Your answer must be detailed and well thought out.
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Monday, September 30, 2013
We have been looking at metaphors in class and in last week's blog. We use metaphors all the time to make our points, to persuade others, and to explain how things function. This week's blog is asking you to think about this week's music Monday song and to explain the song using the image on this page.
First, describe what you see in the picture. Once you have described the picture, describe the song. What is happening in the song? Finally, explain how they are similar. How can this picture apply to a song by Bon Jovi?
Your answer must be detailed and well thought out.
Your answer must be detailed and well thought out.
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This is a picture of a stairs just going right through the celling. This can relatet to the music monday song because he is always saing "I say, have a nice day" he is saying he does not care. By the way this picture looks, neither do the stairs. They are not in a convinent place, just right i the middle of the room. No one cared enough to put them any where else. Bon Jovi did not care about anyone getting in his way either.
That is a picture of a run down beat up house. Bon Jovi's song is about the world getting in his face and him telling the world to have a nice day. It may seem like the whole world is judging his work and constantly making comments and crituqeing his work. So he wrote the song so say he no longer cares. They are similar because in Bon Jovi's song he says we're living in the broken home of hopes and dreams.
The picture is of a really old spiral staircase. It goes right through the floor that is pictured. The house is crumbling and looks like it hasn't been used in many years. While the whole house is falling apart, the staircase seems to be still standing strong. It seems to have endured a lot of abuse from weather and neglect over the years.
In the song "Have a Nice Day," by Bon Jovi, the singer, Jon Bon Jovi, is telling people to stop telling him how to live his life. He has endured too much and is ready to do things his way. He is telling these people off.
Both the picture and the song show endurance. Just as the staircase has endured all those years of neglect and poor conditions, Jon Bon Jovi has endured people telling him how to live his life. In this way, they are similar.
The song "Have a Nice Day" by Bon Jovi is about how he has endured a lot of pain in his life and has gotten to the point where he is just sarcastically answering his tormentors to have a nice day. Just like the stairs, though they seem old and sketchy,they still serve their purpose and have endured years of abuse from weather and lack of care as the speaker of the song did.
The picture seems to be of a spiral staircase that looks old but still not completely broken down like the picture's background. The picture relates to "Have a Nice Day" by Bon Jovi because the song is about freedom in that the author strives for freedom from people telling him or her what he or she can or cannot do. The picture shows the background as being old and rundown along with the staircase except the staircase seems to still stand strong as if time is telling it to collapse but it refuses.
I believe in this picture,the stairs are showing Bon Jovi's way of leaving, the rest of the area that the stairs are in would be the people who try to tell him what to do. It's all run-down and beat because that's how Jovi is seeing everything else. Bon Jovi is seeing the stairs as his way to escape the "rules" or judgement of others.
This is a picture of a run down building. Coming down from the ceiling is a staircase that is still standing strong. Everything around it has seemed to collapse and age but the stairs remain. The song “Have a Nice Day” by Bon Jovi describes how he has been through a lot of obstacles in his life. Many people have tried to tell him what decisions to make but he instead decides to make his own choices for himself. The picture and the song relate because they both show that they are strong. The speaker in Bon Jovi says that he won’t allow the people around him to guide him down the wrong path. He won’t allow them to influence him in a negative way. The stairs in the photo show that there have been forces of weather, age, etc., however; this has not influenced its structure.
The picture is of an old, beaten down staircase. However, it still remains standing tall and conquiring through the obsticles it faces. Like the song "Have a Nice Day" by Bon Jovi, he knows what he stands for and will not let anyone bring him down or get in his way of where he is wanting to go. He does not care what people have to say he just lives the live he wants to live and never gives up on himself. Both the song and the picture of the stair case are symbols of perservierence and how neither one of them will give up until they get where they are trying to go.
In the picture there is an old design of stairs that transform halfway through the stair case to a new design of stairs. In Bon Jovi's song he tells us how to act based on what you want and how you think, not what the norm is. The stair case is not following the norm of most other stair cases. It transforms into a newer design because it is either feeling weak or because it does not want to follow the crowd.
That is a picture of stairs that seems to be in a deserted or run down building. The building seems to haven't been used in ages but the stairs still seems to be in track. Bon Jovi's song "Have a Nice Day" represents how how to never give up even when things didn't go your way and everything else around you seems to fall. this picture and the song are similar by the fact that both are standing strong and are not backing down.
