- His/her name
- Describe him/her physically
- Economic status
- Personality traits that make him/her heroic
- Do he/she have any of the following archetypes: unhealable wound, shadow, nemesis.
- What is the motivation for his/her behavior?
Be sure to be as specific as possible and be sure to really explain why your hero fits the title. Your response should be about two paragraphs long. Be mindful of your grammar and your spelling. Your writing is public.
The character I chose to do was Harry Potter because he is the hero of his story. He has a scar on his forehead from the villain of the story, he also has circled classes that were usually broken from the unfortunate events that happen at the beginning of the stories. Harry Potter’s economic status would probably be poor because his uncle and aunt might have been wealthy but they didn’t treat him right. Personality traits that describe him as a hero is that he is determined throughout the entire story. He willingly would sacrifice his life for the sake of others, showing that he is courageous. Finally that he shows loyalty to his friends, faculty at Hogwarts and also others even when they didn’t show loyalty to him. He has many archetypes a few would be unhealable wounds, referencing the scar on his forehead. The Journey because Harry went through the battles with the villains to save himself and everybody. Battle between good and evil, Harry battled evil throughout the entire series. The motivation for his behavior is to save his life and vanish Voldemort while protecting all the people that matter to him. In conclusion, Harry Potter was the hero of his entire series while other characters played a significant role in helping him reach his goals.
From the books "A Song of Fire and Ice" a good representation of a hero would be Tyrion Lannister. Tyrion Lannister was of born from the most powerful family in the country but unfortunately he was born a dwarf. Due to birth complications his mother was killed shortly after he was born and with his appearance his family hated him. They blamed him for the mother's death and he grew up an outcast his entire life. In the book it was also evident that Tyrion was hideous to look. From his childhood to his adulthood Tyrion was extraordinarily intelligent and in the second book actually became a powerful leader in the government of Westros. He was the equivalent of a vice president and unlike the rest of the leaders he was not corrupt and wanted what was best for the land. In the second book he was forced to fight in t battle to protect the capital of the empire. During this battle a knight who was supposed to be protecting him struck him down with a slash across the face with his sword. The knight was commanded by Tyrion’s father who hated more than anyone else in his family. Tyrion after the battle had a scar across his face and was only barely alive but survived. Tyrion is one of the few people in “A Song of Fire and Ice” who are fighting for what is right thus making him a main hero contained in the book.
In "Tuesdays With Morrie", Mitch can be considered a hero. He wasn't physically a hero, but he was a hero mentally. Without Morrie, he would not have changed and learned to love like he did. Mitch was in good physical condition. His economic status was great due to him constantly working. He can be considered a hero because he changed entirely as a person because of his meetings with Morrie every week. Mitch had a metaphorical shadow, represented by his urge to ignore the things which he knew he needed not to, like nature and music. Ultimately, Mitch's motivation for putting himself though these philosophical trials every week was the fact that his professor was dying and he wanted to spend every last second he could with him. This left him a better person in the long run.
Chris Kyle is made famous by the movie american sniper. He is a bulky strong man who is a sniper for the U.S. military. He is the most Deadly sniper in U.S. history. Chris Kyle went on several tours into combat and was willing to sacrifice everything every time he went out. Chris Kyle is an example of the hero archetype because he is willing to die for his cause. I know that he is willing to die because he constantly goes back out on another tour of duty even when his wife begs him to stay home. He represents the archetype of a hero because he makes an ultimate sacrifice. Kyle’s ultimate sacrifice was his emotions. His several tours of duty exposed him to an abundance of violence. This violence turned him numb towards emotions. Kyle exemplifies many different archetypes that make him a hero.
John McClane is a cop who works for the New York Police Department and from the first movie, “Die Hard”, has been working for the past eleven years. McClane is very muscular and physically fit, as he is part of the NYPD. He is a man of his thirties or forties with an ex-wife and two kids, John (Jack) and Lucy. He is an average middle class citizen. Throughout the series, McClane is constantly jumping to the rescue in order to save him family. The first and second movies, “Die Hard” and “Die Hard 2”, John McClane saves his divorced wife from the Nakatomi Plaza being sabotaged by Hans Gruber, who was trying to overtake the company, and a plane that could not land at the airport until the mercenaries creating the problem received their demands. He saved his daughter Lucy in the fourth movie “Live Free or Die Hard” from a man who used Lucy to get revenge on McClane. In the last movie “A Good Day to Die Hard”, McClane saves his son Jack from prison and then escape from the city. John McClane’s main motive throughout his movies is to save his family. He does not have one specific nemesis but develops many throughout the individual movies; Hans Gruber for the first movie, Simon in the third movie, Thomas Gabriel in the fourth, and Alik in the fifth movie. McCland does not have an unhealable wound or a shadow. He does not have any other motivation for saving the day other than protecting his family. He is a hero because he does what he believes is right and ends up saving the day again and again, with explosives, guns, and profanity of course.
