Rachel's challenge was discussed in class. You read through the packet and saw the influence that one person can have. It is about passing it on--starting a chain reaction of acts of kindness. It is about making a difference.
To the left of this post is a link under music titled, Clarks--"Born to Late." This is a local band from Pennsylvania who performs regularly in Cleveland. Click on the link and listen to their song. The link will take you to YouTube where you can watch the video. Choose one of the people that is mentioned in the song to discuss the positive chain reaction that they started. Write about it in your post.
Once you have written about the individual in the song, write about yourself and the ways you can start a chain reaction. What can you do to make a difference in the life of another? Sometimes, it starts with a smile.
As you do this, please remember that the person from the song who is chosen to be written about may be a religious figure. Do not take this opportunity to tell them their beliefs are wrong simply because you disagree. This post is for positive thinking and has a positive focus. Thank you for honoring this idea.
One person discussed in the song "Born too Late" by The Clarks was Vincent. The singer says,
"Vincent you will show me how to paint." Vincent Van Gogh was a famous painter who has inspired many people with his art. This has created a positive chain reaction in people's lives who can relate to his paintings in their own lives and he showed a new way of art to other painters. In my life I can start a chain reaction in many ways. I could smile and say hi to an old lady at my church or only talk about positive things with friends and not judge others by their appearance.
Christina Baxter
William taught him how to write. This had a positive reaction because now everywhere people write strong, powerful stories. He touched many people with his writing.
I could start a chain reaction by helping out the MH students and showing them that they arent that are still human.
-A. Stertzbach-
One of the people mentioned in the song "Born too Late" was Martin Luther King Jr. He had a positive role in the lives of African Americans. He spoke out against their injustices and protested. He wasn't afraid to speak his mind. Thanks to him people have more equal rights no matter their race and he is even honored with his own holiday.
Their are many ways that someone could start a chain reaction of kindness and compasion. One could just do something as simple as talking to someone new everyday, that way making new friends and giving the other person a sense of belonging. Other things that could be done is offer support to people who are having hard times, show that someone really does care and that they are not all alone.
Tia Lenhoff
One person discussed in "Born too Late", was Martin Luther King. The man says "Martin Luther King show me the way". Martin Luther King was an african american man who fought for the rights of african americans. He started a huge chain reaction to show that African Americans were just the same as everyone else, and now partially because of Martin Luther King, african americans do have the same rights as every other citizen in the United States. One way I could start a chain reaction would be to help out in Rachel's challenge however I can; then maybe some of my friends will see how special this opportunity is, and how it can change the lives of others.
-Samantha Hoyt-
It was Martin Luther King Jr.
A man mentioned in the song "Born Too Late" was Martin Luther King Jr. He led many people to believe in equality and speak about injustices and also to protest prejudices about people who all arent the same. Now thanks to him, many more people have more freedoms and respect. In everday life people have many opportunities to be kind to one another. Something just as simple as saying a nice compliment to someone can make someones day. Alot of people need to be more accepting to other races cultures and ideas as well. Not everyone is alike and people have to be open and accepting.
A person mentioned in the song was MLK jr. He started his chain reaction by believing and sharing his beliefs. Then other people started thinking the same way and got freedom. I could start a chain reaction by not fighting someone and telling others who want to that its not worth their time so there would be less fighting and more peace.
Inspiration is a gift given from one person to another. You help one and then see the light it sheds to others. Songs are the musical ways of expressing these types of inspiration, such as "Born Too Late" by The Clarks, who explained many people in history that inspired future generations. "Christopher, I think I see the bay!" A part of the song that says how Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas. He saw many new people and places that inspired the world, millions of explorers, to go to America for the goods.
One of those people inspired by his discovery is me. I wish to make a great revolution for science and technology and discover something to help people build off much out of that.
A cure for cancer, "Sometimes, it starts with a smile."? sometimes it starts with saving a life! With such a great discovery as "the cure" scientists everywhere can come to this America of knowledge and use it to find many possibilities in the known sciences such as DNA and malignant cancer growth to make the world a "happier place"..
