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Celebrating small kindnesses and basking in the little things.

Monday, March 19, 2012


I am late. I apologize. Today after school I went for a walk at Hinckley Park. I love to go there and walk. I prefer to run/walk but I am not permitted to do any running yet. (Sigh) The sun lit up the world illuminating everything. Fallen logs rested in mud puddles and the geese were everywhere leaving behind parts of them that required me to step over strategically. The trail was filled with people like me happy to be outside basking in the sun. The sun makes everything feel better. It is inviting. As spring approaches, we will find ourselves outside more. This will in turn make us put off what needs to be done.
We are also approaching National Poetry Month. It is a time to celebrate the poetry that speaks to us. Whether we like it or not, the music we listen to everyday is poetry. The way the flowers waltz in the wind is poetry. The laughter of children tickled to the core over something no one else cares about is poetry.
What I want you to do is define poetry. Look around you; pay attention to what you see and hear. Is it poetry? Describe a moment you deem to be poetry in motion. (Sorry to use a cliche.) It may not appear to be poetic to any other person. What matters is that it does to you!


Michelle! said...

Poetry to me is any combination of words that a person puts together to express emotion, deep thought or something that isnt explainable. Poetry is someone's personal view and a way to say what is on the mind.

A moment of poetry in motion that has occurred in my life is when I am riding me horses in the trails in the woods. It is peaceful and beauty that can be described in personal thought . with the river rushing and breeze with a calm air, the poetry in motion is as words written on paper.

Rohan Srivastava said...

I am not a fanatic of poetry, but I believe poetry is emotion. Poetry is using the senses to appeal to the reader. Poetry is proving a point. Poetry is the perspective we look at the different aspects of the world.
I believe that any event, any thought is poetry. It just needs a writer/ thinker to make it into poetry. Poetry needs the right words to give the identical thought the writer feels. If Any one of these words change, it can change the entire meaning or emphasis on the reader. Words play such an important role in poetry, as it can change a barren desert into a beautiful oasis.

HannahKG said...

Poetry is the raw emotions that humans have, but are unsure of. It takes the fragments, butterflies, and unsure opinions of life, and rewords them into a way that we can wrap our minds around. When I write poetry it's kind of an euphoric state; I have no idea what's going through my mind, or what I'm trying to conceive until I finish writing. Afterwards, I can go back and refocus on what my heart was trying to tell my mind.

I have two different types of poetry writing environments/in motion. Loud vs. Quiet. When I'm in the hallways surrounded by busy bees and social butterflies I zone out into the music I'm listening to, or to my inner monologue and that creates a sense of time going slower. On the contrary, when I'm alone in my backyard with no sounds of cars, or media, I am to organize my thoughts without distraction which helps me write. Both of these environments help spring poetry into motion for me.

demo said...

Poetry resembles a different way of saying something. For example there are love poems are used to tell some one how they feel and even people rap its a up beat poem. If you ever lesson very close to rappers when they rap you here how they view over something.

A time that poetry occurred in my life was when i spent a week over summer vacation raping against my friends. It was fun i learned a few moves. Now on YOUTUBE Rap Battles are very popular from Epic Rap Battles of History to MrDeshawnRaw that have tens of million views per video.

Paul S. said...

Whenever I think of poetry, I think of the different stanzas of a poem, all stacked on top of one another. It's what builds a poem. Each stanza contains a line which contains words. When you put them all together, you get a poem. The trick is to put them in such a way that they express how you really feel about something. That is the essence of a poem.

I see moments of poetry when I wake up on the weekends. I never see them during the weekdays because I have to get to school and I'm still half-asleep. This has only been happening recently but when I wake up on the weekends, I can hear birds chirping merrily, and the wind happily moving along. Then I open my window and smell the smells of nature. Fresh grass, flowers blooming and occasionally, yes the dogs next door leave their fair share of spring presents. That is my moment of poetry.

Paul S.

im not crazy i swear said...

Poetry to me is detailed descriptions of someones feelings or experience's. Some poets like to hide the message of there poems with nonsence words or words way out of my vocabulary (wich isnt saying much, but i try to prevail).
A moment that seemed to feel like poetry would be when im outside at about six A.m while its dark and foggy out side. Fog makes me feel peaceful and at ease.

Ryan said...

For me, something is considered poetry if it pulls you into deeper thought. Read any poem and you will always find one thing; there is more than what meets the eye. Poetry pulls you in deeper, it connects with your emotions, and you walk away with something profound. Plain and simple, poetry makes you think. Theres no way that you can read a poem and not be pulled into deeper and more profound thoughts. It affects you. It changes you. But when I talk about poetry, Im not simply talking about pen to paper poetry. Every day, we are surrounded with so many things that drag us into thinking and that challenge the status quo. We think and we reflect, but most importantly, we are changed. Any situation that fits these criteria to me is poetry.

Every weekend during the summer, my father and I go out biking in Peninsula. And trust me when I say it, when you bike 50+ miles every week, your mind begins to wander. You notice more things, and can appreciate the world and the people in it for what they are. Spring is by far my favorite time to be out biking. The entire world is defrosting from the winter, and there is life everywhere. The trees begin to bud, the flowers begin to bloom. The forest around you, dead in the winter, begins to come alive. I always like looking for animals in the woods. Turtles sitting on a log being warmed by the bright sun, deer peeking their heads our from behind trees, birds singing lovely songs, and squirrels and chipmunks scurrying up and down trees looking for food. Everything seems to be so much more vibrant. In the summer, the animals hide in the shade, but during spring everything is out active. People included. This is another one of my favorite parts of biking that speak poetry to me. By simply looking at the way somebody is dressed, by the way they walk, run, or bike, you can find out so many things about their life. There are the grandparents, happily married for 50 years and still enjoying each others presence. They always display a smile. Then there are the mothers who walk their babies and slowly whisper in their ears. In this poem, love and care are the themes. Finally, there are the runners. Each person looks exhausted, and I wonder how far they have gone. However, I know inside that they are happy. You wouldn't run if you didn't enjoy it. These people speak of determination in the poem.