My hero is Ichigo Kurosaki from the series and 4 movies of Bleach. He is 5’11 with spiky orange hair and brown eyes. He has the traits of almost every race in the series, Quincy, Soul Reaper, Hollow, and Human. He has a strong sense of leadership and became the main protagonist for the fact that he wanted to protect his family as well as his friends from Hollows, Arrancar, and sometimes Soul Reapers. Economically he is considered higher middle class since his father runs a small clinic and he also has a job to help his family. He’s heroic in the sense that he isn’t out to save the world he’s out to save his friends or protect his family. He’ll sacrifice everything for them and refuses to back down. He’ll train for months, worrying his friends unintentionally to try to be stronger. Ichigo has somewhat of an unhealable wound towards the Hollow Grand-Fisher and towards motherly figures. The Hollow Grand-Fisher tried to kill him but his Quincy mother jumped in to save him but her powers were gone so she died protecting him. He constantly lives with the guilt of being the reason his mother is gone. In a strange twist of events, his nemesis is himself, his Hollow self. His hollow self interrupts his fights trying to take over and although it makes him stronger, he can not control it and has attacked his friends. His motivation to be a hero is his desire to protect his friends in Karakura Town and the Soul Society, these traits make him a hero.
Our society has created many heroes to tell stories and share culture. One hero that stands out to me in our society is Steve jobs. He taught people a lesson that even if you don’t go to college you can still be successful in life if you put your mind to something. Jobs was a problem child in his early year and after high school he dropped out of college. but he didn’t just give up, he co-founded apple and has created one of the world’s biggest businesses. He changed computing in America and moved us further into the future of technology all while dropping out of college.
The hero archetype is eminent is almost any piece of literature or movie produced in history. In William Shakespeare's "Henry V", the hero is Henry. Henry is one of Shakespeare's heros who not only lives, but is triumphant in the end of the play. Henry is wise and a valiant king and warrior. He encourages his men and soldiers to continue to fight when things seem impossible and everything seems all in favor of the French. Henry's men respect him and respond to his battle cry. Henry enters the battle field with his men and they fight side by side, while other kings would usually be off somewhere else, somewhere safe, waiting for the battle to be over with. Henry V was a true hero due to the fact that he did not ask much of his men. He was strong, very loyal, and was willing to give up his life for the safety of the men that fought for him and the people that he ruled.
In today's world individual's that fit the hero archetype are seen everywhere, from literature to real life. This is proven true by the fact that if you where turn on a T.V. you would most likely find a figure who can fix the description. For example, one that most wouldn't think of, Barbara Millicent Roberts, better known as Barbie. In the popular show "Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse" we find ourselves following the life of Barbie, a small figured, blonde hair, and blue eyed woman who is always in fashion. Her economical status means little to her, but for the record she is very powerful, she is even the mayor of the town she lives in, and ran for president. Some heroic traits she possesses are selflessness, which is shown with her need to be kind and help her friends, even if it doesn't benefit her. She is also humble, she admits when she is wrong and doesnt brag when she was successful. She almost falls under two archetypes, the chief, because she is the undeniable leader of the show and town, but also the best friend, because she is always there when you need her and is very loyal. Now she doesn't have an unhealable wound, or a shadow, but one could say she has a nemesis, Raquelle. Raquelle considers Barbie an enemy, she tries to steal Ken from her, and find her in a fashion fail, also wants to proven that she is better than her. But Barbie sees her as a friend and is only ever nice to her, which is why they could be called frenemies. The motivation that Barbie has for her behavior is simplily her good hearted nature. She is a kind hearted person wanting nothing more than to help, asking for nothing in return, which is why I consider her a hero.
The hero I chose is Superman. Superman looks like an average middle aged man. He looks physically strong, and like a kind hearted man. He wears a blue suit, along with a red cape. He has an 'S' on his blue suit to symbolize "Superman". He is a hero to his town, and cares for all the people that inhabit it. Any problem that arises, he is there to solve the problem in the best way possible. He fights evil for his town and all the people he cares about to keep them safe. In Superman, the archetype nemesis exists. The evil in the city demonstrates the antagonist, while Superman fighting evil demonstrates the protagonist. Superman contains all of the qualities of a hero. He is kind hearted, and strong, and his motivation is saving people.
The hero I chose is Superman. Superman looks like an average middle aged man. He looks physically strong, and like a kind hearted man. He wears a blue suit, along with a red cape. He has an 'S' on his blue suit to symbolize "Superman". He is a hero to his town, and cares for all the people that inhabit it. Any problem that arises, he is there to solve the problem in the best way possible. He fights evil for his town and all the people he cares about to keep them safe. In Superman, the archetype nemesis exists. The evil in the city demonstrates the antagonist, while Superman fighting evil demonstrates the protagonist. Superman contains all of the qualities of a hero. He is kind hearted, and strong, and his motivation is saving people.
John 117 referred to as the "Master Chief" is a hero that comes from a video game called "Halo". He is a Human super soldier that wears armor. When he was young he was abducted by the UNSC (United Nations Space Command) where he was biologically augmented into the soldier he is today. John along with other "Spartans" (Other super soldiers) live to fight off an alien race known as the covenant who plan to activate "Halo" (A ring planet) and destroy the galaxy. Many people hear the legends of the Master Chief. They've never seen him often. The people look up to him because he is the one who saved the human race multiple times. In the games, Master Chief is heroic because of the honor and courage he has on the battlefield and for his people. Also the fact that he doesn't say much makes the player look up to him and want to learn more about his character. John does have an unhealable wound. He lost his closest companion and is now tasked with saving the universe once again. Also he has been a fighting "Machine" for so long.. that people refer to him as a machine and not the normal human being that he is. His motivation is to save the human race and uncover alien secrets along the way.
