Most of us are moved "in" to a state of meaning when words present themselves. I for one am a great lover of language and the dances which occur when the rhythm and meaning of words find music.
Words provide us the freedom to move "out" of our comfort zone and into a word where the familiar is a great sea tossing and turning leaving only room for survivors. Through writing, I am able to move out of ideas that pigeon hole me--try to confine and oppress.
For many, words allow us to find ways to move "up" in to greater understanding. It is an educated mind that can entertain an idea with out accepting it--Aristotle. Here the ways of knowing exist beyond the individual.
Moving "toward" a goal, "toward" a dream starts with a single word--can. By allowing our words to make concrete our abstract dreams, we give shape to who we are and move "toward" knowing who we are.
"Beyond" our greatest expectations is the land of language. Here a single word can change thinking, change memories, change history.
I want you to reflect on the words that mean the most to you. These words could come from a section in a book, a poem, or a great speech.
Think of the words that have meant the most to you. Your post should include three different examples of important words to you. For example: When Atticus says to Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird, "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view--until you climb inside his skin and walk around in it."
These words come to me often. I especially think of them when I am faced with trying to understand behaviors, actions, beliefs different from my own. It really teaches me to pause before I pass judgment.
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
This is from The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost. In this peom he is saying that he had to make a desision and in this he took the one less traveled because it was the right thing to do. This reminds me that I should always do what is right even if it is not the easiest choice.
"So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay."
This is from Robert Frost's poem Nothing Gold Can Stay. This reminds me that everything has an end nothing can stay forever.
"Thus concince does make cowards of us all"
This is from the play Hamlet by William Shakespear. This I had never thought of before I read it. But when I did I could not help but note how true it is. There are so many things I have not tried because concience makes a coward out of me.
“…During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.” -Footprints In The Sand. I picked part of this poem because the words help describe my faith. “It was then I carried you” reminds me that God never leaves me and is always by my side, even when I feel alone.
In the bible, Mark 12:31, says, “The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” These words teach me how to live. They teach me to love God and to also love all others around me as myself.
Hebrews 4:15 says “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way just as we are-yet was without sin.” This quote shows that Jesus knows the temptations and sin we face daily but He was perfect. It helps me have hope that I can be a better person and it also helps me connect with Him because He knows what I go through.
The Bible, 1 Corinthians 13:4-5 says, "Love is patient, love is kind." This verse reminds me to be patient even with my family, and if you are patie nt and kind with the ones you love or care about love will never fail.
An anonymous quote says, "Worry: a misuse of your imagination." These words show me that worying about a situation won't get you through. If you imagine yourself and think of outcomes, worrying is only a waste of time.
Another anonymous quote says, "Be nice to people. They outnumber you 6.5 million to one." This quote reminds me to treat people the way I would want to be treated. This quote represents respecting others and treating everyone with kindness.
Christina Baxter
One of my favorite quotes is "if you think ypu can, then you can, but if you think you can't then you can't." This is s common anonymous quote that encourages me to try hard in everything I do, and to never give up. This quote allows me to believe in myself, and gives me confidence to try and work at new things.
In Matthew 6:34, it says, "Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself." This quote tells not to worry, and allows people to focus on life as it is happening, and to enjoy and work on the present not the future.
In " The Glass Castle", Rex Walls hears of a Mountain Lion being killed for being seen on someone's property. Then he tells his daughter, "you can't kill something just because it's wild..." This lesson shows that people are different, and you need to except and respect those differences to live peacefully.
Words are only words! It brings nothing to us unless if you have the experience or mind to view the words we see within text, songs and family heritage. Yet I
can say that there are some words that have brought me to greater thinking, enlightened thinking.
"You say you want a revolution, well you know, we all want to change the world... You say you'll change the constitution, well you know, we'd all want to change your head... You'd better free your mind instead." - Revolutioin by the Beatles. I've always lived with these words in my head ever since. To have them expressed in a song was inspirational as to the views of how everyone sees revolution.
"The important thing is not to stop questioning, curiosity has its own reason for existing." - Albert Einstein. A genius that made so many theories, he stated that you can never stop questioning. It was interesting to me because it gave me an inspiraton that helped me realize that its good to be curious. Look what its brought him to.
"Those that are silent never get ahead in the world because no one knows them, but when you're talkative, out-going and exciting to people. They will achieve greatness." - Grandma Djakovic. She always wanted the best of me to become even better. I saw this occur in my life after I heard her say those words. It influenced me to change and become that person everyone wants to become.
That guy.
All words to a higher purpose moved me to different paths down the road of faith. The thing is, "Words are only words unless we have experienced or had the mind to let it sway us in text, songs or heritage. To one it can mean nothing but to another can turn a new chapter in the book of life, new hope that we can make a new revolution of thinking to move us to a brighter future."
