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Celebrating small kindnesses and basking in the little things.

Monday, February 6, 2012


This weekend, I was on a roll. I cleaned out a room, and many cupboards. Cleaning and I are not good friends. I resent her. I resent that I have to put books down to clean, turn off the television to clean, stop grading papers to clean, not go shopping--all because I have to clean! Despite my resentment, cleaning is necessary. It is the way we remove the clutter from our lives. It is the way we organize our chaos and how we purge the things no longer needed.

Perhaps my resentment of her comes from the fact that I am a keeper. Not a hoarder, there is a difference. I keep my kid's pictures that they draw, notes from high school, poetry that I find, etc. Cleaning makes me get rid of things. It forces me to make choices between what I want and what I can store. It forces me to prioritize when I am thinking about what I may need 20 years from now--hence the reason I was able to wear my sweatshirt from 20 years ago two weeks ago for throw back day.

As spring approaches, it is often customary to "Spring Clean." The goal is to sweep away what we do not need and bring in the new. I am thinking I want to sweep away the clutter in my life. By clutter I mean the things that break my focus. This might include the negative people who rain on my parade, or the things I do that take away my time. I want to fill my house with positive ideas, activities, and people who add instead of subtract from my life.

Write this week about how you wish to clean house and what you wish to add to your life. Do not add names of people. You may describe people as negative or sunshine. Focus on the positive.


im not crazy i swear said...

I actually enjoy my life the way it is the people that I am cool with right now I wish to stay cool with and the people I resent can go jump off a bridge. I don't really wish to clean my clutter I like the junk that surrounds me.-James Helms (o_0)

Jacqueline Knirnschild said...

This week I want to focus on cleaning up the disaster mess of my bedroom, focus on schoolwork and spend more time with my family and friends who lift me up and make me feel my best. My bedroom literally looks like a tornado hit it and cleaning up the clutter is something I've been procrastinating for a long time now. This week is the time for me to finally get it done so that I can relax. I also want to add success to my life by earning good grades. I'll can do this by focusing on my homework and working extra hard to accomplish the best grades I can. I also want to add happiness to my life and clean out any downcast, negative feelings. I can do this by appreciating everything in my life and spending time with the sunshine in my life: my friends and family. This will overall improve my attitude and help me to accomplish my goals for this week including the looming tasks of cleaning my room and doing my homework.
Jacqueline K. 7/8th period

Spiffy Monkey said...

Some clutter I could get rid of would be my procrastination. It is so easy for me to put off work because I am so focused on just having fun. In turn, that just adds even more clutter to my life. I can't get rid of clutter by putting it off. Like my room for example, a small pile of clutter will form and by putting it off, my room is consummed in clutter within two weeks. The same goes with my school work because more and more points come off my grade.
Other than my procrasination, my life is basically clutter free. I have great family and friends who care about me and they help me when clutter does appear. Especially my one best friend, who is totally nice and Spiffy :) Even when there is clutter in my life, it is always a fun time in the end.

Spiffy Monkey said...

oh yeah, and this be Kristen Perkins :)

demo said...

This spring break i made a agreement with my mom that every day we will clean out a room, even thought we have about 15 rooms that means multitasking, but I'm ready for the challenge. I feel that there are people who i need to get rid of and some i need to bring back. I know that life can some time be difficult but the more sunshine you have the better you will get a tan, and people that tan ether get cancer or you get complements on you look and look is probable better.

GabeW2 said...

In the future, I would like to clean up my life by ensuring that I have more balance. I tend to work a lot without taking much time to relax or to take a break. This leads to extra anxiety that isn't effective or necessary. With more balance in my life, I will be able to stay more organized and on top of important information.I need to understand that by taking time off is an important life skill and it will help me come back to my work refreshed.

annaj said...

From my life, I have the largest need to loose the bit of an edge that I tend to find to my thoughts when I am thinking of any person that I do not particularly like. I have the meanest sort of tendency to dislike people just from my over analyzing their small actions and words, and thats really not a good thing. I don't know them particularly well in the usual case, so I should stop judging people fairly soon.
Also, I do need to clean my life of distraction and shallowness. I find myself a type of person who wants to have certain knowledge, but never the persistence to learn. I've always wanted to know what the heck everyone is talking about in history class and always wanted to have some sort of insight, but never can bring myself to go look it up. As I love reading much more than many things, I think that cleaning up my life's shallowness would be in great deal through books. I am finding that I have recently developed a great liking of non-fiction and classic authors, but I can never get my nose out of teen fiction long enough to read what I really enjoy. I think that it is a sort of safety net, really. To throw myself into the books i want to read would kind of disconnect me from everything I've always known- because i've always known fantasy worlds much more really than the real one i suppose. I think that the world I know needs to shift to accommodate a deeper person now, though. This Spring, I am going to be less judging and more accepting of new things while trying to earn the world I live in.

Anna J. 7-8 period

Rohan Srivastava said...

I want to clean out the annoyances in my household. This means my parents. I don't actually want to kicked out of the house, but rather take out the mentality that I am a little child. I appreciate them for caring for me and protecting me. I want them to understand that with age comes experience, with experience comes knowledge and with knowledge comes independence. Hopefully, they can begin to see this once I start driving. I see driving as a milestone that will show independence. Another annoyance I see at home are my enjoyments. Facebook, video games, the Internet, etc, all are huge distractions. They can lure me when I need to concentrate more on priorities. The only way these enjoyments can lack the sense of distraction is from a mental choice by myself. I must commit myself towards priorities before I can relax.

JessicaT said...

There are a lot of things in my life that need to be thrown out, or atleast saved in a box to be handled another time. Some of the things I am trying to sort through, and 'clean out' are my negative thoughts and feelings. I think every person has the right to feel perfect the way they are, to feel comfortable in their own skin.
I would like to clean up my life a little bit, and focus on the positive things in life rather than the negative. I need to get organized physically and mentally. Coming to school every morning and not knowing where anything is is pretty stressful. But the way you think is a big role in stress management. When you dont have a positive attitude, each day just seems to be a drag. I need to go through and think about what really matters, and what is important.. like my family, friends, character, and health.
Jessica T.

Michelle! said...