Thats where I see a poem constantly being written. It is a new poem every week, with new faces and animals. I have never thought about this as a poem before, but now that I have, it makes sense. Everything in life is a poem, it just depends whether you see it or not.

~Ryan M. 2

Woods said...

To me, poetry is more than just lines of words that rhyme. Poetry can be found in everything around us. Through the rays of sunshine, the patter of rain, a round of unstoppable laughter, the smell of fresh baked cookies, anything! Poetry can be discovered when we look deeper into everyday moments. One moment where I could see poetry in motion was the other morning on the way to school:

A dark early morning I step outside, becoming immersed in a cloud. I can feel the moisture pressing against my eyes and filling my mouth and lungs. An almost surreal feeling, as if in the sky. While looking down the street, the lamps are shinning their light the best they can, trying to pierce thought the clouds upon the ground with all their might. Instead of their light flooding the streets, it is contained in a ball, glowing gently around the glass panes. Slowly the fog disappears, as do the balls of light as a new one rises. The sun begins to shine brightly, warming the air that has been plagued with cold. The sun warms the air and the hearts of everyone in town.

Leah W.

Woods said...
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Woods said...
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Anonymous said...

Poetry to me is your life experiences and the emotions that come with them, delicately worded. I feel like the meaning of a poem is buried in the words. True poetry to me is telling a story or a feeling without being blunt about it.

The poetry that is in motion in my life is every time I read the Bible. I read the words that are clearly not meant to be poetry but I feel the peace in the words written and I feel the raw emotions that the narrator describes. The message of the story is never spoken forthright, it's embedded in the story & that to me is pure poetry.

Ben W. said...

Poetry is basically pouring out one's heart onto a page with words. It is the emotions of a human taken and put into words, a almost impossible task. I believe a moment of poetry is when i am at track and field and i throw a perfect discus, and my form is perfect and it all combines into a great discus throw

MandaC3 said...

Poetry is when some one writes and it comes from their heart and soul. That person writes what they think its just them and a piece of paper they take their own emotions forget about the world and just write about their life or whats happening right now in their life. Anything and everything can be poetry because you can even describe anything and everything.
A moment of poetry in my life started as pain and hurt.
In the woods thinking its only one foot in front of the other no more than that. This is only 90% mental and only 10% physical so why cant I do this? I keep on going until im at the one mile marker i think should I stop here? So I never stop until im finished. 4 miles I did it!! It wasnt for a while almost 5-6 months that I have been out in the open and forgetting about the world and what everything it has done to me. Running can be my life and my world so why stop here? Maybe go on and do a 5k or a 10k or even a half marathon or even if im crazy enough to do a marathon one day. Training isnt hard its just the fact that I have to do this right now or else ill hurt myself if I dont go out today. So I go out every day and when its race day its only me and the trail that Im running on, nothing else in the world is able to get into my head. Running to me is my addiction and I cant help it.

Anonymous said...

I think poetry is a way to express yourself and your emotions. The way we see the world is what we see in the peoms we write. Whether it be a sad time in the world or you are so happy and it shows in your poem.

A moment of poetry in my life is when I am driving through the the country side of Ashtabula, or when I see some farmland here. It makes me feel like im home again and a little kid again doing little chores around the yard. The country side is a peaceful place and I like to drive by as many times as i can. So I get that same feeling of peace.

Spiffy Monkey said...

I do not think poetry has a true definition. It can be anything that has meaning, life, hope, peace, etc. It can even be a bagel rolling down a hill (in reference to "the bagel by: David Ignatow). peotry takes a simple everyday thing, and gives it a whole new name.

A moment of peotry in my life takes place every summer, when I go to Canada with my family. When I see the clear blue water by the lodge, and loons going for a swim, and feel the smell of the trees I just leave earth. No internet, no phone service, not even a tv to get in my way of true peace and my personal thoughts.

zmiller3rd said...

to me poetry are lines that come together to make a rythmic pattern that flows when you say it.

a real life poetry example is when i listen to music because i know that music is poetry.

Jacqueline Knirnschild said...

Poetry is an expression of someones innermost feelings and emotion through words. Poetry doesn't always have to make sense or be logical like an essay. Poetry comes directly from the poet's heart, soul and mind. Whatever the writer feels, they can portray through poetry.

An example of poetry in motion in my life is my family. Last Sunday, my aunt, uncle and two little cousins spent the day at my house. We all had so much fun together, walking to the park down the street and racing down the slides. The love I feel for my cousins and family can be expressed easily through poetry. However, I think anything could be poetic, it all depends on how the writer perceives a situation and how they express it through writing.

Anonymous said...

Poetry is a way someone can express his or her deepest emotions, feelings and experiences on a sheet of paper. There is no right or wrong way to write poetry--it all starts with raw human emotions. In poems an author can use certain word choices, similes, metaphors and other literary devices to explain or compare their emotions. Also, some poems have a deeper meaning or more than meets the eye and others are for enjoyment.

Right now is a moment of poetry in my life. The weather is in the eighties and it is a perfect way to start off spring. When I look outside my window I can see the flowers are starting to bloom and there is a nice breeze coming in through the screen door. It’s like music to my ears from hearing the little birds chirping and all of the neighborhood kids laughing and playing outside. Throughout the winter I had to be cooped up inside the house but now I can be outside soaking up the sun and enjoying the weather.

~Olivia W. 2

Julianne said...

