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Celebrating small kindnesses and basking in the little things.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


I have been reading a lot lately. More than usual, I guess is what I mean to say. Reading provides me with so much; I find comfort in the language, the characters, the ideas and how the author chooses to convey them. All of these are very much a part of me. The more I read, the more I am able to understand text. Makes sense...right? The more I read, the more I am able to pick up on vocabulary, symbols, structures, styles, characterizations, and the like.

These books are symbolic of not just my personality but for the way I think. I am a person who does not just see the surface; I am a person who looks below the surface through the nooks and crannies to find meaning, to see how things work. It can be an annoying part of my personality. Watching movies becomes a game where I try to examine every word, every image, every camera angle to see what meaning is being made regardless of how subtle.

Books are a symbol I embrace. For this blog, I want you to think about symbols. We know that a symbol is itself and something else. Books are a symbol. In themselves they are an item that contains pages, words, covers--front and back, meaning etc... As a symbol they represent knowledge, complexity, devotion, class, interest etc...

What would be a symbol for you? Why is it a symbol for you? Break the item down and apply it to your personality.


Michelle! said...

A charmed bracelet I received ata banquet would be a symbol for myself. The bracelet represents my style in fassion and an accessory for everyone else. Looking deeper into the symbolism, the charms represent the hard work and effort I put into my sport and all of the dedication which shows what I have been working toward for years.

MandaC3 said...

The symbol for me is a dove. I am sometimes looked at as loving and caring about others. I am said to be peaceful and strong. A dove represents love and being pure. What my name actually means is actually loving, caring, wise, and pure. My grandmother gave me a necklace andd on it had a dove and now everyday I wear it because its who i am.
~Amanda Caspary 3*~

BrittanyG said...

I believe that clothing is a symbol for all. It represents one's feelings and thoughts for the day and also may represent the integrity they have in themselves. When I look into my closet every morning it makes me think: How am I feeling? How do I want people to think I'm feeling?
If my night was rough the day before that's when I throw on a sweatshirt and some Uggs and walk out the door. When I'm in a great mood, I pick out favorite blouses and burn my time accessorizing. This says that I am taking pride in the way that I take pride in the way that I look and therefore, people are more likely to come to you with a positive attitude rather than at a person wearing sweats.

Jacqueline Knirnschild said...

A symbol for me would be my long, blonde wavy hair. Unlike most girls my age, I rarely tend to straighten my hair. Instead, most days I leave it natural and let it fall down my back and shoulders. This symbolizes my relaxed, upbeat, wild personality. The fact that I leave my hair free and untamed shows I'm carefree. To me, things are more important than spending an hour straightening my hair every morning. I could care less if there's a few flyaway's on my head. My natural hair symbolizes that I am free-spirited, calm and confident.
Jacqueline K. 7/8th

Anonymous said...

A symbol for me would have to be the scar on my left shoulder. I recieved it when I was two and from then on I was a survivor. It symbolizes my courage and bravery. Being able to hold back my tears when it happened and staying awake when I got the stitches. 18 beautiful stitches in my tiny arm. This scar means the world to me. It's like my own little tatto that im never getting covered up. I'll proudly walk around in short sleeves and show it off. Even when the people ask "what happened" or "how'd you get that scar."I don't shy away; I gladley tell them. I mean it's not like I was shot in my arm or I have some horrific story behind it, but it means alot to me and who I've become. Therefore I guess you could say I love it.

~Deja W. 3rd~

Anonymous said...

My symbol is running shoes. They show my perseverance, loyalty, dedication and commitment to myself and others. My shoes show this through the worn out soles, stretched out laces, and a brown color where they used to be white. Every year I have to get a new pair, even if the old ones still fit. The new shoes are not a new start. They are a new way to encouraging me to run faster, further, and make no excuses.
~Lydia Sch. 2*

AmandaC. said...

A symbol for me would have to be what lies under the heart. The heart is technically an organ in the body. It is known to be as more though. In the movies it does have sentimental value. To me it represents love, trust, personality and kindness. Without any heart in this world, we might all be mean and nasty people. The heart is more than just a part of the body, what lies under is what defines who you are and your personality. That is why it is a symbol to me... because it represents my personality.

-Amanda C 7/8*

im not crazy i swear said...

If i had to choose one item to represent my personality it would be the sheild. I beleive that in life the best offence is a good deffence. I like to always have a plan B to every problem. I also take pride in standing up for the things and protecting the ones I love. James Helms

Rohan Srivastava said...

A symbol of myself would have to be the heart. Maybe I see the heart as a symbol because of my fascination in medicine. However, the heart also stands for other traits of myself. Unlike other muscles in our the body, the heart is constantly pumps; this stands for my perseverance of working toward my goals in academics and sports. The heart is vital to the human body as other organs and muscles must be motivated by the blood and oxygen provided through the power of the heart. This symbolizes my power in leadership which motivates my peers to participate. As a leader, I can problem-solve those difficult moments, able to restore the space for others to breathe. Also, many relate the heart as the symbol of compassion and honesty. I try my best to be friendly to others and stay unbiased during the moments of tension.

Julianne said...

A symbol for myself would have to be the stuffed animal that I recieved from my now deceased grandma. The animal is a dog symbolizing my love of that animal. It also is beaten down and rugged te represent the hardships and difficultes i have faced throughout my life. The animal fills me with comfort and memories of my grandma. Not only that but it teaches me to be appriceative of my current family and to never take advantage of the good things in my life. Although the animal doesn't get dragged around everywhere I go now, as it did when I was 5, there is still a place for it in my room to remind me of my happy spirit and fill me with the perservirence that I need in times of doubt.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

A symbol of me would have to be….. A picture frame that I made when I was five. My brother died when he was two. He had an illness that was sort of like cancer, but not quite-his cells were mutated. His liver was bad and he was practically born with the illness. I remember being dragged out of kindergarten and rushed out of school that day. There were many people at my house. My family was upstairs, with my brother. People with scary looking masks, uniforms, and instruments were everywhere. A social worker named Susan sat me down and gave me a picture frame. It was a two sided picture frame that opened and closed like a book. On the right side, there was a picture of my brother. On the left, there was this soft blue clay. We pressed my brother’s foot into it, and it hardened. We decorated the border with stickers. The picture frame is still in my room. The doctors gave up on him, because they lost hope. The social worker asked me what I want to be when I grow up. I told her, “I want to be a doctor. I will never give up on a patient like they did to my brother.” Of course, over the years I have learned that those doctors did the best they could. But that picture frame reminds me what I want to be and the reason why- to help people like my brother.

annaj said...