Bruce Wayne, or Batman is a hero from a very wealthy family, as well as physically fit. He has many traits that make him a hero, including being fit, and courageous, like the epic heroes. He follows several archetypes including the wound, as his parents were killed in front of him at an early age, he has a nemesis being the joker. Lastly, the motivation for him to do this is because of the death of his parents, he wants to protect Gotham and make sure that what happened to him will not happen to other people.
The hero that i chose is Peter Parker, or Spiderman. Peter was your average high school student that developed incredible strength, speed, and powers of a spider. As a high school student, he wore the typical teen clothing such as jeans, tennis shoes, and a sweatshirt. Peter and his family were your middle class family and in school he often got bullied by his classmates. When Peter became spiderman he dressed in a red and blue suit made of a spandex material that had a spider in the center and a spider web design all throughout the suit. In addition to this suit he wore a mask with a red web design and red boots to finish the look. When Peter took on the role of spiderman he became a role model to many little kids and someone that everyone in the city talked about and knew. Spiderman has heroic traits because he is selfless and shows courage, wisdom and physical strength throughout his battles. He would use his powers to fight his enemies by sticking to walls or using his speed by moving out of the way if an abject was thrown at him. An archetype that spiderman shows is nemesis. He fights all the evil in his city such as the, Green Goblin, so everyone is safe. Spiderman believes in protecting the people and to have them keep and bring hope back in him. Spiderman's main motivation was to not let his Aunt May or his girlfriend, Mary Jane, get hurt but than he realized everyone in the city needed him too and decided he was going to protect the city and not let anything get between them.
In today's society there are many people that can have the title as a "Hero". The person I decided to choose was Bill Gates. Mr. Gates grew up in a middle class family with his mother father and two sisters. When Bill was around the age of 11 or 12, his parents began to worry about him. He exceeded very well in school, but when he got home he would always seem bored and withdrawn from society. Growing up he began to have an interest in computers and computer programing. When he graduated high school and set off to college at Harvard University, he began to find himself not interested in Law. He always found himself in the computer lab because thats what he loved to do. In his mind, he wanted to create something that will help change the world and make society a better place. Gates and his friend Allen formed a partnership they called "Microsoft". This was the beginning of a major change to the technological world. One of the archetypes that Gates shows is Imamate Wisdom. His education always came easy to him and in college he could wait till the last minute before a test and still score very high. Gates has changed the technological field in so many ways in this society. Although Microsoft is slowly being pushed away by Apple, Bill Gates was still the first one to have the idea which started a major trend in todays world. Without his creation who knows where we would be at today.
Marlin is a Clownfish from the movie Finding Nemo. He has a son named Nemo who gets kidnapped by humans and is taken to a dentist office to be displayed in a fish tank. Throughout the movie Marlin travels the entire ocean searching for his son. This shows heroic traits because he faces many obstacles along his journey such as sharks, jellyfish and a hungry whale and he never gives up hope of finding Nemo. He shows courage through his journey because he will do anything to find his son. Marlin has the archetype unhealable wound because in the beginning of the movie his wife and all but one of his babies are killed. The baby that survived is Nemo. Marlin is very effected by this and as a result is very protective over Nemo. He is scared to death when Nemo is taken from him and goes to great lengths to get his son back, even if it means dying in the process. Marlin is thought of as a hero to not only Nemo, but also to all of the fish who hear of his story.
In the movie Big Hero 6, Hiro Hamada is the hero figure. Hiro is the hero, just as it is pronounced in his name. He’s a young boy who dresses casually and he is like the average kid. Hiro comes from a middle class family with his aunt and brother. They live above his aunt’s cafe and live on the corner of the street. Hiro is thirteen years old and loves robotics. Even though he is young, he is a robotic genius. Hiro is just an average kid who is trying to find the right path in life. Hiro is heroic because he is able to create his friends science experiments, into real superpowers. He is driven to defeat the masked man, with the help of his friends. Hiro has an unhealable wound. Hiro’s brother dies, and he has an unhealable scar as he watched his brother run into a burning building. He knew he would never see his brother again. This has created a huge impact on Hiro. He then later finds that the masked man started the fire which killed Hiro’s brother. Unable to heal the scar and hurt of his brother dying, Hiro fight’s with revenge. After he realizes what he has created of himself, he wants to change the way his heroic self thinks. He realizes that true hero’s help other people, and never look for revenge. His unhealable wound still exists with his brother dying, but he believes that he can make his brother proud. Hiro’s motivation was revenge at first, but then he wanted to help people and be a true hero. Just like his brother was.
My hero is Raymond from the movie San Andreas. He was a Los Angeles Fire Department Helicopter Air Rescue Pilot, who saved lives that were in danger. Raymond who is 6'4, muscular, and is very bold and courageous. He contributes to society by risking his own life while rescuing others. With a death of his daughter happening in their family and his wife contemplating divorce, Ray still shows the ability to stay strong and fight through tough times.
