my life in the past four years. I met her in 9th grade history class by her telling me stupid blonde jokes one day. Ever since then her and I have just clicked. Her and I both agree that we have never met anyone who have just clicked like the way that we do. We even finish each others sentences. We do absolutely everything together and she has changed my life.
When I was a freshman, I got myself into the wrong crowd of people for a very long time. It was a hard time for me. I wouldn’t do anything in school and I didn’t care about anyone but myself and that group of people. When I met Emily, she changed my life. She got me out of that crowd of people and helped me become the person I am today. She has taught me to not care what other people think of me and that I don’t have to fit in with every person that I meet. She has showed many things and has helped me grow up. I am so blessed to have her in my life and I cant wait for what the future has for us!
Krencisz, A 3period
Since 8th grade, I have been in marching band. I’ve been to a countless number of competitions, which I spent hundreds of hours on busses driving too, waiting to perform a show that I spent thousands of hours rehearsing. Through our success and failure, Mr. Wardeska has guided us through our experience so that we can learn and grow from it to have a better performance next time.
This past weekend, we traveled to the University of Akron’s Infocision Stadium. The weather was inconsistent; sunny, rainy, stormy, calm. We prepared the best we could, but when we got on the field, it was very windy, and it started to rain. Our performance was not as good as it could have been.
We still came in 1st place despite our performance being lower quality than possible. People were upset that Mr. W told us we hadn't done our best, because we still came in 1st place. In reality we hadn’t done our best because we did not improve. We did not perform as well as we could have.
I have learned many important lessons the past 5 years. Although it is called a competition, it is not all about winning. It is about competing with yourself to become better than you were before, and although everyone would love to win, if you are doing your best, then you have won.
Megan Zajkowski
When you say hero, some people think of characters such as superman. In my case, the first person i think about is my mom.
My mom is my hero, she is my super woman. My mom is the most supportive, inspirational and loving person i could ever imagine. I look back on life and I remember all the people who have come and left, except my mom. She has loved me through the many, many, many mistakes i've mad. I think about some of the mistakes i've made in life and i think how she still puts up with me. She is my best friend, and i hope that one day i could be even half the woman she is.
One of the roughest point of my life was probably middle school. I wound up in a group of bad kids, i was dealing with bullies, i had lost someone who i was very close with to cancer, and it just seemed like my life was falling apart in every way imaginable. When i look back, i don't think about the struggles that i was facing, i remember my mom and the light that she brought into my life.
Without my mom, I don't know where i'd be today. I can not imagine my life without her, she has gotten me through everything and I owe her everything.
My hero is a close family friend of mine named Mary-Beth. Mary-Beth is my hero because of all that she has not only done for my family, and I but also everything she has dealt with. She has had multiple extreme health issues and injuries. She was once in a car accident and the paramedics thought she was dead. She woke up in the morgue. She has now been diagnosed with cancer and is currently preparing for what the doctors call 'the fight of her life.'
The part that makes it amazing for me is the fact that she never loses sight of what is important and that she never stops loving her family and friends, like my family and I. She has the strongest connection to God that I've ever seen in my life and that connection and friendship she has with God is what gets her through her ordeals. She knows that God always has a plan and that any hardships she has to deal with is a lesson for her to learn and that is why she is my hero. Her attitude inspires me to live the way she does and know that everything that happens has a purpose and I can learn from that purpose.
Paul Smith
3rd Period
Through out my life there has been so many people to come and go. I learned not to get attached because it makes it 10 times easier for someone to break your heart. In complete honesty someone to be considered your hero would have to have done something that completely turned your life around or said somethings that completely changed your perspective on life. That is a extremely hard thing to do. I've grown up in a very loving family and wonderful friends to surround me but a complete stranger is the person that had turned my life around.