One person mentioned in the song is Elvis. The song says, "Elvis, will I ever be the king?" Elvis inspired many people with his music. He created a positive chain reaction in music by causing people to create new music inspired by his.
I could start a chain reaction by volunteering and helping others when they need it, or by starting a group or club about something that I believe in.
I guess I couldn't tell you who Jesus Buddha because i have necer heard of him but i could tell you that Jesus is in the bible as a prophet spreading the good word of God. Jesus tried to show people that if you believed you would go to heaven trying to start a worldwide trend to make everyone love each other and have peace throughout the earth. the only problem is that it is impossible to make the whole agree. What I mean is one person likes blue then another person likes red, it is never going to happen but it is hopeful to believe in something.
One person metioned in "Born To Late" by the Clarks is Martin Luther King Jr. . He set of a positive chain reaction by his non violent cival disobeidiant sit ins . Also by his rememerable I Have A Dream speach.I could make a chain reaction by saying hi to the elderly gut ant the end of the street every morning.
One person mentioned is "Thomas A." Edison. He has started a chain reaction because he invented something useful and it has caused people to improve it and even invent other items that are similiar. This invention provded people with light (in the dark) and helped guide them. Today, people continue to guide others not just with lightbulbs in the dark.
I can start a chain reaction by showing kindness to others. This can be extravagant or just something small and subtle.
I can help someone in a subject or pick up his or her books, if they were dropped. I can send them a big pile of cards if he or she is sick. I can also invite them to join my lunch table if they are sitting alone. I can do so many things and just one of these little things could make someone's day. They don't have to be huge.
In this song the singer askes "Theresa will I ever be a saint". The singer was talking about Mother Theresa of Calcutta, who was almost suggested as being a saint before she died. Mother Theresa used and showed kindness and compassion to every being. She never viewed anyone as less important or valuable that others and took care of the poor throughout her life. Mother Theresa was a mother to all who needed help, and lived iin poverty helping anyone she could. She caused people to believe that everyone should be shown love, and no person is less valuable. Her chain reaction was having people help and love eachother, along with helping everyone in need. Also she helped create the view that no matter who people are on the outside, does not affect the importance of their life or their value as a person.
I think by treating everyone I meet with equal treatment, and by not excluding anyone from a group, those around me would do the same. Also by planting trees, recyling, and wasting less, I could sway the actions of friends starting a chain reaction.
Out of all the outstanding figures mentioned within "Born too Late," Jesus Christ captures and sustains my complete admiration.
The lamb of God came to this world to express the Father's love, for He is of love, and by this love, he yielded fruits of kindness, and kindness developed into patience and all other subdivisions and characteristics that come from the actual essence of love- God himself.
Through humble poverty and humility, the Lamb of God was whipped, mutilated, beaten and spit on by His own people, the perpetrators being the actual church officials- and was crucified for bringing the message of God's love for the individual to a tangible and expressable form through complete self-sacrifice. Jesus bore the sins of man and showed through example such virtues as patience and compassion out of pure love for his creation. The ultimate sacrifice, and the ultimate example of kindness to the highest degree.
Though my ambition resounds as repetitious with every inquiry of what I aspire to do with my life to impact humanity, I do aspsire to become a medical-missionary; well, a pediatric surgeon who travels to third-world countries under the grace and name of God. By this act of kindness, countless lives could be saved, and in the process I could introduce the lost and starving souls to the name of Jesus Christ, the lamb who I work for, under, and beside of.
One person in the song "Born to Late" by The Clarks that was discussed was Vincent Van Gogh.He has created a positive chain by showing inspiration through paintings. Some ways i can show a positive chain is by helping others. Also by being nice to everyone. Not judging people how they look.
Sabrina Noch
One person discussed the the song "Born too Late" is Elvis Presley. In the song Elvis is given his title of the King. which in many cases he was. Everyone knows the name Elvis Presley and his music was popular amongst many people. His favorable tunes created a chain reaction that still exist today. It is easy to create a reaction that will remain in the lives of millions of people like the Kings music did. One way is to believe in the statement "What goes around comes back around." If this can be achieved than the world will be a better place for those recieving and giving the deed
One person discussed in the song is William. The singer say William will you teach me how to write. William Shakespeare was a writer who has created a positive chain reaction with his poems and storys. I can create a positive chain reaction by becoming friends with new kids and standing up for kids who are being bullied.