Raymond goes through another life threatening experience with his second child Blake. While she lays dying from being drowned in the high waters of a tsunami, Ray never gave up on his daughter. He showed strength and endurance while performing CPR on Blake to bring her back to life. Raymond's love for his family gave him the motivation and determination not to give up. With family's love and support you can overcome and succeed many things that take place in your life.
Peter Quill, perhaps better known as his preferred alias Star Lord, from the movie Guardians of the Galaxy truly fits the title of a hero. Though his success throughout the film is not based solely on his physical strength, he still would be capable of proving himself if given the opportunity. His past is dark and somewhat mysterious, leaving unanswered questions for the audience of how exactly he got to the point he begins at in the start of the movie: stealing a mysterious sought-after orb in an ‘Indiana Jones’ fashion from an abandoned planet. For the first half of it, Peter’s motivation is money because he is nothing but a lowly junker; however once he sees how powerful the orb is, his motivation is keeping it out of the hands of evil. Even when tempted by the power of keeping the orb for himself or selling it, Peter stays loyal to doing the right thing. He protects it, and his team, with his leadership and courage before facing the most feared man in the galaxy. It is the leering shadow of his mother on her deathbed that sends him over the edge to being a courageous hero and the final words that she spoke to him that drive the tipping point in the story, turning his dark archetype into a good thing. Peter Quill may not have had all of the qualities of a hero when the film started, but he learned how to be strong, caring, and good-hearted by the end. Giving the audience the opportunity to see that evolution makes his character development much easier to understand and see the final product of the true epic hero he is.
Luke Skywalker fits the bill of hero perfectly through the Star Wars movies 4-6. When looking at the 12 stages of the Hero Journey Luke falls into every single one. First the Ordinary World, Luke is on Tatooine for what seems to him to be forever, he wants to get off of it but nothing in sight looks promising. Then when given the chance by Obi-Wan to leave and learn the Force from Obi-Wan Luke refuses saying he has to stay and help his uncle for the upcoming harvest. A direct representation of the refusal of the call. Luke then crosses the threshold after his aunt and uncle are killed by leaving Tatooine. Throughout the 3 movies Luke now has to face multiple tests, meet many more allies and enemies before he moves on to the final battle, the life or death battle where he destroyed the Death Star.
Luke also fits many of the Situational archetypes and even the color archetypes. Luke wears white for a majority of the movies 4-5 which represents Luke’s beginning innocence and peace, yet in Return of the Jedi Luke is seen wearing black. This represents the threshold of Luke crossing over to the Dark Side. Luke is so close to letting his hate overtake him and change him from what he was mean to become. The black shows the mystery and the unknowns of Luke in the final movie of the trilogy.
Known by all as the Dude and known to a few as Jeff Lebowski, he is not a hero by choice as many are not, but a hero to the people none the less. With the body of a professional bowler and the hair most men could only dream about, the Dude's looks can be deceiving. One could even mistake this hero for a homeless man at moments. The Dude is not homeless, although having many characteristics of one such as unemployed, unkempt facial hair, strange hobbies or interests, and wearing a bath robe in less its a bowling practice or game, so the opinion is viable. Despite initial reaction he does have heroic traits. Loyal and kind more so than a golden retriever he constantly is supports his friend Walter who struggles with PTSD. When his Landlord who is an awkward introvert asked the Dude to watch his dance recital; the Dude happily accepted and was one of the few to clap his friend till the end. Patience is a virtue, and since our hero is older he matured into this characteristic. Last the Dude is a peace maker, throw an insult and he will answer with "thats just your opinion man" and shrug it off with no grudge. Never being quick to combat he ensures safety to all parties involved in a situation. Now since Lebowski did not choose to be a hero the archetype of a traumatic event leading to a quest had to revel him a hero. The millionaire also named Lebowski asked the Dude to help get his wife back from kidnappers. Fighting against corrupt cops, multiple family members with strong motives, and a crazy violent rock band from Germany, all overcome to solve the case of the missing Bunny. In the end our hero gets rewarded with the archetype of the hero getting rewarded with love. Whose only motivation is to find a replacement rug for his living room, not enticed by materialism this hero will not be corrupted by the world. Which is refreshing knowing the Dude we can depend on will never sell his morals out, and at after a bad day will always have a White Russian for his companions and himself. Not the traditional hero but in an ever evolving world the heros will begin to look different as they must adapt to what the changing world needs, tranquillity.
Batman otherwise known as Bruce Wayne perfectly fits the description of what a hero is. Coming from an elite family of Gotham, he has access to resources that no other person has giving him an absolute advantage. Batman's physical capabilities represent the pinnacle of physical prowess. Due to his intensive training and rigorous exercises from such a young age, complimented by with indominable will and determination, he exceeds the stamina of any olympic athlete. Because of witnessing his parent's tragic death which happens to be his unhealable wound, his behavior drastically changed and kept him motivated to fight against crime. Batman also later on develops a nemesis, the joker, whom he forms a hero/villain relationship with.