For spring cleaning, I hope to clean my room and get rid of all the old memories that i find sad when I look around of the place that surrounds me. There is no point in keeping things that drag you down. Wether it be pictures, old cards, erasing things off my wall or throwing away clothes, the clutter will be leaving my life. I plan on looking toward the positve ideas of keeping fit, taking adventures with the people I care about and enjoying highschool while I can still be kid. School is a priority but I cant keep making work and school the number one things in my life. Time for relaxation!

Addie Gall said...

This week I'd want to focus on cleaning out the stored emotions in my mind and be able to tell people about what I have been keeping to myself. I'd also like to bring some sunshine into my life, some friends who instead of bring me down build up my spirit no matter what I do or say. I want to have someone to trust and get rid of the things that bring false hope and bad memorys. I think bringing and getting rid of that stuff would make me a better person and give me a better attitude.
-Addie Gall

Samantha said...

Well my family is a really neat family, so we never do Spring Cleaning becuase we always clean over the weekends.
But this Spring Break i am going ti try to talk and hang out with friends.
-Samantha S.-

Julianne said...

I would like to clean out all the drudgery in my life to make time for nothing. It sounds crazy but I would give anything for some free time through out the week. I spend so much time buried in school work and sports that I can't do anything for myself anymore. To top it all of I can't even enjoy the little free time I may have because I'm sleep deprived from the night before. I guess it would be necessary to cut one of those things out of my life but they are both some of the things that matter most. What I would like to add to my life is the ability to deal with my hectic life better. manage my time better and hopefully learn to get a more well balanced schedule.

rykordahi14 said...

This spring, i will be cleaning out distractions in my life. Not necessarily all the things that can be enjoyed, such as video games, but the things that keep me from viewing the big picture of life. All the things that I cannot control and say no to must be gotten rid of to keep track on my priorities. I have to examine what should be part of the big picture, what's important to me, such as school, or soccer. Even though cleaning out the distractions may be hard, it must be done, and will be more beneficial than harmful.\

ryan kordahi 2nd

MandaC3 said...

In time I would like to clean up the future by having more love and peace in my house. I would make sure that everyone would be happy, healthy and make sure that my family would just be kind and caring to one another. I would also like to make things better in my life like focusing on the good things in life as in school and family and friends. Some people in my life are negative and I would really like to change that.
~Amanda Caspary 3*~

Paul S. said...

What I need to add to my life is getting my priorities straight. I often put off my homework for instance, so I can watch tv, play videogames or whatever I feel like doing that particular day. My mom can be bitter/sweet when it comes to this. She can really help me out if I'm in a tough spot but then again, I've heard the same thing from her over and over again. "Get your priorities in check." I get the message and I thank her for that, but sometimes, I've heard the same thing one time too many.

Paul S.

Estefany G. said...

This week i want to focus on cleaning up my school locker and organize my binders. i have trouble staying organized and tend to just shove things in book,folders,purses,pockets,and my locker. its all the clutter i have and i plan to get rid of it. i love my life and it is absolutely clutter-free. i have an amazing family who loves and supports me, and friends who make everysingle day worth living. even the people that live three states away have come to impact my life and have added new rays of sunshine into my life. and thanks to all those people, i have a clutter free life. thanks everybody!

Stef Galvan 7-8

Cheyenne said...

In my life i would clean a few people out or re-wind the time so that they are the friends who i orrignaly came to know. They are great people but a few inparticular see to stop showing if they care or not. I wouldn't describe them as 'sunshine" but as my bestfriend, I love them dearly but sometimes he just doesn't understand like he used to. The sunshine in my life comes from my family and my youthgroup. They are constanly lifting me up and encouraging me to do my best.

ljstephens2015 said...

I don't really have anything that I literally need to clean, but i need to clean out distractions such as facebook, drama, phone, and excessive time with friends. I really need to add the knowledge of how to have good time management. That is my biggest problem that I have never been able to overcome. If I were able to manage my time a little bit better, than I would be able to have time to do things that I need such as SLEEP, and time with my family.

Lydia Stephens
2nd period

Ryan said...

In the next few weeks I think that I would like to lose some of the stress associated with school. Spring break is still a long way off, with only a couple of vacation days before then. Lately, it has seemed that my teachers have teamed up against me in order to assure that I never get a free second. I guess their just preparing me for the inevitable: college. I would still like to get rid of some unnecessary stress that is associated with school. The work isn't really difficult, its just tedious and boring, the work that I hate doing. I think that if I were to just make a month long schedule of school projects that need done, I would probably be much less stressed.
I would also like to try to clean up my perfectionistic attitudes a bit. On an assignment that will take most 10 mins, I feel the urge to go above and beyond at all times, not always a bad thing, but sometimes un-necessary. But maybe thats something that I wouldn't want to lose, its a part of me that I love. I love the detail and hard work that I put into my work, and thats something I could not live without.
I could also get rid of a few of the distractions in my life that surround me. When I sit down to work, I am constantly getting distracted. Weather by my sister (though I can't get rid of them) or my phone, something always seems to be making noise. These are some of the things that I could get rid of in my life. Though I'm not a crazy texter, I will admit that my phone can be distracting at times. It is times like this when I need to just push my phone away and get my work done. I would say that I need to clean my room up, but its actually pretty clean at the moment.
The final thing that I believe I need to add to my life is some patience. I am patient with my work... most of the time at school... and usually at home with my parents. For some reason this patience does not seem to carry over to my sisters. Whether its my one sister practicing clarinet, my other sister making random noises, or them both singing to their favorite song, I seem to have little to no patience with them. Its rather difficult to get any work done (especially with Mrs. Perrin's essays and reading), and the added noise that they bring is very unappreciated. I think that over the next week I will try to add some patience with them. I think that if I can learn to just settle down, the situation would go much better.
Overall, I think that there are many things that I can either add or lose to my life to make it a little more peaceful. I can lose some of my perfection (maybe) and add some patience. Loose some distractions and add some concentration. Lose some... well the list could just go on, and on, and on, and on.

~Ryan M. 2

Woods said...

