We are going on a scavenger hunt. Your mission, since you have no choice in accepting it, is to look through your favorite books--and not so favorite books, to find sentences that are interesting.
What does interesting mean? It means the structure of the sentences is interesting. Your sentences could be very long and complicated or they could be shorter but filled with solid strong vocabulary.
An example from The Glass Castle:
"I loved The Grapes of Wrath, Lord of the flies, and especially A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. I thought Francie Nolan and I were practically identical, except that she had lived fifty years earlier in Brooklyn and her mother always kept the house clean. Francie Nolan's father sure reminded me of Dad. If Francie saw the good in her father, even though most people considered him a shiftless drunk, maybe I wasn't a complete fool for believing in mine."
These sentences are interesting because of the lists and the way the author interrupts her own writing with her thoughts.
This is what I want you to do. Find a small passage from a book that you have read, look at the sentences, determine what makes them interesting, and then tell us, the blog audience, why?
In the book shooter the quoto Stop the Vilonce was unique because it was supposed to be writen inm blood and a gun man wrote it. I guess he was just trying to be an example of violence
Look ye. D'ye see this spanish ounce of gold? Whosever of ye sights a white headed whale with a wrinkled brow and a crooked jaw.... whosever of ye sights that whale with three holes puntured in his starbord fluke... look ye whosever of ye sights that same white whale, he shall have this gold ounce my boys!
This sentence is from the book Moby Dick and it amazes how much power he has in his words
-Zack taylor
This quote is from To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee.
"Boo was about six-and-a-half feet tall, judging from his tracks; he dined on raw squirrels and any cats he could catch, that's why his hands were bloodstained – if you ate an animal raw, you could never wash the blood off. There was a long jagged scar that ran across his face; what teeth he had were yellow and rotten; his eyes popped, and he drooled most of the time."
What makes this sentence interesting is how descriptive it is. Harper Lee does not use any hard or huge vocabulary words. She just describes Boo Radley (one of the characters in the book)with simple, easy vocabulary. The interesting part is how she did it. The description is very simple, but it definitely gives you an idea of how the character is said to look. Jem, who gave the description, is younger than twelve, has a huge imagination, and has heard gossip and rumors about Boo, but has never seen him with his own eyes.
This description definitely paints a picture in one's head of what Boo looks like.
In the book "the outsiders" the quote "And you can't win against them no matter how hard you try, because they've got all the breaks and even whipping them isn't going to change that fact." They are talking about the "socs" and that they are very tough and won't except losing. They know all of the tricks and all the shortcuts in winning a fight. Another quote that is interesting is "You're a traitor to your own kind and not loyal to us." This quote is very powerful and saying he traded sides and doesn't repect their side.
(Lindsay Jakubowski)
A child called "It" -"That night before getting into bed, I got down on my knees &prayed to God, for my mother to get sick so she couldn't hit me anymore." Then when he woke up sure enough a miracle happened &his mother was sick lying on the couch all day not moving, she couldn't yell at him, hurt him or anything other thats bad.
This sentence is very interesting because he said he was praying so hard that he had a headache , &a miracle came true , which is what he exactly needed . Just a break from all this violence between his mother &him.
In the book The First Part Last,the quote "Two days after I brought Feather home,just Frank got killed trying to save a girl in the neighborhood from being dragged into an alley by some nut job." What makes this sentance interesting is that it shows how messed up our world can be when you live in the wrong parts of the city. (favorite)
This quote is from the book A Sunbured Prayer."Hunger,thirst,and the scorching heat of New Mexican sun tempt him many times to turn back." This is interesting because it shows how things can effect the way you look at life & even if u do get major obsticles to push through them and do your best.
~Tori Pace
"can you say 'Kate'?" "twuck," Mickey says, showing me the dump truck in his hand. "Kate." I point to myself. "Twuck." he shoves the truck in y face. "close enough."
this quote is from catalyst and i like this quote because i think its cute how kate is trying to get mickey to say her name but he says truck but he cant even pronounce it right
"Swee-eet." He made the word into two syllables. "Wait a sec- are you legal yet? When's your birthday?" "You missed it," he teased, narrowing his eyes in mock resentment. "Im sixteen." -New Moon. I think this is interesting because of the way it says sweeeeet in stead of just sweet. it makes it more likeable. & the birthday thing is also interesting because he's a vampire and he lives forever. :p
"And though I have done many shameful things, I am not ashamed of who I am.I am not ashamed of who I am because I know who I am. I have tried to rip myself open and expose everything inside -
accepting my weaknesses and strengths - not trying to be anyone else.'Cause that never works, does it?
I thought this quote was interesting because through the whole book Nic (the author of the quote) struggled with accepting himself and the fact that he is an addict. He finally realized the only way to move on in recovery was to accept himself. The way he wrote was raw and real, which I think made it a really good book.
