Choose a scenario: a classroom conversation; a television show/movie; an interview with an athlete, writer, artist; a conversation with a family member; or anther situation you find yourself present for. Examine the scenario and record how you see Mindset.
Here is an example for you to follow:The movie Remember the Titans:
Coach Boone: This is where they fought the battle of Gettysburg. Fifty thousand men died right here on this field, fighting the same fight that we are still fighting among ourselves today. This green field right here, painted red, bubblin' with the blood of young boys. Smoke and hot lead pouring right through their bodies. Listen to their souls, men. I killed my brother with malice in my heart. Hatred destroyed my family. You listen, and you take a lesson from the dead. If we don't come together right now on this hallowed ground, we too will be destroyed, just like they were. I don't care if you like each other of not, but you will respect each other. And maybe... I don't know, maybe we'll learn to play this game like men.
Here Coach Boone is trying to help his players change their mindset on how they see others and how they interact with each other. They came to camp a town divided by race, and in the end they have begun to demonstrate the growth mindset. They allowed their views of others to change--to grow. As a result, they won games, worked hard for each other, and formed lasting relationships with their teammates. Those who were unable to change, the fixed mindset, found themselves unable to perform as athletes and form the friendships on the team.
An example I've seen in my life of mindset is at the gym. One of the skills needed is a standing full. You can see each mindset of the athletes based on the effort put into tumbling. Those with a growth mindset are the ones who attend open gyms as well as push themselves to get the skill. They accept that they're going to fail, yet still get up and try again. As opposed to athletes with a fixed mindset who only practice the skill when they have to, do it a couple of times, and quit. They take the easy way out, and don't go for much of a challenge. However, those with fixed mindset can change into a growth mindset whether its from motivation or just training themselves to take on more of a challenge.
An example I saw during these past few days was in math. One student said that they are not good at math and never have been. This mindset is fixed in my eyes because the student has basically given up and is very negative. However, if one wants to change and have a growth mindset they would need to do the following. They need to change their attitude and instead of saying they aren’t good at something and that is that, they need to be positive and work hard. They need to say statements like, for example, “I may be doing poorly right now but I will improve with some hard work and dedication.”
An example I saw was at my rugby conditioning. we did running drills and sprints. I noticed that some players pushed and tried hard to succeed. This showed a growth mindset because these players told themselves, "I can do this" and the effect was positive in that they showed more motivation. Others went slow and, some, almost gave up. These players were pushed by the other ones telling them the following, "We are a team, we will succeed together" or, "Come on, you can do this, this training is for our next championship, don't let us down." This showed a fixed mindset at first because the players were trying to practice at their rate and almost tried to quit. It became a growth mindset because, with their teammates' motivation, they too were able to succeed.
AN example that i witnessed in the past years was someone who seemed apposed to meeting new people and in general talking to anyone. He had a fixed mindset that he wouldn't fit in with anyone so in turn he isolated himself from everyone. He didn't even give himself a chance, and without the chance that meeting a new person could lead to friendship he was alone. At some point he began to have a different out look and later began socializing and meeting new people. He had made friends and this is a result of him opening his mind and taking on the possibility of failure. A fixed mindset is now a growth mindset and his friends new friends are living proof.
-Nathan Acevedo
In the Magley household I am the youngest by 7 years and the only female. My two Magley men, especially my brother, have closed off mind sets. I am a free spirit and I often am changing because I keep my life at a busy pace, unless I'm daydreaming. For some reason, God knows why, my brother and father can't seem to grasp the fact that my lifestyle and my poor decisions from the past are things that I do not let define me fully, as well as things that I know I can change. ( because I have a growth mind-set). The way they think is pretty absurd to me. They scream and insult me saying that I'm going to be nothing more than a druggie, pointless waste of life. They can't seem to open their minds, to see that people do change. Everyday as they spew forth their venomous words, I retreat, only feeling sorry for the narrow minded people like them. Maybe I should get them to take your class, Perrin.
