It's a very special time of year. Just as the summer reaches its optimum temperature, it is time to climb out of bed, put on jeans and funnel into the building with all of the others who have abandoned sleep.
I love to sleep in. Coming back to school takes 4 hours of sleep away from me. I cannot drink my pot of coffee each morning. I cannot sit and read for hours. I cannot just lay around. Now, I have two daughters, so the sitting around and doing nothing is not normal. Running the girls around and watching them engage in many new opportunities keeps me busy.
School is also about so many wonderful opportunities. Think about what you sacrifice as a result of school starting, but also think about what opportunities you gain. I gain new conversations, new friends, a new appreciation for learning and my passion is ignited. To everything, there is a pro and a con. What are the pros and cons of coming to school and educating yourself. What are you sure that education can and will do for you?
Be sure to speak to pros and cons!
The pro's of coming back to school are that you get to see old friends and meet new people. However the con's of coming back are that we are all tired because we cannot get used to waking up at five or six o'clock.
Lets see....Some Pros of coming back to school. There is learning again, reading, meeting new people, being challenged, new experiences, and freedoms of being in High school. Some cons of going back to school. There's homework, Classwork, Projects, disagreeable administration, rules, drama, stress, tests, quizzes, getting up at a ridiculous time in the morning, and many more responsibilities then I'm used to having.
some of the pros for going back to school is u get to see your friends again and get to make new friends. the cons for going back to school is that you have to wake up so early, you might not have your friends in your class,drama starts up again, and you get stressed from the classes.
The good thing about going back to school is that we can now meet new people, join in with a whole new bigger crowd. The thing about this is though that you're also then known more all around Brunswick at the high school! So once you're back people just can't stop talking about you and everyone knows everyone eventually once you begin your first year.
The bad things about going back to school is that you don't have that much free time as you used to have over the summer.Who wants to spend 7 hours going to school anyways? Plus you'd be just doing endless homework assignments just like this one! It's just non-stop insanity, come on!
Pros for going back to school are seeing my friends again, getting away from little siblings, learning, and meeting new people. Cons are having to wake up early, not knowing your teachers or classmates, always being busy, having homework, being worried about tests and quizes, and not knowing your way around the school.
A pro for being back at school is not being bored all day at home. Another pro is getting to see friends that you don't/ didn't see over the summer. A con is having to wake up early and actually having to be somewhere(on time). And school can get stressful. Another con is being at a new school and not knowing what to do or where to go sometimes. This shall be an interesting school year.
To me, there are more pros to coming back to school than there are cons. Pros of coming back to school-being with your friends all day,meeting new people,learning something new everyday,experiencing new things,having a place to go and something to do,and lastly....You have a feeling of accomplishment at the end of every day. Cons of coming back to school-Getting up early, not having as much free time, homework!!!
The pros for going back to school are being able to meet new people and get a fresh start. You can continue to learn new things and become smarter. Also, your world is opened up to a whole new set of opprtunities, like being able to join different clubs. The cons for going back to school are that you have to worry more about tests, homework, and other school assignments. You loose the free time that you had in the summer, and you have to get up earlier, making you tired. You can also become more stressed with all the things that you have to worry about.
There are many pros and cons to going back to school, like getting back on a normal schedule, but having to get up early. One good thing about going back to school is seeing and talking to your friends again. Also, you get to learn more and become prepared for handeling new things, and for when you get a job. One problem with going back to school is having a lot of homework every night. Another problem with school, is that you loose slept and free time. When you are in school, you have to get stressed out with quizzes and projects too, along with rushing around for your next class or subject. Going back to school gives you a lot to juggle, but is fun with friends and order.
The pros of going back to school are getting to see different friends more often, making new friends, and having something to do. The cons consist of having to wake up early, the pressure to do well, and having to do work. Also that you have less time for your friends and hobbies.
The pros- Going back to school, you get to catch up with old friends and have opportunities to make some new ones. You get to learn more and become smarter in class too. The cons- For me I have to wake up almost 6 hours earlier. Stressful things like tests and quizzes and homework I have to do. And seeing new people in an unfamiliar environment.
