We often hear people say that we live in a "dog eat dog world." With this in mind, we need to look at where our loyalties sit. What makes a person loyal to another? How do we know if someone is loyal to us? What happens to break that loyalty and how do we feel when we are disloyal?
Think about this idea. In your post, explain how and why you are loyal. Who are you loyal to and why does loyalty matter?
I believe that I am loyal because I know how it feels to have people in life who show no loyalty, and it is not the best feeling. I think love and thoughtfulness define a person's loyalty. I am too loyal when it comes to friendships because I care too much. I am loyal to my family and friends. Loyalty matters because it is a foundation of a relationship. People do not want to have a relationship with someone if they don't understand loyalty. Relationships nowadays no one understands loyalty and being faithful to one person and that may be the reason for so many divorces. Loyalty is the foundation of relationships and needs to be understood to keep relationships going.
I know that i am loyal to people because i show respect to my family and my girlfriend. However, I do not think that loyalty has anything to do with friendship. Friendship has never been a priority in life, and when loyalty comes to mind, i think of my family and girlfriend. In the end, family will always be there for you. Being loyal to your family means that you do not betray them and you are always by your side no matter what. You stick by them whether it be when a loved one passes, or when one is in trouble. Loyalty to your significant other means that you do not cheat and you never leave them during hard times. Loyalty is important to me, my family, and my girlfriend.
I know that I am loyal to people. I am loyal to my friends and family. Loyalty is important because it is the way you get people to trust you, and I think that is very important to have other people's trust. What makes someone loyal is to not be fake to others and if they tell you something you do not go off and tell everyone else. Also if you are in a relationship with someone you do not cheat on them. The ways we can tell if someone is not being loyal to us is if you catch them in a lie or talking bad about you to other people they aren't being loyal. If someone does not keep lies from you and or does not cheat on you they are being loyal. When someone breaks loyalty they either tell lies or if your in a relationship with them and they cheat on you it hurts and you may not feel like you can trust them again.
Loyalty is the main key in all relationships; friendships, relationships with significant others, and relationships with family members. I am loyal by keeping secrets others tell me and obeying what they request. There is no such thing as pleasing everyone but if something serious or questionable comes into play, I listen to other's opinions and make my judgement from there. I try to be the greatest friend a person can ask for, but I without a doubt get taken advantage of for it. Throughout my middle school and high school career, especially senior year, I have really learned who is loyal to me and who have stuck around for me. Recently, I just got out of what I thought was a meaningful relationship until I saw what my ex completely turned into. It opened my eyes to a whole other thought of loyalty. If I ever was unloyal to another person, the guilt would eat me alive. I would not be able to sleep at night if I was an unloyal friend or partner. Loyalty is something that is completely lost in today's society and it is very shameful. People do not actually understand what loyalty is and what it means to other people. But when others choose to be unloyal, it just makes you aware of who they really are and it makes you a stronger person, ready for the next one.
I maintain loyalty by being straightforward with people. Nobody likes to be lied to and by telling the truth I avoid hurting someone with a lie. Loyalty is staying by your friends even when you are fighting or it is inconvenient. Not everyone is completely loyal to everyone in their lives. Being disloyal to a person shows that they are not important. It makes that person feel as if they are not valued. Cheating on a significant other, talking behind someone's back, and lying are all examples of being disloyal. I am loyal to my family and friends. I make sure to be as loyal as I can because I know what it feels like when someone is not loyal. Loyalty matters because it shows other people that they are important to you. It is also the best way to maintain relationships and to start new ones.
Being loyal to people is very important in life. I believe I am loyal because if someone ever needs anything or asks me to help them through something quietly I do not go around telling people whats going on. I am there for people whenever they need me and I try to help them out as much as possible. I will never just leave a person for no reason, I will do my best and stay with them through whatever they need me for. I will be there. I like to think i am loyal because it is the right thing to do. Its a great characteristic to have and it allows you to become a helpful person. It can help you keep good relationships with those around you. Loyalty matters because it is a good building block for any relationship, friendship, etc. If you are loyal to someone they can count on you to be there if they need someone. If you are not loyal then people begin to not trust you and your relationship with that person can spiral out of control.