-Erin Zaranec! :)
"It was because we're greasers," Johnny said, and I knew he was talking about Cherry. "We could have jurt her reputation."
The Outsiders
This quote was interesting because it shows how people can have their reputaions ruined just by being seen with a different group of people other than the people of your social level.
-a. Stertzbach
"excitement swiched Darby's senses on high. she saw the colt wasn't a new baby. At any guess, he was about three to four months old, his coat was a color not found in a box of crayons. A blush of palomino shimmered among the colt's white hair, reminding her of a waxy white honeycome. His blue eyes were flecked with green.
So thats why they look they look turquois."
This is a pasage from Phantom Stallion, wild horse Island The Castaway Colt. I like this because it is so descriptive and creative that i can picture exactly how the foal would look.
from flipped by wendelin van draanen
"All I knew was that he had the most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen and that his smile melted my heart like the sun melts butter. But now I know that inside he's a coward and a sneak."
i like this b/c it is very discriptive and it ties in with the rest of this funny book. also i like her metaphor.
-erica kilroy
"Nothing here," Susan Carol said. "I guess we—" She stopped in mid-sentence. "Hey, look who's here."
She pointed across the dark, open area to the outside door. Stevie could see a group of young men in purple-and-white sweats coming through the doorway. "Straight down this hall to the end and turn right gentlemen," someone they couldn't see was saying. "Your locker room is the first one you come to on your right."
"As if they can't read the signs," Stevie said.
"He must have forgotten that they're student-athletes," Susan Carol said.
Stevie laughed. He hated to admit it, but she was kind of funny.
"Well," she said. "Should we head—"
She stopped in mid-sentence again. Stevie turned and saw one final purple-and-white suited player walk through the doorway, peering around as if to make sure no one was there. Stevie recognized the floppy blond hair right away. It was Chip Graber. Right behind him was a man in a charcoal gray suit who was also looking around in a suspicious way. Instinctively, Stevie took Susan Carol's arm and stepped back so they were hidden behind some rolled up Astroturf."
- exerpt from Last Shot: A Final Four Mystery
I find this exerpt interesting because it gives a very detailed explanation of what was going on when Stevie and Susan Carol found Chip Graber in the Astrodome. I also find this interesting because it most of the conversation is exactly like kids would talk now.
This quote is from My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult.
"Grief is a curious thing, when it happens unexpectedly. It is a Band-Aid being ripped away, taking the top layer off a family. And the underbelly of a household is never pretty, ours is no exception. There were times I stayed in my room for days on end with headphones on, if only so that I would not have to listen to my mother cry. There were the weeks that my father worked round-the-clock shifts, so that he wouldn't have to come home to a house that felt to big for us."
This quote is interesting because it has lots of emotion in it. It shows how Kate is after her sister's death. This quote is also interesting because it's part of the only section where you get to read Kate's point of view.
~Meghan Harkin
"flameout on engine dumber four!" "show me the runway" but the runway is sixteen miles away. "do you have, ah, you have enough fuel to make it to the airport?" the transcript ends.
"the thing you have to understand about that plane crash," Ratwatte said, "is that New York air traffic controllers are famous for being rude, aggressive, and bullying. They are also very good. They handle a phenomenal amount of traffic in a very constrained environment."
-Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell
i think this quote is interesting because of the way he describes the air traffic controllers as "rude, aggressive, and bullying" and contines to talk about how great they are because of it. i also like the way they follow such a tragic story with how they should have handled the situation.
" Life sucks, and then you die.
Yeah, i should be so lucky." -Jacob
-Breaking Dawn, by stephanie Meyer
i think this quote is very interesting because Jacob is a werewolf and he doesn't die as long as there are vampires to protect the humans from and the cullens aren't going anywhere,so he's saying that he's so unlucky as to live his "suckish" life forever.
<3Marna Kebberly
In the book, The face on the milk carton, an intresting quote is: "Inside, her mind spun. It was like having a color wheel for a brain. When it slowed down, things were separated, like primary colors: I have a mother and father ... I have a childhood ... I was not kidnapped ... kidnapping means bad people ... i dont know any bad people therefore I am making this up."
I think this quote is interesting because this girl, Janie is having an internal conflict, and this sentence describes what is happening inside her head. she is confused and everything is spinning around and around. It catches my attention and makes me want to read the rest of the book and find out what happenes.
"The predicted success of New Coke never materialized. But there was an even bigger suprise. The seemingly inexorable rise of Pepsi - which has been so clearly signaled by market research - never materialized either. For the last twenty years, Coke has gone head-to-head with Pepsi with a product that taste tests say is inferior, and Coke is still the number one soft drink in the world. The story of New Coke, in other words, is a really good illustration of how complicated it is to find out what people really think."