When I hear the name Chris Kyle I think of a hero. Chris Kyle is known as the American Sniper he was a U.S navy seal and had 160 confirmed kills. Chris is stocky and looks to be strong physically and mentally. He came from Odessa Texas living in your average type of home with a happy family. The personality traits that make Chris heroic are he is loyal. courageous, and strong.
What makes Chris loyal, courageous, and strong is that he was loyal to those he came across, his fellow seal members and his family. He is courageous and strong due to going on several tours and risking everything every time that he would go out. I believe that Chris represents the archetype of hero because the word sacrifice would be in his daily life. His ultimate sacrifice was who he was as a person and how his emotions would take a toll on him every time that he would go on tour due to the violence. Eventually Chris became numb to his emotions because of all the violence that he was surrounded by. His motivation was to keep those in need safe. This is why i Believe that Chris Kyle fits the word hero.
Bruce wayne, also know as Batman happens to be a hero, but also my favorite hero. My favorite series is The Dark Knight. In The Dark Knight, Batman fights crime in a mask. He never reveals himself. The Batman is heroic because he fights for the good of the people against the evil Joker. He is courageous, brave, and strong. Bruce Wayne is tragically flawed. The archetypes shown in The Dark Knight are, a crossroads, a Damsel in Distress, The Wise Old Man, unhealable wound, and the battle between good and evil. Batman’s motivation through the story is to fight evil, and also to be with Jessica; his friend of many years and his soulmate. His butler Alfred Pennyworth helped him through the obstacles he encountered and was the wise father figure in his life. When the Joker corrupts the city, Batman is faced with a decision. Does he try to stop the Joker as Batman? Or give up “Batman” to be with Jessica. Jessica told Bruce that the day the world didn’t need Batman, they could be together. In The Dark Knight, that day would never come. Batman fits the title as an Epic Hero because he faces adversity with courage, and focused on saving the people of his city. Lastly, Bruce Wayne is faced with a crossroad. At the end of The Dark Knight, the Joker is holding Jessica and Harvey Dent captive. The Joker tells Batman where the two of them are, but the catch is that they are in different locations. Wayne has to decide who he wants to save. The love of his life? or the love of Jessica’s life? being Harvey who is also the District Attorney of Gotham City. The Joker ends up telling Batman the opposite locations so when the Batman thinks he is saving Jessica, he is really saving Harvey. Batman goes through a fall because he lost the love of his life, Jessica. Bruce Wayne shows many traits of an Epic Hero, in all of the series.
For this assignment I chose Chief Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the III as he appears at the end of How to Train Your Dragon 2. Hiccup is a tall, skinny and not at all what anyone would expect a viking chief to look like. The words Viking Chief call images of huge men with bulging muscles, untamed beards, and courage coupled with boarderline insanity. Hiccup only embodies two of these traits, courage and actual insanity in all the best ways. Hiccup had to have been insane to learn how to ride the fastest dragon in the known world, the Night Fury. As Chief, Hiccup’s economic status would be of the upper class. Generally the perks of this rank would come with a nicer house, enough money to live off of and have weapons and armour of fine make. One disadvantage is that often times children absolutely had to marry for advantage. However because this is a Dreamworks movie Hiccup was fortunate enough that they wrote a love interest, Astrid, specifically for him. Hiccup is a hero because he has a level head, a great amount of intelligence, and a strong discernment of right and wrong. He thinks himself an excellent peacekeeper although he still has a lot to learn. Hiccup’s undeniable courage and devotion to his people are also qualities that make him a great hero. He will literally do anything to protect his own. Hiccup falls under the Light, the unhealable wound, the father/son conflict, the hero, the outcast, and the scapegoat archetypes. Hiccup’s behavior is ultimately driven by protecting his own and striving to make the world a better place.
Iron Man or otherwise known as tony stark. Iron man physically is strong but does not have to be because his suit does most of the hard work fighting evil. HIs economic status is very high. His father owned a company that sells equipment to the military, and when he took over he made the business into trillions of dollars. Iron man has some traits that make him very heroic. one is that he is wise. wise enough to make a suit of armor that can defeat people with little to no effort. Another trait is courageous because he goes into danger without thinking of it. Some archetypes the hero has is an unhealable wound that he has is the shrapnel is his heart that almost killed him. Also some nemesis he has are aliens and anyone who wants him dead. The main motivation was that he had gotten captured by terrorists and wanted him to make a bomb but escaped.
Eggsy, the protagonist in the movie “Kingsman”, is a hero. He kills Valentine, who has a plan to kill a majority of the population. Eggsy is a physically fit young adult. He was born poor and lives with his mother, baby sister, and the mother’s abusive boyfriend. Eggsy is considered a hero because he gets denied from the secret agent organization (the kingsman), but still manages to save the world. He also continues to fight for good even when evil tempts him. He kills a member of the kingsman, even though he looked up to this organization, when the leader associates himself with Valentine. Eggsy does have an unhealable wound. When Eggsy was a very young boy his father, who was also a member of the kingsman, died while on a mission. Eggsy carries around his father’s pocket watch, which was given to him after his father passed away. His motivation for killing Valentine is maintaining the qualities taught to him by the kingsman. He also wants to keep his mother and his baby sister safe.