If I were to pick just one item to be a symbol of me, I would pick a violin. Though the I am not a great violinist and feel no particular passion for it, the instrument and I share many qualities. In my experience, I find that violinists are generally the show off type. You will never find a non-competitive violin player, who doesn't think that they could head the orchestra even though they aren't good enough. Much like me. I know that I am not a genius. I never have been and never will be but some how seem to have to try and give the impression that I am.

A violin is hard to play, to some extent, as I am rather shy and hard to get to know. A violin can play a slow song or a speedy tune, as my moods are very versatile as well. A violin can be screechy when played wrong, as I can and will be loud when rubbed the wrong way. And most importantly, we are both independent. A violin is often heard above all of the other strings for it's higher nature and the confidence of the players. When in a group, I always will say my part, even though I'm not very loud. I am incredibly independent in the way that I speak out to get things right- as a violin.

Anna J. 7-8 period

Kelli Shumate said...

A symbol for me is a music note. This is a symbol for me because music and I have been through a lot since the first time I played my instrument. I'll never forget the wondrous yet beautiful sound that erupted from my flute on my first attempt at playing it. From that day on, it became all about the music for me. As I continued on with my instrument I quickly learned that the key to playing it wasn't just randomly fingering along and counting having a flute as being a professional at all things flute. The key was to practice.  Practicing fingerings. Practicing tone quality. Practicing breath support. But most of all to practice rhythms. These rhythms were made up of music notes; each with a different signal that identified it as that note. Notes can move you to make a difference or just tamper with your emotions in general. For me, I am a very theatrical person and I like to add a dramatic kid of flair to everything I do. Music notes can do the same thing. They can shorten, articulate, strengthen, broaden, or lengthen a note at any time. Music notes add the passion to a piece of music. They inspire me to keep playing and see what happens next and just be myself through the music. 

Samantha said...

The symbol for my is the bracelet I got from from my Dad on my 13th birthday. The bracelet represents the love and caring that he provides for my sister and i even when were not so nice. I don't wear the bracelet as much as I should, but even every I do i think of my dad.

- Samantha S. 5/6*

CamerinM1 said...

A symbol for myself would be a heart. My symbol would be a heart because i am very caring. I see the good in everybody and i love them for that. I will always try to help someone in need and be there for them. Also because i show determination. I am determined to reach my life goals and i will not settle for anything less. I give my best in everything i do and nothing else. -c. mcdonald1

zirkle said...

A symbol that I would say would have to be my cat Airagon. he is one of the best companions I have had in my life. As soon as i get home he will come to me and want my attention all most no matter what i am doing. he is black with a white chest and paws.he is a symbol because I have had him since he was a kitten.

Anonymous said...

A symbol for me is my chain. It was given to me by my Aunt and it features a crucifix on the end of it. For me, this chain symbolizes two things that are important to me. It symbolizes my family and my religion. These two things mean a lot to me and I like to be reminded of them everytime I look down and see my chain.

alexgrabowski. said...

A symbol that represents me would have to be pointe shoes. Dance is the one place i can go to and not have to worry about anything. I can get lost in a dance and have no stress at all. It's been my passion since i was two and holds a special place in my heart. My pointe are constant reminder of how much dance means to me.

Jaimie Lynn said...

A good symbol for me would have to be my microphone. This would have to be because i love to sing. The first time i did my first concert my whole family was there supporting me. This was when i was in elementary school in 3rd grade. That is a young age to be in front of people and them just watching you with both eyes and you never know what they are thinking. When it was over there was like a moment of silence and i was scared then they started to clap and scream saying " GOOD JOB!" but that year i didn't win but then the next year i did! I am outgoing and fun to be with. I will always support my friends no matter what and love to hear peoples opinions.

Dylan Bohland said...

My symbol for me is my hank Gimble award that i recieved on november 1st. It was at my Golf banquet and i was the only freshman to recieve one to me this symbolizes how hard ive worked to get this far and how much i enjoy the sport golf. So this showed me that i can do bigger and better things, for example Mr.vadini and Coach lobbi said i have the chance to jump up to varsity next year which very few freshman have done!

Ricky said...

My symbol would be my baseball glove. it represents my favorite sport and what i can do in my extra time. the baseball glove just ties my whole personality together because that is my favorite sport and i hope that i can play it forever.
Ricky Kemp

Ryan said...

Hmm... One of the more difficult blogs in a while. I found myself just sitting here for a while, trying to match my personality to an actual object. For some, this may be easy, but I find it rather difficult. How is it possible to take such a unique and dynamic human and compare it to something so simple ? If I need to pick something, it would have to be an eagle though. I think there are a few things that make me like an eagle.

Independent- much like an eagle, I am very independent. I do not enjoy working and groups, and feel that I can get things done faster by my self. I guess you could say that I am also a control freak- put me in a group and I naturally want to do all of the work.

Intelligent- I feel the need to think things through first. I will take time to consider all options and weigh all possibilities before making a decision.

Fast- I can often complete projects rather quickly. I am the furthest thing from a procrastinator, and pride myself in that. Though I do work on things quickly, I still always make sure to put in effort and make it excellent.

Reliable- If somebody asks me to do something, they can be sure that I will do it for them. I hate letting people down, and always try to do the best work possible for people.

Leader- the eagle can be considered a leader of all birds (they are, after all, the national bird in the US). I am also a very good leader. I take time to listen to others and always make sure my team is heading in the right track. I know I said I didn't like group work earlier, but group work and teamwork are two totally different things.

~Ryan M 2

Paige_S said...

A symbol for me would be crayons. There are so many different colors in a crayola crayon box, just like the different personalities i have. I am shy at first, but loud once I am comfortable. I believe that each crayon represents uniquness, and thats what i strive to be:unique. I also believe crayons are a symbol for me because I love to draw/color. These things allw me to be myself and express how I feel without nessecarily talking about it.