The Picture is a decaying building with a stir case right in the middle that goes above the ceiling. The building is worn down and is getting very old while the stairs are unique and remain intact. Bon Jovi in his song "Have a Nice Day" sings to be different, not to be part of the dull and boring culture that surrounds us. The picture shows that same meaning, the building is old and dull while the stairs stand out, they are different which makes it more noticeable.
This a picture of a beat up sprail staircase leading through the roof. In Bon Jovi's song his message is no matter what is standing in his way hes going to pull through and achieve his goals. The stairs do not look very stable or reliable. Much like life, the only person you can truly count on is yourself. In order to pursue and achieve your goals you need to do it yourself no matter what is holding you back. The picture shown is also a stair case going through the roof, meaning it with self determimation you can only move up and achieve your goals.
This picture is of a spiral staircase going a unique direction to the next floor. It relates to the song because Bon jovi is talking about not listening to others' opinions and doing your own thing, like the stairs are doing in this picture.
-cali brandt
Bon Jovi's song "have a nice day" tells about how he has went through a lot of pain throughout his life and he is finally just ignoring what causes him pain and answering back with have a nice day. The stairs in the picture are old and almost beaten up in a way show that even from neglect or abuse they can still serve a purpose for everyday life just as Bon Jovi does.
The picture shows an old beaten up stair case leading out somewhere. The song "Have a Nice Day" by Bon Jovi is about getting through the rough days no matter how many twists and turns life brings you.
This picture shows a staircase that is old and beaten up. It can be a metaphor for life because its twisted and life can take you through many twists and turns. The song "Have a Nice Day" by Bon Jovi can relate to this because it is about getting through life no matter what happens and getting through those twists and turns.
This is a picture of old, winding, stairs. This image can relate to the music monday song "have a nice day" by bon jovie because to get from one floor to the other you must go down stairs and leave. when bon jovi sings he tries telling us to move on, leave the situation alone and have a nice day. you can only go so far down the stairs until you reach the bottom or top, like how bon jovi walks down the dead end street until he can't go anymore. this picture can also relate to the song because it shows through hard times and time itself the stairs are still standing no matter what it's been put through and i think that is how bon jovi is trying to get the listeners to think from his song as well and "have a nice day".
In the picture it is a staircase surrounded by a building that looks old and destroyed. The song is about a man who, despite what the world throws at him, keeps going through life. The way the picture relates to the song is, the building may be old and destroyed like how life is. The staircase though is still strong and sturdy which is a metaphor for the path through life.
Mitch slyman
This is a picture of a spiral staircase inside an old building or house that is falling apart. The song "Have a Nice Day" by Bon Jovi is about not letting the world control or influence you. This spiral staircase is similar to the song because even when the house is falling down around it the staircase stays tall and doesn't fall or crumble. It's unaffected by the house crumbling just as the singer of the song was unaffected by the opinions of the world around him.
In this picture there is a staircase that looks as if it’s in the middle of a building. The ground around the stairs is covered in debris and the walls are faded and dull. The ceiling is broken and looks like it’s about to fall apart. Although the building seems to be old and worn out, the staircase look sold but is still in tack. The song “Have a Nice Day” by Bon Jovi, is a song about not letting the world get you down. It also sends the message to be strong and do what you want and not what anyone else wants you to do. In the song the artist talks about how he/she is expected to do things that he/she doesn’t want to and speaks about standing up for his/her own life and how they want to live it doesn’t matter to anyone else. This song can relate to this picture because the staircase is still strong even though the building in which it’s held, is falling apart. This is a metaphor for how to be strong and be oneself even though the world in which one lives in is influencing a different way of life that isn’t true.
The picture shows a spiral staircase going through the ceiling of a building that looks old and neglected. The song is about overcoming the struggles of life, and saying to the world that you are better off by what you have encountered in life. Bon Jovi can look life in the eyes and brush off everything it has thrown his way and say, "Have a nice day." The picture relates to the song because it shows how the building has aged around the steps, yet the stairs are still intact and sturdy. The song is about continuing down the path in life, but never give up on it. You have to stay strong no matter what life throws at you, even if the rest of the world is crumbling at your feet, just like the staircase with the ceiling and floors falling apart around it.
The image shows a dilapidated building with a spiral staircase that seems to be holding up better than the rest of the structure. Bon Jovi’s song is about a person going through life not letting the world get the best of him. These two relate because neither the stairs nor the person in the song “Have a Nice Day” let things hold them back.