An example that I have seen is my dad. He was a reasturant manager for most of his life but he has always had the mindset of a runner. He loved to run, everyday, with 100 plus miles a week. He always said that he would want to open up a store one day, but no one believed he would, which I think pushed him harder. He worked constantly at the reasturant, but on his time off he spent hours on end learning about different shoes. Which ones supported stability and which ones were natural. He concentrated day and night on what he really loved doing, and finally, in October of last year he opened his own store. He is now doing really well. I remember his struggles of that everyday because it reminds me that I can do anything I want. He had such a great mindset the whole time during it, which was to never give up in what you believe in.
An example I recently encountered was a friend telling me that she had done something bad but she blamed everybody else for what she had done. She did not own up to anything she had done and I came to her and told her that she needs to own up and stop blaming people for her mistakes, then she blamed me. I could not understand why she opted to blame everything from her sister to an instagram post, but it do not do anything but show me she had a negative outlook on herself and the decisions she makes in her life.
An example I've seen was during football practice everyone is down and upset because practice is just the worst thing because its just full go everyday. if you take one break off during a play you will get yelled at or someone will make a play over you. So later on in practice we just have to motivate each other to get better at what we do and get ready for the big games on Friday. Its some what of a changing mind set but once were thinking about the positive stuff there's no turning back for us
An example of mindset in my life would be when I was a swimmer. I used to have a fixed mind set and thought I couldn't get any faster. But after pushing from my coach's and teammates, I began to have a more open mindset and work hard to reach the goals I wanted. Once I had an open mindset I could get through the sets, and be more confident at swim meets and that led to me reaching my goals.
An example of mindset in my life is when I am out on the field playing soccer. There is not one time where I should be slowing down on the field or going my hardest. I need to stay focused so I can be one of the best on the field. I need to keep the mindset of being the best and to work my hardest or else I won't accomplish what i want to accomplish. Mindset is an important part in whatever you do.
Ive seen examples of this in a classroom one time. we were all working together in a classroom project when one of my partners said he couldn't do it he wasn't that smart. His mindset is fixed and he'll only do what he knows. If he said he doesn't know but he'll learn and get better he would have a growth mindset.
An example of mindset in my life is when im playing rugby. The whole team has to have the same mindset of winning or we will fall apart. individually i have to stay focussed and do my part on the team. If someone has a negative attitude we always bring them up and change for the better
An example of a fixed mindset is this week when I was helping the little boy I babysit with his homework. He was getting frustrated so I kept encouraging him; however he just kept replying "I can't do this, I'm not smart enough". This shows a fixed mindset because he doesn't see his potential in his learning environment.In my opinion, every time someone says the words "I can't" they are showing a mixed mindset because nothing is impossible.
Rachel Deighton 3rd period
An example of mindset that I have observed is the self-esteem teenagers hold for themselves. Many believe and will openly say things that belittle who they are. They also comment on how they wish they could be like someone else. I'm sure all of us hold a bit of self-confidence issues however, when it is taken too far you can become nervous and feel like you never belong. When this happens people tend to distance themselves from everyone else. We're all different and in one aspect that makes us the same in one way. These mindsets push everyone apart when in actuality we should be united in the fact that we're all different and there is a place where each one of us belongs.
A scenario that I believe shows a strong example of "mindset" is depression. In this situation, those with a fixed mindset give in to their depression, which sometimes leads to self-harm or even suicide. However, those with a growth mindset work to make themselves happier, find help, and/or surround themselves with happier thoughts.
An example that I have seen recently of mindset has happened in my physics class. One of my fellow student had demonstrated a fixed mindset, he did this when after recieving a C- on a test he just put the test away and did not care about what he did wrong and what he caould do to fix. people who have an a fixed attitude like this person do notachieve great success in life because they are satisfied with mediocrity. however a person with a growth mindset has an attitude of discovering how to improve on theur failures. After getting a C- on a test a person with a growth mindset would ask the teacher how couldthey do better and what would they have to do to achieve success the next time.
An example of mindset I saw was in my chemistry class. Some people have given up saying that they can not do chemistry and that it is impossible. These people have a fixed mindset because they think they are stuck understanding what they do. Additionally,, there are others in the class that continuously work and try to learn new things every day. People who do this have the growth mindset because they do not believe that they are stuck knowing and understanding what they do.