Every 6 months usually I go to my grandparents house in North Carolina. The area is beautiful. When we went out hiking in the mountains one day I threw a fit because I was getting attacked by bees so I walked back to the car on my own. Unfortunately for me the car was locked so I went over on a bench next to a old man and sat and looked at the view. He turned to me after about 10 minutes and I asked me my name and started short conversation. Then before I knew it we were talking about how he had been diagnosed with ALS and was soon to die. Immediately I felt sorrow for the old man and said my apologizes. He told me that he wants to make a difference on someones life before his is over because he felt all the years he has been on this Earth have been wasted. He told me to live my life to the fullest potential. To never take no for an answer. To be a success and do whatever it takes. Live my life the way I dream while I am young. Don't take short cuts because the long way is full of adventure. To do stupid things while I am young so I can look back and cherish all the memories I have made. He told me not to "wait until tomorrow" because tomorrow could be to late. He said to fall in love but let it happen on its own because he believes that this is a perfect someone for me on this planet and that patience is key. He ended by telling me that others opinions should always be irrelevant compared to my own. What I want to do should be the only thing that matters because you want to make a success in your own way. At this point I began to cry because I realized I am one of the most negative people alive. And since that day almost every decision I make is based off of what he said and to me he is my real hero.
Ally Modie 3rd period
There are many people that have impacted my life in various ways but one person that has changed it the most was my mom. My mom basically raised me by herself and I’ve learned a lot from her. I’ve learned to always stay independent and to never look down upon people. My mom does so much for me and always is going out of her way to help out people. She taught me to never be selfish and but never be to forgiving that I become native. My mom was never the type to just hand me things she raised me to work for what I want. I got my first job when I was fifteen, I worked at McDonalds and as much as I hated it I stuck it out and didn’t quit because my mom didn’t raise me to be a quitter. With the absence of my dad I learned that you can’t always depend on people therefore you have to depend on yourself. Now I work at Panera and with balancing school it gets hard but I won’t give up.
Giavonna Gilbride
So many people have been a hero to me in my life so far, but Mr. Scherry, a friend of mine and scout leader has been a hero to me. He was one of the first people who inspired me to take my scouting experience to the next level. It was at a pack 3513 campout at Brooklyn Exchange when Troop 513 came to camp with us. There I remember him carving faces into golf balls, and I thought it was really cool. After watching him for a while he gave that golf ball to me, I still have it inside my Cub Scout shadow box because that’s how much his action meant to me. The act of him giving me something he put so much time into really meant a lot. It was his kindness and cheerfulness that inspired me to want to join Boy Scouts. Without his kindness I wouldn’t have had the drive to participate in scouting, where I met a lot of really awesome friends and where I learned so many valuable things. If I did not join scouts I would not have been exposed to these things. And I am grateful for his action to have inspired me to do this. He is a living example of strength. Even with all of his health issues he fights through the pain to do what he loves best. He always has a smile on his face and tries to make others laugh as well. This is why I view him as my hero.
A hero to me has to be my Uncle Stuart. Stuart is 57 years old and is living by himself at this moment, but for the past years, and really for all his life he has battled with numerous medical problems that has forced him to stay in the hospital for large amounts of time, then into assisted living. My uncle is a hero to me because as long as I have been alive he has had to fight, whether it has been his diabetes that he was diagnosed with when he was a child, or his amputation of both his legs due to the effects of the diabetes. And with all of these fights, he has attempted to maintain as positive of an attitude as he could, and has been optimistic through it all.
Over the past two years my uncle has had to get both of his legs amputated due to the struggle of his diabetes. One amputation is under the knee, and one includes the knee. He was in the hospital for about two months during this time, then into assisted living for another three or four, and during that time he has his ups and downs, but overall he continued to laugh about the little things, even maybe laugh at the situation which must be very hard to do. Seeing him in the hospital constantly hurt our family, but seeing him be much more positive about it than the rest of us was a breath of fresh air, and because of that attitude, my uncle Stu is a hero to me.
