Government and the Individual
As you begin reading this week from A Clockwork Orange and 1984, think about the governments presented in your texts. What is the government like? How does the government impact the lives of those who live within/under that government? Who has power and who does not? How is it different from your government?
In your post this week, explain the government in your book and how it impacts the individual thus far. Give examples from the book and then explain how you would feel if you had
to live under that government rule.
The government in A Clockwork Orange, is a repressive, totalitarian super-State. Everyday citizens have fallen into complacency. There is a violent, young culture and most are blind to the actions. For example, in the text, Alex and his gang rape, destroy, and take control. Like the women they rape. How has this gang not been caught? I ask myself that too, however, I learned quickly that society is oblivious to those around them. I feel as if that if people did not notice me, then I would keep doing bad behavior, and I feel as if these characters think almost the same way. If I, and the rest of the people in the United States, followed the same 'rules' or lack there of, then the country would be full of chaos, more than it already is. There already is so much violence in the world, think of throwing in a government that does not care and are blind to what gangs do. Think of the issue of abortion. Could you imagine how many people would get abortions if rape was left unnoticed? I am not for abortion, and I never will be, but some people are and their viewpoint matters and needs to be put in perspective. I am 100% against this type of government in the novel, and I feel like some of the characters agree, whether they want to admit it or not.
The government in 1984 is run in a socialism form and is based off of an utopian life. The government is called INGSOC and the people that are in charge of this are called The Party. The society is split into classes and the main leader of the government is Big Brother. They try to control everyone and watch their every move. They think they are doing what is best but for the citizens it is not working. The main character, Winston Smith, begins to write in a diary to track his day to day. He does not know how old he is or what year it is. The government has complete control over his and everyone else's lives. For example when he goes to work there are these telescreens that watch his every move. These telescreens are also placed in his house, bathroom stalls, and the cafeteria where he eats. He has no privacy wherever he goes. I would not like this society because they are being watched everywhere they go. They have no privacy anywhere and cannot really live a normal life because you cannot be yourself. You are told who to be and how to act. I want to have my personality and be able to have privacy.
The government in a clockwork orange is very oppressive. It only is around during the day though. The government hss no jurisdiction over the night. That is why alex and his droogs run rampant through the night. The oppressive government has created a violent young culture that relieves themselves through horrid acts. This impacts the lives of those living here because it forces them to be opressed during the daytime and then they have to live in fear during the night. this is different from the us because if the government is oppressive here, the media and the people jump all over it and put a stop to it. If i had to live under this government, i would feel a little rebellious too. The government in this book is oppressive and very problematic.
The government is 1984 is based on the idea of socialism and has characteristics of a utopian society. The government that exists in this world is called the INGSOC. The people who run the government and who are above everyone else, refer to themselves as The Party. Every citizen in this society is always being watched no matter where they are at. Whether it is at home, work, and even the bathroom. These people can not do anything with out someone knowing what they did. The main character of this story is Winston Smith and he begins to track his life day by day. Everywhere that he goes there are these things called telescreens that watch him constantly. When he is at work he is under surveillance the whole time. Me personally, I would not like to live in this society because I feel that people deserve some freedom to do what they want with out being watched every moment of you're life. The idea of being an individual lacks because they are all told what to do and can not be themselves.
In the book A Clockwork Orange the Government is very brutal. During the night time all the crimes begin to take place. When the Government doesn’t do anything it leaves those who are doing the crimes to keep doing the crimes because no one is getting in trouble. For example Alex and his droogs went out and tortured a man just because he was alone and had books. Alex had the sense that this man thought he was better so he ended up beating the crap out of him and then went and had some drinks like nothing happened. This Government is different from our own because this world that Alex is living in is dangerous, careless, and just overall a mess when it comes to a lot of things. Our Government doesn’t put up with horrible crimes and is on top of it’s game so that horrible crimes don’t take place and if they do they would be taken care of.
In the book 1984 by George Orwell, the government appears to be what we would consider normal in our own society. People have the right to their own thoughts, ideas, and way of life. However, the book quickly turns and the reader begins to wonder about what is really going on in the life of Winston Smith. Smith writes about Big Brother and he noticed a sign that said “Big Brother is watching you”. Here it can be inferred that the government is known as Big Brother in this story’s society. Smith also repeats the phrase “War is peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is Strength.” The entire world for these people have been wrapped around these ideas, and this is the way the government wants them to live. Big Brother is always watching. This is stated throughout the first section of the book. The government is controlled by many different groups. Some of these groups include the Youth League and the Spies, Ministry of Truth, Airstrip One, and Ministry of Love. The Ministry of Love has no windows, and is bordered in with an iron fence. The road leading up to the building is unwelcoming as it is (Pg. 5). This can infer that the government is hiding something in this building. If I had to live with this government rule, I would think it is normal. However, there is still an uneasy feeling I would have, maybe if I were in prison. Always being watched can be a scary thing, and I would be living in fear of what the government would know about me. Down with Big Brother.
