Fresh starts are like a clean chalkboard. We are free to write our story. The teachers do not know us, our work habits get to be reborn, our outlook is our responsibility. Like all beginnings, this one is important for you. You get to choose who you will be and the actions you will take. Ironically, this beginning of twelfth grade is also your last high school beginning. Look back at all of your beginnings and decide how this one will be different.
For this week's post, I am asking you to set three goals for your senior year. I want them to be academic goals. These are not social goals or generic goals. I want them to be specific to you. An example of an academic goal would be as follows: I want to turn in all of my work knowing it is the best I have to offer. Make your goals reasonable and attainable. Goals are what we strive for. They give us hope, and they give us incentive. Make your goals, and let's work toward these goals all year long!
Three goals that I would like to set for myself this school year is staying on top of all my work so that I won't be behind, I want to maintain at least a 3.0 GPA for the entire year, and I want to make it to the top 10 of my class like I was at my old school.
I am likely not the only person who will say that my three goals are doing good on tests, turning my homework in on time, and learning to write a good essay. getting good grades on tests, to me mean going for an A. It means getting the best in the class. It means shooting for the highest grade is not only what I should do, but everyone, being seniors means that we need to work harder now more than ever because getting into these good habits of working will only prepare us for the future. turning my homework on time, to me means more than just an end to the work, it is also a preparation for my future, if it can be trusted that I can turn in homework on time, it means that I can do work in a timely manner when it really counts. lastly,learning to write a good essay is a goal to help prepare me for college so i can do essays easier and more efficiently in college.
My three academic goals for this school year are turning in all of my homework on time, learn good studying habits, and not procrastinating on long term assaignments. In the past few years, I've been very good at holding off big assignments and projects until the night before, and I've myself (and my parents) a lot of stress by doing this. I don't want that to be the case this school year, so that is my primary goal. I normally do the same thing with tests as well...wait until the night before then cram and stay up late. BAD IDEA! Procrastination is pretty much my biggest enemy, and I don't want that to be the case anymore, so I'm starting right now, by commenting on this post as soon as I could. :)
While many seem to be using this year to relax, I chose to have a full and busy schedule. With that being said, my 1st goal is to not become overwhelmed.
I am also (mis)fortunate enough to have a job this year. I hope that I can keep up with my schoolwork and my work-work. This is my 2nd goal.
My final goal for this year is to not worry as much about academics. I want this year to be fun and full of great memories. I would still like to maintain my four-point-whatever, but not at the expense of my senior year.
My three goals for my senior year are the following. First, I want to be within the top thirty students of my class. The reason I say top thirty is because all thirty students can choose their three favorite teachers and invite them to a ceremony held at BHS. My second goal is to improve my studying habits because I definitely will need this for college next year. Lastly, I want to not only turn in all my homework on time, but also have good quality assignments as well.
One goal I've made this year is to do all of my homework, and use my time wisely. I want to use workdays in class to my advantage and get things done and turn in quality work. Another goal I have made is to personally beat my gpa record. My gpa has been about the same throughout my high school career, and I want this to be the year I exceptionally raise it. My third and most significant goal I have for the school year is to not procrastinate. I want to break any procrastination habits before college, and I want to graduate knowing I did the best of my ability, and not get by with the bare minimum.
My 3 goals for my senior year are goals that I've carried with me throughout every year. I don't want to get lazy and stop doing my homework. I also want to do all of my assignment to best of my ability not just skating by doing the least amount possible. My last goal is to be able to raise my cumulative from cum laude to at least magna cum laude.
My three goals for this year I am going to actually take very seriously. I am first going to not be lazy, and I am going to finish all of my homework. Secondly, I am going to try and get a 3.8 GPA. Thirdly I am going to improve my writing skills. Lauryn Osborne
I, for one, am extremely happy I get a new beginning and fresh start with this school year. One goal I have set for myself is to ask for help from teachers or other students as soon as I don't understand something so I don't fall behind. If I put in the effort I didn't last year, I know I will succeed in my classes. Another goal I have is to receive a 4.0 GPA for each quarter, even though I know it will be a challenge since I haven't been able to do so since freshman year. But I'm up for it. Finally, I want to improve my ACT score every time I take it because my first time I had no idea what to expect. I'm hoping these goals will make this year less stressful and more enjoyable and I keep these skills to help ease into college next year.