Paige S. 1st

Monyak65 said...

A symbol for me could be my highest honors award for maintaining a 4.0 throughout my eighth grade school year. It represents my intellectual abilities and hard work. Going deeper it represents my caring about my future because success now will lead to success in the future and I want to provide a good life for myself and any possible family I could have in the future.

Paul S. said...

A symbol that relates to who I am is my teddy bear that I got for my 2nd birthday. You remember. We all had one, each unique when compared to another's. My teddy bear was a Pooh Bear, from Winnie the Pooh. Yellow fur with a red shirt that says "Pooh" across it. I believe this symbolizes who I am because of my deep personal connection with it. It has a big, broad smile across it's face, with the eyes wide open, but not so far open it looks as though he's staring off somewhere else. He seems to look at you, to pay attention. This is who I am. I am almost always in a good mood and I pay attention when I can. He's bigger than most teddy bears, which symbolizes my big heart, to be kind when people need encouragement or support. That is who I am.

Paul S.

Anonymous said...

My symbol would be a my homemade toy box. The toy box represents my great grandfather because he made it for me. It shows that i am a family person and family is a big thing to me. After he died I put all my important things in it and keep them safe in what i think represents my great grandfather

Nathan Bardwell said...

A symbol for me would be a musical note. This is because music is a huge part of my life. I am what some like to call a "band geek." I really enjoy band. Ever since the first time i picked up my saxophone I knew I was hooked. But it's not just band music that plays a big part in my life, it's music on my iPod and the radio as well. I can't so anything unless some sort of music is on, it actually helps me to focus. In fact, I am listening to music an I type this right now. Music has done so many things for me. Music provides me with comfort. Whenever I'm feeling down I pull out my saxophone and play something, or I go and bang around on my drum set, or I even just pop in my headphones and listen. Music is a symbol for me because without it, I would be nothing.

GabeW2 said...

I feel a symbol that goes along with my personality is a star. When I look at a star, I see a bright beam of light and purity shining in the dark sky. This relates to me because I like to guide people and help them succeed. Just like looking at the North Star can help you discover what way to go. Leading people has helped me use y problem solving skills to understand people’s problems and validate them when needed. Lastly, I am like a star because I am responsible and don’t let people down. When we look at the sun, we see an important star in our solar system. It hasn't let the citizens of the world down with not producing enough light to help make food, electricity and letting us see. After looking at the personal traits I possess, I can see that there is a relationship between a star and I.

Maddy G said...

A Symbol for me would have to be my yellow, telecaster guitar. One reason why this would be a symbol for me is because of the yellow almost golden color, it is bold without being overwhelming.The color symbolizes how I stand out and differ from others without being too flashy, or shoving it in others faces.
Also, my telecaster has great playing action and so everyone who picks it up can play it fine and doesn't have any problems. In this way, the guitar symbolizes how I am easy to get along with. I don't cause problems and I can make myself blend in with many different kinds of people. Unlike my other guitars that others have a hard time getting used to, this guitar, as well as my personality, can sit well with people.
My guitar also symbolizes my love for music. I love to discover musicians, collect CDs, listen to many genres, write music, and play it in a variety of ways. It can even symbolize my "old soul." This guitar was created in the 50s, but is used by many of my favorite musicians who for the most part are artists from older times.

- Maddy Grimm 1st period

Sara1220 said...

A symbol for me would be a wolf-like animal. I say this because, I like to stick with the pack ( my friends and family ) and don't like too much unnecessary change. But when it comes down to it, I'm not afraid to confront the problem at it's source. Wolfs can be peaceful when in calm times and can also be very aggressive when needed. I am calm on the outside 85% of the time but when need comes, I can change my attitude 180 degrees.
-Sarah P 1*

Camillemarie said...

A symbol I have in my life is my cross neckalce I recieved when I was baptised. The neckalce is a symbol for me because it shows my transformation and my faith. I have become a new person since that day several years ago, and I am also very open about being a Christian because I believe it is nothing to be ashamed of. This neckalce is also special because I recieved it from one of my close friends that day. The gold color shows its boldness and light that God has put into my heart. The religion behind that neckalce helps make my personality.

Anonymous said...

An object that symbolizes me would be a paint palette. I think this symbolizes me because I am a very artistic person and I love making all kinds of art. I feel I am always doing something artistic, like drawing, painting, taking pictures, designing my room differently or simply doodling on my notes in school. All of the colors on the palette show how my mood is always changing. My mood can be from happy (yellow paint), to mad (red paint), to sad (blue paint), etc. Plus, a paint pallet has all of the colors, which shows my colorful, bubbly and unique personality.

~Olivia W. 2nd

lenhoff#2 said...

A symbol of me would most likely be paint. This is because for one thing I love art, and one of my favorite things to do in art is paint. I find painting fun and relaxing, where I can be as creative as I want to be. Also paint is colorful just like I hope everyone sees my personality. Just like my heritage, paint is mixed and blended into a whole new color. Each color of paint has its own personality; pink- sweet, yellow- bright, light blue- calm, dark blue- sadness, and red- anger are a few examples. Though I don’t wish to be, I have a very diverse personality (especially at home when I’m with people I couldn’t care less if the judged me) just like paint’s colors. Paint can also create beautiful works of art when mixed with a little imagination. Just like paint used for works of art, I am going to use my creativity to paint a happy, successful, and wonderful future for myself.
C. Lenhoff- 1.

ZMiller3rd said...

The thing that symbolizes me would have to be a racecar because I am not afraid to go fast in fact I always want to go faster then the motorized vehicle will go. This also shows that racing has been passed on through my family for four generations. It is a fun sport that I like to do and someday I hope to pass it on to someone elase.
Zack Miller 3rd

macey j. 3rd said...

my symbol would have to be my soccer ball. this shows what i love to do and i always have it with me. i call it my "best friend". the different grooves and marks on the ball show how much practice and time i put into the game. it also shows how much i work to become a better player.

demo said...