The picture is of a decaying stair case in an abandoned building. Although it's crumbling away, it still has its purpose. This relates to the song because Bon Jovi references "living in the broken home of hopes and dreams", hence the abandoned building and broken stair case. Also, the stair case is by itself, just place in the middle of the room. This could also represent Bon Jovi himself being alone in the world, all by himself, yet still having purpose. The picture and the song both show that after time, even though you may be beaten down, you can still remain standing.
In this picture there is an old spiral staircase in an old house that seems like no one has lived in it for years. In the music Monday song "Have a Nice Day" Bon Jovi is stating how he sarcastically answers to the people who give him a tough time to "have a nice day". Bon Jovi showed great strength in moving past this and going forward with his life. Just as the song this staircase shows how it as well as Bon Jovi has gone through tough times in it's life. These stairs also show great strength like Bon Jovi.
The picture is of stairs. However, the stairs look like they were ruined. In the song, "Have a Nice Day," by Bon Jovi uses sarcasm in the message by saying, "Have a nice day," which means the complete opposite of what the statement says. So back to the picture someone could tell how another feels about them by the status of their stairs, and by the looks of the picture it doesn't look so good.
the picture is a metaphor for how I life get hard you have to just keep going. This is shown through the stairs remaining upright even with the rest of the house in shambles. The song "Have a Nice Day" by Bon Jovi is about trying to have a nice day when it seems like things are falling apart. The metaphor and song are similar because they both show that when life is hard people need to stand up and try to move on.
The picture is of a spiral staircase that goes through the floor and the ceiling in an old house. The song "Have A Nice Day" is about the narrator breaking away from the people that want to run his life in order for it to seem more "normal" when he just wants to live the way he wants to. This image can relate to Bon Jovi's song because the old house resembles the people that want the narrator of the song to conform with the rest of society and their own definitions of "norms". The spiraling staircase represents the struggle of separating from that conformity, and as a type of "screw you, I'll do what I want", it goes through the floor and the ceiling in order to get the point across.
The picture is a set of winding stairs holding together two floors. The stairs wind around, metaphorically symbolizing one's life being a winding ride with twist and turns, but surprisingly, the winding life keeps other aspects stable, just as the winding stairs keep the the two floors in place. They are the bridge between the floors, where as in life, even the unstable, winding "loops" in life are between the stable parts of life. The use of metaphors puts emphasis on certain ideas, just as in the song "Have A Nice Day" puts emphasis on not caring what others say and having self-motivation to reach one's dreams.
-Riczo 5-6
In the picture it shows an old beaten down stair case that hasn't been used for years. It could be a metaphor for Bon jovis life. I say this because no matter is thrown his way he's just going to say have a nice day and not let it bother him.
This picture is a metaphor for the Bon Jovi song, "Have A Nice Day" because it has a rocky floor (foundation) that the stairs (Rising up in the world) grow out of. This directly compares to the message of the song because of his own "Rocky foundation" (His father's struggles and impediments in his life) and his own rising stature in the world, well said in the line, "Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice, Standing on the ledge, I show the wind how to fly."
The picture shows an old staircase, winding and standing strong through the ceiling in a destroyed, beat up house. This picture relates to the song by Bon Jovi because just like the stairs, he stood strong and confident in what he believed in. He did not let others around him influence what he did. The stairs go right through the ceiling, which is similar to "Have A Nice Day" because Bon Jovi had no limits and wasn't worried about following the rules and doing what society thought was correct.
In the picture, one can see a stair way in the middle of an eroded shelter. They stair way looks to be in rather good condition compared to its surroundings. In the song, "Have a Nice Day" performed by Bon Jovi, the lyrics indicate a feeling of sarcasm. Through out the piece, the audience comes to understanding that this song is to inspire to do what one wants to do and not to listen to anyone else; if someone triws to dull your shine then tell them 'have a nice day' and move on. The photo and the song is similar because even though there seems to be some type of complication (the eroding walls in the photo and doubt and negativity in the song) the two main points still stand their ground. We could play the song Have a Nice Day while looking at the photo and at one point we could tell that the stair way is going to hang on, live its life, and tell the eroding walls to have a nice day.
In this picture there is an old spiral staircase and everything is deteriorating and at bottom is destroyed and there is light at the top and this is a metaphor for how life can hars but the spiraling journey can lead to happiness. Bon jovis have a nice day song relates to this picture by him saying that he has to fight for what he beleives in.