My academic goals for this year are to firstly, maintain my 4.0 cumulative GPA and graduate with Summa Cum Laude. Secondly, I would like to remain in the top 10% of my class and strive to improve my class ranking. Lastly, I am going to try to not be so ashamed to ask for help when I am stuck on something.
My goals this year are to firstly to keep my GPA up and graduate with Summa Cum Laude. Second I want to improve my ACT score from when I took it last year. And lastly to ask questions if i don't understand something right away.
My three goals for this year are simple: Improve my class standing to at least 45th, raise my ACT from a 31 to a 32 or 33, and get into the University of Chicago.
AnseLexa is Sean McClain by the way, it's an old account, I changed the profile name now so it should be up to date and display who I really am.
My goals for senior year are not much different from the past. My first goal is to maintain over a 4.0 GPA for the whole year. I would like to end my high school experience the same way I started it. My second goal for this year is to improve my ACT score. I was extremely disappointed with my results the first time I took it. My last goal for senior year is to make it through calculus. I have never really been good at any types of math at all and I can already tell that this year is going to be very challenging. I'm going to give this year all I have and end with a bang.
My academic goals for this year are to maintain grades that are satisfactory, procrastinate less, and become better at writing essays.
My three goals for this year are to be a better writer, become a faster reader and to keep above a B.
My three goals for this school year is to be doing all my homework first off. Second I do not want any bad grades such as D's or F's. I want this senior year to count and make the best of it. My last goal I would like this year to be an easy one so I don't have to be stressed all the time. I work everyday after school and sometimes its just hard to keep up with school work.
The three goals I have for this year are firstly, I want to do all of my homework. Second I want to maintain good grades while keeping a job and going to cheer three days a week. The third goal I have is to improve my act score. I hope I can stay focused & I hope I achieve these goals.
Three goals that I would like to complete this year and keeping up to date this all the assignments. I do not want to get overwhelmed by school and work. The last goal i would like to achieve is to keep definitely about a C but try and get at least a B.
Three goals that I would like to complete this year and keeping up to date this all the assignments. I do not want to get overwhelmed by school and work. The last goal i would like to achieve is to keep definitely about a C but try and get at least a B.
Three goals I would like to have for this school year is to pass with a 3.0 or high I feel like it would really help me get colleges to notice me, just trying to make a lot of new friends is pretty good to me because since its my last year I might as well make the best of it and get my name out there, and last I would like to be known as an all round kid because it would just make me look like a great person to have known or know.
Due to my dropping out in December,n order to walk with my class, I have to pass every class I'm in this year (Oh, Joy)... So before this blog even existed I had more than three goals for this year. Firstly I must stay on top of my homework. I happen to be disgusted and in disagreement with the concept of homework but I have to suck it up. Secondly I must give full effort. This means school comes first, not boys or recreation. My priorities the past two or three years have been totally screwed up. This year it's really just a priority of getting good grades. Last but not least a goal of mine is to get good enough marks to be exempt from my finals, because I love sleeping in.
Every year so far I've pretty much had the same goals. I would love to excel in all my classes and boost my GPA. I also hope to participate more in class and class discussions. Lastly, procrastination has always been a big issue and I will (hopefully) not make it a habit this year.
Every year so far I've pretty much had the same goals. I would love to excel in all my classes and boost my GPA. I also hope to participate more in class and class discussions. Lastly, procrastination has always been a big issue and I will (hopefully) not make it a habit this year.
Three of my goal for this school year are to do all of my homework and to turn it in on time, start writing papers prior to the day before they are due, and finally I want to improve my GPA and Act score to get into the college I want.
Three academic goals that I wish to accomplish this year would include, develop better study habits, to no procrastinate, as well as graduate on the Honor Roll.
In order to develop better study habits I will have to try different ways and techniques of studying. Once I find and develop the technique that works best for me, I will continue using it and stick with that strategy. I want to prepare myself for college and set myself up for success.
Every year I find myself setting myself up for failure. I wait till the last minute to get things done. Such as writing papers, doing homework, as well as big projects. This year I want to try getting things done early, rather than waiting till the last minute.
By the time I graduate I want to graduate on Honor Roll. Not only will my family be proud but it will be a sign of accomplishment and success for me. I want to go off to college knowing I did the very best I could throughout my high school career.