A symbol for me would be school. It might be just a regular building to someone but to me its much much more. School is a place from learning, meting friends and also a place for activities. School is what represents you, for example i am a Brunswick Blue Devil and that is a good name to stand by when you talk with people such as from Normandy there reputation is drugs and unsafe. Thought for some people school might be a place of hell i think of it as heaven.

NatalieK_1 said...

I think that my symbol is a pen. I love to write and I enjoy letting the creative side of me show and my inner thoughts be expressed. Writing helps me voice those things I can't keep silent. With my writing, I can paint a picture with a different kind of artistic ability- a picture that charms the senses and provokes thought and unlocks the door to new perspectives. I am very involved in my life, I try to make the most out of every day. It's like filling a blank piece of paper with as much writing as it can hold. I want it to be original; I add swirls and loops to make it my own. But I never forget that I'm writing in pen, and I have to be careful where I go with things because mistakes cannot be erased. With a pen, a story can be told and I want to change the world with a story. Even though a pen is quite small, it can invoke change and movement with a few strokes of ink. -Natalie_K 1

Rachel Javorsky said...

A symbol that represents me is a set of four mallets to play a marimba or xylophone instrument. When most people hear my name, they think of me playing the xylophones and such in marching band. Those four mallets can make beautiful sounds when in the hands of a practiced master, but can also make the unsteady sound in the hands of a novice. This is a lot like me because the people that know me better tend to bring out the best in me while others who don't understand me can bring me down. The art of playing four mallets is a very underappreciated art and not many people know the true difficulty behind mastering the technique. Like myself, I'm not the most "popular" and my friendship is found when the other person wants it too. No matter what happens in the world, playing an instrument helps you make an escape. I try to help people forget their troubles or help fix them.

Rachel Javorsky said...

Rachel Javorsky 7/8

CLuzier said...

The best symbol to describe me would probably be my old, worn, cabbage patch kid, blanket I got when I was younger. I was born with too many valves open in my heart making it beat faster than it was supposed to. I was at great risk of a heart attack which, being a tiny baby, could have easily killed me. It was a big question if I was going to live. After a a week or so, I healed almost completely with the exception of a few medications I was on. When I finally got home, my older sister covered me up with her favorite sheet, and I instantly became attached to it. On my first birthday, I became very sick and was hospitalized again. My blanket was with me the whole time. As I grew older and able to walk, I would take it to stores, restaurants, any where you could think of, with me. To me, this blanket is a symbol of my strength and my family always being there for me.

Corrine Luzier 2*

Calp said...

A symbol that represents me would probably be my smile. Its not really perfect, like me. I have always disliked my smile. Its too square and oddly shapped. But i smile all the time. I think that smiling can make anything better, and brings joy to those around you. It represents me because i am always smiling, a happy-go-lucky kinda kid. it seems to make people like me more, and i like having friends. smiling is what i like to do.

AmandaRose said...

One the biggest symbols for me would my wand in which I recived at the wizarding world of Harry Potter. The wand reperesents a type of magicthat only lies within. I feel that every person is there own motivation. The wand allows every person to acheive the unimaginable. I personally belive that anything is possible if you just belive. My whole life I have been told that anything is possible if I just set my mind to it. So the wand is a perfect symbol of what I represent. It also shows my want to belive in things that are not necessarily true. I personaily try not to see the negative in people but only the good even when it is really hard to find. I think that my wand is a perfect symbol of me.

oliviaY said...

A symbol that represents me is my soccer cleats. They aren't in prefect condition, just like I'm not perfect in anyway. My cleats aren't the most expensive, but they're still comfortable. Just like me, im not the most uptight person and I know how to just be comfortable being myself. My cleats have their own original scrapes and skuffs. I also have my own memories that make me original and not like anyone else.
Olivia Y
2nd period

JakeB said...

My symbol would be a basketball because it says where i came from and where im at right now. It all started in 3rd grade that i first picked up a basketball. I wasnt the greats player at the time so i turned fully commited to the sport. Everyday i was outside shooting and practicing really hard. I would get mad sometimes bcs i wanted to go shoot but my mom didnt let me. Years started to pass and i felt myself getting better. By the time 7th grade came around i hit a growth spurt and was for sure going the team. I thought wrong, that year i didnt make the team. Im disapointment i pushed myself even harder. 8th grade year i hit another growth spurt and was ready for try-outs. Finally i made the team. Freshman year i had to go the hardest for try-outs. I tryed and a good outcome came my way. I made the team. I have came a long way and have a longer way to go.
-jake B 3rd period-

HannahKG said...

After pondering for a while on different inanimate objects, I agreed with myself that sheet music(including the music staff, repeats, notes,dynamics, etc) is a symbol for my personality, values, behavior, and beliefs.

Sheet music can be very diverse. For example, Mozart produced hundreds of pages of sheet music, but so do artists like Lady Gaga. Pertaining to me, I can vary day to day- my attitude and emotions. The notes embedded into the music are my words and thoughts. Changing constantly; but in a natural flow together. Dynamics represent major events in my life. Whether it would be a birthday, a funeral, or high school drama; an extra tone and presence is indicated which affects my thoughts. Little, but important, symbols including repeat signs and time signatures are emblems for the pace of my hectic, busy lifestyle, and how sometimes, because of my schedule, I have to repeat life lessons to learn from my mistakes.

I also enjoy the concept that only a few individuals can read and understand the style of my "sheet music" personality. I go far beyond the typical analogy of "OMG This song was totally written about my life!" Last but not least, I love the symbol of sheet music because I can write it myself and create my own future.

-Hannah Grabowski

Rachael said...

A symbol for me would be the ring that i wear on my ring finger on my right hand. It means so much to me because the ring was passed onto me when my best friends finger got bigger. before me the ring had been passed on to catey from her best friend from elementry school. Her best friend had been given that ringer from her older sister who had recieved that from her best friend. The ring itself symbolizes frendship, forgiveness and a cycle. each one who had recieved the ring had gottten it sometime after a big fight as a makeup gift. I recieved it no diffrently. The ring never really leaves my finger( except when i have too, such as a race) and each time when my best friend is down, it means the world to her to see that im wearing that ring. So its a cycle, and when i get to big to wear it, i'll pass it on and the cycle will continue. A circle is round(like the ring) and has no end, thats how long i want to be your friend. Knowing that means the world to me and to all those that have worn had it in their possesion.
Rachael S 5-6period

brunswick52 said...

