This is like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. The wizard was the great and powerful until Toto pulled back the curtain and revealed that this man everyone heralded as a "deity" was in fact just a man. Dorothy realized that the power to get home belonged to her and her alone. She went from innocently giving her power to others, to realizing she was the all powerful. Our faith should be in ourselves and not in others.
Your assignment is to examine how innocence and experience appear with the text you are reading and to explain what happens when innocence is lost.
The character Julia in the book 1984 is innocent. In the beginning of the book she was known as the “dark-haired girl.” At first she just follows Winston around causing him some confusion. She’s innocent and not causing Winston any harm by staring and following him around. That is until she gives Winston a note that says “I love you.” At that very moment Julia loses her innocence because she not only put's her life in danger, but also Winston’s. They both have to work hard to hide their emotions from the Thought Police. Julia lost her innocence as soon as she became involved with Winston. Both Winston and Julia see the government that they live in differently.
~Becca Gardella 5/6 Period
In "A Clockwork Orange," innocence is seen within the main character, Alex. Even though Alex is a very rowdy boy and always gets into trouble with his "droogs," he still experiences innocence. His innocence deals with the idea that he is the leader of his group of troublemakers. When he lashes out against Dim, he holds in his heart and mind that the next day, the group will act as normal and he would continue to be in charge. Loss of innocence through experience is seen when the group lashes out and gets Alex sent to prison because they set him up to get into trouble. When the police pick Alex up, he has a naive quality to him that makes him think that it is all a joke and that his comrades will get into trouble. ALso, he thinks he could get his boys into trouble instead of himself by blaming the others. No one believes him though, because he has been the center of mischief for quite some time.
B. Geiss 5/6 Period
In "1984", Julia, the woman Winston is confused, yet mesmorized with, is innocent. She follows the laws of the Party, and as far as we know, does not think differently about the government, like Winston does. It isn't until she confesses her love to Winston that we realize her innocense has been lost. She thinks similarly about the world as Winston does and together the commit Thoughtcrime.
In Clockwork orange, there are many examples of innocence followed with cruel acts that twists the story. For an example, in the beginning of chapter one the boys are sitting at a milk bar. Milk which is a substance to nurture babies and little kids is what Alex and his “droogs” are drinking which comes across as innocent until the reader later finds out that it is laced with hallucinogens. This shows that the teens choose to add poison to their innocent slates. While under the influence the teens act out in cruel ways like robbing a store not to far from the milk bar in order to come back and buy the ladies some drinks. Another example shown of loss of innocence, your average teenager doesn’t just rob stores for fun and then is so calm about it that they are willing to stay in the area. When night rolls around the boys get hyped because they believe they rule the streets at night and they will hurt anyone who gets in their way. Being out late pass curfew at fifteen years old doesn’t show innocence especially for the reasons they are out late. Later on in the book when Dim seeks revenge by getting Alex locked up in prison, which is when Alex has loss of innocence through experience. Considering everything that Alex and his droogs have gotten away with before he is naive to the situation he is in and as well in disbelief that he is going to stay in prison. Alex believes that he can make it into his droogs fault and get them in trouble instead. Taking in consideration Alex’s past nobody believes him and that shows he is not innocent.
Even though are main character Winston is the main focus on the story, he is far from an innocent man to begin with. Wanting to destroy his government from the inside out and even wanting to kill people on a whim from just hating them for a time, he certainly has his blinders off strait from the start. However, his comrade Julia from the start had seemed to be innocent. Always following the laws, being kind to others while also being firm in her position, she was the definition of a leader and a pure soul. Until she met up and feel in love with Winston of course. She admits to mating with many other members of the Party as well as liking it all the while. She even committed to breaking some laws in the process, just to spite them. From this, she shows her experience on doing the little bad things just to get by.
