I am a person who does a great deal of reflection. I look back at roads I have taken and think about what I have learned. I can recall one moment where I realized what it is that people have taught me. I wrote, "I am amazed what other people have taught me. Some teach me patience, some teach me disappointment, and others teach me silence." People teach us things everyday. I have learned recently that ignorance and blindness make people attack what they do not understand. I have also learned that when opinions are formed rapidly without knowledge a shell of understanding is formed and no argument can hold. In my youth, I struggled horribly with learning from people. My cynicism kept me from the glass half full and turned me to the opposite. As I have grown older, I have come to see people differently and learn to accept people regardless of their beliefs. This, however, was born out of seeing beyond my own place in the world. I have tried on other people's shoes and walked around in them. This has taught me much.
What I have found is that learning isn't something only gained in classrooms. Yes, it is where we are pushed, asked to think deeply and to demonstrate what we know. In addition, we learn from our surroundings. In Romeo and Juliet, we will see what happens when hate is learned and sides picked. In high school we learn more than books.
I want you to think about what you have learned this year? I do not want you to pick a class and list all of the vocab or dates learned. I want you to think BIGGER. What did you learn about yourself as a learner? What did you learn about friendship? What did you learn about family? What did you learn about relationships? What did you learn about high school?
These are just optional questions. You know what you learned this year. Please reflect without using names--this is not a slam fest where we attack others. Attacking other only breed animosity and anger. This is about finding future direction. We cannot move forward until we have examined the journey.