The pro's of coming back to school are the new oppurtunities we get, all the new people we meet, getting away from sibblings for some part of the day, and advancing in what you know. The con's of coming back to school is the sleep you loose, the time you have to spend doing work assigned instead of doing as you please, and the loss of time after school due to homework, after school discipline and the babysitting some have to do while their parents work.
The pro's of coming back to school are the new oppurtunities we get, all the new people we meet, getting away from sibblings for some part of the day, and advancing in what you know. The con's of coming back to school is the sleep you loose, the time you have to spend doing work assigned instead of doing as you please, and the loss of time after school due to homework, after school discipline and the babysitting some have to do while their parents work.
As for school, I am both excited, and disappointed that my summer is over. I am excited because I get to see so many people that I didn't get a chance to hang out with over the summer. Though I also have to interact with new people, which is nerve wrecking. I have met good teachers, and bad teachers. I have run into a lot of homework, but that homework will help me in the future. We have to get to school really early, but that helps us to not over sleep. All these things both make me want to come back to school, and to just sleep in.
The pros: Getting to see everyone you didn't get the chance to over the summer, meeting new people, and challenging yourself to learn more. The cons: Not being able to sleep in! :( and even though it's good to see new people, sometimes that causes pointless and annoying drama that you don't deal with during the summer. Plus all the stress and pressure to get good grades.
There are many pros and cons for going back to school.Some of the pros would be meeting new people, seeing people you haven't seen all summer and football games.Some of the cons to going back to school are waking up early, doing homework and having quizzes/test.But i would have to say that i am happy we are going back to school but then at the same time kinda not.
Con: Teenage society has turned high school to an unofficial war zone. Discrimination against looks and personality, social clicks, and the idea that high school is a terrible thing. Teen focus on making up trivial rules, making some things stressful to others, and doing certain activities that are personified to be 'cool'. I believe that this con takes away from the real reason why we go to high school,
Pro: You get the opportunity to start new. Let people see you for how you are. There are a lot of changes that happen in between 6th grade and 8th. I find that people think the same of you in 6th than they did in 8th. High school gives you option to be yourself, no matter what people think.
The Pros of Going Back To School
The pros are getting to see my friends, making new friends, and learning things I never knew before. Also, school gives me something to do. It teaches me responsibility and how to manage my time wisely. It has taught me and will continue to teach me many lessons.
Also, I continue getting the education I need to be successful in life.
The Cons of Going Back To School
The cons of going back to school are getting up early, not having as much free time to do the things I want to do, many hours of work and studying, and headaches from working and studying so hard, stressing out, and putting 100% of my effort into my assignments.
What my education can do and will do for for me
When I am older, it can and will get me a job, if I strive to do my best in school and focus on my work.
Pro's of coming back to school-Its a totally different school! You get to meet new people while catching up with old friends and have new exciting experiences.
Con's for coming back to school-When your locker won't open (like mine) and you're stuck carrying every single book, notebook, and folder. You're tired because you're not getting the amount of sleep you're used to. Navigating around this huge school is annoying also.
A pro about going back to school is that you get to see all of your friends a lot more. You also get to meet new people since we're all going to a new school. You further your education which will help you in the future. The cons to these though is that some of your friends may have changed over the summer. Being a new school you may get lost or stress about not getting to your class on time. Finally though your furthering your education you also worry about things such as tests and grades.
Pro's of coming back to school is to see all your friends. Everyone has changed over the summer. I hope to make alot of friends this year. Some things I hate about going back to school though, is having to wake up early. Another thing im gonna hate is having to study before tests and all the homework which im hoping to get done in study hall. Another con is that my locker is far from my classes so i cant really go to it without being late so everything is in my bookbag. -Amanda Eljaouhari
pros for back to school are seeing all your friends and you get a chance to meet new people. You learn more and have great experiences.
Cons are having to wake up early, but it's hard because you go to bed later in the summer so you can't fall asleep the night before. Also having to do work.(this is emily p. from 1st period)
Pros for back to school- when you go back to school you get to see your friends again and be able to talk to them. Also you learn new things and there for you are smarter.