Taylor Armagost
One person mentioned in the song is Jimi Henrix (I think). He was a great guitar guy who made cool music and has inspired a lot of new artists and groups since his death. His music created a chain reaction of more music. I could start a chain reaction by fending off hungry wolves that are attacking a person,the person would be motivated to save someone if they were in that situation, thus making a chain of nice people fending off hungry wolves.
Steven Dodds
A person mentioned by The Clarks in "Born too Late" was Vincent Van Gogh. Van Gogh painted in a different way than those before him. By doing so he open a new way of looking at art and the world. He also taught many people that doing something in a different way isn't bad. Many artists have created things in their own way since then, things that have affected the world. I could change the day of one person by talking to them or by standing up for someone in need. This, in turn, could change the outlook of that person and they could change someone eles's.
~Meghan Harkin
A person mentioned in "Born to Late" by the Clarks is Jimi Hendrix. The line from the song was, "Jimi show me how you play that thing." Jimi Hendrix was a guitar player that inspired millions with his ability to play the guitar. These people followed Hendrix's support of the hippie movement which was all about world peace. He also played his guitar at woodstock, one of the largest peaceful gatherings of all time. I could start a chain reaction by becoming more laid back and not arguing with people
Jesus is the only one who sticks out to me in this song. He is the one who has the most positive chain reactions. His word has led to many churches being built. A ton of people being led to salvation and the mighty power of God Himself. Jesus's chain reaction will never stop, for he is alive in eternity and will never leave. With guidence from Jesus people are led to new opportunities and ways to help people in need.
I could start a chain reaction by going on mission trips. I'm going this summer with my church to Alabama for one. When I come back from this trip, I can tell averyone how life changing it is. And the fact it is done for a good cause to help less fourtunate people and spread the word of God at the same time.
One person mentioned in the song is Martin Luther King. In the lyrics, they say, "Martin Luther King show me the way." Martin Luther King fought hard for civil rights for blacks. This happened in the 1960's, when African Americans were discriminated against visciously. Martin Luther King is the main reason why there are civil rights today. He started a positive chain reaction that spread through the USA. His strength to stand up for blacks no matter what the risks, gave other people the strength to go against discrimination & to support the civil rights movement. Ways that I can start a chain reaction is by doing any kind action to someone. I can be nicer to my brothers, try to get along with people that get on my nerves, say hi to people that i normally don't talk to, etc. By doing the smallest acts of kindness, i could make someone else's day better.
Kelly C. 4/5
One person he mentioned in that song was Jesus. He said "Jesus teach me how to pray." Jesus started a huge chain reaction when he tried to teach people to love others and treat people how you want to be treated. It wasn't popular at first, but sometimes it takes awhile for a good idea to catch on. I can start a chain reaction by doing the same as Jesus, and treat all people nicely and love everyone. Then some people will catch on and make the high school a better place with less harrassment.
In the song "Born too Late" by The Clarks, they say "John I really think your songs are great" and by this they are referring to John Lennon from The Beatles. His songs inspired many people. Some to play and write music and others were inspired by the songs' messages. He was able to help many people discover their love for music.
I myself am able to start a chain reaction of good things by being a happier and nicer person. Rather than not bothering to get to know people and just laughing at them, I can go out of my way to make a random person's day.
A person mentioned in the song is Elvis. The song says, "Elvis, will I ever be the king?" Elvis inspired the world with his music. He created a positive chain reaction in music by creating new type of music and letting others enter a new music world and exploring it themselves
I could start a chain reaction by helping others in need, changing my perspective on those i disapprove of and volunteering
4/5 period
One person mentioned in the song was William Shakespeare, at least thats the way I interpreted the song. The Clarks say "William will you teach me how to write." Shakespeare was one of the greatest platwrights in history, and his influence is still seen today in modern culture. Theatre is a form of providing entertainment to people. These people took the lessons learned from his plays and were able to apply them in their own lives. This tsarted a chain reaction. I can also start a chain reaction in many ways. I can watch my neighbor's young children so she can get work done or act and speak positively towards others.