-Blink, by Malcolm Gladwell
This quote is interesting because blind taste tests of sips of the pop said that people preferred Pepsi to Coke. So Coke redesigned its formula to please the consumers, but it ended in tragedy and no one liked the New Coke. While people prefer the taste of Pepsi in a sip, they prefer to drink a whole can of Coke as opposed to Pepsi. This shows that simple taste tests can prove inaccurate, depending on the mood of the consumer. Seeing that people liked the sips of Pepsi, it would be easy to assume Pepsi would sell more. But it didn't. Coke drinkers drink more of their product than Pepsi drinkers. So Coke sold more, holding its position as the number one soft drink in the world.
-Jeff N.
In the book shack, Mack the main character had lost his daughter due to the ladybug killer. One little girl would go missing every other year. The only remains were a ladybug with one more dot on it every time it happened; representing the number of victims he had caught.
“Oh my God! Missy!” Mack yelled and tried to move forward, through the veil that held them separate. To his consternation, he ran into a power that would not allow him to get closer, as if some magnetic force increased in direct opposition to his effort, deflecting him back into the room. “She cannot hear you,” said the woman “she knows that you are here, but she cannot see you. From her side, she is looking at the beautiful waterfall and nothing more. But she knows you are behind it.”
This passage is interesting because Mack was with a spirit, allowing him to see his 5 yr old daughter in heaven. He was crying out to her, but she cannot respond. The similes help me picture what is going on in the passage. This is interesting to me because it reminds me of a dream. You always wonder, think and picture the unknown.
~Christina Baxter~
This quote is from the book So B. It.
"That sorrowful mist I'd looseded from the drawer hadn't come looking for Ruby at all. It had come looking for me. As it worked its icy fingertips around me and wound itself around my heart, Ruby whispered to me."
This quote is interesting because it shows how sadness takes over Heidi.
Jennifer Sens
"It finally struck me, as the next week went slowly by, Monday morning to afternoon to evening. Tuesday to Wednesday, that everyone asked the same question. 'How are you?'
I said the same answer, 'Fine.'"
This is from Izzy Willy Nilly by Cynthia Voigt. The sentences in this book are interesting because they let you into the head of a teenage girl who has to get her leg amputated due to poor decisions. All the sentences, like the ones above, are things that outsiders would not think of and I would look over. Like how Izzy notices everyone asks how she is and when she says fine no one questions it because that's what they want to hear.
"Now, I return to this young fellow. And the communication I have got to make is, that he has great expectations."
This quote is from great expectations.
I used a quote from the book A Child Called It.
"That night before getting into bed, I got down on my knees and prayed to God, for my mother to get sick so she couldn't hit me anymore." The next day, he woke up and his mother was so sick that she was lying on the couch all day and not moving so his prayers were answered. This quote has alot of power in it because I feel that it says how much he dislikes his mother and how much he no longer wants to get hurt. I feel so sorry for him!
My favorite book as of now is Outliers. It's the greatest book I've ever read that told me all about success and achievement but the best thing that I read was this sentece, in chapter 2, Gladwell says,
"Practice isn't the thing you do once you're good. It's the thing you do that makes you good!" This showed me that you can't be an achiever if you don't practice all the time on a specific thing you want to achieve in. This is why it's so interesting and important because it tells the reader that just because you practiced and you got something down, doesn't mean you will be good for the future and other things to come as well. It also inspires them to practice more so they can reach their practice to the max.
In the book shooter Len uses the term "stop the vilonce" I find this intersting because Len is the one creating the violence he is the one that started shooting at people.
In the book shooter Len uses the term "stop the vilonce" I find this intersting because Len is the one creating the violence he is the one that started shooting at people.
Running witha football is a specialized skill.Not everyone can do it.So I want to give you an idea of what it feels like.Beginning, middle, and end.Pick a run any run.I'll show you the beginning, middle, and end.Well maybe not any run, some would make extremely short stories, one-word smack-down poems.Let's pick a running play that is more of a full-length novel, one that also happens to be one of the best TD runs I have ever made.
This is from the book Tiki Barber and I think it's interesting because he gives steps on how to score the best rushing touchdown.
An interesting sentence from the book The Secret Language of Girls is:
"Kate walked over to the refrigerator and opened the freezer compartment. Who needed Marilyn and Flannery when life was full of intersting scientific mysteries? Who needed friends when youcould have a milkshake? Kate decided she absolutely did not care that Marilyn and Flannery were ignoring her, as though she were a pocket of air taking up space on the school bus."
My favorite quote from Inkheart is:
"What?" whispered Meggie. "What happened Mo?"