Generally I would consider myself a person who likes to clean therefore I am looking forward to the physical cleaning of my room and the house. Unfortunately the cleaning that I believe will be most beneficial will be bit harder for me. As quickly as possible I would like to rid myself of the characterization I have given myself: procrastinator. This trait haunts me and is constantly hanging over my head. Not only would I like the frequent "I can do that homework later" attitude to leave, but also the "I can wake up in 9 more minutes (x 4)" to disappear as well. As much as the desire to leave these old habits is present, so are the distractions and appealing idea of more sleep each morning. Although it will be difficult to clean these negative aspects out of my life, I know it will be completely worth it in the long run. Along with cleaning out my bad habits I wish to distance myself from the negative rays coming off of other people around me. I need to keep the negative people from letting their attitudes and comments from getting the better of me, thus changing my view in situations. I know this will make my surrounding more pleasant. And finally I would like to gain control over my temper. I have the tendency to get annoyed with people and things easily making my life more hectic. Overall, I believe that changing these things in my life will allow those special blessing and happy moments shine through. 

Leah W. 1

Ricky said...

i would not like to clean out my house right now i like it just the way it is
Ricky K.

Alison said...

I want to clean my room, because i have so many notes, and pictures that remind me of my relationship with people. I want to take the bad people out, they bring negative things to my life, like unneeded drama. I want only positive happy people in my life, so i can get back to how i use to be. I have not been happy in awhile, highschool changes your so called bestfriends, turns them into a completely different person, but it also helps you find out who your true friends are. I lost 3 of my bestfriends since highschool started. I still have the pictures, the notes and the memories, but it won't be the same. I want to clean out my room new make a new start.

Alison said...

Last comment Alison Anderson 5/6 .

Camillemarie said...

Something I could clean out would me my attitude. I have a negative attitude at certain times towards people that I don't intent it towards. I don't usually catch it, but the people i'm talking to do. I would like to add positiveness to my life too. I usually see the cup as half empty and I should start seeing it as half full.

Anonymous said...

There are many things I have in my life that could be cleared out or organized. I think managing my time is the biggest problem. I spend most of my time with friends and need a better balance in my life. I need to make time for school, sports, and family. This will help me decrease the time I spend on facebook and watching tv. Another thing I need to do is bring back the friends I lost when I entered high school. Work, responsibilities, and new friends come with high school and I need to find a way to bring back the friends I lost when I made new ones.

Lydia Sch. 2*

AmandaS said...

This week I feel that I need to work on cleaning out the things that are setting me back from my goals for the future. The first thing that I would like to do is clean my room. I am not a neat person and it is a challenge for me to constantly keep my room clean and is something that I need to keep up with on a regular basis even if it is just taking 5 minutes to clean my room everyday. One of the biggest things for me though that I want to clean out are the distraction that keep me from working on my school work. For me school should be one of my first priorities and lately it has not been. I need to get ride of TV and Facebook right when I get home from school so that I can do all my work and then relax. This spring I am going to try to grow in my schooling and be more on task.

Anonymous said...

For spring-cleaning, I would like to clean out the extra stress in my life. I know that most things in life we can’t control, but we can get rid of unnecessary stress. Extra drama in school and family just keep adding onto everything I have to deal with. If I had the chance I would just eliminate all the extra stress. If I can’t get rid of the stress then I can find good ways to manage it and calm myself down. Cleaning out the different stresses in my life would make it easier to focus on what I have to now and get my priorities straight.

~Olivia W. 2nd

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

i think my life is pretty much clutter free but some things i do need to work on is getting organized and getting rid of things that i no longer need like all of my school work from my old school, or certain friends i hade just to have. Some things i think i should add to my life would probably be new friends, and the ability to develop in my new life at brunswick.

Iceman said...

For this "Spring Cleaning" i want to get my work done quicker. I want to have more time to make videos with friends. My main goal is to make a YouTube channel. So i want to make daily goals for homework or any work. I want to get those stuff done as quick as i can so i can work on vidoes. Let's get rid of this "junk", or bussiness and start the year of "clean"
Thomas M. 7°-8°

CamerinM1 said...

I would clean all the stress in my life by just focusing on what's important. I wish to clean all the people that have a negative impact on my life, I would add the people that I have lost, that have helped me in the past. I'd honestly do anything to get them back. I want to subtract a person that changed me, and not for the better, because i miss the way i used to be. By doing this, my grades could be even higher, and i know that i would be less stressed.

Anonymous said...

Something that I wish to clean out of my life this week is all of the distractions that surround me. I have a hard time focusing on one thing at a time. While I am trying to do my homework, my phone, iPod, Facebook, and the television keep me from doing my assigned work. It becomes hard to focus on what I am supposed to be doing, and it takes so much longer to complete my assignments. When I play basketball, it is very hard to focus on what moves I should be making and how the play is panning out when I am thinking about how my day was and what I have to do later on. This affects how well I play and it does not allow me to play to the best of my ability. I would also like to clean out my locker. There are so many books carelessly thrown in the bottom of my locker along with notes, snacks, and extra sweatshirts. Cleaning out this disaster will really help me get organized and help me get my books in time for my classes so that I am no longer late looking for the correct binder.

Rachael said...

For spring cleaning I would would like to get rid of my habit of procrastination, and actually keep my room clean. both would make it easier to be out the door on time and would be easier to stay organized. Not procrastinating would mean that my life wouldnt be as complicated and i could focus on brightening my mood and not being as shut off and negative toward other people. This would not just be benifiting me but my friends who bear my grumpiness when i dont get enough sleep:which is quite often.
Rachael S 5-6

kayla said...

I'm an optimistic person and I always try to focus on the positive. I hate to always have that "one person" or that "one thing" that always weighs me down. This Spring, I am throwing away all of the negativity in my life and focusing on my future.

oliviaY said...

I would like to focus on cleaning all the negitive things out of my life. I would also like to try to clean out things that distract me and my goals in life. I want to procrastinate less and get things done quicker with better time management.
Olivia Y.
2nd period

AmandaC. said...