What I see in the picture is an old, broken down staircase that used to lead people to the second level of that building. Although the building surrounding it is broken down, it still stands strong. This week in class we talked about the song “Have a Nice Day” by Bon Jovi. I believe this picture relates to the song because they have the same meaning of staying strong and standing up for what you believe in. They both show that you have to do what you want to do, and not let others that surround you influence your opinion.
This picture is of a spiral staircase in a deteriorating building. The song "Have A Nice Day" is about overcoming life's twists and turns. The song is also about self-esteem and not letting other's opinions or words get to you. The picture of the staircase depicts the song and life. You may feel as if the world around you is crumbling down, but you have to be the staircase. Although life is twisting you in a way you may not want, you have to stay strong. You have to tell people to "Have A Nice Day" when they are tearing you down, no matter how badly you may want to crumble with the stress of life.
In the picture I see a set of stairs twirling upwards in a circular motion. At the bottom of the stairs there is garbage and rocks all over the ground. At the top of the set of stairs there is a nice pattern design. In this week’s song the message is saying that he’s not going to let anyone push him around and he’s going to do what he wants whenever he wants. In the song the singer says he’s not going to let the world get in his face and I thought that sarcastic. They are both similar because they both are doing their own thing. Instead of a normal set of stairs, it’s twirling and it’s exotic. In the song he is doing what he wants. This picture can apply by being different and not caring about the look of the stairs.
The picture shown is of spiral stairs still standing under a torn down home, and Bon Jov's song is about him not caring about the world's opinions of him. The stairs and the song are related because the stairs are standing strong no matter what the circumstances are and no matter what the structure is doing to try and tear them down.Same with Bon Jovi and the opinions of the people toward him.
this is a metaphor for the song because the stair case shows his life and the surroundings show what the world is like. the stair case repesents his life and what the world throws at him.l and when the world throws things at him it leads him to change direction, so his path or the stairs arent just a straight path. everything ssurrounding the stair case show the world. in the song he says the world isnt what it seems and its messed up. thats how the surroundings are. they arent how we would imagine them to be.
I see a picture of a beat up building, when only the stairs remain in contact. The song by bon jovi is about how he has faced tough times but he has gotten though it.The two are similar because both the stairs both seem to have gone through hardship, but both are also still standing.
This picture is about stairs in the middle of a room and the walls look like there about to come down, however the stairs looks in good condition. This picture is similar to music monday song because Bon Jovi says "Take a look around you; nothing's what it seems
We're living in the broken home of hopes and dreams. He explains he is living in a broken home but he say "When the world gets in my face,I say, Have A Nice Day. This explains that no matter what happens around the stairs the stairs will always be there.
From the song by Bon Jovi, he explains that he is not going to be defined by the standards others have set. Possibly being he isn't going be neat and perfect and he is going to align with everybody else's standards. This can be revealed by the stairs in the picture. They are very rigid and untidy. They are also in a non-conventional location, which being, would be by a wall. Not randomly in the middle of a room.
The picture is of a winding staircase in an old house. The song is about a person who no longer cares about what people think, hence the "Have a nice day" lyrics within the song. These two things can be compared if the staircase is a metaphor for life. Instead of someone just dropping down to the floor, they are forced to wind all of the way down.
The stairs in the picture have no visible support they stand on their own accord and this was exactly Bon Jovi's point in the song. He states that he is going to live his life the way he wants. He wont be held down by the structure of society. He doesn't want support and that is made clear as he sarcastically tells those trying to hold him down, "Have a nice Day." His sarcasm is clear defiance much like how the staircase is defying gravity.
In this picture I see an old twisted staircase. This staircase is one that has been through a lot with the decaying building but still stands tall, and looks a lot better than the crumbled ground around it. In the music Monday song “Have a Nice Day” by Bon Jovi, he discusses the importance of self-reliance and to act in whatever feels right. This relates to the picture of the stairs because although the structure around the stairs is crumbling, they remain up because they are clearly built of a much better craft and quality than the ceiling above them. This can be connected to humans because if they get surrounded around the wrong type of crowds, but never lose track of their own ideals and values, they will become more successful than the people around them who let themselves fall apart like the building.
Cody Taylor, 3rd Period
This is a picture of a staircase that is still in good condition while everything around it is starting to crumble or fall apart. The stair's surroundings make it look strong and unique. In Bon Jovi's song "Have a Nice Day", he is telling his audience that he doesn't want to be like the rest of the world because he believes that his life is his to live, not anyone else. Like the staircase, he wants to be different than his surroundings, and he wants to be strong in what he believes in. When comparing the staircases pictured to the song, Bon Jovi IS the staircase.
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