Her father looked at her. "They came out," he said. "There they were, all of a sudden, standing in the doorway to the corridir outside the room, as if they'd just come in from outdoors. There was a crackling noise when they turned toward us- like someone slowly unfoldin a piece of paper. I still had their names on my lips: Basta, Dustfinger, Capricorn. Basta was holding Dustfinger by the collar as if he were shaking a puupy fro doing something forbidden. Capricorn liked to wear red even then, but he was nine years younger and not quite as gaunt as he is today. He wore a sword, something I'd never seen at close range before. Basta had on hanging at his belt, too, while Dustfinger..." Here Mo shook his head. "Well, of course the poor fellow had nothing but the horned marten whose tricks earned him a living."
This qoute is from "Elijah of Buxton".
Once I'd got enough flies ands checked 'round the stable to make sure I'd done everything, I went back to Mr. Segee.
"Everythings's done, Mr. Segee."
This quote is interesting because it and the whole book involves dialoge, and Elijah's ideas back to back and trading off. It also tells a bit about the charater that he actually likes his work, works hard, and is trustworthy. He gets the job done right for enjoyment later.
Holly Sarazin
from with this ring
"dad said you only liked silver, but i convinced him that the gold is what would set this ring appart. this way it doesnt look like the costume jewelry. makes it unique." this is when sierra's dad gives her a purity ring and she is upset that it is gold and she only wears silver jewelry. but her sister says it is not like her other jewelry, it is more special.(:
Now, I ain't alone, as you may think I am. There's a young man hid with me, in comparison with which young man I am a angel. That young man hears the words I speak. That young man has a secret way pecooliar to himself, of getting at a boy, and at his heart, and at his liver.
This passage is from Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. I found it interesting because he made it all up but it was extremely believable to Pip and he got exactly what he wanted out of Pip.
This is a quote from paparazzi princess
"i need to get a jacket to match this cute skirt i lifted." she unzips her slouchy bag and pulls out a plaid pencil skirt. Several more items are crammed inside. "What?" Lauren asks me when she sees my freaked-out expression. "What was i suppose to do? She wouldn't give us the discount."
"They won't even know it's missing," Ava Adds. "We do it all the time and no one cares. I got stuff for you to."
I think this is instersting because the main charcter whos name is Kate is haning out with somenew girls all the girls are rich but Kates new friends Lauren and Ava still shoplift and Kate dosen't really feel fine with that but she gose along with it anyway
Ok...so, if any of you have seen my binder, you might know that I am a Cormac McCarthy fan. This quote is from his most recent book, The Road.
"Huddled against the back wall were naked people, male and and female, all trying to hide, shielding their faces with their hands. On the mattress lay a man with his legs gone to the hip and the stumps of them blackened and burnt. The smell was hideous.
Jesus, he wispered.
Then one by one they turned and blinked in the pitiful light. Help us, they wispered. Please help us.
Christ, he said. Oh Christ,
He turned and grabbed the boy. Hurry, he said. Hurry.
He'd dropped the lighter. No time to look back. He pushed the boy up the stairs. Help us, they called.
A bearded face appeared blinking at the foot of the stairs. Please, he called. Please
Hurry. For God's sake hurry.
He shoved the boy through the hatch and sent him sprawling. He stood and got a good hold of the door and swung it over and let is slam down and he turned to grab the boy but the boy had gotten up and was doing his little dance of terror. For the love of God will you come on, he hissed. But the boy was pointing out the window and when he looked he went cold all over. Coming across the feild twoard the house were four bearded men and two women. He grabbed the boy by the hand. Christ, he said. Run. Run.
Yeah, I know that's a little long, but you have to read that much to really understand it. I love this quote so much because it puts you in the scene. You can smell the smells and feel the same desperation as the characters in the book. Not only is it descriptive, it uses the right words at the right times to make it the most effective possible. For example, the word hissed really gives you a feel for how the man is talking and you can put yourself in the scene.
-A. Muir
"Everything about me invites you in,my voice, my face, even my smell! As if I need any of that.
"As if you could outrun me!"
He reached up with one hand and, with a deafening crack, effortlessly ripped a two foot thick branch from the trunk of the spruce. He balanced it in that hand for a moment, and then threw it with blinding speed, shattering it against another huge tree, which shook and trembled at the blow. And he was in front of me again, standing two feet away, still as a stone.
"As if you could fight me off!"
This is a quote from twilight, and I know, "Whats with this obbsesion everyone has with twilight?", but the way this is writted I can easily get, a mental picture of this scene. The way Stephanie Meyer writes this scene is so discriptive, in how the character Edward moves. Also in the way she has the other character Bella explain his motions is very discriptive.
From touching spirit bear. "The mouse struggled, biting at Cole's fingers with razor-sharp teeth, its tiny feet clawing frantically to escape. Cole pitied the scared little mouse, but he held on, gripping with all his stregnth . This mouse his quarry, like a gull catching a herring or an owl catching a rabbit. He squeezed the mouse but was too weak to stop the struggling." I like this quote because it describes how a bully who thought he had all power loses itt and doesnt know how to react when he can't even control a mouse.