Innocence in the novel, “A Clockwork Orange,” is seen through the main character, Alex. Alex is naïve because he believed that his brutal acts of violence did not affect anyone else. He never thought of the emotional and physical pain that he brought to others, he only focused on the pleasure that his compulsions brought him. It wasn’t until his criminal acts caught up to him that he was sent to prison and was forced to mature faster. He tried to make others believe that he was a “good guy.” Because of this, he was given the opportunity to leave prison early if he watched some films. Alex did not know what these films were, and was naïve enough to think that they would be like the ones shown in the cinema. Before each film, he was feed, treated well, and injected with a serum that made him feel sick. Next, he was strapped down to a chair and was forced to watch videos of people being killed, beaten, raped, or neglected in some other way. This caused him to then associate any violence with the feeling of being sick. This caused him to treat others better because the only way he can make that sick feeling go away is if he does and thinks nice things. If Alex would have known what these doctors were trying to do to him, he would have never of volunteered to watch those films. So, at the beginning of the novel, his innocence made him a bad person because he did not think of the feelings of others; while at the middle of the novel, his innocence saved him by forcing him to think more positive and see the world from the perspectives of others.
Muha, J 5-6th period
The Main character in a clockwork Orange, Alex, experiences innocence in the form of being naive. He is naive because of the fact that he only thinks of himself and now how his violent actions affect other people. Violence is like a drug to him, it makes him feel high and he always wants more. He is also naive because he thinks that doctors in the prison are just going to show him random videos for some reason. Soon he finds out that he is really part of an expirement to try to turn him good and get sick of the thought of violence.
In the novel A clockwork orange, Alex the narrator is shown to be very innocent and in many ways quite ignorant. Whenever Alex decides to commit a crime or any act of wrongdoing he never thinks before he does it. He also never realizes what these actions can do to other people. Then when he gets caught or gets in trouble he immediately tries to blame it on a friend or deny the action. But Alex has went through a unique type of rehabilitation in prison allowing him to change and kind of take his blinders off. Which is now quite weird to see his character in a different light other then violence.
Eric Bulic
In the novel, "1984" one of the leading characters Julia demonstrates the most innocence, along with the most experience. Julia was known as the "dark haired girl" in the beginning of the novel. Winston believed she was watching him as he went against the government and wrote in the diary. Julia seems very innocent due to the sash she wears "Junior Anti-Sex League". This is all a cover for her. In the novel, she finally makes her move and makes contact with Winston by writing I love you on a note, this takes Winston by surprise because the young rule following girl has gone against the government herself. When Winston and Julia actually meet up it can be shes not so innocent herself. She is very rebellious and shows a lot of experience in several different fields. She wears the sash and makes herself seem likes she a quiet young naive girl, until she meets Winston she starts acting out than she has ever before. Julia used to have sex with the people of the government for fun, but when she met Winston she cant stop seeing him. She lost her and Winston's innocence due to their feelings for each other. This may cause bad outcomes for them. Julia was once a girl who only cared for herself and her needs but now she has changed her life when coming in contact with Winston and opening his world to all new things.
M.Al-Zarraq 5/6 period
In "A Clockwork Orange" innocence is shown with Alex. The innocence is when he thinks he's the leader of his gang and that his "droogs" will always be there and never betray him. He loses that innocence when they group does in fact leave him and he experiences the feeling of betrayal and hatred towards them. Even so, he thinks his arrest is a joke and that if he tells the police that the others were involved they will get caught too. But they don't. Alex's experience with this also shows up when he's in jail and he has a new group of people that he somewhat hangs with. A reader can see that he doesn't really trust these new people and that he keeps a wall up. He doesn't want to be betrayed again.
in the book A clockwork Orange, Alex seems innocent to everyone else but in reality he is violent and very naive. He commits crimes without even thinking about the consequences and doesn't think about how it would affect anyone else he knows. Violence makes him feel good and get rid of his anger but it could get him in serious trouble if he's caught in the act.
Innocence is showed in the novel through the charter Julia. She likes to live in the moment and she agrees with Winston when it comes to being against the government but their personalities differ. Julia is younger than winston and her view of the world is less developed than Winston's. Her rebellion is more instinctive than his and she has much greater self-confidence. Julia becomes a rebel with her body and begins to not care what the party would think if they were to find out. Julia confesses her love for Winston and thats when the relationship takes a new turn and Julia loses the last bit of innocence she has. Becoming involved with Winston changed her from being that "dark hair, dark eyes" girl to winston to becoming his lover.
Ally Modie 3rd period
In the novel, A Clock Work Orange, innocence is shown by the main character, Alex. He never thinks before he acts and commits multiple crimes without hesitation. He doesn't think about the affects his crimes have on the people he's doing it to. He isn't actually innocent but believes that he is whenever he gets caught in his wrong doing. He changes when injected with this stuff that makes him sick whenever he thinks about violence. This is when we see a change in Alex which is quite weird to see.