My room can get messy at times... just like my life. I clean out all the messes sometimes, and other times I just leave it. This is exactly how my life it. I do not always clean up or address the people and problems are do not particularly like in my life, and other times I will address problems with alot of confidence. Managing schoolwork and sports is sometimes a problem for me... sometimes I just need a break from everything and a time to relax. Sometimes I do not always address the problem of being overwhelmed, and it bothers me that sometimes I cannot keep track of all the things I need to accomplish. Overall, I need more balance in my life at times. I love all my friends though and I do not think I would add anything; except more balance in my life.

-Amanda C. 7/8*

Kaylee.Marie said...

This week, I need to just detox. I need to rid myself of those people who love spreading rumors around and love starting drama over the internet (ie;facebook). But at the same time, I need to keep those who I love close, the people who I can count on no matter what to turn anything around in a matter of two words.
I dont have alot of literal clutter that I need to clean, rather just the mentality focus of everything; not stressing so much, taking more time for myself, spending more time with people, ect.
~Kaylee Lhotsky 7/8

em said...

This week I am going to focus on my attitude and my procrastination! Especially this week, I have been lazy and in a bad mood. I have not wanted to get anything done, go for a run, do my homework, clean my room or study. I just want to lay down and sleep. I have been putting things off that I can not put off any longer!
I am going to clean house by realizing that what has happened in the past cannot be changed, and I need to let those things go and make room for new positive and happy memories. I am going to stop dwelling on negative thoughts and realize that some things are out of my control! I'm also going to clean my room and get organized so I will stop going crazy when I have to find something! I'm going to get rid of the chocolate in my room and start eating healthy so I can get back in shape and run healthy. I'm also going to focus more on the positive things in my life right now. My best friend is awesome, he's always there for me whenever I need to talk or complain, always giving me support and advice and encouraging me to do my best. Whenever I'm having a bad day, my mom hugs me and won’t let go, which is very annoying, but everyone needs a hug once and a while. I look up to the seniors on my team, they're such good role models and are always so positive and outgoing, they never complain and I wish to be just like them. After I do all of that, I can have a little more me time and stop stressing out and crying so much, yay :)
Emily 7/8*

NatalieK_1 said...
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NatalieK_1 said...

Time is one of the things I would add to my life. It always seems like there is not enough time. If I'm doing homework all the time, I feel like I'm not spending enough time with my sisters. If I want to take time to sit down and read a book, I'm so exhausted and sleep deprived that I have to go to bed. There just isn't enough hours in the day to do all the things I want to do. I would also add swimming back into my life. I really love to swim but I was forced to drop it because of my busy schedule. It was always a stress reliever to be able to take out my frustration in my favorite sport, and now I can't anymore. Something I would clean out of my life for good would be drama. I hate all of the unnecessary complications of life, the little interruptions that leave you mad or upset or hurt. Whether it's a fight with my best friend or watching a cousin get thrown under a bus by a boy really gets me down. I want to take out all of the negativity. I am naturally a happy and bubbly person, and I always look at the bright side of things. There are some people in my life who are constantly seeing the cup as half empty. I don't want to be dragged down with them. When I walk around all smiles and with a light heart, they feel like they need to rain on my parade. I would take all of their attitude and bitterness with life and throw it in the trash. But in reality, there's only so much cleaning we can do in our lives. I love my life the way it is, and I take it the way it is. -NatalieK_1

brunswick52 said...

I want to clean up my room. I also want to get rid of all the distractions in my life. i want to start cleaning up my hand writing. I want to be able to studies in my room peacefully and not my brother playing music all the time. i also want to get even closer to my family and clean up anything bad between them. I wish in the future i will try to clean up my brothers act.
Isaac payne

lenhoff#2 said...

As far as cleaning goes, this week I am going to try and tackle the challenge of cleaning my room. I do not enjoy in cleaning in any way, therefore I am a horrible procrastinator when I need to clean. Still the job has to be done so I will aim to get it done this week. My room is so messy that at the moment I would never need to worry about a burglar ever stealing anything, because he would break his leg on all the cluttered junk well before he found anything valuable. I really need to weed out and donate/ throw out a lot of the clutter in my room. I would also like to add some peace to my life this week. For the past couple of weeks I have been extremely stressed about all the things inside and outside of school that I had to do. I am tremendously surprised that I even got anything done this week, since I have felt like I was on the verge of a mental breakdown all week. Now that the week is over though, I feel a lot better because there is less on my plate to finish. Still I think that I will try to take a few hours and rest or read a good book and forget about school for a little bit.
C. Lenhoff-1.

Maddy G said...

For my "Spring cleaning" in my home, I would like to work on my desk, and my drawers. I used to be able to focus and do my homework on the desk in my room, but it has become a place to dump all my belongings on. So I would like to organize it so I can focus and do my school work on it. Walking in my room and looking at my desk and open drawers makes me more stressed on top of all the school work I have to juggle. For this spring cleaning, I need to add some motivation and organization in my life. If I just had some motivation, I could get so much more done and have more time for myself. Like many others, I procrastinate everything simply because I have no motivation. Organization is also a key aspect in my spring cleaning.. I need to get in the habit of planning things so I can best manage my time. I especially need to "sweep" away my television intake. I spend so much time worrying about watching my favorite shows instead of getting ahead on my homework and such. I wish to subtract some of these bad habits, and start willing myself to get more work done.

- Maddy Grimm 1st period

Dechameleon said...

I would like to clean house with only one personal problem: myself. As far as I have seen recently, I am responsible for creating most of my problems, and I know that I am the only person who can eliminate them. I have recently set a goal for myself to change the way I view many important things in life such as school, Boy Scouts, family life, and other things. I have had limited success with these goals ever since I set them due to the fact that I did not take them seriously. Saying that I plan to do so hasn’t meant anything, because I have acted upon these goals. But that does not mean I have given up hope. I a, getting lots of help form the people around me, and hopefully, my wheelchair will be replaced with a crutch. So thank you everyone who has helped me so far, I sincerely appreciate it. Because of this, I plan on keeping everyone except the old me, and getting rid of him. I enjoy my successes when they come, because I know that everything I accomplish is one more thing I can celebrate, no matter how small the achievement. That is what the experience of letting myself down has taught me the most; ironically, letting myself down has raised me up to heights I did not think I could reach. Again, thank you to everyone. May our successes continue to increase in number.

Rosevine A said...