Loyalty is a very valuable gift to have with someone. When loyalty is broken it is extremely hard to get back from that person. I would consider myself as loyal by being honest and genuine with people. Friends will always have problems and at times they will come to you looking for support. Being loyal requires being honest with a friend even if it hurts them. Loyalty is understanding a persons view and respecting them as a person. I am loyal to anyone that respects me in return. I am most loyal to my mother. She has been there for me through so much. Our loyalty is very important between us because my mother is my guide. If she is not loyal then how can I expect her to lead me in the correct direction. Over all, loyalty is important because it truly helps create a bond between two people and creates a self trust and comfort within yourself as well.
Loyalty is something that is greatly taken advantage of. It is greatly valued by people who have experienced a lack of loyalty from other such as a friend, boyfriend, or girlfriend. I am loyal because I have experienced someone who is not loyal, and it changed me to a great extent and made me who I am today: A more loyal person. I am loyal because loyalty is the base of all relationships and is so often taken advantage of. I am loyal to the friendships that I have and the relationships that I have had in the past. It matters because it is needed in all relationships, or else those relationships will not last.
In any relationship loyalty should be one of the most important factors. Weather it is to a friend, your family, or someone whom you are in a relationship with being loyal is key to continuing to grow your relationships. I take pride in the fact that I am always loyal even when temptation urges me not to be. I gained this loyalty through my life experiences and it was taught to me by my family. I am also loyal because i know how it feels when you find out someone very close to you has not been loyal. Being loyal to friends is important but friends come and go often so it is not nearly as important as being loyal to family or the person you are in a relationship with. without loyalty the relationships you have will end with someone getting hurt. I am extremely loyal to my family and my girlfriends and wouldn't think twice about breaking the trust those people have in me.
Loyalty is the obligation to be faithful towards someone or something. If someone is not loyal then it becomes hard to trust them and believe in what they say for the future. Being loyal shows class and maturity. Being loyal pins you as a good person that someone can trust and come to in a time of need. Loyalty to friends is a major part of having relationships with people. Some more great examples of loyalty would be towards people like parents, siblings, friends, teachers etc. Loyalty is an essential part of a relationship because it holds the truth to the feelings that each partner shares in the relationship. You don't even realize it, but you judge friendships by determining how loyal people are. It is extremely important to have loyal friends and should be a goal set for each person to express loyalty with the same goal of receiving loyalty in return
Loyalty is valued greatly all around the world. We trust someone to do the right thing and be there to ask for help. Being loyal is a quality that many people lack because they might of had someone not be loyal to them so they decide to not be loyal towards other people. It is something that everyone looks forward to in a person so they know they can trust someone. While developing a relationship the center of it is loyalty. It could be between friends, family or boyfriend/girlfriend. Without loyalty the relationship will get no where. I believe i am loyal because I am not only there for my friends and family but anyone that needs something. I listen to people and help them through their situations. I give advice and try to lead them in the right direction. Im always there. I just feel like that person trusted me and if I let them down I would feel awful. Loyalty is the backbone to relationships and makes people feel comfort knowing that they can trust someone.
What makes a person loyal to another is their long-term willingness to be around and support them. We know if someone is loyal to us if they support us and are a part of our life consistently and willingly. When the loyalty is broken, one of them feels like there is no reason to keep being loyal to that person. Maybe their mind changes and they think other things are what is really important. This happens when you grow. When we ourselves are disloyal we can either feel like there is a good enough reason for it or we feel guilty and confused. I am loyal to my family and my closest friends. Unless I am given a clear reason not to be, I will always be there for them no matter how much time passes. Loyalty is important because no one person can feel such strong love for another person and just move on to the next one and the next one, with just the same amount of love. It is too much for one person to go through. Loyalty is important because it keeps everyone involved from getting hurt and having to deal with unnecessary emotions.