-Dragan Djakovic.
"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." This is one of my favorite quotes, said by Martin Luther King Jr. This quote reminds me to have faith in things, and to believe without seeing. Faith is like a chance, if you don't take/have it, then you might miss out on a lot.
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." This was said by Martin Luther King Jr. This quote means to me that you should treat people the way you want to be treated. If you're mean to everyone, they're most likely going to be mean back. But if you're nice to everyone, they'll most likely be nice to you too. You have to be the better person in order to change the "status quo."
"A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life." This is one of my favorite quotes, said by Charles Darwin. This means to me that you have to live life to the fullest, or else you won't be happy and will miss out on a lot. We're all eventually going to die, so we should make the best of our time here on Earth.
-Kelly C. 4/5
"Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die." This is by Amelia Burr. This quote tells people that if you love and give every person a chance you will not live with any regrets in your life. I try to give ervyone a chance when i first meet someone.
"Life is a process. We are a process. The universe is a process." This quote is by Anne Wilson Schaef. It really means that every living thisng in the universe goes through a process. Everything keeps changing and trying to get better. I know every day when i wake up i try to make myself a better person and try to make everyday better than the last.
"Love life and life will love you back. Love people and they will love you back." This quote is by Arthur Rubinstein. What she is saying is if yu do something good for someone it will come back to you, just like "what goes around comes around." Everyone will respect each other if people respect others.
"There is no surprise more magical than the surprise of being loved. It is God's finger on man's shoulder." ~Charles Morgan. This reminds me that even if you dont have a significant other than God loves you, and he has the greatest love for you.
"True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable." ~Dave Tyson Gentry
This reminds me that not everyone is made to be your friend. You may try to be friend them, but they arent really interesting in becomeing your friend and its awkward between you. A real friend you dont feel that way about.
"Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week." ~Joseph Addison
This reminds me that God is always the way to brighten up a bad day. Hes the one that can make all the difference. (:
It is important to always add new words into your vocabulary. it can expand your views on certain topics and expose you to a varieties. Knowing and using words are to seperate things, though. Using the words constantly will keep them fresh in your mind and you will keep them forever. if you know them and do not use them then they will be forgotten.
One phrase i think is a great quote is, "if you try not to fail, you will fail." This was said by Yogi Berra in the final game of the World Series. Later that night, Don Larson would pitch what is known today, as the "Perfect Game.
Also another quote is, "It ain't over til it's over." This quote once again was said by Yogi Berra. He says this to acknowledge his hitless streak ending homerun, where he may have won the game for the Yankees. This tells me to never give up and always try my best.
One more quote is,"Show me a guy whos afraid to look bad, and I’ll show you a guy you can beat every time." This quote was said by Lou Brock expressing the need for everybody to live with, but not regret the past. This quote also tells me to never give up trying even if you fail.
---justin Evans---
Perfect practice makes perfect- by my coach this means to me try my hardest if i want to get better
when one door shuts another opens my mom used to say that this to me means theres always a way
anything is possible by kevin garnet this means to me just because no one has done it its not impossible.
"Treat others the way you want to be treated"I dont know who said this, but this is the golden rule and i believe that if everyone followed this rule then there would be no problems in the world and thats why i follow it whenever possible.
"Theres a redeeming quality in everyone, you just have to find it" This is in "The Glass Castle"I believe this is true and no person is all bad and if you get to know a person then you can find the good quality in them.
"Perserverence pays off" my mom says this all the time and it means that if you never give up and always try your hardest at anything you do, you will always suceed.
"Think you can, think you can't; either way, you"ll be right"
-Henry Ford
Ford is saying that if you think you can, you will be able to do whatever you say you can and if you say you can't, you won't. This quote is important to me because I hear those words all the time. I tells me that if I put my mind to it, i can do whatever i want.
"Love is unstoppable, so you made a lot of mistakes, walked down the road a little sideways, love, love is unstoppable"
-Rascal Flatts
This quote reminds me that no matter what, the people who love me will be there for me even if i do mess up in life they are always there.
"Some pages turned, some bridges burned, but there were lessons learned"
-Carrie Underwood
This quote reminds me that just because something bad happened doesn't mean that something good didn't happen either. If you make a mistake, you can always learn from it so you don't make the same mistake twice.
-A. Stertzbach-
"Don't try so hard, the best things come when you! least expect them to."
This says to not try so hard but to just chill and do your best.
"Stay gold Ponyboy"
I love this quote because it tells you to stay who you are.
"A mere friend will agree with you, but a real friend will argue."
I love this quote because of the humor and the truth behind it.
"The truth is you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow, Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed." -Eminem. I like this quotes because I believe that events in life are unexpected, and no one knows what could be waiting.
