We take for granted our education system and how lucky we are to be given the right to learn. A lot of students complain or choose to disengage with the learning. In Anthem, we see a character who is thirsty for learning. He wants nothing more than to learn all he can, and yet, he is not permitted.
For this week's blog, I want you to think about what you love to learn. Explain what you enjoy learning, how you enjoy learning, and what would happen to you should you not be permitted to learn any longer. Then, I want you to think about why the characters in our book were not permitted to learn?
I love learn. I love to learn to such an extreme that much of my time, free or not, is dedicated to learning and education. Learning and the love of knowing is not something that can be limited to a single subject but expands to every aspect of the world. I want to learn everything. Every scrap of knowledge gives me a better understanding of my own capabilities and what I can accomplish. When learning, I want to learn how things work and why the world is set up the way it is. The common sense behind an idea is important, as well as the repetition and practice of the subject. In this way, I hope not just to fully understand the theory but also have the capability to accomplish whatever I hope to achieve. Without learning, I would not know what to do. I may dedicate myself to fighting and becoming stronger, but that is not enough for me. I would have to fight my way to achieve something mentally challenging. I want to change the world for the better and the only way I can do that is with my education and position. It is simple to understand why a government would want to remove education. It is a way of control. Those who do not learn expect very little for they do not know any better. They subject themselves to others' beliefs because they can not independently think on their own. Now whether this is a sign of education or somehow ingrown intelligence I do not know, but the fact still remains that in "Anthem," without education people are easy to control.
Colton Kemp~1
I learn something new every day, whether it’s a math problem at school or it’s my mom teaching me how to wash laundry. I love learning about things that will help me accomplish my dreams and help my future. Applying to colleges, learning how to write out bills and balancing a checkbook are all things that are helpful to learn for later in life. I love learning about topics that interest me, like new music and movies, the knowledge that is within the books I read. I consider myself a visual learner; rather than just talking about a certain topic for a whole class period; I like to see the notes and the problems on the board. A world without any education would be awful place to live in. The brains that we are born with would be useless. What would be the sense of having a brain if it can’t be filled with knowledge? In the book Anthem the characters were not able to be taught anything because the society did not want to be overrun, so they kept the people clueless and brainwashed. The society was afraid that some of the people would be smarter than they are.
~Becca Gardella 5/6
I would most definitely consider myself one that does not enjoy to learn. But, there are different things that interest me. For example, I was always a decent student in spanish and it was not extremely difficult for me to learn. Anytime I got a test back that was an A I would get really excited because throughout high school spanish is the one thing I actually understood and I didn't have to cram loads of information in the night before, I just got it. If there is one thing people don't see me as it is a reader. But, I actually read about a book a week in the summer and every few weeks during the school year. After I finish every book I feel as if I had learned a new lesson and accomplished my goal. In some books I read there is spanish every so often and the fact that I know what it is saying without having to translate is one of the best academic feelings.
If I was no longer permitted to learn and to read I would be irritated because my brain is no where near being fully developed and there is no much more that I have yet to know about. There are things that I would agree could be canceled out of our "To Learn" system but overall we should always have access to new opportunities and different ways of learning.
The characters in the book were not authorized to learn because it would expand there access to greater knowledge of the unknown world. They were raised a certain way and they didn't know any different so they only were provided with the necessary information needed to grant the town with their given abilities. The people always needed to be under control and on radar. They didn't want people thinking outside of the box without education this lessoned the chance of rebelling .
Ally Modie 3rd period
I love to learn about anything that has to do with music. As a guitar player, I am always learning something new with that. I play my guitar around maybe 3 to 4 hours a day, and so I am always experimenting with new chords and stuff like that.
If I wasn't able to learn any more musical things, I don't know what I would do. Most of my life is dedicated to music, because I write and play all the time. I love learning new things, even if it a struggle to do so. In Anthem, none of the characters were able to learn anything new because the Council had to have the control over the people. The Council did not want to risk being over run by the people and the knowledge that they could have.