Poetry to me cannot be defined. It is wherever your mind travels and spits out onto piece of paper. Poetry is the emotions that you cannot describe in words, being expressed through description of emotions. It can be personal, judgemental, or totally abstract and still qualify. To me poetry shouldn't have lines that need a specific count or rhyme but be the experiences that person needs to release from their system. A writer could share what their going through without really saying it directly.

A moment of poetry for me was the first time that I tried long jump in track. It may sound completely abstract and far fetched but it was one of those moments that I couldn't share the feeling that I get. Form the point I take off to the point where i land I don't understand what has happened. Every time I will try to think about paying attention to that specific point in the jump but I just can't do it. It's like trying to wait and be able to remember the exact point that you feel asleep, literally impossible. Those moments when Im in the air I can't see anyone and feel like I'm invisible, flying alone with no surrounding sounds or visuals. A moment like that is fun to be honest and creates an urge to continue and feel it over and over again. Magic experiences like that define poetry.

Anonymous said...

Poetry is when a writer tells their emotions, feelings, and thoughts in a beautiful, melodic way. A moment when I felt like poetry in motion was when I was on vacation on Hilton Head Island. I ran on the beach every day right where the ocean met the beach. I could feel the cool water and I had never felt that sort of peace before. Even though there were hundreds of people around and noise me I could just run and be completely at peace. The sun beat down on me and everything was perfect. I felt free and at peace.
~Lydia Sch. 2

NatalieK_1 said...

To me, poetry is the gathering of an idea and pouring it out onto paper. Yes, poetry can consist of rhyme and rhythm but those elements do not make the poem. A poem is a series of organized thoughts carefully assembled into a beautiful structure that appeals to the emotions and ignites a fire within the mind. Poetry uses the best kind of communication to its reader: it says the most in the least amount of words possible. Poetry is made beautiful because of its simplicity. One line -if carefully written enough- can hold all the meaning the author intends without a prolonged series of words that draw the poem out and bore the reader. This is what I love about poetry. I can read a particularly breathtaking poem that’s five stanzas long and come away feeling as if I’ve read an entire book. Messages are sandwiched and compacted to fit perfectly into a few short verses, giving the poem power.
I see poetry everyday. It is in constant motion, whether we realize it or not. To me, there is poetry in the way salty air fades the siding of beach houses to a gorgeous shade of beige. There is rhythm in how waves come rolling into shore, white foam reaching out to touch your feet, dancing with joy and grabbing the sand up to be its partner. My favorite poem is the one that tells of the never-ending skyline and a golden sun setting above water, the poetry that consists of seashells and the wind that longs to play with your hair. I find myself enchanted by the silent words of palm trees and the quiet way in which smiles are exchanged between people on the island. The whole place radiates poetry, and it speaks to me in unvoiced words that mean more than I can ever explain.

Sarah B said...

My definition of poetry is someones emotions and feeling written out. It is a way to describe what your feeling and share it with people. Poetry can also be a way to relate with someone.
I think that poetry is everywhere you look. If you think a thought about something, you can easily turn it into poetry. Write down your feelings and emotions and describe the object and you have poetry.

Anonymous said...

Poetry is not one of my strong suits, and I find it quite difficult to read and comprehend. After reading and analyzing Kettle Bottom for the past week however, I realized that poetry is not always in ABC format with cheesy rhymes and confusing symbols. Poetry to me is anything that is complex that requires concentration and passion in order to create and read it. Emotions are poured out with hidden meanings and can be analyzed in different ways. Something that is poetic to me is the game of basketball. The smooth transition of plays, the beating of the basketball against the hardwood of the gym, the gracefulness of the players, and the emotions that can be released while playing all remind me of a poem.

Nathan Bardwell said...

I do not enjoy poetry, so i probably won't have a good definition of it. I think poetry is combinations of words that a person puts together to express emotion or a deep thought. It is used to describe a person's feelings and to say what is on their mind.

I think that nature is poetry. Whether you are in the middle of the woods with the wind rustling the trees, and all the animals scurrying around, or if you are sitting on the shore of a quiet, beautiful lake, nature has a story to tell. It just depends on whether or not you are listening.

Nathan B.

Dylan Bohland said...

I dont really mind poetry because i really liked tearing them apart like we have been doing for the past two weeks.I believe poetry is emotion and Poetry is using the senses to appeal to the reader Poetry is proving a poin, Poetry is the perspective we look at the different aspects of the world i think poetry is also a way to exspress ppeoples feelings that they dont really want to come straight out and say them, i feel its a good way for you to get things off your chest.

Paige_S said...

Poetry to me is explaining your emotions through words to try to create an image in a readers mind. Peotry can make you feel a certain way. Poetry can be written about nature, family and friends, or anything you want. Poetry is all around us, anything can be poetry when you put it in words.

A moment poetry occurred in my life is whenever i play a sport. I get so into the game that nothing matters, the sounds and noises can be truned into poetry. the crowd cheering the homerun hit or the buzzer to end the game.

Paige S. 1st

BrittanyG said...

Poetry can be anything from a note to a friend or loved one or a song, or anything that expresses feelings, emotions, or a story. It's a way of explaining something using experiences and analogies.
A time that I deem poetry in motion would be when someone is singing a song. It's about putting raw emotion out there for people to enjoy and experience. The same goes for poetry. Singing makes a person vulnerable. It allows someone to gain access to a hole in your thoughts and soul. I feel that it takes a lot to get up and sing a song in front of or to someone. You put yourself out there with what you can do and it's being judged by the many that may be listening. With poetry, it's exactly the same. Putting your feeling on paper to be judged can become a scary thing.

AnnaB1 said...