I want to "spring clean" all of the distraction and laziness in my life. I want to become more determined in the things I do. I wish to remove procrastination from my life as well. I also wish to remove some technology such as my phone, facebook, etc. and focus on more important things like sports and schoolwork. I also want to clean out my room and keep it clean, considering I have neglected to maintain a perfectly clean room for a week.

Megan L. said...

Cleaning is tough because it takes a lot of time and effort to organize all of the clutter and the mess. It’s even more frustrating when the next time I have to find something, it goes right back to normal. However, cleaning is important because without it, life would be an enormous and suffocating mass of clutter that wouldn’t be able to progress and would eventually collapse within itself.
Therefore, I need to not only organize but to remove a lot of things from my life. Whether they affect me physically or emotionally, they need to be disposed of. Physically, I need to become organized. I need to clean out my locker that has become engrossed with paperwork and textbooks. I need to clean out my room, which is beginning to look like an episode of Hoarders, and I need to organize my folders and binders that have become to split with the wedges of worksheets and homework.
In addition to the physical, there is a lot of emotional clutter that needs to be attended to as well. For instance, I need to remove the stress and problems in my life and remember that anything can be fixed with a good party with my friends. Also, I need to remember to organize myself and balance my priorities, remembering that Facebook, as important as it is, should not come first. However, the most important thing that needs to be thrown away is my love for procrastination. As much as I love to procrastinate and as much it loves to watch me suffer, it needs to be left and I need to move on.

Sara1220 said...

for this 'spring cleaning' I myself would focus on getting rid of the useless things that I never want to part with just because I might need it eventually. I also would need almost a fresh start by removing negative people in my life and filling myself with the positive. I would need to get rid of what distracts me from my top priorities and be able to concentrate on those more intensely.
- Sarah P 1*

bbjmz said...

I need to focus on cleaning my room. Washing the clothes laying all over my room in piles, then putting them away instead of continuing the vicious cycle. I need to reorganize, and get rid of the things I haven't worn in a long time, and don't plan on wearing. I also need to clean out my school folders and lockers. I feel like if I was a bit more organized, I might be a little more inclined to do more homework on a consistent basis. It would also be a good time to clean out my brain of unnecessary thoughts, and organize how I feel towards people and who are my real friends. Finally, I will clean out those people of which are negative, but I will do it kindly.
- Megan Zajkowski 7/8

Marissa Ratino said...

My life is great the way it is now, but I know that there are some things I should get rid of like; some of the items in my room that I probably forgot that I had. Or some of the friends that I know talk behind my back. As of right now I think I'm going to give those friends another chance and get rid of the things that stand in my way.

zmiller3rd said...

i am going to be focus on cleaning my room because it make my mom happy. everytime she walks past my room she always says make sure you clean your room before you do anything today, but by the time i get around to cleaning my room we always have something else to do.this will in turn lead to better self confidence because i will know that i have accomplised something without help.

AnnaB1 said...

I want to "clean house" by focusing more on school work and less on things like my ipod, phone, and stuff like that. Also I wish to remove the people that are extremely negative to me. They could jump off of a building for all i care but thats negative as well, and another thing i want to remove is my own negativity. ANother thing i would like to remove is my procrastination. Its starting to get me in trouble. One thing i would like to add is more time with the people that are my friends and people i care about.

Laura A. said...

I'd like to focus on cleaning my bedroom. to me i don't see it as "dirty" i see it as cluttered. I'd also like to focus on my priorities and not procrastinate. In my life I'm very happy. I have wonderful friends who make me laugh when I'm sad and help me stand when I fall. My family can be seen as big and small, depending how someone looks at it. Either way it's made up of people who love me and support me in everything I do even if they don't always agree with it.
Laura Andino 7/8

Alan M. said...

I think if there is something I could clean out of my life it would be the the buildup of negativity that seems to happen over time. What I mean by this is over time the bad things that happen to you have a snowball effect. You have one bad day, and then you have another bad day, and it just builds up over time. If there was one thing I would choose to do it would be just to sit down for a second and "clean" it out. Take time to realize the good things in life and attempt to get rid of a complete negative outlook of the world.

-Alan McIntosh 5/6th Period

BrittanyG said...

I could probably stand to clean up my schedule. It isn't only one time that I find myself making promises to people that I can't keep because I am so busy. I find myself overcompensating in areas that I excel in order to hide the areas where I am flawed. Being in various clubs and activities that I enjoy definitely has its advantages, like doing good for others and looking good on a college application. Although, sometimes I blame my parents. The blame is completely misplaced though, because I know they are only trying to push me to be the best that I can be. I want to fulfill their dreams for me by showing them I can handle a lot on my plate, but sometimes it becomes too much for me. I'm going to organize my schedule and sit down every week and see what I absolutely have to do and where I have time in my schedule to do things with and for my friends. The stressfulness of my schedule causes my relationships to suffer. I have trouble spending the time I need to with my family. Earlier this week, I got into an argument with my mother about whether I was going to a an extra-curricular or spending the time with my family. The argument was completely blown out of proportion and it was my fault, all because I was stubborn. I regret it and want to keep occurrences like these out of my life.

Katie Eileen said...

This week I wish to clean my bedroom. It is cluttered with clothes that aren't even mine and random knick knacks that I will never use again. I think it would do me some good to get my room cleaned so that I would be more organized. Recently I have had the chance to add some great people into my life through theatre and I love them to death and cannot bear the thought that they will be leaving us soon. I want more time with my sister who will be going off to college in the fall and I want to add more good times to my life. I want to get rid of the awkwardness that has unfortunately been a part of my life for the past couple of days and I wish that life will only get better.

~Katie D. 7/8

Jaimie Lynn said...

This week i am trying to clean my room with all the clothes i have on the floor and put them all away in my closet and dresser. Also i would like to clean my windows and mirror. I would like to also have a bigger room because i have the smaller room in my house. Also my house could be bigger. My family are very loving and they always tell me clean your room but i just say hold on and i dont do it till the next day.

Jeffa said...

I like my life at this very moment. My friends and I get along really well. i feel my life is pretty well balanced between friends sports and school work at the time. I don't really have to clean much because I usually stay clean throughout the year.
JeffA 1st

Sam said...