Spider Man, from the movie Spider Man, is a hero because of his heroic and brave acts to save the public. Spider Man was created from a spider bite. The main character's name is Peter Parker, but has an identity of an hero/icon. His status starts out as an average college student and moves onto his career of photography for journalists. He is an average man that has an outrageous love for a woman named Mary Jane. He rescues her, along with other citizens, against his enemies. Spider Man has a generous heart that cares for the people in his city and a will to do good for all. He rescues those who are in need, stops the bad guy in any situation, and is a helpful icon to younger children. Spider Man has multiple nemesis' that he fights in order to save the public, an unhealable wound of his uncle dying that he could not help, and a great love for a girl that he has known for awhile. Spider Man's motivation for doing good comes through his knowledge after identifying his supernatural power. He realizes his capabilities with his new strength and chooses to want to save the public from evil and does what he could not do for his uncle.
Stitch from the movie Lilo & Stitch is often seen as both a hero and a villain. But more or less he is a hero in the grand scheme of things. Stitch is an alien, Experiment #626, to be exact, created by Dr. Joomba Jookiba, another alien. Stitch is a dark blue koala-like alien with light blue spots on his face and chest. He has big black eyes, a large nose, and a large mouth. He has four arms, two of which are retractable. Stitch also has three retractable antennae on his head, large rabbit-like ears, and a short little tail. Stitch comes to the island of Kaua’i, Hawai’i with nothing but a crash-landed spaceship. Humans Lilo and Nani, middle-class siblings struggling to stay together, take him in as a ‘dog’, as Stitch found himself in a dog pound when Lilo first finds him. As a dog is loyal to his/her human companion, Stitch finds himself putting his own freedom at stake to keep Lilo safe. Stitch, along with Dr. Jooma Jookiba, Agent Pleakley, and Nani, work hard to get Lilo back. After Stitch finds himself thrown off of the spaceship where Lilo is held captive, due to his wanted status, he thinks on his head to find a way to get her safe on Earth with her sister. Stitch learns through life with Lilo. He understands how emotions work, how to interact with people, and the term “ohana”, which Lilo taught him to mean family. Stitch’s nemesis at first is Dr. Jumba, an alien from the United Galactic Federation who is out to capture Stitch. Dr. Jumba put Dr. Jookiba on trial for “illegal genetic experimentation”, and sees Dr. Jookiba and all of his experiments as evil and dangerous. Stitch struggles, yet manages, to see himself as not dangerous, and tries to work hard to prove this to Dr. Jumba. This is due to Lilo showing him a graph of how good and bad he is. In the first instance of the Stitch-graph, he is around 70% bad, and Lilo makes it clear that this is not okay if he wants to stay with her. Stitch, then, works hard to get that evil level as close to 0% as possible. Stitch recognizes through Nani’s actions that the family he is with is broken and struggling, and he wants to stay with them because he feels Lilo is more calm and relaxed with her, as she has someone to vent to other than her sister and guardian. This is his another main motivation to staying on Earth. Overall, Stitch may seem dangerous and destructive, but that is mainly because he is misunderstood by a lot of people. He works hard, just like anyone else, to keep the family together and to keep himself on Earth. And that makes him a hero. Without him, Lilo would be in Child Protective Services and Nani would be alone.
Bruce Wayne, more commonly known by his superhero name Batman, is considered an epic hero and fits all of the traits. He is physically strong, and stays in shape both physically and mentally. His economic status is upper class, so he is very wealthy and famous. Some traits that make him heroic are his focus on justice and fighting crime. Batman has 2 hero archetypes that can be seen, one of these is the unhealable wound. This unhealable wound comes from when his parents were killed in front of him when he was a child. The second archetype that can clearly be seen is a nemesis. His nemesis is The Joker, who basically tries to corrupt the city of Gotham. Batman's motivation is to bring back hope to Gotham, and by doing this making the streets safe again.
The character I chose is the Disney version of Hercules. Hercules is kidnapped from his father the Greek God,Zues as a baby by the evil Hades. Hades, the god of the under world turns Hercules into a half-god half-mortal. Hercules is then raised on earth retaining his god like strength. On his journey he meets a half-man half-goat named Phil accompanied by a horse named pegasus whom will become his trainer and sidekick. Phil sees nothing but potential in young Hercules and invests a lot of time and faith into him. The first time a very confident Hercules gets to show Phil what he has learned is with a sea monster who has tight grip on his new found love interest,Meg. He and Phil discover his immortial heritage one night while gazing at the stars and noticing Hercules figure in the sky amongst other gods. The only way Hercules can return to Mount Olympus is if he becomes a true hero. Hercules continues to win battle after battle on Earth becoming the greatest hero the town has ever known, he even conquers the evil Zues. When the day comes in which he is able to present himself to his father and the rest of the gods he is faced with a huge choice. Hercules can pick a mortal life on earth with Meg and the people he has saved or be accecpted back where he belongs. Hercules being the strong courageous man he is runs back down to Meg with open arms wishing to stay on earth where he has found love and became the true epic hero he is. Phil, Zues and even Pegasus could not be more proud of the amazing man and hero they helped shape Hercules into.