A symbol for me is a football player.this is a symbol for me because i want to play it all the time. i also play on the football team and im there everyday so i can learn something new. when i come home i watch the NFL network to see the latest updates. when i play football i play hard because it is just my passion.


rykordahi14 said...

The symbol that would stand for me would most definitely be my soccer cleats. This so because once my soccer cleats are on, the demon inside comes out. I may be fun and jokes around others, but when it's time to practice, fun isn't in my dictionary. In my soccer cleats i feel part of something bigger; I feel unbeatable. This gives me assurance, helping me to perform the best i possibly can. My soccer cleats are what brings out the true, determined me.

Ryan Kordahi

EthanE said...

A rosary I received at my first communion is a symbol for myself. This rosary represents faith, pride, and respect for my beliefs. It also gives me comfort when I am in a tough situation. Looking into a deeper meaning, if I need help with something then I look at my rosary and it reminds me how God is always there with me.
Ethan Engelke 2*

Anonymous said...

Something that symbolizes me would be a basketball. It's vibrant orange color and bounciness shows my bright personality and my optimistic outlook. The thin black lines that look as though they are trying to hold the ball together symbolize how I like to keep my friends and family close to me. The smooth bumps that cover a basketball show how even though things come up in life that seem impossible to get over, I can smooth these obstacles over and get over them. Overall, a basketball is the perfect symbol of me.

bbjmz said...

A symbol for me is a music note. Music is my life, whatever mood your in, you can listen to music. There are so many different genres to choose from. Performing music is better. When I'm involved in the performance of music, it's like your connected to the composer. Through dynamics and tempo, you can tell how the composer feels. Dancing to music helps you to connect further, and the performance makes you feel alive. It's like a high, except it's legal.

- megan z 7/8

Megan L. said...

There are many things I could use to symbolize myself as a person. Whether it’s a sombrero to emphasize my love of Spanish culture and language or a cell phone to symbolize my love of social interaction and my outgoing personality. However, there is one thing above all that I think best symbolizes me, and that is a child.

Children are young and inexperienced when it comes to the world that lies around them. This helps to represent my confusion in the world, and how I’m always trying to understand and learn new things. Also, children can be used to express purity through a naïve and impressionable nature. I feel like this idea correlates how I’m impacted by my society and still hold faith within the objects that have been created through trends and fads throughout my life. Finally, I find a child is a good symbol because children express the aspect in life that no matter what happens one can always revive themselves and get right back on their feet. I enjoy this aspect because I know from personal experience and out of personal determination, I will always try to move ahead and overcome my mistakes, no matter what age I may be.

Bex said...

A symbol for me is a golf ball. First of all, because when I was little, my dad took me to the golfing range all the time. Secondly, because I am like the golf ball itself. I am completely different on the outside than I am on the inside. The outside of a golf ball is hard, usually white plastic. On the outside, I can be a jerk. I hardly ever make a good first impression because I am so mean at first, and if not mean, very quiet. The inside of a golf ball is black rubber, which is the total opposite of white plastic. Once you get to know me, you see that on the inside I too am the total opposite of how I first appear to be. In reality, I am completely down to Earth and I am very understanding, but you usually have to look beneath the surface and get to know me to see that side of me.

-Bekah H. 7/8.

JazlynRae(: said...

I have a small purple ring i wear everyday 24/7 no matter what. My mom gave it to me and the color. Also represents her birthstone, February.
It is symbolic of her as a person, mother, and friend. I never take it off because like her, i want it to be there forever.
Jazlyn R. 7/8

haley said...

A symbol for me would be a truffle. Hard on the outside and soft and squishy on the inside. I dont open up easily but once you are on the inside it all pours out. It also is a symbol for my personality I always try to be nice and sweet to people and truffles are very sweet.
- Haley Yuhas- 1

Jeffa said...

A symbol for me is an Eagle. The Eagle is a representation of freedom. To me the Eagle represents going for my dreams and not stopping until I reach my goals. The eagle is almost looked at as an icon for our country. To me the Eagle is a symbol of leadership and in my opinion I can be a strong and dedicated leader for people.
JEFFANZO 1st period

bballplayer3213 said...

A symbol for me would have to be my dog that i had when i was younger. She was smart but shy, and loved to just go outside, and worry about nothing. She was loyal to her family, loving, and never did anything that could hurt the people around her. Once she got to know you, she would stand by you for whatever you were doing, and follow you around like she was physically attached to you to make sure that you never got hurt. She was protective, and always let you know if she didnt like how you were acting. Thats why i chose my dog as a symbol to me.
-Sarah W. 7/8

Sam said...

The symbol I would choose to represent myself would be a pen. A pen is an instrument used to create rather than destroy. It's work is permanent and so one cannot go back and erase the mistakes that have appeared over time. In my life, many mistakes have been made, but instead of attempting or wishing to erase them, I have learned to integrate them into my story. The pen is perfect to represent me for with each drop of ink it places on a page it adds to the creation, making it more interesting and more beautiful with each imperfection. I am imperfect and I live to created my story with each move I make.

hyellow12 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hyellow12 said...

A symbol that represents me is a goldfish cracker. I have always loved goldfish, ever since i was a little kid. They show my creative side, from when i would stick them to a piece of paper and make an ocean. They represent my usually happy mood, most of them are "the snack that smiles back" with the few defects that don't have a face (and aren't smiling). They represent a part of me that will never get old. In the goldfish commercials, they(the crackers) are usually taking part in some sort of adventure, which is something i love to do. There are many different kinds(in the commercials), representing my different characteristics. And they are deathly afraid of the vacuum cleaner which represents my fears. They serve as my snack and energizer. You are never too old for goldfish.
hannah m 1

Ang5339 said...