Poetry to me is putting your thoughts and emotions or opinions out there in a way that is unique for yourself. Poetry is letting what you think be known. Poetry in motion for me comes in the form of discus or shot put. (when I am allowed to do it. Sadly my doctor won't clear me for it yet) When I release a disc or a shot it releases my tension, anger, pain, thoughts and emotions. It gives me a release that helps me personally and is poetry in motion because it is my way of putting myself out there in a way that works for me

Samantha said...

Poetry to me is a combination of feeling and words put together to show how someone feels. Poetry is how someones shows who they are in words.

A time that poetry occured in my life was when im singing. Even though no one as ever heard my sing (Except my sister) it a way i expess myself.

Samantha S.

Rachel Javorsky said...

Poetry to me is an attempt to describe something that you feel cannot be described in a simple sentence. It's a combination of words that create a feeling or perspective of something that you want the reader to feel also.

A moment of poetry in motion that I see in my life is when I visit the lake that is not too far from my house. Depending on the season, my poem changes. In the winter, the water is frozen solid which makes me upset, but I enjoy throwing rocks at the ice trying to break it. In the summer, the water is open and clear. I don't like dealing with the waterfowl though. No matter if snowflakes are falling or the sun is shining, the lake had always been a beautiful and complex place for me.

Rachel Javorsky said...

Rachel Javorsky 7/8

Anonymous said...

To me poetry means a place I can vent feelings or describe how I am feeling. I can write about how I feel and put it on paper and not feel it anymore. I've "put it away" for safe keeping so I can treasure each moment.

I saw poetry in motion when I sit in the forest and just listen. I hear the different sounds and it's peaceful the way the world works. I see a bird fly to it's nest and a squirrel collecting nuts. Nature and how it works without humans is definetly poetry.
-Addie Gall

Anonymous said...

Poetry for me is... It's words that run through your mind, they dance around your imagination, making you believe and see what is going on. It's words that can rhyme, or not. It's words that raditate different emotions and feelings. Poetry is obviously different for everyone, but that is what poetry is to me.

One moment that I deem to be poetry in motion is, when you're listening to music, and then all of sudden you get a case of the chills. I believe that feeling is poetic.

Jennifer W. 7/8~

Megan L. said...
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Megan L. said...

Poetry is a mirror that helps to reflect the deepest and most abstract parts of the human condition. The parts that are so deep that words cannot even begin to reach them. Additionally, poetry doesn’t conform to any other writing styles. It is a form of writing that is based solely on the mindset of the author and the deep emotions that they wish to portray, not mattering what the reader wants. Overall, poetry is a way that through small lines and deep symbolism, an author can create a mood and a tone that captures the true sense of the thoughts and feelings that they hold within.

What I find to be poetic is nature. Nature is calm and peaceful, and allows a person to be completely isolated from society. This allows me to forget about my cell phone, Facebook account, and drama, and to become in touch with myself and my inner feelings and thoughts. Nature is poetry because it allows me to realize my true feelings and helps me to understand them. I look to nature as I do to poetry because both provide a break from a compacted society and both allow me to better understand and reflect upon my life.

Bex said...

Poetry to me is not just a bunch of words, it is your thoughts, feelings, and opinions all put on paper. Poetry is something that sometimes everyone can relate to, but other times no one can.

A moment when I see poetry in motion is on a summer night when I can just sit outside with my friends and look at the stars. I could write a thousand poems on that alone. As cheesy as it may sound, I love to look at stars with my friends because not only are the stars beautiful, but the time I spend with my friends create great memories.
-Bekah H. 7/8*

Sam said...

Poetry isn't writing on a page of paper. It's life. Poetry captures the simple everyday moments that we all love and enjoy and it also embodies our pain and suffering that we keep bottled in. It takes all of these and paints a picture, spreading the words across the page like an artist with a brush.

A moment of poetry in motion would be when I stay over my Grandpa's house. At twilight, We pull on our boots and head to the Horse's stalls. One of the smaller horses, Lima, is constantly picked on by the lead stallion, Photo. Because of this, Grandpa hands me the food and Lima eats from my hand. His muzzle tickles my palms and for a moment all I feel is pure bliss.

Jake_Kuharcik*3 said...

Poetry is an expression of someones innermost feelings and emotion through words. Poetry doesn't always have to make sense or be logical like an essay. Poetry comes directly from the poet's heart, soul and mind. Whatever the writer feels, they can portray through poetry.

An example of poetry in motion in my life is my family. Last Sunday, my aunt, uncle and two little cousins spent the day at my house. We all had so much fun together, walking to the park down the street and racing down the slides. The love I feel for my cousins and family can be expressed easily through poetry. However, I think anything could be poetic, it all depends on how the writer perceives a situation and how they express it through writing.

Anonymous said...

I believe poetry is when someone expresses themselves with words in any way they choose. It can make sense, or it could be meant to confuse someone. It can be graceful, sloppy, flow together, or not follow any rules at all. Poetry is expression.

I am constantly listening to music and I see poetry the most in the lyrics of the songs. Although the topics of different genres of music may be different, they all have one thing in common and that is to get a message across and show expression. Anytime someone expresses themselves they are involving poetry in their life.

CMcDonald1 said...

I think poetry is whenever someone expresses there feelings and/or emotions because I think poetry is more opinion-based writings/sayings.

I would not drop everything I'm doing to read poetry, but I do enjoy reading it when I have the chance. But experiencing it is beautiful. I was actually riding my bike today around my neighborhood and I saw many things that made me smile. I saw kids playing basketball, eating outside, and doing summer activities that make almost anyone happy. (I just moved to this neighborhood in December, but where I used to live, no one was ever outside, everyone was a bum.) I really enjoyed listening to the sounds of children's laughter, and seeing everyone wearing their summer clothes and I thought it was beautiful.


KC22 said...