Those are three academic goals I wish to accomplish this school year.
My three academic goals are realistic, but will end up being more difficult to achieve than I originally expected. First, I want to be able to keep my 4.0+ GPA that I have maintained in my previous years in high school. Second, I want to make sure that I have all of my assignments in for every class. Finally, I will ask teachers for help with material that I have trouble comprehending. I have had major problems with not following through with this last goal in previous years. I hope to be able to reach all of these goals for my last year in high school.
My first goal is to maintain a 4.0 gpa through out all four quarters of the school year. My second goal is to turn in all homework assignments 100% completed. My third goal is to do any extra credit that is offered in my classes. By the time the end of the quater rolls around, I always end up wishing I would have completed the extra credit that the teacher offered a couple weeks back. I'm not passing up those oppertunities this year.
My goals I want to achieve this year include maintaining a 4.0 all four quarters. I also have been lazy in the past when it comes to turning in homework. I want to change that as well. I want to strive towards not procrastinating my work this year, in the end it just leads to more stress for me. Achieving these goals will only benefit me in the end, especially when it comes to applying for colleges.
The first goal I have for myself this year is to stay focused, helping me to get my work done. The second goal I have this year is to quit with the procrastination, I'm currently taking classes that I can not afford to fall behind in. And lastly my third goal is to stay organized. I work a lot, so being organized will help me manage both school and work, also being able to manage my time effectively.
My first and foremost goal this year is to pass all of my AP tests at the end of the year. That includes at least a 3 in Chemistry, a 4 in Literature, and a 5 in Calculus.
My second goal is to maintain my rank within the top 20 GPAs of my class by the end of the year.
My final goal is to bw accepted at Case Western Reserve University, where I plan to expand my education by studying Computer Engineering.
Three personal goals I have for this school year are one I want to maintain at least a 3.8 GPA and get nothing lower then a B. Secondly I want to turn in all my work, I do not want to fall behind in class work. My third and final goal for this school year is to stay consistent for the whole year. Many seniors have the tendency to slack off towards the end of the year, I do not want this to happen to me.
Three goals that I have for my self this year are as followed. I want to keep my grades up and as high as possible in order to raise my GPA but so I also do not have to take the final come the end of the year. I also want to improve my writing skills because that is one thing that I struggle with. Finally I would like to become a harder worker when it comes to school work. This meaning turning all my assignments in on time that shows the hard work in put it.
Three goals that I have for my self this year are as followed. I want to keep my grades up and as high as possible in order to raise my GPA but so I also do not have to take the final come the end of the year. I also want to improve my writing skills because that is one thing that I struggle with. Finally I would like to become a harder worker when it comes to school work. This meaning turning all my assignments in on time that shows the hard work in put it.
Three goals that I have for my self this year are as followed. I want to keep my grades up and as high as possible in order to raise my GPA but so I also do not have to take the final come the end of the year. I also want to improve my writing skills because that is one thing that I struggle with. Finally I would like to become a harder worker when it comes to school work. This meaning turning all my assignments in on time that shows the hard work in put it.
Three goals I have for the school year is to improve my GPA and maintain a good GPA as much as I can. Secondly I want to keep on top with my assignments and turn everything in on time. and lastly I want to improve on my learning skills as much as I can. This is my last year at Brunswick and I want to enjoy and remember it as much as possible.
A goal I would like to set for my senior year is doing more of my homework and keeping up on the class work. Also, I am striving to earn the Honors Diploma. Finally, I would like to get all A’s to avoid taking my finals come May.
The three academic goals I would like to set for myself this year is passing pre calc with at least a B all year. I have always struggled with math since the seventh grade so I would love to change it around to end my high school career. Besides pre-calc, I would love to be able to get an A all year in my other classes because I think I am capable of achieving that goal with hard work and preparation for tests. My last goal for my senior is to become a better writer, I've always loved to write but it is never too late to pick up better tips for writing papers.
One academic goal I have for the year would be to move up in class rank and stay in the top 10%. Right now I am fifty-first and would like to move up as much as possible. Another goal I have is to learn good study habits from the AP classes I am taking this year. I have never really had to study for classes before whether they be honors or regular classes. I know I am going to have to start studying for tests in AP classes and I help it teaches me to manage my time better as I venture off to college. My third goal would be to get threes or higher on all my AP tests because I do not want to waste my time throughout the year taking the hardest possible classes without obtaining college credit for my hard.