For spring cleaning I believe i need to let go of some of the resentment that I feel towards those who have hurt me in the past. I wish to package up all those negative feelings and toss them out. I don't wish to keep haning on to all these old grudges; my mind becomes much too cluttered. Another thing that needs to be cleaned up is my neglect of studying and my procrastination of school work. I always put things off until the last second and I only study ten minutes before the test; this is obviously a problem.

Calp said...

I really hope as spring approaches i prioritize me life. I need to get back into my school work and tame my social life. I would like to steer clear of the negative "put downers" in my life, the ones who discourage my dreams. I need to get on task and stop procrastinating and making up excuses. I need to work harder for what i want.

Calp said...

oh that was Cali P 7/8

Khoa said...

For this spring, i want to clean out my basement, and possibly the whole house. I want to clean up all the bad habits in my life. I want to start focusing in school and earn good grades for the rest of the school year. But I also want to get rid of some things in my life, like shady friends and such.

Rachel Javorsky said...

I wish to clean out the unnecessary distractions that I have in life and focus on what'll impact me the most later on. I want to build upon what I'm lacking of to better make my future. I wish to improve a relationship with someone. It's off to a nice start, but I'd like to go deeper to the point that I may call him my friend. I can clearly see what needs to be cleaned and built. Rachel Javorsky 7/8

Ang5339 said...

I need to breath. I get so caught up on when a paper is due or what time my next rehearsal is, that i completely forget to stop and live a little. I push people away from myself and justify it by saying "I have work to do". I don't want to be this way anymore, half the time I feel like I'm drowning in the choices I make and the paths that I choose, and I hate it. My room is a disaster area because I never have time to clean it, my relationship with my parents leaves much to be desired because I never have time to talk about it, and what do I do? I create an even deeper labyrinth of decisions and jobs for the future. I have to clean the stress out of my life, not everything is quit as dire as it feels sometimes. Maybe someday I'll get to a point where I get to control my own life, rather then spinning out of control on some pre-ordained course, but for right now? I just need to breath and push through.
Another thing I need to clean up is my relationship with my family. They need to realize that I am a rather intelligent individual who can take care of herself and do what is needed when it needs to be done. I am the kind of person who believes that respect is strictly earned, not automatically awarded due to position. I have proven that I deserve that respect more then once and still because of my age they ignore it. They need to see that just because they are older, they don't automatically know what is best for ME as a person. I need to clean out the notion that I am simply a silly child. I feel as if I am older inside and trapped in the body of someone much younger, screaming to get out and no one can hear me or acknowledges that I can take care of myself.

- Angela G. 2*

Kevin. M said...

If i could clean anything out of my life it would be my actions towards work and school. I would clean all of the bad blood in me that says "you have plenty of time to do your work. You can finish it later." and fill my life with encouraging words like "If you finish this now you won't have to worry about finishing it later." My life would be so much easier and less stressful. It would bring up my grades and boost my confidence towards my work in general.

Anonymous said...

For spring cleaning, I don't just need to clean my room; it's terribly messy. However, I need to put reorder back into my life. I've lost three really great friends this year, because I didn't put alot of focus of what they were really doing to me. I want to get rid of all the bad memories. I want to forget about all of the lies, and all of the drama that's been caused in this past year. For adding things into my life, I want to focus on the people that I adore. I wish to gain the courage to tell people how I really feel about them, instead of just being shy and giving them a slight smile instead of talking to them. I also need to become organized, I need to clean out my folders and binders. I need to get rid of the clutter in my room, in order to do all of the organizing that I wish to do.
Jennifer W. 7/8~

Paige_S said...

I would clean the clutter in my room. If my things are organized i can focus better. If my clothes are organized I can get more sleep because i wont have to wake up early to find something to wear. If my homework was organized I wouldnt miss blogging assignments, and I could focus more on doing the asignment well rather than getting it done. If I was more organized I could do more things with my family and freinds who always bring up my mood. If my room was cleaner and more organized I could be happier and less stressed out

Paige S. 1st

MattV said...

I would like to focus on my room this week because it looks like it was hit by a cyclone. Every item in my room is on the ground and I just want it all to disappear. I would also like to focus on my school work because I am aiming for a 4.0. It will be hard, but i'll achieve it by working hard and doing my homework. By doing these things i will be able to stay happy and calm for the rest of the school year. I just need to be consistent.

HannahKG said...

"Spring cleaning" and I have a complicated love/hate relationship. When asked to clean I will go kicking and screaming. Although, rearranging to me is different and I enjoy doing it often. This coming spring I have a goal to rearrange my priorities and clean out my view on past memories.
I have a very nasty of habit of procrastinating. Normally I can procrastinate and still have acceptable, A grade work. I plan to realize that even though it's not currently affecting any of my grades, I need to quit cold-turkey and plan out all my big assignments. On a more personal level, I am willing to admit I have anger issues that are not healthy in the slightest. I want to sweep away past grudges, and try to look on the bright side of life. There is no reason to beat a dead horse, or cry over situations that have come and gone. This won't mean I won't go down fighting though; I plan to face people who have abandoned me in the past and express my thoughts to them while still trying to make a foundation for a new relationship with them. In total, I will have a very busy spring.

TaylorS said...

This week I want to focus on staying organized. Not just at home or at school but everywhere else too. Right now I can honestly say that my bedroom is a disaster, it looks like my closet threw up. There are clothes and books and blankets and shoes all over, basically my room looks like a department store after black Friday, and my locker isn't much different. And my mind is pretty much the same. I feel very unorganized and overwhelmed. With homework and friend drama and the snow, it's just a lot to handle at times. So at least for one week I want to be able to say "My mind (and home and locker) is clean and completely clutter free."
:) Taylor S 7-8 (:

Dbosko56 said...

In my life, the only thing I would really want to clean isthe relationships that I share with others. I want them to last and to not be torn apart because of stupid events. I want my relationships to mean something, and not mean nothin to others. Dominic Bosko 1st

Skipper C. K. said...