In the book 1984 the government is very odd and harsh. "The Party" only cares about what goes on during the day, if they even do then. The books government does not make any attempt at fixing the problems especially when it comes to Alex and his Droogs. I also see a huge issue with the people of this town that could be prevented if the government actually cared about what was going on. An example of this is when Alex and his crew went out for drinks after torturing a man for no reason at all. Alex and them are basically flaunting the fact that they can do terrible things to people without getting caught. This government is so different from ours because we have people protecting us at all times, even in the middle of the night. Our government also severely punishes people who act as out of hand as the people in the book.
The government in A Clockwork Orange is more of a totalitarian government seen in a dystopian futuristic setting. This government was seen in Anthem because it strips people of their individuality for the “survival” of the people and the society. This type of government causes rebellion. In the beginning of the story we are presented to Alex and his “gang”. This group of boys are rebels and violent teenagers who break into houses pretending to be lost travelers, they beat up random people they see, and they rob strangers. The gang is never really caught until one of the last times they are committing a violent act. This makes me believe that the government really didn’t have enough to do with the society. Until they convict Alex and begin running tests on him. In the setting of A Clockwork Orange, the government takes the citizens free will away. Causing riots and teenagers to rebel. The anger and violence from those angered about the government's decisions, scare others into locking themselves in their houses and force them to live under constant fear. I would hate living in that type of government because always feeling worried or scared would drive me mad.
In A Clockwork Orange the government is shown by the places that the characters work and by the words that the characters say. They have certain times and certain places they go to for their jobs, being told what to do by strict rules. The words that are used mean different things but use analogies and references. An example of a word is "appy polly loggy" which means apology. From the way society is today, if the government was so strict on the places and times people worked at, people would revolt and voice their opinion. If the words being used were supposed to be the way today's society used them, people would eventually make up their own language going against the conformity of others.
The government on A Clockwork Orange is a very strict totalitarian government. This is a dystopian society because the author is showing is how the government could become if we let it take too much control over citizens. The people in this society have very little power but this does not stop them from being violent and committing crimes. Alex and his gang cause a lot of problems on this society because they go around robbing people and using violence. Living this is society would be scary because you have very little control over what happens to you.
The government in A Clockwork Orange is like a totalitarian government. The government watches the citizens every move, even when they should have privacy. This society is very strict to their rules and regulations and do not have many rights other than the rights to think their own thoughts, have their own names, and have their own ideas, yet, they still commit violent crimes such as rape, robbery, and much more. There is surveillance everywhere, even in bathroom stalls. Living in this society would make me feel confined, and uncomfortable because of the constant surveillance, although the government believes they are doing something good for society and protecting it more with the security that they have, when they have no idea what is going on in the streets.
In 1984 the government is able to spy in on anyone in there homes or anywhere public at all times. All individuals have televisions in their houses that cant be turned off, have cameras, and have microphones. The character has to whisper very quietly if they are talking about anything that could be viewed as illegal, and he describes having to turn away from the cameras when doing almost anything out of fear of being watched. The character describes posters that are hung in his house and throughout the city, seen from his window, with the words "WAR IS PEACE. FREEDOM IS SLAVERY. IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH". It's clear from these posters that freethinking and freedom is definitely not something that is encouraged. If I lived in a society that has these kinds of cultural rules I would not like it at all. Without being able to speak freely and learn things about the world around you with ease, it would make life a lot less positive.
The government in 1984 is very controlling and powerful. They are able to watch all the citizens at once using the telescreen, which I personally would not like to tolerate on a daily basis. There is a socialist vibe from the book because equality isn't valued as much and the individual doesn't stand out. The characters in the book take drugs to make them relax and think how the government excels. The citizens aren't allowed to do as much as write in a journal, which the main character does very sparingly. Death and violence is also looked up to in this society, noted in Winston's diary, mostly because they believe in the statement "war is peace". I would hate being under so many restrictions and have to take an almost mind controlling medication so the government can insert their superiority into me. Also, the fact of being watched 24/7 isn't so appealing to me either.
In A Clockwork Orange, the government is portrayed as inadequate yet constantly overseeing. Alex and his gang do as they please during the night and get away with it easily, only having to tell the cops that they were at the bar the whole time with the concurrence of a few old ladies. The government exercises control over freedom, though. People do not feel safe walking around at night and it is uncommon for people of high class to do so for fear of inadequate government and robbery. For example, alex and his gang attack a man of higher status and rip apart his book because they want to demonstrate power of people where they themselves feel so powerless.