Garrick Koermer
A quote from the book Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen.
" It just occurred to me that in all the years we've known each other, we've never done that. Never really talked. Maybe my mother's right. Myabe there is more to Bryce Loski thank i Know. Maybe its time to meet him in proper light."
I picked this quote because it tells you that you need to understand them and know them before you can judge them.
(Amandeep Toor)
The quote is from Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Midaelsen:
"The spirit bear towered over him,its rank breath warm. Cole struggled to move his arms, his legs, anything to escape the white monster, but his body refused to move. Waves of nauseating pain flooded through him. Each time he gasped, pain gripped his chest and the thick sweet taste of blood filled his mouth."
This is a powerful quote because Cole, the bully, was as helpless as could be. After bullying people for his whole life, for the first time he is the one that is powerless and the one that feels the pain that he has caused in other people.
- Nick Underwood
In the book Hatchet Brain says "Then silence, filled with sobs as he pulled in air, half crying, how could it be so quiet? Moments ago there was nothing but noise, crashing and tearing, screaming, now quite. some birds were singing. How could they be singing?" The is trying to say how could the birds be singing at this horrible time.
This passege is from new moon in the twilight series.
"i was like a lost moon-my planet destroyed in some cataclysmic, disaster-movie scenario of desolation-that continued, nevertheless, to circle in a tight little orbit around the empty space left behinde, ignoring the laws of gravit."
this is so strong for me because she can make was it wrong with her fit into something else that happens so perfectly.
"As she leaves the room, the hallways are already filling with students. Teachers try their best to keep them organized, but this is a high school; the organized lines of elementary school fire drills are ling gone, having been replaced by the brazen hormonal zigzags of kids whose bodies are too big for their own good."
This quote is from unwind by Neal Shusterman.
This quote is interesting to me because it symbolizes getting older. I am a freshmen so this quote to me kind of means everything is gonna get harder from here on. The organized lines of elementary school/middle school are long gone. It's time to find your own way and no one really is there to help as much as when you were younger.
the last quote is from Emily P.(whiskers1019)!! From you first period!!!
I began to feel extremely confident. I am someone. I am somebody, I told myself. I could feel parts of my body relax. I was no longer scared. For once, everything was fine- right up until I heard the phone ring. My head snapped to the right as the kitchen phone shrilled. I counted the rings, hoping someone would hang up. I became tense after the 12th ring. Aunt Mary turned toward the kitchen. I grabbed her arm. Come on, I said to myself. No one's home. Just hang up. But the phone kept ringing. I could feel Aunt Mary lean to get up. My right hand clamped onto her arm. I locked onto Aunt Mary's eyes for a brief moment. Aunt Mary understood. I let out a sigh of relief as I followed her feet to the kitchen. Suddenly, I felt my left arm being yanked backwards. I nearly lost my footing. I treid to regain my balance. I closed my eyes as I bit my lip. My legs began to shake. Inches in front of me sat Mother. Her heavy, raspy breathing made me quiver. Mother's face was dark red. I could tell that from behind her glasses her eyes were on fire. I tried top reach for my savior, but Aunt Mary was already in the kitchen.
This is From the book The Lost Boy. It amazes me how David goes from very confident to scared to death because of his mother. He has been away from her for a while but she still knows how to scare him and tell him that he's been bad even though he's in foster care.
C Sims
When i awoke without having parted in my sleep with the perception of my wretchedness, the clocks of the eastward churches were striking five, the candles were wasted out, the fire was dead, and the wind and rain intensified the thick black darkness.
This is from Great Expectations and it is all very dark and negative.
I have held Mr.Ruger's invention close to my Temple of Doom, but it doesn't work. My hands have betrayed me, the transition is too great. There is no squeeze and SQUISH. There is only FREEZE and WISH. I have to burn the bridges to Eternity.
The quote is from Shooter. It shows how messed up Len has gotten. When I 1st read it I just thought Len was rambling on again, but when I read it again I realized that there was a much deeper meaning behind it.
"There is a big difference in how number-naming systems in Western and Asian languages are constructed. In English, we say fourteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen, so one might expect that we would also say oneteen, twoteen, threeteen, and fiveteen. But we don't. We use a different form: eleven, twelve, thirteen, and fifteen. Similarly, we have forty and sixty, which sound like the words they are related to (four, and six.) But we also say fifty and thirty and twenty, which sort of sound like five and three and two, but not really. And, for that matter, for numbers above twenty, we put the 'decade' first and the unit number second (twenty-one, twenty-two), whereas for the teens, we do it the other way around (fourteen, seventeen, eighteen). The number system in English is highly irregular. Not so in China, Japan, and Korea. They have a logical counting system. Eleven is ten-one. Twelve is ten-two. Twenty-four is two-tens-four and so on."