I have a love-hate relationship with learning. There are certain things that I like to learn and certain things that I just don't care about. I think that learning the important things in life like balancing a checkbook, or paying taxes is something that everyone should know how to do, but most highschools don't. I like taking the information that I have learned and apply it into everyday life. Math isn't a hard topic for me to understand, but I just don't see how finding derivatives of lines will help me expand my knolwdge in everyday life. I do enjoy learning science. Science is probably one of the most interesting topic that I enjoy learning. I find it so interesting to figure out how everything works or why doesn't does what it does in the world. Sometimes it comes easy to me and other times I have to put forth the effort into learning it.
If I wasn't able to learn I feel that life would be very boring. Learning new things is how life becomes interesting. The characters in Anthem were not allowed to learn new things. Learning things would expand their knowledge and could potentially threaten the council in their way of running the city. Everyone has to be equal there, so one person cannot know more or less then another.
Alex Krencisz 3rd period
I love learning about psychology and crime. I love it so much that I am going to study both of them in college next year. The human brain is the most complex thing in this entire universe. It has seen itself, it has comprehended some of its own functions, and it has found the solution to some of its flaws. The human brain of criminals is what interests me the most, though. What causes hardened criminals to do the things they do? Do they really have their own justifications for murder? What do they have or not have in their brains that we normal people do not? I would like to find the answer to these questions some day on my own. I plan to use my deductive skills and passion for psychology and criminal justice to join the FBI and become a criminal profiler. If I were not able to be able to learn these things, I would be gravely upset. I've had my mind set on these things for a long time. They are my life goals and to take them away would be to take away my dreams. In "Anthem" no one is allowed to learn whatever they want. They were not allowed to learn because they everyone is supposed to be equal. They're all supposed to know the same things. If someone were to know more than the other person, then they would not be equals.
Bloxsom, N. 5/6th period.
I love learning when it is something that I am passionate about. It could also be just something that I have an interest to, or it pertains to me or my life. I enjoy learning about things that will matter later on in life. Although they may be difficult concepts, I understand that learning it now will make things easier down the road. The way I learn, depending on the subject at hand could vary from notes in math class to reading narrative after narrative on poetry. If I was not able to learn anything anymore, I may go insane because without the ability to learn something new every day would be so out of the norm, I wouldn't be sure what to do. There would never be any progression or regression, always in the same place in life. The characters in the story aren't permitted to learn because if they were able to, they could have ideas, thoughts, and a want to know more. They would want to gain more and more knowledge. In turn, this would cause they to be their own person.
There are many things that I like or love to learn about, many are reasonable and some aren't. When it comes to knowledge and the wanting to learn there are some things that we just aren't supposed to know. Even though they exist, we shouldn't question or try to figure out how some things work. Like life and where we are in the world, and even considering that we were a mistake to begin with on a universal scale. However, that isn't to say that people shouldn't want to learn or even have to. People should go out and find what they want to as they grow older or when they want to find out about something new. In "Anthem" this knowledge is strictly forbidden and it creates a control over the masses like no other. If I were to stop learning, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. My mind is built to retain information and to update things that may have improved in the future. If it were to suddenly stop, I would slowly go into a slump of nothingness, slowly accepting what has happened and to try my best to fight it and fix what has went wrong.
I would consider myself as one that likes to learn but it depends on what I'm learning. I like learning something if it's interesting and it intrigues me. I like learning something new that will help me in the future. This year I took marketing and that class has taught me so much about sales and marketing a product. A world without learning would definitely be strange. Everyone would be the same and we would and know the same things. I can see in Anthem why they want everyone to be the same. They want everyone to not feel dumb. Some people may be smarter than others but we all have our little nitch and we are all good at something.
I enjoy learning about the sciences, specifically chemistry and physics, because I like to know how things work. I like to know that everything happens for a reason. I learn best in a hands on environment, such as in labs. If I were not permitted to learn then I would not be able to grow and better myself. People are forbidden to learn in Anthem because the people in charge know that knowledge is power. In the book, everybody is suppose to be equal so if one person knows more than another he will have more power and will no longer be equal.