In the novel, 1984 the main character Winston is innocent because in his society they arent aloud to do anything unless big brother says they can do something. he is experienced becasue he is starting to think on his own and do his own thing.
in the book 1984, Julia, the women who Winston seems to have somewhat fallen for, is for innocent and naive. She is very much younger than Winston and plays mind games with him. When the two decide to meet in a private area, the two discuss there past relationships and Winston finds out that Julia is not very much innocent at all. She has had many past relationships and this, in a way, pleases Winston. Winston is in search of someone who has no innocence because that is all Big Brother wants to talk about.
Adam Weber 1st Period
Julia in 1984 is innocent. When readers are first introduced to her, she is just a girl with dark hair, and Winston is constantly around her. Julia loses her innocence when she falls in front of Winston, and hands him the note that says that she loves him. Up until Julia starts her relationship with Winston, she followed what the Party said. As soon as Julia started spending time with Winston, she lost her innocence.
In the book "A Clockwork Orange", the main character Alex provides many examples of innocence. Alex gets his innocence taken away by the violent acts that he commits. An example of Alex's innocents would be his leadership roles with his droogs. The results of Alex's actions ultimately lead to the loss of his innocence when he looses those friends and is turned against meanwhile getting sent to prison. Being sent to prison takes away all chances of Alex being able to regain this innocence back.
In the book "A Clockwork Orange", innocence is shown by the main character Alex. Alex commits many crimes and never thinks twice about doing them. He gets himself into trouble with the droogs where he thinks he the leader of the group, but they actually turn against him and set him up. Alex was sent to prison but blamed everyone else for his crimes. Alex went through a different kind of rehab that made me hate the feeling of violence. This made him take off the blinders and realize what he was doing was wrong.
Alex Krencisz 3rd period
In "A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgess, one can see Alex's innocence become more noticeable as the book continues. In the beginning of the book, his personality definitely lacks innocence, but once arrested it is there. He starts to see things differently and how wrong what he had done was and it starts to change him, bringing out the fifteen year old that he is.
In the novel "A Clockwork Orange" innocence is shown through the character, Alex, because he is naive. He shows that he is naive through the way he only thinks and asks for himself as if his actions don't have any affect on others. Alex has an eye opening experience when he is arrested and his droogs set him up and he is in jail. He thinks that he can be above the system when he learns of a way where he can get out of jail, but the system gets the best of him and the treatment makes him sick. He loses his innocence when he is introduced to jail and the real world and karma for all of his naive behaviors is catching up to him.
Renfro, B. 1st period
In "A Clockwork Orange" Alex shows both innocence and experience. He shows innocence through his naive actions of senseless violence. He doesn't think about the fact that his actions are affecting other people, and that his actions of violence "just because he can" doesn't show or prove anything to the government. He believes that he is in control and that nothing can touch him; he shows no concern. Alex shows experience in deceit when him and his droogs go to the bar and buy the old ladies drinks so they will tell the police that they were there all night. He shows experience in the real world when he is arrested and is "defeated" by the government, which he thought he was beating. He sees that blaming others will not get him out of trouble.
-Megan Zajkowski 5/6
In a Clockwork Orange, Alex is strange kid who enjoys inflicting pain on others for fun. After some time having his fun, he took it too far and sent to prison because of it. Somehow because of his experience talking himself out of a bad situation he manages to get a way to leave prison earl. Though to his surprise he realizes that he had made a mistake, and instead of watching harmless movies he was forced to watch graphic senses of rape and murder in order to make him a better person. This treatment had changed him over time and now his harmful deeds which were once easy and fun for him to commit are now hard to stomach. So in a way the treatment ended up working, but at the same time it took away his innocence or lack of understanding from him and forceful introduced a new way to think about the world. This forceful act changes him from an independent innocent citizen, to almost brainwashed child who is now confused about his actions and the world.
Ryan Konopka 5/6 period
In "A Clockwork Orange," innocence is shown through Alex, the main character. His innocence is shown through his lack of knowledge of what he does to others. Alex and his droogs went around doing terrible things to innocent people. They would go around beating, stealing, raping, and harassing others. They had no idea what they were really doing to these people. Alex doesn't realize the emotional and psychological situations that he is putting on these people. It is only until he goes through brainwashing when he loses his innocents and begins to gain his experiences. When they inject him with the supplements it caused him to become sick when he saw violence. Alex then saw what was really happening to these people and why it was so harsh. Alex then lost his innocence as he gained his experience.