An example that I have seen would be at the gym for cheer practice. In August when we finally got our teams, a couple people including myself weren't too happy about the team we were placed on. We thought that our team got the short end of the stick and that we weren't going to be that good. As practices went on we would attempt our stunts and they would not hit. We didn't have that good of tumbling and not many people were coming in to work on their skills. A couple weeks ago we started hitting our stunts consistantly and more people were throwing skills that they were scared of. In the beginning of the season we had a fixed mindset because people were doubting our team and the skills we had. Now we have a growth mindset because we are more positive and we encourage eachother. We we growing as a team and working hard to achieve the things we need to in order to be the best we can be.
-Maddie Norton
An example that I have seen of a fixed mindset is in the eyes of one of my friends. She is always negative and doubtful about herself which leads to a very low self confidence. She finds it very difficult to make new friends or even be comfortable around new people in a different environment. She has this view in her head that nobody is going to like her and there is no use of trying to meet new people. She is afraid to try new things and experiment with different surroundings. I'm trying to get her to feel more confident about herself so it will be easier for her to do things without all of the self doubt. if you always look for the negatives in life and choose to live in the shadows, you will never be happy.
An example of mindset in my life would be in dance class. In class, if you don’t try your best, then someone else can get a better spot than you in a competition dance or recital dance. This shows changing your mindset because if are trying your best and someone still receives a better spot than you, it can be discouraging. You just have to keep in mind that if you keep trying your best, and improve your technique, the spots could be changed if you show more improvement than the other person.
One place I saw that showed mind set this week was when I was babysitting. I had to help the kids with their homework. The little girl I babysit is in second grade and she had to do a review worksheet with addition and subtraction. Even though she knows how to do these, there were a lot of problems on the page so she got frustrated and said that she couldn't do it. She said she wasn't smart enough to do all of the problems. After going through every problem with her she eventually finished though and realized that she actually could do it.
One example I have seen was in a game with my little brother Joey. He plays these video games, like Call of Duty and Halo. while playing with me or my dad, he becomes very upset if he loses, and even throws the controllers and will walk away. (normally he is punnished for this but that is irrelevent haha). Eventually he started to play the games more and more, and now he is so good at them it is almost inpossible to beat him, and when you do, he is no longer that upset over the loss because he wins so much anyway! This is a good example of mindset to me because he tought himself how to play better, instead of having that fixed mindset that if he loses, he can't do better next time. He has became much better, and this shows an improvement in his growth mindset because he can now beat his friends in his favorite video games.
Last year going to doctors appointments for my knee about two times a month for 3 months set me back. I was stuck in a position where i couldn't run track and I was given multiple different knee braces and opinions. It seemed as if nothing was going to work and get me back on the track. Although i wouldn't give up. I went to physical therapy twice a week for months and slowly but surely i was starting to feel the strength come back and the pain almost disappear. All i wanted was to run my junior year and i achieved that goal, even though i only ran for 3 weeks. I never gave up and kept an open mind, not allowing my knee to bring me down.
I was watching the film 2001: A space odyssey, when a troubling scene came on. Dave was attempting to get back on board the ship, when Hal, the AI of the vessel, refused to let him back in with the infamous phrase, "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that." These words, while talked about by nerds for decades after the films release, still betray Hal's fixed mindset. He refuses to see that he indeed can open those pod bay doors, and if only he can remove himself from that fixed mindset, he could realize it and become a better AI.
An example of mindset I have recently seen is how people approach this school year. Some people are determined to study harder and improve their grades from past years. On the other hand there are students who in the past have received poor grades, their mindset is that they will never do better. The first is an example of growth mindset, the other is a fixed mindset. The only way to improve yourself is setting goals and having a growth mindset.
An example I see every day of positive mindset is my day. He has the positive mindset of making money with his company and his second job. He works all the time, i would call him a work-a-holic, just to make sure that me and our family can live the way we want to. I admire him for his hardwork and im thankful for him doing it but i wish he wouldnt work so hard. Its a huge challenge for him, i can tell.
An example of mindset that i have personally experienced is when I play tennis. When I don't do as good as I know I can i get frustrated with myself and begin to play worse. This would be an example of fixed mindset. On the other hand whenever I am not playing to the best of my abitily but I use it to my advantage and learn from my mistakes I have an open mindset. Mindset had a hug impact on your everyday life.
