Fresh starts are like a clean chalkboard. We are free to write our story. The teachers do not know us, our work habits get to be reborn, our outlook is our responsibility. Like all beginnings, this one is important for you. You get to choose who you will be and the actions you will take. Ironically, this beginning of twelfth grade is also your last high school beginning. Look back at all of your beginnings and decide how this one will be different.
For this week's post, I am asking you to set three goals for your senior year. I want them to be academic goals. These are not social goals or generic goals. I want them to be specific to you. An example of an academic goal would be as follows: I want to turn in all of my work knowing it is the best I have to offer. Make your goals reasonable and attainable. Goals are what we strive for. They give us hope, and they give us incentive. Make your goals, and let's work toward these goals all year long!