Warrior Traits--wisdom, physical strength, loyalty, courage. These are the traits we talked about in class last week in regard to Beowulf. We also discussed how these were valued and who we thought should embody these traits today.
Think about what traits you value in other people. What traits are a must in your friends and what traits are a must in one of the following: teachers, coaches, celebrities, athletes? Then, think about if these expectations are reasonable. Are the traits we expect others to embody the same traits we ourselves demonstrate and are they attainable? Explain how you see these traits demonstrated in someone close to you and why you think these traits are important to your relationships.
I love movies. I think you know this. I love going to movies, sitting at home to watch movies, and I love talking about movies. Movies, like books, provide me with an escape from the world. However, this escape is more than just a chance to veg out. It comes with learning. We, whether we want to or not, learn from the stage and screen. We take quotes, we pull moments, we examine relationships and we apply them to our lives. We hope to have the courage of the hero, the passion of the artist, the skill of the scholar. They are part of our pop culture and they make a commentary on society and in turn on the viewer.
For this week's blog, write about a movie that changed your view, reinforced your view, or made you think about your view on some aspect of the world. Give us the title, a little synopsis, and then explain the scene and what resonated with you.
We have discussing the heroes we see in literature and in movies. We often times glorify those, but fail to recognize those individuals who are present in our lives that make a difference. Think about the people in your life and how they have impacted you.
Choose one person who you think has impacted you the greatest. It may be a grandparent, a parent, a neighbor, a teacher, etc. It could be anyone. Explain how they have changed yo in some way. Tell a story that shows how you have been changed or impacted by this person.
My example:
When I was a child, I would go to my my grandparent's house for Spring Break. I would stay without my parent and one of the things I looked forward to was going to the cemetery and going to breakfast. On our way to breakfast one morning, when I was about 13 years old, my grandmother and I saw an elderly woman who was walking down the sidewalk. As we were stopped at the light, we saw the woman fall. She just fell forward and landed on her face. My grandmother said,"When I pull over to the side of the road, you jump out and go over to that woman."
I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I was a kid. But, when my grandma pulled over, I ran across the street to the woman's side. He face was covered in blood. She was shaking. I tried to get her to lay on her side and rest, while the people behind me were calling the police and ambulance. My grandmother came over and started to talk with her. Slowly, she calmed down. The police arrived and the paramedics loaded her into their vehicle. I just stood there.
My hands were covered in her blood. My grandma told me not to touch anything. When we got to the restaurant, I went to the restroom to scrub my hands clean. We later called the hospital to check on the woman and were told that she had a bruised face and I think a broken nose, but she was going to be okay.
I can still remember the blood on my hands. I remember the helplessness I felt at not knowing what to do to hep this woman. My grandmother has since passed away. My heart is heavy when I think of her and the profound impact she had on me. This was just like her. She would go out of her way to help others and she cared deeply for people. She has passed this on to me. Through her example, I am a better person.
The way we see is often only through a lens we have not yet focused or through one that has been too focused and we cannot see beyond. Examine this picture. Determine what is going on.
Then write a post that explains how this picture is a metaphor for your book--either The Things They Carried or The Yellow Birds.
Be sure to give details to support your explanation.