My sister is the most important person in my life. She has impacted my life in more ways than I can count. All my friends and family now how much I love to read and my sister, Samantha, was the one who actually got me into reading. I absolutely hated to read. I never read my summer reading or the books we have to read in school. Sami was the one who always love to read. On January 1st of 2013, my family always ask each other what our New Year’s resolution is going to be this year. Once again I had nothing. I usually never do one because I never follow through with them but my sister bet me that I could read The Host by Stephenie Meyer. There are about 6oo pages in the book and my family never thought I could do it. I wanted to watch the movie when it came out three months later so I made the bet with Sami. The next day I began reading. Honestly, I didn’t think I could do it. I never read before and only three months to read that many pages was insane but I guess I was insane because in one month I had the whole book read. I loved to book. After that my dad started bringing books home for me to read and I loved all of them. I know how lame this is and how lame I probably am for admitting this but I love to read and all because of my sister. Say I love books is an understatement. I read all the time. Everyday. Once I was reading, I started writing more. That got me think about my future. All because of Sami, I decided to do a double major in Pre- Law and Journalism. Sami made my future.
Sami has the best heart out of anyone. She puts others first before she would ever even consider helping herself. Samantha makes me want to be a better person. Even though we are twins we could be noting different. Sami is my best friend and I do not know what I would be without her. We could all learn something from her because she has a heart of gold.
-Alexa Shaneyfelt 3rd period
There are many different people in my life that are heros to me for many different reasons like for school or sports but the one that means the most to me is my Papa. He didn't teach me about school or sports but really just about life and how to work really hard and be a good guy. I didn't realize just how much he taught me until he passed away last year. He was a Cleveland firefighter and even firefighter of the year once. At his funeral I saw how so many people respected him and how he helped everybody with whatever they needed. He was never too busy for anyone and there was not anything he could not figure out or fix. Because of him I want to help everyone I can and I want to become a fireman myself when I am old enough.
k. hotz 5/6
Three years ago, my mother left me, my dad and my sister. And we now had to learn to live on one paycheck to pay off bills, and a house payment that only my dad could pay with the help of my mother.
We were left financially crippled, and with all three of us grieving,
we all began clashing heads, which soon caused a big gap between us.
With my dad at work all day, and my sister and I fighting every day, it was a living hell. I felt like I had no one, despite having a best friend that my father wouldn't let me see.
My best friend, Christian, still messaged me through facebook, despite everything my father said to him. He was also messaging me the night my mother left, and despite having to get up early he stayed up half the night with me until I finally had stopped crying. And soon enough, I was falling for him.
He was there when I needed him, and later on I convinced my father to let me be with him and after four long years, christian and I are still together. And happily in love.
Karra Adkins, 1st period.
I would say that my grandfather was my hero; he always had my back through some of the roughest times in my life. I can distinctly remember one time; it was a Friday at a hospital just as he was there for a heart problem. Little did any of us know he was going to die that Sunday, he did though, he knew he was going into the next stage of life. I knew that he had a feeling because he told my father all the things he should do if he were to die. That Friday at the hospital he did sit there and pity himself, he was actually quite cheerful. He asked me that day what I wanted to do for the rest of my life and I told him I wasn’t sure all I knew was that I wanted to help people. He then looked me in the eyes and said you do what makes you happy and to never give up on my dream then he took my hand and made a fist with it. He said I know that life can get hard but you need to power through the hard times and remember that I love you and your family loves you and that’s all that matters. I can still remember the way he said it and the tone of voice he used. The thing I can remember the most distinctly is the tear that fell from his left eye at the end of his words. I didn’t know that would be the last time I talked to him but I have a feeling he did. He is my superhero because he decided to help me with my life before his own. This has changed my life a lot, when times get tough I remember those inspirational words he used, I remember the look in his eye. He may not have super powers but he had a special way of getting into people’s hearts and making them feel better and that is a power that not many obtain and even fewer use. Now I know that he is looking down on me and in my times of despair I think of him and everything seems smaller and more manageable.