Cons for back to school- going back to school you'll lose a lot of sleep. You are supseptable to more diseases. Also there are a whole lot of new people to meet. Your more stressed because of homework, tests/ quizzes and more. Diffrent after school activitys start up and so you get constantly rushed from place to place. And not all of your classes will have friends or people you know in them so there for you get stressed in those classes even more then normal.
(Tia Lenhoff)
The pros of being back in school are that I can start talking to old friends that I didnt see over the summer and I can make new friends. The cons are that I don't have any classes with some of my friends, I have to get up earlier than i did over the summer, school can be stressful, and I don't like having to come to school 5 days out of the week so I can spend the better part of my day either in a loud hallway or sitting at a desk writing.
(Lindsay Jakubowski)
I think the pros of coming back to school is being able to see all of your friends. You don't get to see all of them over the summer. Also you get new teachers too. Each year you might not take all the same classes. The cons of coming back to school is having to do homework. Another con of coming back to school is having to sit at a desk for the whole day. Also I have to wake up at six o'clock every morning, which is not the time i would like to wake up.
I feel the positive side to going to school is being able to learn more from not only teachers ,but also from myself and others. Going to school gives me oppurtunities to meet new people and see the world more often, than not. Learning that there is more than the four walls we look at during school is important. If we never had school then we would never come out of our shells and grow. The negative part is only what people want it to be. Of course i dislike having to get up ,but in reality that means i've been lazy and need to work on being a better person. School opens us up to life, not closing us in like some think.
Education will bring you new friends but you will lose old ones.Although no one likes to wake up at 6 in the morning we all have to be there. We should just be relaxed even though test can be stressful. But it is very sad having to leave your old teachers and even friends. Just try to look on the bright side of school
The pro's of going to school is it will get you into a good college which will lead up to a good school. Also, you get to meet new friends. The con's of going back to school is that you can no longer sleep in or go to bed really late. Another con is that you will have to do homework and takes time away from hanging out with friends. One last con is getting overwhelmed from all of the tests and projects.
a. stertzbach
Well i think there are more con's than pro's. One pro would be that I get even less sleep than I did before. Another would be that there are more reasons for me to get in trouble from my parents. My third reason is because I might have to deal with people I don't get along with. My last reason is because I might have trouble finding my classes. Some of the pro's are that I get to see my friends that I wasnt able to see over the summer. Another reason would be that i can make new friends too.
the pros of coming to school are seing all your friends again. i love seeing all my friends that i have not seen al summer. the cons of coming to school are getting up a 5:45 and not being able to sleep in.
-k mcnamara
Pros: It is nice having structure to the day instead of ending up bored most of the time. I also get to see friends I havent seen for about 3 months. It is nice to be able to learn new things and meet new people. Best of all, I dont have to worry about getting a ride to football since it starts right after school.
Cons:I have to get up at 530 to catch my bus. Its a pain to have to start class when i want to go back to bed. Another bad thing is that my time is more limited, due to homework and other factors, so i can't work out for two hours a day like I used to. Worst of all, I cant have a job.
I think that some of the pros for coming back to school are making new friends, being able to see your friends that you didnt see much over the summer, learning new things, meeting new teachers, having something to do during the day, and getting new stuff for school. The cons of coming back to school are homework, loosing sleep, having to wake up early, stressing over getting good grades, drama, expectations, and keeping up with schoolwork and sports.
The pros for school would be making new friends, something to do during the day, learning new things, and making new memories. The cons for the new school year is waking up early, not being able to see all of our friends, projects, tests, quizzes, grades, and school just adds stress to your life that we already have. - J. Carver
I think the pros of going back to school is that you get to see friends that you haven't seen all summer, you get to learn new things, and meet new people. The cons are waking up earlier, homework, projects, classwork, pressure, and stress.
there are a lot of pro's to going back to school as well as there are con's. i like going to school in a place where everybody has a place. other pro's would be reuniting with all of your old friends. High school also holds more responsibilties and opportunities, which can be pro's and con's. though getting up earlier is tiring, we also get out of school sooner. my schedule is very busythis year, which is hard for me, but it is also preparing me for the future because it doesn't get much easier. as you can see, i see two sides to everything and i'm looking forward to high school over all!