I think loyalty is being true to who you are and being fair to others. Treating people with respect, always being there to help and showing people that are most important to you that they are important to you. I'm loyal to my family, friends, and church. I think that it's so important to be loyal to others because I always want to be treated how I treat others. So if I'm loyal to them, I would suppose they would be loyal to me, even though some people aren't. I also think that when your loyal it makes people feel like they're not alone, or like the world isn't against them because they know they can always count on you to be there. I think loyalty is the foundation of any good relationship in a person's life. If you have loyalty, love and kindness the rest will all just follow.
Loyalty is valued when someone is faithful towards something. A person who is loyal will show trust and will always be willing to tell you the truth. Loyalty is one trait that a lot of people look for in a person. If they do not show this trait then it is hard for them to stay with that person. I believe that loyalty is key with family, friends and all relationships. This will only help the bond between these people grow stronger. Loyalty goes along way and should be something that is taken seriously. I consider myself a loyal person I am always there for my friends if they are struggling with something or just need someone to talk to. Having loyal people in your'e life can only make things better. The hope is to have people that return the favor to you.
In my opinion, loyalty exists because of trust. I think that if someone wants to trust that someone will be there, the other party must first be deemed loyal. There isn't an exact level of trust that must exist, but a level of trust comfortable to both parties will typically be established before they deem the other loyal. Many people admire loyalty as a trait because it offers a theme of longevity and consistency, that the other person will be there with them. A person is not loyal for a couple of days. Loyalty comes with a commitment. This may be why some people fear loyalty in a way, because it offers that theme of commitment that may be scary for a long time. Typically loyalty is shown in the toughest of times, when a person is seen struggling and in need of aid. That is when loyalty is shown. It is important to have a loyal friend because they will always be there for you and will aid you when you need it most, even when it may not be convenient for them. And to return the favor, being available when someone needs it most.
Being loyal is being trustworthy and dedicated to the things a person says they will do. Being loyal is about staying true to your word and faithful to people. If something is said, that individual should be able to stick with that statement and stay true to what has been said. I am loyal because I am there for my friends when they need someone to listen, and I help them. I stay true to who I am and I stay dedicated. I am loyal when my friends tell me things because they trust me enough not to say anything. Being loyal is keeping your trust and faith in a person. I am loyal to my family, friends, and even people I do not know very well. Staying loyal to family and friends will gain their trust. Being loyal to people not known very well by me can also be a good idea. This is because it will show my kindness and dedication even at the start of a friendship. Being loyal is important because it shows trust and it helps individuals be true to who they are.
Loyalty means to be faithful, trustworthy, and willing. Being loyal to another person means that you will respect the things that the person asks of you, and will understand why they mean something to them. You can tell someone is loyal to you when they are willing to do the same thing and be there for you, they show this in their character, or personality. Loyalty can be broken just by ruining someone's trust, it can tear apart a relationship. When someone is disloyal, it is not a good feeling, sometimes that person does not care and it can make the other person feel worthless. I am loyal because I respect others needs, I accept who they are and do not judge them for individuality. Loyalty matters because it shows respect and friendship.
Loyalty between two people comes from the natural trust we want to have with others. People are inclined to trust someone before they have been wronged by that person, and without that trust people will not be loyal to one another. You cannot always know if someone is loyal to you. They can lie and lead you to believe that they have your best interest. If a person hasn't done anything to break your trust, and you keep loyal to them though, you can be inclined to believe they are too. A person can lie, or do something to only hurt you, and that can break that loyalty. I am loyal to most people because I would want people to be loyal to me. If someone breaks loyalty with me I feel hurt, and want to fix that, but often it is impossible.