B. B. King once said, “The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.” This idea is the opposite of the ideas presented in Anthem where learning was restricted. The council banned learning because learning gives people an advantage in life. Learning also allows people to have their own ideas, causing them to be less agreeable. People who are uneducated are easier to mold and control, and this is what the council wants. I believe that in today’s society, knowledge is the key to living a successful life. That is why I value my education and try to learn every chance I get. For me, I love learning about the arts. I love how so many people can be presented with the same outline, yet every single one of them produces a different result. If I was unable to learn about this, I would be crushed because I would not be able to express myself and my individuality in unique ways.
Muha, J 5-6th period
I actually do love to learn. I enjoy going to school, not necessarily to just go to learn, but to have a set schedule. I enjoy being able to interact with others talk with others. Math and science are my best subjects in school and would have to be my favorite. But what I really love to learn doesn't come from my classes. I love learning about the human body. More specifically the function of muscles. I have been to physical therapy for a knee surgery, broken leg, ankle, and collar bone. It was here when I really became fascinated on this subject. From how the body can heal itself overtime with hard work of recovery. The human body is incredible and it fascinates me. If I wouldn't be able to learn this anymore then I wouldn't be able to get into the job field that I want, as i want to become a physical therapist.
The characters were not able to learn in Anthem because those who are smarter, have a greater understanding of things. From this, people would begin to see the corruption of their own government. This would cause people to then go against the government just like from the unmentionable times.
Pelka, E. 1st period
Though I am not a huge fan of school I do enjoy learning about certain things. What I like to learn about the most are the small things that don't matter very much to a lot of people but still mean a lot in the long run. I like to learn about science and have always been highly interested in it. Science is a subject that there is always something new to learn about. If I was not permitted to learn about these things I would feel as if there would be many things about the world that I am oblivious too. I think that the reason why the characters in Anthem were not allowed to learn was because the leaders wanted the citizens to stay as oblivious as possible and they wanted to keep their positions as leaders for as long as possible. Where there is knowledge there is power.
Astorc 5/6
Everyday i am blessed to be able to attend school. Being aloud to learn further advances my knowledge as a student and also develops me as a person. One specific interest of mine in learning, is history. Learning about past events that have happened between countries, wars being fought over religion and riches are all interesting to me.
The characters in this book were not able to expand their knowledge. Leaving them only to be ignorant of the situation that is around them. The government purposely did this so that those who have to abide by the laws, would not think twice about why they are doing so.
Learning truly is a blessing, with more knowledge comes more responsibility.
Adam Weber 1st
School is a place of learning, whether it is learning about the gossip that happened over the weekend, or learning that if you ace your next Language Arts test it will bring you to an A. A student also learns in the classroom. They can learn about limits in math, Elements in Chemistry or adjectives in Language Arts. As a young student in high school I like to learn about all of those things. Yes some days Id rather be at home watching tv or sleeping but learning is a passion of mine. I like to know why something is what it is and what makes it that way. Without learning we wouldn't know anything in this world or be a bunch of zombies. Students claim that they like to learn, its just that teachers make it dumb. It isn't the teachers it is whether or not the student is fully focused on the subject. When a person learns they gain a new perspective on something thus maybe giving them further interest on the subject. If I was one of the people in "Anthem" unable to learn I would not know what to do with myself. It would be such a blank world. Unable to think, read or write, that would be such a miserable time for someone. Learning gives people a sense of mind, and since they cannot learn in the novel they are easy to control and cannot think for themselves, thus giving the council the chance to think for them. That is what makes a person special. When someone has the chance to just think they can have a huge imagination in store and this happens because they have freedom. Freedom to express and learn as they please. I am very thankful that I can learn about limits, elements and adjectives because these things make the world make sense to me. They explain how objects are and why they are that. Learning is a great part in my life. Its a way for someone find the whole truth in an object or situation.