<3 marna kebberly
The pro's for coming back to school are seeing all your friends, meeting new people, and finally being in High School. The con's are waking up a lot earlier, lots of homework, studying for tests, and lots of drama.
For me, the pros of coming back to school are that you see old friends and meet new people. However, the cons of coming back are that you can't stay up as late and that you have homework.
AHetzel 6-7
The pro's of coming back to school are that you get to meet new people and you get to learn new things. The con's are that you are busy all of the time and rarly get to relax.
J Sens
The pro's of coming back to school is that you get to see all of your old friends and meet new ones. The cons are that you have to get up very early and you have all the stresses of tests and quizzes.
A pro of coming back to school is most obviously the education that you receive. Another pro is that you get to see old friends and make new ones. A con is that it contributes to an increasingly sedentary life style. It decreases exposure to fresh air and sunlight. It can also be boring and depressing. Aside from limiting your time for other activites, because of the school day and homework, it is not an efficient way of communicating knowledge.
Well, the only pros about coming back to school deal with seeing our friends, meeting new people, expanding our knowledge, experiencng new things, and having something else to do besides sleep and lay around all day.
The cons about coming back to school can go on and on. There's homework, classwork, projects, tests, quizes, teachers, staff, certain people, rules, drama, stress, having to wake up at 5 am everyday, there's more responsibilities, and etc.
The pros of coming back to school are you get to see old friends, learn new things, meet new people, and have more opportunities such as more extracurricular activities. The cons are you have to get up a lot earlier, do homework, and find new classes.
-Erin McNamee
Hmm, coming back to school pro's would be meating new people, gaining new and fun memories, seeing old friends again, and being able to experience more. The cons would probably be no more 12 hour sleeping time, not being able to do much of what I want to do, and I can't really see my friends from other schools.
the pro's of going back to school are seeing your friends all the time agian, everyday. you don't always see everyone in the summer. school also puts a structure to your day. i always feel more accomplished on school days because i do something other then sleeping in. also when school starts Brunswick football games start(: those are fun to go to on friday's.
the con's of going back to school, though, are you go back to having a lot of homework and tests. also the dress code now applies so you can no longer stay in your pajamas all day or short shorts and tank tops.
The pro's of coming back to school are i get to see my friends, play football for the school, and meet new people. The con's of going back to school are I have to wake up at 5:30, I get pushed around because I'm a freshman, and I have to sit through boring classes
A few pro's of coming back to school are seeing all your friends daily, meeting new people, getting more done everyday, and getting back into those great school sports! Some con's of the new school year, are not really knowing where you are going in the new school, or knowing any people in your classes.
Pros: Gaining an education, seeing your friends, meeting new people.
Cons: getting up early, not as much time to play.
I think that there are a lot more pros than cons anytime going to a new school because you get to meet all new people and there may be oppurtunities at a new school that you didn't have at your school like a different sport or a new club.
Some cons are that you sometimes have to leave your old friends, and you have to get used to the new type of teaching
-Zack Taylor
One of the pros for coming back to school is meeting new people. Also you will get smarter.
One of the cons is that you get close to no sleep compared to what you normally got in the summer. Also it gives you a lot more stress from homework and all of the classes.
One Pro for coming back to school is having the oppourtunity to meet new people and talk to old friends. I enjoy school because its interactive, it keeps you involved and you meet great friends. High school has much more freedom and many more clubs. Some Cons are having to wake up early, homework and tests, studing, sitting in school all day and the drama.
some main pros that i know of are that we will make new friends. also that it is one step closer to graduating! some cons i can think of is that we will lose friends, have more drama, more work than we will ever need, and all the tests, quizes, and stress we will ever need.
The pro's of coming back to school is you get to see your old friends you haven't seen all summer and making new friends.The con's of going back to school are that you need to go to bed earlier,wake up earlier,homework,stress,and having less free time to do what you want.
Pros for school is that you don't have to bored ALL day at home. Like in the summer you have at least 6 hours of school to be busy, you can also see new friends and old friends. The cons of school is that you lose a lot of sleep.