What makes a person loyal is that their actions are always true and faithful and dedicated to the things a person may tell them to do. The way i am loyal to people is by treating them the way I want to be treated or respected. Another thing I do to make myself loyal to others is to always have their back and help them get through a hard time in their life. I am loyal to my peers, elders, and most importantly my parents. The reason behind that is because credit is given when its due and if you are loyal to them then the will be just as loyal to you. Loyalty matters because it is the basic fundamental on how to develop a great relationship with somebody. Also loyalty also shows how much an individual can be true to themselves and shows who they really are.
Being loyal is more than being trusting; being loyal is being able to be trusted no matter what the situation is and who is involved. You know that a person is not loyal when they say, "okay (__insert name here__) told me not to tell you this but ..." or "you can't tell anyone I told you this". Of course we all say these things because we want other people to like us, I mean who doesn't want to be liked, and we want to rank up in society. If telling this cute little truth could make someone 10x more popular, why wouldn't they share it? They wouldn't share it because they're loyal and they're not a terrible friend who is using them for popularity. Anyways, I am loyal because I believe that everyone should have a part of their lives that not everyone needs to know about. If you don't want me to tell anyone, I'm not going to tell anyone. I'm not even going to say the killer phrase, "oh, well, (insert name here) told me something not to tell you so lol i'm not going to" because that always ends up in chaos. What I do to be loyal is just to not say anything. If they don't want me to say anything, I won't. Because I want the same treatment. I am always there for anyone, which is a prime reason why I keep my phone ringtone on the loudest ring when I go to bed so if any of my friends need me at 3am, I will be there, which is another part of loyalty; being there nonetheless. There are so many people who want to help, and like thinking that they're helping by verbally saying things, but in real life situations do nothing. That's like a "hey I'm having a really hard time right now, can you talk" and responding "sorry I'm busy. Maybe later". Being loyal is always being there for someone no matter the popularity or the situation and I believe I am loyal because I care more about other people more than I do myself and will stick with someone until the end.
To be loyal to someone is to be faithful to someone who trusts you. The people we are most loyal to are our family and friends. When you care about a person, you want them to be able to count on you for anything. You want to be there for that person when they need you, so that when you need them, you have someone to go to. We are loyal by keeping each others secrets, being with them in times of need, helping them when they need it, etc. Loyalty is a very important thing in a relationship or friendship, because if you are not loyal, you will not get loyalty back.
I am loyal to my family, my friends, and my religion. I am loyal to my friends because if one is not loyal to his friends then he doesnt actually have any. I am loyal to my friends by always being there to support them and always having there back. This phenomenon is referred to nowadays as "ride or die". I am loyal to my friends because I have great friends who are a big part of my life. I am loyal to my family because they made me who i am. I owe it back to them to be loyal because i couldnt imagine my life without them. I am loyal to my family by always supporting them or doing what they ask. I am loyal to my religion also. I am loyal to my religion because it is what i believe in and always will believe in. I am loyal by staying true to the beliefs of my religion. I am far far from the perfect catholic. but I have good moral values and that is because of my religion.
Loyalty is an important aspect of any relationship. To be loyal is to stand by someone's side no matter what, to never betray them, and to be solid in your viewpoints. I'm loyal because people may tell me things about others in confidence that I will not say anything because to break the trust is to break the bond of loyalty forged between us. I stand by the side of those who I value and I never turn someone that I am loyal to as a friend away from me. Loyalty in a friendship means you must be there whenever needed. In terms of relationships, loyalty is making that promise to never stray from your partner. It is choosing one person to stay true to instead of talking to another. Loyalty is a necessity in not only friendships, but relationships. In both, it means to stay by someone in times of need or because you have simply chosen to be a loyal friend or partner. Loyalty must be given to be received, and when the bond of loyalty is made it should not be broken.