One hero that comes to mind would be Batman, the greatest hero in my opinion of DC comics. Batman alias, Bruce Wayne is the president of Wayne Enterprises which was his father's company that he took over after his death. Bruce Wayne's economic status provides him with the much needed money to keep batman's gadgets in high gear. In Batman the Animated Series (Which was popular in the 90s) Bruce Wayne appearance is clean cut with black hair, he's tall and has a muscular build. His personality is conflicted, by day he's the charming businessman and by night he's the vigilante of Gotham. Batman seems cold hearted due to his parents death which makes him a lone wolf, he doesn't become attached those around him. He is afraid to loose someone like he did his parents so he keeps a distance. In the Dark Knight Rises Batman sacrifices himself His prideful or arrogant attitude is what strangers around him see, but to his friends such as Harvey Dent know his true character. In the Dark Knight Rises Batman sacrifices himself to protect the appearance of his friend, Harvey Dent who has turned into Two-Face. The hunter becomes the hunted.
Batman has many archetypes, one I would like to focus on would be the unhealable wound. The unhealable wound would be the death of his parents, as a child he witnessed both parents shot and killed over money. This wound has led to the creation of Batman, to help purge the streets of Gotham from evil doers like those who killed his parents. His parents death troubles him throughout the series as he is seen questioning himself (in the episode "Blind as a Bat"), if wether or not he is really doing the right thing. He pleads to an image of his parents, not to leave him as they seem to turn away in shame of what he has become. Batman has many nemesis: the Joker, Bane, Rupert Thorne, Poison Ivy, Dr. Freeze, Two-Face, Harley Quinn, Scarface, The Penguin the list goes on. In each episode he is seen battling against them, against incredible odds. Some of the villains are tied deeply into his past (Mask of the Phantasm) where we see how Joker gets his start into crime and Batman battle with the choice of staying as the cities' hero or settle with an old flame. His parents death motivate him to continue cleaning the streets of Gotham as "Caped Crusader" in fear that many of the peaceful inhabitants of Gotham might suffer a similar wound as he if he leaves.
The hero i chose Cooper from the movie Interstellar. Cooper is a farmer in a dying world. Cooper may be a farmer but is one of the last well-educated people on the plagued earth. Cooper was an engineer and wanted to explore space but the circumstances of earth turned him to be a farmer. Cooper uses advanced machinery to help him with his farm work. This is proof he is very wise and intelligent. Cooper may seem like a very flimsy individual but when it came to desperate situations his physical strength showed. Covering two of the heroic qualities at once was Cooper leaving earth to save humanity. Cooper embarking on this mountainous task to save humanity and leave his family behind shows his loyalty to the human race. Cooper plunging into the unexplored territory of space shows the bravery he must have to take the necessary steps to prolong life.
Cooper has a very heavy motivation of saving the human race. As the movie progresses he is hit with watching his kids grow up much faster than he does due to gravitational time delay. These are very emotional scenes in the movie and almost as an unhealable wound to which he feels guilty for being able to be along side his kids as they grow up without either of their parents. Cooper is a perfect portrayal of a hero in my opinion.
In the movie The Matrix the hero is Leo, he is physically fit and fast. He was Average middle class citizen, until he joined the matrix which made him special. His attitude towards being a hero at first wasn’t very good. He didn’t believe that he was the one and he didn’t believe that he belonged in the Matrix, but throughout his journey he learns that he is the one and that he os the hero. He was told that he needed to be careful or he could die, but Morpheus believed that he could do it and kept pushing him. His motivation was to do what morpheus says and win.
A hero in recent popculture is Thomas (Dylan O'Brien) from The Maze Runner. Thomas wakes up in a new world that he has never seen before called the glade which includes the huge terrifying maze where people never come out alive if they enter. When he wakes up he has no memory of anything besides his own name. He does not really have an economic status in The Maze Runner. Thomas is physically strong and is a really fast runner. He is also smart. Thomas met others who some had been living there for years. He is a curious character who wanted to know what the maze was all about and wanted to leave the glade. Him and another character Minho took it upon themselves to find a way out of the maze. When they came back Thomas lead the others in the glade to try to escape the maze. They came across monsters, obstacles and the maze itself had many traps. Throughout the whole movie/book these obstacles did not stop Thomas and he always expressed to the others to stay positive in each situation. Thomas never gave up and was motivated to get out of the maze because he knew that there had to be a way out. Thomas' unhealable wound is his uncontrolable dreams of his past with the creators of the maze. He does not know why he has them along with another character, Teresa. Thomas along with the other characters end up escaping the maze and entering into another world called the scortch. Then again, Thomas leads them into escaping that in the second book/movie.
When on the topic of heroes, one that immediately comes to mind is Bruce Wayne/ Batman. Bruce is at the peak of human physical fitness and his bat-themed attire only improves the frightening appearance he is going for. Saying Bruce was born into a high class household would only be putting it lightly, as his family could very well have been one of the wealthiest in North America. At a young age Bruce only believed in revenge, and this was obviously due to the unhealable wound that was the cold-blooded murder of both of his parents. But as he grew up Bruce realized that justice and the willingness to face one's fears were the true values he believed he should live by. Although he made many enemies, Bruce's true shadow and nemesis could very well have been the ever-present fact that his own fear and cowardice are what caused his parent's death. This would also mean that his motivation is not only trying to give the streets of Gotham justice, but to also prove to himself that he fears nothing.