I'm going to be a little abstract here... I'm a triangular based pyramid. I have four sides, one for each version of me. My first side is the side that I show when I'm with my friends. This me is fun, sarcastic, and everything a teenage girl is supposed to be. She loves to go shopping and watch chick flicks, and can chat for hours about who she likes and doesn't like. Next is the side that I show when I'm with my family. She acts like the perfect suburbanite that she is expected to be. She plays at family game nights and makes pasta with the women in her family on weekends. Next is the side that I am at school. That me is focused, academic, and slightly introverted. She expects the absolute most out of herself and it kills her when she doesn't get it. Last is the base. This is me, the real me, the me that I am when I'm alone. I laugh out loud and wear my heart on my sleeve. I can dance in circles around my room to 80';s music without caring what anybody but me thinks about it. I don't have any expectations when I'm alone and I can spend hours watching montages on YouTube of my favorite couples from movies. So this entire entry may make me seem entirely bipolar, but I'm alone in my room right now and can't bring myself to care what people think or whether or not they approve. Because this is the real me, and that is why the real me is the base, and as of right now nobody sees it but me.

-Angela G. 2*

Spiffy Monkey said...

A symbol for me would be a smile. I love smiling and being happy as much as possible. Without a smile or laughter I do not think I would be myself. I think it is totally spiffy how one smile can brighten the darkest of days. In my personality, I try to be that one smile; that one bit of happiness that can help someone else. :D
~Kristen Perkins

Apple101 said...

Heyy everybody, I'm back!! You thought you were rid of me... But you can't get rid of me THAT easily. ;)

I believe that the simple banana symbolizes me quite well. The banana doesn't seem to care what people think of its apperance. It's curvy; it's simply just a curve. It's abnormal, different, and I love it!! Also, the banana can easily be judged by it's apperance (brown, green, yellow). But the banana refuses to let the judgements affect it. For those who actually take the time to peel away the outer layer of the banana, they will get to see the bright awesome-ness that the banana holds. The banana is different, wierd, bright, and doesn't care at all as to what people think of it; as am I.


em said...

A symbol for me would have to be my cross country spikes. When I first bought them they were a bright, neon green. After my first race, they are now brown, worn out, and covered in mud! They are a symbol to me because my spikes are very special, they are only worn on race days, and I've been able to PR almost every race with them! They are my good luck charms. Before a race, I’m all nerves! But once I slip on my spikes, it becomes game time. I'm ready to race and run fast, to beat all the girls (and sometimes, boys) who will be running against me. I think this applies to my personality because when you first take a look at my spikes, they look like nothing special, just a pair of yucky brown shoes with needles on the bottom, but once you break them in and get to know them better, you can see them for what they really are underneath, that crazy bright neon green color! When people first meet me, I'm very shy and awkward, but once you get to know me, I'm crazy, talkative and wild! My spikes also represent me because I can be very fun and outgoing but when it comes to practice, school work, and especially my races, I take everything very seriously. They represent my shyness, awkwardness and that “nothing special”, but underneath all of that “mud”, they represent my real, crazy, fun, and weird personality, along with hard work, determination and will power.
Emily 7/8*

kayla said...

One symbol I would compare to myself is a Rainbow:
-Rainbows are colorful; much like my personality.
-Rainbows are known to bring a smile to someone's face; one goal I have in life is to make every person I meet smile.
-Rainbows appear after a storm; I try to be the Rainbow after the Storm in everyone's lives.

~Kayla 2*~

Rosevine A said...

A symbol for me would have to be dance costumes/uniforms. I love dancing. I love dance and the various genres of dance because it expresses various moods. When I go to dance, I am able to express my happy moods or on the contraire, blow off some steam. I love dance because of the various moods it gives off. Dance and my dance outfits represent me because it represents indepence and pride in who you are.

ljstephens2015 said...

I can honestly say that I don't hold close any material possesions. If my home burned down and all my belongings were lost, I wouldn't miss a thing. Something that really symbolizes me would be companionship. There is nothing more meaningful in my life than the relationships I have. It symbolizes how much I care for other people and their needs, other than dwelling on my own.

Cheyenne said...

I think a symbol for me would be a jar of sparkles or glitter. This is a symbol for me because around new people I am a shy person but when I am around my friend's I come alive and am myself. I can compare this to sparkles because one way you look at them they can seem plain and all the same. But if you move them or shine light onto them the glow and sparkle. they are all unique.
When you break down a jar of glitter or sparkles; I see a bunch of individual pieces that make up one beautiful piece contained in a jar. the jar would symbolize the world and the sparkles would symbolize all the people that make up the world. Each one separate and unique. Once you put them all together in the jar they form a very unique piece of art like the people form the world.

Cheyenne said...

the last comment was from Cheyenne Wurm in 1st Period

Cheyenne said...

I think a good symbol for me is a firework. They are very loud, colorful, sometimes obnixious, and very unique. I am a very lo0ud person and so are fireworks. My personality is special, and very random, yet there are many parts to it. That is why i am a colorful person. I can be extremely obnixous and so can fireworks. So in a way fireworks are a good representation of me.
This was typed by Anna Bunting. Sorry I used her computer for this.

JessicaT said...

A symbol that represents me would be a fruit.. like a pomegranate. The outside of the pomegranate is totally different than the inside. This is kind of what I am like. It kind of feels like I am two different people sometimes, between school and home..
When you break through that hard outter layer, inside lies the REAL person. The little pieces of fruit that spill out are your true thoughts and feelings, things that a lot of people are afraid to express.
-Jessica T.

caseycows3 said...

A symbol that represents me is a shadow. This is because the unknown is always waiting, full of opportunities and disappointments. It goes along with my personality in the way that nothing is permanent. I am always changing, and growing into a better person. I do things that help me to understand the world and my surroundings better and I strive to be different. A shadow is a challenge, which I am always craving to take. Shadows are associated with negativity, because they are the unknown. I feel they represent me because I am always looking to make the unknown known.

Anonymous said...

One symbol that can symbolize me is a tree. I picked a tree to symbolize me because I have my feet firmly rooted into the soil below me; I don't give into peer pressure. The branches pointing outward symbolize the different sides of my personality. The longer branches being sweet, caring, and hopeful, funny and sarcastic. Then the shorter length of branches end up being these sides of my personality lazy, stubborn, aggressive and shy.

Jennifer W. 7/8~

Woods said...