"Stay gold Ponyboy. Stay gold." -The Outsiders. This is a familiar quote and I like it beacuse it tells you to keep going and stay true to yourself.
"What goes around, comes around, You'll get your's one day- that's right!" -Papa Roach. I like this quote because I believe it to be true. It's a modern way to say "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." I believe that karma is possible, and you should watch yourself beacuse anything is possible and it could catch up with you.
-Erica Jacks 1*
"You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else." - Fight Club.
This Fight Club quote is very meaningful to me. Growing up adults would always tell me that everyone was special and unique in his or her own way, but then hearing this made me realize we're all the same. We're all equal and when it comes down to it, nothing makes any of us better than anyone else. We make ourselves seem different, but deep down we're all the same identical thing.
"It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything. " Yet again, from Fight Club. This quote has taught me that everything you have is just holding you down. When I lose everything then I have nothing to lose which then gives me the freedom to do whatever I please without worrying.
"I felt like destroying something beautiful. " Lastly, another quote from Fight Club. When I first heard this, I thought it was dumb and made no sense. After thinking about it I realized it made complete sense. Sometimes in life things are too perfect and it makes you almost hope for something to go wrong. I've found myself at times being unhappy because everything is too perfect (or in this case 'beautiful'). Sometimes people need to destroy that and start over, make some mistakes and embrace the flaws.
"Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay."
-Robert Frost - Nothing Gold Can Stay.
This poem speaks to me because it reminds me that we all have to grow up and that we all have to change at some point. It also reminds me of "The Outsiders" which is my favorite movie, and one of my favorite books.
"I am nothing special; just a common man with common thoughts, and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who's ever lived: I've loved another with all my heart and soul; and to me, this has always been enough."
This is a quote from the movie, "The Notebook." I love this quote because it shows the value of love. You can have nothing else in the world, and still have love. You don't have to be famous or special or even talented to love another human being, and knowing that is important to me.
"I came out here to tell you it rains in heaven all day long I wanna find you so bad and let you know I'm miserable out here without you."
-Armor for sleep - The Truth About Heaven.
This quote speaks to me because it explains exactly why people shouldn't commit suicide. People believe that their lives are so horrible, but they end up leaving behind so much when they're gone.
"I have always expressed my thoughts in color but we remain blind" The Scorpion Deathlock by The Devil Wears Prada. How can you understand one's thoughts if they paint a picture for blind eyes? You never will.
"We can fight the current, but we can't climb the waterfall." Ocean of Apathy by August Burns Red. No matter how hard you try, there are just some things that you won't be able to fight, some challenges you can prolong, but never completely overcome.
"Will you send me a sign to show me that you're up there? I want to believe open my eyes, I want to know what I'm missing" Let the Evil Go East by Greeley Estates. It represents the way I think of faith.
"People wear labels" In this quote, Sara Holbrook is trying to say that everyone judges each other. They label each other just by how they look talk and dress. She describes the racial discrimination that people create among each other.
"treat others with respect" this quote is very important to everyday society and is taught throughout the world. giving respect is a very important quality of life.
"to be or not to be ;that is the question." i repeat this quote over and over in my head. i really havent found the true meaning of it but it will eventually come to me.
Katherine Schaffner:
1) "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."
-Walt Disney
This comes to me when I am at the point of giving up on something I am doing. These words help me pursue the thing I am working for.
2)"The future depends on what we do in the present."
-Mahatma Ghandi
This reminds me that every decision I make can affect the future. My future or someone else's. When I am faced with a hard decision, these words come to me and I take time to think it through.
3) "I have this theory that if one person can go out of their way to show compassion then it will start a chain reaction of the same."
-Rachel Scott
This reminds me not to judge others and to be kind in the hardest of times. Although Rachel's Challenge just cam to Brunswick High, I have heard quotes similar, but this one has recently refreshed that message.
It’s okay… We aren’t in the same class. Just don’t forget that some of us watch the sunset too."
This quote is from the Outsiders. Ponyboy is telling Cherry that he sees the same sunset she does. I like it because it says that although everyone is different and may be living different lives, we all live under the same sun. This reminds me to always treat other with respect, because we're all equal.
"You can't change the wind but you can set your sails."
- Billie Joe Armstrong
This was said by the lead singer of Green Day, one of my favorite bands. I like this quote because though you can't control everything in life, you can control the path you take. This reminds me to make decisions that will have a positive influence on my future, even when its not the 'cool' thing to do.
"There are no secrets in life, just hidden truths, that lie beneath the surface"-Dexter Morgan (Jeff Lindsay)
This quote was said by a fictional character in Jeff Lindsay's book, "Darkly Dreaming Dexter." It says that there is nothing in life that you can't disvoer, and it reminds me to always stay motivated.
When words come together to form majic for me, the topic of life and love hardle come into play. I find that the best quotes and design with words come when talking about horses. Of course i am as biased as can be but the meaning that they hold to me runs deeper than skin.