I like this quote because they are talking about how our English language is not very easy to learn and we have all these extra rules and it's not all that easy to follow like other languages. I never really realized our numbers were that weird until i read this book(:
In The Outliers he quotes "no one- not rock stars, not professional atheletes, not software billionaires and not even geniuses- ever makes it alone." I think it is a pretty realistic quote. I liked that book and I liked the way it looked at things, so I think this quote is a pretty good example of how sometimes fate might slip into your life and do something whether that be giving you a helpinfg hand, or pushing you down. Alex M.
Take a look at the following list of numbers: 4, 8, 5, 3, 9, 7, 6. Read them out loud. Now look away and spend twenty seconds memorizing that sequence before saying them out loud again.
If you speak English, you have about a 50 percent chance of remembering that sequence perfectly. If you're Chinese, though, you're almost certain to get it right every time. Why is that? Because as human beings we store digits in a memory loop that runs for about two seconds. We most easily memorize whatever we can say or read within that two-second span. And Chinese speakers get that list of numbers - 4, 8, 5, 3, 9, 7, 6 - right almost every time because, unlike English, their language allows them to fit all those seven numbers into two seconds.
Page 227-228, Outliers
I found this interesting, because noone ever thinks about it like this. If we had shorter words for our numbers in English, we could possibly have a more intelligent country.
Robbie B
"It's okay. We aren't in the same class. Just don't forget that some of us watch the sunset too."
-S.E. Hinton, the Outsiders
This quote comes from one of my all time favorite books, The Outsiders. Cherry Valance is telling Ponyboy, who loves to watch the sunset, that not all Socs are bad. She uses this example because it is something he can understand. What she is trying to tell him is that social class doesn't make a person bad, and that sterotypes don't always apply to everyone. This is a turning point in the novel,long after Ponyboy's life changes forever.
-N. Rouge
"It's okay. We aren't in the same class. Just don't forget that some of us watch the sunset too."
This quote is from one of my all time favorite books, The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. This quote is Cherry Valance, a Soc, telling Ponyboy, a Greaser, that sterotypes don't apply to everyone. She wants him to understand that Socs aren't all bad people. I really like this quote because it says a lot about the theme of the novel.
"... 'There's a nod for you'-giving him a tremendous one. 'There's another one for you'-giving him a still more tremendous one. 'You like that, don't you? If you're not tired, Mr. Pip-Though I know it's tiring to strangers-would you tip him once more? You can't imagine how it pleases him.'"
This quote is from Great Expectations and I love how commical it is without any actual humor. The discomfort or rather politnes and confussion mixed is a funny picture in my mind.
in the book Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson the most interesting paragraph is "ninth graders are herded to the auditorium. We fall into clans: Jocks,Country Clubbers,Idiot Savants,Cheerleaders,Human Waste,Eurotrash,Future fascists of America,Big Hair Chix,the Marthas,Suffering Artists,Thespians,Goths,Shredders. I am clanless. I wasted the last weeks of August watching bad cartoons. I didnt go to the mall,the lake,or the pool,or answer the phone. I have entered high school with the wrong hair, the wrong clothes the wrong attitude. And i dont have anyone to sit with."
"I am Outcast." [favorite book of all time]
In the book The Shining by Stephen King, it says "Danny awoke witht he booming still loud in his ears, and the drunk, savagely pettish voice crying hoarsely: Come out here and take your medicine! I'll find you! I'll find you!"
This passage is interesting, because it expresses how mentally unstable everyone in the family was. Not just the father, but also the son and mother. This passage also is the point of the book that really shows the effects of the family's isolation.
-Carly Fleck
It was quiet exept for the wirring of the machines, the beeping, the dripping, the ticking of the big clock on the wall. This quote is from Twilight, page 477.
With relentless, uncaring force, they turned inexorably toward the end-the end of everything. this quote is from New Moon, page 1.
This quote is from the book Who Am I Without You.
The quote i chose was "Boys and girls in this country can date anyone they like. So today Jack's dating Jill, but tomorow he will be kissing Jill's bestfriend and try to get next to her cousin"
This small quote meant a lot for the whole book and what the book was about. It also had a huge outcome at the end of the book. What makes this part so interesting is how true this sentence is according to the book.
" the gift of riding. this was why people loved it. this exact sensation: your body connected to an animals, an essential wildness loaned to you, direct across to an un-self-conscious grace in which you were magically allowed to participate. the horse chose to carry you in a surfeit of untethered, ancient generousity"
This quote is from the book Split Estate. Its completely set me backward when i read it. It puts describing riding in a different perspective. The speaker was trying to describe her feelings through the horse. All while running away on an unbroken mustang that was set loose.I thought i could understand where she was coming from, but i could not grasp the true purpose.