Pelka, E. 1st period
An example of innocence in 1984, is the character Julia. Julia was innocent before she met Winston. Once she mets Winston, her innocence begins to wear down. For example, she starts to rebel against the government with Winston. Even with smallest of things like saying 'I love you' or treating him differently than any other comrade. - Wiley 3rd Period.
In Clockwork Orange, the main character Alex shows innocence. He shows this through his native actions and how he leads his “droons.” As he gets arrested and taken to jail, he grows into knowing between right and wrong, since he didn’t really have a clear image of it before hand.
N.Pozna 5/6
In the novel A Clockwork Orange, the main character Alex is an extremely naive young man. He commits many different crimes that eventually catch up to him. Alex believes that the crimes he commits will have no repercussions and he is invincible. Alex always believed himself to be "innocent," but as his treatments went on after jail, he began to see in reality. His innocence was taken due to the harsh punishments that were given to him. As Alex matured and gained experience he learned how bad he hurt others throughout his life.
In the book "Clockwork Orange" the main character, Alex, is very naive. He demonstrates how naive he is when he is out in the streets raping and killing people. This is very naive because he doesn't think that there would be repercussions for his actions. He also expresses is innocence when he ghat the cops beating him and he thinks that they wouldn't touch him. He also thinks that nothing will ever happen to him that's bad. He also is naive when he is picked up by the police he takes it as a joke.
~A Ferry 1st period
In Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange, the main Alex experiences a time of innocence in part two of the story. He was a very rotten kid; committing crimes and hurting people. He thought he was the top of the world until his droogs set him up and caused him to be sent to prison. After a while in prison, Alex grew desperate and would do anything to get out from prison. He agreed to be tested on with a new form of rehabilitation. This new treatment included heavily drugging the patient and then forcing them to watch videos and hear whatever things they are trying to be taught against. What Alex was being taught against was pain and murder. He was shoved off of his "throne" so hardly that he almost never even liked back up towards it. He was exposed to what actual pain felt like, and his life was completely flipped upside down.
In the book A Clock Work Orange, Alex shows innocence quite a few times. He commits multiple crimes, including murder and acts as if it's not a big deal. He has no hesitation before he makes a decision and he needs to think before he acts out. Alex believes nothing he does is wrong, which is how the innocence is shown. It takes injections and medicine that make him nauseous just to get him to realize his wrong doings.
In the novel A Clockwork Orange, innocence is shown through Alex. Alex represents a typical, "innocent" teenager. He dresses in the best of fashion, visits all of the popular hangouts, and is the undisputed leader of his gang. Like most teenagers in A Clockwork Orange, Alex speaks in a stylized slang called nadsat. Alex loves art itself, particularly classical music. A lover of Beethoven and Mozart. Alex experiences something close to religious joy when he listens to classical music. All of these things make you think Alex is some goody two shoes, but this is not the case. Alex loses this sense of "innocence" when he and his gang commit crimes such as mugging, robbery, auto theft, breaking and entering, and rape. Alex is then later sentenced to fourteen years in prison. Now all of a sudden this "teenager" isn't so innocent and has to pay a high price for his mistakes.
-Mike Glencer
5/6 Period
In the book 'A Clock Word Orange,' innocence is present in the main character Alex, because he has never known any other way. He grew up in a very violent surrounding, so he never knew what calmness was. And he spent more time with his 'droogs' than he did with his parents, so, he was ignorant most of his life. But, he loses this innocence when his droogs leave him to be arrested and when they begin the experiments on him. He becomes no longer innocent to his ignorance.
In "A Clockwork Orange," Alex is shown to be more innocent than one would think based on his terrible acts of violent crime. This innocence is derived from his characteristic of being naive at crucial moments. After he has been in prison for two years, he hears about the perfect program in the prison. If he participates, he will be freed very shortly, all he has to do is cooperate with the medical staff at the hospital while they try an experimental program on him. Sound too good to be true? Not to Alex, as he eagerly applies to the program and is subjected to the experimental drug that he is informed are just "vitamins." Even after he starts to feel woozy, he trusts the doctor's and puts it off as side effects of the vitamins. He even believes all he is doing is watching a movie. He doesn't realize what is actually happening until it is too late because of his innocence derived from his being naive.