A symbol of my personality would be a piece of cloth. A cloth is put together by weaving each individual piece of thread. Each experience that I've had, every person I've met, and each memory I've made is woven together to make me the person I am today. Each interest and hobbies is included into the cloth. These all come together to form my personality thus making the cloth. Once having experienced something, it changes the way I view a situation and the way my attitude is towards it. My personality can be described as having intelligence while being a little kid at heart. In “the cloth of my personality” the threads of the Disney music, musicals, and children’s books are especially strong and stand out. The random facts coming from my years of math, science, history and language arts schooling are extremely strong as well. Each little thing I do and love are pulled and intertwined to make me me.

Leah W. 1

Khoa said...

To me, I think my phone (iPhone)is a symbol. And yes i am a little obsessed with my phone. In my phone contains memories like pictures, videos, messages, and things i like to enjoy. I guess my phone would be a symbol for socialism. That seems to be so cliche thinking a phone is your life, but to me it has everything. With my phone, i can express feelings towards others by text, or picture message, or maybe update facebook with a picture of a good memory. My phone is a symbol of my social life.

Jake "The Stud" Simonelli said...

The symbol that represents me would have to be a neclace my great grandpa gave to me when i was 7.The symbol represents me because it symbolizes strength and speed.Thats the way my great grandpa always though of me as and that is the way i am. I have to use my strength and speed everyday from getting out of my bed every morning to falling asleep. Thats why this neclace symbolizes me so well.
Jake S. 5th-6th

Skipper C. K. said...

I may symbolize myself with with molten magma. Magma is called what it is because it has not yet escaped from the volcano as lava has. Magma has not yet reached the outer world as I have not yet reached a mature point in my life yet. Magma still resides within the volcano which is like my home. The destructive power and physical properties of the magma is like the potential I have once I become an adult. The Aa lava and Pahoehoe lava both travel at different speeds and can mean different forms of my future. The ablitity for magma to escape from the volcano it needs pressure to escape, just as I need help from my family to grow mature. The flow of magma, regulationg throughout the volcano shows how my attitude can shift, and while normally a volcaone would stay calm and me attempting to be kind, an earthquake or other change in the Earth could casue the volcano to erupt, releasing lava everywhere destroying the surrounding area like when my brother angers me and leaves me sore and angry. The length of the eruption can also be compared to how long my anger lasts, even if something small happens I may stay angry at my brother for a while. It also shows my love for science even though I am not intrested in geology or anything of the sort.
Colton K. 1st~Period

Estefany G. said...

After thinking for days and even going to my friends for help, i have finally chosen something that symbolizes me:Flowers.

Flowers are so full of life and color. they are peaceful and beautiful. whenever i see flowers a big grin appears on my face. just like the flowers, i am also full of life and peace. i make all of my days as fun as possible. even if it means cracking a joke every twenty seconds or just acting silly. i am peaceful whenever i am happy. in other words, i am peaceful all the time. i wear different colors every single day. colors are what make me stand out from everybody else, so i try to vary my colors in clothes and accessories every day. and just like flowers bring me a happy grin whenever i see them, i try to bring grins to other people whenever they see me. its not always easy, but i'm usually successful. i wear flowers in my hair almost everyday to express my unique connection with them.

and that is why flowers symbolize who i am.

Stef Galvan 7-8

Mikec. said...

Headphones. I use them every day, whether it be to listen to music or track guitar riffs. I use these more than most things, and couldn't go very long without them.

JackiK said...

A symbol that would represent me is a coin, such as a quarter. To most people I mean something. I have value. The edges of a quarter are rigid, as I have my up's and down's daily throughout my life. I'm double-sided, one side my personality, the other side my smarts. A quarter has words and pictures engraved on it, and I have those too. I just call them memories. A quarter also has a face. The face is something that is recognizable to everyone. I try to have that quality, so everyone can remember me by something.

-Jacki K 1*

bethany w said...

I symbol for myself would most likely be a music note. I revolve my entire life around music. May it be, or not be the best use of my time but just the rush only musicians would know about when they play for people just is unable to be put into words. The music note symbolizes the inner passion, emotion, and feeling behind the sound. When musicians play their instruments, it's not just all technical, mechanical workings its full of expression and is an interpretation of what the piece would sound like, if the composer were still alive today. There's so much more than just making sure "notes" are correct. The item of the music note is unpredictable, say not in format of a staff and just randomly anywhere is unpredictable like my personality. The music note could be in different variations depending on what type of piece it is, where like for me. I feel like I have different personalities because I open up to some people and to some people i keep shut off from things, my personality differentiates depending on the person, all in a polite manner of course. The music note symbolizes the love and joy for what musicians do. For myself, it is difficult to explain the impact of emotion music has upon my life but the thing I can explain is my true passion for it, and that I refuse to ever quit. Just like the music note.

Bethany Westphal 2nd period

JordynN1 said...

The symbol that would represent me would be my neon pink Nikes. They're bright, and the color is loud. Which explains my personality exactly. They also represent sports, something that is very important in my life. Sports represent me. The pattern on the front shows that im not just made up of one thing, or characteristic. The nice,soft inside shows my softer kinder side. The marks of use or dirt show my dedication to any sport and how hard I work at it.

TaylorS said...

If i had to chose a symbol to represent me it would probably be a die. I think I am like a die because when I first look at it I just see something useless and easily lost. But I'm sure that people who play games like Yahtzee all the time definitely see dice differently then i do.
To me a die (at first glance) is just a cube with dots on it. Of course the dots mean different things but that is irreverent to me. A die relates to my feelings because it is tossed around but barley ever breaks. Dice are strong and many people use them. Say that the face of a die with 6 dots meant happy, and a face with 2 dots meant sad. The two faces are practically opposite, but right next to each other. if a strong gust of air blew the dice over a different face would show, and that would give the cube a whole new meaning.
The die is like my feelings because, sometimes i feel like my feelings are tossed around without even the slightest thought, but it's my job to be strong. And also if i am having a wonderful day, and something very small but sad happens all my feelings change. (like the wind rolling the die to reveal a different face).
That's why i think that a die would make a good symbol for me.
:) Taylor S. 7/8 (:

Dbosko56 said...

A symbol for me would probably be the wind. I'm always changing and unpredictable. I'm both random and spontaneous, not knowin what will come my way. Things aren't always permanent in my life, which is like a leaf blowing in the wind. Never knowing when to stop and stay on the ground.