My basement is disgusting. It was maybe five years ago and since them my whole basement has been without a carpet and all of its contents covering the floor. It has been a family dream ever since then that we could get it clean and this summer, I think it can finally come true. It is all vecause I think that this year we will finally be able to throw out our disorganized life style and do what we want to with out getting disracted because constantly I procastinate, leaving my work till the last minute. I also though need to learn to interact with others because socialy I am not as capable. I need to throw out my social fear.
Colton K. 1 period

Bex said...

Clutter that I would love to get rid of is my procrastination. I always seem to put everything of until the last minute. For example, I am blogging Saturday night. It isn't like I don't have time to do my work, I am just to lazy to do it, and that is something I would like to clean out of my life.

Some positive things that I would like to add to my life is spending more time with my family. Friends are fun, but my family is more of a positive influence in my life. I would also like to get more organized, mainly because it would really help solve my procrastination problem.

Bex said...

"Bekah" is Bekah H. 7/8.

hyellow12 said...

I always clean my house every spring by going through my "junk" drawers. I take everything out and then as i put things back in, i ask myself "do i really need this?" most of the time the answer is no, but at some point in time, for some reason, i found it useful. So then it starts over, and every year i collect more and more junk. It's a cycle.
I would like to do the same thing with my brain and life this year. Go through and say do i really need this? I would like to throw away all of the unnecessary grudges and mean thoughts. Go through and clear up the clouds in my brain by saying, does this thought really need to be there. This way i can focus on the people and things in my life that are really important to me.
hannah m 1

im not crazy i swear said...

Ok so mabey me being perfectly happy with the "trash" i have in my life is to boreing to blog about so i guess i would like to make better grades not that there bad but they could be alot better.But honestly i have nothing to complain about i got food a roof over my head,a nice job what much more could i want.

Anonymous said...

I don’t really want to clean the house-I don’t need to. I need to focus on school and try my best. Even though there will always be someone smarter or better than me, it won’t hurt to try. This is my motivation for trying my best. I need to focus on my future and realize that the clutter in my life is a huge distraction.

KC22 said...
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KC22 said...

In my life, I feel that I need to clean up some of the annoyances that always seem to get in the way later on. One of these things is my procrastination which I seem to be able to avoid if I can do it on the spot but when I wait something normally causes me to forget about it which ends up haunting me later. Another thing is stress that seems to be inevitable no matter the situation. Stress always seems to come everywhere and if I don't deal with it, more will come until it's piled high which would probably put me in a mood that no one is satisfied with being in. Also cleaning my room can do me some good and would take out some of the stress and clutter in my life which is already full of problems that need to be dealt with.

-Kyle C. 7/8period.

bethany w said...

I probably should have the goal of focusing on cleaning up my possessions of my room, and of my life. My room holds things about me, with important things usually missing the abyss of it. Like my room, my personality is often forgetting to do things, losing thoughts, because of my active activities besides school. For my material items, I would like to clean so I may find things I need, for example tonight my mission is to find a music book i have buried somewhere. Yet for myself, I feel like I just need to get rid of all the negative people in my life. This is hard for me, because I am a very open-armed person that tries to accept anyone. This can usually be a problem for me, because I am a people pleaser I worry about other people's problems when I have a lot of other things on my plate. I'm not complaining, it's just that other people's problems are just sometimes very negative, and let's just say people have the ability to always keep my ego in check. There's people I am supposedly supposed to look up to because of their title of grade level, yet they can be a negative influence, a negative leader; giving off to people the impression that what they say, goes; because of their title. When in all reality, they're being deconstructive instead of constructive. As for adding people to my life positively, there has been a lot of people changing personality wise, for the better. Some people really surprised me with how much they have changed for the better, people who used to be so mean, are some of my friends now. I intend to surround myself with people that care about me, even though those people all have a group of friends of their own or a few friends or one friend they're very close with; I'm a bit distant from the people I interact with, yet I can still be positive or encouraging for anyone around me that needs it. That is what I intend to do with "cleaning" up my life.

bethany w 2nd period

Jake "The Stud" Simonelli said...

In the future i wish to clean out all the negitive people in my life and bring in the good ones. I need to kick the people who are bringing me down to progress in life and add in the people that will help me succeed and become a fine gentleman. I view the negitive people as clutter and the "sunshine" people as jesus.
Jake s 5th-6th

Kelli Shumate said...

Some changes that I would like to start this week are to become more organized, procrastinate almost never, and balance my time effectively. I like to wait until the last possible minute to take care of things and then rush to do it. It always creates issues in terms of me and staying stressed out. I also rarely clean unless I have consequences for not cleaning. This makes me late when trying to find things and handicaps me from participating in a lot of activities. I also tend to overbook my life and overlook assignments. I need to create a healthy balance of these tasks in order to be at my full potential as a student.

Morgan said...

Cleaning and me don't have the best relationship, a love-hate but mostly hate. I need to clean up the procrastination from my life, which in turn will take away my stress. I need to clean up my need to make everyone else happy, and focus on decisions that will turn out positively in my life and ensure my own happiness at times. Lastly, I need to clean up my room, but unfortunately, actual cleaning is harder than just typing it out.
Morgan, 2nd period

natalieshnatalie said...

At this point in my life, I want to clean out the people who upset me. Negative people are like icebergs and the Titanic, disastrous and fatal. My mind is much clearer and positive when I don't have to worry about the people around me. There are certain people, including adults, who can make me go crazy. When I think about these people, I feel unmotivated. I don't want to go to practice, or do homework, or go to school. All I think about is them, and how much I wish they were out of my life. Unfortunately, these people can't dissapear. Venting to trusted friends helps, but 'trash talking' does not. To clean up my clutter, I will no longer think or worry about these people. I can't push them out of my life, but I don't need to think about them. There are situations when we will have to be together, but like many say, 'kill them with kindness'. From now on, I have to be calm and polite, and focus on myself. Not be introverted, just be positive about my life. If I keep focusing on others and how much I dislike them, the negative attitude will reflect on my work, whether it be for school or sports. Negative people will always be present in life, but one must face negative people positively, not negatively.
Natalie S. 1*

Nate T. 2 said...