-N. Rouge
The Clarks, in this song, use the listeners mind to tell a story of tons of people that made a difference by using thier skills. For instance, they use William Shakespeare to show that no matter what your skill may be, whether it be painting, writing, or even in Rachel Scott's case, making friends you as one person can change the world. The only case people don't change the world is because they are scared. One possible way i could start a chain reaction is by just start holding doors for people at restaurants.
During my 8th grade year at Edwards, i had to go see this speaker that said even by just saying hello, you can change everybodies day. This man's teachings seem to fit in perfectly with what this song is trying to tell us.
_justin evans_
One person talked about in the song "Born too Late" was Vincent Van Gogh. Vincent was able to inspire people from all of his atristic ideas. His ideas are what made people feel like they could actually do what they wanted to. I could start a chain reaction by not annoying my sister, talking to people I normally don't, and treating people better than I do now.
C Sims
A person mentioned in the song is MLK. He helped free black people. He tried to make peace between whites and blacks. He made a speech, I Have A Dream" speech which is very famous. He was a alright man.
The song mentions Martin Luther King Jr. He was a very influential man, because he led a movement which promoted equality among blacks and whites. Martin Luther King Jr, however, was accused of cheating on his wife and plagiarizing speeches, which although are terrible things, makes him seem more human. I think this fact makes him even more inspiring because, it shows that a regular person can do great things. This inspires me.
One person discussed in the song, "Born Too Late" by The Clarks, was Jimi Hendrix. "Jimi show me how you play that thing." Jimi Hendrix was an American quitarist, singer and songwriter in the 70s who, in my opinion, is one of the most important and influenial of his time. Hendrix started a revolution that inspired many people to follow their dreams. In my life, I can start a chain reaction in many ways. I could act kindly to others (even when they are far from kind to me), say only positive things, & not judge others by their apperence or by first impressions.
In this song the singer mentioned Jesus. Jesus was a very positive influence because he taught people to love each other even if they wrong you. Through his teachings he brought people closer to God and he spread a lot of love and peace. I can start a chain reaction like his by showing people kindness through simple acts like complimenting them.
In the song "Born Too Late" by The Clarks they mentioned Christopher Clolumbus. He said "Christopher I think I see the bay." This person had a positive chain reaction because after he discovered the Americas, many more people started to look for new land and start a new town. This also helped people because when they were under hard times in their countries, they could come to America and start a new life. I can start a positive chain reaction by taking part in a service project to make our community better. i could also help at a school with little kids and show them that someone cares.
One person that was mentioned in the song was Vincent Van Gogh. He has made a positive chain reaction by inspiring artists tremendously. He has created many famous and valuable paintings that make other painters want to do the same. I could make a positive chain reaction by picking up trash in a public area. This could make people want to do the same to make their community a clean and safe environment.
A person discussed in this song was Martin Luther King. The lyrics when "Martin Luther King show me the way"
This man inspired a lot of people to treat others equal. He did great things in his life that inspired other people to great things in their lives. He created a chain reaction of people doing great things for others and also themselves. One thing i could do to start a chain reaction is maybe talk to someone who always seems alone, maybe they need a friend, but people don't realize it. I could become that friend, then maybe that person will realize what i did and they'll start talking to someone that seems to be alone all the time too. Maybe they could just do something nice for someone instead. This would start a chain reaction.
-Emily from first period
"Elvis will i ever be a king?" Elvis presely is mentioned in the song and has caused a huge positive chain reaction among generations. He is the king of Rock n Roll the founder of great music.
I have started a positive chain reaction in my life by trying to give everyone a chance and not being prejudice.
-Nick Rienerth
Person: William Shakespeare.
"And William will you teach me how to write?"
Shakespeare was an amazing writer and is still recognized today for his plays and other pieces of work. He started a chain reaction by inspiring writers and ordinary people with his works.
I could start a chain reaction by not judging people right away, &by being the bigger person and showing kindness to people who don't always show it to me.