M.Al-Zarraq 5/6th period
My favorite kind of learning is not textbook, school learning. I like learning new concepts and characters. The way I learn this is through reading. When reading I meet so many different characters that I feel like that I can observe people in a better way. I also learn a lot of new concepts and problems. The best thing is when I read the book they find a solution. That makes me know that I can use that in the real world. If I was not permitted to read then I would die. Reading is my life. It is a good way to escape the real world and indulge in someone else’s. In Anthem characters were not allowed to learn because that made the better then their brothers. The government liked that everyone was equal, but if some was to become smarter than that was bad.
-Alexa Shaneyfelt 3rd period
Although I do not consider learning a fun task, there are certain things that I enjoy learning about. One of the things would be World War 2. Since I was a kid, I have always enjoyed learning about World War 2. I would read books and watch documentaries. I even enjoyed playing Call of Duty: World at War. If I were no longer able to learn about it, it would definitively impact my life. To this day I enjoy learning about the events of World War 2.
In Anthem, Equality is not permitted to think as an individual. He must conform to his society and think the same general idea. This main idea was equality. Nobody could have more of anything than anyone else. It definitively restricted his free thought and ability to learn and reach his potential.
Jordan Besida / 3rd Period
I like to learn things that will better me for my future. I want to go into physical therapy so learning about the body is something that interests me a lot, unlike history class or other classes in school. I also like to learn about thinks to help me like managing my money and writing checks. School, in my opinion, should be more learning about how to prepare for the real world, not having to go to extreme levels of math when in life, that much is not needed. I learn through doing things. I hate sitting and taking notes and just memorizing words. I like to learn through experiments and labs. If I was permitted to not learn any longer, I think I would be doomed considering I have not a clue about how to afford to live. The characters in Anthem were not permitted to learn due to finding out different ways to do things and going against the norm.
N. Pozna 5/6
I have to say gymnastics is the thing I love to learn most. It is a constant challenge and there's always something new and harder to learn. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to learn new skills. I love trying all these different skills, even if it means falling on your face and having to get back up and do it again. Gymnastics helps me to keep going. If I had to live under the rules of the Council in Anthem, I'm not sure what life would be like or what life's purpose would be. I feel like life would be very boring because of not being able to learn fun things or something as simple as a cartwheel or reading a book based on what your personal interests are.
For me, I enjoy learning the different sciences. Specifically Biology and Geology. I enjoy learning from the different lectures that are given in class because I believe it is the best way for me to maintain the knowledge, and not from random activities or labs. Living things and the earth itself just kind of speak to me, as if it is my calling. If I were not permitted to learn the things I love, I would be devastated. This is because science is the foundation of all technology, which has led to things such as computers and smartphones. Scientific research is a great and much needed addition to life. In the book Anthem, people were not permitted to learn because people would all be on different intellectual levels. The idea of the World Council was to eliminate all individualist ideas. The Council had wanted equality for all. So if people were learning, they would all be learning at different rates and would have different IQ's, meaning they were unequal.
Mike Glencer 5/6 period.
I love to learn new things or learn new things that apply to what I already know. Like with my photography, sometimes I like not knowing all there is to know about it because then I have stuff that keeps me interested whenever I learn something new. The way I love learning is when I'm able to see someone else do it, and when I get to do it hands on. If I can't do either of those, I have a harder time being able to grasp the concept on how to do something or just being able to know something in general. If wasn't able to learn anymore, I don't know what I would do honestly. Learning new things keeps me interested in things and without that, I wouldn't get into anything and I would just laze around. I think the reason the characters in the book were not permitted to learn because the government didn't want them to get too smart and realize that the way everything was being run wasn't fair and try to overthrow. They wanted to keep everyone "dumb" and unaware of what was going on in a sense.