Paul Smith 3rd Period
In A Clockwork Orange, Alex's innocence is illustrated before his treatment with Dr. Brodsky. He walks into this situation believing that it will be a breeze. After all, he gets a bed to himself, new pajamas and slippers, and endless amounts of delicious food; all he has to do is watch multiple films after being injected with 'vitamins.' What could go wrong? At this point, freedom bells are the only things ringing in Alex's mind.
His innocence vanishes, however, when he realizes Dr. Brodsky's method of curing his so-called illness. Alex finally understands that he is being injected with a substance designed to make him feel ill at the slightest act of violence and is extremely upset by this. In the Government's eyes, this is perfect. Alex is now a man with lower violence rates and a more compassionate personality. For him though, this treatment serves as a loss of individuality and choice. Alex cannot choose whether or not he wants to commit violent acts anymore without feeling a crippling illness come over his body. He can no longer be himself.
Innocence can be found in the book "A Clockwork Orange" through the main character named Alex. Alex is a very violent young man. He thinks he can make his friends do what ever he wants them to. He also seems to find enjoyment in all types of crime such as stealing, beating, rape and even murder. Alex shows his innocence when he is finally caught and arrested for beating and killing the lady with the cats. He tries to blame his friends and make excuses. The police beat and push him until he apologizes and then get a confession. Until this point he thought he could get away with anything.
We all know Alex as the rough bully. He does all the wrong things and cares for no one. Alex has no family or friend which makes it harder for him but he does have a side to him that we catch a glimpse of. Alex has the innocence of a kid. He does not have much knowledge in life. He has no knowledge on the real world and the things you have to do in it. Alex does not know the choices he can make to have a better life. He only knows what he has done forever. He does have experience in some areas though. He knows all about classical music. Alex seems to have a connection to it. When innocence is lost you have no sense of direction. You do not know the difference between right and wrong and that makes life a lot harder.
-Alexa Shaneyfelt 3rd period
In 1984, Julia seems to at first follow all the rules of the party. Julia loses her innocence when she tells Winston she loves him she does this by handing him a note. When Julia started getting together and spending more time with Winston she lost her innocence and we learned that they both share the same views on the party.
In 1984, Julia is an innocent character. At the start of the book, she's known as the “dark-haired girl" and she just follows Winston around, which caused him some confusion. Julia was innocent and she wasn't causing Winston any real trouble by starring him and following him around. Julia doesn't really start to break the laws until she gives Winston a note that said, “I love you". After Julia gives Winston this note she loses her innocence because she puts both her, and Winston's lives in danger. The two had to work hard to hide their feelings emotions from the Thought Police. So basically, Julia lost her innocence when she became associated with Winston. Both Julia and Winston see the government that they live in differently.
In the story a clockwork orange Alex is very naive although it is not seen to be. Alex feels he is on top of the world. When he is causing all the chaos through his city he feels he's on top of the world and practically immortal. But he is not. Alex's naivenss is what sends him to jail and gives him the most rude awakening of his life. Alex realizes he is not on the top of the totem poll anymore and nobody cares what he did or how bad he was.
In the novel “A Clockwork Orange”, innocence is shown through the main character Alex. Only at the age of 15, he is already committing violent acts and causing havoc throughout town. His innocence is shown through the fact that he believes that the police will never catch him in the act and that his “droogs” will be in a pact for a long time. It wasn’t until reality set in, when his friends turned against him and he was arrested, that he lost his innocence. This loss continues throughout the book as he experiences things he never thought he would, such as getting into fights in prison, and being a mental experiment for the so called “doctors”. Through this experiment he finally realizes what he puts the innocent victims through and is made to associate any violence with a sick, nauseating feeling, which will change his outlook on how he used to live completely.