This spring I too plan on cleaning out the clutter and stress in life. Most stress comes from school; I can't do away with school but I can manage my time and projects better. Also, I am going to clean my room more often maybe some school folders to alleviate physical clutter. By doing these small things they should add up to a common feelin in me of accomplishment for this spring and take a small weight of high school off my shoulders.

Alex H said...

I want to clean distrust out of my life. It is only junk that clutters my life. One person finds it hard to trust me and I do not understand why. I find it hard to get on their good side when I have done nothing, yet they still seem to think I will do something wrong once I am out of their view. It creates a lot of negativity and it makes the two of us miserable. Without trust I find it hard to concentrate when I am around them. I end up being too worried about what they are thinking about me when they send me akward stares and try to confront me on what they think is true. I want to regain the trust that was somehow lost. My life would seem to be much easier then.
~Alex H. 2~

bballplayer3213 said...

This weekend i would really like to focus on cleaning up my room, finish big school projects and also saving enough time to spend with my family. I would really like to get rid of my procrasination problem and all the negitive things that tell me to put the work off. I want to keep up the good grades and to get them i have to work hard and actually study. My school work is just like the clutter in my bedroom, the more and more i put it off, the more it builds up. I want to focus on getting everything finished so i can sit back and relax and spend more time with the sunshine in my life, my friends and family. I will be more relaxed and wont have to rush everything at the last moment, making myself more successful day by day. -Sarah W. 7/8-

chris said...

Some of the things I try to clean out is my procrastination. I'm in the process of cleaning it out now, but theres a little left. One thing im looking to add to my life is better work habits. And for sorting stuff out, I would love to keep my good, clean ethics and git rid of all the things that make me lower as a person. This spring break, I am going to try to clean my work areas because I have recognized if my area is clean, open, and organized, I work and focus better.

ellen_f said...

as much as i love my life right now, i think i need to clean out all the stress in my life. i have so much i feel like in my crazy schedule and just in general i could use a good relaxation time. then i could focus better and procrastinate less.
ellen 1

Anonymous said...

In my house I need to clean out my room and get rid of old clothes I do not wear and other things that just sit collecting dust. In my life I need to clean out the negative people and the things I don't necessarily enjoy. Life is too short to waste getting hung up on something that will only bring you down and cause troubles. I need to stop procrastination on everything and get down to improving all aspects of my life.

CLuzier said...

It is funny that this is the topic today, considering just yesterday I rearranged my room and majorly cleaned it. I threw out old papers like silly notes and drawings. Maybe now I should focus more on getting school work done and strengthening relationships. I am usually waiting until the last minute to do homework and papers and it is not putting me in good positions. That is the main thing I want to focus on. Cleaning out all of my bad habits and try to start replacing them with good ones that will prepare me for the future. I would also like to balance my time between doing important things, such as cleaning and homework, and fun things like working out, hanging out with friends, or even just relaxing and watching TV from time to time.

-Corrine Luzier 2*

Dylan Bohland said...

what i choose to clean up is my basement first of all my stuff from my sister moving back and forth from college to home and second of all figure out some kind of new way to make our pump that we have run all the TIME! Cause when they built our house a few years back they didnt tell us that there was a pond behind our house so drainage water still drains there and when the power goes out like this weekend the stupid pump stops working.

EthanE said...

This week I wanted to focus on getting my blog in on time... Which did not work out. I also want to focus on once I clean my bedroom, keeping it clean as well. I sort of like the clutter in my room, because it is not really clutter to me. I know where everything is and where it will be. Although, once I clean my room, I seem to lose things.
Ethan Engelke 2nd

Anonymous said...

One of the things I want to clean out of my life is my bad habit of procrastination. Every since I was in grade school I remember having a real problem with not being able to do things like schoolwork because I simply didn't want to. I want to change that. Another thing that I want to clean is my room because it seems like it takes me hours to find the smalleset thing.

Maddie Kidd said...

This spring I would like to clean out all the things that no longer have any meaning to me. The things that are from when I was young that haven't been touched since then. In my life I want to clean out all the stress that goes on. I want to be able to just sit around, watch tv, and not have anything to do. For me I am always on the run and never have time for myself just to relax. I wish to spend time with my family for i never get to see them with our busy schedules. I want to do the things I used to do all the time that were fun and made me happy that I no longer can find the time to do.

alexgrabowski. said...

In my house I need to clean my room and get rid of old clothes and clutter. I also need to clear my mind and try to get rid of all the stress I have. I need to catch up on school work and spend time with my family. I also would love to spend time with my friends and catch up with them too.
Alexandra Grabowski
2nd Period

JackiK said...

This week I want to focus on spending more time with family and friends. Sometime, I get so involved with other things, such as school, that I forget to spend time with loved ones. Every once in a while I need to take a step back and relax. I need to clean up my priorities.

-Jacki K 1*

haley said...

Cleaning is not my thing. I don't like wiping away memories or memorabilia of people or things that I love or once loved. Even though some people bring negativity to my life, I feel like it would be too hard to take them away because at sometime somewhere they brought joy to me which led me to put them in my life in the first place. However, I would like to clean up my act as parents would say. I want to start focusing more on whats important and try not to let little problems get in the way of where my heart is leading me. Similarly to you I find it hard to have to prioritize things and choose what is more important because i find too many things extremely important to me and they make up who I am and who I will be.
-Haley Y. 1

Nathan Bardwell said...

For this "Spring Cleaning" I want to get my work done quicker, and on time. I want to have more time to hang out with my friends. More time to just sit around and relax. So I want to make daily goals for homework or any work. I want to get those stuff done as quick as I can so I can have fun.

Kayla Cameron said...

This week i want to focus on cleaning my room, which didn't work out for me that well. i also want to focus on my life changes. i want to make sure that with how my life is changing i want it to be the best for me. i want to be able to think about the next step and not have to worry about taking it to small or to big and trusting myself.
Kayla Cameron 5/6

caseycows3 said...

What I would wish to get rid of is my messy room. I often procrastinate cleaning my room and pay for it later when I'm not allowed to do anything. I also procrastinate my homework, packing, and other things. I let Things pile up until they are sky high and then decide to tackle It when its at its worst. I put off Things that I dont Like To do. Besides procrastinating, there is nothing in my life I have to clean, the rest of my life is nice and clean.