The government in A clockwork Orange. is a totalitarian government. The government watches the society and citizens every move regardless of whether privacy should be given or not. This also proves that it is also a dystopian society, it shows this because it shows us of what the government can become and the power they can harness. the people have very little power over their lives and with that factor it does not stop the violent acts from being committed Alex and his gang usually cause a lot of stress on society cause all they do is break rules If you lived in this society the motto would be survival of the fittest
The government in 1984 is not only extremely controlling in regards to its citizens, but it is also manipulative. The residents of this society have been force fed so much false information and so many immoral ideas for so long that they know nothing else. This makes it illogical for them to go against any other teachings because they have been desensitized to the thought that anything aside from what is being taught by their government could be true. This also unearths the terrible fact that these citizens have built a reliance on their government, instead of trusting themselves. A great example of the power and influence of this government is during the Two Minutes Hate. The people look to Big Brother as if he is their god. A woman even cries out to him saying "My savior!". After only reading a portion of the book I strongly feel I would not be able to live in a government such as this and remain sane. It is nearly impossible for me to perceive the concept of having no free will or individuality, but just from analyzing Mr. Smith's thoughts and actions I imagine it to be unnaturally difficult and completely dehumanizing.
The government portrayed in "A Clockwork Orange" is utterly tyrannical. The Government owns all property; everyone is forced to work and it has complete control over the media. Although the Government has strict control over its population during the day, at night time, there is hardly any at all. For example, Alex and his "gang" get away with murder and rape like it is a "normal activity". This theme throughout the novel proves that it takes place in a dystopian society. If our government were to reach the level of control (or lack of) that the government in "A Clockwork Orange" is portrayed to have, chaos would break out. It's dehumanizing to be under 24/7 surveillance and to be required to follow extremely strict rules. The strictness would cause people to rebel, just as it does Alex. Murder, rape, etc. would break out and it would cause others to live in fear as the rest of the people fight for more power than what the government is allowing them to have. Living under that type of control and government isn't right and it isn't fair. People shouldn't be dehumanized, and no one should ever allow a government to take that much control over their people.
The government in "A Clockwork Orange" is very oppressive and almost totalitarian. The government owns all property, forces all its citizens to work, and even controls the media. The people are always under surveillance during the day time; however, during the nighttime the citizens take part in terrible crimes such as rape, robbery, and even murder. An example of such violence is, "So Georgie let go of holding his goobers apart and just let him have one in the toothless rot with his ringy fist, and that made the old veck start moaning a lot then, then comes the blood" (pg. 9). It is the nature of the oppressive government that causes Alex to commit such crimes. I would feel the need to rebel if I lived under the same government control. It goes against human nature to be told what to do for every part of your life.
The Government in A clockwork orange is interesting. It is very controlling, but only during the day. At night it is almost laughable. Alex and his friends get away with very violent crimes with ease. This controlling type of government puts a burden on the people who are law abiding citizens but gives the criminals almost free realm to do what they please. Living in this kind of government would give almost everyone in it a feeling of wanting to rebel as it is very dysfunctional.
The government in "A Clockwork Orange" is nothing shy of a totalitarian state that leaves no freedom to the people. Watched day and night, disregarding the citizens privacy, the people suffocate under a regiem that has stripped them of every right and liberty. Yet they remain oblivious to the terror that roams the night where they have no real power. The fear the people hold and the feeling of a lack of power drives them to lash out at each other and cause pain and sorrow where ever they can. Here we find Alex and his buddies. As the night continues they rape, pillage and attack whatever and whomever they please. Alex, in some twisted way, finds beauty and art in the violence he enacts. As demonstrated by the scene in which Alex and his brutes are hiding in an abandoned alleyway and he notices Dim staring at the moon. His response to this is very sarcastic and is completely lost on the moron. "Come, gloopy bastard as thou art. Think thou not on them. There'll be life like down here most likely, with some getting knifed and others doing the knifing. And now, with the nochy still molody, let us be on our way, O my brothers"(pg. 21)
All of this is very different from American society where rights are granted to the people, but with those rights come certain lines that are not to be crossed. When they are crossed however retribution meets the offenders quickly via the legal system and it's enforcers.
In the book 1984 the government is very controlling and harsh. The government in this society is called INGSOC and the people who are in charge call themselves "The Party". The main leader of the government is Big Brother. The government does not allow free speech, or any sense of individuality. The main character, Winston Smith hates big brother and writes in a diary keeping track of every day he lives under INGSOC's rule. Just like in anthem, other than he knows his name, he does not know his age or what year he is living in.The citizens do not have any sense of freedom as the government watches everybody on screens. All throughout the society, there are telescreens that watch everybodys every move in their homes, and any public place they visit. I would not like this society because I love having freedom to be who I really am and wouldn't like being watched 24/7 and not having any privacy, especially in my own home.
