I have been reading a lot lately. More than usual, I guess is what I mean to say. Reading provides me with so much; I find comfort in the language, the characters, the ideas and how the author chooses to convey them. All of these are very much a part of me. The more I read, the more I am able to understand text. Makes sense...right? The more I read, the more I am able to pick up on vocabulary, symbols, structures, styles, characterizations, and the like.
These books are symbolic of not just my personality but for the way I think. I am a person who does not just see the surface; I am a person who looks below the surface through the nooks and crannies to find meaning, to see how things work. It can be an annoying part of my personality. Watching movies becomes a game where I try to examine every word, every image, every camera angle to see what meaning is being made regardless of how subtle.
Books are a symbol I embrace. For this blog, I want you to think about symbols. We know that a symbol is itself and something else. Books are a symbol. In themselves they are an item that contains pages, words, covers--front and back, meaning etc... As a symbol they represent knowledge, complexity, devotion, class, interest etc...
What would be a symbol for you? Why is it a symbol for you? Break the item down and apply it to your personality.