In our two books, A Clockwork Orange and 1984, the idea of Innocence and Experience is present. As you read this week, think about how our characters see the world. How are they innocent--naive, young, unknowing? We all go through the world with blinders on and then something happens that those blinders are removed. In this removal of the blinders, we come to see the world, the people, and ourselves differently.
This is like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. The wizard was the great and powerful until Toto pulled back the curtain and revealed that this man everyone heralded as a "deity" was in fact just a man. Dorothy realized that the power to get home belonged to her and her alone. She went from innocently giving her power to others, to realizing she was the all powerful. Our faith should be in ourselves and not in others.
Your assignment is to examine how innocence and experience appear with the text you are reading and to explain what happens when innocence is lost.
As you are reading A Clockwork Orange and 1984, think about the government. For this week's blog, describe the government depicted in your book and think about the individuals ruled in that government. How are they impacted by the government: daily lives, personal interactions, free will, and personal freedoms.
Explain what you are seeing so far in your book. Please do this in a solid paragraph with specific references to the text.