Sierra Wick
"It's true," he whispered. "i wasn't lying." deliberatly he raised his hand and and tossed the hair hair into the water. beggining today, he would tell the truth. his words would become his only proof"-Touching Spirit Bear
i think this is an interesting group of sentences because this is the turning point for cole and he starts to turn around his not so great life and tries to bring out the better side that he can be
It was there, sitting in the lunchroom, trying to make conversation with seven curious strangers, that I first saw them.
They were sitting in the corner of the cafeteria, as far away from where I sat as possible in the long room.There were five of them.They weren't talking, and they weren't eating, though they each had a tray of untouched food in front of them.They weren't gawking at me, unlike most of the other students, so it was safe to stare at them without fear of meeting an excessively interested pair of eyes.But it was none of these things that caught, and held, my attention.
They didn't look anyhting alike.Of the threeboys, one was big-muscled like a serious weight lifter, with dark, curly hair.Another was taller, leaner, but still muscular, and honey blond.The last was lanky, less bulky, with untidy, bronze-colored hair.He was more boyish than the others, who looked like they could be in college, or even teachers here rather than students.
The girls were opposites.The tall one was statuesque.She had a beautiful figure, the kind you saw on the cover of the Sprots Illstrated swimsut issue, the kind that made every girl around her take a hit on her self-esteem just by being in the same room.Her hair was golden, gently waving to the middle of her back.The short girl was pixielike, thin in the extreme, with small features,Her hair was a deep black, cropped short and pointing in every direction.
And yet, they were all exactly alike.Every one of them was chalky pale, the palest of all the students living in this sunless town.Paler than me, the albino.They all had very dark eyes despite the range in hair tones.They also had dark shadows under those eyes-purplish, bruiselike shadows.As if they were all suffering from a sleepless night, or almost done recovering from a broken nose.Though their noses, all their features, were straight, perfect, angular.
But all this is not why I couldn't look away.
I stared because theirs faces, so different, so similar, were all devastatingly, inhumanly beautiful.They were faces you never expected to see except perhaps on the airbrushed pages of a fashion magazine.Or painted by an old master as the face of an angel.It was hard to decide who was the most beautiful-maybe the perfect blond girl, or the bronze-haired boy.
They were all looking away-away from each other, away from the other students, away from anything in particular as far as I could tell.As I watched, the small girl rose with her tray-unopened soda, unbitten apple-and walked away with a quick, graceful lope that belonged on a runway.I watched, amazed at her lithe dancer's step, till she dumped her tray and glided through the back door, faster than I would have thought possible.My eyes darted back to the others, who sat unchanging.
"Who are they?" I asked the girl from my Spanish class, whose name I'd forgotten.
I think this passage is very important to understand in the book because it describes the Cullens.The author wrote the descripition very good because as I was reading this, I was able to picture the event in my head, from how the Cullens looked to how they were positioned in the cafetria.When Bella first laid her eyes on Edward and his family, she noticed that they were very different from the other students and from her too, but she didn't know how different they really are.As she starts to get to know Edward she finally realizes that his family and himself are not human beings, instead they are vampires.
We did not waste time, at the crack of dawn we made our way down to the creek, where thick mist rose above the dark water a herron flew off from a nerby bank as me climbed into my father's boat.
This sentence is my favorite part of the book it leads up to the main part of the book.
Brady Young
"Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do." This is a quote by Atticus Finch in the book To Kill A Mockingbird. I like this quote because it is very powerful and has a good definition of the word courage.
In Catalyst Kates dad comes in the bathroom to tell kate something that has happened. He says " this will just take a second. Teri and mikey are sleeping here tonight. Teri can bunk with Kate. Mikey will stay with you Toby." This quote was important because it was sort of like a turning point in Kates life. She figured now things couldnt get any worse.
"He screwed the cap onto the whiskey bottle, then suddenly grabbed the pistol, stuck it deep into his mouth, curled his lips around it, and looked at Mark, who watched every move, hoping he would pull the trigger and hoping he wouldn't. Slowly, he withdrew the barrel from his mouth, kissed the end of it, then pointed it at Mark."
This quote is from the book The Client. I think this is a interesting because I like the style that he writes it in and because of how it makes the reader realize just how crazy this guy is.
"mikey lies in his room, in his big boy room. he lies on the bare floor, his fingertips streyched to the snakes in the electrical outlet"
i think this is intresting because its something no one saw coming in the book
kourtney thomas
"Eragon took a deep breath and pushed himself upright on one arm, wincing from the effort. he got his feet underneath himself, paused for a moment, then straightened to his full height and looked Oromis in the eye.
the elf nodded with approval."
i think this is an interesting quote bc it proves that no matter what u could always push urself to get whereever it is that u want to be and u can acheive ur goals and not let nething stop u
This quote is from Kamikaze Girls by Novala Takemoto.