Three academic goals I hope to achieve this year are:
1. Maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA- this goal may be a common one, but personally it is a big deal. I've gone below a 3.0 before, and it is one of the most upsetting and frustrating things to deal with. Getting my GPA up was externally difficult and if I can maintain it or get it even higher, I know I've accomplished something.
2. Procrastinate less- Procrastinating is one of the things that I can do best, and it is hands down the worst thing I can do. Procrastinating has put me in horrible situations academically because it effects long term. I want to get the best grades I can possibly get while balancing school and work. It is stressful, but I think having bad grades and constantly worrying about raising them can be more stressful.
3. Get a 23 or 24 on my ACT- In September I’ll be taking the ACT for the third time, with the hope of getting at least a 23. Each time I've taken the exam, my score has improved, which is good, but my dream is to be directly admitted into the business program at Ohio University and the higher my ACT score is, the better.
This year, I want to set three academic goals. The first goal I want to set is to turn in all of my homework on time. I will do this so that I can have a 100% in the 10% of my grade. This will help so that in case I do badly on a test or paper, my grade will still be reasonable. The second goal I have for this year is to get all A’s in every class, each quarter. I want to do this so that I can raise my cumulative GPA. The third goal I want to set is to stay focused all year and not procrastinate. Not procrastinating will help me not get as stressed out if I get it done right away, instead of waiting until the last second to finish it.
Three goals I would like to set for myself this school year would be to not procrastinate on any of my assignments; from projects to homework. The second goal I would like to make for myself is to get my GPA up to a 3.0 throughout the year. Lastly, I would like to improve my study habits and be a better test taker and make sure I know all the information we are working on so I can't be afraid to ask questions. :)
This year I have three goals I want to accomplish. My first would be to get straight A’s so I don’t have to take the final. My second goal is to not procrastinate. My third goal is to pay attention as much as I can and stay on task.
Three goals that I have for my self this year are as followed. I want to keep my grades up and as high as possible in order to raise my GPA but so I also do not have to take the final come the end of the year. I also want to improve my writing skills because that is one thing that I struggle with. Finally I would like to become a harder worker when it comes to school work. This meaning turning all my assignments in on time that shows the hard work in put it.
Three goals I would like to set for myself are getting all A's for my classes, always turning my homework in on time and not slacking on it, and not procrastinating on the homework and projects I receive.
Three goals I would like to accomplish this senior year would be to maintain a 3.0 GPA. I would also like to finish the year strong and commit to my work year round. Finally I want be able to type essays like it's my job.
My three goals this year are to
1. Get my stuff together and do homework and projects in advance and not forget about it like right now.
2.I want to get good grades this year and end my high school career healthy even with my job
3. Thirdly is I want to enjoy myself and not have a boring year and get more involved in the school
My goals for this year will be to improve my ACT score from the first time I took it. Also not to procrastinate on any assignments, and to get my GPA up from last year
One of my goals is to graduate with an honors diploma. Another one of my goals is to turn in all my assignments and not have to worry about them not being done. My last goal is to get at least a 3.5 Gpa this year
My first goal is to graduate with honors. My second goal is to get all As and my last goal is to get accepted into the university of Michigan
This year has put a lot of pressure on me. So my goals this year are: 1. To graduate with a 4.0 2.To read and analyze all I am given 3. To be the first in my family to graduate high school traditionally. These goals may seem obvious to some, but for me they are something that must happen. There truly isn't an option in the matter because if I don't meet these goals I wont only let my family down but I'll also disappoint myself.
Three goals I would like to set for myself for this year is to work my hardest and not lose focus. I want to try and get all A's and B's. It is senior year so I can't let my grades start to slip. To achieve good grade I also need to complete all homework assignments.
I have many different goals I would like to set for myself this school year. My first one would be to get a 4.0 all quarters because I let my grades fall last year and need to bring my GPa back up. I would also like to better my writing skills and note taking skills. And lastly I would like to score a 27 on the act to have the opportunity to achieve scholarships and attend ohio university.
My first goal would be to stop waiting until the last minute to do my work. My second goal would be to get all A's (never attempted this before). And my last goal would be to get accepted into the University of Wisconsin.
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