An example of mindset I have encountered this past week was at practice when I saw one of my team mates struggling with a drill during practice. Due to the mindset of this individual, he instantly gave up and believed that he could not complete the task. On the other hand another team mate tried over and over until they succeeded, this growth mindset helped the individual over come his struggle and complete the challenge.
An example of mindset that I have seen within the past week was through a conversation with someone. They mentioned how they have always been viewed a certain way by those around them. The mindset had been set on how this person is and acts. Their loved ones do not see any progress or growth from this individual. They have told me that “There’s nothing that they can do to be seen differently”. Having this mindset of not being good enough is no good. Changing can be for the better for the worse but knowing that you are bettering yourself you shouldn’t really care how others see you even if it’s your family, eventually they will come around and see the good that you have done.
An example of mindset that I’ve seen in the past week is with one of my close friends who almost never branches out, and lives in the shadows. She has a history of standing back in situations when she should be stepping forward. College is approaching and since we were little we’ve practically been joined at the hip, but all of that is about to change. I want to go far away, and I’m looking at multiple schools, and constantly talking about the next chapter in life. When these conversations start, her fixed mindset becomes obvious and intrusive. She had toured one school and didn’t know what else to do. She’s been thinking about careers and doesn’t know what to look at in terms of the future. Whenever I talk about going away, and getting involved with school she doesn’t understand why someone would make those decisions. One night we were talking about school, and I began to show her pamphlets of schools that she wasn’t looking at because she hadn’t really looked at any schools except the one her sister is now attending. I eventually convinced her to tour a campus with me that’s about two hours away. As we were walking around the campus, her fixed mindset started showing its ugly self once again. She couldn’t grasp the fact that people would join sororities or clubs, based on the fact that they wanted to meet new people. In her eyes, college is about going to school to get a job. Nothing more. In my opinion, yes, college is about academics and preparation for a career, but it’s also about meeting new people and growing as a person. College is a time when having a fixed mindset will get you nowhere because in order to get ahead in life, you need to branch out and be you. A person can’t live in the shadows their entire life. At some point, you need to become more open minded or else you’ll be stuck and wondering why you chose to miss out on some great opportunities.
-Lisa Dynia 5/6
An example of mindset for me is I never thought I'd be good at math so I stopped trying almost my whole junior year. I thought I was a useless and hopeless case because I'd never understand it. But then I saw my grades slipping and my GPA dropping very badly so I decided I had to do something. I started getting help before and after class and sometimes after school. I asked more questions and became more involved in the classroom. I started to believe in myself also and that I could do anything as long as I tried. And when I thought I wasn't going to do too hot on my test I scored a 100%. Now I know that as long as I believe in myself I can do anything I set my heart on and do my best on .
An example of mindset for me is I never thought I'd be good at math so I stopped trying almost my whole junior year. I thought I was a useless and hopeless case because I'd never understand it. But then I saw my grades slipping and my GPA dropping very badly so I decided I had to do something. I started getting help before and after class and sometimes after school. I asked more questions and became more involved in the classroom. I started to believe in myself also and that I could do anything as long as I tried. And when I thought I wasn't going to do too hot on my test I scored a 100%. Now I know that as long as I believe in myself I can do anything I set my heart on and do my best on .
I think that an example of mindset, is in a classroom when it comes time to people and their grades. Some people already have mindset that no matter what they won't be able to pass the class or a test no matter what and they end up failing because they have this mindset, while someone who is just as smart will have a mindset believing that they will pass and they will
An example of mindset that I recently noticed was this weekend at one of my cross-country races. We were at Tiffin and it usually a really fast course. The heat got to many of my teammates and caused them to run slower than the times they were expecting. Although I was not picked this year as a captain because I wasn’t able to go to any summer practices, I still act, as a leader should. I could easily see how people were feeling after their races and I took matters into my own hands and was able to cheer some of them up because I didn’t have a good race either. I actually ran my worst race in the past two years, but I looked onto next week and am going to work my way back to where I belong and not let one bad race ruin my mindset which is was I told to my younger teammates.
Cody Taylor 3rd Period
An example of mindset is on the court on game day for volleyball. Our team is determined to be the loudest ones in the gym and we strive for that every match. Without our positive energy we wouldn't be able to compete because our nerves would take over. Staying confident keeps our mindset going into winning a match. Focus is key to winning a great game but determination wins the whole match.