I like to learn about history. I find it very interesting to learn about people and their actions and their effects on the world that we live in today. I think if i got to stop learning about history/current events, i feel like my life wouldn't be as fulfilling and worthy. Without knowing these things, i am able to do ignorant things. I think the people in Anthem were not allowed to learn because if they were able to learn they would stand up to their government and fight for what they think is right.
- Wiley 3rd period
I love learning new things. Learning new things means that you're expanding your mind. I usually learn something new everyday. I love learning more about being happy with yourself. Leaning how to make yourself happy could be worth a million words. if I didn't like to learn then I honestly don't know what I would do. Through out life you learn what makes you happy and what doesn't make you happy. Everyday you go through situations about learning about yourself.In Anthem, none of the characters were able to learn anything new because the Council didn't want them to over come them. The Council did not want to risk being over run by the people and the knowledge that they could have.
I love to learn about anything as it is apart of life. Without learning, life would be miserable as nothing can be accomplished or changed. My interest lies around many things but
Technology specifically computers has always had been of an interest to me as how computers work. Software and hardware related my interest took me to the extreme to build my own computer and learn to program computers. I took this passion that i have to learning about technology and have applied to it to my everyday life. I'm a hands on learner and beginning at a very young age, my young mind decided that messing with the family computer was a great idea. My quick judgement and idea took me to messing up the computer to where it was damaged. It's trial and error for me when its learning as well.
I love to learn anything that has to do with science. Now I don’t like to learn from reading notes off a board, or out of a packet. I like hands-on learning where not only I learn the steps to doing something, but being able to apply them at the same time as well. Being able to learn through experience will help me in my future career for I hope to go into the field of Forensics, whether it’s forensic biology, or forensic investigation. If I wasn’t given the opportunity to learn, all the opportunities in my future, such as getting a good job and being successful, would disappear.
In Anthem, I believe that the citizens weren’t given the ability to learn because the council was in charge. They believed they had superior power and they didn’t want that being taken from them. If the citizens were able to learn and read, they might find that they have a knowledge greater than anything the council could provide them with. This is then a threat to the council because they could end up losing their control. So instead of risking it, they deprive the citizens of learning and knowledge to keep their seat as the head of power.
Winston S 5/6*
I like to learn about current events. I like to know what else is going on in the world. I like to see how the public defends or argues certain points and also how the public flips the facts on to the argumentative side. I would be very upset if i was not able to learn about current events anymore, I would feel as though that i was in a dark cave with no light.
In Anthem the main character was not permitted to learn. He was so upset about not being able to learn. He went against the council just to learn.
In life, you learn something new everyday. I love learning history facts whether it be about sports, culture, or historic events. But I cannot narrow it down to one one specific topic. If tomorrow society changed and I could no longer learn it would be very difficult. Life would become extremely boring And many more mistakes would happen. History always repeated itself and if you do not learn then the same mistakes will continue to be made and there would be no chance of correcting it.
The best technique for me to learn is to be hands on. I must do the activity or personally read myself to learn. I am not a person who can barely listen and sneak bye. I must experience to attain the knowledge.
-Steven Ficyk
I love to learn what makes things work. I learn best by listening and by doing things myself. If I was not permitted to learn I would feel trapped. Imagine living the rest of your life knowing only what you know now. It’s hard to imagine never learning anything else. The characters in Anthem were not permitted to learn because their ignorance and lack of knowledge is what kept the council in power. Without power, the council would be overthrown because they would no longer be seen as the most powerful part of the society.
-Megan Zajkowski 5/6
I love to learn, whether in school or through reading and playing video games. There's a surplus amount of knowledge out that's attainable to everyone, knowledge that's being created as I write this. By people just like you and me, y'see no one has to be a scholar or a genius to come up with something new that no one's heard about, everyone and anyone can come up with anything when they set their mind to it. just like equality. But, I could not live like equality, because I cannot stand to be controlled. I hate feeling like someone has such a hold on me to the point where my free will is restricted, and if I could no longer learn I would not stand for it. I would break the rules just like Equality because I would rather learn than be ignorant for the rest of my life
I like to learn about things that will help me when I am an adult. I like to listen and watch peoples inspirational stories of how they overcame obstacles in their lives. I want to learn all I can to help people in the future as an physical therapist and fireman. I know school is a privilege and without it a person could never get the knowledge they need. I think a lot of learning also happens by our decisions and choices and it is good when we learn from our mistakes. In the book they were not aloud to learn so that everyone would be the same except for the scholars. We are very lucky that we are aloud to learn as much as we want too.