The pros of coming back to school are that you get to see your friends again and you can always make new ones, you get to read a lot, you get to have all those wonderful responsibilities that everyone loves, theres new experiences, and your working your way to one year closer to getting out of high school. Some cons are that you get tons of homework, theres less time to hang out with your friends, you don't get to sleep in, there's too much drama, and there's alot of stress.
C Sims
some of the pros of going back to school are getting to see your friends and making some new friends. some cons are not being in classes with your old friends, waking up warly, and not having much time after school for yourself.
To me, there are many pros and cons to going back to school. Some of the pros are learning new things, being in a somewhat new environment, and meeting new people/seeing old friends. I know for me I'm alot more active during school from running back and forth to classes. Much better than sitting on my butt all day doing nothing, atleast we're learning something. With everything good, there's something bad. A few cons of going back to school are having to wake up early a few hours earlier, having to remember stuff, not being able to reach my locker, and bullies. Also, I don't know about anyone else but I have a class on the West then the East, then the West again. Very hectic schedule.
I think the pros of starting school are you get to see your friends again and in high school your in a new school with new people and teachers. The cons though are homework, not sleeping in, getting home later especially if you have sports, tests, and you are more stressed out during the school year sometimes.
Some of the pros of going back to school are meeting new friends and having something to do all day, not to mention not seeing your younger siblings. However,a lot of homework and waking upo early are some of the cons.
-N.Rouge, 1st period.
The pros are get to see old friends again, have something to do all day, meeting people you don't know, and setting goals to achieve.Some cons are that you don't get to sleep all day, you have do work, take tests, homework,sitting in a class room all day and you can't talk for most of the day.
My cons for going back to school are getting up early,and having to go to school for 6 hours every day. My pros are that since this is a bigger school I will probably meet new people and I also will learn new things
Back to school, I'm definitely not ready for it yet. I'm still not use to waking up at 5:50 A.M every morning. You have to look at some pros though. Such as in 4 years you'll be on your own and in college so you can start your life. Also learning new things, seeing your old friends you haven't seen since last school year. And even meeting new friends. While in your school you'll have new challenges to face which will be difficult but still fun. Some cons are you can't sleep in anymore. Which means waking up at 5-6 A.M. It really isn't good if you love to sleep like me. Also homework, the stress, and the tests and quizzes you have to study for.
K.Misenko 4/5
the pros are meeting new people seeing old friends and having the freedoms of highschool insted of middle school. the cons are not getting to sleep in and having home work and having to acctually do something you dont want to.
D Bruno 4/5
A pro of coming back to school are seeing old friends and making new ones. Another pro is I get to play for the basketball team. Some cons are that I have to wake up earlier and I have to do work. Education will give me a good job and make me successful in life.
the pros of going back to skool are u get to see ur old friends and meet new ppl. u also get to learn new things and have more experiences.
the cons are waking up ridiculously early. u have less time to relax. u have a lot of hw, and u have more stress. theres drama and u have less time to do what u want.anastasia f
The pros to going back to school is that i can start the first year that will take me through high school so that i can go to college. Another pro to going back to school is that i can also start at the career center in 2 years for personal fitness trainer. The cons to going back to school is that i now have to get up earlier and go to bed earlier, and that can sometimes make me lose sleep. Another con to going back to school is that i have to miss any browns games that are on Monday, or Thursday nights because of school. Hill, K.
There are many good and bad things about coming back to school. One of the good things is that you get to see all your old friends again. Also, you meet many new people. you have to be willing to accept the extra responibilty thats put on you though. Some of the bad things that come back with school are ; homework, waking up earlier, having to manage your time a little wiser and unfourtunatly fighting with friends.
The pro's of coming back to school is that you get to see everything that you couldn't see over the summer and you can meet new people.Also you are challenged to do your best physically and mentally everyday.The con's are having to wake up early, dealing with peer pressure and bullying. Another con is that you are under more stress which causes you to lose sleep and affects your work habits.
P.S this is Mike S. from 5-6 period.
There are very many pros & cons of coming back to school. A good pro of it, is seeing old friends & meeting new friends. Highschool is a whole new experience for everyone. Cons of coming back is the no more staying up late every night & having to wake up much earlier.