Poetry is something that comes from the mind and soul that a person can express through lines and verses. It is someone's views and thoughts on a particular topic which could make sense or have none at all. Poetry is simple and complex that goes beyond like art where the artist can express emotion and feeling.
An event that could be deemed poetry in my life is every morning and sunny day that we have seems to be poetry. The nice peaceful atmosphere that seems to bring me serenity and releases the problems and stress of the world. The nice cold temperature of the morning and fog that allows dew to go gently on the grass. While the bright and nice feeling of the rays of the sun on your back and the bright clear skies of the day. I believe that to be poetry in motion which doesn't seem to be affected by problems or stress, while bringing tranquillity to our lives.
-Kyle C. 7/8period.

Khoa said...

Everyday I go to school. I sit in class, and when it gets boring to a certain degree i will take out the headphones and insert them into my ears. I listen to poetry everyday, and that is the music I listen to. Music is an escape from the world, into a world of poetry. Rap music is simply poetry with a beat, rock music is poetry with a guitar. Every music is poetry, it should have some emotion.

Kaitlyn Pieper said...

Yes there is poetry around me. Theres kids in the classroom taking about different things, doing different things, living differnt lives. And we all live different with wonders in our lives we might or might not succeed to finding out what they mean. Poetry is everywere you look you just have to look and hear closly to see it.

-Kaitlyn Pieper

Iceman said...

Poetry is a confusing message. There are many ways to look at a poem and figure out what it is saying. Some are easy to find while others are not, but there is always a message in a poem.

A moment of poetry in motion is a song. there is always a beat with a song. that song is a poem. the beat gets the motion of the song, or peom.

Thomas M. 7°-8°

lenhoff#2 said...

I looked around me and listened just I was told, and it occurred to me; I cannot define ‘poetry’. As stupid as that sounds, it’s true. Most people in the world when asked would say that a poem is some words that make up stanzas and occasionally rhyme, but to me poetry is all about perspective. I can’t put a definition to it because the definition of poetry changes from person to person. One thing someone finds poetic, another would never find anything poetic about it; it all depends on their point of view and how they feel about that object/place. For example, I find the woods behind my house poetic because of the bird songs filling the air, the brightly colored flowers and plants, the earthy smell, and much, much more. On the other hand someone else might find the woods dirty, gross, boring, or even scary. It all depends on their perspective.
One thing that I consider poetry in motion is spring itself. The flowery smell and songbirds’ music filling the air, under a clear blue sky, and a blanket of soft, lush, green grass under me as I let the sun shine in my face, all add up to something I find worthy of poetry. Spring time fills me heart up with happiness after a long dismal winter, (even though that does not apply to this year much). Spring is a time of rebirth and beauty. In my mind, spring is the perfect example of poetry in motion.
C. Lenhoff-1.

Alan M. said...

I think poetry is something that can a person can only write on a topic they care about. Therefore I think you can only see poetry in motion if you see something and actually care about it. A problem I have with poetry in school when it comes to writing and most of the time they give you a topic. I don't think anyone can write good poetry unless it's something they pick and that they care about.

I think I can see poetry in motion when it comes to just life in general. Seeing how people live, act, and are influenced is something that can be expressed in poetry.

Alan M. 5/6th

CLuzier said...

To me, poetry is art that paints a picture of moments that can not be shown with one simple word. Poetry is for fun when you are bored or used to vent when you are upset. No matter what reason it is written, it is beautiful and it is artistic.
A moment that I believe is poetry in motion is when I am on the beach. You feel sand between your toes and it feels soft and warm but grainy at the same time. You feel the crash of the waves that are extreme but pleasant at the same time. The sun beats down making everything beneath shine beautifully, yet when it gets to your eyes, you feel Ike they've been burned. There is really no way to describe this motion in one simple word. Many may say its just opinions that make simple objects or moments indescribable with just one word. I do not believe so. Many objects and moments are beautiful with some exceptions. Poetry is the art that describes this.

natalieshnatalie said...

To me, poetry is anything that evokes emotion, and any emotion. The way I fight with my parents, is poetry, because it evokes anger. The sound of the waves crashing along the shore of Myrtle Beach is a poem because it evokes joy and hope. Poetry is different for everybody, because one object or event could bring forth different emotions in different people.
One example of poetry in motion that speaks to me is running barefoot through my great grandfathers farm, being dared to eat berries I'm convinced are poisonous, but are strictly harmless, being chased by horseflies, riding four wheelers with far too many riders, and being surrounded by my family. To me, no matter how exciting a day with my small-town-southern family may be, it's peaceful because I let go of all of my worries and insecurities, because I'm surrounded by the people I love. Those moments are poetic to me, because so many emotions flor through me, from happiness to excitement, to peace. I love spending time with my family. These specific moments I feel, can be written into poems. Whether the moment is running through Hinkley, or going to the beach, these moments can be written into poems, because poems are emotion.
Natalie S 1*

hyellow12 said...

poetry: when something in the world, happens with such purity, harmony or ease, it almost becomes a world in itself.

poetry in motion for me, is after all the work has been done and i lie down on the bench, close my eyes and just listen. I can hear the animals munching away on their dinner, the chirping of crickets, the light pitter patter of rain on the roof and the breeze that rattles the gate. lying there in the dark, alone with my eyes closed I am transported to a place of complete harmony I feel that I could lie there forever.

Hannah m 1

JackiK said...

Poetry is words that carry emotion. In poetry, things may not be always as they seem. Figurative language can be used to change the meaning of a particular poem. Kettle Bottom is a prime example. With all of the biblical allusions, one may misinterpret a poem.

Poetry is always in motion. The best example to explain this when I am in a car. Inside the car, everything is still and stable. However, when I look outside through the windows, I see a change of scenery. Poetry is the movement of emotions, and I feel it is exactly like a car ride. The moving scenes can show little kids playing outside and make one feel happy, or it could show hurrying traffic. To me, this is when poetry is evident in my daily life.