--Erin Zaranec. :)
one of the people who was mentioned in the song- "born too late" was Martin Luther King Jr. who started a chain reaction by speaking out for himself and other african americans because of poeple who were showing racism and segregating public places. He started non-violent marches and sit-ins to show that violence was not needed in his chain reaction.
I can start a chain reaction by not judging how good someone will do in a sport just by looking at them, or by heloing to do charity for the school or another place and encourage my friends to do the same.
One person discussed in the song "Born Too Late" was Martin Luther King Jr. I believe he has had a positive role in the evolution of mans social beliefs and the acceptence of all races. He was a cival rights leader who marched for equal rights. His ideas or his dream is still trying to be accomplished. He set off a reaction preaching equality and acceptence.
A person mentioned in the song "born too late" by the Clarks was Martin Luther King jr. He gave many citizens a positive attitude to believe that they can achieve anything. He led many people to the civil rights movement that involved boycotting to fight for their rights of freedom. He started a huge chain reaction by showing people that they should be treated the same as any citizen.
One Person mentioned in the song, “Born to Late” was Martin Luther King Jr. The reference in the song to a positive chain reaction is, “Martin Luther King show me the way.” Martin Luther King Jr. was a man that stood up for his rights as well as the rights of others. He wanted equality and that is a positive action that could lead to more positive reactions, like Rachel’s Challenge.
A way that I or anyone else could make a positive chain reaction is be positive when everyone else thinks the worse. Even if you have to fool yourself into thinking it. If you hope fot good things and you put them out there, good things come your way.
Erica Jacks
One person in the song was Christopher Columbus. He was a great explorer who found the New World or the USA. He was adventurous and wanted to be known for doing something great in this world. He inspired many people to go out and explore and discover new lands and cultures too.
I could start a chain reaction by voulenteering at my church and my mom's work (an assisted living homee). If people see that I am voulenteering then they will too.
One person mentioneed in the song "Born too Late" was Mother Teresa who is almost a saint. in the song they said "Teresa will I ever be a saint" Mother Teresa started a chain reaction by helping many people that needed her help. She influenced a lot of people to do the same.
I can sstart a chain reaction by simply being kind and compassionate to others so they can do the same to people they see.
Jennifer Sens
A person mentioned in this song is Jesus. Jesus started a chain reaction weather you believe he was the son of God, a prophet, or a crazy man with a big following. He did exist (check some Roman history).
Now that that is cleared up, I can explain. Jesus started probably the largest chain reaction in history by simple acts of kindness, speeches, and performing what most would consider miracles. With these he started a whole new following and religion. This has caused a chain reaction that encourages people to live good, righteous lives.
I can start with explanations of my religion. So ask me.
One person in the song they sang about was Elvis. "Elvis will you ever teach me to be a king." Elvis caused a huge chain reaction. Elvis was the "king" of rock and roll he paved the way for other rock bands to follow. Without Elvis we wouldnt have bands like Metallica, etc.
one person discussed was jimmy. The singer says that jimmy will you teach me how to play that thing. This is a chain reaction because jimmy is impacting the singer's life by trying to pass on his knowledge to another person. A way I can start a chain reaction is by impacting someones life. Ex. sit with a new kid at lunch so they don't feel alone, or step up to a bully and tell them to stop bulling a defenseless kid.
Jesus Buddha taught him to pray. Relgion can have a huge impact on starting a chain reaction. The Christian faith in my opinion sets many good examples for us. The religion sets values, shows us how to live life the right way according, and is our guidelines for what to do everyday of our life. I can start a chain reaction by little act of kindness. By setting an example of how all people should be treated i can start a chain reaction.
Martin Luther king had a positive chain reaction, he started by standing up for what he believes in and it started a chain reaction of a ton of people voicing their opinions and protesting for equal rights. One way I could start a chain reaction is to introduce myself to a new kid and be nice to them in the halls and in class, by including them in what I am doing and stuff.
one of the people talked about in "born too late" by the clarks is Elvis. the king wrote many songs that inspired people all throughout the country. his legacy still lives today.
one thing i can do is smile at old friends or maybe even somebody i dont even know.