Some pros of coming back to school are seeing old friends again, making new friends, and learning. Some cons are having to wake up early, homework, drama, stress, and tests.
The pros of coming back to school are getting to see your freinds. Another pro is making new ones. Another pro is getting to play sports for the school again. A Con of coming back to school is that you can't sleep in. Another is learning and sitting through boring lectures. There are my pros and cons of coming back to school.
Pros; I get to be back with all my friends and meet many new people. Another Pro is that I get to be back to learning and getting to finally be in high school.
Cons; Waking up earlier is hard for me, I lose probably five hours of sleep. Also, you have tests and quizzes and many projects.
-allison thomas
Some pro's of comming back to school is that you are always busy and always have somthing that can be done. Another pro is you get to see your friends almost every day. Some cons to comming back to school is that you can get alot of homework. Another con is that you need to get up so much more earlier then during the summer. By getting an education you can get a good job when you grow up and be able to make more money then if you didn't get a good education.
The pros of comeing back to school are that you can be with your friends again, join clubs or other activities, meet new people, and join sports. Some bad things about going back to school are waking up early, not getting to do what you want everyday, and having to stay home on the weekdays.
julia romito
Well some of the pros of school is that you learn a lot more and thats pritty importnat. You also get so see your friends that you didnt get to see in summer. Than you also get to meet your teachers and have a fresh start from last year. Some of the cons are that i loose about 7 hours of sleep and Thats you cant really do what you want at anytime you want. O and a BIG thing for me is that you start to loose you tan! Than it also starts to get EXSTREAMLY cold. Witch is not good!
I think there are many pro's and con's of coming back to school. A couple con's are that you are expected to wake up earlier and study more, but a big one for me is not having my good friends in the same classes as me. Making new friends isn't hard, I just miss always having every class with them. A good pro of coming back to school is that you get the education you need. If you don't go to school, it's more likely you can't succeed.
The pro's of coming back to school are seeing old friends, making new friends, and learning again. The con's of coming back to school are waking up early, homework, not alot of free time, tests/quizzes, stress, and drama.
The pro's to coming back to school are that you get to meet new people and see your old friends. The cons to coming back to school is waking up earlier than usual and the stress.
~Katlin F~
The pro's of coming back to school are that you get to see your old friends and learn new things.The con's are that we have to get up around 6a.m. Also have to study for tests, quizes, and do homework.
I think a pro to school is you get to come back and see old people and meet new ones. I think a con to school is the work and homework outside of school. To me wakeing up at 6 isn't that tough and im fine with it.
Garrick Koermer
Hmmm...some pros of coming back to school are meeting with new and old friends again and and expieriencing a new school. Some cons of coming back to school are waking up early(waking up at 5 is'nt the best) and also a con is having to do homework after a long day at school.
Some pros of going back to school are being able to see all of your friends everyday. In summer you might not be able to see them as much. Also going back to school gives you a challenge instead of sitting around or sleeping all day. School gives you the opportunity of meeting many new people and joining alot of sports and clubs! (: Some cons of going back to school are losing about 5 hours of sleep depending on the person. Also, the tests and quizzes can put alot of stress on you. Another con is maybe losing friends to make new ones. :/
Some of the pros of going back to school are that you get to see old friends and you get to meet new people. Some of the cons are that you have to get up early and don't get as much sleep as you did during the summer. You also get a lot of homework everyday.
D is devan h it only posted d
Some pro's for going back to school is getting to see your friends again from last year and meeting new friends ! You also get to try new things , and get out of the house. The con's of going back to school is waking up so early and doing homework. You also get very stressed about tests, quizzes, and projects !
Some of the pros are that I get ti see my friends and I get to take classes that I actually picked like art. Some cons are that I have to remember to do all my workand I have to wake up earlier than 10am and go to slep before 12pm.