Strong bonds are the foundation of any loyalty based relationship. In order for two people to be loyal to one another there has to be some level of mutual commitment. For example a marriage. Two people who love each other make a commitment to love only the other person for the rest of their lives. They are not to engage in intimate acts with other people outside their spouse. Unfortunately in this society it is common to see one party betray the others trust and cheat on them. This causes the value of marriage to deteriorate in the eyes of the youth as we watch out parents tear their marriages apart. When one person is loyal to another they will take special care not to betray the trust of the person they are loyal to. They will consider the feelings of the other person when making a decision and decide on what is beneficial to both parties accordingly. When someone is disloyal to another it will always result in a lot of pain as a bond of trust has been broken. Usually the person whom has been disloyal will feel remorseful and sad, regretting their actions when they see how those actions affect other people.
Being loyal means you are able to be trusted no matter what. We know someone is loyal by always being there for someone whenever they need it, being faithful and supporting someone no matter what the situation is. Loyalty can be broken very easily and it will be very hard to gain back. Once it is broken its hard to trust that person and hard to be able to open up to them and tell them all the things you would've told them if you still had the trust. Loyalty is important because it keeps everyone involved from getting hurt and having to deal with unnecessary emotions. I know i am loyal because i am always faithful in relationships and always care more about someone elses feelings than my own. I listen to people and help them through their situations. I give advice and try to lead them in the right direction. Loyalty is something that is completely lost in today's society and that is the saddest thing because relationships cannot grow without trust.
It is important to be loyal to the ones you love because they are the ones that matter most. Loyalty matters because you wouldn't be able to trust someone if they aren't loyal to you. It is important because it keeps the relationship strong. Loyalty creates a solid base in any relationship whether it be with friends, family, or a significant other. I am loyal to my friends and my family. I would hope that somebody would be loyal to me as well to show that they are not fake to me, and we can always be there for eachother. I am always there to listen to somebody when they need it and i respect others, and it is an obligation to always be loyal.
I'm loyal because loyalty it a very important thing for any relationship no matter the terms. I'm loyal by always sticking by someone's side note matter the circumstances. The person I'm most loyal to would have to be myself. In my life so far most people have broken my trust. Some think they've gained it back but in the end once you lose someone's trust you can never truly gain it back. How fragile trust is is the cause of why it's so important for relationships.
Being loyal means you are supporting that one person who is important to you no matter what and they can trust you at all times. I am loyal because i can stick by the people i love the most and never turn my back on them. I support them through whatever they do and help them whenever they need my help, if it is a family member or even one of my friends. I am loyal to my best friends and to my family members, without loyalty you wouldn't know who to trust and who not to trust. Loyalty is very important to have towards the ones you love.
I think that loyalty is important in any kind of relationship whether its a friendship or with the people you love the most. My own personal definition of loyalty is when a person is always there for another and never leaves their side no matter what. An example is a pet but in my case a dog. Dogs grow a close bond and relationship with you and never judge you for anything. They will never be angry at you for a long period of time and always forgive quickly. A good example of loyalty in dogs is the term "mans best friend" because a best friend isnt a best friend unless if they are loyal. When somebody is not loyal, there is a misconnection between you and that person. Personally I think all teens including myself have gone through this where a friend may not be as loyal as they think creating drama between the friends. Loyalty is one of the major keys to a good relationship.
To be loyal to somebody you have to commit in any relationship. Now whether that relationship may be friendship, or a significant other, or even family. In all honesty, loyalty is never really thought of and almost everyone lacks it. Now, whether or not you choose to think you are loyal, you're probably wrong. Now, I know nobody is going to read this besides Perrin, but in the chance that someone does, can you honestly say that you've always been loyal to whomever you are loyal to? I'm not saying that everyone is like this. My prime example is for those of you who think that cheating, lying, and secrets mean nothing because I know for sure that all of you have done at least one of said listed actions. So, to answer your question Mrs. Perrin, I am not loyal and I don't think anybody else is either. I apologize if this is not the answer you are looking for but it is an answer nonetheless and it does answer your question.