-brad darlington
One person that was talked about in the song "Born too Late" by the Clarks was Elvis Presley. It said "Elvis will I ever be a king?" Elvis has created a chain reaction because he has inspired many people and showed them a new type of music that they never knew before. He inspired the world to make different types of music and is the King of Rock N Roll.
I can start a chain reaction by volunteering in different groups, standing up for someone, or just talking and saying hi to a new kid. Just doing something small can help someone out.
In the song, it says, "Thomas A. I think I see the light". This is referring to Thomas Edison, and he invented the light bulb. He started a chain reaction by encouraging people to try, try, and try again. He failed, what, thousands of times to make the common light bulb, but he didn't give up... Think about this - what would've happened if Edison had given up after try 50? No computer monitors...no lights...no car headlights...no nothing. Practically everything we do nowadays has to deal with a light bulb of some type. You gamers out there...no TV's :). Thomas's chain reaction was that you should never give up trying, because everyone has something to give, you just have to work hard at it to get there.
When I look at myself and try to find a chain reaction, I see myself as encouraging people. I make a difference to others when I tell them not to quit, and then see them through on that advice, showing that I'm not only a man of my word, but I'm willing to back that up with my actions. People come to me all the time and say, "Alex...I need help." I usually say something witty like, "I'm not a psychiatrist." and then the fun is over and I ask them with what. And whether it be Math, English, Social Studies, Science, or any other subject, I'll help them with what they need. And no 5 second crap explanation either. I make sure they have the tools they need to succeed, and then I’ll help them succeed… one step at a time.
I took a Strength Finder test a while back, and one of my top strengths is what’s called a 'relator'. That basically means that I am enjoying myself when I'm working with someone to achieve a goal, and I can connect to the person, see where they're at, and help them from there. My chain reaction that I hope to start is to not be afraid to help others when they ask. Be confident in yourself, because odds are, if THEY are coming to YOU for help, they are confident in you. So why shouldn't YOU be confident in YOU?
A. Muir
P.S-Wow Marissa...your blog is a carbon copy of you...very inspiring...
one person was martin luther king jr her started a chain reaction by spreading to movement for afriacan amercians in a peaceful way he never promoted violance i can start a chain reaction by giving everyone a chance and never prejudging anyone
-kourtney thomas-
one person mentioned in "born too late" was Vincent Van Gogh. the song says "Vincent will you show me how to paint?" now, some people might think that nobody can start a chain reaction or change the world by painting. but every painting means something and that inspires other people to express themselves and their dreams through art as well. Vincent Van Gogh is my personal favorite artist. something about painting just inspires me. one day i hope to change the world with my art, or music perhaps. i want to create something that shows the world how to make a difference. one person CAN make a difference. i want to be that one.
<3 marna kebberly
the band talked about Christopher Columbus. he has inspired so many people to search for what they feel is possible and not to be afraid of what others might think. Christopher believed that a faster way to get to asia was to sail west, but instead he landed in America. many people thought that he was crazy for trying to do this because there was already a path that everyone followed and it got them there safe. i try my best to be nice to everyone but sometimes it just doesn't work. i believe that if everyone is nice to people, even the ones they don't like then it can start a chain reaction. if people reachout to others who are less fortunate then the world would be a better place for everyone. i love what Rachel stood for and i inspire to be just like her.
One famous artist that was mentioned in "Born too Late" by The Clarks was Vincent Van Gogh. He was an artist whose style changed art as people see it today. In the song it says, "Vincent you will show me how to paint." While his art wasnt very popular during his lifetime, it became popular after he chopped his ear off and died. His swirly designs marked a change in art history. He started a chain reaction in art designs. I can start a chain reaction by saying hi to people in my church and being kind and wearing a mile long smile.
A person that was mentioned in the song was Vincent Van Gogh. He was a painter who wasn't able to sell his paintings. Though people at his time did not think his paintings were beautiful, today he is one of the most famous artists ever known. He has inspired many with his artwork and I'm sure that those inspirations moved on from generation to generation to inspire those today who love art. I could start a positive chain reaction like Van Gogh. I've helped my friends with their homework and already I've seen them help others with theirs. It was actually nice to realize that I was the one that probably helped them pass on the kindness.
~Vinh Trinh
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