The Pros of coming back to school are to meet new people and get to see everyone you already know. But the cons of coming back is that i lose a lot of sleep and i have to start thinking harder again.
the pros of returning to school is that i get to see friends from other schools and i get to learn German so thats pretty cool. the cons are i cant play call of duty and i cant sleep and mess around with my friends all day. My final pro is that i dont have to babysit my sisiter. :)
The cons of coming back to school is that I lose 2-3 hours of sleep, I have to juggle my work with my outside of school activities, the hallways are always congested, and I may get stressed if I do something that's due the next day at the last minute.
Eh, there are some pros to coming back, too. I can see some friends I haven't seen in a while and laugh a whole lot more than i did over summer, all of my teachers are great, and hopefully high school won't be as boring as my summer was.
mafiaman was Vinh Trinh. dont kno how to get my name to show
I think a pro is seeing meeting new friends in high school. Another one is getting your brain thinking again, I can't believe how much I forgot over the summer. I agree that the main con is losing sleep. I'm a big sleeper, and usually stay up late. I can't really do that when I need to get up at 6.
In my previous Language Arts class, the assignments were very easy. I never took the class very seriously. This class seems much different, as it appears both challenging and fun. I think this class will be very rewarding.
The good things about coming back to school are see your old friends and making new ones,also seeing who in your classes can make school fun.The bad things are that you lose sleep you have to go to your classes and it can be scarey going into a school where you don't know your way around.
The pros of coming back to school are that you get to see all your friends and catch up with them. The cons are that you lose a lot of sleep, you can't hang out with your friends all day, and you have home work to do. School is mostly boring and your tan will fade fast. You also have to have softballl late at night because now you can't have it during the day.
The cons of coming back to school are waking up really early, homework, studying for tests and quizzes, and being tired all day. The pros of coming back to school are that you start thinking more, being smarter, and seeing everyone again.
My pros to coming back to school are meeting new people I never thought I would be friends with, meeting new teachers, and seeing old friends. The cons of coming back to school for me are waking up early, riding a bus again this year, taking tests, and getting homework every night. Education will take me to become what I want to be no matter what people say I can or can't do.
the pros of coming back are that you get to see old friends and talk to them. you also get to make new friends as well.cons are that we have to go to school, get up at 6:00, and eat lunch late. (i have lunch 8th period and i hate it)
Some pros of coming back to school are seeing my friends again, meeting new friends, and overcoming new obstacles and challenges. Some cons of coming back to school are less sleep, stress, homework and classwork, and projects.
Some pros of coming back to school are you get to see old friends and make new ones.You also get to extend your knowledge.Some cons is you can't stay up late or sleep in. plus you get homework.
The pros of coming back to school are that you get to meet new people, you learn more and become smarter, and you get to start your high school experience. The cons are waking up early, all the homework, and the tests and quizzes. I'm sure the education will teach us a lot of things that we didn't know, and some of it will be useful for future jobs.
Kelly C. 4-5th Period
My pros for coming back to school is meeting new people ,having fun, getting smarter and learning new things . My cons are waking up in morning i like to sleep in untill about 10:00 or 11:00 i cant go to the rec and play basketball for about 6-8 hours another con is remebering my locker comb and were all my classes are. posted by Asaiah Gomez
I think the pros of coming back to school is getting to see your friends again and meeting new people. I think the cons of coming to school is waking up early, not having friends in any of your classes and getting stressed out.
-tatum nye(:
the pros of coming back to school are meeting new people and seeing your friends. Also, high school sports keep me busy and active. The cons of coming back to school are that i can't sleep in and i dont get to see my friends that go to other schools as much because of our different high school schedules.
The pros of coming back to school are learning more for your future, meeting friends and making new ones, and taking advantage of something that better improves yourself and makes you better for real life.
The cons of coming back to school are that you have to get up earlier (I am accustomed to getting up around 11) and... well, that's it. It's great to be in America where we are required to go to school and not work in sweat shops for five cents an hour. Minimum wage rocks!
The good things about going back to school is you see all your friends from last year, and the old ones that you left behind going into middle school. There are more challenges and more opportunities now that you stop just watching tv.
A bad thing about coming back to school is having to wake up very early. You lose about 4-5 hours of sleep then you had in Summer. You have to get your brain to work again, and you have to try to remember all the things you were taught in your previous year.
I am sure education can and will help me to get into a good college. It will also help me to get a good job.
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