It was 2:30 in the morning on Christmas Eve as we rushed to the hospital. My sister, who was laying in the backseat, cried as her fever spiked to 104.7 degrees. Running into the emergency room doctors started to swarm around us for a fever that high could be fatal. All that was going through my head were questions about what was happening and fear took over my body as the thought of losing my sister popped into my mind. After nearly two hours of IV fluids and tests, the doctors told my parents that she was diagnosed with stage two Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia and would have to be admitted into surgery the next day. No one ever plans to spend their Christmas on a surgical operating table, especially at the age of 7, but for my sister that was the only option she had. The procedure took 6.5 hours and after what felt like 6.5 years, the doctors finally came out and stated that she successfully made it through surgery and would be moved back up to her room in a couple hours.
The first few weeks went by but we still couldn’t comprehend everything that was going on. It was so strange to think that my own little sister was diagnosed with cancer that came out of nowhere. She spent months and months in the hospital at a time undergoing chemo treatments and multiple surgeries, and all I could do to help was pray that she would be okay.
After what my sister went through I would definitely say she is my hero. From undergoing 4 years of cancer treatments and 5 different surgeries, she can proudly say that she has been cancer free for almost 3 years now. The reason that she is my hero is because at such a young age she had to give up school, her friends, her bedroom and basically the fun and outgoing life she knew in order to fight the disease that was taking over her body, but she never gave up. I have never seen such strength and courage from such a little girl and it inspired me to fight any battle that gets in my way. She woke up every day with a positive heart and always said “I may be little, but I’m stronger than the cancer” which is what the doctors always told her. That strength and courage will always remind me that I can get through anything as long as I believe in myself, and that’s why my little sister is my hero.
Winston. S. 5/6*
In my opinion, I have several heroes in my life, but if I had to choose just one, it would be my sister, Julie. Julie is my oldest sister, she’s fourteen years older than me, and we have different moms, but the same dad. Julie has helped me through just about everything that you can help someone through. She has not only been my sister and my best friend, but also an amazing role model to me. It’s not always favorable to be the adult that sets the good example, but my sister has always taken on that role and even though she may not come off as “the cool sister” she is the one that I would go to for anything.
At a young age, probably around 6 or 7, my parents’ divorce was finalized. My dad had custody of me. Times were rough for both my mom and my dad. After all, lawyers aren’t cheap. Anyways, my sister moved in with my dad and I after my mom moved out. Julie would help me get ready for school in the morning, send me off to school, then she would pick me up after school, she’d make sure that I got something to eat, and she would just hang out with me. My sister was in her early twenties. That was probably not her idea of a good time, but she spent the time with me anyways because she knew I needed her.
Julie always put me before herself and strived to set a good example for me. Not to mention, she’s always been there for me when I needed her. She comforted me through all of my little relationship break ups, she’s given me a place to live when my dad and I couldn’t work out an argument, she’s picked me up from the ER after my first car accident, she’s supported me in everything that I’ve done, and she’s never sugar coated the truth with me. Julie couldn’t be a better hero to me. She’s taught me to always be polite, no matter how rude someone else is. She’s taught me that I have a mind of my own and that I should use it. She’s taught me not to degrade myself, and strive to do my best and be the best person I can be.
My sister has impacted me because she is such an astounding person. She’s not one to say, “Do as I say, not as I do”. Julie sets the example for me. My sister has been with her husband since her sophomore year in high school. She now has two children and a beautiful house. Everything that my sister has told me to do, she has already done, or would be willing to do so. To me, Julie is my hero because she is the perfect example of the person that I hope I can be one day. She’s selfless, smart, forgiving, understanding, loving, and accepting.
Rachel Luna 3rd period
My stepfather has always been the person that has impacted me the greatest. He came into my life when i was 2 years old after my parents had divorced and he had treated me as his own flesh and blood ever since. Whenever my father isn't there for me or when i need someone to be, my stepdad is there. I know there's a negative stereotype associated with stepparents, but for me, that stereotype has never been true. I've been taught how to look after myself, fix things, and been given plenty of future advice from him. He has been the person that has impacted my life the greatest.
Boltz 1st period
When I was little I always looked up to my dad. My dad was the light in my life and the daddys girl role really did mean something in my family. My dad is my rock and I would do anything for him. Recently when I was a sophomore, my dad had gotten a job in Alaska and he was going to be there for 3 weeks and then come home for ten and then repeat. It was hard saying goodbye and it still is to this day but I manage to get through it day by day because he can.