In a clockwork orange the government is very oppressive. They are not afraid to keep their hold on the people by means of violence and propaganda. This oppressive style of governing creates chaos, and at night the people lash out with their own acts of violence as a sort of release of being constantly controlled. An example of this can be seen with Alex and his gang. They do as they please at night, raping (as in they rape people not rap) robbing and beating people up all while avoiding any consequence. That is the direct affect of the oppressive style of the government. During the day they have all the power, but during the night the people have all the power. They can do whatever they want and easily get away with it. This is of course vastly different from our society as we are mainly peaceful with a government that is not too over bearing. The government in a clockwork orange is presented as a sort of warning or hypothetical possibility if our government had too much power.
In the novel 1984, he references the government as "Big Brother is watching you." I think that this can mean that it is not a typically government, they might have more control over their people that what are society is like today. We can have our own thoughts, feelings, and most of the time we are in control of our lives. In this novel, I think that the people are probably not in control of their own lives all that much. The person telling the story though I think is going to realize that he is aloud to have thoughts and opinions that are different from everyone else. Which will more than likely cause him to rebel throughout the novel.
In A Clockwork Orange, the government uses the power it has as a whole to try and suppress the views of individuals all in favor of stability of the state itself. Along with this the government is not afraid to use force to show what they want. This style of governing does not allow individuality to be expressed and can result in people lashing out. This can be seen with Alex and his group of "droogs" as they cause a scene most places they go. I feel that if I had to live under this government rule I would be upset as I would not be able to express myself and everyone would be close to the same.
In A clockwork orange the government has power over its citizens and it uses that to be oppressive, they are strict and use their power to keep their people in check and are not shy with it either. People have no privacy or say in anything of the propaganda and violence that the government is using against them. These people under the government have no rights and are forced to live under such strict and violent government. This can cause people to want to lash out since they are so oppressed. Such as the main character Alex and his friends. They do whatever they please during the night. They rape, rob and beat other people up all without much consequence. This can serve as an example. During the day the people have no rights and must abide by the strict rules set by their government but during the night is when they can do whatever they want without consequence which leads to other people getting hurt both ways by society.
This is entirely different from the government we live in today. There are freedoms and rights and the people get a say in the way government works. There is security today and even though it's not perfect it is much better than the government and society of those who are in the clockwork orange.
The government in the novel, 1984 the government is very controlling over every aspect in their society. They control the people, the media, the industries, etc. The people in this society have been told so much false information to hide what the government is actually doing, they hide it all. So much happens in the background that they are not even aware of what is actually taking place. Personally, I would not be able to live in this society because there is no individualism or free will and that is what makes us who we are. But in some ways this society in the book is our reality. Think about how the government controls the media and how they have control over most things in todays society.
In the book Clockwork orange the Government seeks to suppress individuals and individual choice in favor of the stability of the State, largely to ensure its own survival. It is very different than the free democratic government we have, their government is very controlling and they need to insure themselves that they have power. People do not know what they get themselves into in their world and do not have power or say or control in their actions. They do not know they can voice their opinions and rebel because they are so brain washed.
In the novel 1984, the characters exist in a very controlling, totalitarian Government. They are watched and listened to from their televisions that always remain on, they are subject to random drop-ins via the Government helicopters, and they are even given the feeling of being watched via the 'BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING' posters in the stairwells. Their Government tries to create the illusion that they are making life easier for the citizens by controlling so much, but it just makes the citizens who truly think and watch out a lot more stressed out and less willing to actually work with the Government. There are the four Ministries, Truth, Love, Peace, and Plenty, that control all of the aspects of their lives and how people in that society function. I think that if I were to live in that society, I couldn't stand it. I feel like I need a lot of time to myself to think about what I want, and to be able to make my own decisions for my own good, before the good of everyone else, and I don't think that these citizens have that opportunity in this Government.
In the book 1984, the characters are always being watched with everything that they do. The government makes it clear to them that every moved they make.. is being monitored by tv screens that will not and cannot be shut off. These tv screens and posters read, "Big brother is watching". This is a reminder from the government that they are watching. They do this to try and keep a controlled and better life for these people. If i were to live in the life that they are living in with this government.. i would not feel like i have any freedom or space. The Ministries are what control their lives and its only separated into 4 different aspects. These people are everywhere he goes. Whether its just a tv screen or poster. They are even in the bathrooms. Living in this life is not what i would intend to do. Although it will be slightly controlled i feel like this will cause an issue in the government or the people because they need privacy and "BIG BROTHER" is preventing them from this.
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