What makes a person loyal to another is simply acknowledging that they are human as well as you are and treating them with the support and passion as one would want for themselves. We know when people are loyal to us is when they give us the respect and acknowledgment of our ideas and our there to lend an ear and some food for thought, so to speak. Loyalty lies in everyone its just a matter of good or bad. People are loyal when they show support or love and are hoping for nothing in return. It's looking to a friend and listening to what they have to say and giving advice and being there for them when they need it and not expecting anything in return. People are loyal when they do these things out of love and not just to seem like a good person and believe that they need some incentive for doing this. I know im loyal because when my friends need me I take the time to see them as who they are and listen to what they say without judgement, I take the time to get to know them. Loyalty isn't about always agreeing with a friend and knowing all their secrets, but its being there for one another and letting the other person decide on their own time when it's time for them to trust others with what they want them to know.Loyalty matters because we need people we can trust and to know that there is someone there you can turn to no matter how long a last conversation may have been, a friend can always stay a good friend if we are real and loyal to one another.
There is no loyalty in this world The hypocrisy of democracy
Like pro lifers, that support the death penalty,
Who’s more sick the man with AIDs or Christianity?
The voice of racism preaching, the gospel is devilish
A fake church called the prophet Muhammad a terrorist
Forgetting God is not a religion, but a spiritual bond
And Jesus is the most quoted prophet in the Qu'ran
They bombed innocent people, trying to murder Saddam
When you gave him those chemical weapons to go to war with Iran
This is the information that they hold back from Peter Jennings
Cause Condoleeza Rice is just a new age Sally Hemmings
I break it down with critical language and spiritual anguish
The Judas I hang with, the guilt of betraying Christ
You murdered and stole his religion, and painting him white
Translated in psychologically tainted philosophy
Conservative political right wing, ideology
Glued together sloppily, the blasphemy of a nation
Got my back to the wall, because I’m facing assassination
Guantanamo Bay, federal incarceration
How could this be, the land of the free, home of the brave?
Indigenous holocaust, and the home of the slaves
Corporate America, dancin offbeat to the rhythm
You really think this country, never sponsored terrorism?
Human rights violations, we continue the saga
El Salvador and the contras in Nicaragua
And on top of that, you still wanna take me to prison
Just cause I won't trade humanity for patriotism
An eighteen year old boy refusing the draft
Cause i won’t fight another man’s war
My body has the value of a whore
Forget the lamb’s book of life,
Were all lambs being led to the slaughter
Cursed like a father with a beautiful daughter,
I’m not an anarchist, misogynist or feminist;
I judge something by its body count,
That being said you should know
our government kills people and she's a whore
Something that makes a person loyal to someone else is that they have a strong feeling of love and support for that person and will do anything for that person to please them. We know that someone is loyal to us if they stick by outside during difficult times. Something that can break that loyalty is saying you're going to do something and not doing it or even lying. I am loyal to those who deserve it because i believe that it's the right thing to do. I am loyal to my friends, boyfriend, and family because those are the people important to me.
To me, loyalty is about being honest. The thing that makes me a loyal friend is the fact that I am consistently honest with those around me. I think that with being a loyal friends, you must also be dependable. When someone is in need, you should be able to be there for them. Being loyal means that you understand that you are human, and so are others, mistakes are natural. I think being loyal means that you are open-minded and you are a trustworthy person. Those are the things that I hold on to and they are the reasons that I like to believe make me a loyal friend.
Loyalty is a very important thing to have on someone. Being loyal typically means that there is someone always supporting and trusting you through everything. Being always honest to people is a major key factor and always having their back whether that truth is what you wanted to hear or not. I believe that i am a loyal friend because i never hold a grudge on anything that i hear from a friend or anyone because nobody is perfect. Always being a person to fall back on is something that anybody looks for in a friend. Loyalty is very important in this world with all of the social media and drama that people will never not have. That is our society today and it is not going to change for a while. Having and being a loyal friend is always an opportunity to never pass up on.
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