"Prizing elegance, sweet emotions, and fantasy more than morals and truths; wallowing in fleeting romance rather then trying to give meaning to life, when who knows what's going to happen to you anyway; ignoring virtue and conventions to cherish only the pleasures you are definitely experiencing now: this is the spirt of Rococo. No matter how much deep thought, hard work, and agonizing effort went into coaxing out some insight, if that insight is boring, or not beautiful, it doesn't matter."
I like this quote because it defines what lolita is in such a perfect manner. Selfish, yes. But it makes you look at the world in a different way. :]
- Samantha Jordan
"He screamed something without words and flung the papers and paints into the dirty brown water. The paints floated on top, riding the current like a boat, but the papers swirled about, soaking in the muddy water, being sucked down, around, and down. He watched them all disappear. Gradually his breath quieted, and his heart slowed from its wild pace."
- Bridge to Terabithia.
I think those sentences were interesting because its talking about how the main character breaks down after he finds out that his best friend died, and he throws away in the river things that reminded him of her. He loved her (as a friend) and is heartbroken because of her death and this shows how heartbroken he is when he throws his favorite things away.
Kelly C. 4th-5th period
"They've been dogging Teri all period. They keep following her when she changes tables."
This qute is from catalyist it is unique because it symbolizes how you can't just get away from bullies.
My favorite book is James and the Giant Peach. Its my favorite because its one of the first chapter books I ever read. Centipede: "Hey, Glowworm, how 'bout some light?" Glowworm: "I can't hear you, dear. I'll have to put my light on." This isn't one of the more significant quotes, buts its funny because it shows how humorous all the characters are, even through rough times. The Grasshopper: "He's comitted pesticide!" This quote is funny because it was after Centipede took a bite of the Giant Peach. Pesticide!
(Abby Jones)
Hurry shoot down those pepperoines!
This is from the book crash and i find it just random and hilarious as they taunt crash's sister for not eating pepperoine because she won't eat anything with a face.
-Nick Rienerth
In the book shooter the quote "stop the violence" is interesting because Len wrote it on the walls of a church and of a school but he is promoting violence by bringing guns to school and bringing Cameron and Carla into it. He ends up shooting up the school and doing the opposite of what he said in the quote.
"Are you in, Kate?"
"Well?" asks Diana Sung, my lab partner, 3.86 GPA, accepted by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
" I didn't check the mail yesterday."
"She hasn't heard yet," Diana reports to the rest of the class.
This quote is from Catalyst. It shows how interested everyone is in each others lives and it shows how important getting into a good college is.
In the book "The Outsiders" one thing that Johnny says to Pony boy before he dies is,
"Stay Gold, Pony"
I like this quote/saying in the book because in the book Ponyboy always talks about how he says nothing gold can stay. He believes nothing gold can stay because gold is to precious and nothing as good as gold will last forver. When Johnny tells Pony to stay gold, he's telling him to stay strong forever even though it's not easy.
-Erica Jacks
"Good Kate whispters that maybe, perhaps, there could be a small chance that I need to suck it up and accept the situation.
I would rather fall down a bottomless hole."
-Catalyst, by Laurie Halse Anderson.
I find this quote interesting because Kate refuses to accept the fact that she has been rejected by MIT, and is determined to get in. She can't let it go because she has no where else to go; no other options. I think this is interesting because it is her fault that she is in this mess, and that this situation has occured. She can't accept the situation even though she has created it.
this quote is from "Tell no one" by Harlen Coben.
"i reminded myself of the teasing dreams then-- the nocturnal moments of escape when i would hold her in my arms... knowing even as i had been bathing in the bliss that it was not real, that soon i'd be flung back into the waking world. the fear that this might be more of the same engulfed me, crushing the wind out of my lungs. elizabeth seemed to read what i was thinking and nodded as if to say, 'yeah this is real.' she took a tentative step towards me... i opened my arms and she jumped right in. i held her. i held her as tight as i could...
....i even looked up to the heavens as i just held on. how? i wondered. how could this not be another cruel joke? how could she still be alive and back with me?
i didnt care. i just wanted it to be real. i wanted it to last.
but even as i held her against me, the sound of the cell phone, like something from my teasing dreams started pulling me away...still keeping 1 arm around elizabeth-- ill be damned if i was ever going to let her go-- i put the phone to my ear and said hello.
it was Tyrese and as he spoke i could feel it al start to slip away..."
i feel this is an interesting quote because the man thinking is Beck. he was living under the impression that his wife had passed for the past 8 years. it turned out that someone was trying to kill her so she ran and hid, faking her death. she finally comes back and just as everything is perfectly fine again.. tyrese calls and beck's life just seems to fall apart again. this quote is also interesting bc it goes from being super fast and happy an din one fell swoop it was miserable once more.
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