- Winston S. 5/6*
In 1984 people of the story may be considered innocent since they do not truly know anything, there is nothing in existence that would be able to corrupt them. These people have no real experience and so cannot technically have the corruption to be considered evil, so they may be classified as innocent. In fact with this kind of mindset one could say that with more experience there comes more things to corrupt a person and thus reduce one’s innocence. As Winston began to experience different aspects of life as well as its freedoms he became more and more corrupted. He starts off wanting to rape Julia before he ever got to know her and then kill her by bashing a rock into her skull. Later on he proclaims to her that he despises anything innocent. He, who has more experience then most other individuals, is the most corrupted individual there. He knows love and so he knows the things he would do to preserve it, he knows true fear so he knows the evil he would commit for himself, he knows Big Brother and so he loves him. It would seem as if those without experience do not have innocence. I do not believe in this. Innocence is a kind of purity. Innocence is facing the things ahead and still coming out with an innocence and goodness in one’s own soul. Just because somebody faces something terrible does not mean they have to be corrupted. Those individuals who can not only experience the pain and hatred, who can understand the emotion and experience, and yet can still resolve to remain pure are those few that are innocent. To me, this book does not have any form of true innocence within a single ounce of it. Not even in the middle aged woman singing her song. She knows little. All she knows is her life. She is noble in that she is satisfied with her own life, however, she knows no better. The life she leads may very well be better than the one she used to know. If she is the same age or a little older than Winston then she was probably raised in the same despicable circumstances. This book does not contain innocence.
Colton Kemp~1st
In a Clockwork orange,there is not much innocence. They are very much thrown into a rough society where they cause terror, but the one time we see innocence is when he brings the two 10 year olds to his room. They never saw a criminal like alex before, so they didn't think anything would go wrong, but alex raped them both and didn't feel bad. That's the only time (so far ) that I have seen innocence in the novel.
In the book, 1984, Winston is realizing that what he is doing, can't last forever. The innocence of him being able to secretly meet, cheat on his wife, as well has write the things he does in his journal, and have the thoughts that he does. Slowly but surely, he is beginning to realize that at one point, he will not be able to hide anymore and he will have consequences. When all the innocence is lost, Winston will only have so many options to make. Each of these options and decisions must be made carefully because if they are not, his life becomes yet another game of luck. Only this time there would be a twist; the government would be looking for him now.
in 1984, innocence is seen within the character, Julia. He casued a lot of confusion within Winston. She is winstons lover and I know that because he gave rher a not that says "i love you." Right there is where Julia loses her innocence because he puts her and winstons live in danger. As all be said Julia loses her innocence as soon as she met Winston and came close
In 1984, Julia is very innocent in the beginning of the story. She just follows Winston. When she gives Winston the note expressing her love, she " Takes off the blinders". She is putting both of their lives at risk. She now knows the dangers of love. She must help cover their love up from the Thought Police, only showing it in the room that they have designated.
Jordan Besida, 3rd Period
In "A Clockwork Orange", the biggest example of innocence that stands out to me is the very beginning of the book, chapter one, when Alex and his "droogs", beat up and innocent old man walking home with books from the library. They all picked on the old man when he did absolutely nothing but have book. They called it stupid and somehow that gave them the right to beat up the old man and rip up all of his library books. Another example is how he feels sick during all his treatment, watching all of those horrid and explicit films. This shows that deep down inside he may just have a good side and may realize one day that violence really is wrong and he shouldn't be committing it.
In a Clock Work Orange innocence is shown when Alex is put in jail and is getting all the treatments done with him. In the beginning of the book Alex shows no sympathy for anyone, he has no feelings, and cares for no one. While he is in jail the treatments consist of him watching assult and murder videos and him getting sick from them. They make him realize what he is doing is wrong and he needs to change. I believe Alex has a good side and after these treatments it will prevail and he will be a different person. Alex needs someone to put him in his place and make him realize he isn't the coolest person ever. The government will dictate what Alexs future is.
In 1984 Winston has started to realize that he can't keep up what he is doing. The innocence of him being able to secretly meet with Julia, Write in his journal, and have his thoughts. He knows that sooner or later, they will be caught and face the consequences. and losing his innocence. He has to tread lightly because at this point his life is Russian roulette with 6 bullets in the chamber. and soon the government may be looking for him
The innocence in "1984" comes when Julia start following Mr.Winston everywhere he goes. This causes winston a lot of confusion abut Julia. The innocence kicks in when Julia writes on a note "i love you" and gives it to Mr.Winston. The thing about both of them is that they have the same thoughts about the goverment.
Richard Kacso - 3rd Period
In the book 1984 the women wiston is excreamly confused about named Julia , she is innocent. she does what shes post to do with the laws of the party. also she doesn't rebel against the party either. Winston is different, he rebels and doesn't follow the laws of the party. he loses her innocence when she told Winston how much she loves him. that's when she lost her innocence.
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