-Jacki K 1*

Marissa Ratino said...

To me, poetry is a way of expressing true feelings and thoughts and being appreciated for it instead if ridiculed.

A moment of poetry in motion would be when I had my first volleyball tournament. I was so nervous and everything just started to slow down to the point where it seemed like the crowd was roaring in slow motion and the ball slowly hit the floor to score the winning point.

Katie Eileen said...

Everything is poetry. Right now, I am sitting at my computer while a fan buzzes downstairs. That is poetry. The annoying squawk of birds next door. That is poetry. I think anything, really, can be turned into poetry. It is every and anything that we are able to sense using the five senses. Anything. The possibilities are unending.

On the seemingly endless Summer days, laying on the trampoline in my backyard, listening to the birds chirp and the wind blow through the trees, my dog running around the yard, and the laughter of children, poetry is in motion. When I am walking through the halls, picking up small portions of conversations, zoning out, singing to myself in my head, that is poetry in motion. Everywhere we go, we are able to find poetry in motion. You just have to be willing to look for it.

~Katie D. 7/8º

Skipper C. K. said...

To me poetry is the emotion of the person and how they take in their surroundings. Poetry looks at the surroundings of the narrator. Poetry is the expression of the narrator's emotions.
Poetry in my life was when I was in the woods, by myself. There was a rock covered in a slight layer of moss and I could comfortly lay back my head and close my eyes, falling asleep. There was no feel of stress and that relief could be described as poetry in motion. then the flood of stress would flush back in and the flow of the poem would create a poem in motion.
Colton K. 1st

Calp said...

Poetry is sounds, words, phrases, music or anything that makes a person feel intensity by just listening or reading it. It is all about interpretation, poetry is raw yet calming and fills our hearts with deep emotions. We feel different then we did before we read it and it makes a change in us. It is a way to express whatever you are feeling without being harsh and blunt. It is an emotion set to words that can change anything and everything.

On a damp spring morning, when I am awakened by nothing but the sun
When i lay outside in the early morning sunlight, feel the springtime dew on my fingers and listen to the geese honk so obnoxiously that you just have to chuckle - That is my poetry. I feel poetry all around me all the time everyday. You just have to take it in and appreciate it every once in a while.

rykordahi14 said...

Poetry is what nature creates. This could be the birds singing, the wind blowing, or even the clouds raining. This is my definition of poetry; so others probably will not agree.

The other day when I was sitting outside in the shade enjoying the breeze, i heard a bird chirping. Every ten seconds it would do its little chirp. Most people in today's world would classify this as annoying. I must admit I probably would too, but in some cases when I am happy, I view it differently. I view it as the bird is singing a song of poetry. it has the perfect line that is indeed so perfect it feels it must repeat it for all to hear. This so called poetry is just one of the many small occurrences one would have daily and sometimes not notice it.

Alex H said...

Poetry is a way for a person to put their thoughts and feelings into an artistic style. It is a way of writing that can show any type of emotion the writer is feeling.
I think that any moment could become a poetry moment. It could be something tragic that happened or a big, happy celebration in a person's life. It could also be as simple as doing homework and dreading it. One specific moment of poetry in motion is a day when I went rock climbing. The weather was beatiful, but the sun shown only through some places through the trees. When I walked through a clearing there stood a single waterfall. I walked behind it, looked through it and around it. At that moment, it was like you could see all of the beautiful thinkgs around the stream of water, the sunshine, the birds and butterflies gracefuly flying around, and the sparkling water right by my feet. It was so appealing to the eye, a perfect picture. It gave a feeling of happiness and peace. It was worth writing about.
~Alex H. 2~

Kaylee.Marie said...

To me, poetry is nothing but a combination of words that speak to a person. Poetry defines a persons deepest emotions, thoughts or feelings.

A moment in my life that poetry has occured has been every time I go to the beach. Just the waves crashing on the shore, the sound of the birds chirping and seagulls squwaking, all of the insignificant events going on around me dont seem so significant anymore. It feels like everything disappears, and suddenly it's just you, and for once everything, and I mean everything, is at peace.
~Kaylee Lhotsky 7/8*

Anonymous said...

Poetry is something you can express yourself with. It is also a way of coping with hardships and difficulties. It characterizes who you are deep down inside. Poetry can be funny, sad, happy, angry, exciting, hateful, surprising. Poetry is everywhere. The birds chirping are poetry. The trees swaying in the wind is poetry. The dogs barking at a passing car is poetry. Music is poetry. Life is poetry. Poetry is everywhere.

kayla said...

Poetry is e x p r e s s i o n
lack of focus on
structure and punctuation;
more focus on
thought and emotion.

Poetry is the music of literature,
the words,
through the mind
of the reader.

Poetry appears so simple,
yet so complex;
explaining deep thoughts;
untold secrets.

Poets can tell entire stories,
without saying a word.

Poetry is ...everywhere.
...no where.
Poetry is ...everything.

It's up to the reader to interpret what they want.

Kayla 2*

Nate T. 2 said...

Poetry is anything and everything that has or evokes an emotion, to me. It can be written, whispered, sung, or yelled. A moment in my life that I define as poetry is when I step onto a wrestling mat. The flow sooths my soul. The whistle is the beat and the referee's voice is the annoying part of the poem no one likes but keeps the match(poem) together.

Jeffa said...

I do not believe anyones ideas of poetry is the same. To me poetry is a way of letting out emotin or just describing places that spark a persons emotin. To me a poetic moment is the first day of summer. I wake up and hear birds chirping in my window.and i take my time to get up and stretch and then i just gaze out my window wonderin what im going to do with all my time.


bballplayer3213 said...