I love to learn about the earth. I love learning anything about nature and animals. I enjoy learning about the earth and the organisms in it because I think it’s interesting to learn about how other organisms function. It really interests me to figure out how things grow, what kind of environment they need to survive, if they can adapt, and anything alone those lines.
If there was ever a time when I wasn’t aloud to learn anymore, I would probably think it was nice at first, but after about a year or two, I would definitely miss it. I don’t love studying or reading, but without learning, I would become bored. If I couldn’t observe things or figure out how they worked I would become frustrated. I would probably try to find a way to rebel, like how Equality does.
I think that the characters in the book were not allowed to learn because learning leads to advancement and advancement would eventually get people to realize that they way that the government was making them live, was miserable. Therefore, people were not allowed to read so that no one would advance and the government would remain in control.
The subject that interests me the most is anything science-related, like biology or astronomy, because I’m more of a visual learner; my brain understands more when I know how different parts of a system come together to function properly. This is why I love learning about the different parts of our body and their functions. For instance, it amazes me how fast our brain can send signals to the rest of our body in order to stay alive and complete everyday tasks. Also, the concept of “outer space” fascinates me beyond belief. It has always been my dream to lie on my roof with someone during the summer months and watch the stars and moon just because I’m that intrigued by everything outside of our world. If my education was ever restricted to such terms as in Anthem, I wouldn’t feel like an actual human being anymore, but more of a robot, because I wouldn't have any way of developing mentally. I would feel as if I was “stuck” in time with no ways of escaping, just like Equality 7-2521 does before discovering his secret tunnel.
Learning is an incredible thing; it lets you enlighten others with knowledge unknown to them. The best thing about learning is when you learn something so random or just so interesting and the first thing you want to do is tell someone or teach it. Learning gives you opportunities in life and will never fail to expand your mind a bit further than before. I love learning in a visual way, like nothing beats when my chemistry teacher from last year just made things explode using science like really it’s amazing, and the next thing you want to do is just tell your best friend. One thing I can’t stand for the life of it to learn is the forms of PROPAGANDA like I feel that every class involves it in some way It is just ridiculous and I’m just done with it. Our characters face the dreaded fact that they are unable to be blessed with the experience of learning, it really is a tragedy. A world without learning is basically nothing, nobody can expand on any ideas and there would be nothing interesting going on in the world. The characters are basically brainwashed and get stuck in a world which nothing new would ever come along which really in my mine is an apocalypse.