KC22 said...

A symbol that would fit me would be a coin. A coin is simple but can be quite complex which could easily fit my personality. A coin has two sides to it and each side can be different or the same depending on the coin. Each coin is different than another even if they are similar but there is always something different from one to the next. My personality could be multifaceted just like a coin. On one side I seem to be shy and antisocial but on the other I can be extremely outgoing. Just like a coin, there is more to what is on the surface just like me.

KC22 said...

-Kyle C. 7/8period.

Anonymous said...

A symbol of myself would be the moon. I think this symbolizes me because it is constantly glowing somewhere and is a guide to someone. I am always there for people in need of help to guide them in the right direction and give any advice that I can. The moon is seen differently by all people and everyone also has their own opinions about me personally. Some people believe in me like they believe that the moon is more than just a rock. No matter how people see it though, it is constantly the same. Just as I am always true to myself no matter what people have to say or think.

chris said...

A symbol for me would most likely be a screw driver. I would be represented as that because I love to take things apart, put them back together, and build new things. I always take apart old electronics and toys to see how they work, because I love seeing how they work. I like do things by steps also. With a screw driver, you must take each piece out one by one, in order. I love taking stuff apart so much I actually got a tool set a couple of years ago.

Kayla Cameron said...

A symbol to me is my heart. They say the heart is just a part of you body but how you give your heart to others really shows who you are. The heart to me how's love, compassion and personality. Without the heart our body's wouldn't have a life. With out a heart a person would not have a personality. With out life you have no personality. The heart is the strongest symbol of ones life.
-Kayla Cameron 5/6

Nate T. 2 said...

A symbol that represents me is my blanket that my grandma made for me when I was a baby. The blanket is now fairly beat up and tattered from all the nights of laying in bed protecting me from monsters and sleepovers my grandma's scary house. It like me is tattered and torn in a few places but it still has all its colors. I have been through some rough times and emotionally been ripped by things and people's statements. I've kept it together in the eyes of those around me though just like my blanket. Its true colors still show no matter what happens like me. I always try to show my brighter side like my blanket. But there is not always a nice side to everything and everyone.

Maddie Kidd said...

A symbol of me would be music. Each song is different and is broken down into genres. The way music is caterized is like the personalities I have. No song is the same, this is the way I am. Every mood or action can always have a relation to the music i listen to. When I listen to music it brings me away from the rest of the world giving me time to feel comfort, relaxation, and happiness. Music helps me be who I am and gives me strength through the ups and downs people go through.

ellen_f said...

A symbol for me would the weather. Some days my mood is sunny and bright and warm like the sun on a nice spring day. But then i can be cold and angry like a snow storm in the winter, the kind that makes people hide in their houses until it passes. Other days i wild, blazing and almost uncontrollable like a hot 100 degree summer day. Theres so much variety in my moods, they can change in an instant, like a sudden thunderstorm that lasts a second then turns into a gorgoues rainbow.
ellen 1

Dechameleon said...

I'll admit it. I’m late. I had a hard time coming up with a unique symbol for myself. But I think I finally found something.
Something most people don't know about me is that I'm actually pretty shy around others the first time I meet them, and even after I get to know them I'm still a little cautious. This makes parties and other social events very boring for me, so I usually will choose not to attend them if I would be forced to go by myself. That doesn't stop me from making friends; in fact, it helps me make friends with good people that I know will be best for my future. Those people include people who are like me when I'm around my family, people who make me laugh, and people who enjoy doing many of the things that I do.
But one thing I enjoy doing is expressing myself in other ways like music, art, and poetry. I like to draw, I have been told that I am extremely poetic and even philosophical in the way that I think about certain things, and sometimes I can’t help but tap my foot to the rhythm when I listen to music (often the pace at which I walk matches the beat at which the music is pulsing).
At this point, many people may be wondering why this all matters. Well, the reason I have summed myself up is to say this: through my self-induced exclusion, I have made myself the world’s voice. I do not dream when I sleep because I dream when I am awake. I think about the world, its problems, and its creatures. This makes me treasure the things that I feel symbolize me, and when I am forced to choose, I think long and hard about it. The only answer to the question of what symbolizes me can therefore be one thing and one thing alone. That thing is the lone wolf, but not the kind that dies because he is rejected by his pack. Rather, I am the kind that survives and becomes stronger because he leaves of his own accord. When he returns to the pack, he becomes the alpha male, and the apex predator of his domain. He becomes both physically more powerful and mentally more intelligent, because by leaving he is forced to hunt on his own. He exposes himself to nothing but his thoughts and the world’s whispers. He becomes one with the earth, the trees, and his prey. He gains perspectives that no one else sees, and ideas greater than many that have come before. The closest thing to humans and the thing that symbolizes me the most can be described by the title of a book we read in this class: The lone survivor. He is alone out of choice though, and by surviving on his own he has gained from the world. While I feel my relationship with the lone wolf that has survived is much more complex than how I have described it so far, the rest of it is difficult to put into words. But if you listen to the motions of the world such as the winds or the waves, you will begin to understand the rest. But that task is up to you.

Hgolias said...

a symbol that represents me would be my snowboard. it represents my love for winter and the good times i have had snowboarding with friends. it also represents life. it is able to bend and is very flexable but if you make a bad decition it can break very easily. that is why i believ a snowboard symbolizes me

Anonymous said...

I own a brush used for grooming horses. You have to clean the horses before you ride them. The barn that I work/ride/teach at provides these brushes for you. I bought this brush to use when I'm finally able to own my own horse. This brush symbolizes my dream just waiting to come to life. It reminds me to keep the dream alive and assures me that with everything item that I purchase brings me one step closer to what I dream to acomplish. To the ordinary eye this item isn't very valueable, ranging in price from $6 - $7, but for me it resembles hope. It resembles the faith I have in the cliche "If there's a will there's a way." This brush can be applied to the type of person I am because it's such a small item but its meaning is significant. I believe that I don't have to be popular or famous to make a difference in the world. Even the smallest of gestures can change a person's life. I may be an ordinary person, but I can easily become extrodinary through my actions.