To me Poetry could be anything, from words to pictures that are put together to help a person put out their emoition, feelings, or thoughts that they cant quite explain. It is a way to express yourself where you are free and can say whatever is on your mind.

A moment of poetry in motion in my life is when im out at our cottage in pennsylvania that is secluded by trees and water. I wake up in the morning to the sun shining through the window and the only sound you hear are the birds chirping. No car noises, no people, just me and my family. Its peaceful and relaxing, and there is nothing to worry about.
-Sarah W. 7/8-

Rachael said...

I think poetry feeling. just feeling. the way that you feel is then traanslated into words so that the reader can relate.
A time that poetry becomes alive is when i running in woods and its quiet. The peaceful tranquility that is tangible there is amazing, and nothing even intervals can discouraage that feeling. I can think, or stop thinking if i want to. with nature so close its hard to not feel that out of body feeling you get in a very peaceful serene place. That simple run is peotry to me.
Rachael S 5-6

AmandaC. said...

Poetry is an expression of emotion and opinion. No matter how complex or simple this expression may be, it is still considered poetry. It is used to make the mind think deeply about the meaning underneath the words. By reading the book Kettle Bottom, I realize that not all poetry has to have a beat or some sort of rhyme, but it does have to have a meaning behind the words.
I believe poetry is always in motion. From the softs steps we take, to the stomps that show hate. To the good days, to the bad days. From the decisions that we make, to the outcomes that come from those decisions. Our poems are being written everyday, through the bad and good days, to the decisions and the outcomes that affect the rest of our life. Poetry is always in motion, and its our job to figure out the meaning behind it.

-Amanda C 7/8*

Camillemarie said...

Poetry to me is defining a situation or person in words that make you feel like that person or feel the moment. You see what the writer sees and feels what they would feel with incredible description that makes the mind wonder.
A moment of poetry I have had recently was last week. I wrote a poem for my coach since it was the last practice of the season. I poured my heart into it and hold her all I remembered from the season. I told her how it impacted me and what I experienced through the season.

EthanE said...

I believe poetry is the way things are, how you feel about them, and how you react. All of these are in your eyes only. A moment poetry has occurred in my life is when I was on vacation at North Carolina. I woke up early and walked to the beach. It was so peaceful. I was able to take notice of everything around me and was able to feel it too, words that I could not describe on paper.

ljstephens2015 said...

To me poetry is feelings expressed between the lines. It isn't something you can just read and walk away with. You really have to sit down and try to translate what you just consumed. Music is definately poetry, but I think it is more clear to understand than written literature such as Kettle Bottom. I don't believe or understand how physical objects such as flowers in the wind are poetry, but I do know that that is something a peom could be written about in great detail.

Lydia Stephens 2*

Rosevine A said...

I believe poetry is when an abundance of emotions are expressed. The author tries to put the reader in their situation. The author is also at their most vulnerable state because they are very open to the reader to criticize any aspect of them.

I believe a moment in which "poetry is in action" is during weddings. I believe weddings to be the cutest things ever! I belive weddings are poetry in action because there are numerous emotions being expressed from the bride and groom, parents,guests, etc. The bride and groom are also at their most vulnerable state because they are forced to be very open with their feelings in public and they are being judged from everything to the wedding itself.

brunswick52 said...

Poetry is like little books but with rhyme. they also have different meanings. you can have different opinions about poetry and poets. It also seems like every poet was writing about death. in my life i have seen poetry in motion was when im playing football during a game. Po trey is a lot of different things. It can be the most relaxing or can be really tense. It is all emotions in poetry.

brunswick52 said...

Poetry is like little books but with rhyme. they also have different meanings. you can have different opinions about poetry and poets. It also seems like every poet was writing about death. in my life i have seen poetry in motion was when im playing football during a game. Po trey is a lot of different things. It can be the most relaxing or can be really tense. It is all emotions in poetry. isaac payne

Jess said...

Poetry is can be anything. Poems do not always rhyme. It is everywhere, and we don't even realize it. To me, poetry is a group of words and pictures to send a message. Kind of like a story.. But a shorter, more brief version.
Reading your blog, I never realized that music was considered "poetry." but now that I think about it, I totally agree. So I experience poetry everyday!
Jessica T. 5/6*

JordynN1 said...

Poetry to me is the thoughts of an author put together in a story. I believe in poetry the writer doesn't always come out and tell a story, they put it figuratively. I believe it is the hidden emotion deep down inside, something that can only be told by the author itself.

Earlier todayI was looking outside to see a few rays of sunshine peeking through a row of dark clouds. To me as soon as I saw that I thought of "Seeing sunshine on a cloudy day". That referring to no matter how bad your day may be it will get better. Poetry describes struggles sometimes, and in the end it will get better.

Dbosko56 said...

Poetry is everywhere, and verything tells a story. Weather it be the simPlist of animals tothe complex beings of cars. The bees buzz as if each were singing a song. Each given their own signal or happiness and joy. The cars come by as hough they are individuals in the army, each yelling and screaming as they rush by.

Everything has it's own voice in poetry. Their expressions and signals all tell one another a
story of heir life. Expressing yourself is the best way to tell others who your are. You need to capture that moment and use it wisely, for it may be they way people
will look at you and judge you for the rest of your life.

Dominic Bosko 1st

chris said...

In all honesty, I think poetry was never meant to be made. I think all it is is just simple sentences or confusing, complex ones. Poetry is created when someone over thinks one of those statements, and trying to dig out a meaning that never even existed. Sometimes, even though I don't really believe in poetry, I hear it in music, such as orchestral music. (Im in orchestra)

Jaimie Lynn said...