An example of mindset I see is on the golf course. When we are at practice and i see somebody really struggling with hitting their irons or maybe putting badly, everybody tries to help them.for the most part the person will have a growth mindset thinking they can hit the shot if they practice it just a little more, which is better than having a fixed mindset thinking they will never be able to hit the shots.
Tim Monroe
An example of a mindset that I have noticed is at work. I have the mindset to get things done and make money. I work as much as I possibly can and try to make as much as I can so i can pay for my car and other things in my life and help out my mom. I have a positive mindset at work because i know I'm making money that will allow me to do other things that I want
In my Calculus class, I find that there are many students that do not understand certain topics (myself being one of them). Some students seek help from the teacher, others just say they don't get it and just hope that it will eventually come to them. The first group of people have a growth mindset. They believe that they can improve upon their math skills and fully understand the topic. The latter group have fixed mindsets. They give in to the idea that they are not good at the topic and believe that this can't change.
an example of mindset i've seen is at school. People think that if they've failed once at something then they can never be good at it. I don't think people understand the concept of a growth-mindset and they don't understand that they can practice at something and put in all their effort, and that's better than just getting an A on a test
-Cali Brandt
My little sister who is six has already taught me a lot about mindset. When doing her homework, especially math, she gets very frustrated as soon as she doesn't know how to do something, as soon as something doesn't come naturally to her. She ends up crying and wanting to give up, which scares me becuase I realize that she gets that from me. Many experiences in high school have changed me,and I have without a doubt become more growth-minded, but I know I can still be as stubborn as my little sister at times. I've always been open-minded, but I want to become more growth-minded to show my brother and sisters to not give up. I want them to learn from my mistakes in high school and learn to pick up the pieces and become better from their failures, so if not for me, I'll do it for them.
-Riczo 5/6
An example I wasn't aware of until a few nights ago is my dad and his working out hobby. My dad has always been a bigger guy, he was always the chubby wrestler on the team in high school. He's very kind and patient but often intimidated for being so large and bulky. He was set back from his work and hobbies last summer because of cancer. After treatments, surgery and time he's cleared. Now he's lost about 100lbs, works out every morning, eats much more cleaner than before, has a lot of energy, is happier, and actually has a social life now. He looks great too. He had a growth mindset that he wouldnt let a couple obstacles hold him back to being the healthy 45 year old he is currently. He set goals and changed his ways for the better.
An example that i had recently is at work and how i had to work thirty hours this week and the GM said that if it was too much for me i could give some up but she said she thought i could do it. At first i had a fixed mindset that i could never to it and i would have to call off but i ended up working every day even though it was hard. i feel like this experience changed my mindset in a way by proving to myself i can do more than i think i can.
-Andy Hoza
An example of mindset in my life would be dance. For example, when learning a new dance some girls who don't pick it up right away or can't get one move just give up and don't even bother trying anymore. While others with a growth mindset just continue to push themselves and know that they will eventually succeed if they put in the effort.
Devin Potoczak 3
An example of mindset I experienced this week was while at work. I work in a preschool four days a week afyer school. I work with the children everyday learning letters, mumbers, colors and etc. This week I was working with a little boy teaching him how write his numbers. It took alot of encouragent from me to get him to write all his numbers one through ten. but with each number things got easier for him. He started to believe in himself and knew he can do it. After practicing writing he asked me fo look.away so he could do it on his own, we both felt really accomplished.
Connar Depaul the one thing I have witnessed about mindset was when I started to work. I started my first JOB AT Marc's in brunswick and what I've noticed if I ever want to make something of my self I had to do the best I can do and do it by working with other, and when I did I was able to move up in the business and get promoted twice, with that I was able to learn and gather new information on the way of life. The way to be able to live in this world is to work together.
An example of mindset I've been seeing a lot of recently is the marching band. Everyone (including me) is starting to get frustrated and discouraged, because there are a few people who just don't care about what we are doing. This is starting to put us behind where we need to be. This is an example of fixed mindset because many people in the band are starting to tell themselves that we won't be able to achieve our goals, and that we'll be a failure. If we turn things around and really start to fight for what we want, we could potential become a great success this season.
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