I find learning to be very enjoyable. It's a love-hate relationship though. I think learning is important, and I see great wpuse in value in it. I spend much of my free time watching different shows on the history channel or discover because a lot of times the things they talk about are really interesting. Sure it's not always something that will be helpful in life, but it's a lot more interesting than solving chemical equations. While I enjoy learning, I see school as a waste for the most part. The number of times I've had people who graduated high school tell me that they can't think of one thing they learned in high school that benefited them in real life, but can think of all sorts of things that they wish they would have been taught in high school like balancing a checkbook or paying taxes. Simple everyday knowledge that you need to know to survive, but don't really get the chance to learn until you need to know how to do or use it. I fell the only class that I truly benifit from is wind ensemble. Mostly for the fact that while we don't learn to balance check books, just the simple conversations we have about life, and how learning in schools is a waste because it's simply teaching us to pass a test and forget. In that class we learn to constantly build on what we know, and transfer it to not only other pieces of music, but also real life situations. It's hard to explain how it's beneficial, but anyone in that clas will agree it is by far the most beneficial class to learn from. In twenty years I don't see my self still learning about anything I did in high school, or caring for that matter. But I see myself remembering those conversations, and using the experiences from that class and what I learned to better my life. Not converting grams to mols for chem that I won't remember after the test. If I wasn't able to learn I would be pretty bummed and probably not have much care for anything. Much like in anthem, I feel like we would just be lifeless blobs of people. I think the council knew what bad could come from learning, and we're ok with sacrificing the benefits of the good, to save them from the bad
Learning is such an important part of every students life. For me, I love to learn. The best classes are the ones where I can actually say that I have gained knowledge that will help me further down the line. Why I love to learn because it means that I now know something new about the world that I live in, and that something could come into play later on. I will never know how important what I learned will be until it happens, and when it does I will be happy that I was paying attention. I enjoy learning when it comes from an entertaining aspect, or when I fell that I am actually gaining something from it. If I learn something through a movie or a song I enjoy it, as well as if I feel what it is I am learning about is important. If I was no longer permitted to learn, that would mean that I would never truly be able to improve my intelligence. I would have the mind of a 17 year old for my entire life, and that would be terrible. I would assume that the characters in Anthem were not permitted to learn because of the fact that all people learn at different paces, so if people were to learn, that would make some individuals smarter than others, which would not be acceptable in their society. Overall, learning is why I like to come to school and I feel that learning is the key to success
I love to learn. I love learning things in my interest, one thing I love to learn about is deer. I love learning about how to hunt them. How to outsmart them at their own game. How I learn is hands on. I go into the woods find markings and in some sort of way enter their world. If I was not permitted to learn about them, I would defy any rules whatsoever to do what I can to learn. It's what I want to do and it's my right to learn. I think they took these rights away because they wanted everyone to be similar because it was easy. The government never had to worry about anything because nobody knew anything or any better. This would be the governments idea of a "perfect world".
Personally i love learning about E.T.s and sports. I find that i love learning about these things mainly because i have so much intrest in them. If i had this taken away from me, i would be highly futrated and quite honestly pretty bored. The simple answer to why there not allowed to learn is because you express intrest and seperation from other minds, so there would be no we.
Learning both how the "world" works and how the universe work intrigue me very much. Math and science are by far my easiest and favorite classes. I love learning about them because I wish to be an engineer when I graduate from college. I love them so much that I plan on keeping them with me for the rest of my life. If I was never able to learn and do these things freely, I would be devastated. I would probably migrate to a place in the world where I have the right to learn as I please. Equality, from the book "Anthem" is in dire need to learn what he wants, and throughout the book he fights for it and succeeds. The characters in the story are all permitted from learning about individuality because the government wants complete control over them.
I enjoy learning because it gives us a chance to become smarter as an individual. Learning makes you more aware of how the world works and why it works that way. I enjoy learning by working with my hands. I learn most if i do something on my own, if it fails or not. I enjoy learning this way because i can learn for myself, even though somebody may be helping me along the way. The people in "Anthem" aren't aloud to learn because they may realize how the world should be and rebel against the dystopian society.
Learning is something incredible that should be cherished. I've grown up in a world where true knowledge is obtained by the will power of an individual. Everything we learn it becomes something nobody can take from you. I love to learn about individuals themselves. Everyone so different in everything they do. Just by having the simplest of conversations with someone one can learn a whole new perspective on how to live. If this were to e taken away the individuality of everyone would diminish just as in the "Anthem" people became brainwashed I'm such a way they lacked the care for themselves and personality.
Jeff Anzo 3rd
I love to learn history. Mostly European history and weird, out of this world things. For some reason i have always been really interested in history since i was a child. its always been my favorite subject in school and i really wish i still had it as a class. i like learning history through lectures. if i couldnt learn history anymore it'd be terrible. i wouldnt know any of the past events that have all led up to this, the present.
Husak, Lina 5/6
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