When I was little I was swinging on a rope with my friend on a tree and when she swung down the rope snapped causing me to fall and hit my head on a little tykes table. I went into the house and my parents were concerned and my dad carried me to the car. As we were at the emergency room the people said your daughter needs a cat-scan so the ambulance came and picked me up, my dad was there the whole time in the ambulance and in the cat-scan room. I love my dad very much and it is very hard to type this but I know he wants me to be as strong as he is being right now.
PieperK October 19th
11:.36 pm
Someone who has really impacted me and the way I've grown up is my mother. She's one of the strongest people I've ever met, she's been through so much. Almost fifteen years ago, my parents brought my brother and I over to America from Ukraine. We were the only ones of our family here, we did not know anybody and had nobody to turn to. My parents both worked hard. My father had a job and went to school. My mother had to balance taking care of two kids, working two jobs and going to school so she could get a better job.
She has lost so much and given up even more so my brother and I could have a better life. She's given us more than we could ever ask for. Even after she lost both of her parents, both in a matter of months, she still went to work and took care of us. Even the little things she still does mean so much. My mother has shaped who I really am today.
Husak, Lina 5/6
well i dont have such an emotion story like everybody else but my hero is my mother. i feel that my mom is easily my hero. growing up in such a tough area and not being the richest to having such a nice home and being successful now. my mom is always inspiring and backing me up with anything i want to do in life. there is nothing greater than that. no matter what i chose or what i want to do, my mom will always be there till the day she passes and thats such a great feeling. she can make me feel like i can accomplish anything. my mom will always be here for me. to keep me safe, provide love and just make sure im happy and successful and its a great feeling. heros should not be portrayed as fighting evil etc. but instead just somebody who goes beyond what the normal human would. to me thats a hero.giving a homeless man $5, to me is considered a hero. any amount will and can help thay poor man change his life around. being a hero goes farther than just fighting off evil, but instead helps keep people secure and make others feel cared about. my mom will always be this for me. i know she will always be here to love me.
One person that has impacted my life more than anyone has been Lexi Poerner. I met Lexi freshman year when she became my LINK Leader and i met her for the first time. During orientation she simply taught me the words of "Just Be You" as a lesson to remember throughout high school. At the time i didnt think to much about it because i thought it was somewhat cliche. I talked to Lexi from time to time throughout the year and looked up to her. After the accident happened on June 3, 2012 i will never forget how much everything had changed. Those simple three words changed completely and it changed my whole thought process and life. This motto is the life motto i live by and Lexi is in my thoughts each and everyday. My whole personality is based off of who i want to be because of Lexi and i owe it all to her. She probably didnt even realize how much she was going to impact my life.
My dad is a superhero in my life, everyday he works and does so much for my family and he expects nothing in return. My dad changed my life dramatically when he broke his leg one summer and I had to help take care of him while my mom worked. During this time our lives, I saw my dad go through a lot of trouble with his injury And in the end, he showed me how to persevere through hard times and even though you're going though a tough time you can still have fun and smile. My dad has honestly changed the way I see the world and the way that I act. I don't even know where I would be if I didn't have my dad. I'm extremely grateful for him in my life.
- Wiley 3rd period
The person that has impacted my life the most would be my mom. She has taught me a lot growing up and has always been there for me. My mom has taught me how to be a stronger person. She has been through a lot of struggles but always handled it well and I will always learn from that. She's always taken good care of me and has always watched out for me. For example, in the summer I had to go to the emergency room due to an injury from gymnastics. I landed on my neck and head to get an x-ray and CAT scan. We were worried that it would be something serious and put me out of the gym and for my senior year. Through that whole situation, my mom kept me calm and helped me stay positive. Another example, when I was in sixth grade, I was out of school for about three months due to back surgery. My mom supported me through the whole thing and was always there in case I needed something. My mom helped me recover and again helped me stay positive. This is why I consider my mom to be my hero. I could name a bunch of people I could consider my hero but my mom is always been here.
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