Poetry for me stands for what a person feels at that time and just wants to express it. I love poetry, especially when i figured out what it means and when it becomes a song. Adele is a really good poetry person. It tells us a persons feeling, thoughts, and emotion without saying it directly sometimes.

A moment of time when i think of poetry is when im alone and im sad or feeling emotional of any emotion and u just feel about expressing it. If i write something, i would also have to sing it because i am a very musical person. I just love poetry and its meaning.

caseycows3 said...

Poetry is all the words expressed that must be expressed by other words. Sometimes it takes other descriptions to describe something. To me, the sound of birds chirping is poetry. It reminds me of a high pitched conversation going back and forth. In the spring here is always a happy tone in the chirp, and this is why it makes me think of poetry.

bethanywestphal said...

Poetry is the open air, and the something almost incapable of being described. It's the thing you can say so much in so little amount of words. You unpack your emotions in an indirect way through word choice. It's an art.

A moment where I deem to be poetry in motion is when I'm playing music in band. It's just that sense of being with other people and an overwelming flow of emotion, that if you haven't experienced it, you have no idea what I'm talking about. It's an emotional uprising that you get that speaks for itself, like poetry does.

Bethany Westphal 2nd period

em said...

Sorry I am late, but this was posted late too!
Poetry is the art of creating or describing emotions/feelings/events where there could be several different meanings or ways to take it in. The reader could take the poem in a whole different way then the poet meant. When I look around me I hear dogs barking, birds chirping, the neighborhood boys playing basketball down the street, and the voices of my family. Looking around I see shoes piled by the door, my cat sleeping and the sun shining through my window. A moment that I deem to be poetry in motion is when I am running through the park by my house. I am all alone, my feet tactically dodge branches and rocks, I hear my heartbeat pounding and my breathing get heavier, I get blinded by the light where the trees open and the sun peeks through. I feel the sweat drip down my face and the leaves crunch beneath my feet. It is so peaceful. The birds chirp, the path seems to go on forever, like I am far far away from the world. It is so poetic and it is definitely in motion.
Emily L 7/8*

Hunter G said...

my definition of poetry is words that give off deep feeling that you have to look into to find more meaning. a moment of poetry that had i had experienced in my life was just last weekend when i was walking through the woods and it was quiet other than the sound of birds chirping and water flowing. it was peaceful and gave me mixed emotions.

Ang5339 said...

Poetry isn't always something that can be put into words. Its in the tears that we cry over the ones that we have lost or those we know that we can never have. Poetry is losing inhibitions in a burning moment of mental release that leaves just as quickly as it comes. When I personally write poetry its like afterwards I take a deep breath, sit back and look at it. I feel as if it wasn't me writing it.... Like some part of me deeper than what I know as just Angie took over and made me forget about the rest of the world for a moment. Poetry is everything we don't know how to say, it is the very raw form of what we FEEL.

-Angela G. 2*

haley said...

Poetry is a work of art that only the writer may fully understand. It is a combination of the writers experiences as well as reaction, thoughts, and feelings to those experiences.

Poetry in action for me is when you hear people fighting in stores, especially couples. A lot of poetry is written out of pain or anger. When people fight in public they are normally angry enough to let their emotions go. That is what poetry is, just letting go of your emotions into a work of art.

haley said...

-haley y. 1st period

GabeW2 said...

To me, poetry is a story of emotions portrayed through a creative style of thinking. The text that we are reading in class is a common type of poetry, with stanza and a clear meaning. These short messages that we read reflect a feeling. Sometimes positive and sometimes negitive. It is really how the author is feeling that controls and expresses the text. The definition of poetry can be portayed in song where different voices and musicial intruments to express the emotions in the piece. Overall, poetry is defined in many ways and you can related to poetry in the daily activities you do.

oliviaY said...

Poetry is a way to express feelings without actually coming straight out and saying what you want to. Its using hits and certain words to tell the reader what the emotion is and what is going on.

Seeing poetry in my life is having a day where everything seems right. Its like time stops and you just want to embrace the moment. You feel happy and alive, its like nothing bad will ever happen.

annaj said...

Poetry, for me, is in the sky. Not at all in a cliche way, i think that every emotion could be displayed in a color or flavor of the clouds and heavens and it always sets the mood for my whole day to look at the sky in the morning. When i was little, i used to Genuinely think that when people died, their souls waited on earth until the clouds opened up in that magically pink and orange color of sunset that looks like the edges of the world are on fire. I thought those were the nights heaven was open. Maybe it seems strange, but i still kind of think that there is some sort of logic to that. Those heavenly evenings hold a sort of poetic power that i cant describe with any description but holding the joy of souls as they reach that eternal life. Still, i like to look out in the night and find pretty scenes with so much more meaning, especially in space. Ive wanted to be an astronomer ever since i saw the abstract beauty in nebulas and supernovas in particular. For me, they hold the mystery and yet breathtaking sight of the future. Maybe its a stretch, but poetry is never more prevolent for my then when i look to th sky.

A. Jankovsky 7.8

Estefany G. said...

poetry for me is inside each and everyone of us. our emotions/feelings and our need to express them engage us to bring them out on paper. poetry for me is expressing what you are feeling through a form of writing or even orally. whether it is love or hate or sadness, happiness, regret, wishful, dark, kindness,nature, confusion, even protesting. the idea that you can take those feelings and wrap them in a blanket of adjectives and thoughts is fascinating. it doesnt have to rhyme, or even make sense, but letting those feelings out and being able to transform them into a picture made of words, thats poetry

Anonymous said...

Poetry is a light that can open your heart to new emotions, Feelings, and ideas. One simple word could express a million different thoughts, which is poetry. I witnessed poetry when I went to the park and the leaves were changing colors. The trees sang a beautiful song and the grass spoke the greatest words. Poetry can be expressed by everyone.