The hero I chose is Mulan. She is a simple girl living among her family who is just trying to figure out her place in the world and meet the expectations of her friends and most importantly her family. She feel as if though she doesn't really have any specific place for her and is confused in her role in the world. She is unsure of what her potential is and who she wants to be or who she really is and is trying to figure it all out, even with everyone around her telling her that she is not the way society deems her to be fit. Her family for the most part is well off and an average family but one day war has started and her father is called upon to join the army. This is where Mulan becomes the hero. She takes her fathers place and is ready to sacrifice everything, including her own life, to keep her father and family safe and out of harms way. In her society it is unheard off for a woman to fight and do anything except keep the family name alive and marry into a nice family to help their own, but Mulan goes off and does the opposite and fights among the army, while making friends and inspiring those in the army to find the courage and strength the fight and win. She proves everyone that doubted her wrong and even after being shunned from the army continues to help the emperor and save china. Everyone after soon realizes how foolish they were by how the stereotype was and all come to honer and celebrate Mulans triumphs and the success due to her valiant efforts. Leading her to discover her true self and become content on what she had achieved for herself, her family, and her country.
When thinking of great heroes, The first one that comes to mind is batman, or bruce wayne, the millionaire. He's a handsome man who is not a hero because he has super powers, but because he wants to give justice to those who need it and is able to save the day. His money is an important aspect of his character because with it he is able to accomplish almost anything; basically, when it comes to gadgets and prices, the sky is the limit.
The archetype he fits under is the unhealable wound. This is because when he was a young boy, his parents were murdered and he was thus scarred for life from such a traumatic event and it causes some of the problems he faces within himself present day. Since such terrible things happened to his parents, he wanted to protect others from such crime and yet still remain secluded from society in doing so.
Shrek is an ogre that lives in a swamp. He is green and wears ragged clothes. His house was invaded by fairytale creatures, which was an order from Lord Farquad. Shrek and his sidekick Donkey ended up in a tournament at Farquad’s place. The winner had the privilege of rescuing princess Fiona. Shrek rescues Fiona from the castle with a lack of romanticism. Later, he confesses his love for her. She goes back and almost gets married to Lord Farquad. She turns into an ogre, since they were not married by the sunset. Shrek interrupts the wedding saying Farquad was only marrying Fiona so he could be king, and Farquad orders to have Shrek killed. Fiona’s curse was broken but she did not turn back to her normal self. Donkey orders the dragon which eats Farquad, and shrek and Fiona get married in the swamp. The motivation for Shrek’s behavior was so he could marry Princess Fiona.
saving the day is what comes to my mind for heroes. they are great people that do good things for society. superman is a great example of a heroe. he is considered an outcast but does great things against evil. ironman is my favorite super heroe, i like his attitude and style.
Batman is the best hero. Batman is physically imposing and fights for justice. He usually wears a dark bat suit but he always wears fancy suits as Bruce Wayne. Batman is very rich because his parents were and they died when he was a kid, and left him everything they had. His parents were killed by an evildoer who shot and robbed them, and this event is what motivates Bruce Wayne to become Batman and fight crime on the streets of Gotham. Batman has many archetypes of a hero such as his unhealable wound from the death of his parents, a shadow that he has to live with because he was orphaned at such an early age, and a nemesis, the joker who is only one villain that opposes Batman. Batman also follows many other heroic archetypes such as an outcast from society, or a scapegoat for Harvey Dent. Batman is one of the most popular superheroes, and a great example of the hero in literature.
Spiderman is a perfect example of a brave hero. After he was bitten by a radioactive spider he soon began experiencing his powers. At first he was terrified of what was happening but eventually he took control of the situation and used it to help society. Physically he has an athletic body. For a living he writes for the Daily Bugle. His personality traits which make him heroic is he cares a lot about his people and will drop anything he is doing for those who are in distress. He also is very smart, courageous, and loyal. He carries an unhealable wound with him though. After fighting with his uncle one night he storms off out of aggravation not knowing his uncle dies later that nigh. For a long time he carries this guilt and anger with him, believing it is his fault, but also this is his motivation to do what he does. He uses his powers for good instead of evil because of his loved ones, Aunt May and Mary Jane. These two are the main reasons he continues to help others.
Spider Man. The movie Spider Man truly shows the brave hero that Spiderman really was. The traits of a brave hero differ but Spider Man uses his powers in all ways to save others and people all around him. Just like any man, He fell in love, he fell in love with Mary Jane. Fighting against everything around him he would do just about anything to save and protect her and the people around them. Children all around look up to him. Even just as a character in a movie, he shows all the qualities that a brave hero would show and everyone knows him. With the love for his lady he will continue using his powers and strength for the best of reasons. Spiderman was a very loyal determined hero, leading to him success and one that many loved and looked up to ever since.
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