"" the gift of riding. this was why people loved it. this exact sensation: your body connected to an animals, an essential wildness loaned to you, direct across to an un-self-conscious grace in which you were magically allowed to participate. the horse chose to carry you in a surfeit of untethered, ancient generousity"
One of my faverite books, Split Estate has nothing to do with horses, but at the certain moment in the story, and horses played a role, it gave me a different perspective on what i think of when i hear the word horse.Other horse quotes that make me feel wholesome:
"Riding a horse is not sometyhing you pick up and lay down, like a game of solitare, it is a grand passion" I often find myself refering to this quote...A little too often perhaps.
"A horse is the projection of peoples’ dreams about themselves-strong, powerful, beautiful-and it has the capability of giving us escape from our mundane existence."
"I am with you always, even unto the end of the age..."
This quote of Jesus comes to me when I think that the whole word is against me. It reminds me that I am never alone, and that I always have support.
"Don't You Quit"
This is from a poem given to me bu my 8th grade Social Studies teacher. It keeps me going when I want to stop. The poem is very inspirational, and I love reading it every once and awhile.
My last quote (I don't know if it's word-for-word or not:
"I have not failed. I have just found 1,000 ways how not to make a light bulb."
Thomas Edison said this. I think that it is very inspirational because it forces you to look at something from a completely different view point. Instead of thinking, 'this is a horrible day,' it forces you to think, 'I'm lucky to have another day to live.'
"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the men of old received divine approval. By faith we understand that the world was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was made out of things which do not appear"-Hebrews 11:1-3 These verses help me to have "faith" that there is something to always fall back on, and that no matter how hard we try to make sense of the world all of the pieces are never going to fall into place because we have to have faith in God. If everything was given to us, and we could prove all the wondrous things that we believe God did, then there would be no way of proving that God was the miracle himself. We would have to look deeper to find out who/what created God, just like we are looking now to find out who/what created earth. So, we have to have faith in God because faith assures hope, and God is hope that everything going to be okay.
Another one of my favorite quotes is, "I have no desire to maintain a lifestyle I am a horrible celebrity. If I am out in public I dress like a pig."-Sandra Bullock I love this quote because it shows that everybody is real. We all have our up days, and our down days. We all have those days where we look gorgeous because we are going to a dance or something, but then those other days when we look like crap because we're running to the grocery store at midnight, or maybe just running errands. When you don't look so great, or are looking at someone else and are thinking, wow, they look like they just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, just think like Miley Cyrus, "Everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days, everybody knows what, what I'm talking 'bout, everybody gets that way"
"Losers quit when they're beaten and tired. Winners quit when there are no more Losers." -Dan Prater
This is from my throwing coach it has taught me to never back down and keep working hard.
"The last of all human freedoms is the ability to choose one’s own attitude in any set of circumstances."
- Victor Frankl, Nazi Concentration Camp Survivor
This quote is by a man who had everything taken away from him except his positive attitude. When i think of this i know i always have my attitude no matter what happens.
"I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him" Mark 11:23
This quote is about faith. It reminds me that with God all things are possible; no matter how impossible things may seem.
"Flavor is the key" This is from guy fieri book and means a lot to me because it reminds me that food can be cooked in many ways so you never worry about what other people think of it or you. "Every run from scrimmage tells a story. Every run has a beginning, a middle, and an end." This is from the book TIKI and means to me that everyday is like a football game such as you have your good and bad days just as football players have good and bad plays, you have your touchdown plays on one day and a fumble on another. "Don't get beat." This is also from the book TIKI and tis to me means that no matter how difficult a challenege is thrown at you, you should rise up and defeat it.
"Every man is guilty of the good he didn't do." -Voltaire
These words make me think of all the times where I could have made a difference or should've done the other, better action. Voltaire's words make me want to go back and do all the good I could have done and look to the future to do things better.
"What would it take for things to be quiet?
Quiet like the snow.
And I know this isn't much, but I know I could be better...
All stars could be brighter,
All hearts could be warmer."
These are the lyrics to the song "Louder than Thunder" by the Devil Wears Prada. These words feel powerful because the lyrics together with the music itself puts emphasis on them and makes you think of what its saying. It just relaxes me hearing the sung.
"A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life."
-Charles Darwin
This reminds me to not waste life playing games, or doing trivial things when I should be doing homework or projects.
Vinh Trinh
"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." This quote is said by Abraham Lincoln. What this means to me is that life just counts on what you do not how long you live.
"Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." This quote is said by Gandhiji. I love this quote because no matter how long you live, dare to dream and not give up on what you care about,
"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us." This quote is said by Helen Keller. I like this quote because it tells you that when life gets difficult, move forward. Don't dwell on the past.
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